A theological reflection on coronavirus: of correct information and hoaxes of dangerous idiots internetici, while the man is no longer able to read the signs of the earth and sky

- society and topical benefit to the Church



What to say, in the Church today: poor and migrants ahead of everything and everyone, while a dangerous virus is spreading, but for the moment there are treatments and vaccines. From all this you know well that, the worst virus, It is that for some time it has spread within the Catholic Church. The serious thing is that we, to save us from pandemic, the vaccine We have it all right. But if you dare to indicate, or worse to ask for it to be used, risks being literally torn apart by the useful and dangerous idiots who praise the "epoch-making revolution" of the "Church of the new course".


Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo



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the Prof tweet. Roberto Burioni, microbiologist and virologist at the University Vita-Salute San Raffaele Hospital in Milan

When you go a un pubblico numeroso, He rests always upon us the duty not to embark on analyzes that require very deep scientific expertise.


Internet Brule subjects ranging from spin doctors to those who vent the worst of their idiocy, up to transcend the real tragedy that takes dangerous form at the time when the idiot who writes is taken seriously by a large number of many idiots who read. The consequences of this bidding market and purchase of idiocy, I was often complained of high scientific expertise and reputation as much distinguished Roman clinical, many of them old friends often, with the priest friend, cataracts have opened their private outbursts. One of the most common complaints is related to the field diagnostic. It is not uncommon that after thorough clinical examination and careful study of the case, these specialists say they feel with uncanny ease from patient, or who accompanies him: "... but I read on the internet that ...". Sometimes some of them asked to patients or their carers where they read like so anti-scientific news. Then, going below to verify they have established themselves in a way that people without the basic scientific criteria, dissertassero with dangerous ease on sensitive issues ranging from oncology to infectious diseases, not to mention the team of anti-vaccinisti.


I know distinguished and excellent specialists Clinicians have reported very serious situations and triggered the judicial investigation, After their reunion before cases of unprecedented severity produced from the dangerous ignorance of idiots and idiots writers internetici internetici users. Several times it happened that oncologists have complained that they had found before cancer patients in terminal state that could have been saved if treated quickly, all for the son or daughter, naturists internetici convinced and practitioners, aimed at ... "medicine natural" alternative to the cry of "No, the multinational pharmaceutical companies that speculate on diseases with drugs that can do serious damage to the body '. To follow with pediatric specialists, che più volte hanno allertate le Procure della Repubblica dopo essersi ritrovati dinanzi a bambini con gravi problemi causati da genitori seguaci della setta vegana, that fruitarian, and so to follow.


Not so much to defuse, if anything, to frame in a spirit of solidarity participated this tragedy, I often responded to these friends that we priests and theologians share with clinical specialists in different way, but very similar, the same painful, frustrating and tragic fate. Not a few Catholics who after reading four idiotic pseudo-pseudo-theological and doctrinal internet, or after misunderstood complex documents of the Magisterium of the Church, extrapolating from them cleft sentences from contexts that require a very deep preparation, shameless manner in addressing an undoubted theologian preparation moving the haughty challenge: "No, is not as you say ... ". In such cases it is almost always useless to say and point out the right and obvious truth, because the "theologian" internetico is ready to respond with decisive and rare arrogance: "Look ..., she must document, indeed must study well its matter, because I've read that ... ". And in the face of all this one wonders even, from that holy woman of my mother, why sometimes I begin with the very worst swear words than those of a longshoreman, the series: "To learn to say all these bad words, It was it necessary for you to become a priest?».


The Internet has given us the new age digital illiteracy and unreason, especially new forms of superstition that have nothing to do with the ancient or old forms of yore, the base of which was, however, a culture based on old traditions and folk beliefs. Otherwise, behind the new superstitions, there is no culture, or traditions or beliefs rooted but the irrational that feeds irrational, ignorance that feeds the worst arrogance that comes from non-knowledge that is transformed into a real pride of the non-philosophical knowledge, historical, scientific.


