From the famous gigolo Francesco Mangiacapra to Christ who calls via the road between Zacchaeus crowd to see it had climbed a sycamore tree: "Today I must stay at your house"

Father Ivano
– ecclesial topical –



It is first of all essential A distinction is peculiar in the action of Christ for men: we must be able to separate the sin from the person who does it: sin is always conviction and sentencing is rejected, while the sinner is rejected, quite the opposite: It welcomes and forgives. Separating fact the objective evil of sin from the intrinsic good that the person created in God's image continues to own, is an element on which no Christian, and above all no priest can fly.


Ivano Liguori, Ofm. Capp.




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Book interview of Mangiacapra

The 7 November the issuer Network 4 Mediaset broadcast a new episode of Paolo Del Debbio program, Straight ahead&Reverse, within which it is addressed according to the round the itchy issue concerning sexual performance of churchmen. A doubt lies about me: because I have to do the small hours to attend to certain issues - most suitable for mature audiences -, then if I can see the aftermath on the Mediaset website the entire episode also accessible to younger viewers and helpless?


Prolonging the discussion of certain topics within a protected timeslot, so as to safeguard the simple by scandals, He has lost its raison d'etre. Do not be because - sweet at the bottom viewers are seduced with intriguing subjects such as to prolong the vision of the program until the end of the program and take so high the hearing? television Strategies will say, Certainly, but in my humble opinion they are not able to satisfy all the way down the genuine sense of human curiosity even in the face of facts like these unquestionably gory. Curiosity is a fundamental attribute of human intelligence, and certainly is not satisfied through gossip stark.


If this reading were true, you could use another Latin phrase best suited to the event, that is poison in the tail [the poison is in the tail], to mean as we are often conducted against our will in dynamics that leave us more often with a bitter taste, complete with a final fatal jab. In short, certain topics, as they presented today, There are not only bad but we do not need, So why we insist on seeing them?


We must recognize that similar arguments snatch the senses of a good collective viewers, to quote a maximum biblical wisdom, They never get satisfied to see through their eyes, nThey are never get satisfied to hear through their ears [cf. What 1,8] such stories. In these people there is a sort of psychological dependence on a certain narraction hot prohibited that once, between discrete pages of romance novels, He never dared to pass the threshold of the bedroom. Today not only exceeded the bedroom, but it took to the streets ... a media plaza.


Francesco Mangiacapra to bet the forehand and backhand 7 November 2019 [to open the fragment of a film click on the image. The entire episode is WHO starting from 02:06:36]

A moment later viewers were led by Paolo Del Debbio, like a new Guy de Maupassant, in the rooms of the pleasure of a revised House Tellier television dressed in ecclesiastical sauce. Starring in the debate Gianluigi Nuzzi study, Luigi Amicone, Giuseppe Cruciani, Giuliano Costalunga and our dear Father Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo, who were able to debate the issues in a much less hotly bet the 31 October [cf. see WHO it gives 02:11:10].


Come special guest star, among the many guests the young Neapolitan gigolo Francesco Mangiacapra, author and protagonist dossier Mangiacapra handed over to the diocese of Naples in relation to the unorthodox friendships acquaintances of certain members of the local clergy and more. So why not recognize it? Under another aspect Francesco Mangiacapra was useful to bring into the open a network of unworthy priests with moral and spiritual problems abnormal, forcing the Ecclesiastical Authority to carry their cargo. Well said Giuseppe Cruciani to that effect in the episode of 31 October, because they saw all under other angles "A Francesco Mangiacapra should be given an award".


With a few short jokes a practice permitted by a television program, our Father Ariel has framed the heart of some frequent problems and serious scandals involving members of the clergy saying: "The church, from fifty, sixty years now he has fallen into a deep doctrinal crisis that has created a crisis of faith, which in turn has generated for sad and logical consequence of the serious moral crisis that today we can see ". Needless to say - but worth doing it -: this brother of ours, Ten years ago it analyzed well in advance of the problem, exploded years later, In his work And Satan became triune, Book given back to press with our Editions The island of Patmos the 7 July 2019.


