The issue of “Doctrines of devils”

Father Giovanni


The evil man can be moderated, often, tempering, measured, controlled, gentile, good manners, courteous, easy going, well-behaved, sympathetic, Allegro, psychically normal, cultured, from fine stretch, apparently pious and serene; indeed the devil preferably choose these alien people from the excesses of emotional, by outbursts of anger, by uncontrolled impulses, people who do not seem suspicious, maybe in high places, prelates, theologians or religious, and are therefore subject to estimation and respect, to make them instruments of his action when he wants to do really serious damage to the souls and long-lasting ...

Author John Cavalcoli OP

John Cavalcoli OP

In recent years,, is thanks to the intervention of the Church or of the Shepherds, and thanks to the publication of valuable works on the subject or to the fame acquired by skilled exorcists, as the Father Gabriele Amorth and other, in many Catholic circles has been recovered 067de-spraguealtar1awareness action of Satan in this world [CF. Pietro Cantoni, The Dark Lord, who], although much remains to be done to undoinate two persistent errors opposed to each other, the first, more prevalent in educated circles, consisting in the denial short existence deldigrandfather; The second one, instead present the working classes, which consists in spectacularization action satanic and in too much agocilitates with whom you would like to explain certain phenomena hateful or certain doom to repeat. It happens then to meet misconceptions about demtheyor both the first and in the second case.

With regard to the action ofthe Satan generally gives space and advertising, sometimes for some useless curiosity or search for success by the publications on the subject, the most striking phenomena, puzzling and impressive, as possessions, appearances and Satanism. This phenomenology, But, thank God, is rather rare.

Vice versa, exists uNo other aspect of the action of Satan, more frequent and more important, but less flashy and more neglected, and that is what we have to close all, it is of primary interest to our path of salvation, although he did not own the spectacle of the first, unlike ma, placing itself purely in terms of the spirit – the rest, Satan is not a spirito? – affects less sense, the emotions and the imagination and challenges the more delicate work of the intelligence, of consciousness and volontà, especially in relation to the exercise of the theological virtues of faith, the speranzand a charity, and the exercise of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

The phenomenon of possessions or harassment all in all is a tough test for the obsessed and certainly engages the skilled exorcist, but in the end does not affect or endanger the moral conduct of the patient, since, as is known, during the presence of the devil, the patient is in an unconscious state, so it can not exercise the will.

Instead, the entry of Satan into the consciousness of the subject lucid and conscious is the real issue about the working of Satan, as he, with its suggestions, seductions and temptations, seriously jeopardizes the spiritual health of the subject, pushing him to sin. In fact, all the action of Satan in this world can be summed up in this single end: deceive man precisely with "doctrines of devils" to persuade him to sin knowing sin, making him look evil good or good evil;.

The imagine Satan as a being frightening or repellent stop means on the level of metaphor and imagination, without grasping the true meaning of the satanic, that is to say without seeing Satan in his real danger that, I repeat, lies in its fine art to lead us to sin, to show us the sin as attractive.



was the Prince of Light, the most beautiful of the angels

In this sense, Satan does not appear repugnant but otherwise looks fascinating, seductive and bewitching. Satan tries to dull our consciousness, yes you do not repent of the sin committed. This is the true characteristic, rest of the day for those who warn, s actionatanica. Or instills false guilt to block us in the fulfillment of the good and to lead us to despair.

In this respect, which is what should be there more to heart if we keep to our salvation, the working of Satan does not have an external character and material, relevant under, to emotions or states of our physical, as in the first case, but a thin appearance, inner, insinuating, we could say "serpentine", that's up toppunto the life of our spirit, our intimate, our ideas, our beliefs, feelings, trends or spiritual aspirations, our moral acts, our interpersonal relationship with others, our relationship with God. This raises the level of ideas, communication of thought, verbal messages, impulses or stimuli to the will.

The main aim of Satan is not even so much the corruption of passions but the corruption of the spirit. Do not push so much to carnal sins, but for the spiritual: the Superbia, the empietà, the presumption, the blind, hatred, the ipocrisia, the lie, duplicity. He poses the most serious obstacle to the achievement of good, of virtue, of God, obstacle that is not of the flesh but of the spirit or, as Christ says, not come from outside, but from the inside, from the heart, by the will.

