necklace: Never forget who you are

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo



The edition , January 2021

The Jews hunted by the Nazis rescued by the Catholic Church have attested their devout gratitude to Pius XII throughout their lives. Then came the Zionist grandchildren of the Holocaust survivors, born twenty years after the end of the Second World War, mostly former Communists who had cynically opportunistic transmigrated to Right parties after the fall of the Berlin Wall, which left them inconsolable and lost orphans by Karl Marx. A rough team that starting from 1967 begins to attack the figure of Pastor Angelicus with books, articles, documentaries and films built on false historians generated by blind ideological hatred of Catholicism and the Papacy. Like this, an army of grandchildren devoid of measure and a sense of ridicule begin to deny the testimonies of their grandparents who survived the extermination camps. Which is to say: "Not no, because you persist in believing what you have seen and experienced, instead of believing what I tell you?».

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo (19.08.1963), presbyter and theologian. He directs the 2014 the Church's theological journal The Island of Patmos, which created the namesake editions. He is the author of hundreds of philosophical articles, historical, theological and socio-ecclesial. Among his main non-fiction works: bitter herbs (Iª 2006, IIª 2021), And Satan became triune (Iª 2011, IIª 2019), How much care in cordibus nostris (2013), Unemployed priest (2013), The sect Neocatechumenal (2019), The Church is the coronavirus (2020), Aspirin of moderate Islam (2020), Pius XII and the Shoah (2021). As a narrator he published the historical novel Nada te turbe (Iª 2009, IIª 2019) and the fantastic novel The Path of the Three Keys (2021).


necklace: Before, after and inside the letter

Emilio Biagini



The edition , December 2020

Beyond time, true reality exists, where the ridiculous and cursed prince of this world, that the better he is able to operate the more fools believe that he does not exist, it no longer has any power. Since all the things of the past no longer exist, where the new earth begins. There all the tears are dried and all doubts and miseries erased forever.

Emilio Biagini (Genoa 1941), former professor of geography at the Faculty of Languages ​​of the University of Cagliari, he is the author of numerous non-fiction works and over one hundred scientific articles. He spent long periods of study in the United States, in India, in South Africa, in Great Britain and Ireland. But his vocation has always been the literary one. He has published three novels: The light (2006), Dark labyrinth (2008), The rain of fire (2012, with his wife Marie Antoinette co-author), The high lawn. Fictional history of Austria (2019-2020, also with his wife Marie Antoinette co-author), two volumes of short stories Listening man (2008), Montallegro and other stories (2013) and various volumes of satirical plays.


necklace: Before, after and inside the letter

Maria Antonietta Novara Biagini


Historical novel

The edition , December 2020

The little girl in the red shoes walked along the sunlit street. In front of her was Tom, the black cocker of parents' friends. A reassuring voice behind him exclaimed:
"Maria Antonietta, we did a kilometer, let's rest for a moment and then we'll go home!”
The voice that spoke thus came from a very tall woman figure, slim, with graying hair in a bun. She wore a beautiful wine-colored silk dress with paisley designs.

Maria Antonietta Novara Biagini, genovese, after graduating from classical high school at the Institute of the Assumption Sisters, she enrolled in the Faculty of Law, without achieving the degree, preferring to take care of his family, instead of leaving it in the hands of "mercenary troops". This allowed her to be able to devote herself to many cultural interests, traveling to various parts of the world and at the same time deepening a solid and counter-current Catholic formation. She is married to Prof. Emilio Biagini, author of several publications. He has published the volume of short stories The sacred tree (2010), together with her husband the novel The rain of fire (2012) and a volume of clerical Satires (2014), made up of stories and one-off acts and illustrated by the painter Elena Pongiglione.


necklace: Truth frees you

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo



The edition , November 2020

Islam is by its very structure a violent religion that cannot dialogue with Christianity, nor can it assimilate the principles of democracy and the secularism of states, because they are incompatible with its very essence. The new Muslim colonizers have discovered a more effective system than the sword and war to achieve the conquest of the populations of the infidels: make use of democracy and those intangible principles of secularism of states which they also reject, but which they make extensive use of to establish themselves in Western countries. In an identityless Europe that despises its Christian roots out of self-hatred, which has erected the right to abortion and euthanasia to intangible values, same-sex marriage and the possibility that two men may adopt children or purchase them from a rented womb, the Muslims have already won. Because they know who they are and what roots they come from, because they possess that pride of belonging that we Europeans do, drunk on secular dogmas, we destroyed.

