While all is quiet in the Church, the meeting of Communion and Liberation in Rimini, the devil becomes symbolic reality: the Superior General of the Jesuits continues to rewrite the Catholic doctrine

Father Ivano
– ecclesial topical –



The Felix Guilt that Mother Church sings in the Proclamation at the Easter Vigil, irrevocably establishes the triumph of Christ over sin and death, iniquitous weapon of him who is the origin and cause of all evil: the Devil. Or maybe Jesus Christ He would die on the cross to save us from a myth, as a symbol, by a form of pathological psyche? Let's be serious for once, is the love of the Church that we will impose, this seriousness.


Ivano Liguori, Ofm. Capp.



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… but yes, we inculturate all that is not Catholic! In the picture: Father Arturo Sosa, Superior General of the Company of the Indies in Sandokan version

Al Meeting of Communion and Liberation in Rimini It has been paid to the Superior General of the Society of Jesus, Father Arturo Sosa, the reception for special occasions: applause, much enthusiasm, palpitating hearts and feverish waiting for the statements of His Fatherhood black Pope who argued on: Learn to see the world through the eyes of Francis' pontificate. Among the many questions that the Father Arturo Sosa was submitted there was one concerning the existence of the devil:


"Dad, the Devil exists?»


the overwhelming response general of the Society of Jesus was this:


"In different ways. You have to understand the cultural elements to refer to this character. In the language of St. Ignatius is the evil spirit that makes you do things that go against the spirit of God. There is as evil personified in different structures but not in people, because it is not a person, It is a way to implement evil. It is not a person like him is a human person. It is a manner of evil to be present in human life. Good and evil are in constant struggle in human consciousness, and we have ways to point them. We recognize God as good, entirely good. Symbols are part of reality, and the devil exists as a symbolic reality, not as a personal reality ' [cf WHO].


No need to be theologians the caliber of Mons. Renzo Lavatori to counter and remove it piece by piece on this response that is totally lacking the basic fundamentals of that part of dogmatic theology call angelology e demonology, just follow the bi-millennial teaching of the Church.


Father Arturo Sosa, Superior General of the Company of the Indies

I leave readers from The Island of Patmos this task, with the help of the excellent books of Mons. Renzo washers and the Fathers Father François Dermine, Francesco Bamonte and Caesar Truqui.


It is not my intention to argue, but bring to the attention of all the healthy and authentic Catechism of the Catholic Church as well as every good pastor and every superior general should assiduously towards its faithful. Moreover, in former times, The Island of Patmos He dealt with a different theme but similar, always linked to the Superior General of the Society of Jesus, in an article signed by Fathers John Cavalcoli and Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo [see WHO].


The answer that was given to Meeting, which lies outside of all grace of God, which consists it joins as aggravating the authority of the one who has effectively pronounced. You're not talking about a priest but any of the Superior General of a historic religious order who from his office should be the epitome of orthodoxy and the original charism of the founder, in this case St. Ignatius of Loyola.


I want to categorically refuse to think that St. Ignatius of Loyola, of which it is universally known the heroic virtues, considered the devil as existing reality or a conceptual personification or mythical or symbolic of evil. Indeed, who defined it as "a mythical and symbolic translation of the old man's ancestral fears", in fact along the path of Rudolf Bultmann, yes this was a Jesuit, but not the holy founder of the Society of Jesus, but Karl Rahner [cf John Cavalcoli, Kar Rahner, the Council betrayed, 2009].


Father Arturo Sosa, Superior General of the Company of the Indies

Both clear, I not shred my clothes, I will cry scandal! Also because di these times, reached the decadent decline in which we pour, no longer good for anything. Instead, it must run for cover to safeguard what little credibility they still possess us priests to the people of God and that allows us to be reliable masters of the Church's Tradition in view of the salvation of souls.


Conscious of my sinfulness inveterate, I do not mean to judge the Father Arturo Sosa for his statement and for his faith. I'll just take awareness of how he has undoubtedly a faith, But that is its particular faith. At the same time, probably, It has some problems related to feel with the church.


It should also be remember that every good theologian, when he exercises his role of teacher, He must obey a fundamental rule: is not in the creativity of faith that places his ministry but in the real task of deepening and help the faithful to understand and to proclaim the deposit of credit without creating a new [cf.. (J). Ratzinger, The Ratzinger Report, p 71]. Definitely, such a statement, within a theological reflection on the pastoral of Pope Francis, not a little out of place. Personally, in the role of the Roman Pontiff, I would feel uncomfortable knowing that my brother, at the very moment in which he praises my pastoral conduct, at the same time it performs a theological slip of this kind, denying openly clearly that the devil is a person, as he teaches Catholic doctrine, that is not an opinion questionable, because it is based on faith certainties. Here then echo the words of the saintly Pope Leo VII:


"Everyone believes now that should be held for true not what has been handed down but what each one looks better" [cf.. Leo VII, Encyclical It instituta ecclesiastical].


