The logic of Alessandro Minutella: "Others do worse". Maybe yes, but they are clever and keep quiet


If an opponent suffers a defeat, rejoicing over it is not Christian, sinking a blow is not human. Even making moral judgments is not appropriate, it's not up to us to do it, while definitive sentences are the responsibility of the courts, not of the moods of social media or anyone. Minutella deserves human respect precisely because she suffered a solemn defeat, but equally humane respect would also be deserved by those simple and naive people who followed him and who for days he has been reassuring with surreal stories, presenting them with another reality.

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Editors of The Island of Patmos








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The structure of Little Nazareth founded by Alessandro Minutella, the presbyter of Panormita incurred excommunication for heresy and schism, then resigned by the clerical state, after two sentences from the Regional Administrative Court of Sicily for building irregularities, one of the 2023 (see WHO) and one of 2024 (see WHO), it was acquired by the assets of the Municipality of Carini as required by the executive decree (see WHO).

«They are attacking us for two arches that have been closed, just stuff 20 square meters" (Alessandro Minutella from “Saints and Coffee” the 21.06.2024, hours 9:15, Channel YouTube Of Radio Domina Nostra). In the picture: "just." 20 square meters" taken with satellite in May 2024.

If an opponent suffers a defeat rejoicing in it is not Christian, sinking a blow is not human. Even making moral judgments is not appropriate, it's not up to us to do it, while definitive sentences are the responsibility of the courts, not of the moods of social media or anyone. Minutella deserves human respect precisely because she suffered a solemn defeat, but equally humane respect would also be deserved by those simple and naive people who followed him and who for days he has been reassuring with surreal stories, presenting them with another reality. Reason why, based strictly on objective facts and actions, not on subjective interpretations, we believe it is our duty to offer a faithful summary of what happened, in total adherence to what is narrated by the reasoned sentences issued by the Regional Administrative Court of Sicily.

On land in the municipality of Carini (Palermo) is licensed in 2007 to build a small rural building for agricultural use. As soon as the work began, Minutella ordered the workers to modify the project and what should have been a small building for agricultural use became a chapel of approximately 180 square meters. When, following a report, the traffic police go to check whether he was building in compliance with the building permit granted, they discover a whole series of irregularities and an initial concreting process carried out. At that point an order is issued ordering him to proceed with the immediate restoration of the original state in accordance with the approved project and the building permit granted.. In this photoshoot of 2013 the process of overbuilding of the rural area is documented.

The first ruling of the TAR the 2017 (see WHO), followed by that of 2018 (see WHO), photograph and detail this situation in every detail. Instead of appealing, however, Minutella changes the cards on the table and suddenly the land is no longer his but belongs to another property.. Thus we return again to the TAR, which rules that it is certainly not the change of owners that will cure everything. Meanwhile, to the old discrepancies already contested, the "miraculous" water well was added, the swimming pool of the “aspiring Sicilian Lourdes”, a further pouring of concrete to create the so-called chapel of the Holy Face of Manoppello on the outside, walls and concrete structures scattered everywhere visible and documented by images taken via satellite before and after the construction of the concrete structures. All these works have been declared abusive, although the interested party tries to deny the evidence of the facts in his videos, presenting himself as a persecuted victim.

Minutella has been saying this for weeks in his public videos that this "persecutory fury" unleashed towards him and towards "a work desired by the Madonna" is based on "very small discrepancies", now pointing to a window, now a couple of closed arches. He has specified several times that the buildings built in this area are made of wood and as such can be dismantled (see his videos WHO, WHO, WHO, etc..), however, failing to specify that they were erected on agricultural land on cemented bases with a screed of 20 cm. subsequently tiled, with related electrical and water systems that are anything but regular and compliant with safety regulations. According to him, these would be small, insignificant things carried out in areas where - he ironically - illegal construction triumphs everywhere, that means: others do worse things (see his videos WHO, WHO, WHO, etc..).