I'm sincere: in this episode I was very impressed by Francis, enough to spend some time reflecting on him and so astrarmi from judgments and criticisms of his profession and the events that he was the protagonist of well-substantiated facts concerning its particular customers.


Photo: Francesco Mangiacapra

(D)forward to similar topics it is prudent to raise the bar of our intelligence and raise ourselves to higher than average levels. Set aside prejudices and try as much as possible to go beyond, following the teaching that Christ has performed with some of the characters of the Gospel and that testifies to the ability of the Lord in managing and resolving some of the complexities inherent in our humanity.


It is first of all essential A distinction is peculiar in the action of Christ for men: we must be able to separate the sin from the person who does it: sin is always conviction and sentencing is rejected, while the sinner is rejected, quite the opposite: It welcomes and forgives. Separating fact the objective evil of sin from the intrinsic good that the person created in God's image continues to own, is an element on which no Christian, and above all no priest can fly.


It gave, as the highest good, can only create for better each work came from his hands: among the various works of course we understand man. Sin is rather bad as deprivation of God, It is a dangerous blurring of the well that produces a natural disorder, spiritual and moral, which tends to hide the good and alienate man from God. From here we can also understand why, lit like a can of gasoline inside which had been thrown a burning torch, in the episode of 31 October our Father Ariel apparently lost his temper, when the priest from Verona Giuliano Costalunga, today it is belonging to an unspecified "Church" progressive, He stated that "God created me as I am ' [cf. previous article, WHO]. father ariel, that as a dogmatic theologian and historian of dogma for many years he has studied the connection between freedom and the free will of man in relation to the mystery of original sin, took out all his pathos Tuscan-Roman shouting: "This is an aberration! God can not create evil ", implying that permits, because it represents the exercise of human freedom, but does not create it. Introduction this necessary to understand the meaning of the following reasoning …


Photo: Francesco Mangiacapra

… carefully reading the Gospel, We can understand that for Christ men like Zacchaeus and Levi [cf. 5, 27-32] are not only of public sinners as tax collectors [cf. LC 19, 1-10]; Adulterous women as [cf. GV 8,1-11], la Samaritan [cf. GV 4, 1-26] and public sinner [cf. LC 7, 36-50] They are not only the faithless; and finally Dimas - The Good Thief - [cf. LC 23, 35-43] It is not only the leader of a religious political phalanx of a terrorist who is opposed to the Roman Empire. All these, though they are in a condition of disorder caused by sin, continue to be loved by God and men to possess a very specific divine dignity resulting from the one who created them.


In Christ man and woman They do not identify themselves more by the national origin, the social role or worse with one's sin. Through Christ all these people are first of all children of the Father, and as such the object of solicitude and tenderness, so it is fulfilled the salvation that retrieves a distance from the Father who is in evil and sin, its origin. Capito and cleared this, here as a shepherd in the care of souls, and as a theologian who observes the young Francis Mangiacapra I can grasp its deeper identity only in love that God feels for him. The truth of Francis does not reside in his profession, even in his sexual orientation: He is a creature of God who need God to be happy and to express the good that the Lord has given in to create it through the work of Jesus Christ. This is true for him, as well as for me, for us and for anyone else.


We are not pursuing a condoning homosexual, in danger of Father James Martin style S.J. This dutiful first anthropological emphasis on the value of the human person created by God is fundamental to understanding the next step. If the man is always very good actually, sin - any sin - does not have the last word on human existence and can be ousted. In Adam all have sinned and come short of the glory of God in Christ, but all have been justified freely through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus. [cf. RM 3,23-24]. This means that none of us on earth can boast - before God and man - a pedigree of impeccability or claim a certificate of sanctity to be exhibited when necessary: in front of the evil of sin, the only reality of salvation is the justification.


Photo: Francesco Mangiacapra

To be justified You must accept Christ in all facets and folds of his humanity, even the most obscure and controversial. The publican, the adulteress, il pharisees, the prodigal son, the thief, the killer, It who lives a messy and troubled sexuality can be made right only through the work of Christ. This means making a radical change the personal life of each of us and is constituted as significantly more effective alternative of simple conversion to which we are accustomed. The conversion of the greek verb is μετανοέω [metanoeo], it does not simply express a subtraction of evil and sin but includes the necessary requirements to let grafted into Christ and clothed him.


