Because we can not tell us traditionalists but even progressives

- Editorial Island -




BUT EVEN progressives

Catholics who fight in different ideological factions reason and write about topics ecclesial with a language that makes sense only in sociological analysis in the service of political discourse, starting with the most used terms, come tradition in opposition and progress, conservation in opposition to reform, continuity in opposition to break up. Instead we reason and we write in terms only theological. We are convinced that, when it comes to fundamental issues concerning the life of the Church, no one can make a serious and constructive discourse that is useful to the people of God, except using the categories and principles of theological science.

Author Antonio Livi

Antonio Love


The notes and comments on current ecclesial we dell 'Patmos Island go publishing in recent months maysangiovanni2.jpg to seem, for a reader who was somehow prevented, yet another contribution to the age-old controversy between Catholics "conservatives", or "traditionalists", both moderate extremists; and "progressive" Catholics, or "reformers", both moderate extremists. Quotes that I used for each of these labels are indicating that these ideological positions are qualifications Sociological - sociology of culture and sociology of religion - which some hold onto each other in a rhetorical skirmish where theological realism is scarce and idealistic fabulation abounds. In fact none of these positions is actually located in the pure state, in a coherent and comprehensive, in a single person, in the consciousness of a believer in the flesh who cares about the fate of the Church in general and in particular for his soul. But unreality produced by visual sociologistic of things the Catholic faith tell you later.

Author DRAFTING of the Island of Patmos

The eagle symbolizing the Apostle John

Now I want to say that mistaken lovers place of us'Patmos Island from one side or the other this virtual fence. I and other writers of 'Patmos Island we are accused by some of being too hostile to Lefebvrians and sedevacantists, just as others accuse us of not being "Bergogliani" enough - this tragicomic denomination circulates in Italy -, for the fact that we do not follow the litanies of those who on every occasion applaud the - alleged - reformist and / or revolutionary intentions of Pope Bergoglio. Everyone feels entitled to label us, indeed claim that we ourselves self-schierandoci officially we label one side or the other; and since we claim our sacred right not to take sides at all, so then we are to be the target for criticism of the fanatics of either party.
Progressives like to resort to the old but still useful rhetorically Leninist reasoning by which "those who are not revolutionary is an accomplice of the ruling class'. In Italy we always prefer the version Gramscian, arguing that every intellectual has to be 'organic revolution'. However, this is an argument that, translated into “newspeak” of today, sounds so: "Equidistance is a sneaky way to support the party to which you belong secretly". Instead of traditionalists accuse us of being “normalists”, to close their eyes to the terrible reality of the crisis afflicting the Church, reason why we felt it irresponsible and do not hesitate to throw us in the face reprimands that Scripture addresses the bad shepherds and false prophets: "Dumb dogs", "The blind leading the blind" etc..

GERMANY, Bonn, "Online" - Human miniatures on a computer keyboard.

… does not take sides in any faction

We say again that does not take sides in any faction, because we are convinced that to be consistent Catholics do not need to be biased. Indeed its consistency in the Catholic faith suggests not adopt attitudes and languages ​​that are proper of the factions, parties, ideologies. Many years ago a holy priest warned not to reduce the holy Church in one of the many cliques that always were formed within the Church and who tend to argue with each other or try to proselytize against each other: he said: «I am not a fanatic of any form of apostolate, not even that practiced by the work that I founded " … the cliques harm the unity of the Church and is contrary to the demands of charity among its members, even when you are in real sect, the type of those sects that were formed already at the dawn of the Church, as evidenced by the recriminations that we read about it in the letters of St. Paul and in those of St. John. Every binnacle with a propensity to become sect it claims the infallible interpretation of the truth - appealing to Tradition, spirit of the Council or directly to the Holy Spirit -, but fanaticism has nothing divine and instead is something "human, Too Human ", as Nietzsche said about something else. Fanaticism is produced by the worst miseries of the spirit - presumption, ambition, the exaltation of their group, particularism, the esclusivismo, social envy -, miseries that the consciousness of the individual can easily recognize but which are then "sublimated", Freud would say, when the individual leans psychologically other and form the "team spirit", with which it is easy to find a thousand excuses for pragmatic unfair things that you think, you say and do.


No, thank you! If it is the Church

I prefer theology


karl marx

the German thinker Karl Marx

Cardinal Marx

an eponymous German: Cardinal Reinhard Marx

The critique of ideology is born with Marx, and Marxists, even in the twentieth century - for example, the Frenchman Louis Althusser - they believed they were fighting and defeating "bourgeois" ideology with "science", that for them it was just Marxism. Failed project, because in politics - or in political economy - there is no possible science, and Marxism, as I had to write so many years ago, is nothing if not an ideology among others, "The ideology of the revolution" (1). But when it comes to the truth revealed, foundation of the faith of the Church, then science exists, and theology. And theology is the criticism of any ideology within the Church. It is indeed the theology the critical conscience of the Catholic faith, being based on the assumption by statute of the distinction between dogma and opinion, between truth common to all believers and a hypothesis of interpretation and / or application pastoral. Only those who examine the ecclesial reality with a theological criterion is able to distinguish opinion from dogma, and only from this distinction can and should criticize any opinion, also legitimate, who wants to pass himself off as absolute truth, thus identifying with the dogma. A theological opinion that ignores their limits devand be criticized, because it goes against the epistemological status of theology, absolutizing itself and excluding other opinions, ANChe those that should be considered - because they are - just as legitimate.

true and false theology

The work of Antonio Livi: True and false theology

In an essay published a couple of years ago I said that a grave sin against the common faith is precisely what many theological schools have done, in Church history, absolutizing its position and "excommunicating" those who support other (2).
But you can apply, practically, this criterion so strictly theological? Of course, we are applying us dell 'Patmos Island. We apply obtaining, precisely, good theology from the necessary distinction between “dogma e “opinion. This distinction is classic, so much so that inspired the fathers of the Church to make this clear and useful program of ecclesial dialectic: “In necessary, Unitas; in doubtful, Libertas; in all charity!”. We stick to this policy to always act as Catholics without labels, as Catholics without blinkers, as Catholics but not dull open minded, that is really open with the mind and heart to appreciate every contribution which appears relevant to the understanding of revealed truth. For this we are used to propose all our reflection on faith and on human affairs of the Church as one opinion among others possible, ie as a thesis that aims to be really respectful of the other, and also cozy about other. For we do not fall into the error of making a bundle of all herbs, labeling as an author “friend O “enemy just because they belong to a certain theological current, in a newspaper or a certain group in the church, without screening, case by case, if what he says on a given occasion, is plausible. If it is, we do not hesitate to mention it or even post it, warning those who do not should understand that only pass a single argument of an author never means “to marry” every opinion and every intention. Means even feel solidarity or accomplices of all the things that his friends or associates have done or want to do. It is about “distinguish to unite” as Maritain parrying other (3): in this case, it comes to distinguishing dogma dall'opinione, to always unite in the common faith all those who are wrongly considered - or consider themselves - separate or marginalized or excluded by the fact of adopting different theoretical points of view or different legitimate pastoral methods, that is compatible with the faith of the Church.


the work of the philosopher Enrico Maria Radaelli

The criteria I have set out is the same policy that has brought me, even before participating in the company of apostolic’Patmos Island, writing prefaces or afterwords to books by authors of whom do not share the ideology but also write things that I think are worthy of being taken into account sine ira et studio. I am reminded that I wrote the foreword to a book on prayer liturgist Claretian Matias Augé, containing ideas shared, although elsewhere he has sided in favor of a more radical reform of the liturgy according to the prevailing, that is progressive (4); so how can I mention that I wrote prefaces for three essays ecclesiological Enrico Maria Radaelli, a scholar secular, disciple of Romano Amerio, instead declares traditionalist, even if, in the face of my reservations, saying he wanted to correct the diction “traditionalist”, which does not change the substance: it is always an ideology (5). Ma, as I said, in a global framework of ideology can be found and enhance value authentically theological thesis, and I really want to enhance them, because they are blinded by fanaticism nor pursue ideological purposes whatsoever.

