WE. Catechism breakfast with the Capuchin - «The Sacrament of Penance, the Confession " (Part Six)

Father Ivano

- Video of Catholic Doctrine -

Catechism breakfast with Cappuccino


The sad reality is that we are faced with two different trends: or deny sin and say that sin does not exist and that it is a fable invented by the Church to keep people enslaved under its obedience, or the tendency to normalize sin. In fact, if I normalize sin, then it is no longer such, because it will turn into an acceptable element, normal, common or even pleasing, thus becoming something with which I can peacefully coexist.


Ivano Liguori, Ofm. Capp..


The Supreme Pontiff in a confessional of the Papal Archbasilica of St. Peter

We offer the sixth seven o'clock catechesis held by our editor Father Ivano Liguori.


Let's pick up on that question with whom we broke up last time, which is a bit of the question that children of the first confession ask but also adults who forget about God, who forget their faith and therefore ask the priest, or to people who consider in faith instead: because I have to confess? The sad reality is that we are faced with two different trends: or deny sin and say that sin does not exist and that it is a fable invented by the Church to keep people enslaved under its obedience, or the tendency to normalize sin. In fact, if I normalize sin, then it is no longer such, because it will turn into an acceptable element, normal, common or even pleasing, thus becoming something with which I can peacefully coexist.


I social media they can be a portentous tool for carrying out pastoral activities and for proclaiming the Holy Gospel, for meet, meet and answer the questions of Believers in Christ and support them in their Christian journey of search or return to the faith. Everything is seeing what people are looking for in this ocean where it is possible to find everything and in all senses. This initiative de The Island of Patmos it is an opportunity offered to all those who want to take up or deepen the themes of faith starting from the basic elements of the Catechism and the Magisterium of the Church.


the Island of Patmos, 7 May 2022




You can find Father Ivano's latest book in our bookshop, to access it click on the cover image



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The Fathers of the Island of Patmos