Può, a clinical specialist a wrong diagnosis and giving ineffective treatment, perhaps even harmful? Yup, può accadere, Also, and just to human error completely involuntary, without that the specialist was in any way nor superficial or negligent. But what seems increasingly lacking in our society today, is the logic of common sense that should push this assessment: It produces more risks and damage an oncologist who missed diagnosis, or "clinical" internetico improvised persuades a family member to take care with the "medicine" natural alternative, inducing the sufferer to reach oncologist when tumor metastases are now spread throughout the body from head to foot in, with the result that the only possible treatment is hospitalization in the center for the terminally ill, where the only treatments are for pain resulting from cancer that struck him?


In this kind of situation here it is that tragedy adds tragedy, why some idiots are never wrong. Messi fact before the reality of the dead, They are able to state that the consequence of death - far from being the result of their irresponsible idiocy - is due to chemtrails, nuclear testing, to drugs and vaccines that contain within itself so that the subject carcinogens develop cancer and multinational pharmaceutical companies in the future so they can get rich through medicines and chemotherapies.


on emergency del coronavirus that China has now spread to several other countries of the world and for which there is currently no vaccine, we must first listen to the experts and scientists, then follow scrupulously the advice of clinical. One and the other, they can make mistakes? Yup, They may be wrong, but their human errors never would reach, nor ever they would have the devastating consequences that penalty have "solutions" and "diagnosis" offered by internetici idiots, followed in turn, practices and rigor, by an ever-growing army of users idiots internetici.


Our readers know well how often I have recourse to paradoxes more or less in effect, sometimes even shocking. With these results: on the one hand there are those who ride, but laughing understands the message, while on the other there are those who get angry, accusing rather vulgar and refusing categorically to understand. Well, addressing the first, not the latter enclosed in the sphere of unreasonable unrecoverable, I tell you: If you really want to use the Internet to harm you, if they really were required to choose the lesser evil, if so do the worst indigestion porn movies that you find available on the net, but do not pay heed to all the "experts" improvised who have already begun to sow news that have no scientific basis about the coronavirus.


I want to thank my friend engraved Paolo Del Debbio, of which I was a guest several times in the program Network 4 Straight and Reverse, to have dedicated last night a very interesting episode in which it was done correctly, precise and above all valuable information. If you have not seen the program and wanted to see him, You can find it available on the Internet [see WHO].


Very interesting among the many guests the presence of Prof. Alessandro Meluzzi, irreproachable scientist when performing the job of its close relevance: the clinical features of undoubted encyclopedic knowledge in medicine, which combines high skills related to its specialized branch, that is psychiatry. No one better than he could handle - and he did it very well -, The speech tied to the emergence of the problem by disclosing coronavirus viral infection perspective, then from that of the various forms of psychosis that it can come to life and develop socially. After having explained to scientific rigor the futility of protective masks; after realistically explained that trying to contain this virus would be "how to catch the air with his hands»; after saying that a vaccine is not there and you will not even be available in the near, with a smile concluded that part of the speech with a short joke: "Right now we just have to recommend us to the protection of the Virgin Mary, the only one at this time could do something '.


After this speech he intended to be a premise, place that the word is made by scientists, to virologists and clinical specialists, up to what is my "job" as a priest and theologian, to give another kind of reading. What I will do starting from the beat of Prof. Meluzzi: "Right now, only the Virgin Mary could do anything '.


Moving on to my area of ​​competence, I can say that on the other hand I fear another category no less virulent internetici idiots: that of the pseudo-Catholics who tend to live a "faith" dull and gloomy, made of views, revelations, disclosed or undisclosed secrets, message data from various Madonnas and so on, that almost always, and the penalty from them are misinterpreted, altered and manipulated in order to sow the terror - in truth not terrorize anyone, but that tends to make everyone laugh, by Catholics to secularists -, targeted in order first and last and above all to impose: I'm right!


Knowing as they say my chickens, I say with all due advance that the most bad that some real or alleged Catholics more easily service these, They can do in a time of emergency like this, It is to announce more or less predicted catastrophes, more or less contained in messages and private revelations, I remember, You have never been established by the Church in the deposit of faith. Or to put it bluntly: our faith does not depend on secrets disclosed or undisclosed information to the three shepherd children from Our Lady of Fatima, Like it or not certain ones. Our faith does not depend on beautiful image of the so-called triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, but it depends on the whole of the Incarnation of God's Word in the womb of the Virgin Mary, his saving death, by his resurrection and ascension into heaven, therefore it depends on the certainty, as we say in the Creed, Christ God "one day come again in glory to judge the living and the dead".


