News from the real world: What happens in “Church field hospital” of the Supreme Pontiff Francis ? And veri “dubia” are those about his mental clarity, but nobody says it …



Who ever, today, to a newly confirmed teenager, would dare to say that through the Sacrament of grace has become a soldier of Christ ? Who would dare to say, today, to a seminarian, in the words of the Blessed Apostle: "It bears too the suffering, as a good soldier of Christ Jesus. for no one, when military service, s'intralcia the affairs of common life, if he wants to please the one who enlisted him " ? [CF. II Tm 2,4]. And this destruction of the concept of Church militant and peaceful Christological militarism, It has led to the total de-virilization and to that homosexualization the clergy that today we can see, thanks to the many priests who go up to the altar as show girls wearing vestments that reproduce the colors of peace flag, the same with which he screams peace and love parades of gay pride.



Author Father Ariel

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo



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If the Word of God made man, offering the truth he has paid for a sin offering for all, you should pay anything myself to achieve it in glory, with all due respect to those who paralyzed the immediate everything and immediately, magnify beautiful garments, or if you prefer humble, King's, that the evidence shows, But, It is always more naked.

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo, Christmas 2016




«In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit "


« Amen! »


" The Sir, with the faith that illuminates our hearts, give you a true knowledge of your sins, and of his mercy ".


« Amen! ».


«Dearest son, through this sacrament of grace you came to ask forgiveness from God, of such sins accuses before the Divine Majesty? ».


" Father, first of all I must tell you that I have confessed yesterday, but the confession was interrupted by me for an altercation with the confessor ".


"These are situations that can sometimes occur. Now, so peaceful, He speaks well without fear, because it is Christ who welcomes you and it is he who through the gift of this precious Sacramento that involves the entire Mystery of the Holy Trinity, It gives you the grace and the forgiveness of sins [cf. GV 20, 19-31] ».


"Then I start by repeating what I said yesterday before dropping the confession and venirmene away: in the Church we had 266 Popes, few of which have passed into history as saints popes. Others, which are the most, It seems not to have left traces, It is proved by the fact that even the Catholics of good cultural preparation, they hardly get to know a dozen popes, including in this number the last three or four of our contemporary history. Others have gone down in history as political popes, others like warriors popes, others like diplomats popes, others like peacemaking popes, others like theologians popes, others like mystics popes ... Saying this, I say right? ».


"You say right. We could add many other attributes, if you want even more severe, But we save them willingly. Anyhow, this historic true and obvious perception that you have of the Papacy, not a matter of shame for confession. And when there is no matter of sin, then we have to change "headquarters": not the Sacrament of Penance, but spiritual direction, or the interview with the priest ... ".


"... I come to what should be the subject of sin, then she will tell me: I believe that the current Pope will go down in history as the Pope buffoon, as the one who made the delight of all the worst enemies of the Church always, But he is hurting and often even ashamed of us devout Catholics … Dad, I'm a man of science and as such I rely on facts, so I ask: is it possible that this man is enhanced by ... ».


"... Perdonami if t'interrompo, I never do, especially during sacramental confessions. But t'interrompo to try to precede: perhaps you were about to tell me that this Pope has ... enhanced by all those in the church do not even come for the Holy Mass of Christmas and Easter, that never would come closer to a sectarian, that the first five words do not even know the Profession of Faith - "I believe in one God" ... -, who reject always with contempt the fundamentals of the Catholic faith, but nevertheless you are saying ... "what a great, Pope francesco. Ah, he does, that is really revolutionizing things!” … Is that what you mean to tell me if ? ».


