The patience and mercy of God are aimed at our salvation, non-clearance of sin as a lifestyle

Father Ivano

The angle dell'omiletica of the Fathers of The Island of Patmos



Let us understand this first: may God be merciful and magnanimous certainly does not exempt the sinner from the effort of leading a path of truth about his own life. If I do not look at the truth in my heart and I do not recognize the garbage that accumulates there, I'm just a hypocrite who hides the dust under a nice carpet.


Ivano Liguori, Ofm. Capp.



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the sterile fig

The Mercy of God is therapy that transforms sinners into saints e, like all therapies, need patience, of time, Constancy and effort. There is no divine mercy cheap without a healthy acknowledgment of personal guilt and a genuine desire for change.


Let us understand this first: may God be merciful and magnanimous certainly does not exempt the sinner from the effort of leading a path of truth about his own life. If I do not look at the truth in my heart and I do not recognize the garbage that accumulates there, I'm just a hypocrite who hides the dust under a nice carpet.


In the Gospel of this Third Sunday of Lent [cf. text of Liturgy of the Word, WHO] Jesus reacts vigorously to the so-called Theology of Retribution which consists in considering the misfortunes as the consequence of faults, more or less known, committed by men. In John returns this type of theological vision in the episode of the man born blind: "Rabbi, who sinned, he or his parents, that he was born blind?». Jesus answered: "Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents, but so might be made manifest in him the works of God " [cf. GV 9,2-3].


Obviously this theological vision is busted, God likes to punish men, But Jesus has the chance to make some useful considerations. The Lord makes it clear that the conversion is necessary in order to make a true experience of God. The problem is not the disgrace or death - that can affect everyone in every moment - the real problem is that he does not want to convert to God and does not want to return to him with all my heart.


The conversion, We know it is the Holy Spirit, but it occurs only when man is able to maintain a certain fear of God. If there is no fear but audacity and insolence, our life is a goner! Natural death is the logical consequence of that death to the grace we have experienced with the distance from God.


Since the conversion involves the fear of God, the Lord gives us time so that our lives can repent as much as possible. God expresses patience so that the sinner may be fertilized by the Word, from the sacraments, by trusting prayer and experience of ecclesial communion. Jesus is the factor that daily application to the Father the time for each of us to be converted. We are irrigated and fertilized by the blood of Christ, waiting to bear fruit for change.


Inside the Liturgy of the Word this Sunday, there is the proclamation of a proclamation of mercy and patience, but this is put as an objective need for a fruitiness and a conversion. We can not affirm that God in His mercy and patience does not look on sin, He pretends not in front of the sins, He closes his eyes becoming our accomplice and blanketing everything with a thick layer of dull gooders.


God the Father never tires of welcoming sinners, but repentant sinners! He conosce our weakness, nevertheless asks us to leave Jesus to save you from sin does not become an incurable cancer that leads to death. God does not want any man to be lost, does not want the sinner to die but life in abundance, you must always believe in the good news.


Scripture assures us that there is sterility and death it can not be strengthened or rehabilitated, Today not dwell on the greatness of our sin, but on the greatness of the Father who only he asks us to fill our distance from him, just as he had the courage to do the prodigal son.


Cagliari, 23 March 2019



the personal blog by Father Ivano



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2 replies
  1. fabio
    fabio says:

    kind father ivano

    the problem today is that the hierarchy suggests cheap mercy for all,on the contrary, without conversion we do not hear about it ,with a few exceptions like her,truths of faith like hell are denied ,and the newest are never remembered ,on the contrary, with the liturgical reform every element in this regard has been eliminated, such as dies irae or eternal death agrees? I greet you and thank you

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