The homosexual priests in the Church are not a simple problem, I am just an epidemic

- how painful it is to say "we said it and you didn't listen to us" -



That of homosexuality among priests was a “simple” problem when, within the secular and regular clergy, There was a worrying number, but still reduced, priests with disordered sexual orientation. Today, the problem is quite different, because in many dioceses homosexual priests have made real coup, as to constitute a majority within the presbyteries and religious houses, to the point that in some diocesan and religious contexts, find a priest or a religious heterosexual, It is likely to be very firm, however, also destined to total failure.



Giovanni Cavalcoli, o.p – Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo




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Who at your own risk He spoke on this delicate subject was the Father Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo, who ten years ago he had delivered and published precise analysis on the problem of increasingly widespread homosexuality in the clergy, and ever higher levels of the church hierarchy. Conversing five years ago with Roberto Marchesini on The New Compass Daily, He had to say that the Church is undergoing a real omosessualista coup [see WHO].



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His The Island of Patmos the subject has been treated by us several times from a strictly theological and canonical point of view. A couple of years ago, we Fathers de The Island of Patmos together we published two theological studies in which we raised questions that remained unanswered, despite having not only published, but also sent these our analysis to the competent authorities of the Holy See, from which we have never received any response.


Today, before yet another sex scandal, we can not help but put it back out those of our two studies, that surely will once again unanswered, while the burning house falls increasingly into pieces …


To open the two texts of the Fathers de The Island of Patmos click below:








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4 replies
  1. Rossano says:

    Thank you for the very interesting study, presented in a clear and intelligible. I understand that Pope Francis has opened the possibility of viri probati be ordered priests in Latin America, plagued by a shortage of priests. How do you see the thing you Father Ariel, what do you think of such a possibility in the future for the Catholic Church?
    Thank you

    • Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo
      Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo says:

      Dear Rossano,

      I have already dealt with this issue several times in the past, explaining that the abolition, even partial, of celibacy, subvert dramatically and very damaging pastoral structure of the Church.

      Celibacy is not a dogma of faith but it is a very old church discipline, indeed ancient: It dates back to apostolic times.

      Moreover, although in certain pontifical universities have bad teachers and even ignorant that indicate celibacy as an invention of the Council of Trent (!?), we must take into account that it, precisely, its roots from early apostolic era.

      To assert, like others have done, that the early apostles were married and so were the first priests, it's just a dangerous half-truth. Indeed, the Apostles, to follow Christ the Lord left their families, as did the then sources try who became priests, after being worried that their families had the necessary support and after getting – as attested by the literature of the ancient Fathers of the Church – the consent of their wives, the same today required before ordination to the permanent deacons, that could not be ordained without the prior authorization of his wife.

      At the time of Vatican II, when some, outside the classroom, They tried to raise the issue of celibacy, to their amazement, Orthodox, Anglican observers present at the council, they felt responding: "You who have mandatory celibacy for access to the sacred order, keep it … keep it!». And in the details, the Orthodox, They explained what it meant for their bishops to the clergy Management married and especially their wives often restless and quarrelsome brawler. About that, one of the authoritative present said: "My ministry as bishop for fifty percent absorbed entirely by problems arising from the married priests and their wives. And you, even though you have so many problems, but at least this kind of problems do you have them, because you want to look andarveli?».

      Request …
      Given that not all national Churches are like the rich, opulent and empty church in Germany, which with its ten billion Euros per year received by the tax on worship, as its wide variety of real estate holdings, can afford to maintain even 700 employed at the only German Bishops' Conference, in all countries of the world where instead the priests struggling to get going and where many are experiencing severe economic conditions, Who will keep his wife and children to priests who can not even pay the heating in the winter to warm the parish church?
      You'll probably pay the Cardinal Cláudio Hummes, senile ideological cardinal brasilo-German advocate and promoter of this idea to experiment?

  2. orenzo
    orenzo says:

    father ariel,
    I would like to point out that not only
    “the church… He can not admit to the seminary or to holy orders those who:
    1- practice homosexuality,
    2- seated homosexual tendencies”,
    but can not admit even those who:
    3- “support so-called gay culture”.

  3. with no fear of the word says:

    Already when you commented “a company find a heterosexual priest”, concede too much to the enemy. The word heterosexual, until a few years ago, It did not exist, and even still the priest sexual concept existed. Mind you, priests as human beings are all sexed , but the feature of the priest as a priest, if faithful to its vocation, It was simply to be chaste, and teach by word and example the treasure of chastity, including that conjugal. As a glimpse, in the latrines, some priests infidels granted to libertinism, but also for them if they emerged from hiding, the alternative was dry punishment, or punishment followed by redemption. I realize that I am talking about a Church that maybe today just is not there more; for fifty years I have not realized that the Church was changing me, stealthily, under the nose, but now they can no longer conceal the stench, and my nose no longer bear.

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