Father Ariel S.. Levi Gualdo appointed the Archbishop of Naples. The Supreme Pontiff Francis was moved from his meditation: "The poor and poverty are the face of the Mystical Body of Christ"



Dear Letters of The Island of Patmos, is with trepidation and joy that I give you this good news: I was chosen as Metropolitan Archbishop of Naples, and at the stroke of the 75th birthday of His Eminence Cardinal Crescenzio Sepe, I will take his place on the episcopal chair of San Gennaro. Since this ad, Now I intend to publish my writing through which, the Roman Pontiff, for friends "Father Francesco", She saw in me the ideal candidate and decided: "You will be the Bishop of existential outskirts of Naples".


Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo



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God is the salvation of the poor in his true face and the refugee who is his body, He being the only son of a factory worker, said art Son of God.

I Yĕhošūah Joseph



the episcopal coat of arms of the Father Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo, He explained later in the second part of this short essay in which he is shown his theological and pastoral meditation on the poor and the poverty that earned him the appointment as bishop

This my short essay It opens and closes with an exhortation made by Blessed Apostolo Paolo in a letter addressed to his discepolo Timoteo:


"If a man desire the episcopate, He desires a noble task. But a bishop must be blameless, the husband of one time, sober, prudent, decent, hospitable, able to teach, not addicted to wine, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not attached to money […]» [The Tm 1, 2-3].


In another passage, the Blessed Apostle exhorts:


"But earnestly desire the higher gifts! And I'll show you a more excellent way […]» [The Cor 12, 31].


But most of all, the Word of God made Man is very clear when in a special parable speaks of the talents that each of us were given [cf. Mt 25, 14-30]. First of all, each of us, must be aware of the talents received, because if it were not could never outa. It goes without saying that the most talented in a particular way, They must never fall into the devil's schemes of pride, redoubtable Queen locomotive and all the other deadly sins, because awareness of their objective capacity must always be combined with another consciousness: the talents are not our own merit, but mysterious gift of God's grace; no data for our honor, but for the glory of God, to serve God through them Christ and His Church. I for one do not doubt that a bit 'I will have deserved Purgatory for the purification of my soul, but it is equally true that if I had to introduce myself shortly before the immediate judgment of God, one thing I would go safe in the presence of the Creator: the objective certainty of having loved, worshiped and obeyed the Church, and he has served in every way the people of God, spending my priestly life to make up for the thousand laziness of many my brothers, from those taking refuge behind unspecified "pastoral duties", They never have time to confess, to visit the sick, to bring them Holy Communion, to administer the sacred anointing of the sick and the dying, to stay close to people in need and so to follow, because for this we have become priests, not to send the "pious women", or as any intrusive "priestesses", to visit the sick and bring them Holy Communion.


I like to do the theologian and through the theology I think of making a valuable service to the Holy Church of God, especially in these times of wild widespread heterodoxy, but I would not hesitate to abandon any theological speculation if it meant neglecting the pastoral and apostolic dimension, why I became a priest to celebrate the Eucharistic Sacrifice, to absolve sins, to administer the sacraments according to the power of my sacramental able, to assist believers of Christ. That is the priority, and this priority is sacrificed everything, Also theological speculation. Or to quote an example: if the faithful, as it has often happened, They are calling me at home because they do not find a priest in every parish in the City going to give the anointing to a sick man - being young pastors engaged in exhausting and unspecified "pastoral activity" -, and I'm going out at that time to go and hold a keynote the mystery of the Incarnation of the Word of God, well: before I go to administer the holy anointing to the sick, then I'm going to hold keynote, Why, if it did so, I would prove not to have understood why, the Word of God became man. Which among priests, not have realized, are unfortunately very many, alas, more and more.


Do you want to know then where that are found, always and rigor, the kind of lazy and absentee priests poc'anzi mentioned? Soon said: placed by their bishops in the largest and wealthiest parishes of the diocese, protected and made untouchable by authentic mafias formed mostly from lazy and mediocre priests and how much they, who live with the terror that anyone can in any way alter the brain death was generated by them in the particular Churches, offering examples of priestly life totally different from their. E, if everything goes well, these priests often find them to make no grown children to the house of mothers and fathers, I repeat: if everything goes well. Or we find them surrounded by their beloved grandchildren, full of a thousand needs and many vices, which I await that throws priest uncle sooner or later the bucket, to have in rightful inheritance everything in a life of laziness and greed have stolen from the coffers of the Church, from whom everything had, and to which all should give - or at least return - to their death.