Also in these Catholics poor petty, I remember that there are three fundamental theological virtues: faith, hope and charity [cf.. The Cor 1, 13]. The terror, that they often try to use when they cry to the sins and sinners of this world fell into the abyss, sempre nella “magica” e “fideistica” waiting for the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, They do not need at all to shake the conscience, even to the sound of hellish visions or revelations of terrible punishments of this mystical or of this mystical. They serve only to produce effects totally opposed humans today and in today's modern society, through great effort and very uncertain outcomes successful, It needs to be re-evangelized, not terrified. And unfortunately today, we Catholics, we are being very badly, being terribly deficient evangelizers manly, credible and saints.


Or maybe they think that the theological virtues, three who were, four have become today, with the addition of the fourth virtue of terror? Not only does, il terrore, does not redeem and not convert anyone, but as a priest holding the precious ministry of confessor, I remind all of them that if a person, socket fear, He decides to repent of their sins, only because it fears sentences and punishments, or because some "kind soul" terrified him with Hell visions of this mystical person or that seer, I can also absolve ten times, But sacramental absolution is worthless and has no effect. In fact, God wants our repentance, not our fear; our fear, He does not know what to do.


It is well known that certain revelations, including those recognized by the Church as authentic, but far from being as I explained were included in the deposit of faith, I have always viewed with suspicion, especially for very crazy theories that some faithful, but unfortunately also certain priests, they ended up creating especially about the messages of Our Lady of Fatima, prefixed in practice, da molti, the Holy Gospel itself. They are therefore not in any way allergic to revelations itself recognized as authentic by the Church, be clear; if anything, they are opposed to the use that certain nefarious make. Similarly they are attacked by hives whenever certain subjects hailing the imminent triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary; and this not because I lack of devotion to the Blessed Virgin and to her Immaculate Heart, but always for the wrong use that certain subjects verges on fanaticism are the heart of the image Mater Dei.


In common lexicon, the term apocalypse, apocalyptic He has assumed an entirely negative connotation, and it is linked to catastrophic events. Not only is everything is wrong, because it involves a radical alteration of the meaning that is formed through the Greek entries ἀπό (input) e cover (kalýptō), which gives life a composite word revelation (apokálypsis) which literally means: svelare, reveal what is hidden.


The Blessed Apostle John wrote the Book of Revelation during his exile on the Island of Patmos, which takes its name this magazine; island also known as the site of the last revelation. That said, we can now make it clear that if there is a message of hope, which for us is the certainty of faith, this is precisely embodied in the Book of Revelation, which tells the definitive victory of good over evil and the coming of the kingdom of Christ, which will never end; an advent also known as parusia, the greek presence, which literally means "presence" and indicating the return of Christ in glory, its presence endless.


Having said that anyone can understand - with the exception of some "terrorists" Catholics that we hope not to see early work in this time of emergency given by the coronavirus -, that the heart of the Christian message and the entire mystery of the revelation, It is not terror, It not fears, but the central theological virtue of hope, which not coincidentally is in the middle and holding together the faith and charity. It's true, as taught by the Blessed Apostle Paul, and as we all teach with him, that "all three of the most important of these is love" [The Cor 1, 13], but hope, who is in the middle, repeat as is the virtue that binds and amalgamates together with other, including the most important: the charity.


Proceeding towards the end of this discourse all that theological and eschatological, all aimed at creating alarmism on objectively serious problem of coronavirus, more than legitimate is only right to ask: one day, near or far, because nobody can not know when, catastrophic events will occur, after which we will see if anything decimated the world's population and whole nations disappear? Well, without giving rise to alarmism and without irritating the secularists - who then, to the proven proof of the facts, They are more tolerant and ready to discussion than they are certain Catholic "terrorists" to cry: to this prophecy, So-Secret, So-mystical or so mystical say! - I can confidently say that the provision of a disastrous event is written in the deposit of our faith, so it is for us revealed faith, it was Jesus Christ himself to turn these words:


«[…] "When you hear of wars and revolutions, do not be terrified;. These things must happen first, but it will not immediately be the end ". Then he said to them,: “Si solleverà popolo contro popolo e regno contro regno, and there will be earthquakes from place to place, famines and pestilences; There will be terrors and great signs from heaven ' " [LC 21, 8-11].


