Rome. On the two sixteen year olds he died on the spot near the Ponte Milvio yet another crocodile tears of a civil society that is unable to wonder: where is that, we parents, we were wrong and then tragically failed?

From painful cross-dress hanging of political correctness, the saving mystery of the Word of God made man for the salvation of the world which now rushes toward the abyss

ANNOUNCEMENTS – From the guillotine to freedom through the truth that will set us free: "Nada te turbe", literary gem Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo

The interview – "The Vatican is a circus condemning to death the truth and justice". The interview – "Father Ariel thunders: “Keep away from the priests money”»

ANNOUNCEMENTS – Giovanni Cavalcoli: "Jesus Christ the foundation of the world: begin, center and goal of our integral humanism "