Despite my sins are clear about God's judgment, because it is not based on "divine emotion", For God is not emotional, it's right. And his justice sustains the pure aequitas, which if necessary is aequitas compensatory. How were the holy men and women who had a really bad temper, or when they opened their mouths were able - as they say - to leave if necessary bishops, priests, religious literally "thrown to the pigs"? Yet all of them were judged on charity, why they are sanctified; as well as each of us, It will be judged on charity. And charity, before the eyes and judgment of God, It produces a large compensatory effect. Or how often I happen to say in the confessional to penitents: "Love is like a baptism, which renews us the grace and erasing blame, sometimes, maybe, in the eyes of God you can erase even the sentence to be served for the sin forgiven, but that He alone can know, He alone, despite our faults and sins committed, may decide to admit us, for compensatory charity merits, directly into Paradise among the blessed souls ".




If I think of being a man of talent, It is not to believe it because they tell me friends, or the so-called admirers, because those do not own text. I think because I always say my worst enemies. Indeed, none of those clerics that if they could they would have taken me not only the Sacrament of Orders, but even the Sacrament of Baptism and then burned alive, He never said that I am a mediocre theologian, or an immoral priest, why my worst enemies, well-looked by any kind of confrontation with me in matters of doctrine and faith, They are always used to say: "It has brilliant intelligence and profound theological preparation". Adding below: "And what makes it very dangerous". To follow up with statements like,: "Ha one encyclopedic», "He has an evil intelligence", "It is not a sentimental emotional that can be done in the trap to fall into its sentimentality, because when harsh criticism directed always builds his thesis on objective data and criteria based on pure logic, in which case you should not deny it, because you run the risk of being made still more blacks from his bloody tongue and his even more bloody pen his tongue itself ". But most of all, despite themselves, They are forced to admit: "He leads a morally impeccable priestly life". If they do not admit this, They would laugh behind by people, as my life unfolds to the public sunlight, under the eyes of the people who always know where they are, with who I am and what I do, but above all they know what I do and who I am not. E, these enemies loved ones, mostly characterized by a bleak mediocrity, They have always kept me away from all academic ambits, without any ecclesiastical authority has never had urologic manly attributes to tell: "In conclusion, if God sends his Church to men of skill and talent, can we marginalize them not to irritate the army of highly poor people who are doing disappearing day after day the universal Church in the ridiculous, It uttering heresy bursts from the chairs of our academic institutions and from the pulpits of the largest historic churches?».


Having said that, we can then add that none of the bishops at the apostolic authority which have been subjected over the years, He never raised a half sigh about my way of life, Why, always the proof of facts not subject to easy refutation, I am a priest who never caused any problems of a moral nature, doctrinal and asset. Even despite, their Bishops who are impossible with a clergy in the most serious moral issues, doctrinal statement and balance sheet, to me they have never given any official pastoral assignment, because if they did there would be a violent uprising against them by priests whose moral conduct, doctrinal statement and balance sheet, constitute public scandals in the sunlight, strictly tolerated, sometimes even hidden and protected, by those same bishops ready then to hide behind pathetic speeches such as: "Ah, the situation is delicate, I have to handle fragile equilibrium ". By reaching out to the shameful concluding sentence: "What can I do?». And before this question, someone he was told to me in these terms: "When it was proposed the appointment as bishop, and along with it the was shown in a clear and realistic severe actual state besetting the diocese who wished to entrust, why she accepted? Maybe then say ... "What can I do?”».


Unfortunately it is the human mystery - certainly not the mystery of faith -, the poor little men prancing for certain honors, but by no direction and no reason, however, they want to take the well heaviest burdens arising from their high office.




Not a few, among the bishops elected in recent years, They resemble certain small and snooty teenagers, the break of the first fragile hair on pubis, they go around telling, as authentic mulls females, had made raids with amazing women in their thirties ultra surf, as well as almost impossible to achieve by virtue of their beauty and social position. This kind of adolescents, of always, in civil society make tenderness, Why, with their absurd-fanciful stories, cause to die laughing anyone who will listen. Unfortunately, in today's ecclesiastical body, this kind of adolescents are instead elected mulls females official of the Holy See, then declared the spouses of some great and ancient particular Church, for their, It should be entirely comparable to a woman almost impossible to achieve for its beauty and its social position. E, once it becomes bishops, tenderness nor do they die laughing, but do cry, because by their actions incompetent produce so many and such damage that only partially be repaired will require decades of work by vescovi santi, admitted that tomorrow they always find, saints bishops, after the terrible devastation of the earthly Jerusalem wrought by this new generation of bishops who first popped fragile hair on their pubic priestly suffering from diseases caused by congenital micropenis, But they believed most gifted of a thoroughbred stallion and most beautiful of Rodolfo Valentino.


