Giovanni Cavalcoli
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

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Father Giovanni

The scandals of the powerful gay lobby ecclesiastical and drama of the formation of the clergy

ecclesial topical



Based on the analyzes and observations of the Fathers The Island of Patmos They are doing for some years now both the conduct of the clergy and ideas of the Italian bishops least, in front of all these facts inevitably it arises a terrible suspicion, not unfounded, though not always accompanied by specific tests: in many cases the orders for these priests and these bishops, founded on the false conception of the priesthood, may be invalid.



Giovanni Cavalcoli, o.p.



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… Dear Mario Bonfanti [cf. WHO] and various related associates, no one is stopping you to be gay and to practice sodomy with all the safeguards that civil law itself recognizes you, But you can not do the priests, because instead become a priest is not a right.

The facts scandalous growing in number in various countries around the world, of which more and more is news, relating to sodomy sins committed by priests with children or young, or worse the abomination of child abuse, They encourage us to ask ourselves what are the causes of so abhorrent and unnatural phenomenon. The existence, indeed, concubinage among the clergy is a phenomenon that runs through the whole history of the Church. She knew even the case of a concubinage Pope, Alexander VI. But in the end, Here is at stake, what is physiologically normal sexual intercourse, although sinful. Quello of which is hard to understand how it can happen is a shame so severe against the priestly celibacy or chastity, which is supposed to have been desired, wanted, decided and promised solemnly and publicly to observe to the death, freely and consciously, by psychologically normal people, after receiving a normal and regular priestly and religious formation, and having been carefully screened and tested by superiors responsible for training. But you need to add to this gloomy picture is the question that arises, even more dramatic, on the quality of trainers, teachers and educators of these people and in the first place of the bishops, the superiors and vigilant about the good education of their priests, as well as the competence and virtue of teachers and educators responsible for their education.


The questions are not finished yet. It must be held, as Father Ariel has repeatedly pointed out in its previous editorial publications and on The Island of Patmos, that the deep roots of these sexual sins can not be that it has received a bad if not very bad education, not based on the directives of the Magisterium of the Church and the true masters, but of heretical ideas or condemned by the Church, which they include the objectives a false concept of God, of man, of faith, of grace, of the law, of sin, of the Redemption, of the church, of the sacraments, priesthood and episcopacy, as it happens for example in the theology of Karl Rahner.


Another disturbing fact in this affair is the inappropriate behavior or reckless bishops, which: or reluctant or minimize or cover the misdeeds or take ineffective measures. To about, seem blatant and dictated by severe lightness collective resignations in May 2018 Members of the entire Chilean episcopate as a result of yet another scandal in Chile. Good was the letter in which the bishops expressed repentance, willingness to correct and gratitude to the Holy Father for his paternal attention he has given to the story [cf. WHO]. It notes however that a bishop can resign because certainly aware of serious faults or because he feels sure his own unworthiness or incapacity to continue to conveniently carry out his office, the Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI in this perspective has made its solemn act of renunciation. But that an entire episcopate of 34 bishops, although it has experienced in its widespread scandal involving and persisted for many years, serious reach the unprecedented decision to give the bloc resignation, with a compactness that knows what forced, as it might be in union protests or in a factory committee, It seems not to witness an act of repentance, but an act adversely affecting the episcopal dignity, to draw to itself the world's attention. Quite different from similar spectacular gestures it takes to solve the problem. The real and more serious charge should have come forward and not hide in the pile.


The real educational solution It is that the bishop will decide a good time to give serious a seminary training and to carry out a diligent supervision of the clergy, so that it is protected and defended from the unhealthy ideas and cultivated sound doctrine, clarifies well the very high value of the priestly and episcopal vocation and they fall in love with all your heart, with ardent desire for perfection and holiness and to be totally at the service of souls and of the Church. The priest truly convinced and in love with his vocation and mission is all and only took the things above and not those of this land. It is moved by the Spirit and has no time to meet the desires of the flesh. The true pastoral solution involves the education of the will and emotions, and the strengthening of attachment to the good, the stimulation of hatred for sin, the will to reform and correct itself. If St. Paul says that love "bears", He is referring to the delicacy of the father who does not throw his son fed to ridicule, I do not want to humiliate. Yet he wants to correct. It is a father, so, who knows if necessary recall, reprove, to threaten, To chastise. This too is charity. But it is also ready to cover where possible, useful, lawful and proper, if there is to excuse or patience; certainly not in the sense of covering or hiding the sin that is not punished. Here should not cover, but reveal to the proper authorities and to the sinner the same. God does not cover the sins of those leaving, as Luther believed, but it covers them for mercy waiting to remove.