" Father, she reads directly in thought? What else wants me to add. Or maybe he thinks me, like many other, few weeks ago we rejoiced, to see the pope in Sweden to celebrate the years of the sixteenth century Luther, next to a woman dressed as archbishop, that with this title was called by all the official organs of the Holy See? Believes that Catholics "the blood of Christ " and not "rosewater ”, I have rejoiced to see this woman in favor of abortion, euthanasia, genetic manipulation, culture of gender and so on, He dressed as a bishop with the Pope? You see, the problem is that I do not have formed the belief that he will go down in history as the Pope buffoon ; the problem is that this thinking I would not sin. Therefore, if they are in sin, while not feeling in this state, perhaps she will make me feel at fault, because I was taught that the worst sinners are those who do not consider sin as such. You know how it is, I would not do as the man who blasphemes God, but he is convinced to do well to blaspheme; How that that steals and defrauds, but he is convinced that he was right to steal and defraud; as the man who minds, but he is convinced that he was right to lie; as the man who cheats on his wife going with prostitutes, but he is confident of doing good to go with prostitutes ... ".


«Dearest son, it is rare that I ask questions to penitents, because the confessor is not a prosecutor, but above all must never invade consciences addressing questions about what the penitent has not said, or even worse, entering into the merits of the sins of which he is not accused. Because it is the penitent, After careful examination of conscience, to accuse one's sins to God Almighty and Merciful, slow to anger, abounding in love [cf. Shall 103: 8-14], the confessor has to answer on the merits of what the penitent accuses, giving it comfort, providing the right medicine for the soul, and by imposing a reasonable penance for the just expiation of sins. The questions I address the ever and only the merits of what the penitent says, and only if I had not got it right, or if the penitent had not expressed good, because it is to give comfort and to give medicine, first of all I need to understand. And since in this case I understand very well, I beg to ask you: you believe for certain faith that Christ chose Simon called Peter as the rock on which we build our Church? [cf. Mt 13, 16-20] ».


«I believe it, by sure faith ".


"You think to some faith that those who succeeded him to this high office in the twenty centuries of church history of Christ earthly pilgrimage, including subjects unworthy and maybe even some buffoons, They were in any case for legitimate mystery of grace Successors of the Prince of the Apostles chosen by Christ the Lord himself? ».


«I believe it, by sure faith ".


"You believe, for certain faith, Christ the Lord has entrusted to Peter and his successors a vicarious function and that those who succeeded him on the throne of the Blessed Apostle were all legitimate vicars of Christ on earth, from Lino Volterra Blessed Pontiff who succeeded Blessed Apostle Peter the Galileo, until the reigning Pope Francis I ?».


"I believe, for certain faith, from San Lino succeeded San Pietro up to the present Pope, everyone, unworthy included, have pursued the legitimate vicars of Christ on earth to function ".


" You believe, for certain faith, than the Successor of the Prince of the Apostles, beyond its possible human failings, intellectual and moral, It is always the guardian of the deposit of the Catholic faith and the communion of the Church, for which necessary exercising his infallible Magisterium ? [cf. cost. dogm. The light, 18] ».


«I believe it, by sure faith ".


" You believe, for certain faith, that the Pope Francis I, if he speaks or decrees in matters of doctrine and faith, foolproof, since it enjoys a special assistance of the Holy Spirit, sent to his nascent Church of the Risen Christ at Pentecost? [CF. GV 20, 19-23] ».


«I believe it, by sure faith ".


"Are you aware that the reigning Pontiff and the Bishops in communion with him and to all their successors, is due filial respect and obedience from priests, Deacons, Religious, Religious and of the entire Body of believers of Christ ? ».


"I'm aware of has always, because I am a Catholic and because from a teenager I was brought to this sacred respect, that at my ripe old age has never failed to date ».


