"If this is a priest". The bizarre and embarrassing case of Don Ettore Cannavera and his a-catholic and a-theological belief

Father Ivano
- Church news -

"IF THIS IS A PRIEST". The bizarre and embarrassing case of Don Ettore Cannavera and his a-catholic and a-theological belief

"There is no contrast between being a priest and the sweet death». Unfortunately we can already predict that no one will take adequate measures against this unmanageable priest. Nor his bishop, nor the Congregation for the Clergy, nor will the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith move a muscle. And that's because, priests like him, sometimes a corrupt and consequently corrupting system is very useful. Or as San Bonaventura da Bagnoregio said: "Rome corrupts the cardinals who corrupt the bishops who corrupt the priests who corrupt the people".


Ivano Liguori, Ofm. Capp.



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The confreres of the presbytery of Cagliari they know very well who we are talking about, indeed, perhaps some of them would prefer to forget even the name of the brave Don Ettore Cannavera who is certainly not comparable to the homonymous pious and virtuous Homeric hero of the Iliad. Outside the Cagliari district, the character in question is not known, but in recent days he has had attention and space in the newspapers of the radical left and the left radical chic, it gives The Manifesto a The Republic.


Lately he has been getting noticed for having affixed - as well as the mayor Giorgio Gori in Bergamo [you see WHO] - his prestigious signature in favor of the abrogative referendum on legal euthanasia [you see QUI], arguing that there is no contrast between being a priest and being in favor of sweet death (sic!). The newspaper where the interview signed by Patrizio Gonnella is reported is the poster and the body of the article is quite interesting for understanding personality, the mentality and the "theology" of this presbyter.


Maybe for someone Don Ettore Cannavera he could also appear as a present-day Sardinian Don Andrea Gallo, perhaps to be honest he is only the product of that vulgar and unhealthy social 1968 that has brought nothing good in the world, for Italy and much less within the Catholic Church which now pays the price for those clerics who at the time confused the Good Shepherd with Fidel Castro and the singing of’Rejoice with Bella Ciao. And if for Don Andrea Gallo we could at least hope for the good influence and pastoral example of Cardinal Giuseppe Siri - who could be accused of everything except for not having loved Christ, the church, the people of God and the Magisterium - for Don Ettore Cannavera we know of what influence he is a disciple, just listen to his proud opening at the 41st Congress of the Italian Radical Party [you see WHO]. Of these ideas, Don Ettore Cannavera has been an advocate and interpreter since his youth, which made him support the divorce law as a new priest and then share abortion as well, euthanasia and free drugs [you see WHO; WHO; WHO], all the workhorses that we recognize are present in the historical secular preaching of the two Italian pride Marco Pannella and Emma Bonino.


Empirical evidence shows, this would be enough to be able to raise well-founded doubts on his vocational choice and on the reasons relating to presbyteral consecration which is certainly not aimed at this type of social battles, which, moreover, a priest should refrain from doing in these terms. Unless you think that San Giuseppe Cafasso, San Leonardo Murialdo, St. John Bosco and St. John the Baptist Piamarta were less social priests and less attentive than he to poverty and hospitality, while at the same time remaining profoundly priests, faithful and obedient to the Church and bulwarks of integrity to the Magisterium.


It is clear that anthropology that guides the mind and action of Don Ettore Cannavera is certainly not the theological one linked to the idea of ​​man who has his authoritative model in Christ [See. GV 19,5]. There is no Catholic feeling in this Modus Operandi completely devoid of that idea of ​​a new man [See. Ef 4] who becomes son in the Son and brother of Jesus Christ [Cfr Rm 8,15.23; 9,4; Gal 4,5]. The idea of ​​a man who conceives himself as an obedient son of the Church because he is generated as such by the blood of Christ on the cross is totally missing. In short, in all this cultural anthropological model there is nothing that refers to even a minimal revealed truth that makes it possible for man to be immersed in that grace of Christ which represents the only evangelical-moral imperative within which it is possible to find peace for the whole. of man. And they will certainly not be the artificial paradises anti-human rights to represent an anesthetizing joint to make the fatigue of living more bearable.


