Why LGBT lobbyists won't let homosexuals speak? It would be as if the Franciscan Order denied its friars to speak about St. Francis of Assisi


We Fathers of the Island of Patmos who frequent homosexuals and who have always had excellent relationships with them, we can agree with the histrionic Donatella Rettore, famous gay icon, feeling a certain discomfort with her hysterical faggots, without being accused of "homophobia"?

— Society and politics —


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Every Gay Pride, which from today is no longer called that but only Pride, ends up being the subject of controversy, Maybe because certain parades are an ostentatious search for provocation, especially towards everything that is Catholic, and because the controversy is researched and studied [see also my previous article WHO].

It is obvious that the patronage has been withdrawn by the Lazio Region at this event, something done with a specific reason:

«[…] the institutional signature of the Lazio Region cannot, nor will it ever be able to, be used to support demonstrations aimed at promoting illegal behavior, with specific reference to the practice of the so-called rented womb" [cf.. WHO].

Faced with this motivation, It's of little use shouting “at the fascist government!” whatever the government. Perhaps the same thing would have happened even under a Left government: a public body cannot promote as a "claimed right" what is prohibited and condemned by law, i.e. the so-called “rented womb”, which is illegal in Italy. To be against the barbarity of the rented womb you don't need to be a centre-right militant at all, you don't even have to be Catholic, it would be enough to remember that the General Secretary of the Communist Party Marco Rizzo defined the rented uterus as «worthy of Doctor Mengele, something very close to Nazism" specifying that "desires cannot become rights" [cf.. WHO], declaring to this effect:

«The rented womb is a barbarism typical of globalized capitalist society. The wishes of couples or individuals are granted and they are exchanged for the primary rights of newborns and their mothers, forced by poverty to act as incubators" [cf.. WHO].

The question, however, is more complex: we are sure that homosexuals feel represented by certain objectively grotesque parades and practices that are almost irreverent towards Catholicism? [My previous article, WHO].

We, the Fathers, Editors of this magazine, not only are we individually in close friendships with various homosexuals, several of them prominent figures in the world of the arts, of culture and sciences, because there's more. We have published with our Edizioni L'Isola di Patmos a book by Francesco Mangiacapra, young man of rare intelligence, declared and ex homosexual escort gay, brilliant and honest analyst who at the time brought to light a group of priests frequenting certain circles who, superfluous to say, priests should never frequent. A priest also wrote the preface to this book: the undersigned.

Francesco Mangiacapra writes in his book which constitutes an authentic monument to intellectual honesty and which for this reason alone should be read:

«A homosexual who does not identify with the powerful LGBT Lobby ends up ostracized by lobbyists and receives applause from that audience mainstream so abhorred by them. Today the lead hood of the politically correct it weighs on a society indifferent to real violence, but ready to expose to the pillory, for a joke or a harmless satire, who dares to oppose the single thought. The lobbyists of the gay rainbow freedom they now practice the technique that characterized the communist and fascist dictatorships: “Hit one to educate a hundred”».

And here we are going to touch on another problem that Father Ivano Liguori and I summarized in the introduction to a book co-written in 2021, From Prozan to Prozac, dedicated to the late memory of the very homosexual and unforgettable Paolo Poli, my dear friend, of which we propose this passage again:

"We who are two priests and theologians have never pulled back - our publications show -, when the respect for the truth required direct public and severe criticisms of the ecclesial and ecclesiastical world. And if sometimes, for only telling the truth, we have paid the consequences, it was a more than acceptable tribute. We are indeed heralds and faithful servants of the truth, with all that that can entail. Now let's try to immerse ourselves in reality: have you ever heard in the various talk show television - which could not be such in the absence of gay quotas -, an LGBT representative who publicly and severely criticizes his world? It is possible that the LGBT world is made up only of great people and above all the lines? It is possible that the LGBT world is inhabited only by poor victims and by no perpetrators? It is possible that for an unworthy priest suffering from psychic disorders, guilty of molesting teenagers, the entire Catholic Church is exposed to the public pillory, while the same investigative journalists and television presenters would never dare - and do not dare out of fear - to go and check what happens with minors in search of money in certain gay circles? In the LGBT world, everything is fine, everything's perfect? The one that the Holy Doctor Augustine indicates as the Celestial Jerusalem, perhaps it has its own angelic natural home in certain gay circles? This is what makes certain ideologized and radicalized LGBT fringes surreal and not credible. And someone, to groups so folded into irrational emotions, he also intended to give a law to shut up and prosecute those who do not think like them? Asking certain questions does not constitute an incitement to hatred of gays, lesbians and transsexuals. It is simply a matter of considering them for what they are: human beings like everyone else, for better or for worse. But if they lobby and pretend to present themselves as people without a shadow of a blemish, or worse as a corporation of untouchables, in that case it will be appropriate not to give them certain laws and let them wallow in the pool of their dreamlike perfection, where everything is good and idyllic, because all the bad guys and the persecutors are only on the other hetero-side. We do not hesitate to highlight the defects of our visible Church and its clergy, always looking at man as such, to whom we have never asked for licenses of heterosexuality or homosexuality, accepting it and loving it for what it is, how Jesus Christ welcomed and loved him. Because we live in the world of reality, aware that faith is born of reason, not from the irrational emotions of a certain rainbow world ".

In our Catholic language this is called political intellectual honesty. And I say politics because in any case these are political battles and as such they are carried out by activists, to which we will never respond with blows of Catholic morality. Any political language is responded to with appropriate political language, because both to communicate and to legitimately oppose something, the appropriate language is used, it is not really the case to go and talk to certain activists about the foundations of morality according to the school of Sant'Alfonso Maria de' Liguori, worse than ever Free Gomorrhianus of San Pier Damiani.

We conclude with a gay icon, singer Donatella Rector, the one who happily tormented our teenage summers, now distant in time, with famous songs like The cobra is not a snake O Beautiful shining. Here is an excerpt from his interview [cf.. WHO] made by the dear and excellent Francesca Fagnani — and I affectionately say dear because she was the first journalist who in 2012 he put me in front of a camera for an interview on the program Public Service by Michele Santoro — :

«Gays like me, girls don't like me queers, while Raffaella Carrà and Patty Pravo are icons of vintage fagots […] For me, gays and women exist queers, there are gays who know they have balls and there are hysterics who talk and tear their hair out, they spread gossip... and I don't even want those on my doorstep" [cf.. WHO, WHO].

We Fathers of the Island of Patmos that we hang out with homosexuals and that we have always had excellent relationships with them, we can agree with the histrionic Donatella Rettore, famous gay icon, feeling a certain discomfort with her hysterical faggots, without being accused of "homophobia" for this reason?

the Island of Patmos, 18 June 2023



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