The seriousness of theological themes

does not allow simplifications and generalizations

which are instrumental to ideology


Bernard fellay 2

Bishop Bernard Fellay, superior general of the Society of St. Pius X during a pontifical

liturgical abuses

a bishop during a “skit” liturgical clows with the presbytery

In the reasoning of the traditionalists and progressives I see too much accuracy in data collection and in their interpretation, as I see too much water (Church events) brought to their mill (human interests, individual or group). We dell 'Patmos Island we refrain from making ideological discourses, about the events of the Church, because we want to do on the Church only theological discourses. Criticism or contempt for those who do not understand the reasons for our neutrality in relation to the great war between factions do not concern us, and we do not care. The issues that they face (the dogma, the pastoral, the liturgy, the ecumenical council, the synod of bishops, Episcopal Conferences, theologians etc.) certainly interest us, but do not want to face them “with” They (as faction), at least not “come” They (when they speak as representatives of a faction). They transformed a series of fragments of truth (historical and sociological surveys, by their very nature temporary and partial) in a global vision of worldly affairs, including external affairs of the Catholic Church. By dint of extrapolating from observed phenomena some general theory (which is epistemologically incorrect, because no science is allowed induction illegitimate), have created imaginary characters and events, inducing their audience to discouragement or the apocalyptic messianic hope. Everyone remembers the heartfelt reflections of Benedict XVI on media council, an imaginary event that did cheer for half a century fans Reform of the great pro-Lutheran and has plunged into despair the fans Tradition hard and pure.

isoladipatmosCaution: of us'Isola - I in particular - we neither despise nor condemn any of these Roman observers who wanted to take sides by a side or the other. Sometimes it comes to smart people, educated and inspired by the best intentions of service to the Church. But I have never been able to share - from a theological point of view - the summary judgment that some authors have wanted and still want to make the life of the Church "as such”, believe they have been able to adequately assess the good or bad that certain events produce in the Mystical Body of Christ. In the works of these authors do not lack deep analysis and assessments largely shared, but i always known even the pretense of a synthesis impossible and therefore unfounded. I wonder: what is the real referent of their speeches? When they speak of "Church" or "Catholicism" in what concretely relate? We men - we must admit it if we have basic theological notions - know nothing of God's plans and of his intervention in the secret of the consciences of every man.. This is a basic truth that all the authors which I refer in theory admit; but then, because they imagine they can know how it goes and where it goes the Church “as such”? They in fact are limited to analyze and evaluate a few things from those who outwardly appear in the conduct of men of the Church, and / or instruments of doctrinal and disciplinary, in the costume of the faithful in various parts of the Catholic world. They know to refer to a few meager empirical evidence, but then launch themselves as facing a momentous events and prophesy and yet another “New Pentecost, or diagnose fatal diseases for the Church, believing that you have all the data needed to apply with certainty at this time on the prophecies of Revelation “great apostasy.

The one and the others are free to speculate in a positive or negative the present and the future of the Church, but certainly not with theideology claim that such fantasies are theological certainties. Language is certainly theological, but the message is ideological, not theological. You should keep in mind that a theological message is if you can translate these precise terms epistemic: is "one thing that God has revealed”, or at least it follows logically from the one who revealed. Talk about the things of Revelation "with fear and trembling" is precisely the true believer and the true theologian. Instead, flaunt a security without any scientific basis is what you do in the world when it comes to politics - the language of politics is always done on the basis of rhetoric sociological - and that's what you do in the theological when’intensely deepened who deals with problems of the Church is more ideological than theological. Here then is up to theology, for a duty of fairness to the public Catholic, to distance themselves from that ideology as conservative, progressive.

golden calf

one of the oldest natural results of ideology: the golden calf

Catholics who played in one of these ideological factions they think and write about topics ecclesial with a language that makes sense only in sociological analysis in the service of political discourse, starting with the most used terms, come “tradition in opposition and “progress,” “conservation in opposition to “reform, “continuity in opposition to “break up. Instead we - I repeat - we reason and we write in terms only “theological”. We are convinced that, when it comes to fundamental issues concerning the life of the Church, no one can make a serious and constructive discourse - that is, useful to the people of God - if not by resorting to the categories and principles of theological science. Study the current problems of the Church with the categories and the principles of theological science means to be humble - because theology undertakes to respect the limits of human understanding of the mysteries revealed, giving up the claims of rationalism - but it is the only way to avoid superficial and frivolous speeches, instead to answer the needs of the apostolate. Why is the apostolate that to which we aim always, first with the priestly ministry, and then also with the writings. What moves us and guides us, as priests of Christ, is always and only our pastoral responsibility, the duty to contribute to the life of faith of the people with whom we come into contact directly or indirectly.

What is the theological approach



“gold authentic does not admit adjectives”

The first task of theological work is always indicate, on every occasion and on any subject, what are the “articles of faith”, ie those few and most certain truths that should guide the thinking and practice of all Catholics, regardless of free opinions regarding the scientific interpretation and pastoral application - contingent in itself - of dogma. This is why I said that the theological criterion is the only one capable of distinguishing, speeches on the ecclesial, dogma dall'opinione, avoiding to relativize the absolute out of dogma and opinion, as do the ideologies of any kind. We therefore do not take sides with the conservatives or progressives because theologically these names do not make sense. It would not make sense profess "traditionalist Catholics" or "progressive Catholics", because before God and before the people of God imports only profess the Catholic faith and be faithful to the doctrine of the Church. And loyalty to the discipline of the Church and its doctrine admits many different routes, many modes of expression and many variations operational. We are and we say simply "Catholic". He said that holy I mentioned before that "genuine gold does not admit adjectives", and indeed, if one sells gold with a few adjectives to say that he wants to sell gold is something else. Faced with problems of dogma and pastoral, the only thing that matters is to identify, profess and defend the truth of the Catholic faith, that is common to all, and in which there may be no divisions, factions or parties.

freedom of thought

“you have every right to judge the facts that happen and ideas circulating in the Church, but the important thing is not to turn the judgment on individual facts, verifiable and judged by criteria Christians, in a global assessment of people, doctrines and institutions”

But then, you do not have freedom of thought? You just can not make an opinion about things that happen in the Church and that are on everyone's lips? It is not legitimate to express die value judgments about the current trends ecclesial whether reform of the papacy in a "synodal" or conservation of traditional structures? You can not be against the liturgical reform of Paul VI and in favor of "The old order"Or vice versa? In short, Catholics have the right to think and to qualify as conservatives or progressives? The remarried to such questions is obvious: certainly has every right to judge the facts that happen and ideas circulating in the Church, but the important thing is not to turn the judgment on individual facts, verifiable and judged by criteria Christians, in a global assessment of people, doctrines and institutions, making a bundle of all herbs and systematically failing to charity and justice. Above all, you can not turn an opinion - by its nature, hypothetical and contingent - in a system of thought apodictic. You can not extrapolate from empirical observations of detail a general scientific law that goes beyond all limits of verifiability and every epistemic justification. In other words - in strictly logical terms - one cannot pass from well-defined opinions in the matter and in time to an ideology. Ideology is the preferred weapon of politics but it is the denial of critical awareness that supports the work of all science, also and especially of theological science. So it can happen that an opinion, limited to a specific theme and therefore perfectly legitimate, so that anyone should consider it dispassionately examine the allowable and acceptable, then becomes, if who defends you put scriteriatamente to absolutize, totalitarian ideology, that generates fanaticism. (Passing, remember that "fanatic" is an adjective with which the theologians of Christian DESIGNATED pagans who celebrated their cults in sacred groves).


