Author Father Ariel

I Santi “obnoxious”, Popes included …

— Letters from the readers of’Patmos Island -



[…] if the Holy Father Benedict, doctrine man and refined theologian, he had a tendentially mild and weak character, to the point of being subjected to a real dripping during the last year of his pontificate; the Holy Father Francis, che conosce la dottrina e che per sua stessa e ripetuta ammissione non è un teologo, far from having a mild and weak character has the spirit of the leader, of General and, tra un sorriso mediatico e l’altro, his authority knows exercise and enforce, and how! At this delicate moment in history at Christ Church maybe needed this: a Pontiff that impose its authority knew and know to cry if the proud and arrogant rather than go away crying before the arrogance of the proud and arrogant.



Author Father Ariel

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo

Caro Father. I've been reading your articles for a while and I have to tell you: on something I agree on other somewhat less. We witnessed a very painful renunciation from part of a great Pope that stinks more than blatant exclusion on the part of those who have always hated. She defines a thing for me was the spearhead of the Holy Pope John Paul II and now impresses me the strength with which bears his cross. Frankly it saddens me to compare his meekness and determination the arrogance of his successor who seem to be debunked a Paladin of so-called progressive that a representative of the East India Company as she called his order [cf. WHO] intriso di potenti. I know that the Holy Spirit is at work but does not force then it is not that we have closed the door on making us owners of what is not ours? I'm not a traditionalist I am just a Catholic Christian a little saddened and bewildered. Thank you for your attention and for your possible reply.


Caro Ermanno.

The vocation follows the dynamics of falling in love. When as a teenager I used to fall — something that happened every two weeks media —, my age seemed to me as a beautiful goddess, what am I saying: perfetta! A quel point, by man “adulto” ed “experttal ero a 13 year old, got to sing and dance "Ramaya Ramaya Bokuko abantu Ramaya Miranda Tumbala» [see WHO], I went to get my grandfather's advice, che aveva la capacità di prendermi persino sul serio — forse perché si chiamava Giordano Bruno? —, remaining unmoved in the face of my shoot, type: "I fell in love with Silva, the daughter of pharmacist». And he, Serio: "But I didn't realize that Silvia was the daughter of the bakery». And I: "And, you got it right, because even the Baker's daughter is called Silvia, but that was two girl cooked does». E dopo la prima euforia la ragazzina cominciava ad apparirmi non più una dèa, and rather than see her perfection I began to see the flaws.

How many times I happen to smile to myself, quando per i sacramentali o le assistenze liturgiche indosso la crush bianca, oggi che sono felice sposo della Chiesa.

After disbanding neurotic Dell’falling vocations one of my trainers — also became a priest in adulthood —, mi rivolse un monito di cui feci subito tesoro e che oggi è per me oggetto di esortazione: «Do not idealize the people, because you can create idealizing of idols, finendo poi appresso delusi e non di rado arrabbiati col coltello stretto tra i denti».

To avoid falling into such disarray and at the same time clarifying certain doubts legittimi altogether, should be clear, first of all, what is Holiness. Saints are those figures to which all we do cheer but well we look by look, in particular to the holy martyrs. What are the soubrette e gli attori di film demenziali che amano dichiararsi devoti di San Pio da Pietrelcina in giro per le televisioni o sulle colonne dei rotocalchi rosa, to whom is never crossed my mind to make the slightest effort to imitate the model in their lives of faith and Christian virtues of this extraordinary santo?

There are major figures in the history of the Church that no one has ever canonized and that inspire my deepest sympathy, that is a human element subjective. Ci sono diversi santi, alcuni anche dottori della Chiesa, that make me instead antipatia, some deep well; and the antipathy, as the sympathy, is a human element subjective and as such if necessary to control, because from it you should not be affected when you are called to formulate evaluations and especially to make choices regarding the Church's life or the lives of individuals.

