Top The Charlemagne Island of Patmos with a question of Christ the Lord: "Who do men say, the crowds that I am? And you, Who do you say I am?»

The paradigm of “as direct Stolta”: from the fifteenth century monasteries reduced to brothels to the twenty-first century infertility. The rejection of reality creates the decadence that leads to death. We can say that in religious life for women all went well after Vatican II ?

In this terrible dark night, for the New Year 2019 the work program has been dictated to the Island of Patmos from the Blessed Apostle Peter: “Your enemy, the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, looking for someone to devour. Resist him, firm in the faith, knowing that your brothers around the world suffer the same sufferings as you "

Dal Bello to Moro: holiness is not decayed Nobel Prize, canonizations are pronouncements of the solemn magisterium from which there is no turning back

The philosophy of Martin Heidegger and Nazism

The German episcopate and Eucharistic intercommunion with Protestants. Peter washes his hands like Pilate: "Find a unanimous solution among you"