The urban discrepancy it does not depend on "two closed arches" but on the fact that in the master plan this land for agricultural use was not intended for a place of worship. Moreover, to be able to build a church - be it a chapel or a building used for worship in any case -, dealing with the administrative authorities cannot be a priest resigned from the clerical state declared by sentence of the supreme ecclesiastical authority no longer a member of the clergy and of the Catholic Church, but only the diocesan ordinary of the particular place, according to the laws that regulate relations between State and Church in accordance with the Concordat of 1929 revised in 1984. Therefore, any individual who overnight deemed it appropriate to declare that the current one is a "false Catholic Church governed by a false Pope" and that they, called "small remainder", they are instead the true Catholic Church, has no legal right to request and negotiate with the competent administrative bodies the erection of places of worship, as he and his associates do not constitute either a religious body under public law or a religious association recognized by the State. This is the reason why H.E. Mons. Michele Pennisi, Archbishop of Monreale, within whose canonical jurisdiction the town of Carini fell, with a public decree of 17 September 2015 defined Minutella's activities as "illicit" and "suspected of manipulating the consciences of ordinary people", as well as «the construction of the so-called is illegitimate “cappella” on privately owned land, because it lacks the necessary ecclesiastical license" (see text of the decree WHO).

Affirm and complain: «They give space to everyone, to the Jews, of Protestants, to the Mormons, to Buddhists... but not to us!» is an irrational victim pose. These religious associations that he mentions from time to time are all recognized cults, starting fromKILL (Union of Jewish Communities of Italy), equally the various non-Catholic Christian aggregations such as the FCEI (Federation of Italian Evangelical Churches) o la Sacred Orthodox Diocese of Italy, to follow with non-Christian aggregations such as theUBI (Italian Buddhist Union) and various others who have stipulated specific agreements with the State obtaining related recognition and protection as cults and religious bodies under public law.

The facts prove that Minutella has repeatedly attempted to obtain concessions that are impossible to grant under the law - such as for example the erection of places of worship - by acting in an aggressive and mocking manner towards the public administrators and ecclesiastical authorities of the place. This is what happened when in 2022, finding himself passing through Trebaseleghe (Padova), canonical territory of the Diocese of Treviso, struck by inspiration he decided to found the Little Tabor, purchasing on the spot for 200.000 euro the building of a former gym that needed to be completely renovated. And after making the purchase he realized that this building which had been unsold on the market for eight years was entirely covered with an asbestos roof., the disposal of which cost - by his public and repeated admission - 60.000 Euro (see video WHO).

A few days after his arrival in Trebaseleghe he was already posting on his channel YouTube daily videos where he insulted all the Bishops of the Triveneto (see video WHO), starting from the Patriarch of Venice, to follow up with the administrators of the local municipality, who could not grant the change of use of a building from a gym to a place of worship, for the legal reasons already explained above (see video WHO). Not to mention opportunity and prudence, as well as knowledge of the history and society of areas which between the 1980s and 1990s always constituted the great stronghold of the old Northern League, imbued with all his prejudices - whether acceptable or unacceptable - towards Southern Italy; and where perhaps they were not anxiously awaiting the arrival of an exuberant Sicilian who would mock the bishops of the region and the local public administrators.

Seeing the glass half empty and half full we must take into consideration when Minutella complains that on the neighboring land there are houses that have not been abused, but which are precisely entirely illegal constructions (see video WHO). Then he later becomes ironic: «Elsewhere there are no abuses and irregularities... no, everything is fine, especially here in Sicily!». He also narrated several times that when the traffic police went to carry out various inspections, they stood with their backs turned towards the neighboring buildings burdened by the same ones, if not worse building abuses (see video WHO).

Anyone who has known and visited Sicily he could see, especially in certain coastal areas, of construction irregularities and abuses than in other parts of our country, they're not just impossible to make, but they are just impossible to think about. The difference between certain subjects and Minutella is that they, knowing that he had committed irregularities and abuses, they are silent, they don't go and attack everything and everyone around the globe. This is how things work - certainly in the wrong way - within a country like ours, who knows how to be corrupt and corrupting when necessary from Trieste to Porto Palo di Capo Passero, a location also known as the "last Sicilian stone in Italy", much closer to Malta than to Rome.


the Island of Patmos, 21 June 2024





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