Symbol of faith Nicene Creed

The standard starting point at the beginning of each argument regarding the Church - to then start again every time things get complicated and there is no clarity - this is it: must always maintain that by the grace of God we Christians as theological criterion absolutely certain, namely that "God wants all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth". But the knowledge of the truth revealed, faith that saves us, is never the faith "subjective" - ​​Lutheran, Nouveau -, a truth that can be arbitrarily invented by someone: is always and only the faith professed by the Church, that is the dogma. In dogma - the "Apostles' Creed"Or"Nicene-Constantinopolitan”, namely "I believe"That we recite at Holy Mass on Sunday - we all fully recognize each other and are perfectly united. Then, from dogma, are possible and in fact historically produced many "interpretations"Teoretiche and"applications"Practices. Such interpretations and applications are always legitimate and even useful to the life of the Church if they remain absolutely faithful to the dogma, from which, otherwise it is corruption of the true faith (heterodoxy) or deviation from the right path shown by Christ (schism). The conceptual distinction between dogma and theological opinion, between truth and indisputable assumptions permissible, is difficult but necessary, and to illustrate it in strictly scientific terms I have dedicated my treatise on "True and false theology”, that believers accustomed to reading newspapers and magazines "Catholic" than the textbooks have deliberately ignored, while the theologians who in that book I criticized tried in every way to remove it from circulation (6).

Because it is useless or even harmful

purely sociological approach

to the life of the Church


theology prayer

theology is praying


ideology becomes quarreling

To clarify again what distinguishes the theological approach to the ideological to the life of the Church, I note that the ecclesial ideologies of all kinds - from the extremes of anti-traditionalism and progressivism conciliarist conciliarist reformer, the many positions that present themselves as "moderate", as a "third way" - they are gladly based on sociological findings, even the statistical data. And the more the arguments are of this kind, the more authentically ecclesial criterion is clouded. I would like to draw the attention of those who speak and write of ecclesial problems of how useless, when it is not really harmful, the sociological approach to the life of the Church, because any consideration that is based on data - empirical or scientific - of religious sociology fails to touch even superficially the actual reality of the life of the Church. The church, indeed, is a supernatural mystery; his real life, that is the grace that sanctifies and saves individual souls in the reality of human history, we can not know anything and we must be satisfied of the meta-historical truth that God has revealed to us. We can not know for sure, beyond the appearances that are always deceptive, Who Belongsga actually, at this time, the mystical body of Christ is the Church, as we can not claim to know what concrete plans of Providence that really governs, "Everything coming together for good to them that love God", as it is written in "Letter to the Romans”. Of what really is a good or bad thing in the life of the Church, we believe we only have a clue through faith in divine revelation, and then some experimental verification in the examination of his conscience (that is, in the mystical, even ordinary, that enables the believer to detect, in the light of faith, the effects of the sensitive Invisible grazia Divina), as well as pastoral experience (that is visible in the results of apostolic time increase in faith of the next).

modern train

Train evolved …

old train

train convoluted …

Progress or involution of whom speak much, in sociological, progressives and the conservatori are at best hypothesis worthy of respect - if the intentions are really good - but they are never to be taken too seriously, because - I repeat - lack of scientific seriousness, observe only the mass phenomena, judge situations that can not evaluate in depth, in existential concreteness of the Christian life, where you fight the daily battle between grace and sin. Even for progressives and conservatives, locked in their ideological schemes, that is the admonition of the Holy Ghost by the mouth of the Apostle: "They talk about what they do not know '. We dell 'Patmos Island, knowing that we only speak of what we know - St. Paul says: "I believe, and that's why I speak "-, we do the spokesmen of those prophets sad announcing a schism imminent, and even of those prophets hilar announcing the coming of the Kingdom through a new Church "ecumenical synod". We devote ourselves to remind everyone that the sociology of religion and ecclesiastical politics provide information of little interest to the Christian life of individual believers, to which must be announced, in every age and in every circumstance sociopolitical, the truth of the Gospel sine glossa, as St. Francis. Or better, with all the glosses necessary to be able to distinguish what is the essential (the dogma) from what is accidental (theological opinions).

triple crown

… and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it

The constant reference to any properly theological discourse are not the movements of the masses anonymous detectable sociologically: is the faith life of every single person, directly or indirectly accessible by the message, which has to hold in his heart the truth revealed, that is the only hope of salvation. For this all talk properly theological must be based only ever on the dogma, on certain doctrine of the Church that is expressed in formal statements (dogmatiche the formula), that do not give rise to doubts and are not likely to contradictory interpretations. Thank God, though they may be or seem disconcerting ecclesiastical events of the last decades, all of us Catholics continue to have as a reference point and most certain topical dogma, prepared by ecclesiastical tradition with evolution homogeneous part by the Apostles and come down to the last ecumenical council; a dogma that everyone can find clearly exposed and appropriately synthesized in "Catechism of the Catholic Church”, which is one of the historical merits of the pope who wanted (St. John Paul II). To those who say that it is foolishly "passed" - rejoices or is worried - it must be remembered that this is a document of the post-conciliar magisterium which has not been repealed by any official act of the magisterium, nor ever can be. The Church of Christ is, Benedict XVI recalled the time to give up the Petrine ministry, and for this reason it is unfailing, ie will never succumb to the "gates of hell". It will always be Mater et Magistra. Priests John Cavalcoli, Ariel S. Levi Gualdo and I we are sure why he said he, not because we have heard from some theologian, conservative or liberal it.

Entrance Sunday Second Advent

The authors of the Island of Patmos promote the protection of the heritage of good singing and Latin liturgical



(1) See Antonio Livi, Louis Althusser: “For Marx”, Issued, Madrid 1973; Fernando Ocariz, Marxism, ideology of the revolution, edited by Antonio Livi, Ares, Milan 1976.
(2) See Antonio Livi, Interpretation or re-formulation of the dogma?, iNo truth of faith. What to believe and who, by Gianni Battisti, Leonardo da Vinci's publishing house, Rome 2013, pp, 21-94.
(3) Jaques Maritain cfr, Distinguish to unite, The knowledge and Degrees, Desclee de Brouwer, Paris 1931.
(4) Antonio Love, Presentation, Matias in Augé, A mystery to be rediscovered: prayer, Pauline, Cinisello (Milan) 1992.
(5) See Antonio Livi, Presentation, in Enrico Maria Radaelli, The mystery of Sinogoga blindfolded, Effedieffe, Milan 2002, pp. I-IX; The same thing, Introduction. The misadventures of a Christian philosopher, in Enrico Maria Radaelli, Romano Amerio. Of truth and love, Costantino Marco Publisher, Lungro of Cosenza 2005, pp. VII-VIII; The same thing, Foreword, in Enrico Maria Radaelli, The Church overturned. Survey aesthetic theology, on the form and language of the magisterium of Pope Francis, Gondolin Editions, Verona 2014, pp. I-XX.
(6) See Antonio Livi, True and false theology. How to distinguish the authentic "science of faith" from an equivocal "religious philosophy", Leonardo da Vinci's publishing house, Rome 2012. See also The truth of theology. Threads of logic aletica from "True and false theology" of Antonio Livi, curated by Marco Bracchi and Giovanni Covino, Leonardo da Vinci's publishing house, Rome 2014.

