Enzo Bianchi and “gypsy violin”: the false prophets and their harping to the Supreme Pontiff

Father Giovanni

defend the Pope from false friends



As for the Pope personally and merciful liberator, this is a different matter. Of course, He has made many significant gestures toward the poor, the exploited, the little ones, the marginalized, families wounds, seniors, the sick, immigrants; but one may wonder how much mercy towards the faithful disturbed and shocked by the heretics, by modernists and false prophets, or if no exchange for mercy excessive benevolence towards enemies of the Church, or how much mercy - or whether there is mercy - in some of his interventions towards people, prelates, theologians or institutions altogether worthy and faithful to the Church, maybe for a long time.



Author John Cavalcoli OP

Giovanni Cavalcoli, ON



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Beware of false prophets

Mt 7,15



Bianchi Pope

Pietro, beware of false prophets …

In this daily race to those who shoot biggest by many and influential members of the Episcopate and the Roman Curia, Fathers de The Island of Patmos They have initiated the heading 'Defending the Holy Father from the bad friends ", dedicated to refute a number of well-known modernists, that, for some time, you are going, with serratus pace, on the catwalk their offer from the big mass media, to work on the demolition of the Church. This time is to turn Enzo Bianchi, interviewed by Bruno Quaranta it The Print the 14 last February [see text interview WHO]. These characters seem to have agreed among themselves a plan to flatter and exploit the Pope in a sneaky way for novice, but blatant for experts, to which the Catholic faithful to the Pope, which opens our eyes to these maneuvers, Test outrage and revulsion at such flattery, that do nothing but damage the venerable person of the Holy Father, from their exalted so immoderate, as did the courtiers of the ancient oriental empires.


Central point in the interview is the comparison that makes Bianchi between the present Pope John Paul II and St.. The basis for comparison is the most important and delicate issue of freedom. We know we Catholics what is precious to us freedom. It is the vocation of the Christian: "Brothers, you were called to freedom " [Gal 5,13]. But now here is the clarification: « […] provided that this freedom as an excuse for self-indulgence, but through love be servants of one another " [v.13]. So you will understand how difficult and delicate, which firmness and prudence of judgment criteria, how much delicacy of judgment, how much information, how many checks, how much prudence, that discernment, how many clarifications are necessary, to judge a Pope in relation to the great, vital question of freedom, so closely tied to the fate of man, the history of the Church and to the very essence of Christianity.


White Enzo with John Paul II

Enzo Bianchi visited the Supreme Pontiff Giovanni Paolo II

Enzo Bianchi, instead, does not find any difficulty to categorize categorically, sharp, with the utmost ease and the most incredible oversimplification, on the subject of freedom, the whole figure and story of two Popes, Saint John Paul II and the current, with them in opposition to one another in a dramatic and radical way; the first, stuck in the total negativity: 'Closing in the Church, Waterproof what was at liberty ", therefore, a dictator of the stack of Stalin, Hitler or Ivan the Terrible; The second one, raised to the stars: "With him freedom was reconciled with the Church", as if before Pope Francis freedom in the Church did not exist. I wonder if Pope Francis phoned Bianchi begging him not to say such nonsense.


These two outputs on the relationship of the two Popes with freedom denote Bianchi in the complete lack of discretion in judging two great personalities, which are two Popes, of which one is a saint canonized, who is offended by an insult of extreme gravity, which could not throw the worst of the Masons or Communists, while the other, still alive, He can not, in his humility and his sense, do not feel embarrassed at being put, still alive, on top of a Holy Pontiff, and he can not but have found it extremely unpleasant, and offensive misplaced praise so effusive, who forgets that freedom has no need to "be reconciled with the Church", this being, under the leadership of the Pope and every Pope, free yourself, by own account and teacher of freedom for all mankind, until the end of the world.


Enzo Bianchi with Benedict XVI

Enzo Bianchi on a visit to the Holy Father Benedict XVI

If Bianchi believes that freedom is never been separated from the Church or in contrast with the Church, yes it may have been necessary to "reconcile" with the Church, it means that he does not know what freedom is or has a Masonic concept or liberal and believes that the Church should learn freedom from masonry or by liberalism, Therefore, his is a wrong concept of freedom. Because on the contrary, true freedom is only one taught and practiced by the Church. If there can be a freedom that is reconciled with the Church, It will be the false freedom that becomes true listening to Christian teaching on freedom and imitating the Christian practice of freedom. A Church without freedom does not exist, although it may exist Christians who do not live the freedom of God's children.


Enzo Bianchi contradicts, when it denies that St. John Paul II has been a promoter of freedom, while he is recognizing the merit of his hostility to communism and its openness to ecumenical dialogue. On the first point, Bianchi completely ignores which wrestler was by Pope John Paul II and before becoming Pope, against communist tyranny for freedom of the Church, of his homeland and of humanity itself. Concerning the second point, it is clear that ecumenical dialogue is the sum expression of religious freedom.


Freedom promoted by John Paul II in the Church was true freedom, founded on zeal for the sound doctrine, for it is the truth that makes us free [CF Jn. 8,32]. Like this, If on the one hand, with the help of the brave Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, the Pope has forcefully defended the doctrine of the faith against several errors insurgents, on the other he has left us the powerful encyclical The Splendor of Truth, in which the great Pontiff proposes, against the other, a large teaching on Christian freedom in his relationship with the moral act, conscience, the moral law, virtue and vice, the grace, the Word of God and the ultimate end.


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Enzo Bianchi in St. Peter's Square pays tribute to Pope Benedict XVI

It makes you wonder according to which the concept of freedom Bianchi dares to speak, about San Giovanni Paolo II, of 'closure in the Church, Waterproof what was at liberty ". He obviously does not refer to that freedom which the Pope described in The splendor of truth, relying on which he ruled the Church, and therefore he rejected the freedom of Bianchi, that Paul would have called "the flesh" [Gal 5,13]. And as it is reckless on the one hand - as well as wicked, being a saint - the judgment of Bianchi of St. John Paul II, just as it is reckless in the opposite direction and blatant sycophantic it is the judgment on the Pontiff, which undoubtedly it is against the closure and intellectual conformism, to self-righteous legalism and a rigid traditionalism, He is attentive to religious freedom and conscience, the liberation of the poor and oppressed, to the freedom of the children of God, open to the newness of the Spirit, sensitive to cultural and religious pluralism, all’ecumenismo, to dialogue, the elasticity and flexibility of choices, attentive to concrete cases, the area of ​​freedom against the law.