If I take off my sin, but I do not choose the fundamental option which is Christ, I rest naked and my conversion is ineffective. The teaching of Saint Paul in this regard, Epistle to the Romans is clear about when he says that "If you proclaim with your mouth: "Jesus is Lord!”, and you will believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved " [cf. RM 10,9]. To be safe, justified, converted we must make an embezzlement, a daring leap and take possession of that redemption which Christ fulfilled by dying on the cross, and given to us as a free and unmerited gift of the Holy Spirit when caliamo, within our existence the person of the Redeemer.


Photo: Francesco Mangiacapra

When this appropriation of salvific glory of Christ occurs, as it has been for so many men who lived in sin, the suit life, flourishes and is renewed assuming a new character. This is a necessary underscore, so we understand that while safeguarding the value and dignity of human creature who is lost in sin, cloves affirmation of a will, enlightened by grace, that you divest of sin and wearing new clothes man who is Christ.


By losing in these digressions, I asked the question: why Francis Mangiacapra, man loved by God and that the Lord has given many gifts to build and accomplish his own good, He chose the career of gigolo O, as he likes to describe himself, Of hustler? It possesses youth, the beauty of youth, an acute intelligence that allowed him to obtain a degree in law and the qualification to practice law, the multifaceted talent and oestrus Naples and the gift of faith received in baptism and also lived through attendance at Catholic schools. father ariel, which it was in direct contact with him, He spoke to Francis as a young man of talent, intelligence, sensitivity and inner goodness. Not only it stayed with him along with our editor Jorge Facio Lince, but it was proposed to visit him in Naples as soon as possible, to deepen several speeches started during those meetings. Even more so one wonders: why a young man with so many prospects choose to follow a road like that? And this is certainly not a trivial question, especially not a silly question as deeply challenges the experience, the freedom and privacy of a person.


Photo: Francesco Mangiacapra

I do not believe that the fundamentals of this choice reside in the simple lust for easy money or homosexual orientation. Money is a mirage for many young people today, it is true, but we know they are a reality rather labile, they can be easily gained but just as easily lost. The money come and go quickly, those who practice a certain standard resulting in a lifestyle like that of gigolo needs a lot of spending to maintain their outfit and meet the needs of a market that is ruthless and does not make allowances for anyone.


While it is true that the prostitution market manages to keep flourishing revenues of its professionals it is also true that many risks are related, not least the tax assessment by the competent authorities. In Italy, as it is known, Prostitution is not a recognized job and as such is not subject to taxation and tax regulation by paying taxes, This means that everything you earn is in black. In fact it means to be the total tax evaders.


May I be permitted another consideration, the profession of gigolo obviously a personal limit is set. The sex market requires seductive and young bodies in order to be competitive and attractive to customers and when you reach the fateful threshold of forty years was well aware that his career is coming to an end. As far as homosexual orientation is concerned, I believe that it does not represent a sufficient incentive to practice the profession of gigolo: in Italy so many distinguished members of the show, some music, of literature, fashion and culture are homosexual, but they have established themselves and have beautifully demonstrated their talents without stressing at every turn one's sexual orientation and without rounding profits doing escort.


Photo: Francesco Mangiacapra

These are just personal considerations I make to myself and do not represent an absolute judgment on the person of Francis or directive will against him. He is free to spend the freedom that God has given him as they see fit, Also making choices that put it outside of that fullness of life which the Gospel and the Church's teaching offer. Nobody can be forced to follow the Gospel and the Church, if you do not want to, However, there is a Moreover that makes the difference and that is that precious pearl that immensely enriches human life.


You could probably from a different appreciation of its existence and their talents, noting the beautiful and the good that is present. Selling your body does not involve the sale of his intelligence, but for this reason it is good to use their intelligence to try to also safeguard your body which is the most immediate and fragile material reality with which we can interact and communicate with the world.


