"You received, freely give ". XXVII World Day of the Sick

Father Ivano

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Watching for example Holy Mother Teresa of Calcutta, inspiration behind the World Day of the Sick in this year which will be celebrated solemnly in Calcutta, the assistance to the sick can only be effective if the first bow our knees and learn to communicate adoration before the Blessed Sacrament.



Ivano Liguori, Ofm. Capp.



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Santa Teresa of Calcutta

The theme of the Day of the Sick XXVIIª of this year It is focused on the gratuity and the logic of the gift, following the evangelical reference of St. Matthew's Gospel [cf. 10, 8]. In his greeting, the Holy Father underlines how the gift of life implies the recognition of gratuitousness and the same care and protection of human life over time the disease can only play in the all-encompassing donation of person in the likeness of the Good Samaritan [Official text, WHO]. The Pontiff's suggestion allows us to broaden the discourse through some very important ideas.






Santa Teresa of Calcutta

First of all, recognize life as a gift It means recognizing the real giver who is God. St. James, in his letter, He tells us that "every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father" [cf. GC 1,17], This first reference shows well how God, as real father, it is also true author of the gift of life. Indeed, the creative act of God, It is intimately tied to its authorship and that measure can not be understood without this category. The God of Jesus Christ does not resemble at all the cold Demiurge by Plato in Timeo; it's not even the creator of the universe of the Gnostic cults or detached largest watchmaker so dear to the Enlightenment. The creative act of God is a father's act and he creates communicating himself, his paternity [cf. At 17,28].


From these early consideration, it is easy to say how life implies, to be generated, a father and mother figure - although today this evidence is going through a deep crisis -. Scripture, very wisely, teaches that God becomes knowable to man and as a father and as a mother [cf. Ef 3,14; Is 49,14-15].


His paternal primacy of God of all life, challenges the man to become the guardian [cf. GN 2,15; 4,9] and to protect it in front of the scrap culture, of violence and indifference that is the result of contemporary individualism and social fragmentation.


Santa Teresa of Calcutta

The dialogue that the Holy Father points out be necessary as a presupposition of the gift, It must not be reduced only to the horizontal dimension of fraternity among men, but first he must get to the encounter with God verticalism. It is therefore necessary to lift his head to the Lord in order to be sure to see the man for what is, and so lead them to salvation.


The mystery It is just an example of how the divine vertical relationship humbles himself to reach the horizontality of the human nature in need of healing and resurrection [cf. Fil 2,7]. So the dialogue is fruitful, only if we accept the challenge of dialogue with God and the acceptance of God's Word made flesh, which reveals the ultimate paternity of God the giver of life in abundance [CF Jn. 10,10]. Without dialogue with the Lord, the comparison between men threatens to stop utopia, political ideology, demagogy, the utilitarian logic and the market, the business strategy, depersonalizing the new ethical doctrines; and today, unfortunately, the scope of health pays the price for this type of "calm" and "fraternal relation".





Santa Teresa of Calcutta

It is in the Church which implements the recognition of that brotherhood that there is in being granted sons through the Son. If Christ had not done in solidarity with the man up to the total gift of self, the human condition would have been characterized by many lost and fragmented individuality [cf. MC 6,34]. It is in the Church that the Holy Spirit - the Lord, the giver of life - educates the children of God to unity and mutual assistance [cf At 4,32] and the ability to participate in the gift of life as a rich relationship with God, and how to cooperate with his paternity. It is still in the Church that we find the mother's womb that in the liturgical baptismal font where we taste a new brotherhood that shines the dignity of the children beloved by the Father [cf. MC 1,11].


The church, before the world, thus becomes the banner of primary and merciful love that becomes concrete only in obedience to the command of the Son of God and our brother Jesus Christ: "I was given all authority in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And here, I am with you always;, until the end of the world " [Mt 28,18-20].


The mandate of Christ, at the end of the first Gospel, far from propaganda, proselytism, It ensures a continuous fraternal assistance to the Church, It is a gift of grace that the Christian has to be rescued and healed by learning obedience to the will of God in Mary - Salvation of the sick - he has his shining example and Safe.


Cagliari, 11 February 2019




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