What is the true vision of authentic Christian? Imitations of Christ

Father Ivano

Homiletics of the Fathers of The Island of Patmos



A certain humility ecclesiastical flavor moth has unfortunately become accustomed to flaunt a false humility - when strategically seeking the last place - expect the glorification and prestige coveted. With this false humility, which unfortunately today in the Church save very few, there is a serious risk that it also distorts the virtue of charity. Indeed, when the charity is made to show off power and prestige, obtain favors, transpose gains up to the speculation you can rest assured that there is more charity.


Ivano Liguori, Ofm. Capp.



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carry the cross of Christ

This XXII Sunday Ordinary Time, It reminds us of one of the classics of Christian spirituality, The imitation of Christ, in particular in the part in which it warns: «Then love and to be esteemed» [He loves to be not known and felt nothing (cf.. lib. I, cap. 2, v. 15)].


If we think about the way of life we lead today, even as believers, This warning sounds completely irrational and even a little 'offensive. No one likes it be forgotten, we live in an era that demands visibility along with the underlining of egocentrism and of person. At this point, We crossed the limits of narcissism, we are pushed us beyond, maybe to a point of no return.


The liturgy of this Sunday We assist us in this drift ego, by teaching that Christ gives to the Pharisees during a lunch [see Liturgy of the Word, WHO]. The passage in Luke asks its believers on the subject of humility to introduce a beautiful reflection on the way to work actively charity without hiding ulterior motives.


Humility is the Christian virtue that makes us more like Christ, who "he humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even death on a cross" (Fil 2,8). Unfortunately, this virtue is not easily conquered if we become able to ask for it with the Holy Spirit and unless we adapt our feelings, the sentiments of Christ Jesus during his earthly life.


Humility is a grace you need to take every day since none of us is immune from pride reputarsi, by virtue of the fact that original sin is explicitly a sin of pride. Although redeemed by Christ through baptism into His death and resurrection, the wound of original sin still disturbs us right through the nefarious sin of pride. And from pride come cascading all other vices and sins.


The same devil - character now denied by a certain group of emancipated Christians, adults as well as theologians [see previous article, WHO] - is the father of pride and rebellion originated from the desire to overcome God and to take his place. Jesus in the Gospel urges us to desire the last place because our value lies not in the event of a power or a worldly prestige but in the exclusive relationship with the Father.


Remember the Blessed Father Francis in its Yellow:


"Blessed is the servant, do not you think best, when it is praised and exalted by men, when it is considered vile, simple and despicable, because what man is before God, It is and no more " [cf.. Yellow Cards Nineteenth, FF 169]


For this man is called to be small and love this exceedingly small size because that is where his treasure is hidden.


A certain ecclesiastical humility the taste of mothballs has unfortunately become accustomed to flaunt a false humility - when strategically seeking the last place - expect the glorification and prestige coveted. With this false humility, which unfortunately today in the Church save very few, there is a serious risk that it also distorts the virtue of charity. Indeed, when the charity is made to show off power and prestige, obtain favors, transpose gains up to the speculation you can rest assured that there is more charity.


The recompense, according to the teaching of the Kingdom, It is not the trading currency of the disciple and this is true in secular realities in those sacred: "You received, freely give " [cf.. Mt 10,8].


The charity is evident in the care of the needy, of the sick, the prisoner, the distant, the lost of faith, the confusing, the sinner, of the heretic, apostate and so to follow, both free and urges, It deprives many arguments that turn into socio-psychological discipline. The Christian charity only speaks of God, and God through His Son humbled himself on the cross to teach us to love to the total gift of ourselves. The theology of humility and last place coincides with the Calvary, a hard lesson to swallow.


The last place It is certainly an uncomfortable place but it is the safest outpost of paradise that man could wish on earth.


Cagliari, 31 August 2019




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