La riconosciuta santità instead relies on an element objective rectum on a solemn pronouncement of the highest Mastership: the Church has canonized that man or that woman — I can be obnoxious — recognizing objectively la eroicità delle loro virtù ed elevandoli quindi a modello di esempio per il Popolo di Dio. This element of objectivity is a given for me that I have never denied, quite the opposite: lo riconosco, I respect that, I follow it and send to the people of God. Moreover, the Church does not requires me to ask you to intercede for me with God in those saints who subjectively I think “obnoxious”. E se per un verso non nego di sentirmi molto più vicino alla spiritualità di San Domenico di Guzman e dei suoi Frati Domenicani, on the other hand I don't have any problem to declare indifferent to the figure of Saint Francis of Assisi and distant from his Franciscan friars. I have sympathy for St. Philip Neri and devotion to Saint Ignatius of Loyola, Despite being free to express that the current Jesuits — to me epitetati Company of the Indies —, have little to do now with the society of Jesus designed by their founder, perché se tornassero a essere ciò che erano, instead of spreading poisons of Karl Rahner like Thomas Aquinas novel of the 20th century, would the novitiates and student full, instead populated by some African shaman or by young Indians who often manifest themselves most clearly that Buddhist Christians. And we pass on the kind of training through which came to the priesthood a pious past and Jesuit on what you come today certain methods and certain Buddhist shamans means.

The whole thing is just Chronicle of a death foretold, why the 23 October 1972 un insigne gesuita, Cardinal Jean Danielou, rispondeva così a un intervistatore della Radio Vaticana sulla crisi della vita religiosa, in particolare della Compagnia di Gesù:

«La soluzione unica e urgente è fermare i falsi orientamenti presi in un certo numero di istituti. For this it is necessary to stop all experiments and all decisions contrary to the directives of the Council; mettere in guardia contro i libri, the magazines, conventions that are put into circulation these misconceptions; ripristinare nella loro integrità la pratica delle costituzioni con gli adattamenti chiesti dal Concilio. Where this appears impossible, It seems to me that you can not refuse to the religious who want to be faithful to the constitutions of their order and directives of Vatican II to form distinct communities. I superiori religiosi sono tenuti a rispettare questo desiderio. These communities must be allowed to have houses of formation. Experience will show if vocations are more numerous in case of strict observance or observance homes mitigated. Nel caso in cui i superiori si oppongano a queste richieste legittime, un ricorso al Sommo Pontefice è certamente autorizzato» [text of interview, WHO].

E sulle ceneri della Compagnia di Gesù St Ignatius Loyola, He was born to father Pedro Arrupe new Company of the Indies diretta oggi da Padre Adolfo Nicolás.

Another item to clarify is the fact that the Holy perfection is not required. Not only, indeed, There were saints who walked the capital sins far and wide, because along with the sins they committed all manner of errors, prima di quella conversione che li ha portati a diveniri degli autentici modelli di virtù. A separate topic deserve those saints who were Matti come cavalli da corsa, to name one among many: St. John of God, also as former soldier Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Fatebenefratelli order meritorious, It takes its name from the habit of this man of God who often, between the laughter of the people, began to rant and to gesture the squares and markets screaming: «Fate del bene, fate bene, siblings, a voi stessi!». Implying that doing good to the next, and in particular to the sick, It was also good to yourself, alla propria anima.

The last Popes canonized and beatified, were far from perfect: mi riferisco a San Giovanni XXIII, Blessed Paul VI and John Paul II San …
… certain naivety of John XXIII are known facts, as is the fact that if the withdrawn Paul VI, anziché piagnucolare, He had used his authority to invoke Apostolic and nipping their legs to certain theologians who spread dangerous heresies, today their children ed i loro grandkids non avrebbero impestato la Chiesa intera di pensieri eterodossi. Nor can we evade the fact that in the last decade of pontificate of Saint John Paul II, with Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re, prefect of the Congregation for bishops have risen to some of the worst Episcopal bishops ever had by the Church over the past two hundred years of history; and this statement is a fact supported by the convictions of various courts of the world, from various more or less silent dismissals, da tanti penosi promoted to be removed, etc ...

