The most terrible cancers, and difficult to heal are the diseases that prevent us from being witnesses of Christ [1st The sadness]

Father Ivano

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- Pastoral care of health -


[ 1st The sadness ]


It always affects of sad to see Christians, He was always struck. In the same way, it strikes me to see sullen priests and religious people. This is because it is a blatant contradiction in those who should announce the Easter. When he celebrates Mass, when I drive a prayer, or when you simply walk into a church, I like to stop and observe people. I observe that I too, I need encouragement from those who live a strong faith and have an intimate relationship with God. And while often orsservo, here ... long faces!


Ivano Liguori, Ofm. Capp.




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sad clown …

With this new article I will start a cycle of reflections on the most dangerous spiritual illnesses for the life of a Christian. As always I want to quote the Word of God, taking as inspiration a Gospel passage that I've got to also mention other times in my writings on our Patmos Island:


"And here, in that very day two of them were going to a village called Emmaus, at about eleven kilometers from Jerusalem, and they are talking with each other about all that had happened. While they are conversing and debating, Jesus himself drew near and went with them. But their eyes were kept from recognizing him " [cf. LC 24,13-16].


In verse 16 it is evident a certain blindness heart and mind, this means that there is something in these two disciples that prevents them from recognizing the risen Lord. There are indeed some soul diseases that separate us from Christ and that prevent us from doing our novelty of the Gospel for this to transform our lives and that of others. It is therefore in these terms that I wish present the first spiritual sickness: the sadness.


It always affects of sad to see Christians, He was always struck. In the same way, it strikes me to see sullen priests and religious people. This is because it is a blatant contradiction in those who should announce the Easter. When he celebrates Mass, when I drive a prayer, or when you simply walk into a church, I like to stop and observe people. I observe that I too, I need encouragement from those who live a strong faith and have an intimate relationship with God. And while often orsservo, here ... long faces!


sad clown …

Let us first understand a thing: qT his kind of sadness is not given by the reverses of life that inevitably we all find support. The sadness of which I speak, It is mixed with resignation, It is a sadness that is often despair, depression, static, docility which - as we want with mystical masks and sliced ​​air holiness - always emerges afloat.


The Christian can only be described if not within the joy, was created for the joy and the same redemption by Christ - albeit accompanied by inevitable tragedy of the Passion - it not ends with Good Friday but with the Sunday of the Resurrection expression of joy that wins over death. The vivid representation of the joy of Christ and the disciples, that the early Christians, It emerges from the Gospel of St. John the Apostle, indicated by the great Fathers of the Church and by the exegetes, also as "The Gospel of joy».


The most credible sign of a Christian It should be just what joy, the intimate joy of living for God and his company; the deep joy of being able to present to the Father every moment of our day and be sure to feel loved, included, forgiven and healed intimately. For this mi often like to quote a passage from the homily for Christmas Pope St. Leo the Great says that: «Recognize your dignity, oh Christian». That is, we are called to re-know each other again, to become aware of our identity, realize again who we are as believers. Every Christian life - thus the mine and yours - is life in which Christ lives, opera, but, pray, hope, suffers, He relies on Father.


sad clown …

The Christian life is a life of communion where the relationship with Jesus is present: here is my dignity, here is my joy! On the contrary, facendo however room for sadness, I put in the shade the presence of Jesus living in me and I go often with only my strength that I check to be inadequate. Moreover, This attitude of spiritual melancholy is reinforced by statements like: "We are born to suffer !», "I'm not worth anything, What can I ever do any good?», "I have zero, God is everything ", "We are in God's hands, we can not do anything ", "I deserve to suffer because of my sins, God rightly punishes me". All these ways of thought of “Christians”, pose a serious down payment on the joy that God wants for her children, Christ merited for us with his resurrection and that the Holy Spirit constantly pours into our hearts as a free gift.


