Through the Way to Emmaus of the hospital wards: Chaplain as a disciple and companion in the disease

Father Ivano

- pastoral care of health -



... in the parable of the Good Samaritan, is a clear reference to Jesus as the one who cares for man beaten by robbers and pours oil on his wounds and wine symbols of sacramental grace that comes from Christ with abundance and power. The man mistreated by robbers is taken over by Jesus to walk from the condition of dying to that of the resurrected.


Ivano Liguori, Ofm. Capp.



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Ivano Liguori, Ofm. Capp. on a visit to the hospital pediatric ward Brotzu of Cagliari with the elves and Santa Claus

The fact that "just die" guides us to understand, through the daily experience, that in life we ​​all need someone to support us and share with us their carefree moments and test. Divine finding of Genesis 2,18 "It is not good that the man should be alone", in my opinion it should not only read as a reference of the spousal relationship between man and woman, but as imperative to sociability and fellowship. Man is called to experience God only in communion with his brother. The mystery of the Trinity, It is a mystery of communion, It does not exist in God alone.


In times of trial and illness the being dynamic with is essential to experience a true accompaniment that both support and stimulus not to feel alone and to enjoy as well the providence of God that puts our side someone who loves us. Already the wisdom of the Psalmist makes us sing: "There, how good and how pleasant it is when brothers live together " [cf Sal 133,1].


There are two episodes of the Gospel that better than others embody the duty of the vicinity of the Christian toward the sufferer in body and soul: the parable of the Good Samaritan [cf. LC 10,23-37] and the story of the disciples of Emmaus [cf. LC 24,13-35]. In these Gospel passages the evangelist Luke, Master of tenderness and compassion, reveals the preferential love of Christ for the sick man. Hence the urge to dare not pass.


souvenir photo after the Christmas Mass in the pediatric ward

In the parable of the Good Samaritan the reference to Jesus as the one who takes care of the man beaten by brigands and pours on his wounds oil and wine symbols of sacramental grace is clear, that Christ comes with abundance and power. The man mistreated by robbers is taken over by Jesus to walk from the condition of dying to that of the resurrected. The figure of the man beaten on the road, expresses vividly:


"The incurable wound from which we were hit […] and that only the Lord could heal. That's why he came in person, because none of the elderly, nor the Law, i born profeti, They were capable of remedy. Only him, coming, He cured this incurable wound in the soul " [cf. Macarius the Great, Homilies, (Coll. (II)), XXX, 8].


Jesus the Good Samaritan It makes a change of state in the life of every man: dall'orizzontalismo infirmity to the verticality of the new life [cf. LC 4,38-39]. Jesus is the one who heals and heals because it is the Lord. The power of the Risen Lord and his lordship is manifested through a new creation that takes place in humans through a passage from the condition of sickness to health condition that becomes proof of salvation and then resurrection.


Christmas in the pediatric ward

In front of Jesus healing action, there is a need to be employees of a cure that is expressed in time and which is brought forward thanks to the work of the master of the inn to which is entrusted with the task to preserve and continue the work of restoration started by Christ. Like this, in the care and assistance of the sick, the figure of the hospital chaplain embodies the one to whom Jesus entrusted the care of the dying, obeying the mandate to take care of him, mutandolo Minister in the Easter announcement that Jesus is risen and He is the Lord [cf. At 3,1-16], this announcement comes the healing power.


In the ministry of consolation and care which is done in the hospital, the chaplain is called to imitate the attitudes of Good Samaritan who sees the sick but does not pass over. At the same time, the chaplain is also minister of diakonia insofar as he is capable of assuming and planning concrete realities of assistance in the time of illness of many poor and disadvantaged men.


We can say then that the hospital ministry for the sick is a missionary service, that in the ad, in the care and nell'accudimento builds the face of the suffering of Christ Church. Here then is the task of care and compassion is combined in the accompaniment of discouraged, Man hopelessly, therefore infirm soul.


Christmas in the pediatric ward

In the light of the proximity and the impulse to common path, l'Episode from the Gospel of Luke, the disciples of Emmaus shows us Jesus who makes companion of man's journey that has lost hope and joy. In fact the disease, the fear of death and loneliness, destroy the humans joy, as well as put a strain on the faith. Questions like: "why me?"And" where is God in all this?»Prove the patient and his family and they require a response that can never be taken for granted or easy come. Then, at the same time take care of the sick, no need for a walk with him, open his heart to the joyous message of Easter: God is victorious over death, of the disease, the loneliness of man.


Christmas along the Via Emmaus hospital …

The announcement of the Word of God, human proximity to the chaplain and Christian communities who frequently visit the sick, realize that miracle of inclusion and accompaniment which then predisposes the patient to dispose of the sad face of disappointment and sadness to dress the joy and gratitude in the living Jesus. This is why the walk close to the patient within the hospital really means to implement consistently and missionary spirit of the daily visit to the wards, the meeting with the families of the sick, sacramental care of the sick souls.


The chaplain was called to duty of justice to meet the sick, not only to obey the command of Christ [cf. Mt 25,36], but to be traveling with him in the disease, friend who dries her tears and fills a void, prophet who announces that God is faithful and realizes its promises.


the disciples on the Way to Emmaus [see text Lucan WHO].

Christ the Lord, through human and sacramental mediation of the priest chaplain, breaks considered the bread of the Word and the Eucharist that the blind regain sight, the lame to walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf come back to hear, the dead are called to life, the poor are immersed in the gospel of the kingdom [cf. LC 7,22].


A ministry of this kind is no doubt exhausting, slow and meticulous and lends itself to sharing the same divine patience, so that the sick man in body and spirit is, day by day, cared for and loved so that it can achieve health and salvation that are normal conditions for every child of God.


Cagliari, 28 December 2018

Christmas its Eighth


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