Ciò vuol forse dire che sono stati canonizzati e beatificati degli uomini che non lo meritavano? Or men without the fundamental virtue required of a Saint, che è la prudenza?

Place without stain of original sin was born only the Blessed Virgin Mary and that only the word of God made man has never known SIN, These Popes have been canonized and beatified because in spite of their imperfection, in the face of an appeal before which Apostolic, the first to be inadequate in its way it was personally chosen by Christ God, were models of heroic virtue. Analogamente a San Pietro anche questi suoi recenti Santi Successori hanno vissuto una vita esemplare in contesti sociali e politici talvolta difficilissimi, a volte impossibili da gestire, Blessed Paul VI in particular. And as we know Peter, dopo essere scappato impaurito [cf. Mt. 26, 47-56], dopo avere rinnegato il Signore per tre volte [cf. 26, 69-75], dopo essere stato a giusta ragione rimproverato da Paolo ad Antiochia [cf. Gal. 2,1-2.7-14], è morto versando il proprio sangue per Cristo e per la sua Chiesa; a blood that makes him heroic in faith but certainly not perfect in some of its incorrect opinions, in certe sue condotte di vita e in certe sue scelte.

This logical Christian It is therefore also applicable to Benedict XVI, None of us can reasonably change nor in a roaring lion or a warrior, né in un idolo, even with all the affection and reverence that I for one I cherish towards him.

Che Benedetto XVI abbia mostrato profonda debolezza and sometimes a total lack of Church Government, is a fact that nothing takes away the virtues, His Holiness of life and beautiful theology according to which, Apostolic authority together with its, He could order the diffusion of heretical thoughts of many theologians — starting from Karl Rahner — and to prohibit their thoughts were used as teaching incorrect even required under her window to pull up papal of future priests who do not have a clear idea at the outset on the ministerial priesthood, proprio perché infarciti delle gravi eresie rahneriane riguardo la concezione stessa del Sacro Ordine [reference on the subject to the splendid article by John Carlson, see WHO].

From refined what was theologian could have avoided, then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, to consecrate a Bishop with his bare hands a topic from questionable to say the least Christology as Bruno Forte; could have avoided by the Roman Pontiff to consecrate a bishop and then create a subject like Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, that embodies the denial not only of healthy living theology of Benedict XVI but the orthodoxy of Catholic doctrine; avrebbe potuto impedire a molti scellerati vescovi italiani di mandare i loro seminaristi a fare i ritiri spirituali prima delle sacre ordinazioni presso il false prophet e bad teacher Enzo Bianchi, perché tutto questo è autentica empietà … These and more are the devastating works that took place under the eyes of Benedict XVI, fully informed and aware of all. Delle oggettivepecche” that invalidated but his Holiness of life, alla sua alta teologia ed al suo splendido magistero pontificio.

Having said that I add: If those who by waiving the sacred throne continue to try theories from libro giallo, Instead they tried to penetrate the mystery of the Church — which requires the assumption of humility and listening — understand that Pope Benedict has done voluntarily, spontaneously and freely by the why can't handle a situation of paralysis that has developed as a tumor with disseminated metastases in the last half-century of the Church's life, starting from John XXIII, come blaterano gli accusatori del Concilio Vaticano II, because the triggering conditions already there were everyone in the last part of the pontificate of Pius XII, which saw fit not to appoint a Secretary of State; But having said that why can't I gotta sit open a complex topic in the theme. I will only say that the many, le troppe Agatha Christie entering as tanks in the factory of Murano crystals of the contemporary church history, should assess the damage and the bewilderment that produce the good people of God, pronto spesso a prenderli sul serio in quanto “Seri” e “Devotees” Catholic historians or journalists. One “Serio” e “devotee” giornalista cattolico non svende però la povera e deturpata sposa di Cristo per uno scoop, impersonating the sensationalism for irrefutable truth; a “Serio” e “devotee” storico non spaccia per verità le proprie ideologie soggettive, as such all debatable.