It would be ridiculous consider Pope Francis short such as "reconciling freedom with the Church", as if the Church of John Paul II has been in conflict with the freedom, false claim, unjust and blasphemous towards the Church and previous Popes, falsehoods understandable on the lips of a Mason or a liberal or a Mazzini or a communist, but certainly not a Catholic monaco, let alone a prophet, which Bianchi passes to be at many.


The fact of the limits realize in which the Pope is the organizer of freedom in the Church, I feel like the more reason to express our filial devotion and desire to be close to him in trials and to help, defend it and support it, for what it is in us, in his service to the universal Church and to humanity. Hiding his brother his faults, real or apparent, was also the Pope, to launch themselves recklessly into hyperbolic and ridiculous flattery, how does Bianchi, It is not true respect, It is not frank, It is not obedience, It is sincerity, is not charity, It is not confidence, It is not trusted, It is mercy, It is not co, is no faithfulness, especially when the same judgment criteria, as in the case of Bianchi, They are not taken from the Gospel, but by the worldly spirit. Well, if the Pope of course, as Pope, in assistance of the Holy Spirit, can not fail to have correct ideas, on freedom, instead, as a pastor and man of government, It is not protected from faults due to his human frailty. For he shows too lenient and almost shy into the modernists, repressive and vice versa, too severe, towards the traditionalists. The first leaves them too free, so they take the opportunity to cause great harm to the Church; others restrict freedom, taking unused or even suppressing healthy forces, which could otherwise be productively employed for the good of the Church. Interestingly, in a recent ecumenical meeting, dad, asked for an opinion on Luther, he has sent to Cardinal Walter Kasper, confessing candidly "afraid" of him, how could a schoolboy before the master.


Enzo white with Francis

Enzo Bianchi pays tribute to Pope Francis I, shortly after his election to the sacred throne

Rightly the Pope it was proposed to carry forward the reforms of Vatican II; but too-good is an increased tendency of the Council, when instead, after fifty years in which we experienced the damage that the feel-good trend brings to the Church, It feels more and more the need, without renouncing to the greater understanding of the mercy made by the Council, to restore or find or rediscover, without useless nostalgia for a past that has passed, the educational function, liberating and corrective discipline human and divine, as well as clarity, steadfastness and firmness of the principles of reason and faith, of dogma and morality. Dad, instead, Unfortunately, paradoxically, It seems to want to impose by force gooders. So there are now Superiors, pedestrian followers of the Pope, to punish those who support the existence of the divine punishment.


Freedom has certainly disciplined and governed by the law, to avoid the anarchy and individualistic gooders, relativist and liberale dell 'one man Wolf. In fact, doing good is the worst enemy of goodness and therefore of freedom. Freedom has built in freedom and if, in serious cases, We must resort to coercion, this must always be done to defend and promote freedom.



Enzo Bianchi and Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini

You see that the Pope He received a liberal education, perhaps Rahner; whereby, if it has no difficulty to appreciate the freedom, the concrete, becoming, the modern, the new, the progress and the historicity, It is hard to appreciate, obviously repulsion, the abstract values, immutable, universal, absolute and traditional. Moreover, the Pope himself, many signs and facts, Apparently not fully free to bring forth the fullness of its apostolic faculty; but one gets the impression that it is surrounded by intrusive and intriguing collaborators, which, for their false obedience to the Pope and contradictions with the Pope's duties, seem to, rather than being the subject of a free choice of the Pope, themselves be, with diabolical arts and who knows what false promises, to impose itself, or maybe they are imposed on him by cunning and powerful foreign forces, harmful to the Church and to the Pope himself, probably Freemasonry, which shows benevolent towards the Pope to buy credit and trick him better, waiting to strike when they have made it weaker. They, moreover, who often speaks of the devil, must have an inkling of what, but probably he does not know how to get rid.


Difficult to know how much freedom Pope moves and how much he is instead held back by obscure or obvious harmful forces, outwardly obsequious, but enemy covertly. But this anomalous situation of a helpless Papacy, hostage of fake friends, It has been dragging on since the time of Blessed Pope Paul VI, whose doldrums, omissions, inadvertencies, naivety, excessive concern, prevarications, hesitations, incapacity and weaknesses, They were not due to true faults, because it was a saint, but its human objective limits, of whom have taken advantage wickedly dark conspirators, Evil characters and smart collaborators, relying on a mass of believers in their faith weakened and disoriented, prey of those wolves in sheep.


Enzo Bianchi and Nunzio Galantino

Enzo Bianchi during a conference, to his left, the Secretary General of the Italian Episcopal Conference S.It is. Mons. Nunzio Galantine

She was historical, for instance, the disappointment of Paul VI for the Cardinal betrayal Léon-Joseph Getting sick, first much appreciated by him; e, for another example, he realized too late the combined trouble in the liturgy by Bishop. Annibale Bugnini. So too, deceived by rahneriani, He never thought to condemn Karl Rahner, while this would be the right time. He got wind of only minimal heresies of Edward Schillebeeckx, who treated him with much regard. Only Saint John Paul II tried to remedy, but could only partially, because he did not have the support of the Dominican Order.


Because of this, in regulating the exercise of freedom in the Church, Pope Francis is struggling to implement justice, and consequently also affects the exercise of mercy, as well as so much at heart, the fact that the mercy supposed to recognize the merits of others with justice, especially if we are in authority, supporting and rewarding the good and combating the evil. Only then the merciful acts by lifting the weak and forgiving to repentant. But the rebels unrepentant, which they may wish the divine favors, without changing their perverse will, they themselves to continue to be punished. In these cases it is not God who is "perverted", as it would like Bianchi: it is they who are perverse.