Three priests in the boat to the site of the last revelation




Author Antonio Livi

Antonio Love


It is useful to speak of the Church, When you call sayttamente or indirectly to the believers, in strictly theological terms. It is not utile, rather it is detrimental to talk in sociological terms, because these are the subject oflla which ideology - not faith - is the form.

Depiction of the Apostle John, who writes the Apocalypse on Patmos

Depiction of the Apostle John, who draws up the Book of Revelation on Patmos

Expenses, come i promoters of this online magazine, live their faith in the Church with pastoral responsibility genuinely, limit its interventions on issues of current ecclesiological considerations historic-dogmatic that they always stay at the level that it is for a speech, precisely, strictly theological. The adjective "theological", other parte, makes sense only if derived from a concept of theology rigorously formulated agree with the Church's mission that the Church has always entrusted to the theologians. That mission - which I have exhibited in scientific terms in the epistemological treatise entitled True and false theology (1) - Is essentially always and everywhere in promoting the growth of the life of faith among believers through the 'rational investigation of the contents of revealed doctrine, that the ecclesiastical magisterium infallibly preserves, authoritatively interprets and transmits faithfully in every time and in every place.

The theological proposals, regardless of the method of their linguistic and conceptual expression, are valid only insofar as they depart from the dogma and illustrate it through interpretative hypothesis, must always be presented as provisional and relative, and to be always under consideration and eventual approval or disapproval of the ecclesiastical magisterium.


Landing on the Island …

For these solid and unquestionably valid reasons, the promoters of this online magazine are used to enter the theological debate sure, with a great sense of responsaidat theecclesial quantity, that their views do not deny even incidentally the verità of dogma, that is, the faith of the Church, Common to all of them before and on both sides of every hypothesis of theological interpretation, ending that is to relativize what is absolute in matters of faith. At the same time, they always try to avoid the use of peremptory tones, as if their theological interpretation was the only acceptable, with exclusion of all other; and ending that is for absolute what is relevant in matters of faith.

However, since not all those involved in the theological debateWho wants me to shut up think like us, success is that our scientific contributions were sometimes rejected by newspapers at the head of which there are Catholic intellectuals of great nobility, but also too prone to inadvertently mix strictly theological opinions with the opinions of other: ideological, policies … always on the basis of sociological surveys, often inevitably partial and always unrelated to the substance of supernatural Church of Christ.

A woman dressed as a character from the nativity scene puts a lamb around the neck of Pope Francis as he arrives to visit the Church of St Alfonso Maria dei Liguori in the outskirts of Rome

An image of the Holy Father which pose a lamb on his shoulders

From these Catholic intellectuals are also sometimes been accused of not openly criticize the Holy Father Francis and not to report his alleged intentions heretical and therefore not to oppose the "schism" that would be in place in the Church. We do not intend, however, to give in to these pressures. We are convinced that the task of theologians is not to contribute to doctrinal confusion, equating ogni externalization of a clergyman in a definitional pronouncement of the Magisterium, or even worse: interpreting any act of the Pope as an endorsement or promotion of ideological faction within the Church. Until now, by the Second Ecumenical Vatican Council to the Extraordinary Synod on the new evangelization in relation to the family, do not have any news of the publication of an official pronouncement of the Magisterium which has been modified with the substance of a dogma: nor ecclesiological, nor that concerning the sacraments of marriage, of Penance and the Eucharist.

It has often been talked about instead of some ambiguities in the text of some of the documents of Vatican II that they intended to propose a new formulation - the intent, more comprehensible to the mentality of modern man - of Catholic doctrine, and it is fair respectfully deprecate such ambiguities (2) and ask the post-conciliar magisterium of clarifying authoritatively (3), but without confusing even more the consciences of believers speaking in an irresponsible way of "heresies"; What theologically untenable because, according to the documents approved by the shareholders and confirmed by the Pope, Vatican II did not at all introduced new dogmatic formulas in opposition to or in place of those already laid down by the previous ecumenical councils infallibly.

papi postconcilio

There was also talk of operational choices, responding to conservative criteria adopted by the Popes who have succeeded in this period: Blessed Paul VI, St. John Paul II, Benedict XVI. Choices that may be deemed inappropriate or ineffective, from the pastoral point of view, but only on the basis of personal criteria as objectionable, certainly not based on any dogmatic or moral criterion established by the Church for all who exercise the Petrine ministry.

photos council

Assembly of the Council fathers

There has been talk finally, above all, of interventions by bishops who were fathers of the Council, the suo time, and which are now the Synod Fathers, which are expressed in terms doctrinally questionable, and in fact were then harshly criticized, also by other council fathers, during the course of the Second, just as today they are during the course of the Synod which will conclude at the end of the 2015, and with the apostolic exhortation that usually publishes the Pope collecting, at its discretion, the recommendations of the Assembly. The history and the record of this dialectic of the opinions of theologians and bishops' pastoral guidelines, although raising alarm in those who rightly care about the fate of the Catholic faith, not authorize but to talk about a real "schism" in place in the Church, seen that the different opinions "work in progress" not "make text", that is, they do not constitute the authentic magisterium of bishops in communion with the Pope and do not contribute to forming - much less to deform - the faith of the Church.

mass media

the weight of the mass media often falsifying information on the life of the Church

I do these things I keep repeating for years, without being neither understood nor approved by the fanatics of change and reform, which are based on systematic scientific theories not only unsustainable but also clearly heretical (4). Theories that they have always tried to impose Catholic public opinion through an image of the council as a doctrinal revolution, interpreting documents of this solemn act of the Magisterium in the light of an arbitrary "hermeneutic of rupture", as it had to complain about Pope Benedict XVI. Which Pope Ratzinger also spoke of a "Council of the mass media", only telling the backstory of the Assembly, favoring intervention of some theologians and some council fathers to speak of a '"soul of the Council", of a "spirit of the Council", artificially constructed systematically ignoring the texts officially approved, which instead are the true elements of doctrinal guidance of the faithful and the only "data" useful for a strictly theological interpretation.

synod Pope

Synod of Bishops 2014

Something very similar happens in our day with the Synod. Even today the most progressive reformers or fanatics go favoring intervention of some theologians and some Synod Fathers to imagine a Church that "goes forward in breaking the ties with the past" and blessing everything so far had been denounced as sinful situation and that did not allow full communion with the Church, if it had not been before the conversion. Some of them came to present themselves to the public as the Catholic faithful interpreters of the intentions of the Pope, which sounds a sacrilegious presumption and despicable manipulation of consciences, but it has no theological value, because of the Pope, whoever he is, imported for the purpose of obedience in faith, only its official pronouncements, those in which manifests actually the intention to speak as Pastor of the universal Church and to bring the Christian doctrine de fide a moribis, engaging the charism of infallibility that it is in exclusive.

Priests boat

Pictorial representation of the Church of Christ

If, therefore, on the one hand I have been fought by the progressives or reformers more fanatical and more equipped with means of coercion moral, Now that I am torn by the most fanatical among the traditionalists or conservatives, we understand that it has become a vital need to find a space that allows public law to carry out its apostolic mission without having to take the piece of the Progressive Party or the conservative. To this I willingly accepted the proposal made to me da don Ariel S. Levi Gualdo give life along with father John Cavalcoli to a site on the Internet that is dedicated only to the orientation of the faithful through doctrinal theological studies not related to the ideologies and not tied to political interests; a site that for this reason wants to protect from any abusive censorship and that undertakes to survive by self-financing.