He aims to make murky and false intelligence, unfair, double and the poor will. The sin of Satan was obviously a spiritual sin, since he is pure spirit, and for this the spiritual sins can be called "evil". These sins contaminate primarily the intellect and the will, thought and action, which are the powers proper to the spirit.


a poster advertising the “creative thinking”

The first sin spiritual, the starting point of perdition, therefore, concern the thought: what St. Paul calls "diabolical doctrine". It consists in instigating the lie into the advocacy of lying about the most important values, which are those that concern the salvation, then the falsification of the Word of God, of the truth of faith, of the doctrine of the Church.

In the sin of thought obviously plays a willingness, since every sin leads to ill will. But then the diabolical sin also concerns those acts that relate to the specific commitment of the will, in other words exactly sins or action related to the operation, the practical implementation of the diabolical thought, and here we have all of the most serious acts of violence, of cruelty, of sacrilege, dell'incredulità, of the desperation, of injustice, the theft, dell'assassinio, dell'aborto, the sadomasochismo, of contention, of defamation, of denigration, of disobedience, of sedition, of the massacre, terrorism.


The wolf and the lamb …

The evil man can be moderated, often, tempering, measured, controlled, gentile, good manners, courteous, easy going, beneducated, sympathetic, Allegro, psychically normal, cultured, from fine stretch, apparently pious and serene; indeed the devil preferably choose these alien people from the excesses of emotional, by outbursts of anger, by uncontrolled impulses, people who do not seem suspicious, maybe in high places, prelates, theologians or religious, and are therefore subject to estimation and respect, to make them instruments of his action when he wants to do really serious damage to the souls and long-term: This is especially the heretics, whose malignant influence is able to last for centuries.

These are the authors of what St. Paul calls "doctrines of devils" [CF. The Tm 4,2]. The evil person can put on an appearance noble, may seem like a very spiritual person, a profondo teoreta, an inspired prophet, un Wall ente, a mystic, Giacchè, as St. Paul says, "Satan disguises himself as an angel of light" [CF. II Cor 11,14].

Satan knows to some extent simulate even the sanctity, although the trained eye can easily recognize counterfeits and frauds, for Satan since he is a business after all too difficult. Hence the proverb: "The devil is, but not the covers ". The fiction evil can not last long.

Holy Spirit

Artistic representation of the Holy Spirit

It falls just who wants us fall. Ordinarily, the devil does not aim so high, because few love holiness, and he wants to conquer the highest possible number of fools and blockheads. For this ordinarily lies beneath the features and style of successful people that draw the crowds, false philosophers, theologasters, sophists and clever impostors, reformers of the Church and society, genes of thought and science, seducers, political leaders, spiritists, Hypnotists, atMarket, Withthose, poets and maghi.

But we mention Paul's expression in its context, which is very interesting: "The Spirit expressly says that in latter times some shall depart from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons, lies in hypocrisy impostors, already seared in their own conscience ".

First, the reference to the Holy Spirit, that is the Spirit of truth, used to give certainty of this statement. The "last days" or "fullness of time" in the language of the Bible represent the apocalyptic times, ie those conclusive and decisive, the most highly dramatic, the history of salvation, the timing of the final battle. Recall the apostasy of which the Apostle speaks [Ii Ts 2,3]. Primarily concern the future, but can also affect the present, as early as this will decide our salvation, it builds our salvation.

The same coming of Christ, according to the Gospel, inaugurated the "last times" foretold by the prophets, yes the last in chronological order, but especially intensive: times more full of meaning, time solving, also called "end times", end of this world of sin and the beginning of the new world of justice, time of the final battle of the forces of good against those of evil.


Dr.. Enzo Bianchi and Prof. Alberto Melloni (Public photos can be found on any search engine on the internet)

In this final struggle emerging doctrines most dangerous, which are precisely the "doctrines of devils". They must be exposed and refuted with the same power of the Spirit, which reveals the appearance and the danger. It is the Holy Spirit, Spirit of truth, accompanied by prayer, that discovers and banishes the unclean spirit, the spirit of falsehood.

These doctrines are aimed above all the destruction or falsification of faith – – heresy, by that faith which is the beginning of salvation. The devil tries to suppress the Christian life to the root, turning off the light of faith with doctrines who make it appear false, odious, irrational, degrading, inhuman, intolerant, illiberal, exceeded, enslaving and many other deceptions such.