For Don Ettore Cannavera, it's obvious, humanism is that of the Enlightenment, man is the demiurge of reason alone who creates happiness and success by himself, regardless of God at the beginning of life, as well as in its natural course, until the moment of death, in a very personal and highly questionable biblical vision that does not skimp on Roussian selfishness and egocentrism.


That's why it makes sense to say that it could be done unless a bishop pronounced the consecratory formula on him and anointed him with sacred chrism, to do these things it is enough to be a politician not too superfine. But, what do you want, a political priest keeps his own sex appeal indispensable that cannot escape the newspapers and cameras, something that nourishes the pathogenic narcissism of these subjects more genuflected to parties than to tabernacles with sweet ambrosia.


And of course we have armies of adult Catholics who praise these priestly subjects as the vanguard of the purest Church, humiliating and denigrating the few who still remained priests for the sanctification of the people entrusted to them, through prayer, the sacraments and charity in truth [See. Roman Ritual of Priestly Ordination].


If this were not already enough matter I would add that perhaps the validity of Don Ettore Cannavera's priestly ordination should be reviewed, if he had really come to the priesthood moved by certain convictions that constitute decisive contempt for the pillars of faith and its dogmatic system. Indeed, our brave, there is no problem in affirming perniciously grave errors for a presbyter: "There is no hell. Giovanni Papini already said this in the 1950s. I don't believe in hell " [you see WHO]. He quotes Papini, with the substantial difference that we know of an authentic conversion of Papini, No word has yet reached Don Ettore, but surely when this happens you can read it on The Manifesto, his The Republic or knows, maybe to the next meeting of the Italian Radicals.


Very delicate theme that of the validity of sacred priestly ordinations, on which they debated in 2016, at the sacramental level, the theological and juridical the two founding fathers de The Island of Patmos, the pontifical academician Giovanni Cavalcoli and the dogmatic and historical theologian of dogma Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo. We refer to their scientific articles, but readable and understandable by anyone who wants to deepen the topic [See. G. Horses WHO, A.S. Levi di Gualdo, WHO, WHO].


It would be enough to use a minimum sense of reality to see that here unfortunately we are not faced with the case of a sinful priest who has lost his way, something that can happen to all of us because we are not immune from error and sin, but it is a priest who has fallen into the Luciferian blindness that leads to exchanging evil for good and then defending it proudly enough to normalize it in the exercise of sin.


But all this today seems to matter nothing, because it is enough to operate a generic philanthropic good to be in good conscience before the world without the slightest need for any conversion (as it was in the case of Gino Strada you see WHO, WHO) and let oneself be elevated and sanctified, not by the Holy Spirit, but from the secular spirit that springs from the hyperuranium of untouchable civil rights in which public recognition as commander of merit of the Italian Republic for acts of heroism flows with abundance, for the commitment to solidarity, in the rescue, for activities in favor of social inclusion, in the promotion of culture, of legality and for the fight against violence [you see WHO].


But let's be serious? What heroism is there in defending and justifying the attempt on nascent life, what heroism in the throwaway culture, what heroism in making himself the arbiter of another man's life and dignity, what heroism in allowing divorce and the nullification of the natural family? No One, no heroism, only cowardice and timidity, only the mark of the monkey of God who promises man divine equality in the sign of disobedience [See. GN 3,5].


It would be wise to use the method of the Belgian Cardinal Joseph-Léon Cardijn in these cases and of the Croatian father Tomislav Kolakovic, that method that allows us to see, judge and act in an evangelical way in the face of moderate totalitarianisms disguised as the Gospel of the poor in an attempt to formally correct the error and subsequently to recover the offender (even if he is a priest) fallen from grace because of the apology for a sin and a crime.