This shadowy situation it is often the result of our low spiritual self-esteem and a very bad or absent spiritual and catechetical formation. I'll explain …


… Spiritual self-esteem is the awareness of the value which every person attaches to itself in relation to the person of God, the attitude that everyone is against it as a loved one, accepted and valued by God. This spiritual self-esteem in part depends on us and our experience of God, in part it depends on those who educated us in the faith so that we could feel loved and worthy Christians. Having a low self-esteem is also the spiritual image of God index that we have cultivated. We can perceive God as an accountant, he who marks his notebook our mistakes and flaws ready to make us pay the bill. We can perceive God as the dictator who deprives us of the joy and only asks us to sacrifices, we can get the idea of ​​God as a symbol of efficiency that wants all perfecting without the possibility of making a mistake or show weakness. Or we tested the idea of ​​God as a con man who promises everything and keeps nothing, or the idea of ​​God's vindictive judge who likes to punish and chastise the man to show his strength.


sad clown …

All these images of God They are indicative of pathological way in which Christians perceive ourselves and the way we live style of the Gospel within our religious communities. E cOn these assumptions, you create a serious risk of a problematic spiritual self-esteem.


It may happen that as Christians we tend not to look at the positive aspects of our lives, denying or not seeing the good that God works in us. It seems more natural to consider the downsides disconsolate and cry about our miseries. Even some religious education, guided by a false and deviated concept of humility, He has led us to feel guilty every time we talk about our quality and that is beautiful and holy we are living in relationship with God.


The confession of praise, that is, the manifestation of the nice things – and therefore of the joy – that the Lord brings into my life is essential to make the sadness disappear once and for all. That's why during the sacramental confession, even before the prosecution of sins, you need to show to the priest, the joyful reality of which I have to give thanks to God.


The Holy Scripture and the most authentic Christian anthropology They tell us that man is not a being negative, lost and dejected. There is a deep-rooted optimism that sees positively the man and this derives from union with God who gives beauty, comfort, dignity and makes the face of the Son continually shine on every created reality. Man is created not only in the good and in the infinite love of God, but is structured as actually very good [cf. GN 1,31] and as a positive reality which has its model in Jesus Lord of the world [cf. With the 1,16-17]. Not even the first disobedience [cf. GN 3] He manages to undermine the respect and the love that God feels for man, so as to continue to evaluate its creature with a personal act of love and care. For this reason, the height of the drama of original sin, man receives also the promise of redemption and he is given a new dress that can give him dignity and value [cf. GN 3,15; 21].


sad clown …

In the history of the people of Israel God always helps the man so that nothing detracts from its value, its certainty of being loved. Neither the arrogance of the Pharaoh of Egypt, nor hunger and thirst in the desert, or sickness, obstinacy and murmuring manage to convince God to reject and disesteem man created very good. It is not external things – good or bad – that determine our value as Christians, It's not what people say about me that makes me a better or worse Christian, it is the value I have for God that makes me lovable.


In the wake of this thought, psychologist James Bugental states that our true identity does not lie outside of ourselves, it must not be sought in external confirmations, in external security. Our true identity, we can find our treasure by digging in the field of our soul, deep within ourselves: place where God takes up residence and reveals himself in joy.


It is in this shrine that I can find the original image that God intended for me, the original word that God pronounced when creating me and which is capable of giving meaning and joy to an entire life, even the most ruined and apparently useless one.


[end of Iª meditation]


Cagliari, 20 January 2019



Shoot, clown !



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7 replies
  1. Ornella Antoniutti
    Ornella Antoniutti says:

    Instead I, but I must confess that I did not read the whole article, I can't stand the perennial happiness shown to me by some people who frequent the parish…. it will be envy for their ability to hide worries and problems? The enormous load of suffering that oppresses the entire Creation and which is becoming unsustainable, if you give it any thought, cannot leave anyone indifferent and “glad” , even though the trust in Salvation is firm and certain.

    • father ariel
      Ivano Liguori, Ofm. Capp. says:

      Dearest Ornella, pace a!

      With your comment you give me the opportunity to clarify some issues that your response has raised.
      For this I thank you.

      When you refer to the "perennial joy" on the faces of some parish-goers, you also suggest a poorly concealed sense of forbearance towards the attitude of these Christian brothers.

      This certainly creates discomfort for you or perhaps - as you also notice - a sort of envy for the ability to hide problems.

      First of all, the joy of these brothers may actually be inauthentic and their smile artificial, useful only as a palliative in the face of life's hardships. But we don't know this, therefore we suspend judgment for the sake of charity.

      In psychology a way of smiling called has been classified Pan Am smile, in reference to the flight attendants of the well-known American company no longer in service. These hostess from the Pan American, they practiced to show off a courtesy smile to use with nonchalance in front of the travellers.