«Dearest son, you spoke to Pope buffoon by asking a question and asking in this regard a clear answer, that is, if you have sinned on bad thoughts, as conscious, a good Christian, that we can sin in thoughts, words, works and omissions. Since I am called to be a physician of souls and merciful judge, to give you an answer I should know about a 'last thing, namely the following: each to, the so-called fool, Roman Pontiff is the successor of the Apostle Saint Peter and the Vicar of Christ on earth, supreme and infallible guardian of the deposit of faith and Catholic doctrine, or the frail man, imperfect and defeasible Jorge Mario Bergoglio? That said I'll explain the meaning of my question: as a man, I can be a hundred times more penitent sinner that occur in this diffident, but when acting in Person Christi I raise my hand and say invoking the Holy Trinity ... I absolve you of your sins at home, In the Name of the Father, and sons, and of the Holy Spirit, to forgive your sins is not the sinner that I am, but God the Father through the sacramental grace of which have been covered unworthily, and through which I can open, come instrumentum Gods, the doors of salvation to us through this sacrament of grace. Then, It may also be that I end up in the nearest Hell Purgatory to atone for my sins until the return of Christ at the end of time. And this also because we priests of Christ, that much we had in gifts of grace, so much will be required [cf. LC 12, 39-48]. And this is in proportion to how large has been entrusted by Christ God, because the sacred mysteries entrusted to our hands are so much great to get away from all the units of measure known in this world ".


" Father, in the years when she was not perhaps not even born, I defended Pope Paul VI and the Papacy against aggressive attacks and mocking of secularists, communists, of the Italian protesters, by deadly and destructive policies carried out against human life and the natural family from that Marco Pannella and Emma Bonino from that accepted today as a "holy woman" in the Vatican, and defined by the Pope himself as a "great Italian" [cf. WHO]. Of course, This Lady is the "great Italian" who fought for abortion, for euthanasia, for genetic testing, for the gender … I understand that neither of his mistakes and crimes against life has never regretted, rather it should be 'more than ever proud ... and I can also tell you that the university I took several punches, during various scuffles, that I was then a young assistant professorship during the tumultuous years of what many still call the "mythic" and "glorious" Sixty-eight.

So Father, I can not stand that man. He can not stand his constant improvised, his say and not to say, his Jesuitisms low alloy unsupported by historical intelligence that marked generations of great Jesuits. I can not stand his obsessive hammering on poverty, poor, refugees. Believe me, I sound just like my late father, who in his later years he suffered from a form of dementia that at the end of life reduced him to not even recognize his own children. Before the degenerating illness up to that point, He spent his days repeating the same two things. Any talk we tried to deal, he always came back to those two things. If we children were trying to bring him to talk, to think and to talk about other topics, just started the speech he always returned to those two unique things.

My father was a man of science, a brilliant mind. For us children, see it reduced to that way, It was a great suffering. Neurologists and geriatricians though we explained that senile dementia is also characterized by obsessive and compulsive states that lead the subject to fixate on certain things and always beating on those. E mio father, with illness, caused suffering to their children who have always loved and respected, the wonder: what suffering can cause the Father of the universal Church at much higher numbers of children?

But this experience also remember another thing: before my father in that state, those who rejoiced and rejoiced were those who had always hated him, for example those opponents who all his life had tried to hit him, sometimes even destroy it in professional and scientific level. Seeing finally reduced that way, they were pleased that finally was destroying "alone", passing their days always saying the same two things obsessively. Initially, us children, We could get us over even a few laughs, But when we perceived the tragedy, no one was ever more desire to do even half smile.

Today, when the Pope appears on television, I change the channel. No longer tolerate his obsessive Surrealism, especially when he is talking about refugees ... refugees ... refugees …

The Pope should nourish the faithful with a reflection on the Gospel on the Mystery of the Incarnation? Soon said: There slips into refugees [Ed. cf. WHO]. It should nourish the faithful with a reflection on the Gospel of the Passion? Soon said: There slips into refugees [Ed. cf. WHO]. It should nourish the faithful with a meditation on the Gospel of the Resurrection ? Soon said, There ... "


"... There if anything slips women who come in their capacity as refugees to the empty tomb of the Risen Christ, because the tomb symbolizes the island of Lampedusa and women who rush symbolize, through exegetical acrobatics, those who descend from the boats ... ".

