Elections 2022 - «I'm Giorgia: I am a woman, i am a mother, I am Italian, I'm a Christian " … and I consider abortion an untouchable "right"



A Catholic cannot sign a blank check without date and without amount to people who demonstrate that they have a completely distorted idea of ​​the very concept of human life, or who, in the face of the vote, pass over the right to life by speaking of the right to abortion.

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It is indubitable that the Hon. Giorgia Meloni is a woman, a mother and an Italian, but I doubt she is Christian. He demonstrated this during the election campaign by reiterating to the various talk show that "Brothers of Italy would never have questioned the right to abortion" [Rete4: Straight and Reverse, 15.09, Fourth Republic, 19.09].

The PD bandwagon where many adult Catholics camp out radical chic who flirt with the Left of the post-proletarian freaks with the super penthouses in Parioli and the villas in Capalbio, it brings together fringes that have been fighting for years for euthanasia and marriage between same-sex couples, who complain of the excessive number of conscientious objecting doctors guilty of preventing the "sacred right" to abortion. Recently, the Piddine fringes have tried to pass a law that, behind the false banner of the crime of homotransphobia, would have effectively punished the crime of opinion. What if that law was passed as it was written, today we priests would be dragged from one court to another for having read the texts of the Blessed Apostle Paul in our churches or for having passed on what the Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches about certain spheres of morality. For now, the proposal has failed, by passing i gay friendly piddini From Prozan to Prozac, as Father Ivano Liguori and I explained in one of our books.


To hit Giorgia Meloni, woman with undoubted political talent, intuitive and intelligent, temperamentally amiable and great communicator, the Left have repeatedly accused her that the Brothers of Italy intended to strike the law 194 than in 1978 made the worst form of the death penalty legal in our country: the killing of children in the womb. Except then wave the rainbow flags shouting peace and love and tear his clothes if in the United States of America he is sentenced to the electric chair a serial killer. All in the name of "no to the death penalty always and in any case", except for the legalized death penalty for abortion imposed by mothers and carried out by serial killer operating legally in our hospitals.


A politician who from speech to speech, Of talk show in talk show states that abortion is a right and that as such it will not be touched ", the vote of the Catholics deserves it as much as the PD bandwagon with all its avid supporters of euthanasia deserves it, of the fight against conscientious objectors, marriage between same-sex couples, of the attempt to pass a liberticidal law which, under pretexts for the protection of the LGBT world, intended to establish the dictatorship of minorities through The coup of the politically correct, as our author Francesco Mangiacapra wrote in one of his splendid books.


Today we Catholics we are not even able to vote for the so-called least worst. And who would be the least worst, perhaps Cav. Silvio Berlusconi suffering from hypertrophic narcissism and delirium of omnipotence or the Sen. Matteo Salvini who changes his mind overnight? We fly over the grillini that should have redesigned an entire country, except to become worse than the old levers of the D.C.. and of the P.S.I, which at least were made up of men of great preparation and culture, or by authentic statesmen of great class and race like Bettino Craxi. A Catholic cannot sign a blank check without date and without amount to people who demonstrate that they have a completely distorted idea of ​​the very concept of human life, or who, in the face of the vote, pass over the right to life by speaking of the right to abortion.


Like the sound of the Pied Piper of Hamelin elections always end up bringing the mice out into the open, because you need votes to win them. And to get votes you need not so much pleasure, but please the worst of this world. However, a Christian cannot please what is bad, nor can it call the massacre of the innocent "intangible right", with the deafening silence of the very Catholic Elisabetta Gardini, also a candidate in the Brothers of Italy.


A person who has declared himself a Christian around all of Europe, but that before the elections it justifies itself for the sake of voting with repeated public confessions ensuring that "no one will touch the right to abortion", she qualified enough not to get the vote of the Catholics, even cost abstention or a canceled ballot inside the polling station. Without detracting from the high quality and capabilities of the On. Giorgia Meloni, which undoubtedly is Giorgia, is a woman, she is a mother and an Italian, but in the face of the vote she proved that she was not Christian at all. And of this Catholics are kept in conscience and take seriously, if some of them had wanted to choose the least worst.


the Island of Patmos, 23 September 2022












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3 replies
  1. Francesco
    Francesco says:

    Dad, I can also agree with you that Giorgia Meloni, like Enrico Letta and Emma Bonino, is convinced that the very concept of democracy postulates how “philosophical principle” (agent, But, in practice) the denial of any absoluteness of values. However, do you forgive me, it is better to have the Girondins in power, instead of the Jacobins and the Sanculotti. I don't know if you know what I mean…

  2. orenzo
    orenzo says:

    I do not like Giorgia for her subordinate position to the born on the war in Ukraine but, on abortion, I believe the greatest fault lies with the bad teaching:

  3. Antonello
    Antonello says:

    I have some doubts that Meloni is the least worst. Of course in comparison to the PD ... in any case it will not have my vote, also and above all as expressed in this article.
    What to vote for though? I had intended to deepen the "alternative for Italy" program, but in my part it does not show up. So? What to do? Abstention? Likely.

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