We inform the Archbishop of Chieti-Vasto that the excommunicated priest Alessandro Minutella books in religious structures of his Diocese to celebrate the rites of Holy Week and then continue at the Grand Hotel in Assisi

A good priest is such if he waits for the end of his mandate to praise his Bishop: Andrea Turazzi, from today Bishop emeritus of the Diocese of San Marino-Montefeltro

Charity washes and makes even dirty money clean, The great Saints of Charity teach us this in the history of the Church

Giuseppe Betori, a man of culture and a Bishop who succeeded in the difficult task of making himself well-liked by the Florentine presbytery

Who is Marco Felipe Perfetti referring to when he states from the Silere Non Possum website «here in the Vatican … us in the Vatican", if he can't even set foot in the Vatican?

The case of the Bishop of Tyler and Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke, the healthy relativism on the figure of the Supreme Pontiff and the wise lesson of Cardinal Carlo Caffarra

Why did we Fathers of the magazine The Island of Patmos not talk about the Synod?? Because we are priests and theologians, not gossips who excite the irrational moods of the populace