Enzo Bianchi and Paul Romeo

Enzo Bianchi in the cathedral with the then Archbishop of Palermo, Cardinal Paolo Romeo

In their false judgment on the Pope, White seems to present the Holy Father as a liberalone permissive on the line by Marco Pannella and Emma Bonino. Ma, if we meditate carefully on its crude paean to the Pope: "With him freedom was reconciled with the Church", I have already commented, and the words that immediately follow, then we find his game. In fact, let us pause on these words and valutiamone weight. Hence the big white shoots, as if what he said was not enough. But now we understand what he means. For he says that Pope Francis would "craftsman of gestures until recently inconceivable '. there, so, il eschatological myth and fantapolitico Pope revolutionary that appeals to Eugenio Scalfari, that in reality, of the pope, He did not understand anything. Or the Pope, according to the Communists, He is coagulating in the world all the forces of the left, hope of Castro Cuban and Argentine revolutionary, Terror of the American capitalists.


To me seventy-five, I experienced the famous Sixty-eight when I was a student at the University of Bologna, where I studied before taking the vocational path to the ministerial priesthood and religious life, It seems to be back in those days, as if by then the story had not gone on, and as if the calamitous implementation, in the decades of the ideas of those fanatics excited, it was plain for all. But the thing hilarious is that these dangerous lingered considering Progressives and the reformers of the Church, perhaps taking Luther to model and interpreter of Vatican II! Here then the shouts of joy of the poor masses manipulated by the various Bianchi: "A Pope so he never saw!», "Finally the Pope that we like!», "The Pope of all!"And bales of this kind, just that these bales are taken out of many naive, deceived by the modernists, who would like to present a chameleon and modernist Pope, and many take the bait or to cry or to dance.


Enzo Bianchi with Palermo Archbishop

Enzo Bianchi again in the Cathedral of Palermo with the new Archbishop S.It is. Mons. Corrado Lorefice, who invited him to speak shortly after his election to the bishopric

But in what consist these "gestures until recently inconceivable '? I do not think Bianchi think here when the Pope went solo optician in town to be repaired glasses or confessed a boy in St. Peter's Square, or when we have seen no red shoes. It must be something more serious and important to Bianchi, namely 'gestures' that until Pope Bergoglio seemed inconceivable, and that instead the Pope has put in place. Now, what becomes "conceivable" with the current Pope and that before, it seems from time immemorial, "inconceivable", White does not specify, ma, looking at the context and in particular to his ideas about freedom and what it says on the subject for each of the two Popes, you can well imagine.


What are these gestures who will remain in the history of future centuries? The answer does not seem difficult, and is obtained by referring to the comparison that makes Bianchi between the two popes on freedom and his ideas on freedom: it follows that for Bergoglio Bianchi overthrew the traditional Wojtyla idea of ​​freedom, replacing the real one in place as part of a Church illiberal, authoritarian and despotic over the centuries and perhaps millennia. But given that St. John Paul II, holy as it was, It is instead a great teacher and heroic witness of freedom, that consequently it is? That the good Bianchi, prophet amateur, opposing foolishly on freedom St. John Paul II to the present Pope, It is logical to attribute to them a false concept of freedom, believing what cheer the Pope sensational or rediscoverers discoverer of Christian freedom.


With this gigantic bluster, Bianchi makes in what the Pope a good service? Or everything is resolved in a painful buffoonery, humiliating and offensive to the same Pope Francis, that will have made you a great laugh, but not without bitterness, to note how far can drop his child, however, not devoid of spiritual gifts?


Enzo White preaches priests sienna

Enzo Bianchi holds a retreat to the clergy of the Archdiocese of Siena in the seminary Archbishop, currently closed for lack of vocations

But here then the rub; we understand why the judgments of Bianchi on two Popes, so that he discovers his game. Bianchi, when he is rejecting the traditional concept of freedom catholic up to Pope Bergoglio, It can not help but fall just in the carnal conception - today we would say liberal - Freedom, that St. Paul excludes and condemns [Gal 5,13], ending up making the Pope say what is absolutely foreign to his thought of Teacher of the Faith. And with that I remember The condemnation of the liberal conception of freedom it is now standing: We find in the teachings of Blessed Pius IX and Leo XIII's encyclical freedom praestantissinmum the 1888. This conception, It originated from the Lutheran subjectivism and anthropocentrism Renaissance, the culmination or extreme idealism consequences of Hegel, jogging human freedom even to the divine: "The will wills itself». This pantheistic conception is taken from Rahner, harshly criticized by Ratzinger in his book Principles of Catholic Theology [CF. Who are you, Paris 1982, pp.187-188]. It is that freedom, about which Emanuel Mounier, honest leftist Catholic thirties and friend of Maritain, proclaimed, remained in a famous political philosophy program: "We must free up the freedom by the liberals'. This freedom has nothing to do with true Christian freedom, in obedience to the Magisterium of the Church, freedom that is based on truth cf. GV 8,32] and it is within the law, the freedom that does not give any space to "conflicts", but that is the climate of their solution, freedom that knows to avoid them in charity and mutual acceptance, however, giving rise to a legitimate pluralism and a peaceful confrontation of opinions, in the unity of the only freely shared and common truth of faith, in full communion with the Church and obedience to the legitimate Pastors.


The opposition that Bianchi would like to find between St. John Paul II and the Holy Father Francis in theme and practice of freedom, It is totally false. Either freedom is jointly responsible and effective freedom of choice, as well as the gift of God, that is grace and mercy. Saint John Paul II further accentuated the metaphysical bases, rational and dogmatic freedom, which it is the highest expression of ecclesial communion, created by the Holy Spirit. A Pope Francis are rather more to heart the dynamism and creativity of freedom, as a privileged expression of the person created in the image of God and moved by the Holy Spirit, the service of others, especially the poorest and most suffering.