On the cover:
Central panel of the Santa Auta Altarpiece,
Unknown author (1520-25 c.a)
from the Convent of Madre de Deus
National Museum of Ancient Art (Lisboa)

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo (19.08.1963), presbyter and theologian. He directs the 2014 the magazine of ecclesial theology The Island of Patmos, which created the namesake editions. He is the author of hundreds of theological articles, historical and socio-ecclesial. Among his main publications: Herbs Amare (2006), Nada s security (2009), And Satan became triune (2011) How much care in cordibus nostris (2013), Unemployed priest (2013), The sect Neocatechumenal (2019) The Church and the coronavirus (2020).


necklace: Truth frees you

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo, Ivano Liguori, Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci



The edition , November 2020

Social media is a savannah where supercazzolari attack like hyenas. Those who believe they can solve the problem by ignoring them, wrong. The French Revolution teaches that it is dangerous to lock yourself up in the palace of Versailles while in Paris the square is filled with hatred. When in fact the square exploded, the heads of those who ignored the problem were cut off by the angry people. During the lockdown for Covid-19, the Fathers of the Island of Patmos had to clash with the supercazzole of false Catholics and do-it-yourself theologians popping up on the internet like wildflowers after the rain. Their experience as priests and theologians has been collected in these pages, together with the analysis of a danger not to be underestimated with snobbery, because irrational emotions are rampant on the social media market, while the guillotines have already been in operation for some time.

On the cover: Social media guillotine
Vignette made by the Roman painter
Anna Boschini (Vitarte Studio - Rome)

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo (19.08.1963) Ivano Liguori (22.11.1977) Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci (3.4.1984), priests and theologians dedicated to Catholic publishing and publishing, they run the online magazine The Island of Patmos born in 2014 and the homonymous Editions founded in 2018. Between January 2015 and January 2020 The Island of Patmos It exceeded 50 millions of visits and is counted among the most popular voices in the European Catholic panorama.


Giovanni Cavalcoli
Truth will set you free you

"How do you receive Christ, if there is no soul the love of wisdom, since Christ is the Eternal Wisdom of the Father?». It is a question asked in an unpublished homily 5 January 1986 the Servant of God Father TomasTyn [1950-1990]. This book aims to be an easy and clear guide for those who question the meaning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ for man, for the faith that can not exist without reason and for the reason that necessity of faith, for nature, for the world and the cosmos. It was written for those who already believe in the Word of God made man and are seeking the best and most elevataper meet, for those affected by human wisdom of Christ and wish to deepen, for lovers of contemplation that "God alone suffices", in the words of St. Teresa of Avila. It was written for those who believe that Christ is the beginning, the Centre and the ultimate goal of our entire humanism.

Giovanni Cavalcoli (Ravenna 13.08.1942) priest of the Order of Preachers, philosopher and theologian, ordinary member of the Pontifical Academy of Theology. He was professor of metaphysics at the theological study of Bologna and theologian consultant for eight years at the Secretary of State SS. John Paul II. He devoted many years to the activity journalism and author of numerous publications and scientific articles.


Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo
Sect Neocatechumenal
Heresy became Kiko and dwelt among us
The September edition 2019

There are two main heresies of the Neocatechumenal Way: a Calvinist Eucharist perception and confusion between the common priesthood, with the participation of all the baptized, and the ministerial priesthood of Christ, which involves only ministers of the sacred.

Hitting the Priesthood and the Eucharist, closely related to one another, It hits the Church to the heart through some of the oldest heresies return.

De facto, i Neocatecumenali, constitute a sect of Jewish-Protestant matrix, that Catholic has just emptied inside the outer casing of the fundamental elements of Catholicism.

The official recognition granted to them by the Pontifical Council for the Laity, does not force all bishops, Catholic priests and faithful to a commitment in faith towards the Way

Ariel Stefano Levi of Gualdo (19.08.63), presbítero and theologian. He directs the 2014 the magazine of ecclesial theology The Island of Patmos, which created the namesake editions. He is the author of hundreds of articles theological history and socio-ecclesial. His books:Herbs Amare (2006) Let nothing disturb you (2009), And Satan became triune (2011) Unemployed priest (2012), How much care in cordibus nostris (2013).


Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo
Relativism disubbidienza individualism
Analysis on the Third Millennium Church
The edition 2011 - II Edition: May June 2019

When the smoke of Satan penetrates the Church should not be feared the unpleasant truth, but the pleasant lie, aware that we will be held accountable to God not only of thoughts, word and deed, but most of omissions.
Fallen like rain five decades of doctrinal and liturgical extravagance oddities, the results were finally disclosed: the Catholic clergy is overwhelmed by serious moral scandals, while the Church is conditioned by a powerful own rules lobby gay which determines appointments, careers and reforms.
That the Church today is a crisis caused by a deep doctrinal decline which has created a serious moral crisis, the basis of one and the other is the destruction of the principle of authority, from which came to life the coup of the worst dictators of the stack: heretics in power.

