Writes Cardinal Walter Brandmüller: "The Instrumentum laboris of the Synod panamazzonico is heretical and is an act of apostasy from the Catholic faith"



[…] you have to say today strongly that the’An instrument of labor binding contradicts the teaching of the Church in decisive points and therefore must be regarded as a heretic. Since then that even the fact of divine revelation is here questioned, or misunderstood, You must also talk, in addition, of apostasy.


Cardinal Walter Brandmuller



PDF Text of Cardinal Walter Brandmüller in print format






Cardinal Carlo Caffarra [1938-2017], one to whom God's mercy has spared on this earth the abomination of desolation …

It can really cause astonishment that, the opposite of previous meetings, this time the Synod of Bishops dealing exclusively with a land region whose population is only half that of Mexico City, that means 4 millions. This is also because of suspicions about the true intentions that you would like to implement surreptitiously. But above all, we must ask what are the concepts of religion, of Christianity and of the Church that they are the basis of 'An instrument of labor recently published. Everything will be examined with the support of the individual elements of the text.


Because a synod in this region?


To begin, the question is why a synod of bishops should deal with subjects, which - as is the case of three-quarters of’An instrument of labor – have only marginally something to do with the Gospels and the Church. Obviously, by the Synod of Bishops it is also accomplished an aggressive intrusion into purely mundane affairs of the state and society in Brazil. One has to wonder: what they have to do ecology, the economy and politics with the mandate and mission of the Church? And especially: which professional competence authorizes a church synod of bishops to issue statements in these fields? If the synod of the bishops really did, this would constitute an encroachment and a clerical presumption, that the state authorities would have grounds to reject.


On the natural religions and inculturation


Cardinal Carlo Caffarra [1938-2017], one to whom God's mercy has spared on this earth the abomination of desolation …

There is another element to be considered, which is located across the’An instrument of labor: namely the very positive assessment of natural religions, including indigenous healing practices and the like, as well as practices and forms of mythical-religious cult. In the context of the call harmony with nature, there is even talk of dialogue with the spirits (n. 75).

It is not only the ideal of the "noble savage” outlined by Rousseau and the Enlightenment here it is compared with the decadent European man. This line of thinking goes further, until the twentieth century, when it culminates in idolatry pantheistic nature. Hermann Claudius (1913) he created the anthem of the socialist labor movement “When we walk side by side…”, into a verse of which reads: "Green birches and green seeds, that the old Mother Earth sows generously, with a gesture of supplication so that man becomes her… “. It should be noted that this text has since been copied in the book of songs of the Hitler Youth, probably because it corresponded to the myth of "blood and soil" National Socialist. This ideological proximity is to be remarked. This anti-rational rejection of culture “western” which highlights the importance of reason it is typical of’An instrument of labor, respectively speak of “Mother Earth” in n. 44 he was born in “cry of the earth and the poor "in 101.

As a result, the territory - that is, the forests of the Amazon region - is even said to be a a theological place, a special source of divine revelation. In it, there would be places of epiphany in which negative reserves of life and the planet wisdom, and speaking of God (n. 19). Moreover, the resulting regression from Logos al Mythos is raised to the criterion of what’An instrument of labor called inculturation of the Church. The result is a natural religion with a Christian mask.

The notion of inculturation is here virtually distorted, since it actually means the opposite of what the international theological commission had presented in 1988 and what had previously taught the decree To nations of the Second Vatican Council on the missionary activity of the Church.


Abolition of celibacy and the introduction of women priests


Cardinal Carlo Caffarra [1938-2017], one to whom God's mercy has spared on this earth the abomination of desolation …

It is impossible to hide this “synod” It is particularly suited to implement two projects among the most loved ones who have not as yet been implemented: namely the abolition of celibacy and the introduction of a female priesthood, beginning with women deacons. In any case it is "taking into account the central role that women now play in the Amazon Church" (n. 129 a3). And likewise, it is "open new spaces to recreate appropriate ministries in this historic moment. It's time to listen to the voice of the Amazon… “ (n. 43).