Enzo Bianchi in arezzo cathedral

Enzo Bianchi holds a conference in the cathedral of Arezzo, to his right, the Bishop of the City S.It is. Mons. Riccardo Fontana

There is no doubt that the insistence with which Pope Francis presented the Christian as a man of mercy, It has a close relationship with the ideal of freedom. Actually, the Merciful is a liberator: liberator from the miseries of the body and spirit, deliverer from the power of Satan. The right, instead, Reward the merits, up to take away your freedom to criminals. As for the Pope personally and merciful liberator, this is a different matter. Of course, He has made many significant gestures toward the poor, the exploited, the little ones, the marginalized, families wounds, seniors, the sick, immigrants; but one may wonder how much mercy towards the faithful disturbed and shocked by the heretics, by modernists and false prophets, or if no exchange for mercy excessive benevolence towards enemies of the Church, or how much mercy - or whether there is mercy - in some of his interventions towards people, prelates, theologians or institutions altogether worthy and faithful to the Church, maybe for a long time.


The interviewer then attempts to dig deeper the soul of Bianchi and here we come to discover the root of his theological liberalism: a "change in the idea of ​​God", practically … from the bad to the good God God (!?). In fact, says Bianchi: "In my formative years God stood out as a judge, severe. A face that gradually I will appear perverse. Jesus Christ is the only God narration. I could not believe in God without Christ ". And from these words we see how White has embraced misericordismo fideist of Lutheran origin. His spiritual path is similar to that of Luther: He started from a God who rebuked him for his sins, the God "severe" and "punishing" the Old Testament, It began to try impatience, and to appear to "perverted"; so, to be "free", without too many worries or guilt senses, She has imagined and fashioned a good God and tender, which would be the God of the New Testament, sweet and "merciful", forgiving, Jesus Christ, that excuses everything, He does not punish, and has already promised Paradise. It deals with, in essence, the ancient heresy of Marcion. It does not appear that Luther was aware. But the fact remains.


enzo white cathedral of Padova

Enzo Bianchi holds a conference of the ambo of Padua Cathedral

As it forced the image bianchiana the God of the Old Testament, equally so is that of the goodness of Jesus Christ, all and only mawkish tenderness, completely rammollito, how those quilts, that, if they are struck by a punch, the fist sinks without resistance. With the God of the Old Testament do not mess. Instead with "good" God of the New, for those who offend, there are no unpleasant consequences: You have always forgiven. Here then is the Christ who imagines Bianchi is not the real one, ma, wanting to give an opinion psychoanalytic, It is the dream of childish child who wants to do his pranks without being punished by his father. I remember that when I was in elementary school, there were of my Compagnucci naughty or "bad companions", to use the language of Savonarola, for which the teachers "good" ones were not punished, while the others were the "bad".


The feel-good Christology today is the expression academically pompous, with quotes from Bultmann, Rahner and Luther, a psyche remained stagnant at that level of mental and emotional development. At this airhead Christology and gelatinous corresponds to a Mariology easy-going and sweetish, in which Our Lady "merciful" is one of those moms "modern", that satisfy the unique son in all his whims, They not ever make the slightest warning or the slightest correction, they may grow "free" and "make their own choices". But they come out of the frustrated intolerant, as some theologians and bishops of our days.


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Enzo Bianchi at a conference on the liturgy in Gubbio, to his right the Bishop S.It is. Mons. Claudio Maniago, at the time the archdiocese of Florence

In fact the God of the Gospel is more severe than the God of Moses, and this is quite logical, precisely because the God of Christ is the most merciful of God to Moses. Indeed, while the God of the Old Testament prophets only sends simple, the God of the New Testament Father sends us His own Son to make us children of God and to die on the cross for us. As a result, Christian ethics is more demanding [cf. Mt 5, 20-43], just because, as ethics of God's children, the image of Christ, It is the ethics of those who, being the subject of greater mercy, that is quickened and strengthened by a more grace, and more enlightened by the truth, They are bound to a 'greater justice' [cf. Mt 5,20], to greater virtues - charity - and best good works - works of mercy - , although it is true that Christianity, doing better know human weakness, He teaches a greater mercy, tolerance and understanding towards others. But at the same time, the Gospel, showing better the secrets of the human heart, makes us better know the malice of sin, so it is more severe towards the sinner. Hence the severe, but salutary warning of the Letter to the Hebrews: "brothers, if we sin willfully after receiving the knowledge of the truth ", that is, the Gospel, "There remains no more sacrifice for sins", ie the divine worship becomes useless hypocrisy, "But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation which shall devour the adversaries", nothing but mercy! "When someone has violated the law of Moses, He is put to death without mercy on the word of two or three witnesses. Then a much worse punishment do you think will be the one who has trampled the Son of God, considers unclean the blood of the Covenant, from which he was consecrated, and insults the spirit of grace?» [EB 10, 26-29]. And this also happens in human relationships. Indeed, if I show myself to someone more kind and merciful than with other, maybe I will not have reason to be waiting for that person a greater appreciation and, consequently, feel more offended, if such recognition does not reach or even that person repays me with ingratitude and contempt?


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the … “Dad” Enzo Bianchi

In these theologies of God "bad", There is confusion between the concept of punishment and that of cruelty. Missing the true concept of punishment, so you can not distinguish a just punishment of an unjust punishment. The punishment as such is always injustice, cruelty, violence or revenge and rancorous. There is the idea of ​​punishment as restoration of violated justice, but as retaliation by the injured party, as to unleash a litany of hatreds and vendettas without end. No questions are asked about who of the two contenders is right, why do not you believe in an objective truth, absolute and universal. The truth is what I think. The judge in the same court is not seen as an arbitrator, representative of a common law and equal for all, but as the enemy that haunts us. And the same divine judgment is seen as, as he confesses candidly Bianchi. The important thing is to respond tit for tat according to "own" truth. And this dialectic without end, damn and hell, It is even applied in the relationship between man and God. Man feels a Prometheus, innocent victim of a jealous and vengeful God, that, with its punishments and earthquakes, would make him afraid, crush his freedom and make his slave. And these conceptions are those that, He protests with the desire for peace, of Christian meekness and "forgiveness", do not allow any distinction between just war and unjust war, between righteous anger and unjust anger, between the offender and the assault of police officer, and to reduce violence, hatred or injustice any form military virtues, of bravery, coercion or use of force.