Penitent :

« … Yet we know well that most of these people are not refugees, but mostly young in perfect physical health and almost all Muslims rigor. And if on one hand we have today situations of Italian families homeless and our compatriots who sleep in cars, the so-called refugees rather sleep in hotels, where often they throw food and where not infrequently attacked members of the police. That said please tell me: how do you think this situation will end ? ».

Confessor :

"I wrote and speculated recently, This situation is likely to end up whistling on a Piazza San Pietro increasingly empty [cf. previous article, WHO], with the unemployed and the Italian homeless that are screaming: "Take them you at the Vatican!”. And before Italians who do not have work and home, but at the same time they are forced to see too many false refugees welcomed in hotels, all young rigor and Muslims launched to conquer Europe now dechristianized, I want to see how he will appease, perhaps telling: "Do not be afraid of tenderness"? [cf. WHO]. Because before the angry square, even our Lord Jesus Christ, he managed to get the better, N'E proof that the square chose Barabbas [cf. Mt 27, 16-17]. Or do we want for the event “to suspect” that the Redeemer had not enough tenderness, as both true God and as a true man ? Mind you, may also be that of the Redeemer was lacking tenderness, at the bottom was born in Bethlehem, mica to Buenos Aires.

Days ago, the top executive of a famous chain of hypermarkets scattered in the real world of our country, told me they had reserved date available to their area managers to instruct staff not to intervene in the event that they found the “refugees” to commit theft of luxury goods and certainly not basic necessities. In other words: now it prefers to bear the losses, rather than run the risk of being left with some of those angels who in response have repeatedly attacked security officers and cashiers, work by sending several to the hospital, because in case of similar accidents at work, the damage to society is much more serious than theft [cf. WHO, WHO, etc. ..]. And while such cases are multiplying, creating no small problems into account, while in Germany it is now for real time alarm [cf. WHO], no one can even dare to ask the question: “But from these barges, what kind of soft wares lands, according to the Papal dream combination refugee equal good, that is you welcome all ?”. Exact same criterion is adopted by a number of transport companies: bus, trains, metroplitane. For some time several companies have instructed the inspectors to do questions and pull forward if they find these angels without ticket, why is it that multiple controllers were attacked and massacred at the sound of beatings, some ended up in hospital, others have reported even permanent damage. And having said that I do not know if the Pope went to visit them in the hospital to explain to them that we must accommodate all, Why “refugee” equal good » [cf. WHO, WHO, etc. ..]. According to bergogliana theology, the fugitive is in fact "the flesh of Christ" [cf. WHO]. And the father of the family sent to the hospital by a "brother refugee" - strictly young, in perfect physical health, and needless to say the Muslim -, He assaulted while carrying out that work by which brings home bread, It is the flesh of those who? Or more simply, Is it "the third cut meat", besides being guilty of being European, Italian and even a Catholic?

Penitent :

… and what about, when it happens to meet university teachers today's retirees like me, that the academic chairs sent in the whole course of their career the anti-Catholicism and the historically anti-popery, philosophical, literary and sociological, which I know myself a Catholic exalt the "great Pope Francis" calling it "revolutionary" and "Pope of rupture". At that point I feel more dislike for this man, which impute the blame, through its lack of clarity, the misunderstanding and ambiguity, to have aroused the sympathies of the worst enemies of the Church, now come in fact to say: "Church no, Pope Francis yes !”. Then, after getting angry, I try to be charitable, thinking back to my poor, dear father suffering from dementia, or to his eternal enemies that seeing him reduced in that state said about him;: "What is lovable", "funny", "humorous" …".


«Or bene, dearest son, first of all we have clarified who is the object of your feeling and suffering: man Jorge Mario Bergoglio. So we have determined that your temper is not related to his lofty Magisterium, much less to his Petrine office. You are irritated by words spoken to arm journalists, for sentences that do not shine for clarity, for his personal public attitudes that may or may not like; attitudes that can also be unhappy, demagogic and especially imprudent. That's what irritates you? ».


