One note from Padre Ariel I cannot be silent: «As annoying as a sea urchin inside your underwear»


This person wrote pages and pages and distributed dozens of videos about social media in which he desperately tries to legitimize what can never be legitimized in the Catholic Church: homosexual tendencies and the practice of homosexuality within the clergy, to the point of repeatedly stating that sexual tendencies and their implied practice concern only the private lives of clerics (!?). A completely illogical and aberrant statement on a canonical jurisprudence level, if we want to talk about that Canon Law so dear to him.



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It's not irony, least of all teasing, but authentic understanding and true Christian charity. Even though this site can be as annoying as a sea urchin in your underwear, we Fathers of the magazine The Island of Patmos understand his comedian - or perhaps tragicomic - feeling Christian tenderness towards him, because we are pastors who care for souls and theologians who do theology, history of the Church, Catholic morality and law by praying.


I cannot be silent, link to the article WHO

This subject wrote pages and pages and distributed dozens of videos about social media in which he desperately tries to legitimize what can never be legitimized in the Catholic Church: homosexual tendencies and the practice of homosexuality within the clergy, to the point of repeatedly stating that sexual tendencies and their implied practice concern only the private lives of clerics (!?). A completely illogical statement, as well as aberrant on a jus-canonical level, if we want to talk about that Canon Law so dear to him (see our article from yesterday, WHO).

We understand how frustrating this is even being kicked out of the Caritas hostel and seeing others at the same time, who are like you, become priests, make a career, decorate oneself with bows and continue to exercise completely legitimate tastes and activities in the secular world, but which can never be legitimate and compatible with the priesthood and the exercise of the sacred priestly ministry in the ecclesial world.

Marco Felipe Perfetti is an envious blind man and believes that his envy is justice, while instead it is one of the most serious deadly sins. Let's hope one day he realizes this, possibly when it is not too late. If he then wants to correct himself and embark on a serious path of spiritual growth, my Brothers and I are right now at your complete disposal.

From the island of Patmos, 31 May 2024







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