(3rd part) Today there is an obvious problem in the formation of the clergy: the Ambrosian presbyter who celebrates Holy Mass in water on a mat is worthy of blame but not of media lynching

Father Ivano


The Crotone Public Prosecutor's Office felt the duty to intervene following an offense committed against the religious sensitivity of Catholic believers. What if the insult was perpetrated by an LGBT exponent or by a "protected category" of different geographic backgrounds? Because the offender remains such before the law that does not admit distinctions of geographical origin, ethnic, religious or sexual. So why in front of the various Gay Pride in June there were no measures against individuals who have caused blatant insult to the signs of the Catholic religion? [previous articles: who, who]

- Church news -


Ivano Liguori, Ofm. Capp.


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I couldn't resist curiosity to go and look in the various social media in the last two days the story linked to Mattia Bernasconi, an Ambrosian presbyter. Well believe me, based on the results obtained, I've really seen all the colors: a finished and finished Court of Miracles, chock full of dwarfs and dancers, of convinced heretics, of confused believers, of avid censors, of public defenders and vilified virgins up to the purest justicialists and compulsive guarantors of Catholic doctrine. The same thing I could see by going to google on some search engines the case of the "Missa aquatica", as it was nicely renamed by the magazine The New Compass Daily.


So I decided to write some considerations regarding that I wish to share with the Readers de The Island of Patmos. Having had the opportunity to metabolize the whole story, putting her in prayer, I also had the time to identify myself in the person of the young Ambrosian presbyter Mattia Bernasconi who is worthy of blame yes, but not of media lynching. I am therefore convinced that today there is an obvious one, real and objective problematic in the theological formation of the clergy. Yup, dear Readers, the true wound it is not that of celibacy and the priestly pant, more or less visible indication of a promised but not kept chastity. The only, the only real problem is that priests no longer know what they are celebrating and therefore no longer know what they believe in: "Understand what you do, imitate what you celebrate, conform your life to the mystery of the cross of Christ the Lord ", exhorts the bishop when he consecrates a presbyter. None of this is more evident.


The most immediate consequence of this theological amnesia is given by the loss of one's own priestly identity which leads to experiencing different human drifts, even those linked to a human sexuality that is no longer ordered to love and the good of God is degraded. And when sexuality is no longer ordered to good, takes over and controls the person, in the most depressing forms that we know well. However, it is useful to remember that falling against the sixth commandment for a priest is a much less serious thing than what can be done by falling against the first commandment., against that mystery of God who reveals himself in the Eucharist and of which the priest is the custodian and privileged administrator.


For all those who … "Oh my God! But that priest has a lover, has a son, fell into masturbation, took a nude selfie "they would do well to remember that this is not the only sin to be sorry for, something that for the bishops themselves appears unbecoming, ready to dissociate with immediate diocesan communications, only to justify with tooth and nail the priests affiliated with anticlerical associations, propagators of the most porcine anti-human policies and who have made the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ the Great Charter of the most moneyed globalist and globalist NGO.


When we don't feel the need to be scandalized, in the evangelical sense of the term, for the visible sacramental realities widely mistreated with the alibi of the pastoral care of proximity; when we are happy with a Sunday Mass celebrated in 15 minutes; when we do not feel discomfort for a mocked and mortified confession in its sacredness, it is not even permissible for us to point the finger at the chastity of a priest whose heart and weaknesses only God knows and understands.


Clarified this point, I don't think Mattia Bernasconi acted out of wickedness or out of luciferian bad faith, however, he certainly acted out of evident theological ignorance and a mortified priestly sloppiness. And we say all this not following a personal judgment on the facts but from what he himself said and affirmed to the Corriere della Sera journalist who interviewed him., highlighting the fact that the problem of the Mass. And it doesn't take long to understand that when Holy Mass becomes a problem we have reached a fairly serious tipping point. It becomes a problem in the summer when I am on vacation and I would like to dedicate myself to doing what I like. It becomes a problem when it's too hot and I don't want to wear a coat, amice, the track, the stole and the chasuble. It becomes a problem when I have to undergo uncomfortable times to be able to celebrate it or I have to go to a distant church. It becomes a problem when temporal realities and human values ​​appear more important than the realities of heaven that the Holy Mass sums up in itself. You understand now why the Western Catholic priesthood is slowly changing its form into a form of social welfare? You understand now why a priest today has more advantages in becoming a psychologist, politico, trade unionist, social educator, compared to what it really is, that is, man of the sacred who leads to the sacred? He is looking for that immediate and fulfilling satisfaction which he is unable to find in the divine mysteries [See. Robert Sarah, For eternity, meditations on the figure of the priest, Cantagalli, 2022, p.195-214].