Francis has a certain talent for writing, why not exercise it and grow it to express what he has inside and manifest his most important beliefs? His deep intelligence and his cultural education can serve, along with his sagacity, to generate ideas that can help your neighbor. And ideas, Dear Francis, They know how to be more powerful and seductive of naked bodies, although they are not exempt from being criticized, They are the mirror of a unique and unrepeatable personality and tangible demonstration that there is a God who created us in an original and in good has given us what is needed to achieve happiness.


The Gospel, for two thousand years now, He teaches that man although far from God by personal choice or because of the malice of sin, You can always go back and make a different choice. No one is lost or unable to choose good. Is this, Dear friend, the good that can benefit us and others, while the good self-produced, self-directed personal interests sooner or later tired and remains sterile.


Byzantine icon: Christ the Lord speaks to Zacchaeus climbed the sycamore tree to see him pass: "Zacchaeus, today I must stay at your house " [LC 19, 5]

As a young man living a sexual orientation homo-Direct, if you have the courage to take the bold leap in the justification of Christ find those graces of which is in need to recover your true, intimate and extraordinary happiness that has its origin in God. Who finds God, find happiness, those who own happiness, also possesses the gift of peace and that is what I wish you. But all this depends only and solely on your freedom and your free will, on which even God never sindacherebbe, so respects human freedom.


I'd love to see you on television Dear Francis, no longer as a guest of some program gossip You see you and uses only as gigolo but as the protagonist in some useful and constructive debate; You are fully up, because you own intellect, talent and high culture.


you're a lawyer, you have the great opportunity to be the defender and man of confidence for many people, with the determination you are capable of fighting for a better society, fight for your Napoli that gave Italy talented young people who were able to rise above the mediocrity of a world that prefers to buy the bodies and raping the minds rather than ennobling souls.


Finally Know that the Fathers de The Island of Patmos you are close e, When next you meet in Naples with Father Ariel, He will take you first of all greetings and remembrance in prayer for all of us, We will always be close as priests and pastors in charge of souls.


Laconi, 19 November 2019



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28 replies
  1. Anthony Boniface
    Anthony Boniface says:

    A creation made out of love that works by means of the color of your creatures . MAh!

  2. Anthony Boniface
    Anthony Boniface says:

    Sig Orenzo

    I understand that when s'intavola a speech everyone has their own arguments to show and so far, too benevolently, This site has given me the possibility to express myself. Having said this I add that I will not convince you of anything because I myself have few convictions indeed virtually no, But I would allow me to point out that if we intend for evil “fruit voluntary behavior of a free choice not permitted to other sentient beings beyond man” we agree, but if for evil intrinsic to understand the pain that keeps the natural homeostasis, Well this' evil’ quite clearly, was the first man who, I seem to understand, It was not intended “naturally” immortality as well interdiction to use the tree of good and evil, He had received the same prohibition to the tree of life. That said, always thinking down to earth, as it is within my reach, I note that the snake was already in the perfect garden Edenic, was an inherently evil creature who stood there without them understand the reason.

    It remains to understand and identify what was waiting this primordial man once came out from Eden.

    Ps when I looked into her eyes my dog ​​I saw in him an unconditional confidence in me and I realized that between us the bastard could be just me.

    • orenzo
      orenzo says:

      You write “.. but if for evil intrinsic to understand the pain that keeps the natural homeostasis ..”.
      However, regardless of whether you believe that the rules that allow the universe to be who you are established by themselves or have been established by Someone, You could not know the purpose for which such rules exist, how you could opine whether they are good or bad, if they produce evil or good if you had the “knowledge of good and evil”?
      With regard to the still mythical story of Genesis, there was no prohibition with respect to the “tree of Life”, but was only told that eating de “the tree of the knowledge of good and evil” He would have produced death.
      The snake, instead, refer to spiritual forces created before man and that you were opposed to the One who created them.
      The primal aspect of man's affair science.

