The most manipulated phrase of this pontificate: «Who am I to judge a gay man?»

Father Ivano


Years later, starting from certain poisoned pseudo-Catholics, we must continue to read these scandalized assertions: «… the Pope stated: who am I to judge a gay?». To then subsequently accuse him of having cleared what remains a moral disorder for Catholic morality. In fact, it is precisely the Catechism to which the Holy Father referred that in n. 2357 clarifies: «Acts of homosexuality are intrinsically disordered».


Ivano Liguori, Ofm. Capp.


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The «who am I to judge a gay man» it is a sentence that has a premise followed by a clarification, then an expression in line with Catholic doctrine and a further final clarification with reference to the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

Even if we have the Internet available and everyone can go and look for and read the official speeches almost always accompanied by video documents, available and accessible on website of the Holy See, the army of functional or digital illiterates limits itself with obstinate obstinacy to relying on hearsay and half-sentences reported from blog to blog.

Aware that it will be of little value to clarify it, I do it anyway: the Holy Father began: «… the lobby, all, they are not good". And as a premise it is not a trivial matter, because he is referring to the powerful and ideological LGBT lobbies, even if he doesn't name them, but he makes it clear.

After this introduction moves on to an unequivocal clarification: «… if one is gay and seeks the Lord...". There's no talking, so, of an elusive gay as such, but of a gay «…who seeks the Lord…». After the introduction and clarification, a further clarification «… and has good will…». At this point the Holy Father makes a statement that is obvious from the point of view of the doctrine of the Catholic faith: «… who am I to judge?».

I say obvious because only God can read and judge the conscience of a man, none of us can, because even if he wanted to he wouldn't be able to do it. Having expressed everything, the Holy Father concludes: «The Catechism of the Catholic Church explains this so beautifully, but he says: “These people must not be marginalized for this reason, they must be integrated into society".

Now let's read the whole sentence with which the 28 July 2013 the Holy Father responded to the Brazilian journalist Ilze Scamparini, correspondent from Italy and the Vatican for Rede Globo, unleashing the LGBT fans and making those obtuse Catholics cry foul for whom not understanding seemed to be more convenient than ever:

«[…] You were talking about the gay lobby. MAh! Much is written about the gay lobby. I still haven't found anyone to give me an identity card in the Vatican with "gay". They say there are some. I believe that when you find yourself with a person like that, must distinguish the fact of being a gay person, from lobbying, because the lobbies, all are not good. That's bad. If a person is gay and seeking the Lord and goodwill, who am I to judge him? The Catechism of the Catholic Church explains this so beautifully, but he says: “These people must not be marginalized for this reason, must be integrated into society" […]». (Official text, QUI).

The n. 2358 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, to which the Holy Father refers, recital:

«A non-negligible number of men and women have deeply rooted homosexual tendencies. This inclination, objectively disordered, constitutes a test for most of them. Therefore they must be welcomed with respect, compassion, delicacy. In their regard, any sign of unfair discrimination will be avoided. Such people are called to carry out God's will in their life, e, if they are Christian, to unite the difficulties they may encounter as a result of their condition to the sacrifice of the Lord's cross ".

Years later, starting from certain poisoned pseudo-Catholics, we must continue to read these scandalized assertions: «… the Pope stated: who am I to judge a gay?». To then subsequently accuse him of having cleared what remains a moral disorder for Catholic morality. In fact, it is precisely the Catechism to which the Holy Father referred that in n. 2357 clarifies: «Acts of homosexuality are intrinsically disordered». What this implies, in the whole context of the numbers 2357-2358, a clear distinction between sin, to be rejected always and in any case, and the sinner, to be welcomed always and in any case.

It should always be avoided to take at face value the things reported from blog to blog. but yet, those who are careful not to go and read official speeches and documents, almost always with movie attachments, available and within everyone's reach, they constitute a painful and pitiful army that is increasingly dense, with whom often, we priests and theologians, we must experience the great failure of impotence, in front of whom, stubbornly, he doesn't want to listen to reasons, Why … “my sui social I read that …".


Sanluri 29 May 2024





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