" And, This and nothing else. And now, wants to know why, yesterday, I was irritated with the confessor and I came away from the confessional? So will the full picture and can answer and give a fair and proper medicine ".


"Tell me".


"The state that I have greatly appreciated the various documents of the Magisterium of St. John Paul II and Benedict XVI. Even more so yesterday I was irritated because in the past, the priest with whom I confessed, I heard him say publicly that John Paul II was preventing the growth and evolution of the Church, that was a conservative across the board with a restrictive view of Catholic morality. And below, by Benedict XVI, I heard him say every worst thing. Throughout the previous pontificate this priest never missed an opportunity to say: "If after John Paul II had chosen the great Carlo Maria Martini, we would not be in this condition! He does, that was a true giant. And before dying clear he sang to Pope Benedict XVI said that the Church was back two hundred years " [cf. WHO].

And I, to my early age, I find myself in a confessional with a priest who launched gunfire toward previous popes, which now attacking me for expressing that this Pope leaves me perplexed and does not inspire my sympathy? Now, since she, Dad, It is also an orthodox theologian and an expert on the history of the Church, mi tip: How come, other popes, one could challenge everything and the opposite of everything to your liking, while in regard to this you can not issue a half sigh? Are we in the middle of church-Stalinist era? Because now we are at this point: some of his brothers, that as I have just said have been practicing for so many years the sport to challenge the two previous popes, in the face of this eccentric saying "good morning", "good evening", "good lunch", "Good dinner", rather than saying "Praised be Jesus Christ", They claim to have us believe that with these words he enunciated a new dogma of faith, so that as such is infallible, while for me it is simply buffoonish, like that other FIGS that goes' from time to time to interview, the devout atheist anticlerical Eugenio Scalfari, which reminds me in every way the old enemies of my father, seeing that consumed day after day from senile dementia said about him: "How amiable", "funny", "humorous".

Dad, In my time to do career in academia I have made great efforts, many I have done in the world of my profession; and this happened because I was not nor affiliated to Masonic lodges, nor was I in the lists of protected of the then Italian Communist Party, which he had monopolized entire universities. So try to put themselves in my shoes: I can accept that nowadays affiliates to Masonic lodges and the post-communist move reproaches and objections to Catholics who criticize certain ways of doing things man's Jorge Mario Bergoglio? Because if even the Masons and the post-communists have become defenders of this man, first of all we must ask "why?”, then you must acknowledge that something is not working and that something is not working, It is also quite serious.

At this point, I must ask myself, and I must ask you: I'm wrong, wrong or certain priests who suddenly have rediscovered even that papal infallibility that until recently considered an invention of the "poor man" of Pius IX ? Because he sees, Dad, the same priest who yesterday treated as I have just told me, when years ago it was beatified Pius IX, said these exact words: ” If John Paul II does not hurry to salirsene to heaven, risk seeing beatified even Joanna the Mad and Tomas de Torquemada ” ».


«Dearest son, sacramental confession is for the remission of sins. Therefore I have to ask: from what sin, according to the ministry of the Church, I should absolve? If you have sins to confess and if they have repented, in such a case you will be discharged. Then of sins to confess? ».


" Father, she understood that very serious I said from the beginning? ».


"I understood very well, but mostly I heard one after the other answers you gave to my questions. Or maybe you have just professed your faith certain and safe on the rock upon which Christ built his Church? ».


"So I do not consider myself in a state of sin? ».