However, as a Christian and a priest I must necessarily recognize myself in need of a Church that is the bearer of salvation and of a deposit of credit that can not be ignored, counterfeited or haggled. Today, having a clear faith, according to I believe of the church, It is often labeled as fundamentalism and, with the excuse of doing good and mercy pushed, you risk neglecting the conscience of the Christian faithful, even at the risk of their eternal salvation. Do you want an example of this? Those of you who now hear from the pulpits sermons or lectures on the theme of hindmost: death, judgement, hell and heaven? No One, vero? Perhaps there is any priest who has over seventy who still has the courage to do. Unfortunately, at the truth, It precedes the search for consensus, i likes, i selfies, the desire to avoid arguments, The frenzied search for his own good name and tranquility, the media coverage and television bonhomie driven to the peak.


The Superior General of the Jesuits, Father Arturo Sosa, It seems to me to read and try to understand Catechism of the Catholic Church ... this great unknown text!

The politically correct It is changed so in religiously correct, indeed in dogmatically correct that everything includes, receives and level distilling a I believe universally harmless but devoid of the salvific power that makes us state emphatically that the Son of God appeared in the world to destroy the works of the Devil [cf.. 1GV 3,8]. For these reasons, our Christian brothers have a perfect right to see in us priests those who show the true, authentic and healthy traditional doctrine of the Church, as it has been transmitted and preserved from the outset in communion with the Apostle Peter and the Apostolic College. For this reason, we must insist once again on the authentic and traditional faith of the Church as it has been delivered by Christ and the apostles. Faith is not ours but is the gift of God, and the sacred Revelation is a message that has been delivered and we have not received, Therefore we have no right to modify or distort it at will.


He said already Tertullian: "For us it is not permissible to place anything in our power" and referring to the heretics' each models at will doctrinal heritage they have received " [cf.. Tertullian, The Prescription Against Heretics, WE, 3 out of 42,7]. Said this: sWe gomberiamo our minds and our hearts of believers by false winds of doctrine, and let us open ourselves to the Holy Spirit, the only healthy wind and spiritual teacher who operates a real authentic discernment in the Church from what has been handed down. Tradition is a treasure that has been handed over in order to make us rich in the presence of the Father, and this is a guarantee of salvation: that we are called to return intact to our children and grandchildren. And since in this tradition that saves, Christ is the center and the fulcrum, you must well know the work and the power of the Savior.


Father Arturo Sosa remember certainly that the first opponent of the work of God and his Son is not the man but the Devil in paradise seduced our first parents and the public ministry of the Savior was expressed clearly:


"What do you want from us, Jesus of Nazareth? You might come to destroy us? I know who you are: you are the Holy One sent from God ' [cf.. LC 4,34].


The Felix Guilt that Mother Church sings in the Proclamation at the Easter Vigil, irrevocably establishes the triumph of Christ over sin and death, iniquitous weapon of him who is the origin and cause of all evil: the Devil. Or maybe Jesus Christ He would die on the cross to save us from a myth, as a symbol, by a form of pathological psyche? Let's be serious for once, is the love of the Church that we will impose, this seriousness.


Cagliari, 23 August 2019



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12 replies
  1. stefano
    stefano says:

    Father Sosa is entirely consistent: the devil is a symbolic representation because, in turn, God is a myth, the human representation of the ancestral archetypes. How can you blame those who have lost faith not to bring his views to catechism? The you should seek rather to leave the garment.

  2. The word he fears
    The word he fears says:

    dear father Ivano, it is one thing to be hardened sinners like you and me, Another thing to be declared apostates and atheists.
    If there is only a symbol of evil created by us, why not say the same of Good, mythologized in our imagination with the name of God ?