It is clear that if we were to strictly the requirements of this hypocritical and cowardly pacifism, should dissolve the armed forces, the Carabinieri, the Guardia di Finanza and the Alpine Corps, abolish prisons, destroy the code of canon law, as did Luther, and many other forces and institutions such, while the court order would look like the system of evil and the same referees football matches would be abolished. The same is true of punishment and divine justice. But - so thinks Bianchi together with all the do-gooders -, since God is good, Dio non earn, but he approves or forgive everything I do and I like. But we must say that God promises us yes mercy, but only if we discount our faults. The prophets announce us a just and merciful God. Angry or offended in front of the warnings of the prophets, It is foolish and, far from attracting the divine mercy, l'increases anger. Wise thing however is to do penance as did the inhabitants of Nineveh at the preaching of Jonah. Indeed it is only by striving to avoid sin with holy fear of God, accepting from God, humbly, serenely and confidently, trials and punishments as factors of repair and purification, that we are preparing to receive God's mercy and to enter into intimacy with God, as St. Augustine says: "To be filled, you must first empty. You must be filled with good and so you have to free yourself from evil. Suppose that God wants to fill you with honey " (here is mercy). "If you are full of vinegar, where will you put the honey? You have to free the vessel from that which contained, indeed it must be cleaned. Maybe you have to clean it with hard work and commitment, if needed, it is suitable to receive anything » [cf.Treaties Objection Letter of Saint John, Treat. 4,6; PL 2008-2009]. Here is the ascetic function, here is the purifying function of the misfortunes and punishments, what St. John of the Cross called "passive purifications" and of which the "prophet" Bianchi, like Luther, It does not seem to know anything or have horror, why would enjoy immediately and low price of the mystical, without the proper preparation consisting confident acceptance of divine justice.


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the winning combination: Enzo Bianchi and Luigi Ciotti …

In gooders like Bianchi but it lacks the concept of punishment or penalty as an expression of the human and divine justice. They do not seem to understand that it is good and right that evildoers suffer to counterbalance or even, how do you say, for "retaliation", that same evil that he did - "who does, the aspects "-, so that the sinner himself, although unwillingly, It is reported in the order, in which consists the penalty or punishment. The delinquent contracts a debt to justice, you must pay. Indeed, Justice must compensate, return, restore order, back in its place that is out of place and make it right [Right in German, right in English] or straighten what is wrong. Thus justice reward merit, repair the wrong done, It gives the offended satisfaction, take away the evil of disorder, but it may be the just penalty. The mercy, as well as remove the clutter, It removes the guilt and punishment. So justice is a balance, one to equalize, a balance, not lean either to one side or the other, without partiality, no sense of people, without favoritism, but recognizing to each their own right and on its own merit (to each his own), with balance and fairness. This means the balance icon, we see the statue of Justice in our courts.


The undeniable fact that in this life often innocent people are affected by calamities, while criminals get away, creates doubts about divine justice. But we must consider three things: first, that the same disorder in the distribution of the penis is a consequence of original sin. Second, that divine justice commands but to human justice, Civil and ecclesiastical right to administer justice, but unfortunately, because of the consequences of original sin or error or judges sins, human justice is faulty. Third, God does not always immediately punish the evildoers, because he wants to give them time to repent [cf. Is 30,18; Sap 12,19; Pt II 3,9]. But if they continue in sin, comes sooner or later, one way or another, showdown, which can also result in the punishment of hell. God forgets, when he forgives; but remember, when it has to punish.


"Hell Dancing ', Nietzsche. And so it is for Whites? And here it is good to make a short speech on this topic. Bianchi, moved by the divine mercy, assures us: "I will sing your mercy, even from hell '. I believe that in Hell there is little to sing. And if I can imagine some singing, certainly it will not be the choirs of angels represented in the frescoes by Fra Angelico, and absolutely repugnant to me that the White singing can be a hymn to divine mercy, given that one is damned just because he hates God's mercy and believed not to have any need, since, in his opinion, He had not done anything wrong and did not need anything, He replied as Adolf Eichmann, the Auschwitz Executioner, interrogated, the day before the execution, if he was sorry for what he had done. Or if anything I can think of some blasphemous hymn, like theHymn to Satan Carducci, or as those found in satanic sects or are tuned in magic rituals, as for example in Proclus, Iamblichus or Giordano Bruno, or those pagans or woodoo, or those produced or music rock or communism or Nazism or esoteric Freemasonry.


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Enzo Bianchi speaks of his own subjective idea of ​​mercy

These absurd words of Bianchi bring to mind the equally absurd and blasphemous expression of Luther, who, convinced of the existence of a divine predestination to damnation, even he said that he would go willingly to Hell, if that should be God's will. It remains always impossible to perceive the merciful God without first accepting the just God. It is from the Old Testament God who comes to understand Jesus, God of the New Testament. It's because we know God based on reason, we can reach, in faith, believe in Christ. The gospel is the proclamation of the opportunity to gain eternal life, offered to all, but it sets conditions to obtain it: "If you would enter life, keep the commandments " [Mt 19,17]. There is the possibility of obtaining mercy; but it must do penance. Christ promises the opportunity to enter into the kingdom of God, but warns that those who do not believe, It will be condemned [MC 16,16].