"Dearest, Now I answer you as a priest subjected to obedience to the Bishop and obedience to his teaching, because it is by virtue of my communion with the Bishop, that I exercise of his mandate the sacred priestly ministry. You must know that the bishop in full communion with the Bishop of Rome, during a solemn sacramental act, This is the consecration of a priest, I promise filial respect and obedience, to him and to all his successors. No one has ever asked me to promise to "estimate" Bishop and least of "sympathy". Filial respect and obedience to the bishop is due to my solemn promise, but the esteem and the sympathy is not due; and if he wants, then if must deserve and earn. This applies to me presbyter, as for you Fedele.

the Bishop, including the Bishop of Rome and the Roman Pontiff placed by Christ at the head of the Apostolic College, we have filial respect and obedience, everything else is not due; and if he wants it, then if you must deserve and earn, always assuming that deserve. Also because, the devout estimate believers of Christ, he might even prefer the praise of anti-Catholic society and all of its most senior members, Lutheran heretics by the Pentecostal heretics, up to the Masons and the post-communists who have suddenly discovered Papists after casting for two centuries scum on the Catholic Church, but especially after having created and spread the worst black legends about the papacy, passed today for authentic history.

now tell me: when at the time the lever was mandatory, you've got to, to do military service? ».


" And. And I must say that in that period always cherish good memories ".


"Me too I did it and I keep good memories. I allow me then to narrate this episode of life lived. When I had 46 years, and more recently was a priest, in a Roman basilica with whom I served they were held funeral obsequies "state" of four of our young dead Italian soldiers in Afghanistan. At a distance, one of the generals sitting in the front row, I watched while my black cassock I moved on the presbytery to fix a few things before the ceremony. At that point I looked at him in full dress suit for a while, until I recognized. Then I went down from the chancel steps and walked over to him, telling him instinctively: "Captain!”. And I said correggendomi: "I meant General, I have not forgotten the military ranks ". I added: "Despite the sad reason for the meeting, It is a pleasure to see you again after so many years ".

The now top official, derogating from the Protocol, he hugged me and introduced me to the other generals. It was the captain of what was once my company. Since then it had passed almost twenty five years, and when he was about to retire, after reaching the highest degree of military career.

He was touched and moved me I, because together we spent a nice time, in an atmosphere of friendship and mutual respect. He was indeed a man who enjoyed of my highest consideration and my entire human sympathy. Several other officers, from Colonel commander of that great barracks, They not rather enjoyed my esteem, rather, all 'other! But I recognized their undoubted military and hierarchical authority, then gave me an order I I performed in a disciplined and scrupulous.

The sad our ecclesial reality is given by the fact that from the late sixties early seventies of the twentieth century, the Church has lost this military setting. Or does it perhaps happen, nowadays, to hear priests who speak of the "Church Militant"? Certain words and terms were rejected, and today we no longer speak of "church militant, suffering and triumphant ", quite the opposite! Happen instead of hearing beauty salon trendy with serious shortcomings in the Catechism of the Catholic Church - and if anything just for this doctorate from the Pontifical Gregorian University -, answer with mock annoyance: "These were terms Tridentine, the phraseology Pre-conciliar Church, Today incompatible with the Church of Mercy and of tenderness Pope Francis ... "».

For decades we have lost that setting that military personnel have taken their time to the Church and ecclesiastical structure. For centuries we have been the peaceful army of Christ. Yet who ever, today, to a newly confirmed teenager, would dare to say that through the Sacrament of grace has become a soldier of Christ? Who would dare to say, today, to a seminarian, in the words of the Blessed Apostle: "It bears too the suffering, as a good soldier of Christ Jesus. for no one, when military service, s'intralcia the affairs of common life, if he wants to please the one who enlisted him " ? [CF. II Tm 2,4]. From these words it is clear that the Blessed Apostle Paul was a crypto-warmonger, definitely lacking in mercy and tenderness; ma blessing Dio, in the end, some of his "mistakes" were corrected by “new church” pacifist, ecologist e merciful which talks to everyone and who takes care of all, Unless Catholics.

This destruction of the concept of Church militant and of Christological militarism, It has led to the total de-virilization and to that homosexualization the clergy that today we can see, thanks to the many priests who as the show girls go up to the altar wearing vestments that reproduce the colors of peace flag, the same with which he screams peace and love parades of gay pride.

