The find of the last Synod: instruct the hoes to give the license of chastity to the cloistered nuns?

- the cogitatorio of Hypatia -



During the last Synod, it seems that young people have shown themselves to such an extent disturbed by the information and criticism activities of certain sites and blogs, much to ask for the establishment of a special office certifying the Catholic websites, then giving them license authentic catholicity.


Roman cat Hypatia



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9 replies
  1. Iginio says:

    well, But I would go cautious in stating that at the beginning of the sixteenth century the roles were respected. The lovers of the Church's principles and their “Amici”, as well as the various noblewomen abbess who kept living in a monastery, I do not think they respected.
    Let's say that today we are witnessing an unprecedented worldliness that is sensual base but, unlike then, It has mass and how hypocritical pseudo-intellectual shield to declare “updated”, “Democratic” e “progressive”. So what if you disobey the sixth commandment or, if you are consecrated, go for a walk with the girls and respect the Eucharistic fast? The important thing is that you go to do the pap of Sant'Egidio or Caritas. In all this the first purity that is lost is not even sexual but that of the heart, that is what Jesus Christ prefers most of all.
    As for the “young”, I, by forties who has never endured the giovanilista-rowdy rhetoric, I observe: we need bread and gave stones. But according to them, stones mean to keep the commandments, give bread fun and make “as you please”. The sin against the Holy Spirit, in conclusion.

  2. with no fear of the word says:

    They tell us that Ambrose coined the saying “Church chaste whore”, giving it a mystical meaning appropriate to its holiness and the Church.
    I know that some day “ecclesiastics” , groundlessly who they presume to be the Church, they are perfectly at home in that definition, employing the word Casta not as feminine adjective chaste, but as a noun; and leaving intact the meaning throughout the land and not at all mystical Meretrix.

  3. father ariel
    Michela Raffi says:

    How many young Catholics like myself forced to do … pilgrims hunting for a mass that reflects the so-called limits “decency union”?
    In the parish X is the socio-welfarist priest who in eight minutes devouring the Mass and in thirty seconds ago the consecration after speaking for forty minutes of refugees, migrants and non-EU, quote every sigh Pope Francis, never citing Jesus Christ.
    Y In the parish there is the priest who invents the missal as best prefer.
    In Z is the parish priest's all a dance and clap, It eats him as well as the words of consecration by running fast, however, it employs a quarter of an hour to exchange the sign of peace with all, hobnobbing even to ask what grandmothers have prepared for lunch …
    But what else claim, If the Vatican is a Pope who seems out of the song “We are the selfie army” ? [Ed. WHO]

    A salute to the island of Patmos by a young cat “bigoted” Of 21 year old, invited, like those who think like me (e siamo tanti) the legendary synod of … cjovani !

    • Iginio says:

      well, I'm twice his age, but when I 21 year old, while living in Rome, I could not find anyone who did not think of these things. The important thing was “have fun”, If no “you look like a priest”. The tragedy is that even the priests made fun of me, because I was too “Serio”…. She is like? He friendships? He lives in a city or in a small town? He attended college or work? And they say to her? His parish as? It would be interesting to compare the experiences.

  4. fabius says:

    Young people today no longer believe in the visible church, There is a lot of hypocrisy and this separates them, It preaches well and badly scratching and then do not give true answers priests.

  5. father ariel
    Matteo says:

    I Got 22 years and I think I can say that those young people at the synod have represented themselves and were chosen to please the line drawn by those who ran the synod and manipulated.
    In the article the Cat Hypatia there are two comprehensive video depicting cialtronate that many priests do in churches believe that way to attract young.
    I can testify that young priests to certain clowns laugh at just.
    If instead the teenager Pozza interviewing Pope Francis with jeans and sneakers unlaced shoes, to young people put in front of a nice dress priest with a beautiful, austere black cassock and that makes the priest, not the cialtroncello, young people in churches should, especially if the priests speak of the Gospel, instead of Sunday sermons policies against the minister Salvini.
    But to say and hope this leads to only one result, the charge of “dangerous Lefebvre”.
    The Lefebvrians never visited them, but their churches are full, and above all full of young, why?


  6. says:

    I belong to one of the younger generation that this Synod should have been addressed, and I can say to my peers, as well as those younger or slightly older, no matter absolutely nothing of the certificates of Catholicity or less of Internet sites, and this shows how the upper floors of this earthly Church is lived more in one dimension that earthly iperuranica. I'll explain: we all use the Internet, it's obvious, but the vast majority use it for social networks or go on sites that have absolutely nothing Catholic (as sinful are, however, the most interesting of certain homilies without a leader or tail that sometimes we listen in our parishes). With us we must start with the basics, by questions like: "Who is God?”, "Because we live?”, "What is the Church?"And then follows all questions on morality. For you see, us these questions there to say, but while some of us (tra cui io) They have had the good fortune of being able to compare with good priests, and found solace in the Catholic Faith, most are totally left to themselves and to their questions which unfortunately give wrong answers unscrupulous people.

  7. father ariel
    Paul says:

    In short our history …
    My wife and I were married in 1965, they had 25 e 26 year old (1940 io e 1941 she), we were classmates, we met the Fuci [Ed. Federation of Italian Catholic University].
    At the wedding we came as many young people came to us at the time, although the company radically changed in the past three years 1968.
    Unfortunately we did not have our children, even if the children we have had many: I obstetrician and her pediatrician.
    Once in 40 year old, we tried to make an adoption, but for our age they would give us children if not above 10 year old, and my wife in particular that he had known many cases of unhappy children adopted 11/12 year old, he preferred to give it up.
    Once on board we are dedicated to assisting children with Down syndrome in a center of Rome.
    My wife died in 71 years in 2012 after a short illness. During his illness he repeated more serene times “There are two graces of God: the gift of children and the gift of not having had”.
    Oggi che ho 78 year old, seeing the state in which it reduced our youth, I live like “dono” not having had children, because if what we have under the eyes are the new generation of future society, there is no reason to be happy.
    I never lose hope, But even I will cast into the arms of illusion.
    I believe that the disease was the post sixty, surely there will be a cure, but at the moment it is not known, I think should always be discovered. It may be that both discovery, but something tells me that the cure may not be enclosed in the watered-down gospel is now proposed to the few, the few young people who increasingly enter our churches, within which they are much more worldly than worldliness found in the world.

    Paul (Rome)

  8. Attilio says:

    I am happy to read an article critical of the idea that the soul compared to younger people. The final document of the Synod of the idea of ​​focusing too much on the media ignoring the main problems of young people who are identical to the generation of the nineties when the internet was in a house in ten.
    I think that young people suffer from the absence of a great educator who talk about what they need an extreme or the care of their souls. Already the same word “anima” is absent in the everyday vocabulary and maybe teach understand that we have a soul to care, grow and protect from evil, It would give to young people strength and power over oneself.

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