A thought about the priesthood of our Father Ivano Liguori, pellegrino to Santiago de Compostela, Father Gabriele Giordano Scardocci

Father Ivano
– Our Father by way of Santiago de Compostela –




[…] Today, perhaps we have too many doctors, theological professionals with various master and academic degrees have made us forget the real flavor of the Gospel without gloss who knew how to change the life of Francis of Assisi and Domenico di Guzman.


Ivano Liguori, Ofm. Capp.




Way of Santiago de Compostela: plateau of the Mesetas (Spain), photo taken by Father Ivano Liguori Ofm. Capp. as he walked miles and miles along these expanses

Dear Father Gabriel,


As you know, I am a pilgrim to Santiago de Compostela, a pilgrimage that I could not have made at any other time except this month. Not only am I close to you with prayer, but I will be present with Father Ariel who will take part in your priestly consecration and who will lay hands on you after the Bishop together with the other presbyters present for me too. The time has now come when Christ, at the hands of the Bishop, through the consecratory prayer of the Church and the work of the Holy Spirit, he will make you his priest forever. You will always be Christ's in a very special and intimate way. You will be for the holy people of God and for the Church, Christ himself, when you act in his name and with his authority.


Way of Santiago de Compostela: plateau of the Mesetas (Spain), photo taken by Father Ivano Liguori Ofm. Capp. as he walked miles and miles along these expanses

This is ours greatest blessing and suffering: to be of Christ and not to be of this world. The greatest effort will be that of conforming your whole life to Him every day, to shun the coherent and seductive logics of this world, that even entering through the doors of our convents, they give us the illusion of being more evangelical, closer to the people when we present a Savior more within everyone's reach. Shun all of this always, even if it's not easy, even if you will have to fight against your own brothers of faith or superior. If there are any falls and weaknesses go on, May the blessed apostles Peter and Paul accompany you on this journey, great champions of Christ but at the same time converted sinners who were not afraid to recognize together with the power of Christ their inevitable flaws and limitations.


Way of Santiago de Compostela: plateau of the Mesetas (Spain), Father Ivano Liguori Ofm. Capp. during the pilgrimage

The people you will meet they will seek Christ, not Gabriele, they will want to find the mighty Savior who will forgive their sins, will relieve their infirmities, he will instruct their lives in the gospel and in the wisdom of the scriptures. As San Francisco says to Sant’Antonio di Padova, tries to make sure that the anxiety of study and academic preparation, do not extinguish the fervor of prayer and true devotion. This is the example of the saints we remember today, not just because they are doctors of the Church, but because they are shining examples of life in communion with Jesus. This is what people are looking for: expert friends of Christ.


Today, perhaps we have too many doctors, theological professionals with various master and academic degrees have made us forget the real flavor of the Gospel without gloss who knew how to change the life of Francis of Assisi and Domenico di Guzman.


glimpse of the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela

In this month I am a pilgrim towards the tomb of the apostle James. During this pilgrimage of mine, I hope that your priesthood will be a pilgrimage in which you will become the traveling companion of many men and women who are on their way to Jesus and wish to meet him.. This will be the most beautiful task and duty: break the bread of eternal life, he announces the Word to those who are travelers towards the new Jerusalem, in which Christ awaits us.


I embrace you with priestly fraternity.


da Carrion de los Condes, 27 June 2019







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