Unfortunately, we can already predict, without particular qualities of clairvoyance, that no one will take adequate measures against this unmanageable priest who in the past also taught in the Pontifical Theological Faculty of Sardinia. Nor his bishop, nor the Congregation for the Clergy, nor will the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith move a muscle. And that's because, priests like him, totally ingestible, sometimes a corrupt and consequently corrupting system is very useful. Or as San Bonaventura da Bagnoregio said: "Rome corrupts the cardinals who corrupt the bishops who corrupt the priests who corrupt the people".


Allow me a cinematic digression taking Jack Nicholson as an example in the movie 1992 Honor code. Nicholson plays the role of a cynical Colonel who does not care about the truth and who does not hesitate to sacrifice the life of one of his soldiers under the illusion of respecting honor in this way, the austerity of military life and the country’s national security.


Don Ettore Cannavera is like that, reminds me of Jack Nicholson's Colonel Jessep. It is placed there but not for the truth of the Gospel but to carry forward the demands of a secular world that deludes itself to protect man with essential civil rights but that for good reason does not blink at the procured death of a fetus in the womb. maternal, to the procured death of a terminally ill patient, to the dissolution of human dignity that is cloaked in a warm and soft blanket of empathy in a world without Christ or Church anymore.


Perhaps at the end of his life, Don Ettore Cannavera, he will write his own memoirs which will be the training manual for the priests of the future. Maybe at his funeral, as it happened for Don Andrea Gallo, the cardinal on duty will be there to pay him homage and the support of the Church for his work, that although uncomfortable and heterodox, in fact it was allowed by a corrupt and corrupting system that corrupts the cardinals who corrupt the bishops who corrupt the priests who corrupt the people.


Laconi, 10 September 2021


Editors of The Island of Patmos.






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10 replies
  1. father ariel
    A priest - letter signed says:

    A priest – letter signed

    Dear Father Ivano,

    I am a diocesan priest and I read this article with great bitterness.
    Unfortunately I have to say that our diocese also has at least one priest who is in similar conditions: a me, in front of laymen, he said from 20 years he is no longer sure of being a Christian and perhaps not even a believer, does not believe in the divinity of Christ e, obvious, not even in the Trinity; he does not believe in the afterlife and of course not even in the resurrection…

    He concluded by saying that he has no hope and does not want to.

    Stammering (he was my teacher of dogmatics, but at the time he said something else) I told him: "Look, I can only pray for you!»
    «Please don't pray it brings bad luck» (sic).

    Of course it is held in high regard by the chiefs who, until it became available, they entrusted him with the meditations of our retreats (I told him as long as he kept them, I would not have attended).

    He was guaranteed the Sunday Holy Mass where he spreads poisons, errors, heresies…
    I talked about it with the bishop, reply: “«Massii you know how it is don […], they tell me there are many people at that Mass….»
    I replied: "They are his…»
    "It's not a problem!» replies the bishop.
    "Excellence, I have fulfilled my duty to educate her, now the ball is in his hands. see her».

    Nothing happened, they passed 4 year old…
    Furthermore, his homilies are on a site maintained by his parents, or maybe his fans.
    However, sometimes I also pray for him…
    the Lord just judge knows how to behave and I have nothing to teach Him.

    Best wishes to all of you

    Letter signed



    the Priests who intervene and/or converse on The Island of Patmos they always sign, with some exceptions. For example like in this case. For if the priest were to put his own name, it would make identifiable both the diocese and the people used to depict very specific facts and situations. Because in certain speeches and discussions the facts count, the paradigm matters, not the people who are protagonists of it

  2. father ariel
    Andrea Del Seta says:

    Andrea Del Seta

    Gent.mo e Rev.mo P. Ivano,

    perhaps a silly question, maybe silly, maybe naive.
    I'll tell you first of all how I met you (not in person) years ago Father Ariel. I met him because he wrote an article (in my humble opinion clear and decisive) contesting that card. Bagnasco celebrated, in a grotesque situation, the one you mentioned in your article don Andrea Gallo.
    A strong article, but true. A dutiful reminder, by a tough priest, to a high prelate and then president of the CEI, which as predictable found itself among red flags, diehard communists, and even transsexuals who gave eulogies in church next to the altar.
    Father Ariel especially highlighted the sacrilegious communions, and then everything else.
    A few days later a release of dissociation signed by his bishop came out.
    But Father Ariel had only told the truth, nothing but the truth!