The Gospel is supposed which it is in man's ability to choose either for God or against God. The kingdom of God is a gift of grace; yet it is necessary to conquer [Mt 11,12]; It is a "prize", for which must compete [The Cor 9,24]; It is a "precious pearl", which must be bought [Mt 13,45]; It is the pay good worker [Mt 20,1]. But the merit is a gift of grace. All good action of the just, after all, It is a gift of grace and mercy. But if the choice is against God, here come on stream justice punishing, until the infernal punishment. The Gospel, so, brings joy to the humble, the afflicted, to those who seek God, who have repented of their sins, who they respect the divine justice and believe in His mercy; I have gorgeous, the unrepentant, to the wicked, the promise of divine forgiveness of eternal life does not interest, because they are already full of themselves, them just this life and do not feel they need to lose, while the threat of divine punishment irritates them and makes them blaspheme.


bianchi 6

Enzo Bianchi guest in the journal of the Italian Clergy, which they would never hosted writings and articles of many distinguished elderly priests with a life spent serving the Church and the People of God

White flips the spirit path: Needless to say with all firmness and clarity that we could not accept Christ, if I did not believe in God. For as we come to know that Christ is God, if we knew that God exists? Christ does not make us know that God exists, but that we already know by themselves according to reason, even before being informed by the Church of Christ preaching. Therefore the order is: by God to Christ, not by Christ to God. Christ gives us the knowledge of God and his will for us - the Holy Trinity, the baptism, faith, the Redemption, the grace, everlasting life, the church -, that with our simple reason, It had been that of Aristotle or Plato, we could never reach or imagine, if the Father himself, for his mercy, without his forced, through his Son, there he had given in the Holy Spirit. Christ makes known to us the mystery of the Father, that only He and the Father know, but based on the knowledge we already possess by reason and from the Old Testament. Jews and Muslims already know the true God, although they are not enlightened by the mystery of Christ. Through Christ did not come to believe in God SIC et simpliciter, but there comes a knowledge of God supernatural, revealed, infinitely superior to that of the simple reason. Our intelligence does not pass directly from the knowledge of the world to Christ, but come to Christ, object of faith, known by the Church's preaching, through the mediation of rational knowledge of God, cause and end of the universe, creator of heaven and earth.


Tll men know that God exists based on reason, that all men possess as. Only some of them, starting from the natural knowledge of God, and informed by the ecclesial catechesis, they arrive, if you come, enlightened by the grace, believe in Christ. Others may be enlightened by God without knowing it. The flipped speech Bianchi is therefore to one who can not who God or who Christ. By starting from Christ and reach God, Christ should be the same, which it is the deception of pantheism Christological Hegel. Or, It should possess an intuitive faith or experiential, Previous to reason, as in the Lutheran fideism. Instead it is the reason that you switch to the faith and not vice versa.


Bianchi, many faiths

… too many confusions “under the same sky”

Faith is a divine knowledge. Now, is only the divine knowledge which starts from himself and passes to humans, because it creates. As for us, starting from the human that we can rise to the divine. Believing they can go the opposite way, You want to believe that our knowledge can be commenced by God and not by man, which is Hegelian idealism and scellinghiano.


In conclusion, the Bianchi prophecy is careful not to displease by the party animals, asking the prophets: "Us smooth things" [Is 30,10]. This is the message that Bianchi, young "prophet", he left mankind, by writing to 30 years of age, in a book that has had a worldwide success, enough to be translated into 35 languages, while precious works of medieval or Renaissance Dominican theologians and mystics are still waiting to be translated. Already St. Thomas shrewdly observes in fact that the number of fools is vastly greater than that of the wise. Well, never before has it proves valid this observation Aquinas. But what I wonder is now more like a character of this kind and with similar ideas succeeded in obtaining credit even to the Holy See, as it has happened since Blessed Pope Paul VI, with St. John Paul II, Benedict XVI, to the reigning Pontiff. We must really say that the devil is adept at masquerade as an angel of light, if he can cajole and circumvent even the Popes [cf. II Cor 11,14]. Naturally, White also has his good qualities, the study and the worship of God's Word, sensitivity to the Holy Spirit, l'ecumenism, the veneration of the Holy Fathers of the Church, the love for prayer and contemplation. Council anyway, to clarify things about him, the facts critical studies by Bishop. Antonio Love, in addition to the output next text edited by the young philosopher and theologian Dr.. George A.. Faccio Lince.


Varazze, 12 March 2017













10 replies
  1. Adamic says:

    In other articles the father Ariel, some commenting “shoot”, ironically mentioned transitional oxygen to the brain lacks the pope, also predicting possible future street protests or even talking about “red shoes” in sight.
    But here she mentions a prudent decision to Bergoglio, overshadowing a temporary strategy Tolerance of the modernists.
    You have two different judgments of this pontificate? Or father Ariel has occasionally commented on the recently calibrated words that can escape the Pope, but in the context of a strategy altogether lucid?
    My can’ seem a provocative question but really I myself can not understand. His hypothesis seems even more’ spine-chilling, because’ if it is “hold on a little longer” It took offense implicitly apocalyptic prospects in the short term – I look at what other port could groped to navigate the Holy Father, accepting the decomposition of the Church from the inside “to avoid greater evils”. The only greater evil would open the kingdom of the Antichrist.

  2. piertoussaint says:

    Dear Father Giovanni,

    “defend the Pope from bad friends”, says the Isle of Patmos. That phrase came to mind when I read the following article by Sandro Magister's website


    in which the author refers to a recent public meeting in which Bishop. Bruno Forte, in fact in the company of a combative (against the Cardinals of “Dubia”) Alberto Melloni, It confirmed the relevant had already said at the time about the intentions of Pope Francis about the purpose of the Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia. E’ good that I mention:

    “If we speak explicitly of communion for divorced and remarried, these [the opponents – ed] you do not know what a mess we combine. So let's not talk directly, you make sure that there are the premises, then I shall draw the conclusions I”.

    Said this, regarding friends, “Tell me who you go, and I'll tell you who you are”, goes the old adage. And because the parents can not choose, but friends yes, This seems to me yet another confirmation of the fact that the Magisterium of Pope Francis, the method and the substance, It NOT affected by his collaborators, but it is indeed a precise and punctual choice, to implement which he has rightly made use of the work of appropriate persons, specially chosen by him.
    However, I think it's also a form of respect for him, the belief that he, by an adult and responsible for his acts, exercise his ministry without being influenced by external influences.