He is now a man 54 year old, here in maturity, or rather now on the way to old age, I began to aspire to the "best gifts". E, as well capita, the face of ever larger slice of the episcopate showing that he had serious problems on knowledge of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, following the admonition of the Blessed Apostolo Paolo, "If a man desire the episcopate, He desires a noble task ", I began to aspire to the episcopate. And I sucked you animated by the serene and conscious awareness that these days would also be a great bishop, compared to some teenagers at the break of the first pubic hair they were declared by the Holy See stallions and then married some great and ancient particular Church.




Like all men of faith at the same time endowed with talents bestowed on me by mystery of grace from God, I first had to deal with those who are at the same time my great limitations; because a man is not able to confront their human limitations, It can be neither a man of genuine intelligence, or a man of faith. And my first insurmountable limitation was the fact of not having my part contacts with the "court of miracles" that have long encircles the Roman Pontiff, leading to His Holiness the pizzini with the names of the bishops in all the best trappings of modernism, but incensed with the smoke of the great censer of the poor and poverty. In short, just to be clear: we all know that the reigning Pope gave clear provisions on the selection of new bishops, stating that wants them "shepherds with the smell of the sheep" and a "special preference for the poor". Or good, I understand that the story would be very long, but perhaps, the reigning Pontiff, It is not sufficiently enlightened on what was, in a country like Italy, Sixty-eight. Then, in case the Holiness of Our Lord Jesus Christ I read, I try to narrarglielo me soon, What it was our pathetic Sixty-eight ...


... Sixty-eight Italian It was formed a protest movement and carried out by the richest children of fathers who spoke of the proletariat, the working class and the class struggle, and then return to their homes where they were served by the rulers and the liveried servants. Protesters with the proletariat odor on him, were the scions of industrial families and entrepreneurs took to struggle against bourgeois political class and the old academic baronies. They were also and above all the great uneducated, because while the old and commendably contested old academic barons, behind they had a great tradition, but above all a great culture, protesters faux-proletarian, behind instead they had an abysmal ignorance, and one after the other have graduated in political collective discussing the imagination in power, on forbidden to forbid, or discoursing on Cuban cigars smoked by Ernesto Guevara said Che. And so, Sixty-eight in the post, we ended up in schools and academic structures an army of ignorant licensed, just as it happened in the political class. Of ignorant characterized by a precise setting: were aggressive and coercive as few - or in some ways like never before had seen -, with those who did not think like them. E, since the seventies, these posts sessantottino in the chair have devastated entire generations of students, targeting rare destructive spirit with all those who were not willing to homologate their indisputable thought. And of this, Who is writing, He has been both victim and witness.


there, not knowing and not imagining with such opportunists and false-change would eventually play, the reigning Pontiff, shouting "Odor of sheep ', "Poor and poverty", to a fifty years away from Sessantotto Episcopate has created the same situation ruinous. A situation that, with all the most devoted and sacred respect, It could only be created by a naive Argentine who does not listen to anyone and that does not live in the world, but in his idea of ​​the world. E, said this, as far as my words, I conclude by saying that it will be the time, to give me right or wrong in tomorrow's day, while the episcopate post sessantottino sinks deeper and deeper, between ignorance of the sheep and the bleak poverty of the doctrine and spirit.


The members of this "court of miracles" clerical Sixty style, formed as I wrote several times and repeated by authentic delinquents, that with the proposal of certain episcopal appointments induce the Roman Pontiff to sign the blank checks without over them it is not even mentioned the figure for putting the collection, a person like me found them like smoke to the eyes, even worse: They consider more dangerous radiation of the Chernobyl nuclear reactor.