    Since then I have always read the articles of this talented theologian and, Isle of Patmos, and to you all, I owe thanks if I could correctly understand and interpret the Holy Scriptures, the Magisterium and the doctrine of the Church.

    I am a graduate in literature and subsequently graduated from the Higher Institute of Religious Sciences, in three years of courses no one has ever taught me what I learned from you, sound doctrine and sound theology.

    So, explain to me, if you can: for Father Ariel scolding a cardinal for that pitiful representation, a notice of dissociation is issued (perhaps because it touched a powerful cardinal of the time?), to a priest who instead signs in favor of the referendum on euthanasia and who has an idea of ​​the church and a doctrine all his own, not even a shred of communication?
    Or am I confused, or am I naive.

    Thank you.

    • father ariel
      father ariel says:

      Dear Andrea,

      Father Ivano, to whom it is addressed, will answer your question, while i, summoned, I answer for myself, having you quoted in a precise and truthful way a painful fact dating back to 2013.

      It wasn't me who made a bad impression, but the Bishop who signed that communiqué improvidently for the following reasons:

      1. he was no longer my Diocesan Ordinary as he was moved to another see and already titular of that episcopal see assigned to him, so he didn't have any power rectory about me;

      2. in that communiqué defined as "ridiculous" and "rough" by the highest leaders of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura from whom I immediately asked for enlightenment, no reference was made to any violated article of the Code of Canon Law, not having violated any of them at all;

      3. the Bishop who succeeded in that see – that is, the Bishop of my diocese – proceeded to remove that statement which was not properly published on the official website of the diocese but on the “personal page” of the Vicar General, who certainly considered me the most wonderful priest in the whole presbytery. And had it removed, the bishop, deeming that text clearly harmful not only to my good reputation (can. 220 of the Code of Canon Law) but also to the image of the diocese and the memory left by his predecessor who was the proponent of this as well as various others … impulsive-passionate jokes.

      The press release to which you refer was taken out and exploited several times by people who, unable to deny me the merits of my correct statements in the context of the doctrine of the faith, for this they tried to attack me sideways, but with total failure.

      In my years of priesthood I have never been recalled in any capacity by the Ecclesiastical Authority and I have never been subjected to condemnations and canonical penalties of any kind. So in the current state of affairs I am an impeccable presbyter on a human level, moral and doctrinal, everything until proven otherwise not easy.

      Unfortunately, In the 2018, after 5 years of silence I was forced to defend myself from that press release because it began to circulate on social network by some people in bad faith who are deeply hostile to me. To defend myself I was forced to tell the truth publicly, nothing but the truth. You can find it if you want in the second part of this painful and grieving article on which none, years later, he never let out a sigh of dissent, having expressed only regret and nothing but the truth.

      This is so, anyone who said otherwise would be blatantly lying.

    • Father Ivano
      Father Ivano says:

      Dear Andrew,

      I would like to be able to answer your question comprehensively, yet I fear that you and I will have to settle for the pneumatic vacuum that I see more and more frequently hovering within many diocesan curias.

      Logica wants a statement from a diocesan bishop or his curia to be issued in view of a well-defined need, need or in any case urgency that has the character of urgency. Indeed, for other types of ordinary communications there are different channels and methods. The communiqué is an important and rare instrument and if it is issued it must be taken with due consideration by the faithful.

      But let us also assume that a diocese chooses to use the press releases with generous generosity to inform the faithful on various issues. Now the most appropriate question in this case would be another. That is, what are the things considered important for a bishop and his curia for the good of the Church, of the faithful and the health of the soul of the people of God?

