We inform the Archbishop of Chieti-Vasto that the excommunicated priest Alessandro Minutella books in religious structures of his Diocese to celebrate the rites of Holy Week and then continue at the Grand Hotel in Assisi


When we called the Casa del Pilgrino in Manoppello, institute founded at the time by the Capuchin Friars Minor, to ask if they were aware of who they would host, those responsible literally fell from the clouds by answering that for hours 20 at 24 they had made a reservation with a "basketball fans" group (!?)

- Church news -

The Fathers of the Island of Patmos



Mr. Alessandro Minutella he incurred excommunication automatic for schism and heresy (see decree WHO), subsequently, by his obstinate obstinacy, he was dismissed from the clerical state by decree of the Supreme Pontiff Francis (see decree WHO), therefore it is no longer part of the Church and the Catholic clergy by sentence given by the Supreme Ecclesiastical Authority.

For years travels around Italy and Europe collecting lost and vulnerable people, bringing to the world the "good news" that the Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI would never have made an act of renunciation and that the Supreme Pontiff Francis is nothing more than a "satanic usurper emissary of the Anti-Christ".

As he was excommunicated and dismissed from the clerical state Mr.. Alessandro Minutella cannot access places of worship or use ecclesiastical structures in any way, he cannot qualify as a Catholic priest and cannot wear the ecclesiastical dress of the clergy.

In a clear sign of challenge and provocation decided to celebrate during the Easter Triduum in Manoppello, in a religious structure next to the Sanctuary of the Holy Face. But let's get to the deception: when we called the House of the Pilgrim of Manoppello, institute founded at the time by the Capuchin Friars Minor, to ask if they were aware of who they would host, those responsible literally fell from the clouds by answering that for hours 20 at 24 had made a reservation for a group of “fans basket”. It is clear that Mr. Alessandro Minutella sent his so-called contacts forward to make a provocative booking through deception, certainly not in his name nor that of his exotic association of schismatic heretics, but even in the name of a … “fans basket” (!?) However, the Archbishop of Chieti-Vasto will know what to do and how to do it.

The next day Mr. Alessandro Minutella and his followers will be al Grand Hotel in Assisi, which is not a religious structure, but despite not being such, it is a structure that thanks to religiosity works and carries out its hotel business, enough to prevent a person expelled from the Church from causing serious outrage to Catholic sentiment, with all his fanatics in tow, directly in one of the greatest symbolic places in the world of Christian religiosity.

the Island of Patmos, 22 March 2024





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The Fathers of the Island of Patmos




2 replies
  1. Gabriele
    Gabriele says:

    Dear Fathers of Patmos Island, in addition to reading the article, I also saw some clips of the video included in it of this macabre cabaret artist and I heard him mention "seminarists". Given that I wonder which parent in their right mind would ever allow their child to follow this wretch, I wonder: how do you plan to get them sorted?? Perhaps he found a bishop more wretched than him? Or his parodic version of the Theotokos provided, between one phrase and another, while it was there, to ordain him bishop? It's already disturbing how a derelict with obvious mental disorders is founding his own parody of church, but if I think that he might have found a bishop willing to support him in his work of perdition I really get shivers.

    Warm greetings to you Fathers and happy Palm Sunday!

    • father ariel
      father ariel says:

      Dear Gabriele,

      I also respond on behalf of my fellow editors: Unfortunately, in the world of the unreal irrational, everything is possible.

      The self-styled “seminarians” they are all abundantly adult people, among them there was even a sixty-year-old, when he presented them at the Bologna gathering.

      The question that the poor suckers who finance this obviously deranged person should ask themselves is first of all the following: who supports these adults they have decided to become – we don't know how – priests? What they did earlier in their life and with what results and successes they did it?
      Whoever answers you has had an adult vocation and therefore I know from experience that the priesthood cannot be the last resort for variously disadvantaged psychologies with a life of failures and human failures, sentimental and work behind us.
      For example, I took full responsibility for all the necessary expenses, paying with my personal funds for the entire spiritual and theological training in the ecclesiastical and academic structures where the bishop sent me; and I paid them in full and at full price. Not only, because I come from an economically privileged situation, I also took care to provide aid to needy young priests coming from poor countries and sent to study in Rome by their bishops with just a one-way ticket and a briefcase with a few personal effects.
      This is what concerns adult vocations, from which excellent priests or disastrous priests can then be born, with no possible middle ground, as experience shows.

      As for the rest, although there are some heretical and schismatic bishops throughout the world who have apostolic succession, I doubt that even a madman like the Archbishop Emeritus of Lusaka Emmanuel Milingo was in the last moments of his life, would ever take into consideration an element like Mr. Alessandro Minutella. You'll see that when the time comes, something will be invented, if civil justice first, administrative and criminal will not have put an end to this painful little theatre, because all these subjects, in different but similar cases, they have always completed their works in the courtrooms, by Gigliola Giorgini aka Mamma Ebe and come on to follow

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