  3. Anthony Boniface
    Anthony Boniface says:

    Themselves. Orenzo
    I am, how do you say, a quisque de populo and therefore before any theological consideration, which I can not do, I empirical observation servant. This leads me to note that the mechanism of creation necessarily still imposes an enormous spending of pain to work, identically distributed among the creatures and therefore among those who eat (or does not eat) and those who ate (I trivialize). on, even animals suffer as explained, among others, Konrad Lorenz and suffer both physically and psychologically. Al mechanism inevitably doloristico, albeit admirable, plus the great wickedness of man exterminator acting on innate greed. And before the man was? It was the same. The carnivore ate the herbivore otherwise starved. With regard to the commentaries to the Pauline passage, are not mine but the share and the author of the same is not a quisque de populo so far proposed the comment is incorrect because you say it, It is correct in its sole opinion (in any case I had no intention of thinking of theodicy but only “spring” a photo in the world) .

    • orenzo
      orenzo says:

      The picture of the world have taken certain that our ancestors, thinking about the problem of evil, They produced the mythical story of original sin;
      as follows, briefly and succinctly, which it may have been their reasoning:
      – evil and death do not exist by themselves but only as they are “degradation” good and life (in a way in which all have one leg, having one leg is not bad; He can die only what was once alive);
      – everything, if there is not something else to change their status, It would remain in the state in which it is, e, therefore, the good would always remain good and life will always remain life;
      – to that “interference” due to which the property may “degradation” evil and life in death, those of our ancestors gave the name of the “original sin”.
      *Then came the world Jesus Christ, claiming to be God (take or leave) instructed his disciples that he had come to clear the “original sin” e, last, the death.

  4. Always a free mind
    Always a free mind says:

    Thanks dad Ivano for the delicacy and completeness with which he addressed the issue of the distinction between “sin” e “sinner”.
    Nowadays there is enough confusion about this, I had to read up and read very alone because education I received absolutely did not take into account this distinction.
    At one point, however, I began to feel that this could not be, because if the two are inextricably linked, if you love the sinner I also love sin and vice versa.
    I was greatly aided the spirit in which he wrote the article.

  5. father ariel
    Antonio Moretti - FB says:

    Priests are human Este, And: while responding to a call or to the priestly vocation, They may incur weaknesses. Behind it is the weapon of the devil ready to groped and seduce victims. Then, the prostitute of priests, law degree, pseudo writer etc.. etc. He also likes to go with men, because it excites in doing so. Choose priests, to get publicity, but in the end he is mean, without dignity !

    • father ariel
      Ivano Liguori, Ofm. Capp. says:

      Dear Antonio Moretti,

      as author of the article I want to clarify a few things. First, the article content does not address in the first instance the painful situation of the management of the genitalia by clergy, I said no and genital sexuality as they are two different concepts.

      Obviously, these priests have made mistakes and nobody wants to argue otherwise.

      The article considers the figure of a young man with homosexual tendencies who chose to undertake the escort work. The article responds to a specific question: What remains of the son of God dignity to this young man who has chosen, making use of its freedom, to move away from God with objectively real choices?

      The answer that I hope it can be inferred from the script is to emphasize the good that Francis has Mangiacapra, not according to their sexual orientation and even the performance of its “profession”, but according to a divine adoption which I also own and she.

      If you do not start from this basis it is not possible to propose a conversion from evil speech and the person's recovery.

      The justification of which St. Paul speaks in Romans is based on the fact that "God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but for the world to be saved through him" [cf. GV 3,17]. That world that needs to be purged from sin strongly, but that can not afford to lose one of these beloved children of God.

      The dignity of the baptized, thank goodness, remains despite the accumulation of waste and garbage that with the exercise of our freedom we accumulate.

      Another important thing, I have not intended to sanctify Francis will confirm at what he does, God forbid, ma, like any priest of the Catholic Church who knows the moral and pastoral, my speech is aimed at the recovery of the person and the human attempt supported by the grace to leave the Holy Spirit in a soul obviously in trouble.

      Let us beware of saying that one is a "be mean without dignity" because among those who practiced prostitution, just take many examples by Don Oreste Benzi community, They have discovered generous souls that I have seen rarely in the sacristy.

      We must not be too eager to bestow spiritual death and judgments, because if God has forbidden revenge against Cain there is a reason. We can perhaps understand more deeply the hearts of our brothers?