Iconography of the Apostle Paul with book and sword

St. Paul is very strict in judging these "seducing spirits" who spread heresy. Indeed, declares that they are "seared into their consciousness"; therefore are not in good faith, which, however, can happen when one defends heresy without knowing that it is a heresy. In this case, since the time of St. Augustine the Church speaks of heresy "material", who is not guilty, since the subject exchanges involuntaryously the error to the truth, and the truth for error.

Instead heresy veritable, this "Formale", there is real guilt, the fact that the heretic knows that his idea is heretical and everything defends presenting it as Catholic truth, or simply excluding it as if it were contrary to Catholic truth. It is a grave fault, well described by the Apostle with the expression "seared into their consciousness", as if to signify the fire of hell in this life begins to haunt the heretics.

Certainly it is not always easy in practice to distinguish the formal heretic from the material, but it is very important, though very different is the behavior that must be taken in the two cases. However there are signs that indirectly but with certainty allow us to distinguish and then to adopt the appropriate behavior that is necessary in the two cases.

The essential difference between the two types of heretic is given by the presence of certain characteristics moral: the formal heretic is superb, conceited, unfair, arrogant, obstinate, ambitious, vindictive, cruel, scornful and mocking towards opponents, an implacable hater of those who dare to criticize or rebuke, smart guardian of his image or his look, so as to obtain the highest possible reputation in the world, committed to seek ways and to form disciples and collaborators who support him in his unholy activities.

The heretic is the subject of fanatical admiration from the followers, that place it above any other authority, is almost a god. A classic example is Luther, though of course we should recognize in him some quality, as his "deep religiosity", as he said Blessed John Paul II.

Conversely the heretic simply material is actually orthodox and can also be a holy. You can not not even properly say heretic, but it is only one person who errs. Simply does not realize his mistake, and if they become aware, would reject decisively, but God can allow for a long time and maybe even for life not noticing. It is therefore not guilty of ignorance, so-called "invincible", or caused by insufficient training received or the inherent limitations of his intelligence or misinterpretations or misunderstandings insurmountable maybe related to the environment, language or character flaws or his psyche.

Rosmini 03A

Blessed Antonio Rosmini, a life of holiness. Have fallen into the error of doctrine involuntary, not at all precluded the recognition of the heroic virtues.

The heretic material, we might even say heretical pseudo-, errs only in certain points within a system of thought essentially orthodox and indeed from this point of view can be of great value and do very well to the culture and the Church. It can even be a mystic and a master of holiness. It is faithful to the Church, conscientious, concerned about orthodoxy, enemy of heretics, humblee, pious, prudent, Modesto, disinterested, magnanimous, charitable, generous, ready to correct himself when he realizes the error, gentle and patient with opponents, who may mistreat him, not attached to his ideas, not worried about a worldly fame, but to please God unsoloed, not closed in his ideas, but always ready to learn. Famous example is the Blessed Antonio Rosmini.

As stated in the passage from St. Paul, Satan is the major contributor of Hypocrisy. How often Jesus throws accusations of hypocrisy! And against whom? Against the tax, prostitutes and sinners? No; against priests, Scribes and Pharisees! What a lesson for us priests, for us religious, Rated to perfection and the guide of souls! So between us that the devil is the most suitable soil to sow his doctrines!


peacock's tail, emblem della vanity

The first thing to do in life - And this is especially true for those who are called to insegnare theology or the truths of faith, and to lead souls to salvation - is to act in good conscience before God, detached from human glory, seek God first and at all costs: if men approve, well, and names willthey try, patience. It is therefore necessary to avoid human glory and not be a slave to other people's opinion. Instead the Heretic first seeks himself and the favor of men; God and religion are just a means for him to succeed in the world and to get a fleeting glory that opens to him and to his disciples on the road to perdition.

Bologna, 16 May 2013


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2 replies
  1. vera says:

    I mean I wouldn't say theologian Luther… Gnosifica Christianity, saying that some are servants of God from birth and some from birth are servants of the devil , breaking the possibility of returning to do good by the sinner and thereby reducing the pardon of mere tolerance of evil, the book introduces the exam that does not only private reading of the Bible, but also to determine for themselves what is good and evil. Then if a person is likely to do good or evil that the incarnation, The passion and death of Jesus? Reduces asceticism as a means to look for signs of land salvation, and not as a means to holiness… Waiver of terms such as penance to give space to a sinister moralism…

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