If we do priests catechesis, If we explained to our faithful the fundamentals of doctrine, of Ecclesiology, the sacramentary, Church history and Canon law — but the assumption though is the knowledge transmission — we would avoid leaving them in meal daily Twaddle who write many vaticanologists loaded by their owner-operators or as any from small serpents hidden in the anonymity of the Roman curia; giornalisti che molti nostri fedeli — non avendo adeguate risposte da parte di noi preti — prendono come Parola di Dio con tutto ciò che ne consegue.

And to respond strictly in relation a relevant question: ammettiamo che il Santo Padre Francesco, as our dear reader is an «arrogant». Admitted and that the grace of the Holy Spirit is able to pull out the virtue even the habit, I ask: After a gentle man was devoured by an open-air dump which gave rise within the Church to a dirt like no other traveling upstream from weakness of blessed Paul VI inherited almost unmanageable heritage from San Giovanni Paolo II, It wasn't that there was providential as a “marpione Jesuitche sorride pubblicamente in piazza rimanendo simpatico a tutti ma che in privato a Santa Marta taglia le teste? And those who were guillotined cannot manco complain, because if they did they would finish the square filled with lynched fans from … er papa piacone He immediately declared that "from the other side of the world», unless you have the ability to make smart concrete facts in — and I mean that in the positive form — out of this world.

More than answers I gave food for thought, including the action of grace of the Holy Spirit through the Holy Father Francis, and as I said already two years ago in the third month of his pontificate: «È enigmatico. One Pied Piper that is bringing all the mice in the open ' and that I hope will lead them one below the other to jump into the river for the Supreme good of the Church. I am more and more convinced, indeed, through the Synod on the family pulled them into a trap by placing them in a position to go all out in the open, cosa che alla resa dei conti comporterà che allo scoperto venga infine anche lui. E, as I wrote in the past, the Holy Father could run the risk of returning to wear the red shoes for what they really mean: the martyrdom of Peter that with bloody feet on Vatican Hill came to be crucified upside down [see WHO]. At that point we — which we devoutly criticized — we will defend it and we will watch the cross with the young John and the Blessed Virgin Mary, While "all the disciples, forsook him, fled» [cf. Mt. 26,56], because I am afraid this is the end, all in all very glorious, reserved for the Holy Father Francis, at the end of this honeymoon media that was too long and that even the most shrewd and cunning of the old Jesuits can pull over for a long time.


THE ENIGMA OF FRANCIS – intervista del giugno 2013 ad Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo

11 replies
  1. hector says:

    Rev. Dad,
    What do you think of the recent and upcoming performance of Rabbit? (Your incorrigible?)
    1. Thursday 17 September 2015 Rome – Duties of medicine. Patient's rights
    The ' Court of Francesco’ submit a document: "Constructive Lines for a right of care and end-of-life decisions". Someone on “the new compass” commented bitterly :
    “Surprise: even a cardinal pulls the plug.”
    From Assisi 23 al 27 September, a dialogue between believers and non-believers on the theme of humanity.
    Giving a look at the rich program you discover other “surprises” concerning the Conference venues, guests (Ravasi has “good” social circle, a high budget, sponsor munificent) and arguments (almost all human knowledge!).
    Some conferences have really titles “suggestive” and eye-catching: bookable spaces are already almost sold out.
    Magnificence and pomp, in the House of the poverello of Assisi!
    I implore the intercession devoutly because from these scattered seeds are born good fruits
    the greater glory

    • Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo
      Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo says:

      Explanation, about Gianfranco Ravasi and consequences of ravasipensiero, all of them should be asked to the Holy Father Benedict XVI, because it is he who has consecrated and it is he who created Cardinal.

      • fabriziogiudici says:

        Excuse Don Ariel, but I don't understand your answer. Yup, I think that even those who are very fond of Ratzinger and are in tune with his thinking realize that he has not exercised the role of government as he should have. I recently read a concise comment, that "a fine theologian does not necessarily have the skills of governance", and in this case too it came from someone who has Ratzinger in great sympathy. On the other hand, it is the same thought of Ratzinger, who realizes it has resigned. Good, so far we are all in agreement. Then she says it is good that Francesco governs with an iron fist, also to make up for the past. Fine. But not only the Ravasi remain and are not removed; others are added. And where is this iron fist then?? He understands why to many, I even, things don't add up?