  3. father ariel
    Don Francesco Messina says:

    Father Ivano,

    nice article!
    Pope Clement XIV was a Franciscan like you, not a cappuccino, but a Friar Minor Conventual.
    E’ fake, historically false to say that this Pope has suppressed the Society of Jesus to please several European sovereigns who had hated the Jesuits.
    The interpretation of the historian Ludwig von Pastor defining suppression 1773 as a gesture of extreme yield the courts borboniche, What is quite false! Li suppressed to the serious problems that were creating and strong influences also policies that were exercising, because now the plant was already running, and at the same time they were an influential numerical and economic power.
    the trials? Just look at the results produced in countries evangelized by the Franciscans and Dominicans and in countries evangelized by the Jesuits.
    In the countries evangelized by the Jesuits are: syncretism in the East countries, all kinds of obstacles to the creation of local Bishops Conferences, because the Jesuits, in Asian countries, They had in their hands all the apostolic vicariates, mingling with the rulers of the place, often it figures also very violent and bloody, etc …
    Then, in America Latina? Commixtures between gospel and Marxism, support to the guerrillas, Dissemination of heterodox doctrines, liberation theology, etc … etc …
    And today?
    Today we have a Society of Jesus (or eat father says Ariel “Company of the Indies”) peppered the worst heresies, spreading heresies, who throws a straight leg in the policies of the international left, that does not put to rest scum like James Martin who wishes “happy gay pride” the Sodomites proud, whose superior general a guy over and over again slipped on the fundamentals of the catechism …
    And what we see?
    At the commissioner of religious institutions who would not dream even, to do, and only in small part, what they have done and are now doing the Jesuits.
    God deliver us from this cancer early!

    • Raffaele Vargetto
      Raffaele Vargetto says:

      I think that this is a spiritual order punishment for failing to meet the calls of the message of Fatima. This applies to both high and low-ranking clerics, both the baptized faithful, for the most part, starting from the sixties, They have begun to embrace the worldly life, neglecting what Our Lady had invited to practice: prayer and penance, with the renunciation of all that would alienate the souls from God.

  4. Always a free mind
    Always a free mind says:

    I am a simple faithful, wife and mom.
    I would like to express what I feel about this topic, I find somewhat related to the previous article by Father Ariel.
    In a family's need for children to have a reference parents, Figure determinant education, in the transmission of values, for a healthy way to grow.
    Today parents are not parents but “Amici”, equal partners, are weak families.
    The child needs a safe ride, strong, loving, “parental”. It also needs “no”.
    In the Church it seems to me to happen a little’ as the family: He has lost the guide, everyone can do everything (except administer the sacraments, I hope), everyone can say everything and the opposite of everything, Fig of “Dad” (not surprisingly, the priests are called “Fathers”), He has totally lost its dignity, its specific role, its being a reference for the “children” spiritual.
    The fruit of modernity.
    Or rather the result of this embodiment of evil that is undermining precisely the cornerstones, the reference figures, in the family or in the Church?
    The attack seems to me “dad”, be it secular or religious.

    • father ariel
      Anna Maria Appel says:

      And, in the last two Father Ivano writing articles on the superior general of the Jesuits and Father Ariel writing about the case of the card. George Pell treated two different topics, but united by a single common denominator: the total distortion of the reality.
      The reality is something objective, but something that you create, according to the needs and circumstances.
      As a result, it ends up creating a faith according to their needs.
      Already in the past, Jesuit Sosa, He pleaded “are allergic to the doctrine”, remember?
      As Catholic, I claim instead of the sacrosanct right to be allergic to people like him, as Spadaro … e … never mind the rest!

  5. orenzo
    orenzo says:

    «… is the evil spirit that makes you do things that go against the spirit of God is not a person ..., is a way to implement the evil ... Good and evil are in constant struggle in human consciousness, and we have ways to point them. We recognize God as good, entirely good. Symbols are part of reality, and the devil exists as a symbolic reality, not as a personal reality '
    Therefore, if it is stated that:
    – the evil spirit is against the spirit of God,
    – good and evil are struggling permanent,
    – God is good, and the devil is symbolic reality,
    –>It must logically conclude that God is symbolic reality as it is the personification of good!!!
    But Sosa sees that through his mouth speaks Satan himself?

    • Raffaele Vargetto
      Raffaele Vargetto says:

      I had the feeling that Sosa spoke of God as a symbol of good. If it is so, not just of heresy, but with apostasy and the conclusion it is that man becomes God and determines what is good and what is bad.

  6. Enzo
    Enzo says:

    15 November 1972 General Audience Saint Peter's Square, Pope Paul VI – Deliver us from Evil –

    ………Sin opportunity and effect of an intervention in us and in our world of a dark agent and enemy, the Devil. Evil is no longer only a deficiency, but an efficiency , a living being, spiritual, perverted and actually pervertitore.Terribile. Mysterious and frightening.
    Exits framework of biblical and ecclesiastical teaching those who refuse to recognize it exists.
    Or who makes a principle in its own right,not having it well, like all creation originates with God.
    Or explain it as a pseudo-reality ,a conceptual and fanciful personification of the unknown causes of our misfortunes………………..

  7. fabio
    fabio says:

    Hi I would like to ask the saints and popes of the council post, where they were when modernism penetrated the Society of Jesus, and why it was not resolved?
    Thank you.

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