From painful cross-dress hanging of political correctness, the saving mystery of the Word of God made man for the salvation of the world which now rushes toward the abyss

L'Angolo di Girolamo Savonarola: Catholic homiletics in lean times

- homiletics -



… and today, this terrible worldly vanity that aims to please the World, emptied the mystery of the Word of God made man, to fill it with another: of Boat Migrants, rescue donuts, or life jackets attached to the cross of Christ. It is the emblem of the worst sloppiness of contemporary visible Church: the reduced cross-dress to hang, before jubilant chorus of people who do not even enter our churches for Christmas and for Easter, but applaud revelers before our self-destruction, while the poor bride of Christ is drowning, not in the waters of the Mediterranean Sea, He is drowning in ridicule, the grotesque of sloppiness, no one cares to throw even a miserable lifeline, perhaps because guilty of not being Muslim, so that it can also easily drown, under the applause of a world that hates more and more all that is truly and authentically Christian.


Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo



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The boy is born, Alleluia !


For centuries, on the cross, the only thing that the Christian tradition has hung, it was only the shroud of Christ God

The light shines in the darkness. The light shines in the darkness, is the light of the Incarnate Word narrated in the poetics of this monumental prologue to the Gospel of John [see text of the Liturgy of the Word, WHO]. We are wishing we could add: The light shines in darkness, especially in this world of ours in which we must be animated by the Christian and active hope, while we are subjected to the greatest, difficult and fearsome of all tests: the great test of faith.


For several years we viewers silent and powerless protagonists of radical changes generated by a condition of great crisis that invests worldwide morals, ethics, politics, the economy, the ecclesiastical and ecclesial communities of the moral and ethical crisis is likely to be a paradigm. And in this situation of crisis and decay, we should welcome the light that breaks into the darkness through the incarnation of God's Word, welcome it as our principle and ultimate end.


The Word has been announced in times of pain by words, love and hope of the prophets; by the voice of John the Baptist, the dawn of His intervention in human history raised his voice from the wilderness to break the human spirit deserts. The Word is living and enduring word, but it is also silent, because in our worldly noise that devours everything indifference to better swallow us in the Great Nothing, the Word is silent to the extent that man does not grant her eternal love no room to dwell among us, even a makeshift hotel; even a manger in which lie inside a barn.


To prove the Word It needs that sweet spot that is silence, in order to manifest and communicate to the man who is the object of his love and loved his subject.


The ancient Israelites They were so intimidated by the Hebrew tetragrammaton which composed the name of God, that no one should dare to pronounce it, only the Kohen Gadol, the High Priest, closed in Holy of Holies the Temple of Jerusalem, head bowed his head covered, after long purified pronounced it softly once a year for Yom Kippur, For the great day of atonement.


We learn to regard Christmas as the ineffable name of God, because during this festival the Word of God incarnate in a man and comes to live among us in the person of Jesus of Nazareth, opening our horizons to the mystery of the true God and true man. So Let us flee from the great curse of Christmas profaned, the Word emptied and filled with another, in a proliferation of cribs constructed by Supreme Politically Correct on barges and rescue donuts, with the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Blessed Patriarch Joseph put on a lifebelt. Riappropriamoci the Mystery of Christmas, as the irruption of God in the flesh in human history, through this Jesus whom we adore in the manger in Bethlehem where all of humanity has been reborn and is called to be reborn, to reach its peak with the torn stone of the empty tomb of Christ, by which all mankind is resurrected and is called to rise again. Let us adore the Eucharist, his memorial holy and living, gift of his real presence among us, our support and our food of eternal life. Let us adore, because he alone is the beginning, the Centre and the ultimate goal of our entire humanism. Only then can we open the doors of the heart to express in a relevant and coherent: Merry Christmas ... Christmas of God who became like us to invite us to make us like Him, in Him and for Him.


