The interview – "The Vatican is a circus condemning to death the truth and justice". The interview – "Father Ariel thunders: “Keep away from the priests money”»



The national newspaper “The truth” directed by Maurizio Belpietro, through an interview conducted by Stefano Filippi, under the title of drafting "the Vatican is a circus condemning to death the truth and justice", dedicated a page to our Father Ariel S. Levi Gualdo who answered questions relating to several emerging issues: the crisis of the Church, German face of panamazzonico Synod, the problem of immigration, Italian Catholics and today's politics.



Editors of The Island of Patmos


THE TRUTH edition of 9.12.2019 – PDF text of the interview



the journalist Stefano De Filippi

We thank the Director and Editor the national newspaper The truth who they were kind enough to make available to our readers the page in which their daily Monday 9 December came out to interview Father Ariel made by the journalist Stefano De Filippi.


The conversation between Father Stefano De Filippi and Ariel It touched the delicate current issues, the crisis of the Church Synod panamazzonico, by uncontrolled immigration to the relationship between Italian Catholics and their country's politics. Opening the pdf format you can read the text [see WHO].



From the island of Patmos, 10 December 2019



the young journalist Francesco Boezi

The young journalist Francesco Boezi, Vatican correspondent of The newspaper, He has realized a subsequent interview on other topics, appeared on The


After several questions related to the themes of the new organization of the Roman Curia, and the absence of immigration of Catholics from the political scene of the country, Father Ariel concludes by explaining why, but especially by which reactive element depend on the undeniable hate campaigns towards Catholics and the Catholic world today.


The interview is consulted online WHO


From the island of Patmos, 13 December 2019




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Nothing trouble you, at Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo

ACTS AND MISDEEDS apostates, Esther Maria Ledda







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16 replies
  1. Paul
    Paul says:

    About clarity…

    In the interview reads:

    "Why, he opened this magazine?».

    And she answers: "The idea came to me that I proposed to the priests and theologians Antonio Livi and John Cavalcoli, Dominican. Then they joined the Capuchin theologian Ivano Liguori and the young Dominican theologian Giordano Gabriele Scardocci ".

    He forgot to add the priests, and theologians [they do!] were turned away ... Maybe it was fair to say…

    • Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo
      Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo says:

      Ah, that ugly beast bad faith! And what a terrible and fearsome animal, forgery.
      So she dares to mystify and then calls me even to honesty?
      Tell us who was dismissed? And who?
      Maybe it was dismissed Antonio Livi, to which I was close most of all, and in a very concrete way, in the delicate course of his illness?
      Maybe it was dismissed John Cavalcoli, who has just published with Edizioni The Island of Patmos a book on Christology that she herself would do well to buy and read, which is part of the scientific committee of our issues and he has chosen to write a personal blog advertised on the Home Page of The Island of Patmos complete with a link to the opening of his blog?
      And she even dares to invite me to speak honestly and to be honest?
      Come on …!

  2. father ariel
    Vincenzo Di Meglio - FB says:

    Dear Father Ariel, but because you priests, Traditionalists say so to speak, you have to keep between you, leaving the field open to the self-styled progressives? Why can not you do the united front? And so Bergoglio makes worship the Pachamama on the tomb of St. Peter?
    Why could not you be united heirs of the Catholic tradition?
    I greet you respectfully.

    • father ariel
      Luca Greek - FB says:

      Because a good portion of so-called traditionalists speaks for pure Lutherans unknowingly.

      • Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo
        Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo says:

        Dear Vincenzo,

        I say to her and others who have made similar comments or questions.

        I explain immediately “why”, who is this: launch any kind of de-legitimizing attachment to the Successor of the Blessed Apostle Peter, elected lawfully and validly, how much I would like many of those who act on principles of faith fragile (then it really is not faith but fideism) and of moods and emotion dictated by subjective “I like and do not like” (which they are not reasonable basis for living a full faith), It would produce only the Church of severe and devastating, more than ever it will produce the Pachamama brought to the church of Santa Maria in Traspontina and than you ever will produce the statue of Luther brought to the Vatican, place one or the other thing were demeaning imprudent gestures that so much confusion resulted in many believers of Christ.

        But when priests of exemplary priestly life and solid doctrine theologians, try to explain all this to some faithful, often more aggressive and self, that now in large numbers they are only able to listen to themselves according to “but I think … I feel … I believe that …”, the result that almost always get are insults and attacks by their, who more grace sacramental status of priests and more solid doctrine of theologians, though they not even know well the Catechism of the Catholic Church, because with two clicks on the computer keyboard and comments sometimes fierce Sparaci on the internet, all become specialists and super specialists: Church historians, dogmatic theology, ecclesiologists, canonists and so.

        In conclusion: if I were just compelled, in my capacity as a priest and theologian, choose between an attack and a repudiation of Peter's Successor, ie a rejection of his person and of his authority and the statue of Pachamama placed directly on the altar of confession in the papal Archbasilica St. Peter, if so I provvederei myself, with my own hands, to put the Pachamama altar. He said this would add: those who will not understand the meaning of this paradox, avoid saying in tones of scandal that I am in favor of idolatry.