    • father ariel
      Letter Signed says:

      St. Margaret of Cortona, patron and protector of repentant prostitutes …
      Servant of God Oreste Benzi, close to beatification, a life entirely spent in the midst of prostitutes, without forgetting transsexuals …
      One and the other, rejecting the sin itself, at the same time they would always welcome the sinner, always! And the one and the other have welcomed characters and figures before which Francis Mangiacapra is a real angel.
      I met Father Oreste because I worked with him for years as a volunteer doctor, until I do not seriously ill, and I now prepare for the great meeting with God, maybe more “first” that “then”. I speak, I believe, knowledgeably, and therefore repeat: Francesco Mangiacapra, Comparison of the people that Father Oreste was used to treat and accommodate is a little angel.

      Congratulations to Father Ivano, living proof that no matter how surreal invaded by managerial and pastoral ministry, all is not yet lost, not all priests, still they lost …

      Greetings from Rimini by a senior doctor

      • orenzo
        orenzo says:

        Best wishes for the plunge: with a friend as Don Benzi everything will be definitely for the better.

  6. Anthony Boniface
    Anthony Boniface says:

    excuse me Father,

    She writes: “Who finds God, find happiness, those who own happiness, also possesses the gift of peace and that is what I wish you. But all this depends only and solely on your freedom and your free will, on which even God never sindacherebbe, so respects human freedom.

    But she takes public transport, the car, He never went to a meeting of condominium, him never entered the thieves in the house? If it is so, it is lucky. The man is simply mad, It paints his face as he paints the soul to look like what it is but its essential quid is greed, its essence.

    I rejoiced that she finds this I have never met, or rather when I met the girl who loved told me you, I met her seeing the flight of a gull behind the boat, but then it vanished because, precisely, human happiness is impermanent, a fleeting gift and why in all the people I met, believe me, I have found no trace of God, because I've never seen people “happy” filled of perfect Franciscan joy.
    It gave, I say this with sadness,It remains a painful illusion.

    • orenzo
      orenzo says:

      I am calm and serene
      as a weaned child with his mother,
      like a weaned child is my soul. (Shall 130.2)

      It was given, each to, “It remains a painful illusion”, I can only feel sadness to you.

      • Anthony Boniface
        Anthony Boniface says:

        Ghent Say Orenzo
        I too am serene and calm but when I see a dissected animal for cosmetics, a forest burn for burgers, girls as young as five years delivered to brothels, Legal abortions at nine months (but even after one day) etc. etc. etc. to my limit definitely dictated by my creaturely inferiority can I become sad and not basterebero I trascendetali the alleged pampering to lift me.

        His reasoning seems to be once I'm good are all well, why do not you give it to my spiritual side I proceeded for a while but, hypothetically saving me, It does not save the creatures.
        It Includes?

        • orenzo
          orenzo says:

          A bill is the serenity even in difficulties and sorrows of our lives, one thing is empathy, sharing and sharing the pain of others.
          however, attribute to God the guilt of evil because he has given man free will, it seems a bit’ too.

          • Anthony Boniface
            Anthony Boniface says:

            Gent . Sig Orenzo
            This demonstrates his answer how much I explained evil and to explain better I offer an Epistle to the Romans, St. Paul's focus of my reflection. The annotations are the commentator. "The creation was subjected to imperfection [: the vanity or the chaotic state, to become] not willingly [: for its intimate nature and suction; or do not like Satan] but by the will of the one who subjected [It gave? Lucifer? L'sin Adam?], with the hope that the creation itself will be liberated from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty [said the Semitic, that is: the glorious liberty, in pure form forming condition] of the children of God […] For we know that until now the entire creation sighs together [all together? or together: together with us?] and suffers from the pains of childbirth [:It is moving towards a total fire that will transform it into liquid gold or stone Philosopher; or she is about to give birth to a man - cosmic seed, a cosmos as mformatrice shape and no longer formed, pure archetype].
            So I told all

          • orenzo
            orenzo says:

            Gent. sig. Anthony Boniface,
            This is the correct reading of the passage:
            “in fact it (creating in its entirety, from inanimate matter to man)
            He was subjected to futility (the fragility, the degradation, to death)
            – not willingly, but by reason of him who subjected it, (sin wanted man, culmination of creation, He has subjected to futility even all creation)
            – in hope of being set free from its bondage to decay, (the deterioration, the dissolution, perishing)
            into the freedom of the glory of God's children. (freedom of life, of beauty, of perfection and splendor of the glory of human life which transfigured, being the human being the culmination of creation, transfigures everything that has been created)
            We know that the whole creation groans and suffers to this day in travail; (It is the longing of the creation waits for the arrival of that state of perfection which was destined before the man's sin)”

            Evil, therefore, He is not entered into the world by God's will but by the will of man, and Dio, He is having destroyed the evil, also destroy the…

          • orenzo
            orenzo says:

            Evil, therefore, He is not entered into the world by God's will but by the will of man, and Dio, He is having destroyed the evil, also destroy death.

    • father ariel
      Ivano Liguori, Ofm. Capp. says:

      Dearest friend,

      although monk for twenty years and a priest for ten I do not consider myself a Martian or a person out of this world. Community life I choose to share with other brothers and that is my vocation is not without hard work and a lot more complicated situations than can live people who have chosen a double life perhaps best of my linear.

      You see, I do not know her, but from what you say, we see a disappointment and a deep pessimism that leads towards a dangerous trap, what makes us despair of God e despair in salvation.

      The true and lasting happiness for Christians corresponds only to the person of Christ, who said of himself: "I came that they may have life and have it abundantly" (GV 10,10).

      The fullness of life, that gives us joy, It does not exist in any reality, philosophy, religion or ideal ground, Christ alone fills the heart of man as he is its creator and lord.

      All other human happiness she enumerates are partial happiness, transient that make sense only if you lived in a perspective of faith and united to the person of the Lord.

      If we disgiungiamo the Creator from the creature, we will always be doomed to disappointment, as we try in the creature what only God can give.

      For example, when your spouse does not become an image of God for me, through dimension of patience, the readiness, of forgiveness, the loving perseverance promises and fruitful union of two lives, sooner or later the other will become a burden to me, It will fall into boredom and try something else to get out of a relationship that has become barren and uninhabitable. Often boredom is the basis of many betrayals, in other reports it is lacking recognition of your loved one and his dignity or person of God which is two people in one body.

      The very nature if it is not covered with eyes of faith, It becomes an asset that is subject to my selfishness that I exploit and disfigured according to the desires of the moment and the beautiful seagull flies over a romantic harbor, Tomorrow may be dying because of plastic that I have thrown out or naphtha leakage from a vessel engines.

      Instead of seeking happiness in man to find God, look for that reality that makes people happy, seeks God without fear and preconceptions.
      The fact that she is still in the research does not warrant the conclusion that reality does not exist just because she does not see it. We try to change the view of the world ... who knows.

      • Anthony Boniface
        Anthony Boniface says:

        Thank you for your kind reply, but I would not throw it sees on staff. I look at the world by staying out as much as possible , a particularly good condition and I allowed or granted a reflection of what I see around me and that, at last, if he may not have answered me.

        I repeat. I do not see this “happiness” widespread among Christians , nor those Sunday, nor those of the Sabbath. Among atheists and agnostics “hot air” Christian behavior is identical once an event svernici the false facade.

        It's about other religions, I ask: she knows? He sees to what I studied very briefly and I'll tell you “elsewhere” It proceeds to stations and not in stages, passed the ford the river is over there is no need for this commuting sin / forgiveness, sin / forgiveness, when poison “pits of sin” it no longer has to recur so that … I understand that many have said that before they arrived “Christians we were happy” and I will stop here.

        With respect to my dear father missed optimism, They are old and very run down, I see the world as it is and as it will be worse in the short mine is…

        • Fabrizio Giudici
          Fabrizio Giudici says:

          the behavior is identical once an event svernici the false facade

          There are a lot of front Catholics, actually. I understand that these give counter-witness. However there are also other. You see, for instance: we live in a time when Satan is taking over everything, Also the visible Church. This, for a Catholic, It is worse than the sum of all the tragedies, even those who described. Yet I see around me Catholics who understood the times, They are fighting as they can (knowing that they have means, nor human hopes), but trust Christ and are still pleased (*). If before playing ball and told jokes, Now in addition to fighting continue to play ball and tell jokes, and this in no way contradicts the awareness of the tragedy of the times. Every time I see fatigue, that is physiological and is recovered, but no bitterness.