(1) See Antonio Livi, True and false theology. How to distinguish the authentic "science of faith" from an equivocal "religious philosophy", Leonardo da Vinci's publishing house, Rome 2012. For a discussion of my thesis, see the truth in theology, curated by Marco Bracchi and Giovanni Covino, with contributions by Nicola Bux, Giovanni Cavalcoli, Christian Ferraro, Serafino Lanzetta, Dario Sacchi and Piero Vassallo, Leonardo da Vinci's publishing house, Rome 2014.
(2) This is what has made, among others, Enrico Maria Radaelli with his latest essay, titled The Church overturned. Survey aesthetic theology, on the form and language of the magisterium of Pope Francis, Editions Gondolin, Verona 2014.
(3) This is what has made, with reasonable grounds pastoral, as an authoritative theologian Brunero Gherardini in Second Vatican Ecumenical Council. A speech to do, Mariana Publishing House, Frigento 2010.
(4) See in this regard my first contribution to this online magazine: The ecclesiology of Hans Küng historicist [who].

Click below to listen to a Marian song of the popular tradition

The apostle John on Patmos

THE APOSTLE John on Patmos

the, Giovanni, your brother and companion in tribulation, in the kingdom and patience of Christ, I was on the island called Patmos because of the Word of God and the testimony given to Jesus [AP 1, 9]

Author John Cavalcoli OP

Giovanni Cavalcoli, ON

As is well known on the island of Patmos, archipelago of Greece, is linked to the exile of John the Evangelist, Auto dell'Apoca127143422smooth, which begins precisely in his paper with the following words: "I, Giovanni, your brother and companion nshe tribulation, in the kingdom and patience of Christ, I was on the island called Patmos because of the word of DI and the testimony of Jesus " [AP 1,9].

The Apostle John has experienced the sufferings that Christ provides for those who will follow him and that he himself has suffered giving us the example and at the same time providing us with courage, patience, consolation and comfort, when Jesus warns us that the disciples will be retested and will suffer injustice and abuse of power by the civil and religious authorities, will be slandered, marginalized, betrayed and abandoned by relatives and friends because of the Gospel. But they must be regarded as blessed, why suffer the same who have suffered the prophets and the Son of Man [CF. Mt 5, 10-12].

The figure of '"exile" in opposition to the "homeland" is traditional in Christian symbolism: the man, driven out of Paradise, now lives in a land of exile, some created by God and not devoid of beauty, but also beset by many evils and miseries.


depiction of the expulsion from Paradise

The Christian life involves, therefore, the prospect of reaching the true home in heaven serenely accepting exile and in preparing it for entry into the true homeland of eternal life. As we know, this issue for which we now live in a nether world, in which we have fallen after a takeover original, detaching from the gods, is not absent even in certain ancient pagan wisdom, as for example in Plato, in Plotinus, Gnosticism and the same in Indian philosophy.

The difference with Christianity is given by the fact that while these visions Pagan dualistic, why the disgrace of the human spirit is to be dropped in the matter - which therefore should be abandoned in order to achieve the pure spirituality - in the Christian conception, which still houses a primacy of the spirit over body, also the material world this is basically good and created by God, why should not so much be abandoned, almost is bad in itself, but rather must be freed from evil. This is what is taught by the dogma of the resurrection of the flesh.

686865_John-w-arkAs you know John wrote the Apocalypse in Patmos to comfort the Christians and the Church in their trials and suffering for the Word of God. What is the meaning dedicate this site to the place where the Apostle and Evangelist gave us an example of that his heroic fidelity to the Lord?

The founders of the site: Monsignor Antonio Livi, Father Ariel S. Levi and I Gualdo, intend to resume and apply to the present the message of John and put under his patronage and intercession of our initiative, proven in the certainty that even in the Church today - and perhaps now more than ever - those Catholics who want to live the fullness of their faith and their ecclesial communion with the Church and with the Successor of Peter are in the apocalyptic message of the Word of God the light to understand the situation that the Church is living and the wisdom and the strength to live today by faithful sons of the Church.

end of the world

nuclear explosion

The term apocalyptic in the vulgar language recalls the idea of ​​huge upheaval, calamities and disasters; but biblical scholars know that apocalyptic simply means scriptural reference to the book of Revelation, which prophesies certainly those frightening events, but in a very specific theological key, that has nothing to do with the defeatist morbid taste for the horrible and cataclysmic end in themselves; and even for a pessimistic doom, that she is aware of the values ​​and good sides of today's Church, and the elements of hope that are provided by Providence.

the Neapolitan jinxThen we have nothing to do with those "prophets of doom, bitter and amareggianti, terrified and terrifying, desperate and despairing, to which St. John XXIII warned the Church in his famous keynote speech Mother Church rejoices opening of the Second Vatican Council of 11 October 1962 [who, who].

It is true that the biblical prophet and prophecy in general in the history of the Church often denounce the sins and injustices, which will be followed by the divine punishment; it is true that the evils and misfortunes that they identify and highlight them are presented as effects of infidelity Alliance, without fear and disgust with what stand against the powerful, doers, government officials and civil priestly, until sometimes pay with their lives that their courageous denunciation. But it is equally true that the false prophets are those who say, for pure self-interest or fear, that everything is okay not to irritate the powerful, and the crimes remain unpunished so.

The most urgent need of the church today, in our opinion, is that of harmony and mutual cooperation among Catholics on the basis of the one faith kept by the Successor of Peter. The Second Vatican Council, the name says it all, came to reconcile the opposing factions. It therefore indicates the path of unity and peace, in justice and truth. But unfortunately it happened that as the immediate post-conciliar Catholics were divided into two parties, lefebvriani and modernists, in conflict with each other and both claimants to the authenticity of being Catholic.

Undoubtedly, the Church itself remains a, as this is a necessary factor of its essence. This unity is realized in the communion of saints, that is, those who are in communion visible or invisible grace between them, participation in the explicit or implicit to the medesunity of the Churchimi sacraments and obedience to the Supreme Pontiff, express or implied. They reject the extremists on both sides, though in each of these values ​​exist and a partial communion with the Church. But the problem today is to join to the fact that values ​​are partial agocts per se to create a unique synthesis and a single body that is the Church in the fullness of its elements, of its charisms and its factors. Instead, the opposite parties, of a cache of the values ​​of the Church, opposed to the other one starts, rather than merge them together in a harmonious whole that that is precisely the Church. Thus for example the preservation must be combined with progress and change with the perennial, Tradition with Scripture, distinguendo the knowledge faithful, that continually progresses, by 'object of faith that, as divine truth, is fixed and immutable. In this way, you avoid both a rigid fixity that a relativistic theory of evolution.

The point of contention between the two parties is the interpretation of the Council, for which both believe to find a discontinuity with the previous Magisterium, for the fact that the council would have assumed in toto the modernity that until tollora the Church had fought: therefore a change in doctrinal, assume that what was rejected and condemned.

In lefebvriani and modernists this interpretation because of two opposing effects or insert in two opposing panels REFERENCEent: for Lefebvre, the Council would betray Tradition, changed the essence of the Church, and assumed the errors of Modernism already condemned by St. Pius X [see who]. Hence the refusal of Lefebvre's doctrines images.php-001the new Council judged false for not say heretical. They believe, therefore, of having to refuse appealing directly to Tradition, that the post-conciliar Papacy would leave to be swayed by the errori of the modern world [among the numerous examples, see who]. For their part, the modernists have understood the intention of the Council of proporre an updated and modern Catholicism, but there has been the belief that the Church with the Council has finally taken, after centuries of closure, senseless sentences and sterile polemic, the values ​​of modernity, for which you must deny or change or abandon the dogmas defined in the past. But for what the modernists do not make any problem, because according to them the Magisterium of the Church is not infallible, there is no unchanging truth, but it is always relative to the historical evolution and the diversity of cultures. There is nothing fixed and stable, and tutto speech ends, Everything is in flux, everything is relative. God himself becomes. Believe that there is something that does not change, mean vain and foolishly cling to that which inexorably changes and disappears, what is no longer present, means to retain what no longer serves, it does not say anything and is overtaken by history.