    All this being said, for synthesizing the above-mentioned matter into a motto, instead of stating
    "Defend the Pope from bad friends", I would say better to "defend the Holy Father from himself, and we by him ".

    • father ariel
      Giovanni Cavalcoli, ON says:

      Dear Piertoussaint,

      the Holy Father, assuming his office, he found himself having to deal with that powerful modernist entourage, that Benedict XVI had already put in the position of having to give up the Petrine ministry, He is having understandably refused to yield to their pressure. Jorge Mario Bergoglio had to make the best of a bad situation. He could clearly follow the example of his predecessor, but at the same time he had to find a way, if not prevent, at least to curb the pretensions of heretical modernist.
      The other part, He could not even remove them, for the revolution that would unleash in the Church, posing as victims of papal power, as they did with previous popes. Hence the decision of Pope Francis, painful but prudent, to keep them next.

      As for the freedom of this decision, it is obvious that the Pope has decided freely, but as a result of a delicate calculation. He had to adapt to an uncomfortable situation to avoid greater evils. The Pope knows very well that the Successor of Peter, and then Master of the Faith. However, he probably held near these people hoping at least that they do worse, can repent, using them in their good sides.

      I believe, so, that, to about, we can remember that work of mercy, which it is quoted in the Catechism of St. Pius X: "Patiently endure wrongs'. Today there are so many heretics, that we are all forced to live with them. And the Pope gives us the example.

  3. orenzo
    orenzo says:

    He writes father John, who in Enzo Bianchi "There is the idea of ​​punishment as restoration of violated justice, but as retaliation by the injured party, as to unleash a string of endless hatreds and revenge. "
    I reject too the concept of justice “in retaliation of the victim ", but also "the idea of ​​punishment as restoration of justice violated", It gives me some concern because I believe that the punishment is nothing but the same violation of Justice: God does not punish anyone, those who violate justice is punished by himself because he refuses to be loved.

    Article Continues: “All good action of the just, after all, It is a gift of grace and mercy. "
    Agreeing with this statement, However, I believe that:
    – good action of the just is acceptance of the gift of grace and mercy.
    – the unjust act is bad rejection of the gift of grace and mercy.

    • father ariel
      Giovanni Cavalcoli, ON says:

      Dear Lorenzo,

      certainly the punishment is the penal consequence of sin, It is the result of sin must, as well as death is the logical consequence for those who ingests a poison.

      Let us first consider what is generally the punishment. It is the imposition of a penalty at chastised for his own good. The punishment, so, It is not a harm to chastise, though involving suffering, It has not sinned, but it is a good work, it is an act of justice.

      The important thing is that it is not excessive and driven by hatred, If no, borders on cruelty. Because of this, the punishing not only agreed to

      But there is this difference between the human and the divine punishment, that, while the first cause suffering in punishment (for example the verberazione, incarceration or hanging), It gave, correct the net, does not cause suffering, but it uses that suffering which the sinner is procured by his sin.

      The penalty of sin has five goals:

      1. funzioine purifying and penitential. To do penance of sin;

      2. deterrent. Cow those thought to mimic the sinner, in order to dissuade from this risk;

      3. function espiativa, reparation, redeeming and saving in who joins their sentences to the Passion of Christ;

      4. corrective or educational function. It stimulates the sinner to mend;

      5. merely punitive function. E’ the infernal punishment, not because God find pleasure in hurting, it would be blasphemy even to think, but since in this case the sinner is forever obstinate in his sin and in his rebellion against God, so it is fitting that in eternal opposition against an eternal Good match eternal punishment.

      The point that makes it more difficult to understand in what sense the punishment is good for chastised, is the fifth. Therefore Let us pause to explain why …

      … why is the fact that it is good, it is just that the damn thing be damned. Of course he does not see his worth as an asset and then or feels unfairly punished or considered evil God. But after all even though they know the damned malvontieri and Messius cornered, that God was with him right.

      but yet, in and for itself, it is good that the damn thing is castigated; and that is enough to say that hell is good for the damn, also because he is not removed from the divine providence, which continues to govern.

      So it is not true that God does not punish. There are numerous biblical evidence to the contrary. God rewards with perfectly timed justice should be established by him according to the merits of each: to whom the prize, to whom the punishment. They are elementary truths of every religion.

      The divine punishment concern two kinds of sins: radically, the original sin. This punishment – substantially the suffering and death – It affects all. And then God punishes his personal sins.

      It should be remembered that sin is sometimes not only harms the sinner, but also other people: for example the theft. Justice demands that the thief return the ill-gotten gains to the rightful owner. Or defamation: the culprit must return offended the good name. If one neglect has left wasting away good borrowed, It is required to deliver to the owner equivalent property in good condition. The violation of justice remains an empty word, if the sinner does not repair the injustice committed.

      However, there are certain sins, they are not punished immediately place neither by God nor by men, or that sometimes, during the present life, I never have. The sinner goes unpunished. But sooner or later, if the sinner repents, comes the reckoning.

      A difficult problem is caused by the Biblical expression, by which God “It hardens the heart” [Is 4,21], allowing the sinner fall from sin to sin, as St. Thomas observes [Sum. Theol., II-II,q.162, a.7,ad 3m]. E’ this, dice l’Aquinate, a divine punishment, though the sinner, as long as he lives, can always pentrsi.

      Christ is the Judge of the living and the dead. E’ true that He came not to condemn, but to save. However, who does not believe in Him, it is condemned [MC 16,16].

      God punishes those who deserve it in this life and the afterlife with hell. “Via, away from me, cursed, the eternal fire!” [Mt 25,41].

      An exhibit of divine judgment is granted by God to the Priest. The confessor is judge, who has the power to “forgive and retain sins” [GV 20,23].

      If the sinner has repented, He is assigned a penance. If it has not repented, It can not be absolved, so the punishment of sin does not become penance, but leaves the sinner in conflict with God.