Ariel Stefano Levi of Gualdo (19.08.63), presbítero and theologian. He directs the 2014 the magazine of ecclesial theology The Island of Patmos, which created the namesake editions. He is the author of hundreds of articles theological history and socio-ecclesial. His books: Let nothing disturb you (2009), And Satan became triune (2011) Unemployed priest (2012), How much care in cordibus nostris (2013).


Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo


the century of Zionism

The edition: December 2006 / January 2007 – Reprint: March 2021

The huge tragedy of the Shoah gave the Jews the purity long lost by giving life to the social taboo of a Jewishness that prevents the king's nudity from being told in the square. For years we speak of Judaism without a moan about what has become: a phenomenon adrift overlaid with religious aura policy.

The reader is led on a journey in the ancient world with compelling style, and not without irony, through narratives that will chop the figure of the Jew taken to an icon of the victim oppressed and revealing stupidity and fanaticism that have imposed the dangerous world equivalences: "Judaism equal State of Israel, Zionism equal antisemitism, criticism of a Jewish institution equal antisemitic aggression by nip with the arm of the law ...

Original defense of Pope Pius XII. Examination of debated historical facts served to analyze the psychology driving the locomotive that pulls the load decades of targeted falsehoods to hit the great figure of Eugenio Pacelli.

By averaging over a prelude of St. Paul the Author concludes that charity is patient and kind, do not despair and do not get angry. Love is therefore a lot of things, including the obedience to the truth. And sometimes the criticism is a sign of charity, if animated by constructive and necessary corrective feelings.

Herbs love is a book that boldly dared and is likely to remain to become more relevant with the passage of time.

This work is the first book published by the Author. It was written between 2000 and the 2004 and published in early 2006, years before becoming a priest. He garnered great public success and sales over the years.

Ariel Stefano Levi of Gualdo (19.08.63), presbítero and theologian. He directs the 2014 the magazine of ecclesial theology The Island of Patmos, which created the namesake editions. He is the author of hundreds of articles theological history and socio-ecclesial. His books: Let nothing disturb you (2009), And Satan became triune (2011) Unemployed priest (2012), How much care in cordibus nostris (2013).


Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo

Nothing trouble you

historical novel

The edition 2009 - II edition in print in August / September 2019

In a France shocked by terror, Ladies of the Carmel of Compiegne were guillotined in Paris in 1794. Sixteen women who came to the conquest of inner freedom which exalts the empowerment of women and the values ​​of a healthy secularism of the people, because freedom, equality and fraternity are pillars of Christianity, blended together by charity.

From weakness comes the strength and uncertainty faith: you have to appreciate those who have many doubts and those who distrust is something lacking. Faith is a logic that rests on the absurd where the weakness lies in the certainty of being powerful and the true strength in the fragility of insecurities where God hides himself waiting for man to be made strong.

Composed by the standard of the historical novel, the work is a meditation on the eucharistic meaning of martyrdom; and through a play of lights that reverberate from a soul that captures the past with its feet in the present, It causes reflections with subtle paradoxes game, creating a language of the spirit that results in fluid narrative deeper spiritual essences of the mysteries of faith.

A book that challenges the modern man so seductive lethargy touching the sensitivity of the finest players and the general public, causing unbelievers to ask questions perhaps deeper still.

Ariel Stefano Levi of Gualdo (19.08.63), presbítero and theologian. He directs the 2014 the magazine of ecclesial theology The Island of Patmos, which created the namesake editions. He is the author of hundreds of articles theological history and socio-ecclesial. His books:Let nothing disturb you (2009), And Satan became triune (2011) Unemployed priest (2012), How much care in cordibus nostris (2013).

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo


Homilies on the Gospel

The edition 2012 - The print edition in September / October 2019

In «Feet, a confirmation of the faith gods, it comes from the fact that it survives every Sunday a few million homilies ".


«The Church has placed the Profession of Faith after the homily to invite us to believe despite what we heard ".


Preaching the Gospel, the priest must always keep hard on his horizon as God made man announces himself in a straightforward manner, naked and hairy pitiful diplomacy, especially when the truth does not like who hears.

Following the example of the man Jesus we will have our cross, then our resurrection, reward promised and granted to those who, without fears and pernicious clericalisms, really it announced and served by the stall of Bethlehem to Golgotha, trying to penetrate deeper and deeper and deeper into the mystery of the love of humanity and the mystery of love of the divinity of the Word of God made Man.