      Let me explain, if a bishop is aware of a heterodox priest and in formal excommunication because of his acts, actions, publicly expressed and defended thoughts and writings, it is normal and logical to think of an immediate intervention to warn the faithful and thus avoid the danger of scandal for the faith. If we think that some diocesan announcements are of a disconcerting banality, a case like the one described in my article should take precedence over everything.

      But if this does not happen, I see the motivation expressed for two basic reasons: or the bishop does not consider a correction necessary because he does not recognize any formal error, so there is no reason to correct; or he supports the work of his priest and shares his erroneous ideas and therefore is his accomplice.

      The third possibility exists but we should think badly and sin. Indeed, the most logical thing would be that the bishop does not feel like challenging these unmanageable priests who have no qualms about making fun of all those who do not think like them and being children of this world they are very shrewd and skilled at using worldly tools to leave their shepherds "in canvas breeches"..

      And we see many of these examples, so you prefer to make the best of a bad situation. And in the face of so many toothy episcopal smiles today we notice many bad games that will remain so for a long time to come.


  3. father ariel
    Elderly Genoese presbyter says:

    Elderly Genoese presbyter

    Dear young confrere priest of the Capuchin Order,

    always and carefully I read you.
    I Got 82 years and when I was 26 (let's go back by 56 year old, exactly per year 1965), I have been a priest for a year, shy at the time, even a little’ clumsy, but also a little’ donkey, I slipped talking about the SS. Trinity and without wanting to express the millenarian concept for which Gioacchino da Fiore was condemned.
    I wasn't even assistant pastor, I was chaplain.
    The pastor reported to the archbishop, that without any advertising, and without the whole thing being known around, not even in the presbytery itself, gave me this medicinal punishment: for three months I was forbidden to preach, and the Sunday, the Mass, I could only celebrate it in private, and for six months I was suspended from the ministry of confessor, place that was allowed to me at that age (other times!) only confess male children not older than 14 year old.
    My archbishop was card. Giuseppe Siri, which I venerated in life and which I venerate today in death.
    He was right, to do what he did, and today, a 82 years played, I am always grateful and grateful to him.

    My sentence is over, he sent me to Rome, all'Angelicum, he made me do specialist studies in dogmatic theology, which worked out well, so he also wanted me to do a doctorate.
    I have been a teacher in public schools for years and also in the seminary.

    This speaking of me and my bishop. Instead, as regards the other priests of today and the bishops of today, You said it all, there is nothing else to add.
    I bless you and You bless me.

    An elderly Genoese presbyter

    (Letter signed)

  4. father ariel
    Father Michael M. o.p. says:

    Father Michael M. o.p.

    The rooster is dead
    He won't say co co di anymore
    What what will

    and instead little roosters grow and multiply on the right and on the left (especially on the left) without anyone checking the chicken coop anymore


    (*) N.d.R. – Famous French children's song: «The rooster is dead and will no longer say crocodied and crocodied»

  5. father ariel
    Don Stefano Ferrini says:

    Don Stefano Ferrini

    Dear, lucid and courageous father Ivano, first of all thank you!
    The problem is not these subjects who speak, but our bishops who are silent, except then break the c….. (as Father Ariel would say without dots) to us who give life, or that we at least try to give it, to be priests in at least a decent way.
    Let's remember each other in prayer.

  6. father ariel
    efiled13 says:


    I congratulate Father Ivano on this article whom I met years ago at the Brotzu hospital in Cagliari where my father died in oncology. He and Father Giancarlo were wonderful with him and us family.

    Andrea Efisio Ledda

  7. father ariel
    Jonathan Grisolia - FB says:

    Jonathan Grisolia – FB

    And you haven't seen anything yet…look for “Don Paolo Zambaldi” (don in many quotes), he even has a blog where he spreads his … “verb” very personal

  8. father ariel
    Jonathan Fiorino - FB says:

    Jonathan Fiorino – FB

    When I read these things, comes to mind (even if the context may be different), the famous phrase “…God's name is blasphemed on your account among the Gentiles” (RM, 2, 24).
    The hypocrisy of Christians is a disaster both for the Church, both for those who are outside.

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