  2. Emilio says:

    I just noticed the reference to Race, I know marginally, but I knew the student Borgonovo, in career, for reasons relating to the historicity of the Bible. Historicity that he, and many like him, does not see, Affirming the nonexistence of Solomon, David and Moses…. Ben existed instead, that, however, requires a profound modification of those times scenario in terms also of astronomical events. And Salazar would say Race goes well beyond.

  3. father ariel
    Andrea of Bernardo says:

    Caro Father,
    sono un terziario domenicano, and if I am not indiscreet I would like to ask you: Why not become a priest in the order of Friars preachers?
    If the question is indiscreet and erase everything and do not answer me.
    Heartfelt greetings to the island of Patmos.

  4. father ariel
    Don Angelo Rossit says:

    … “Devil” of a priest!
    A stroke of genius, your provocative title “Saints obnoxious”, to remember and to clarify what is truly masterfully Holiness.
    I loved it soooo much, is this your is to father John concerning the invalidity of certain priestly ordinations.

    P.S. I have sent two mites with Paypal, Since you have to do the maintenance costs of the site, I hope to do the same as well as other readers.

  5. fabriziogiudici says:

    Dear Don Ariel, I feel akin to his reader Ermanno (except I'm not baffled). You write shareable things in this article and I agree that the key point these days is that rats are coming out. But this does not necessarily imply a positive judgment towards the piper: because the rats are bossing around and dealing damage left and right. The commander's arrogance does not upset me, because as you say I don't expect a saint to be necessarily politically correct, rather. But I could argue that duplicity does not go well with holiness… one thing is an interventionist pontiff e “arrogant”, another is one with these attributes who, however, does everything to appear so open and dialoguing. In short, anything you want, but that you present yourself as you are.

    For this I do not find the answer satisfactory. But, Don Ariel, I recognize her as a valid answer to the problem, that none of those who have grasped the contradictions has been able to give: “after the Synod, Francis will put on the red shoes”. I am not convinced, but now it is close and we'll see. But if it doesn't happen, some will have to be drawn…

    • Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo
      Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo says:

      Dear Ettore.

      The author of this paper, in even tones nice, He expressed his legitimate opinion, and it is his right to do so. Do not think like me, and he has every right to express it.

      Of course, the writing is somewhat confused, because I do not border accusations of heresy as they were “Carnival confetti“, given that the term heresy is part of normal theological lexicon, is not a dirty word or an insult.
      As well as ignore or pretends to ignore, the author, that before accusing of heretical tendencies the lefebvrists, accusations of heresy heavier well I addressed to all the high modernists or so-called Empyrean “Progressives”, they are also far more powerful and dangerous than the lefebvrists, because while four lefebvrist cats closed in their ghetto can't get me to do anything, the modernists, I've always stuck hard, can you clean – and I have created – big problems and big impediments.
      Thank God, from my, I've always had great support: became a priest with the firm resolve to never vacuum any ecclesiastical career, therefore, even modernists to power, to whom do I owe my total exclusion from any ecclesiastical role and task, I have minimally scratched, Since I became a priest to serve the Church and the people of God entrusted to it, to celebrate the Eucharistic sacrifice, absolve from sins, administer the sacraments according to the power of my rank order and send to heaven as many souls as possible. And all that I do every day without needing to be “gratified” or chairs in the Pontifical universities or by clamps on a red cassock.

      And all of this should take into account, When it comes to a life “complessa” as my, because I am one who always paid so much, rather: to the test, Word behind words I always paid for everything to work of those who, more could not refute my assertions, I had the knives in the back.
      If members of the clergy were to be awarded the Cain Award, the number of priests would not be rewarded and their ranks would lose really on the horizon.

  6. Manuel says:

    Dear Father Ariel,
    I read for a while’ his articles and I find them really illuminating (especially those concerning Pope Francis). Thank you very much really! God bless her!

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