First of all, Jesus Christ, for he speaks in first person, invites us to not be terrified. Imagine then if inviting us to terrorize others with impending catastrophes and disastrous, or with visions of Hell enclosed in the revelations of this mystical, of this mystical or this or that Marian message, all so that "can finally triumph Immaculate Heart of Mary", as they go around saying with abusive Marianization some "terrorists" Catholics who have not first understand anything of Mariology same.


Yup, one day will be something very catastrophic, Jesus Christ has told us, But anyone who has genuine and true faith, what a day will be devastating, should be read as of now with the eyes of hope, because everything that God permits, it is only for the good, health and human salvation.


it coronavirus, It could then be read as one of the many signs that the man of today is no longer able to grasp and interpret. It could only be the prelude, followed by some kind and many other signs, for whatever long period of time, before the arrival of large and devastating sign told us about Jesus Christ.


Of course, while scientists are making the most of their work, once again our poor Church, ravaged internally by far the worst Ebola virus, Work is not doing its. Unfortunately fact, sclerotic as of migrant and poor of the poor and immigrants that now characterize this pontificate in obsessive compulsive way, None, since our August Supreme Shepherd, He invited to pray in churches around the world to ask God the Father for the grace to save humanity from a possible, possibly can and even dangerous scourge. As was said Prof. Alessandro Meluzzi: "I'm not worried about China and its organizational and scientific capacities that people have in coping with such an emergency, I am, however, for Africa. Cosa accadrebbe, if such a virus would spread in that continent?».


The Bishop of Rome, three years ago he invited all the priests of his diocese to take a family of immigrants by parish. Idea presumably taken from the script of some science fiction movie, if it considers that many pastors have contracted debts with the banks and they have serious problems to put together the money to pay the electricity bill and the heating of the parish church. Pity, that in the face of this situation given by the emergence of coronavirus, before which we can not at the time know what we risk to meet, He has not yet invited the pastors, at the present day, to pray in churches around the world. But on the other hand, our reigning, is a Pope totally focused on the idea of ​​a poor Church for the poor, mica on the hope that scientists will soon find a vaccine to save lives, indistinctly, is the poor that the rich.


What to say, in the Church today: poor and migrants ahead of everything and everyone, while a dangerous virus is spreading, but for the moment there are treatments and vaccines. From all this you know well that, the worst virus, It is that for some time it has spread within the Catholic Church. The serious thing is that we, to save us from pandemic, the vaccine We have it all right. But if you dare to indicate, or worse to ask for it to be used, risks being literally torn apart by the useful and dangerous idiots who praise the "epoch-making revolution" of the "Church of the new course", as has just written days ago on these our columns Jorge Facio Lince in an article enlightened and enlightening [cf.. WHO].


the Island of Patmos, 31 January 2020





Dear Readers,

in December he joined distributing my new book Nada s security, a work of spirituality on the martyrdom written in the form of the historical novel set in an era of fierce persecution of the Church. I think that might edify and help many people, especially at this time. I therefore invite you to buy at our store [see WHO] but above all to read.







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13 replies
  1. Luca Innocenti
    Luca Innocenti says:

    Peace and love !
    This message can not be published, since it is directed at the man or woman in charge of moderating and filter comments. In my previous post I expressed my thoughts. I do not know if they are in error,I'm not holding anyone pitfalls. But if something wrong was the work of Mercy Spiritual correct me.
    Thank you.

  2. Luca Innocenti
    Luca Innocenti says:

    Dear Father Ariel,
    Regarding the question that I asked you a few days ago, not having received a reply, I try to tell my thoughts. Of course God does not fear it does nothing. And the removal of it from your extension takes place looking good reasons which will help overcoming. Humanly the actual company provides (in its worst) all sorts of numbing stunning “useful” not already at the resolution of such a state but at one of its ephemeral coverage. It is therefore necessary discernment and objectivity to recognize our sins and if such awareness ripens too afraid (why not?) the loss of Grace. Here are the germs of Repentance may find fertile ground and fear will have a time limit because a sinner who repents, confesses and tries not to fall(also mindful of the aforesaid fear) He has already begun the ascent. He does not want to feel sick inside and knows those who cause him such pain. Peace and love !

