New book by Father Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo – «Pius XII and the Shoah: being grateful to those who saved your life is a humiliation that some can't stand "

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In a few days the Holocaust Memorial Day will occur, which means remembering all the victims, including Saints, Saints and Witnesses of the Catholic faith who died in storage Nazis together with the Jews, all of them united by belonging to the same human race, all victims of the terrible "banality of evil" [Hannah Arendt, Eichman in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil, publishing 1963]


Jorge Facio Lynx
President of Editions The island of Patmos



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The Jews hunted by the Nazis e saved by the Catholic Church they attested their devout gratitude to Pius XII throughout their lives. Then came the Zionist grandchildren of the survivors of the Shoah, born twenty years after the end of the Second World War, mostly former Communists who had cynically opportunistic transmigrated to Right parties after the fall of the Berlin Wall, which left them inconsolable and lost orphans by Karl Marx. A rough team that starting from 1967 begins to attack the figure of the Pastor Angelicus with books, articles, documentaries and films built on false historians generated by blind ideological hatred of Catholicism and the Papacy.


And so it was that an army of grandchildren devoid of measure and a sense of ridicule begins to deny the testimonies of their grandparents who survived the death camps, which is to say:


"Not no, because you persist in believing what you have seen and experienced, instead of believing what I tell you?».



taken from the work: Pius XII and the Shoah


This book constitutes the V Chapter of my substantial work of non-fiction Herbs Amare, the century of Zionism, written twenty years ago between 1998 and the 2002.

Over the following years, looking forward to finding a publisher interested in publishing my work, I have inserted from time to time some updates related mostly to new current events of particular interest. The book was published at the end of 2006 and was distributed with good audience and sales response until 2014, when I withdrew from the Publisher the publishing rights for issues on which I postpone by virtue of my spirit of Christian charity.

Herbs Amare it is an articulated discussion in which I operate above all a clear separation between the Zionist Movement, political phenomenon born in the early twentieth century in the season of nationalist upsurge and Judaism, which is the religion of the spiritual entity of the People of Israel.

Whoever equates anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism acts the absurd.

The scourge of anti-Semitism cannot be used to defend the ideologies of Zionism, which remain questionable, starting from the creation of the State of Israel, born through methods that it is legitimate to analyze and, if necessary, disapprove on a historical and political level.

When I was writing this book, the Israeli-Palestinian crisis was particularly heated and the Jewish communities of the diaspora active in the defense of any policy pursued by the State of Israel, without hesitating to react irrationally, but also aggressive and offensive.

Indeed, not a few Jews and Jewish institutions of the diaspora, under the pretext of defending Judaism and keeping alive the memory of Shoah, they tried to legitimize the ideology and policies of the Zionist Movement in every way by taking refuge behind the Nazi extermination camps and thus silencing any adverse voice, thus equating anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism.

In those years, in Italy, all this was aggravated by the internal political situation. The parties of the Right, in particular the National Alliance heir to the old MSI-DN (Italian Right National Social Movement), he strongly felt the need to rebuild his virginity in the face of history and to free himself from accusations of connection with the old fascist ideological roots.

Thus it happened that in the administrative and political elections that took place between the end of the Nineties and the beginning of the New Millennium, Right parties began to nominate well-known exponents of the Italian Jewish Communities. All this really bordered on the tragicomic, because certain candidates were characters who until a few years earlier were members of the old Communist Party. Others even came from the ranks of the more radical left, from Lotta Continua to Proletarian Democracy.

Like this, in front of the questions, but also to the completely understandable teasing addressed to them, these former communists, if not worse, former members of the radical left, to justify their candidacies in the Right-wing parties they replied that they were candidates "... because the National Alliance defends the State of Israel".

Herbs Amare it has never been contested on the merits of the contents. And when several times I was invited to debates, all interlocutors who could have seized the opportunity to try to publicly deny me refused to participate. This usually happens on two separate occasions: when the Author is an ignoramus who raises illogical questions and senseless analyzes that make comparison impossible, or when it exposes facts and truths that are impossible to deny that lead to avoid public confrontation.

Several readers have recently suggested that I take the V Chapter dedicated to the figure of Pius XII and publish an essay dedicated to the specific theme. I took the advice and published this self-titled essay: Pius XII and the Shoah.

In this regard I would like to clarify that at the time of writing I was simply a scholar committed to deepening my research studies in the historical field, juridical and socio-political and the idea of ​​becoming a priest was then quite far from my aspirations ...

The grace of the vocation to the priesthood "struck me" long after when it worked Herbs Amare it had been done for years, kept a few years in the drawer, then published at the end of 2006. I received the Sacred Priestly Order in Rome even later, May 1 2010.

It would therefore be ridiculous if any individual or institution ever protested over the past years, decided to do it for this re-edition because today I have meanwhile become a priest and a Catholic theologian.

This delicate historical discussion opens with the sentence of a nephew who says:

"Not no, because you persist in believing what you have seen and experienced, instead of believing what I tell you?».

Starting from this joke, I show how the Jews saved by Pius XII over the years lavished themselves in devoted and grateful thanks, starting from their religious and lay Authorities, to follow up with the highest political authorities of the newborn State of Israel.

Until their pro-Israeli Zionist grandchildren arrived, born twenty years after the end of the war, former communist militants who emigrated to the Right for political convenience, who through books and articles devoid of historical dignity begin to deny what their grandparents had declared as protagonists and eyewitnesses, paying the highest honors to the Supreme Pontiff Pius XII.

Since it is very difficult to believe in the principle of randomness, I remember that certain burst attacks on Pius XII were born starting from 1967, after the Six Day War, when the Holy See made its voice heard condemning the acts of violence and the occupation of the Palestinian Territories by the Israeli Army.

From then on, absurd falsehoods about Pius XII began to be built, followed by black legends denied by real historical data. And while numerous Jewish communities of the diaspora shouted and shouted at the anti-Semite against anyone who dared to criticize the discriminatory policies carried out by the "perfect", "Divine" and "heavenly" State of Israel, at the same time, however, it was allowed to publish books that infamous Pius XII from the cover title: Hitler's Pope[1]. With the magazines and monthly information periodicals of the Jewish communities that these books were advertised before they even went into distribution.

The architects of this I play the massacre, they don't want to condemn a few pages, or certain unedifying characters who have also crossed the history of the Church, like that of all the most disparate civil and religious societies of the present and the past. They long to condemn the Catholic Church in its entirety in a kind of new Nuremberg Trial, brought to the dock as Nazism was brought there after the war. Above all, what they basically crave, it is to condemn the truths of faith that the Church announces.

Don't realize this, for Catholics it is very risky. Unfortunately they will realize it when serious damage will fall on the whole Church, dragged as a criminal association to the bar of the accused in the new Nuremberg Trial, where she will not be convicted on the basis of evidence and truth, as it happened for Nazism, but of false black legends created by the worst historical denial driven by destructive anti-Catholic hatred.

When in a completely different season of my life I wrote Herbs Amare, while I was covering one status which was not my current one, two decades have passed since then. Today I must say that the herbs have become even more bitter, indeed perhaps poisonous.

January 2021



[1] See. Work of the British journalist John Cornwell, Italian edition Garzanti, 1999.





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BITTER HERBS, THE CENTURY OF Zionism (IIª ed.), Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo


THE HERESIARY, Leonardo Grazzi







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