Dear Fedez, but when death takes you, that will remain of your desires, perhaps vanity of vanity?

Father Ivano


- Church news - Before life, to physical decay, to sickness and death, we are all truly the same. Then, that after death our lifeless body is placed in a monumental tomb inside a precious chest or buried in the bare earth wrapped in a sheet, decomposition is the same for everyone, from the emperor to the last of his yokels.


Ivano Liguori, Ofm. Capp.


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photo posted by Polynesia on social media from Fedez

Federico Leonardo Lucia, known to the public as Fedez, in his short video announced that he was suffering from a health problem. Of course, we must first of all see what is authentic, because these characters would be willing to do anything for publicity's sake. We therefore take it for granted - unfortunately and with sincere human regret - that everything is true.


The reflection that I did hot was very short and I quickly let you know: it takes very little to find yourself as they say with your ass on the ground for one “variable” or for a “accident” that it is not possible to foresee and that - thanks be to God - it remains totally democratic by striking every man, because in front of life, to physical decay, to sickness and death, we are all truly the same. Then, that after death our lifeless body is placed in a monumental tomb inside a precious chest or buried in the bare earth wrapped in a sheet, decomposition is the same for everyone, from the emperor to the last of his yokels.


This means that our life understood as a gift from God cannot be given any other purpose than that which has already been revealed to us by Our Savior Jesus Christ in the Holy Gospel. But we often think otherwise, as they are used to doing these influence who - as public figures - feel invested in conveying their banal, superficial and often vulgar lifestyles that should not find acceptance and justification either for social background or age, nor for a more or less turbulent past. And the reason is simple: we will all one day be judged on charity, therefore on the true riches of our heart which has been conquered by the Truth.


The Providence of God, which is full truth, often puts the limit in front of us to remind us that we are «Vanity of vanity», as imprinted in Book of the Qoelet. Just so. And vanity cannot stand in the face of the inevitable confrontation sooner or later with the fear of disease, with the terror of losing those you love, with the realism of those who look back and discover that they are as fragile and poor as the rich Dives [cf.. LC 16, 19-31].


In the blessing wish may the Lord assist Fedez, his family, his doctors, I pray that the superficial style, diseducative and arrogant with which he has often influenced others - perhaps in the illusion of having found his own truth - in particular our very young, from today to follow changes and take on a different perspective from the image that has spread up to now. And who knows, maybe he will come to find out that Christ that, as with the Samaritan woman, was waiting for him at the well of Sychar, that well of proof to quench his thirst with his presence as Savior [cf.. GV 4, 1-25].


To say this is a Capuchin presbyter who served long and intensely as chaplain in a large hospital, in contact with sickness and death day after day, for years and years. E, incidentally: a few days ago I was discharged from a hospital where I stayed for a couple of weeks, running a serious and concrete risk. Despite this, I was calm, even in the face of the by no means remote risk of not getting out alive, despite having all in all "only" 44 year old. And this is because my hope has a name: Jesus Christ Son of God, who in spite of my many and grave sins gives me salvation from that ephemeral world, patinated, arrogant and vulgar in which the influence they delude themselves that they have found the new earthly paradise.


God bless you Fedez, I wish you so as a priest and as an older brother.


the Island of Patmos, 17 March 2022





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