  3. MenteLibera65
    MenteLibera65 says:

    Dear Father Ariel, I do not agree with what was said by Meluzzi and its uncritical adhesion. You talk about not surrender to fear and terror, but at the same time welcomes the words of that Meluzzi (very inappropriately) dice “to try to contain this virus would be "how to catch the air with his hands”, and at the same time he argues that the only hope is to rely on the Virgin Mary.
    May the Virgin Mary is always great hope is beyond doubt, and to her we rely more and.
    But at the same time the words of Meluzzi spread exactly the same “terrore” that in theory she has previously stigmatized . He as a critical part of the ignorance of fear, after which uses words and phrases (catch the air with his hands) that just the fear spread, using exactly the ignorance. Now it will not be easy to contain this virus, and if you were to get in Africa the situation would most likely be even more serious. And though to stigmatize him who sows terror, denouncing the uselessness of any preventive action, then stigmatize those who are terrified.

  4. Iginio
    Iginio says:

    There is a curious thing that struck me. He cries to the scandal in Italy because the Chinese would be victims of racism as a result of the virus. But no one notices that not only the Chinese are quite racist in their area (p. is. towards ethnic minorities in Africa with Africans), but also that, instead blaming Italians hosting them, They would do better to take it with their government that is based on fear and the silence and quite possibly produces repeatedly virus. But they do not do it out of fear or because they hate to lose face in front of foreigners, Unlike the Italians who like to disparage their own country and their own rulers before foreign.

    • father ariel
      Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo says:

      Dear Iginio,

      I can not be accused either of pro-Marxist or pro-communism, Given the above: I pray to God that in China the Communist regime can hold as much as possible, because if in that country inhabited by nearly a billion and a half inhabitants fell the regime as it did in the late eighties early nineties in former Soviet countries and the former Soviet Union, the civil war that occurred within the former Yugoslavia would be truly a joke compared; and the results would be unpredictable and uncontrollable of all for the safety of the whole world.
      In Yugoslavia, the ethnic groups who hated each other were kept at bay by Josif Broz dictatorship, detto il maresciallo Tito, in China, ethnic groups that hate each other and that the communist regime keeps at bay, are hundreds, all within a very populous country, militarily advanced and with a technology of the highest order.

      What Italians love to denigrate their country and its rulers it is well known to the extent that Italians have no sense of the State, many believe that the State is an abstract entity, whereas the state we are us. As for the complaints of governments, governors and local administrators, since we tend irresponsible, including large numbers of people who go to vote as a joke or to protest, average Italian escapes a basic element: the rulers we elect them we, so those responsible are we. The rulers are where they are thanks to our vote, not to have made a coup.
      I say “we” broadly, because I do not go to my free choice to vote by 19 year old, ie when there is no longer even the “less worse”, but only the truly impossible. But this is my personal choice, not to be taken either as a model or to follow.

  5. fabio
    fabio says:

    dear father Ariel

    the last part of the article you remember how long ago the supreme pontiff might stop upon migrants and poor, to point out an article


    Do you think it is right that a pastor of souls requests to leave the church? Now I read in the gospel that the good shepherd gives his life for the sheep rather mercenary flees.
    The ask is the distruttismo denounce the distortions of a pontificate?
    Thank you.

    • father ariel
      Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo says:

      dear fabio,

      his question already contains the answer from the Gospel that you yourself quotes: "The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep rather mercenary flees'.

  6. Luca Innocenti
    Luca Innocenti says:

    P. Ariel she mean that fear may spring forth Repentance ? And if so, in Repentance (and subsequent Confession) we find that Jesus cast out?

