"The path of the three keys" fantasy novel by Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo

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Having translated in the form of a novel, hovering between fantasy and dystopian, the essence of hindmost, it is an effective - indeed brilliant - way to fill that void that has made Catholicism sterile, which for half a century has been groping in the dark in a continuous succession of self-destructive experiments. hindmost is a beautiful term that combines the ultimate realities of every Christian in a catechetical and pastoral form in an apocalyptic perspective understood in its most genuine etymological meaning: revelation.


Jorge Facio Lynx
President of Editions The island of Patmos



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Telling in the light of faith the vicissitudes of the life of an established professional through the lens of hindmost: a choice of other times and a rather unusual topic in the current Catholic panorama. This is what the author proposes in this novel fantasy-theological in the balance between dystopia and fantasy, retrace in a pastoral and catechetical form the fundamental moments of the spiritual life of every Christian to prepare him responsibly for those ultimate realities - taught him many decades earlier during the stages of Christian initiation and then disregarded or forgotten - but essential in the apocalyptic perspective towards revelation.


Who we are, where we come from, where are we going? These are the deepest existential questions in the life of each of us. The path of the three keys it is a paradigm of the journey that each man is called to travel through the numerous stages of his earthly existence. It is born, you live and die. Those who are aware of this know they have a past behind them, to live a present that flows fast and a future that is becoming more and more imminent, indeed, he is already here and at the end he will present us with a bill, sometimes quite salty.


This is the drama of the transience of life, an interminable succession of alternating experiences. Affections are on the one hand on the scales, friendships, the joys, emotions, professional satisfaction, disappointments weigh on the other side, suffering, the mortifications, the diseases and those tragedies that each of us, crescendo, is called to face.


More and more innovative technological applications every day and consumerist propaganda flatter us to live the era of modernity, in a world folded into more materialistic hedonism where the appearance and selfish satisfaction of our pleasures and needs have in fact clouded our spiritual essence, the only fundamental individual wealth, the ability to think about the deepest reasons for our existence asking ourselves why, what is our role in creation.


This literary work marks the human and spiritual maturity of Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo, refined dogmatic theologian and historian of dogma, that by combining his theological skills with a profound knowledge of the human psyche, he masterfully translates the deep and mysterious existential themes of the protagonist into a novel, successful man, in which each of us can easily identify. Narrator of recognized talent since the publication of his historical novel Nada s security, the Author manages to lead the Reader through concrete spaces and landscapes where the dialogues of the characters follow one another, making to taste, from picture to picture, even the most minute and crude details of human weaknesses, where he often loves to hide the deepest teachings of the Catholic religion with original and never predictable artifices.


This presentation was made by Jorge Facio Lince and Ettore Ripamonti


From the island of Patmos, 20 December 2021



the Editions The Island of Patmos they thank the Roman painter Anna Boschini author of the cover made from one of her oil paintings on canvas and donated to the author for this editorial publication.






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