      Who is saved, You are saved by grace, because they repented, because of the divine mercy on; chi si danna, It damns his fault, because unrepentant, and this is in accordance with God's justice, the qualeresta completely innocent of the guilt of the damned.

      God predestined for salvation of the elect [Mt 22,14;24,22; LC 18,7; RM 8, 29-30. 33; II Tm 2,10; AP 17,14], but predestines no one to damnation, as Luther believed, why, in itself, God offers salvation to all. But not all, their fault, the welcome.

      God rewards virtue in this life with the inner and outer joy and after this life with paradise.

      Instead it punishes not only with the inner remorse for the wrong committed, but also for the tramte of human justice, however imperfect, as well as with the upheavals of nature and allowing wars and violence.

      The injured party has the right to ask the authority that justice be served against the offender. Because of this, there are the civil and ecclesiastical courts and the judicial and prison system. For this exist hell and purgatory.

      If the right wronged or persecuted comes not done justice in this life, God shall compensate him in paradise (see Lazarus) and to punish the evildoers Him.

      God sends collective misfortunes that strike sinners and innocent. The innocent can be drawn from this opportunity to offer sacrifices for sinners, sull'esemio of Christ. And if those who sin is not immediately punished by God or from men, It can take the iniziatira and make him penance for his sins.

      It gave, in his goodness, not always chastises (see for example the adulteress), when he sees sincere repentance. However it is necessary that the sinner, while repented, ii feels need to serve (see the prodigal son). The repentant, that is, deve'esser ready to suffer punishment, why, otherwise, it would not be sincere.

      When God sends me a misfortune, I do not necessarily think that it is for my sins [LC 13,2; GV 9,3], ma – following the example of Christ – I can draw from it an opportunity to serve the punishment deserved by sinners that for now remain unpunished, in the hope of their conversion.

      The punishment has a restoring function, of restitution or restoration compensation. The sinner takes a value from its right place, why justice demands that that value is put back in its place.

      The sinner, by sinning, It deviates from from his place and therefore the Justice calls for a man to his post.

      By sinning, he has contracted a debt. Justice demands that he pay the debt. The punishment is the debt payment.

      E’ just that the evil it does, be upon him: “who does, the aspects”. E’ the so-called “retaliation”.

      The punishment is the boomerang that strikes us who hit. “The wicked shall fall into the ditch which he dug” [Shall 17,16]. You can escape human justice, but not to the divine.

      • Achille says:

        @Father Cavalcoli

        “God predestined for salvation of the elect [Mt 22,14;24,22; LC 18,7; RM 8, 29-30. 33; II Tm 2,10; AP 17,14], but predestines no one to damnation, as Luther believed, why, in itself, God offers salvation to all. But not all, their fault, receive it.”

        Exact, Dad.

        E, as also said she, “Who is saved, You are saved by grace, because they repented, because of the divine mercy on; chi si danna, It damns his fault, because unrepentant, and this is in accordance with God's justice, the qualeresta completely innocent of the guilt of the damned”.

        In fact, the saved, the chosen ones you mentioned, these are not for their own intrinsic merit, but for the Divine Mercy, through effective Grace, has meant that they infallibly (but always freely, because the freedom of the refusal maintain, just that although they will not reject) accept the Grace, repenting if they have committed mortal sins is dying in the grace of God.

        So the merit of their salvation is God as the first cause, and man only as a secondary cause.

      • Achille says:

        I wrote

        “So the merit of their salvation is God as the first cause, and man only as a secondary cause.”

        And I would add that this (refuse to own exclusive fault grace sufficient) It is what do the reprobate, They damn fault of their own.

        But the thesis of Lorenzo, as formulated, that is

        “- good action of the just is acceptance of the gift of grace and mercy.
        - the act is bad unjust rejection of the gift of grace and mercy.”

        As I said as follows, without further specification, and that is that you, it is true that the good of the righteous act is acceptance of the gift of Grace and Mercy but without the pre-Divine motion (effective Grace) which it means that the will of man infallibly accept the Grace (while maintaining the freedom of being able to refuse), that Grace would be fruitless because of man (as it happens with the reprobate), as I said no such justification is expires in pseudo-Pelagianism so common among Catholics today.

        Just the fact that you have spoken of elected, Dad, to prepare a lot of criticism, it is taboo, seems. 🙂

      • Paul says:

        Dad, listen to the homilies, even good priests, Nowadays it is increasingly bleak.
        For example, on this Sunday, in commenting on the long today's Gospel, own chapter 9 St John, it was reiterated that God does not punish.
        Thanks un po’ Oxygen also comes just reading the responses to the comments of your articles on the Island.
        Thank you.

  4. father ariel
    Fabio Pizzimenti says:

    Hello Father John,

    reading the latest article about Enzo Bianchi is called a heretic, I ask: but because the congregation of the doctrine of faith such and not sends it does not define the via? And it is true that as long as it does not intervene, a simple layman can not call it a heretic, this prior ?

    • father ariel
      Giovanni Cavalcoli, ON says:

      dear fabio,

      the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith is unable to keep up with all cases of heresy, now more numerous than ever. It can not, therefore, wait for the judgment of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. And even the Bishops, to which it would be for this important and delicate task to warn the faithful, unfortunately often are not felt.

      Need, therefore, that every adult faithful and prudent, although secular, If day rush, for the good of his soul, methodically to acquire good criteria of discernment and judgment, which they are provided substantially in the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the Magisterium, drawing on subsidies or sources of specialized information, as are educational establishments or sites Catholics or Catholic publications, such as the magazine The Rudder, who recently published a handbook or repertory of the current heresies, the Dictionary of dangerous thought.

      Indispensable is the possession of the Holy Scriptures.

      As for the Church's Magisterium, a useful collection of documents, especially the councils is the Enchridion Symbolorum Denzinger. important reference point is the documents of Vatican Council II.

      The Fathers of The Island of Patmos perform this service, in full communion with the Magisterium of the Church and always referring to the good theologians, especially Thomist.

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