Ariel Stefano Levi of Gualdo (19.08.63), presbítero and theologian. He directs the 2014 the magazine of ecclesial theology The Island of Patmos, which created the namesake editions. He is the author of hundreds of articles theological history and socio-ecclesial. His books:Let nothing disturb you (2009), And Satan became triune (2011) Unemployed priest (2012), How much care in cordibus nostris (2013).


Marcello Stanzione


Towards the path of an angelic theology

The edition 2013 - II edition in print in July / August 2019

Because the angels? Angels as heavenly messengers, guide, custodians and comforters men. The Angels, relegated until recently keeping in fairy tales for children, return to being figures protagonists of the mystery of creation, the incarnation of Christ, God starts with a poignant dialogue between the Archangel Gabriel and the Virgin Mary: "Hail full of grace, the Lord is with you ". And the angel, messenger of the Lord and devoted guardian of the freedom that emanates from the Creator, anxiously waited for the answer. Confident, He waited for the free "yes" of Mary to bring before the Eternal Throne.

Now more than ever, the Church as the sacrament of salvation, It seems to have a particular need for a profound angelic theology, for the mystery of grace that embodies and its Christological mission among men.

Marcello Stanzione (20.03.1963) is priest of the Archdiocese of Salerno place from where 1990 the priestly ministry. It is recognized among the top Italian experts in angels. He is the author of 40 publications produced by 1993 al 2010 from various publishing houses, including the Vatican Publishing House and the Rizzoli Group. Some of his books have been translated abroad. It holds frequent conferences and over the years has been invited as an expert on angelology in various programs of television networks Rai e Mediaset.


Leonardo Grazzi


An ancient heresy and today very present

The edition 2013 - II edition in print in August / September 2019

The basic argument and the same matter of theological inquiry is the Incarnate Word and His Church. So this survey, to be taken for what it really is, It requires faith in divine revelation, that allows us to know the supernatural mysteries, starting with the mystery par excellence, which is precisely the Incarnate Word.

Since the presentation of Antonio Livi

Arianism is like a virus that changes through time, adapting to different bodies and different climatic conditions. On the problem of the Arian heresy the author offers a response already in the title of the book, which he indicates Arianism 'then and now' as an 'old temptation and present ».

With a wealth historical and smooth narrative these pages we drive within the vicissitudes of history and theological struggles of the great Father of the Church Bishop Athanasius of Alexandria, who throughout his life he opposed to the Arian heresy professing and spreading the creed of the Council of Nicaea, where the Fathers gave the first great definition to a mystery that holds the faith of the whole being and existence Christian: the divinity of Jesus, true God and true Man.

Through the figure of Sant'Atanasio, the events of her life of struggle, misunderstandings and slender repeated from her beloved Alexandria, it is clear to the reader what extent Arianism has never ceased to live in certain fringes of the Church, regenerating itself from century to century, perhaps even stronger and more insidious than before.

Leonardo Grazzi (Florence 1981, naturalized in Poggibonsi) she obtained a theological license in Siena at the Higher Institute of Religious Sciences "Saint Catherine Doctor of the Church" by presenting a thesis on Arianism and subsequently a specialist license in Rome at the Pontifical Athenaeum queen of Apostles. Fond of History of Ancient Church, He is a lecturer for the teaching of Catholic religion at a high school.

Ester Maria Ledda


Upgrading of the Gospels in the consumption of new professionals heretics

The edition - in print in August / September 2019

current translation: "You are the salt of the earth"

From the Acts of apostates: "You are the earth sugar to really adult Christians"



The Christ offers one thing, and the spirit of the world offers another, for this we risk Catholics to remain squeezed between the supply and demand mechanism, supply and demand.

Through theological research and the delicate art of preaching, we are called to proclaim to the people of all time, through time and beyond time, the mystery of the Incarnate Word of God, Christ died and rose again.

A major pitfall in which every Christian may stumble and perish and of which this book is insidious paradigm: update the Gospel to the people of the earth to make sugar, or upgrade ourselves to the Gospel to offer it in a credible way to men as salt of the earth?

Resisting or giving in to this pitfall can live or die, we can become a leaven of faith, or politically correct molasses for "adult Christians" updated.


Salt seasons and gives flavor to food.

In following Christ, you have to change

and improve the "taste" of human history.


Ester Maria Ledda [Oristano, 1980]. From the 1995 lives in Pisa always bringing Sardinia in your heart. From the 1996 He is dedicated to research studies in the theological and apologetic. He collaborates with Catholic websites, a Catholic radio and the editorial staff of Editions The Island of Patmos. For years he ran the site The Witch HunterThis time is the witch hunt for heretics, from the style of which they were born Deeds and misdeeds of apostates.

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