          (*) I wrote “glad” and not “happy”, I continued because happiness is not what this life.

  7. father ariel
    Don Ciro (Naples) says:

    No wonder dad Ivano wrote an article (very beautifull, truly!) of a character so particular belonging to a world even more special.
    No wonder Father Ariel via Naples take the opportunity to meet him (given that then has to pay a visit to me,let's clarify).
    I do not wonder the equally massive young Dominican Father Gabriel, join in regards Francesco Mangiacapra and prayers for him.
    No, I'm not surprised it all, indeed honor me, and should honor all the good that survives in our clergy.
    To someone like my countryman Francesco, They can only get closer priests-men above suspicion. And the well-deserving of Patmos Island Fathers are above any suspicion, need only look at their faces.
    It's this one, Wake soul Neapolitan Francesco, he knew right away, meeting Father Ariel, and I imagine also that you are well also took.
    I predict the emergence of good things to come.
    Thanks dad Ivano for this item by great man of faith and great free man.

    • father ariel
      Don Luca M. (Bergamo) says:

      I agree with Don Ciro.
      Priests who before subjects that could be called “at high risk” flee screaming, they need to hide behind various fig leaves. The leaf is the most popular is the “opportunity” not to say the “prudence”.
      For case, N.S. Jesus Christ, had acquaintances inappropriate and imprudent?
      Another is the sad reality: with a soul more or less lost, but still loved by God, like the young Francis, you can approach and compare only priests who have no fears, but mostly hidden skeletons in the closets, Why, in this case, the young Francis, It is likely to act as their bad conscience.
      This fear is the truth, Unfortunately!

      • father ariel
        Ivano Liguori, Ofm. Capp. says:

        Dearest brother,

        Complete your comment by operating some caveats. First of all, I would not call Francesco Mangiacapra a subject to "high risk" or even worse a "priestly Closet skeletons detector", this is the game that revolves around his eccentric character and that the majority of those who approach him or shun intends to do.

        In my opinion it is a game that you have to blow up as soon as possible, you must have the courage to dig beneath the crust. For me he is just a man, indeed I'll tell you more, It is a male who is in desperate need to find God's love and that can be approached only by those who do not consider themselves perfect but who, like him, he made the bitter experience of how love can be deceptive, controversial, misleading and sometimes devious if not informed of the presence of God.

        The health ministry is widely used image of the "Wounded Healer" that represents the model helpful in explaining the need for an integral care just from those with the same wounds of brothers wishing to heal.

        Christ is the true incarnation wounded healer that assuming our nature, It is compromised by the limitations and weaknesses of men so deeply heal what appeared lost. Only the one who makes the other wounded healer can manifest evangelical empathy that recovers the individual not to mention the danger and malice of sin. I wish you well in the Lord.

  8. Pinus Cembra
    Pinus Cembra says:

    I have rarely read or hear such words. This short article, which testifies to the limits of the human condition and the immense freedom of the Faith, It is a true model of invitation to Christian faith. All exposed sincere charity, that is not afraid to call a spade a spade and accompany them to deeply rational considerations. I do not know if some singers “Church outgoing” (maybe pluridottorati) they would know to transmit a tenth of the meaning of this invitation Father Ivano. Why it is done serving the Truth, not distorting or worse never mind the next (unless in the categories of poor, migrant, indigenous… and in any case in terms materials).

    Acute nod to the psychological dimension of certain morbid format televisions. Give us 10, 100, 1000 Father Ivano! On the contrary: clone it!

    A Francesco I can not wish anything but take the decisive step. You can not imagine the joy that awaits you. I am having personally known some island Fathers, I am happy that it has developed a dialogue and noted once again that there are no coincidences.
    Father Ariel did live in a truly stunning figure, combining authority and irony…

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