In moments of silence of this sacred liturgy, prostrating during the Eucharistic Prayer on the words of the Last Supper that will make the bread and wine the body and blood of Christ alive, we try to grasp the mystery and intimate become Parties, aware that silent incarnates the Word and silence the Word speaks. Prostrate on the ground with knees, because "in the name of Jesus every knee should bow" [Fil 2, 10]. We do not mourn as those before the Body and Blood of Christ alive have hip problems, but it works wonders to kneel with athletic shooting before the new "truth of faith", or the new "dogma of the migrant" to which rinse your feet before the regime journalists who applaud the "new church" of the "epoch-making revolution", imprinted on the "mercy" which grants the grace of the guillotine to anyone who dares to utter a legitimate, respectful and quiet sigh of disapproval of everything that can be objectively wrong and misleading.


The Jesus of history, that with Christmas enters our human experience in the flesh, it is not even a tender symbol to use and human and commercial consumption of different traditions or family, is the supreme mystery of God made man in Jesus through the mystery begins his earthly path laid in the manger in a stable and laid terminating it on the wood of a cross, to explode shortly after as the Christ of faith spilling the stone from the tomb, making us all by vocation in his resurrection.


To this we are called through the Christian experience: to incarnate, to live, to die and rise again in Christ, for God has come to be like us so that we, projected in the mystery of His grace, There we did like him.


This is the deposit of our faith, the rest is just modern paganism, new idolatry targeted at will and please the world's increasingly anti-Christ-to which we should try in every way not to please. And we, called to serve and assist the people of God as priests, we have to fight both the new paganism is the world increasingly anti-Christic, bringing in a loving and decided the true ad through the gospel ministry true, which is certainly not the neurotic-obsessive ministry today poor or refugee real or perceived, but Christological reality of life lived. We can not postpone, nor worse justify certain deviations as expressions of faith, indeed we are supposed to call them by their real name: poison the faith.


In any page of the Gospel is it written that you have to please the whims and vices of the world, or worse remain silent on the serious sins, because the Word of God became incarnate to become a sacrificial lamb then washing with the blood of his sacrifice on the cross the sin of the world, but especially after having notified:


"If the world hates you, ye know that it hated me before you. If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hates you " [GV 15, 18-19].


What terrible judgment and deserved punishment, many of us pastors in charge of souls will receive from the Divine Judge, to have left in the meal paganites the people that God has entrusted to us, to be gone hand in hand with Démoni, to have invited and welcomed the wolf into the sheepfold and beaten at the same time the sheep who dared shout: "Beware of the Wolf!». Because even in this we were advised:


"Woe to the shepherds who destroy and scatter
the sheep of my pasture!!», says the Lord.
Therefore thus speaks the Lord, God of Israel,
concerning the shepherds who feed my people:
"You have scattered my flock, and you are driven them away,
and you have not visited them care;
there, I will punish, for the evil of your doings »,
says the Lord.
"I will gather the remnant of my flock
from all countries whither I have driven,
I will bring them back to their folds,
they shall be fruitful and multiply.
I will set up over them shepherds who shall feed the flock,
and they shall fear no more, nor be dismayed,
I shall not lack any ", says the Lord [Gives 23, 1-4].


It's still:


"Prophet and priest are profane,
in my house I have found their wickedness ",
says the Lord .
"Therefore their way shall be to them as slippery places in the darkness;
they shall be driven and fall;
for I will bring upon them a calamity,
the year of their visitation ", says the Lord [Gives 23, 11-12].


All it sealed by the words of Christ that God warns:


"To whom much is given, much will be asked for; to whom men have committed much, It will ask the more " [LC 12, 48].


Needless to remember, although the face: us his priests, God has entrusted what was most precious: He has entrusted us to care, custody and pastoral care of his flock, His Holy People.


The Gospel of the Blessed Luca Evangelista proclaimed a few days ago at the Mass of the Holy Night, recounts in a few words with the event of the birth the way chosen by God to be the Jesus of history. Following the words of this passage we could speak of the divine modesty of God that comes to light and which manifests itself to men who were waiting for the Messiah, the Saviour, almost as if he wanted to hide in the very act in which manifested itself. It is an aspect that leads us to reflect on the increasingly open challenges of his divine intentions, of his divine pedagogy.