What was false yesterday for the modernists is true today and not to be left behind in the march of history, you have to be to today, not tfeeding_dominici-001adorn the last. The truth is what the world thinks today, no matter if in contrast with what we thought yesterday, because today it is more advanced than yesterday. There are no values ​​to recover lost, but you must always advance towards nuwin ove. There is no need to check if the new reflects the true; the truth is just the new one as new. Fromnque, for the modernist doctrinal progress normally involves quite contradictions with previous teaching jobsinstitutions of the Church. It is in the bottom of the Hegelian scheme of becoming. So for them in the past, the Church is wrong and finally with the Council has corrected its errors, long denounced by reformers of the past, as for example Luther. For this ecumenism is not understood by the modernists in harmony with the preservation of the Catholic dogmas integral, but as the host of the doctrines of the brothers sepplowed that in the past, especially the Council of Trent, were condemned by the Church. So there is no need to have any scruples to abandon or at least to relativize those Catholic dogmas which are not recognized by the Protestants.

95-Thesis-de-Luther [1024x768]

the monaco Augustinian Martin Luther affix his thesis on the portal of the cathedral

This affinity that the modernists have with Protestants He porta, in imitation of Luther, to promote the knowledge of Scripture and the Christian message, as well as theological progress regardless of the Magisterium, but by appealing directly to the Bible or to modern exegetes, Protestants also, as well as Lefebvre criticized the Council's teaching by appealing directly to the Tradition. So is the one that others bypass the Magisterium and placed on top of it, and found them, rather than - as they should if they were true Catholics - docility and confidently through the mediation of the Magisterium of the interpretation of Scripture and Tradition.

But there is this difference between modernists and lefebvriani, that while they have no scruples to challenge certain doctrines of the Council which they consider outdated or backward, as well as any other teaching of the Church according to their dogmatic evolutionism, Lefebvre at least know how to preserve with care the dogmas of the past, However, only up to the Council, after which, according to them, the Magisterium would have degenerated, so that they feel compelled to keep the "tradition" against the Magisterium itself.

island of currents

Island of the Currents in the south eastern tip of Sicily, where they meet the currents of the three seas of the Italian peninsula

That in the Church there may be two currents, a traditionalist healthily, more sensitive to the preservation of the most sacred values ​​and perennials, as for example those of the liturgy, ed un'altra, more careful historical element, development and progress of the dogma of the Christian life, current that we might call "progressive", is something completely normal, useful and even necessary to the integrity and smooth operation and funziration of the Church in her human and social. In fact, these two currents, If rEstaño within orthodoxy and ecclesiastical discipline, are specially made to complement each other and to work together in the promotion of the one faith and the one charity. Instead become hostile to each other when they divide the Church, out of ambition, presumption, or need to take center stage, protrude from the right faith, by a common obedience to the Pope and the observance of the same discipline and ecclesial charity. Must therefore ensure that lefebvriani and modernists, like brothers in faith, reach an agreement on the common basis of that Catholicism means that although all profess. E 'dunque urgent, really bringing the Council, highlight what can foster dialogue and agreement, factor which ultimately is summed, in short, in a sincere full acceptance of the Magisterium of the Church, noting in particular the fact that the doctrines of the Council implement a progress in the continuity.


… Besame mucho

The modernisyou must therefore love a healthy renouncing modernity to modernism, while the Lefebvrians is not prohibited, rather it is greatly commendable, maintain a special esteem for Tradition, to condition, however, to understand that the Council did not betray it at all, ma the conferma, interprets and develops. OCCorre also that both parties recognize the values ​​in the other and waives the right to be considered as the one of being comfortableChurch and excluding or disregarding the other.

This our online magazine modestly but honestly intends to contribute to this valuable outreach work reciproco and peace, in order to make the Church today a more credible witness to the world of salvation that Christ has given us.

Fontanellato, 1October 2014

Click below to listen to a song popular tradition Marian

To know the truth that will set you free : “Be perfect unity”



The priest's lips should keep knowledge, and from his mouth seek instruction, for he is the messenger of the Lord of hosts [Malachi 2,7]



Author Father Ariel

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo



This online magazine was founded under the auspices of the Apostle John and takes its name from the island of Patmos which is located in Sporades, a few tens of kilometers from the city of Ephesus, where the Apostle was exiled for his zealous preaching and for the testimony of the Word of God made Man. After the death of Domitian in 96-98 became emperor Nerva, far more tolerant than its predecessor towards Christians, the Apostle so he could return to the city of Ephesus and resume his preaching. John died ultra centennial around the year 104, delivering the truth of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ to the Christian communities of the second century. As at the time he was very young, St. John is to be considered as the first apostle known by Jesus and the apostles as the last living which will end with the apostolic mission of the Twelve chosen by Christ.



Scene of the Last Supper: the young John reclined on the Lord Jesus

The Island of Patmos It arises from the very meaning of the three priests vocation, when in fact there consecrated bishop in the sacred order, receiving the gifts of grace of the Holy Spirit in our consciences sounded a call that encloses within it a heavy warning: "You will know the truth and the truth will make you free" [GV 8, 32]. The priest of Christ is thus called by vocation and sacred ministry to be free and to lead the children of God's people to freedom; that can never be objective but a subjective freedom, structured on the same original mystery of Truth: the creation [CF. GN 1, 1-5] in which is contained the great test of freedom through the creation of man [CF. GN 2, 18-25].



The highlight of sacred ordination: the laying on of the hands of the Bishop

With my brothers Antonio and Giovanni Livi Cavalcoli, we were able to exchange mutual concern several times that I would like to share with you the beginning of this our online magazine. With air disenchanted we said one day to one another: in this atmosphere of chaos inside and outside the Church we have the privilege of being beaten by the right and left, by the modernists and the "traditionalists". And here is the quotation marks penalty, because never before in recent decades has been made a wrong use of the term: "Tradition". Every Catholic is in fact a staunch traditionalist named as such to defend and spread the Catholic tradition that comes to life from the first apostolic era and that is developed through the experience of the Holy Fathers of the Church and the great Councils, which are all valid and source of truth, by the Council of Nicea until that Vatican II that some Catholics trying for years to diminish through discussions built on erroneous thesis presented in a cryptic: "... Basically, Vatican II, it was just a pastoral council ".


Theme this very articulate treated many times in our writings and on which no delay beyond, because all three we will return above the columns of the Isle of Patmos, clarifying in truth and in closer accordance with the doctrine of the Church that the term "pastoral", especially applied to an ecumenical council, can not become synonymous with … "So do not count for anything", because "only pastoral", that means: "Second Third Class".


It is true that the Vatican II decrees no new dogmas and that "limits" to reiterate all the dogmatic truths of the Catholic faith, but through his papers establishes the doctrines binding on the entire Orbe catholica, that anyone who wants to can also rebel, but coming in this way from ecclesial communion. Already our ancestors chose to rebel against God the dawn of time and decided with free will [Gen 3, 1-13]. And me, rather than drive them out of Eden, took note that they had made their choice by thrusting themselves by his grace and his glory [3, 22-24].