As for the matter of blank checks, It is first of all clear that certain relationships are not unilateral and bilateral. Indeed, When the Bishop that full and perfect communion with the Bishop of Rome has ordained me a priest, I promised obedience and filial respect to him and to all his successors, in a sense, I signed a blank check with notebook Checks drawn by the Bank of Faith, at which there are no spending limits, because the Bank of Faith coverage is unlimited. but be careful, because the Bishop in full and perfect communion with the Bishop of Rome, for its part has not signed, nor ever I put in my hands a blank check with no number and date for collection, why am I that I vowed to him, not he who had vowed to me. Unfortunately today, what's happening, It is a dangerous alteration and inversion of all the economic and commercial criteria: enough that present themselves to the Pope offenders in the "court of miracles" that the flatter and circuiscono, telling him that such and such a priest wrote a pamphlet on the poor and poverty to the highest socio-political trappings of Bologna School, or who hath been busy that other poor migrants and considers it soli juice more important than how much they are not the gloomy doctrines on the great Christological dogma, that these puts to sign burst hazardous blank checks of episcopal appointments, without indicating in them neither the figure nor the date. It goes without saying that, because at the Bank of Faith, for this kind of checks there is neither liquidity nor coverage, having left the Founder of the Church any kind of a guarantee fund for similar nefarious expenses, soon it will happen one after another, these checks, eventually protested. Because this offenders in the "court of miracles" we are conducting: to bankruptcy. In the end, all'improvvido signatory, the Divine Director of the bank will withdraw the checkbook, and little will be worth that he is going in and pawing claiming to be the only, valid, lawful and legitimate holder of the current account, because at that point, Director Divine, It will remind you that the wealth entrusted to him would have to manage it and make it bear fruit with the highest criteria of the economy Christological all of which are summarized in the famous Parabola faithful and wise administrator [cf. LC 12, 39-48]. Those who later suffered and suffered damage due to this large sale of bad checks, the Divine Judge of the Supreme Court - which is merciful, because first of all it is right -, ask it opened the company's bankruptcy proceedings Catholic Church and that we proceed immediately with the kidnappings to try to recover and also only partly credits. And maybe, the first real estate will be impounded, both the credit protection is to avoid further future damage, it will be the Sistine Chapel ...


... in this climate of receivership that is a prelude to bankruptcy proceedings, to achieve my goal I have taken literally the admonition of Christ God who calls us: "There: I send you as sheep among wolves; so be wise as serpents and harmless as doves " [Mt 10, 16], mindful of the fact that "the children of this world, indeed, towards their peers are wiser than the children of light " [LC 16, 8].




Now I reveal publicly what I did to achieve my goal: first of all I removed the Roman cassock off, I burned the Saturn beaver who sometimes wear during the winter as the wind blows, I went into a church clothing store and I bought one of those hideous synthetic shirts with white removable Francobollino below the neck, which of course I left half undone; I put a couple of jeans under shirt, taking care of arrotolarmi up their sleeves to the elbow, I wore a pair of sneakers and I let the beard for three days. I then corrected my walk trying to bend your back, if anything appear too straight; I prudently refrained from proceeding with an elegant gait and took to walk dangling so. Finally, I showed up at the Vatican to Domus Sanctae Martha I was saying in the lodge prodigandomi for the protection of a Sinti gypsy ethnicity, who was subjected to severe discrimination because he had defended legitimately by questions from an annoying and insistent journalist, breaking his nose and slaughtering of its barrel cameraman [cf. video clips WHO, WHO, WHO]. And so hyear referred to the Supreme Pontiff in hall the hotel was a priest very pecoreccio who demanded to speak to the Supreme Pontiff for a matter arising from the poor discriminated against Gypsies. Well, maybe you will not believe, but he came in person in hall to receive me.


When I saw a tick away and then come back to me the Roman Pontiff, with the help of God's grace I corrected my instincts incorrigible imprinted in my DNA of priest, following which I bent my head, I would put on their knees to kiss the hand and, getting up, I would not open his mouth except to answer, because before the Roman Pontiff not start any speech, It heads down waiting for him to give a speech at the beginning; do not ask, It is liable only if he asks you, although today it is used that the Roman Pontiff will face even interviewed by journalists who have spent their lives to despise the most basic foundations of the deposit of the Catholic faith. I repeat, with the help of the grace of God I did not fall in this series of errors that would be lethal, and as soon as I saw it from a distance I started to sbracciare as a perfect lout calling out: "Father Francis!». And I rushed toward him, without bending the right knee before his Augusta person let alone kissing his hand, but hugging him tight. Then, clapping him on the shoulder, I told him: "Dad, I thank you for seeing me, because only you, in this increasingly discriminatory, you can help me do justice to a group of Gypsies discriminated against members of the family Sword. It is actually a really good for family clan, thanks to which is safeguarded and protected the great culture of these gypsies, that they are all people who live honest work [cf. WHO]. And I, Dear Francis, I can testify to the goodness, honesty and great working spirit of these people, because when I fell in Via Merulana my wallet, two Gypsy, one of them seriously injured, invalid with permanent and severe mobility problems - both incidentally belonging to around beggars organized in Rome by the Clan of Casamonica [cf. see movie WHO] ‒, He stood up from the ground from the corner where she was begging, running up after another together with the crutch, also invalid because with a mutilated arm, both shouting behind: "Man, the wallet, the wallet! man, the fell of his wallet!». E, told all, precisely to the Roman Pontiff: «Sai, Father Francis, They called in a gentle "Lord" because they knew I was a priest. Why me, being a priest for people, with the people and in the people - because this really means in terms mystagogical for Christ, with Christ and in Christ ―, always traveling in civilian clothes. Or maybe we want to go back to scare people with our long black robes sad crows and, if anything, even putting this ridiculous Saturn head that some diehards consider elegant?».