These are the reasons and the causes for which it seems that today we became a cross between a circus, a vaudeville theater and a clerical branch of the Gay village. All this has brought us thus to fall in the worst emotional spirit: "Neither our market, you obey ". But is not so! Why is obedience in faith is an obedience to ecclesiastical authority totally irrespective "But if I like you", or worse "if you meet my emotional and subjective feeling", or "if I create internal excitement".

All these are logical and tragic consequences of the destruction of the Pauline concept of militia Christi, replaced with colors frogs from the peace flag placed on the altar instead of the central crucifix, long time taken to do shade and it would take away the view to priests-stars, many of whom move on the presbytery as starlets and when they open their mouths they take out shrill voices of castrated capons.

Said this: if you have no sins to confess and for which it is given absolution, then I impart to you my blessing ... ".


Soon after, out of the confessional …


Father Ariel :

"Dear Professor, if it has no commitments, I would propose to do the walk with me towards the bar in the square for a delectable cappuccino ".

Faithful :

"If anything, even take a delectable croissant with cream ? ».

Father Ariel :

" I can not. on, I prepare for winter parades ready to wear, I would not get fat ... ".


"You always have the beat of ready spirit".

Father Ariel :

" Teacher, you tell me how could we survive in these times, if not with the faith, and if necessary with a good dose of irony, united necessary to the courage of lions, in this poor Church of rabbits ".

Faithful :

"You know I always pray for her ? ».

Father Ariel :

"When I began training for the priesthood asked the Bishop to be able to call Ariel, what does it mean “Lion of God “, with all due respect to the good name imposed on me by my parents to the baptism, who called me with the name of the Christian martyr Stephen. Pray, therefore, to this poor lion always the Eagle Flight of Blessed John the Apostle: “Higher than the rest of the revealed secret” [in the highest of the other way, John has left to the Church the mysteries revealed by God].

Faithful :

"And if one day, the lion, end to die a martyr ? ».

Father Ariel :

"Martyrdom is a gift of grace to which no one can aspire and that no one can ask, because God alone can grant. Anyhow, I am assured that in martirizzarmi will be neither rabbits or chickens, but mostly castrated capons. And if one day - I say for pure and imaginative example -, Islamist fundamentalists they cut off the throat, know that they will definitely hatefully, yet deferentially, judging me on the one hand their enemy, but on the other recognizing in me the virile courage and consistency of man who believed all his life for what he professed and done. On the contrary, instead, Capponi have castrated, before they will eat rainbow flag the gay pride, then, one by one, tear the feathers from his ass between a laugh and the other. With me it will not laugh, kill me as an enemy, but with respect. And if you think about it, It is no small thing ...




This is what always happens more within the Church that the Holy Father Francis I likes to call, and indicate how: "Field hospital". And in this Church field hospital, as evidence the interview that I quoted here, into the emergency room there is us, there are no ideologues dream of what the newspapers call “the new Church of Francis”, forgetting that the Church is not Francis, but of Christ. And the members of the Mystical Body of Christ, always suffer the most, while ultra-secularists and Masons rejoice shouting “revolution”, “epochal break with the past”, “new church” …

In a test situation and discouragement like this our, surely it is easier to raise the dubia on a theme relevant issues related to the doctrine, as they have recently made four Cardinals in an entirely legitimate [cf. WHO], but above all according to the most ancient apostolic tradition [cf. Gal 2, 1-11]. Much more difficult, instead, It would ask with some urgency of accurate clinical and specialist visits to the excellent neurologists and geriatricians, because it is obvious that something is not working, even if everyone is silent, in part for fear, partly not to see compromised his ecclesiastical career. Others for fear of being rather crush their high expectations of ecclesiastical career, that today they march on the pimp satisfaction based on poor, refugees and poverty, in addition to the "mercy" bestowed with a stick to anyone who does not think like the train head, which is launching the locomotive with all the following cars and its passengers toward the disused bridge and unsafe Cassandra Crossing ... [cf. WHO]

From the island of Patmos, 1January 2017

Mary Most Holy Mother of God




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