The church, that in two thousand years of history It has traveled ordeal before which strengthens our faith - because if it was not the Mystical Body of Christ, assisted by the Holy Spirit for centuries to be extinct - is experiencing a time of great crisis which I call "unprecedented historical repeatedly ', using several times in this regard a sentence as often repeat a rhyme: "The good becomes evil and evil good, vice virtue and virtue vice, sound doctrine heterodoxy and heterodoxy sound doctrine, the good elements faithful to the deposit of faith and the teaching of the Church are often persecuted by people disordered in body and in spirit who first sowed the seeds and watering today that the climbing ivy internal apostasy " [CF. my work And Satan came Trino].


cviinota-002Of all this, noi tre Navigator, we are aware enough to be shipped to the island of Patmos, where the Apostle John wrote the Book of Revelation which contains within itself the message of hope for us is the assurance of faith, the triumph of Christ and the inexorable defeat the Antichrist confirms the promise made by the Lord Jesus to Peter: "... and the gates of hell will not prevail over it" [CF. Mt 16,18].


The reality is that heavily damage the body of the Church often they contribute very people who claim to be die-hard defenders of the sacred tradition, and that in the eighties were kneeling at Ecône at the schismatic bishop Marcel Lefebvre and excommunicated. But just in that they dared to raise his head and say a speech, they felt answer: "To speak, and in particular as regards doctrine, ecclesiology and liturgy we think our priests. Your task is to lay people respond "Amen!"When we say"Through Christ our Lord!"And pull out the money to fund our operations and our pastoral seminars, and that's!». A quel point, this army of fans, hath been quick to return to the ranks of the "heretic" and "apostate" post-conciliar Church, playing the Lefebvrians and related within this poor body of the Church more and more battered and confused.



Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre

At this goes added that when certain people characterized by such restlessness have crept in magazines telematics until shortly before had shown a certain balance, the first thing they proceeded to censor priests and theologians engaged in the arduous attempt to offer the people of God more and more lost hope and a Catholic point of equilibrium. For this reason that we met several times with several of our articles rejected because they judged politically inopportune, with the aggravating circumstance that the whole is not always the case that there was ever given an explanation about - our - always and rigor of all theological and pastoral.


Also for this born on the Isle of Patmos: to protect our freedom that priestly theological and is not intended at all to protect our individual persons, but to protect the doctrine and the magisterium of the Church that we are called to serve and to spread as the Church commands us to serve and to spread.


censorshipThe writings that many times there have been "properly" censored were then theological articles of doctrine and church history built with those pastoral criteria that are part of our sacred ministry in which we were established priests, then guides and teachers; and as such can be subjected only to the complaints of our bishops exercised in accordance with canon law, certainly not to those arbitrary lay ideological us can not exercise any authority. Indeed, we are that we can for the sacred ministry - and sometimes imperative of conscience, we should - exercise authority over the laity who are called to lead and correct as pastors in the care of souls who exercise the priestly ministry in communion with the fullness of the priesthood of the bishop .


Those who would then recognize in these lines a peppery revenge dictated by "wounded pride" will give trouble to find the most plausible arguments. Indeed, it is something serious that lay people use the doctrine and theology - often badly - driven by motives purely political-ideological, up to censor in the name of shreds of truth strained priests used to do theology without regard to what is or is not politically appropriate to say what the Gospel requires us to say, even those who claim the right not to listen. If we act in this way are those Catholics who beano between the traditio and celebrated with solemn pontifical old order posted, presenting themselves as the purest defenders of the true faith, everything will be exacerbated, especially if censors are certain individuals who on the one hand and flirt with lefebvriani are related and the other with one foot placed in the "heretic" and "apostate" post-conciliar Church which they say would destroy faith, theology, liturgy and so on.



The quirky clerical, laity and clergy: yesterday, today and tomorrow …

We regret that more tired and worried that certain magazines telematics Catholic entrust regular columns to scribes, Pharisees and false teachers of the law whose purpose seems to be to stick to burst the last council of the Church, or the current pontificate about whom also we have soothed concerns raised by certain practices or pronouncements made by the Holy Father as a private doctor [who, who, etc. ..], but always insisting at every turn, often attacked well in the wrong way by some "columnists" who wield shreds of truth confused and misunderstood, that if the legitimate criticism of the private doctor is passed instead to undermine the Roman Pontiff legitimate holder of the Petrine ministry, in that case it goes to dangerously shake the stone - which is a dogma of faith - on which Christ built his Church [CF. Mt 16, 18].


John the Baptist

Salome Receiving the Head of John the Baptist, paintings of Andrea Solari

The answer to some of our relevant callbacki, always and strictly speaking, all doctrinal and never humoral, May ideological, Finally, the complaints have been made about priests from the laity and theologians from the secular doctrine confused and blinded by sectarianism spatermed for "true faith" and "true tradition”.


As my style I'll try to be realistic with the spirit of St. John the rough Bdevelops that did not end in the case that he: can you imagine what would happen unspeakable chaos within the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X if some were to put in charge of an online magazine in a condition to censor their priest, scholar of theological sciences? Do such a thing to lefebvriani and friends - and here it is clear the τόπος, pure joke - could result in serious risk of being removed even the Sacrament of Baptism.



The works of Cristina Siccardi Marcel Lefebvre

To this we add that several of these characters are avvezzi through its articles and books in a surreal way to exploit some historical figures elected to their banners: for example, the Holy Pontiff Pius X, or figures of bishops and cardinals as Alfredo Ottaviani and Giuseppe Siri. Operation in which for years has distinguished between various publicists and writers Cristina Siccardi, that settles everywhere scorched earth around d agofter all have lefebvrianizzato. Is clear, however, without penalty misunderstanding: this does not happen because this lovable person requires the estromissione of the other, which indeed does not, but because the mere presence of its articles of his columns or unbalanced towards the world ultra-traditionalist, nonchIt'smasterinpriest peppered with prevAir theology and historical sense obsesseded by the ideologuesa, imputs directors responsible for the choice to silence other voices, because if you publish his writings can not be published on the same columns as those of the metaphysical philosophers and theologians Cavalcoli Giovanni and Antonio Ltherein, to follow with my, since all three guilty of being loyal and devoted speakers of the magisterium of the Church and of the doctrines of Vatican II, not out of a confused romantic idea of ​​the Church that the bottom ends up being self-centered and whole settarista.


Cop Francescani.indd

The sad case of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate turned into ideological banner fringed ultra traditionalist who “played” all about Old Order posted traveling to these religious only further damages

Call up the blind to a healthy realism bathroom through contemplation of the solare truth is not easy, therefore prove to respond to their own consciences often more political and ideological than Catholic, through this question that with sincere paternity pastorale I put them all: how do you think he would have reacted man of extraordinary temperament and great holiness, tale keg San Pio X, you glorified in every sigh - although not always correctly known for what it really was - if under his pontificate a group of aggressive and noisy lay Catholics had made a public campaign to collect signatures, for example, as opposed to disciplinary measures and canons that followed his encyclical Pascendi Dominici Gregis? In short: one hand there is a shred of clothing in place based on a non-included "religious freedom" in the "terrifying" and “diabolical” Vatican II would be responsible, the other, the same proponents of such laments, however, show in concrete facts that would transform the Church into a democraParliamentary aunt with a lot of collected signatures for a referendum and popular.