Mercy does not suppose the reduction of the blame on pain. There is not only the wounded soul, but there is also that feritrice. You have to have compassion for those who can not make it, not for those who want to engage. This goes incited. Otherwise mercy becomes connivance and complicity. And with that bisogna add in our considerations on this issue thorny and, on the basis of that I and the Father Ariel we analyze and observations are we doing for some years now both the conduct of the clergy and ideas of the Italian bishops least, in front of all these facts, It has inevitably arisen in us a terrible suspicion, not unfounded, though not always accompanied by specific tests, so we came to the conclusion that in many cases the orders for these priests and these bishops, founded on the false conception of the priesthood [1], are invalid [see our articles on Theologica, WHO e WHO].


It should also say frankly that the moral confusion, that is at the origin of the phenomenon of widespread homosexuality among priests, It is in turn caused by the concept of human action rahneriano, that is not based on the acceptance of the essential purposes of human nature, because he does not accept either the idea of ​​a fixed and objective human nature, whose happiness depends on obedience to an immutable and inviolable law of nature, established by the Creator; but according to him the man, and each of us is free to determine how he likes the concrete contours and then the act of his own nature. Hence the result that the individual subject the sexual field is free to choose one's sexual orientation is not based on a sexual activity aims inherent in the nature, regardless of the subject, but based on the research of sexual pleasure, obtained by means created by the subject itself, different from subject to subject and all lawful, They enjoy them as long as the subject. Thus there is no longer a universal rule to distinguish a good deed from sin. So I can not say that this commits a sin of sodomy or pedophilia, but that his act is simply different from mine, an act that I must not convict, but respected. It is clear that when you give way to a morale like that, the jeremiads for the pedophilia of priests are crocodile tears and the scandals are hypocrisy.


So how much longer will we have to go on in reaping the bitter fruits of rahnerismo? What has yet to happen because the Pope will decide on a reform of priestly formation according to the directives of the Council? They by no means provide the rahnerismo, but rather an essay back to St. Thomas, as the same Council's Decree on Priestly Formation Oct:


"To fully illustrate how much more can the mysteries of salvation, the students may learn to deepen them by means of speculation, St. Thomas having to master " [n.16].


And the Declaration on Christian Education Education:


"By investigating very carefully the new questions posed by age and research that evolves, will seize more clearly how faith and reason meet each other in the only truth in the footsteps of the doctors of the Church, especially St. Thomas Aquinas " [# 10].


It is necessary that the educator forth abundantly available being educated means of grace, propose the example of Santi, give himself an example of virtue, educate him in the study of Scripture, to prayer, to intimate union with Christ the High Priest, to communion with the Church and with the Pope, the works of fraternal charity and mercy.


We must honestly acknowledge that in these fifty years in which they should have been put in place these wise directives, the Council was simply mocked by those - the rahneriani -, that they consider the successors. So it happened that instead of the conciliar reform, It rose a Modernism which is worse than that of St. Pius X times. You have to start all over again and return to the directives of the Council, otherwise things will go from bad to worse, in a situation where we started with gay priests scandals, but in a short time it has come to the involvement in these scandals of their bishops and cardinals protectors, some of which it has come even to take away the dignity of cardinal. So I do my Father Ariel's question in his article: "All of this, It could not possibly be avoided?» [cf. WHO].


Varazze, 21 August 2018




[1] CF. The concept of priesthood in Rahner, The ministerial priesthood in. «The love of the Heart of Jesus», edited S.M.Manelli and S.Lanzetta, Proceedings of the Theological Convention organized by the Franciscans in December 2009, Cantagalli, Siena 2010, pp. 183-230.




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