But here you omit the fact that, Lastly, Pope John Paul II affirmed with the greatest teaching authority that is not in the power of the Church to administer the sacrament of ordination to women. Effectively, in two thousand years, the Church has never administered the sacrament of Orders to a woman. The request that is placed in direct opposition to this fact shows that the word “church” It is now used only as a sociological term by the authors of’An instrument of labor, implicitly denying the sacramental-hierarchical nature of the Church.


The denial of the sacramental-hierarchical nature of the Church


Cardinal Carlo Caffarra [1938-1917], one to whom God's mercy has spared on this earth the abomination of desolation: the coffin containing the coffin during the funeral Mass in the Metropolitan Cathedral of the Bologna 9 September 2017.

Similarly - albeit with rather expressions of passage - the n. 127 It contains a direct attack on the hierarchical and sacramental constitution of the Church, When it is asked whether it would be appropriate to “reconsider the idea that the exercise of jurisdiction (power steering) It must be connected in all areas (sacramental, judicial, administrative) and permanently to the sacrament of the order ". It is a vision so wrong that comes later in the n. 129 the demand for creating new offices that meet the needs of the Amazonian peoples.

However it is the area of ​​liturgy, cult, one in which the ideology of inculturation falsely understood finds its expression in a particularly spectacular way. Who, some forms of natural religions are taken positively. L'Instrument labor (n. 126 e) We do not hesitate to ask for the "poor and simple people” can express “their (!) faith through images, symbols, traditions, rituals and other sacraments (!!)”.

This definitely does not meet the precepts of the Constitution Holy Council, nor those of the decree To nations on the missionary activity of the Church, and it shows a purely horizontal understanding of the liturgy.




Cardinal Carlo Caffarra [1938-2017], one to whom God's mercy has spared on this earth the abomination of desolation: the coffin containing the coffin during the funeral Mass in the Metropolitan Cathedral of the Bologna 9 September 2017: the last farewell of priests.

In sum: l’An instrument of labor loads the synod of bishops, and ultimately the pope of a serious breach of deposit of credit, which means as a result of the self-destruction of the Church or the change of Christ's mystical in a ONG secular with a psychological social-ecological task.

After these observations, naturally, open questions: you can find here, especially as regards the sacramental and hierarchical structure of the Church, a decisive break with the apostolic tradition as constitutive for the Church, or rather the authors have a notion of the development of doctrine that is supported theologically to justify the breaks mentioned above?

This really seems to be the case. We are witnessing a new form of the classic modernism of the early twentieth century. At the time,, it started with a decidedly evolutionary approach and then she supported the idea that, During the continuous development of man to degrees higher, must be found, consequently, higher levels of consciousness and culture, so it may be that what was false yesterday can be true today. This dynamic development is also applied to religion, that is, the religious consciousness with its manifestations in doctrine, in worship, and of course in morals.

that my, At that time, it presupposes an understanding of the development of doctrine that is clearly opposed to the genuine Catholic understanding. The latter includes the development of dogma and of the Church not as a change, ma, Rather, as an organic development of a subject that remains true to its identity.

This is what the Vatican Councils I and II teach us in their constitutions the son of God, The light e God's word.

So you have to say today strongly that the’An instrument of labor binding contradicts the teaching of the Church in decisive points and therefore must be regarded as a heretic. Since then that even the fact of divine revelation is here questioned, or misunderstood, You must also talk, in addition, of apostasy.

This is even more justified in the light of the fact that the’An instrument of labor uses a purely immanent notion of religion and religion as it results in the form of man's personal expression of spiritual experience. The use of words and Christian notions can not hide that they are simply used as empty words, regardless of their original meaning.

l’An instrument of labor for the Amazon Synod is an attack on the foundations of the faith, in a way that was not previously thought possible. And so it must be rejected with the utmost firmness.


Rome, 27 June 2019



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