To state in response that "the Holy Father Francis is not St. Pius X" It is wrong dogmatically and pastorally. Francis Peter, as it was St. Pius X, as they were both Alexander VI is St. Pius V. Therefore manipulate certain figures for political and ideological is what in philosophical and theological language is called intellectual dishonesty produced by a reason and a logic flawed by lack of freedom and move to the refusal to accept the doctrines and disciplines of the Church, replaced with its arbitrary action on behalf of an unspecified "purity Catholic", that said in other words is called "pride", namely the fearsome queen of all the deadly sins, from which there is to be cleansed only with the conversion of the heart.



The St. Pius X Cristina Siccardi is not that of the Church's history is just a Santino manufactured for use and consumption of the world's ultra-traditionalist

It is from this need It born the falsification that induces some authors to invent a St. Pius X never existed, in the same manner in which it was created a Cardinal Ottaviani and Cardinal Siri does not correspond to a historical reality and ecclesial, place that the one and the other discussed when it came to discuss, but at the end of the legitimate threads, have not only applied with great care the doctrines of Vatican II; Cardinal Siri in particular, in his diocese, he was a master at his clergy and the faithful and diligent speaker [CF. by Antonio Livi, who]. The Cardinal Ottaviani, in the most turbulent period of the post-conciliar, has served the Supreme Pontiff Paul VI with a fidelity that should be stimulating and teaching of certain Catholics who abuse the word "tradition" or who speak and write of St. Pius X so often cryptic and falsante to feel better qualified to despise the magisterium of the Church of the past half century.



Fall of the train on the bridge of Cassandra Crossing

The world of the modernists and the one of Lefebvre and similar are two parallel lines that never meet, but together they represent the two tracks that carry the train with all the unsuspecting passengers who boarded at the crumbling bridge Cassandra Crossing [who, who].


No coincidence that the Apostle Paul It portrays the Church as the Mystical Body of which Christ is the head and we are living members; and each limb in the body has its own function, necessary and indispensable. Obviously a leg can not perform the functions of an arm and vice versa arm of the leg. Inside this body that sometimes seems almost formed by limbs crazed that move in a disjointed manner and disjointed, several decades there remains a large and dangerous confusion of roles: we often find ourselves before a secularized clergy and laity clericalized.


Dialogue is right, as is the search for agreements, arguing the same thing can be beneficial and even a source of grace. Even the apostles were arguing heatedly with each other, but always in a clear and respectful exercise of their roles, as St. Paul shows us that in harsh tones accuses the Prince of the Apostles in Antioch [Gal 2, 11-14], but without calling into question the authority of Peter minimum that had received its mandate from Christ in person.


mystical bodyThe priests have specific tasks within the Body of Christ which is the Chiesa, have their own specific function within the economy of salvation; a legitimate role resulting from the nature indelible and eternal received that made them to share in the sacrament of grace to the ministerial priesthood of Christ, which do not participate instead lay people. For this reason that a faithful priest, called himself the first to respect the sanctity of the priestly order that the marked, must not accept complaints about certain subjects and issues of doctrine and faith, because those who play the Lefebvrians and related in the Holy Church of Christ does not consider the politically opportune. For divine sacrament we have been established as leaders of the People of God, and when the case requires it we are required to take certain lay in the right direction and put them back in their place, including those directors of blogs and magazines telematics can not think to use us if necessary, or to be more clear: “If you write an article critical of the false prophet and the evil maestro Enzo Bianchi, that we declared our "enemy" as progressive hyper-conciliarist thenfarcito of modernist heresies, will publish a drum beating to ten folders, If, however, raised a criticism - and it is clear: strictly theological - on lefebvriani and related, then you censor, because otherwise we run the risk that irritate some of our employees and knowprattuttor certain of our moneyed supporters”…




Pecunia non Oleta …

… at the bottom of, we adsaid the work he knowsPiamo from time: be ultra traditionalists is a very expensive whim that requires many compromises with the world's most right-wing extremist. Of course: in the name of faith purest and the most authentic and orthodox Catholic tradition, is intende!




And the Word was made flesh … for free, not be funded either by the Destre American nor the European Sinistre.

The truth of the Incarnate Word that we must know why we make you free then Speaker of freedom, does not work intermittently political and ideological as the lights of Luna Park. All this to say that among these people and certain fringes of the Neocatechumenal that transform the priest hostage in their whims and their referees liturgical and that in serious doctrinal error state that "all" are priests, the evidence shows there is no fundamental difference. Nothing matters on the one hand there is a Proclamation Pasquale schitarrato and beat on drums by Kiko Arguello and bohemian other a Proclamation Pasquale sang in the best tradition of the Gregorian Church with all the singers pricked with clasped hands of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X. Nothing changes in the sad and dangerous substance background, are identical because the Pharisees and the Sadducees, the scribes and teachers of the law, the false prophets and bad teachers, but above all the lack of respect due to the ministerial priesthood of Christ living through its priests and that is not bound to the whims of the laity.


Two sides of the same coin:



Kiko Arguello, founder of the Neocatechumenal Way


Pontifical liturgy of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X



St. Pio of Pietrelcina during one of his last Masses

The priest is not only a old christ when he celebrates the Eucharistic Sacrifice according to the whims aesthetic, ideological and political lay of certain, whether modernist or lefebvriani and related; The priest is also alter Christus when the doctrine, the teachings and documents of the holy councils of the Church, starting from the first until the last which was celebrated half a century ago, teaches and guides the living members of the faithful who form the living Body of which Christ and the head and of which his priests, as unworthy and inadequate, I'm not sure the two fingers little toes, place before a priest the same Angels of God are by, because to them, as the most perfect creature, has not been granted the dignity conferred by the Almighty instead to his priests [CF. Marcello Stanzione, who]. They are the angels that during the Eucharistic Sacrifice sing "Holy ... the Lord God of the universe" around the priest old christ, it is not the priest old christ who sings "Holy" for the Angels, which do not perform the service to participate in the ministerial priesthood of Christ, which involves instead to the mystery of grace only the priests, including sacerdoti unworthy and sinful.


dorian gray

Movie poster: Dorian Gray, 2009. Taken from the novel by Oscar Wilde (Director: Oliver Parker – Writers: Toby Finlay)

The problem is that in this world where the appearance has long since replaced that being understood as metaphysical essence of the Christological becoming, poor in the Church holy and sinful teeming armies of prima donnas and each of the first actors who claim the bullseye pointed nell'orticello of their theater; all with immense joy of the devil who aspires the dawn of time to sow discord and divisions to fragment and disperse in every way the unity of the Mystical Body of Christ. And God only knows how much effort do we pastors in the care of souls, day after day, in groped to explain to many of these people often sealed to grace, that the way of salvation involves the replacement of Christocentrism to our human, limited and limiting self-centeredness. Central point of our being men and women of faith is not in fact the question: "What I want", but "What does God want from me", then act accordingly.


The response to certain questions and the solution to certain burdensome problems is all enclosed in a poignant fragment of John: "And the glory which thou hast given me, I have given them, that they may be one as we are one. I in them and you in me, that they may be perfected in unity that the world may know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me " [GV 17, 22-23].



Byzantine icon: embrace of the apostles Peter and Paul

How can you be perfect in that unity that makes one thing the Father with the Son, who calls us to be united as God the Father, God the Son is united in? It can be through the emptying that is filling: empty ourselves of ourselves freely to rejoin that sense of perfect freedom that God gave us from the outset of the world; because if you know the Truth, accepting it from the Garden of Eden until the stone overturned the tomb of the Risen Christ who became the new Adam, we will enter into the communion and unity that binds the Father and the Son. And then the truth will set us free, today, forever and always. Just shy away inviolable ideological theater of our "I" to meet the Truth of God and thus becoming "perfect unity".




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