        Now, those who do not understand because they do not want to completely understand when … “but I believe … I think …”, They can use all the space they want for their usual aggressive insults, except then feel devout Catholics who invite and who claim that bishops and priests rebel “dutifully” the figure and the authority of the Successor of the Blessed Apostle Peter.

        In short: I could also spend the whole day criticizing the cuff speeches, unhappy impromptu phrases and questionable pastoral decisions of the reigning Pontiff, What this otherwise completely legitimate, even if it has done so severely, but always with respect. But I never am going to question his authority, that he comes directly from Christ God, like it or not is this principle, then that is a principle of faith; like it or not his human person, What the latter completely irrelevant, because a Roman Pontiff is not respected and obeyed if you like, It is respected and obeyed as Roman Pontiff, and that's, for those who want to be Catholic.

        • father ariel
          Luca Greek - FB says:

          Caro Father,

          I have carefully read and his words carefully. And before my eyes they are reviewing the terrible images of Pope Ratzinger, visiting Germany in its, who extends his hand to the prelates and these Germans turn their faces elsewhere. I thought back to Cardinal Danneels and his Mafia St. Gallen, that from 96 He worked for Pope Bergoglio.

          I'm thinking back to all the amazing quirks extravagances profanity blasphemy, of that Bergoglio 7 years of Pontificate not even back to 1 minute one in Argentina, because his countrymen as well acquainted etc. … I could go on for hours.

          I reread his answer with the UNBEARABLE TONE … LITTLE BOY, LEAVE WORK … AND I pissed MUCH MORE '.

          I'M GOOD.

          • Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo
            Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo says:

            It pissed off as well as he wants, but it is not at all well, that is at peace with his conscience. You need, for their problems on which no later than, to try and manifest disregard for the reigning Pontiff.

            Then I clarify that this video to which it reports on the apostolic visit of Benedict XVI to Germany, It was explained and documented extensively: Benedict XVI did not give my hand to the German bishops who rejected: fake, most falsified! He was passing “review the bishops” walking next to the President of the Federal Republic of Germany and with a wave of his hand indicated the bishops one by one to the President.

            That shot cut instead showed only that Benedict XVI reached out to them, no frame the President beside him. When he was released movie without malicious cuts, the scene was clear Urbi et Orbi, except for those like her, who need to impress the weak right “Catholicism” to say and reiterate: “but I believe that … I think that …”.

            Talk to people like her, it is a waste of time.
            She confirmed it, with a mental and spiritual closure to the test of facts and published writings I find really disturbing.


        • Luca G
          Luca G says:

          Caro Father,
          necessary introduction: I am a sinner and that I will have to give account.
          Therefore they are not in the best position to talk, however, every now and again, I read some books.
          Having a good classical education.
          Said this: it is normal for a pope says:”I believe in God. Not a Catholic God, there is a Catholic God, God exists. "Or: "The diversity of religions" is "willed by God".
          But it was not “outside the Church there is no salvation”?
          If the truth changes with the fashions, we're OK. Of course, me could use, but it is not so.
          And atheists have good game to make fun.
          I do not want to challenge its legality, I do not have the skills it.
          I remain puzzled.
          She is a cleric and if you criticize the Pope, likely to be “resumed”, vero.
          But for all of this is about the salvation.
          Thank you.
          Best regards.

  3. Pax
    Pax says:

    Congratulations as always, dearest father Ariel.
    For his clarity She deserves a medal for bravery.


  4. Pier Luigi Tossani
    Pier Luigi Tossani says:

    Good job, father ariel. Loud and clear, Unlike systematic and ideological ambiguity that unfortunately thrive today in the hallowed halls.
    If the next round are Joseph Zen Pope, make you cardinal… otherwise no.

  5. fabio fabio
    fabio fabio says:

    dear father Ariel

    in this interview do not fear reprisals? It will be considered a “enemy” the pope?

    • Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo
      Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo says:

      … and for what?
      For him always brought respect, He has always defended his office, if necessary, even his person?
      It does not seem right to have the characteristics of “enemy”.

      • Michele
        Michele says:

        Well this seems to us readers a statement of fact the way view with which he writes a post (she erects itself to articles) aggressive against the Pope.
        If you want to make a list of adjectives….?

        • Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo
          Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo says:

          «… My aggressive post "against the Roman Pontiff" !?

          Your Welcome, the face of this beautiful looking, with reference to my writings and dates of the same, demonstrating at the same time that she is a clear mind and perfectly able to distinguish between legitimate criticism and lack of respect, between the understandable embarrassment to certain statements that are not absolutely acts of teaching and that do not bind to any adherence of faith, from what instead is the due obedience and adherence of faith to the Roman Pontiff whenever pronounce on matters of doctrine, of faith and morals.

          Please: documents immediately what she attributes to me.
          Otherwise, as sang the famous aria of Gioacchino Rossini: "Slander is a breeze …»

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