Dear brother priests and dear lay faithful, let's remember one thing well: the Sacrament of the Eucharist and its institution never deviates from the sacrament of Holy Orders and its institution. So much so that it is not risky to paraphrase that medieval axiom relaunched by Henri de Lubac which says that "the Church makes the Eucharist and the Eucharist makes the Church" in "The Eucharist makes the priest and the priest makes the Eucharist". Without the priest in the Church there is no Eucharist but without the Eucharist the priesthood cannot stand up.


When a priest, who should have done at least six years of theological and philosophical study, does not come to understand that Holy Mass cannot and must not be celebrated with the conditions and provisions that we have seen in the sea of ​​Crotone the problem exists but does not concern only the presbyter. The problem is also the seminary he attended and the theological faculty that formed him. The problem lies with his bishop, of his spiritual father, of his confessor. In the present case we do not seem to recall reactions on the part of S. E. Mons. Mario Delpini archbishop of Milan, who should have at heart the ongoing formation of his clergy by preventing such incidents, maybe take note that something did not go the right way. Instead, from the Church of Milan, no word has reached us about the Crotone accident other than the re-proposal of the embarrassing one note which first appeared on the site of the diocese of Crotone-Santa Severina. I think S should also ask himself some problems. E. Mons. Angelo Raffaele Panzetta, archbishop of Crotone, that with loving paternal charity and pastoral zeal he should have told Mattia Bernasconi: «Son, until we have the guarantee that you have understood the sacrilegious gesture made towards the Most Holy Eucharist, you in the diocesan territory are no longer welcome, go back to your bishop who will be able to show you the right penance in order to recover your confusion of faith and your identity ". But that would be asking too much, an abundance of grace that we are not allowed to see. Unfortunately, we no longer have the courage to exceed for God, for his glory as they used to say in the time of Saint Ignatius of Loyola, today the Holy Mass is smart, as it is smart the Catholic priesthood, if this is true we are certainly lost.


As I finished writing this third chapter of the story of the Mass in Crotone, come the public apology from Mattia Bernasconi published on the website of the San Luigi Gonzaga Parish and reported in various newspapers (who, who, who). This is undoubtedly something worthy and to be appreciated, in the most sincere and fraternal hope that this admission of responsibility is motivated only by sincere regret for the contempt for the sacrifice of the Holy Mass and not by the media fuss that has affected the whole affair. I am very grateful to the Lord and to Mattia Bernasconi for this conversion which must be accepted in the fullest and most integral way. Just as full and integral is the mercy that the Church shows towards her children when they make mistakes and repent, be they lay people or priests. But at the same time I wonder: how come the Prosecutor of the Republic of Crotone felt the need to open a file against the Milanese priest for outrage against the Catholic religion? These measures are not so frequent in very Catholic Italy. Although the Italian Criminal Code provides in art. 403 the pecuniary penalty for anyone who publicly offends the religion of the State or a religious denomination or one of its ministers, why Mattia Bernasconi, Ambrosian presbyter, he is the only one to have paid the price?


The Prosecutor's Office of Crotone felt the duty to intervene following an offense committed against the religious sensitivity of Catholic believers - something that the two Archdioceses of Milan and Crotone have been careful not to do - but a doubt remains: and if the insult had been perpetrated by a LGBT speaker or from a "protected category" of different geographical origin? Why let's understand, the offender remains such before the law that does not admit distinctions of geographical origin, ethnic, religious or sexual. But why in front of the various Gay Pride in June there were no measures against individuals who have caused blatant insult to the signs of the Catholic religion? It may not be that the priest today is the simplest subject to punish and ridicule? What if, let's put the hypothesis again, a member of the clergy had offended a gay boy by calling him a "fag" or a citizen of Ghana by calling him a "black", perhaps that his diocese would not have immediately raised the deepest anathema with a lot of indignation and ostracism?


Dear Mattia, perhaps the problem is not so much the reckless gesture that you ignorantly made towards the Holy Mass, but your being a priest which at the present is extremely annoying and who is on the wrong side of history. Remember this when the storm is over: Christ continues to renew his trust in you, this is clear enough to you to go on and become a holy priest. About everything else, including those who defended or attacked you, remember that they did it because they did not see in you the man of God but only a weak category to be used as a kleenex without the danger of risking anything. And maybe this, of this whole affair, it is the aspect on which we should meditate more seriously, you like all of us your brothers, united to you in eternal and indissoluble kinship by the redeeming blood of Christ.

Laconi 27 July 2022


A video that raises very serious questions about the ongoing formation of priests, but above all on the formation of their bishops for the episcopate






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