Perhaps the Lord, in front of his visible revelation, physical body and, He wanted to invite people to not feel exempt from having to search for it, like the shepherds who come, like the Magi who follow the light of a star come to bring precious gifts, without any fear of offending the future “Idolatry of the poor”. Perhaps, the Sir, the Savior born in a stable, He wanted this our pursuit of his eternal being and his becoming among us, We oblige us to bend our self-centeredness on the way of humility, which it is certainly not a neck twisted pose, but the true dignity of being true Christians.


To contemplate the humility of God Incarnate lying in bands inside the manger in a stable is an invitation to penetrate the true and profound sense of Christian virtue which is the authentic humility, Our road to fix the main obstacle that stands in the way to our true encounter with Christ the Savior: pride that keeps us from a relationship with him and a relationship with others. And pride can be cured only by starting from the divine humility of the baby Jesus in the stable in Bethlehem, to follow him along the Via Dolorosa to Golgotha, Finally rise with the Christ of faith that made him say in Sao Paulo: "It is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me" [Gal 2, 20].


God is born hidden and sometimes hides so that man can look through the free and liberating instinct to love that when it is perfect casts out all fear, as he taught by the Blessed John the Apostle in another passage of his Gospel [CF. GV 4, 18]. Because God never hides behind the great things that so often fascinate us, but behind the small details that often leave us totally indifferent; God do not find it and not meet him, in what the world like, but in all that the world hates and rejects.


The way in which we can seek and find God hidden in a barn, reminds one of the greatest converts in the history, that with his experience he invites us all to conversion. This teacher is Aurelio Thagaste, better known as St. Augustine Bishop of Hippo, who later became a saint and Doctor of the Church: «Love petitur, love quaèritur, love pulsàtur, love revelàtur"With love wonders, with love trying, with love knocks, with love is revealed.


Only in this way we can get into real stable in Bethlehem, which it is the stable of the faith and the divine mystery; then understand something of Christmas; for living Christmas in faith in Jesus Christ our God, Lord and Savior. The rest - as he said back in the sixteenth century the great teacher of St. Philip Blacks taking inspiration from the Book of Ecclesiastes - it's just vanity, nothing but vanity of vanities [cf. q 1,2]. And today, this terrible worldly vanity that aims to please the World, emptied the mystery of the Word of God made man, to fill it with another: of Boat Migrants, rescue donuts, or life jackets attached to the cross of Christ. It is the emblem of the worst sloppiness of contemporary visible Church: the reduced cross-dress to hang, before jubilant chorus of people who do not even enter our churches for Christmas and for Easter, but applaud revelers to our self-destruction, while the poor bride of Christ is drowning, not in the waters of the Mediterranean Sea, He is drowning in ridicule, the grotesque of sloppiness, no one cares to throw even a miserable lifeline, perhaps because guilty of not being Muslim, so that it can also easily drown, under the applause of a world that hates more and more all that is truly and authentically Christian. And we, unworthy priests, Today we are genuflecting to the world as miserable prostitutes before the customer, of this we are drowning makers. And what we will have to give an account to the Word of God that severe remind us:


"To whom much is given, much will be asked for; to whom men have committed much, It will ask the more " [LC 12, 48].


The man made, alleluia!


the Island of Patmos, 25 December 2019



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Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci
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Father Gabriele

Christmas is the feast of the tenderness of God made man who came to dwell among us

Homiletics of the Fathers of The Island of Patmos

- homiletics -


Christmas is the feast of the Incarnation, the glory of each of us in the Lord. We are the dream that the baby Jesus is doing sleeping in the arms of Mary. Let's believe with firm faith and Trinitarian Crowned the dream of each of us: the Word was made flesh, Really, coming to dwell in our midst, truly, in the flesh, with his spirit and his divinity.


Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci, o.p.



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Dear brothers and sisters,

Salvador Dali: Nativity, the Blessed Virgin Mary of Guadalupe

Merry Christmas to all! And the Lord warm our hearts with his warmth and joy of children. The Liturgy of the Word of this Holy Night gives us a prophetic song, an Apostle Paul's Letter and one of Luke's Gospel passage that recounts the birth of the Word of God made man, the redeemer [texts of Liturgy of the Word: WHO].


All in life we ​​waited and witnessed the birth a grandson, a cousin, of a child. Here then there is Christmas for this family celebration: the party of the tenderness of God who became man. But there is something more, as Jean-Paul Sartre wrote about love:


"The lover wants to be" worldwide "for sweetheart means that arises side of the world".


The small child in the manger It is our whole world, therefore,: the one who gives meaning and direction to our nights. Let's see why, first reading the prophetic words of Isaiah:


"Because each shoe soldier marching booming / and every cloak drenched in blood / will be burned, Data feed the fire. / Because a child is born to us, /He has been given to a child. / On his shoulders is the power ".


It is noted an obvious contrast built by Isaiah of the soldier who has power and defense in the rumble, into violence, in the blood, in fire, and announced that the baby is defenseless, vulnerable, tender and devoid of force. The announced is Jesus, who has the power of agape. And the child will show naked, as it is really: that man will show who really is the man. That is the living being created in God's image, in its physicality and fragility and awaiting the grace of God to be holy. The child announced by Isaiah is Jesus showing us that we live among the torment of vulnerability and divine grace. This is also announced by St. Paul in his Letter to Titus:


"My son, It appeared the grace of God, which brings salvation to all men and teaches us to reject godless ways and worldly desires and to live in this world with sobriety, with righteousness and piety ".


The story of Jesus' birth really squeeze the heart and gives us another big announcement. To better understand this we divide the text into three parts. From the first moment in which St. Luke tells us:


"In those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that a census should be of the whole earth. This first census was made when Quirinius was governor of Syria. Everyone went to be enrolled, respective cities'.


The Evangelist Luke shows that God enters the world in Jesus, at a given moment in history, because God, which it is in History, It is made visible in its historic mission and visible, objectively verifiable and by testimonial to all. So God does not act in theory: It does not remain in heaven, but it draws near, concrete next to us. This brings us to the second moment:


"While [Joseph and Mary] you were there, time came for her to be delivered. And she brought forth her firstborn son, She wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger, because for them there was in its slot '.


Really poignant. I wonder how it is possible to find a place to allow the birth of a mother, I do not know how it was possible for men of the time. Mary and Joseph, however, are not discouraged, and at the end of Jesus' birth, wrapped by human bands of Mary, wrapped by the love of Giuseppe. God lets himself be wrapped in our swaddling clothes. From this we pass the third time:


"An angel of the Lord appeared to [of the shepherds] the glory of the Lord shone around them. [..] the angel said to them,: “Don't worry: there, you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people: today, the City of David, is born for you a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. This sign for you: You find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger ' ".


Here at this point is a wonderful exchange: God had let enveloped by human; it's here, the shepherds, They allow themselves to be enveloped by the light of divine love transmitted by the Angel. So the man is stripped from its internal divisions, from its fragility, its divisions, from his sin nuclei and poured a greater love. Each of us at Christmas is wrapped by this Angel of Light. Every person of good will, Christmas Eve is part of this wonderful exchange and becomes God's masterpiece. Crediamoci all tonight: Christmas is the feast of the Incarnation, the glory of each of us in the Lord. We are the dream that the baby Jesus is doing sleeping in the arms of Mary. Let's believe with firm faith and Trinitarian Crowned the dream of each of us: the Word was made flesh, Really, coming to dwell in our midst, truly, in the flesh, with his spirit and his divinity.


Rome, 24 December 2019




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