  7. Fabio
    Fabio says:

    Dear Father Ariel, I agree in all respects the substance of his article. And it is also why among others do not share, and I did not have the opportunity to discuss with students, Greta Thurnberg movement, which relies on “fear” It is on “terrore” Future robbed and threatened by the Apocalypse. She applies it to faith, which should not be dominated by “fear of…” but fueled by full trust in the Lord who loves his creatures, and all he has created, I apply it in many contexts of our world, where not only Salvini, but also by many other so-called good, those with elevated language pontificating from their “wisdom”-supponenza, and instill fear in people's hearts, although it seems the opposite. Starting from the EU, that does nothing but threaten and stangare soon as you do things contrary to his ideology. If the speech that she does not also apply to all of these things I can not accept it. I hope you understand what I mean. Thank you

  8. fabio
    fabio says:

    dear father Ariel

    I would like to ask you when there is a sacrilegious confession and communion sacrilegious ?

    • father ariel
      Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo says:

      dear fabio,

      there is "Admission sacrilegeously» when the penitent, aware of some of his sins, if anything, even serious, it is silent confessor, ie not accuse them and they do not ask for mercy and forgiveness of God.
      There is "Sacrilegious communion» When a believer receives the Most Holy Body of Christ in a state of mortal sin.

      Obviously, the speech, in itself and by itself, in many respects can be quite complex, place that is not easy to say “black and white”, “Yes or no”.
      Example anything but rare peregrine and perhaps even: a missionary priest who lives in an isolated place and it does not have the material ability to confess because the nearest brother is hundreds of kilometers away and this would result in a high-risk trip, if anything in war zones and so to follow, to achieve it, being in a state of sin, can celebrate Mass?
      Yup, because the good of the People of God is greater than its state of sin.
      Naturally, the priest aware of his state of sin, ask God for forgiveness before, during and after each celebration with the firm purpose of confessing as soon as soon as practically possible,.

      The same principle can be applied to any Catholic faithful that in a situation quite the same can not avail of the Sacrament because there is a priest. In similar cases of objective impossibility, sincere repentance and the desire to confess, It can equate to an absolution, if that is faithful in danger of death or if he were to die without having the opportunity of being able to confess.

      There are in the world isolated places where a priest manages to reach the faithful once every two or three months and when he goes there, if anything, there are several hundred people participating in the Mass, being in the physical impossibility of administering the confession of hundreds of people, because after a few hours have to start to get to another location.
      In those very exceptional cases – and only in very exceptional cases similar – he imparts absolution, conditioned to regard that those who receive it will confess as soon as possible to have a priest who has the availability and time to individually administer the sacrament to penitents.

      I have often been asked questions like: "What about the state of the public and notorious sinner who died without receiving the sacraments and without being able to reconcile with God?».

      Well, in these cases, beware of those who apply to the mystery of salvation clear and precise rules of the Highway Code, He is responding with precise judgments and decided, why nobody – from the Church and all its sacred ministers – You can know what happened between the consciousness of man and God, also and only in the last moments of life.
      There are indeed things before which we can not have answers to give, except for those who, with the Highway Code in hand, presume to know God's judgment on the souls. And to say that they are presumptuous, It is really a euphemism.

  9. fabio
    fabio says:

    dear father Ariel

    I read in the Catechism 1453 The contrition called "imperfect" (or "attrition") And, anch'essa, un dono di Dio, a prompting of the Holy Spirit. It born of the consideration of sin's ugliness or the fear of eternal damnation and the other penalties threatening the sinner (contrition of fear). When consciousness is so shaken, It can initiate an interior process that will be carried through, under the action of grace, by sacramental. Alone, however, imperfect contrition can not obtain the forgiveness of grave sins, it has to receive the sacrament of Penance [Cf Concilio di Trento: Denz. -beautiful, 1677]. vorrei un suo parere

    • father ariel
      Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo says:

      I am sorry, but she misunderstood.
      I assure you that I know what you quote, non potrebbe essere diversamente, because otherwise it would be instantly revoked the faculty to administer the sacramental confessions.
      In my writing I do not speak of contrition "imperfect" (or "attrition"), but the port with great clarity the example and the case of the penitent unrepentant moved to ask forgiveness only “fear” e “terrore”, or because induced someone to be scared and terrified. And this inner state does not produce a request for pardon based on sincere repentance.

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