      In fact - this non-verbal communication - did not convey empathy and interest towards the traveler but only sterile formality.

      Having made this premise, I have to agree with you, in some cases this type of smile is used without conveying anything: nor human warmth, nor a serious experience of faith.

      The Letter to the Philippians [cf. Fil 4,5] reminds Christians to always be affable, but he is careful to specify that the source of this joy is the closeness of the Lord.

      As you can read from my article, Christian joy is first and foremost the certainty of a presence.
      The joy of the Christian is not sentimentality or, worse, formalism, it is the fundamental option in choosing Christ daily. Joy comes from a decision for Jesus, it means accepting him in life as Lord and savior.

      Saint James in his letter [cf. GC 1,2-3] it tells us how joy is perfect when it experiences moments of verification, especially in times of difficulty. This does not mean that suffering and adversity bring joy. However, when faced with a trial we know that our life is well rooted in Christ, no one can take us out of his hands [cf. RM 8,35-37] and this means putting faith on the line, which also acts through our feelings, keeping us calm.
      We see this type of perfect joy in the Blessed Virgin Mary, who in the face of the passion of Jesus - despite suffering - never lost joy, he never complained against God for the unjust fate of his son. We find the same joy in the martyrs, who faced death knowing that they were victorious in the face of evil.

      Christian joy is a gift of faith, fruit of the action of the Holy Spirit [cf. Gal 5,22] and its perfection does not depend only on our dispositions but above all on the presence of Christ who lives in us.

      Perhaps faced with the difficulty of rejoicing for many men - it is not so much motivation that is lacking - but rather faith, more than enough reason to remain sad.

      I bless you.

      • Zamax says:

        I add that S. Paul (2 Corinthians, 7, 10) makes the same reasoning regarding the “sadness”, regarding the sphere of sin in the case in question, but which can be extended by analogy to the complex of spiritual life: “So long as, Godly sadness produces repentance that leads to salvation, and which there is never anything to regret; but worldly sadness produces death. ” So in the “sadness according to God” there is always an underlying element of happiness.

      • father ariel
        Don Ciro says:

        Dear Father Ivano,

        congratulations for your articles (and for those of fathers Paolo and Gabriele), this happy island is increasingly becoming a solid landing place for Catholic internet users and also for us priests.
        From a forty-year-old priest to a forty-year-old priest you are, I trust you that 4 years ago I was hospitalized for 10 days in a certain hospital in Rome, where five young non-Italian priests served (but this is irrelevant), who never once stopped by to say hello, even if he had been informed by the medical staff that there was a hospitalized priest in that ward.
        They celebrated Mass in the hospital chapel, they passed a while’ of time at the hospital bar, and then they disappeared.
        While in, three or four non-Italian nuns (but this is irrelevant) they went around the departments bringing Holy Communions like advertisers who give you advertising flyers on the street.
        I suffered much more from this and because of this than from orthopedic surgeries.
        Father Ariel came on Sunday and celebrated Mass in my hospital room, without ever having received a cent in salary from that hospital institution, as they took those non-Italian priests instead (but this is irrelevant, who were not Italian).
        Next time I will be admitted to your hospital in Cagliari !

        Don Ciro
        from the charming Naples, where you laugh in every sense
        especially at the ecclesial and ecclesiastical level

      • ornella
        ornella says:

        Dear Father Ivano, I sincerely thank you for the comprehensive response you gave me. Undoubtedly, Faith and prayer are support and relief in adversity, but I remain of the opinion that always appearing joyful is also a quality of character: There are extroverted people among us, and others more thoughtful. Maybe it's because we are going through a very difficult time, both within the family and “world”, I would dare to say. Whereby, precisely, seeing yourself surrounded by Pan Am smiles, or that appear so, It does not help, but it exacerbates the discomfort.
        I keep His blessing in my heart.

  2. Zamax says:

    [About sadness] I am among the most immune to this passion. And I don't like or respect her, although the world, almost by default, has taken to honoring her with particular favor. They are adorned with wisdom, the virtue, conscience: silly and monstrous ornament. Italians, with a more tailored choice, they have baptized wickedness with his name. Since it is always a harmful quality, always crazy. E, as always vile and low, the Stoics forbid their sages to try it. (Michel de Montaigne, Wise men, Book I, Cap. (II))

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