The eyes of the Holy Father have become bright e, see him I confess, at that moment is realized writing: "Then Jesus, looking upon, I love" [MC 10. 21].




If the heart of the reigning Pope is a safe full of great spiritual treasures, I used to open the right combination: “Poor & poverty". So I did not go to him empty-handed, but like all the worst burglars I took four years behind the "combination of aperture", or rather my study entitled "The poor and poverty are the Mystical Body face of Christ". And when the Pope asked me what relationship I had with the poor and poverty, family and social level, first of all I replied telling him that my family was so poor, but so poor, that when mice entered the pantry of our cuisine, not finding anything inside it came out with tears in his eyes. Neither I felt humiliated to tell him that our house was so poor that we did not even swim, as we used the toilet cat litter box. Then I talked about the enormous sacrifices of my mother, at that time already a widow at a young age, having lost her husband to just 48 year old. And though torn by grief, five in the morning was already working curved to clean the buildings stairs before the sun ancòra sorger, to pay to the son of the courses in the United States of America, cost of which they were at the time 18.000 U.S.. $. So I explained in detail that this poor woman, in my travel expenses, the cost of the studies and stay, He had to clean the stairs of the buildings to the tune of approximately 25.000 U.S.. $, all in years when a dollar was equivalent to our old coinage 1.500/1.600 Italian Lire, roughly thirty million old lire. So much so that my mother began to anticipate the cleaning stairs work, and instead of beginning at five o'clock in the morning, beginning at four. The Pope was very moved and said: "Ah, what they are capable to do, poor mothers, for their children. You are truly the son of a saint!».


Then I narrated the misunderstandings suffered by my poor parents by the old church, one run by the Prince Bishops without love and mercy; an old church where a priest-Pharisee threatened my grandparents would not have baptized their son, that my father, just because they wanted to call it Palmiro, in honor of the leader of the Italian communist Palmiro Togliatti. Harsh from early childhood was the life of my father, that because of malnutrition fell ill from tuberculosis child, because his parents could not cure him and feed him, why grew stunted, and being bad later had major problems to marry. The still married my mother, partly to charity, partly because, because she too bad because of the after-effects of a childhood polio and then had a chicken pox in adults that left the whole skin pocked, He ended with my father to form an allied and united couple.


All his life my father worked to collect the discarded vegetables from greengrocers the general market of fruits and vegetables, and then sell a few money good pieces that could recover in the discard pile. But despite all this pain and this humiliation suffered by my poor family, there are even gossips Pharisees and sad Christians who dare to deny these truths making me the object of vile calumnies, just to cut my legs for appointment as bishop, for example telling around that I come from a wealthy family and that my father was as good as a Hollywood actor. But these are lies, pure and shameful slander circulated falsely on me to keep me from being able to be promoted to the episcopate. Suffice it to say that my brother, who is a paraplegic and that only the right part of the body is able to articulate, whereas in the lower Maremma, between Tuscany and Lazio, He makes his living as a guardian of a herd of breeding boars, in free time, with the use of only one hand, He is carving a pastoral made with olive wood, who wants to be a symbol of peace, Love and poverty.


After this story I had to stretch a tissue to wipe tears from his eyes to the Roman Pontiff, because now he was deeply moved. Having recovered from the emotion then after those poignant tales, he sighed, he beat his hand on my shoulder and told me: "Do not get angry, because to say certain falsehoods about you may be only those who I call the "bats Christians", those who seek evil everywhere ".


Later, when the Roman Pontiff told me that he saw in me a priest from the Episcopal profile, by virtue of my sensitivity to the poor, I hastened to reply: "Father Francis, I can also accept the appointment as bishop, But as long as I'll be given a full Diocese of existential suburbs and allow me to put, on the shield of my episcopal coat of arms, the image of the Little Match Girl " [Old fairy tale H.C. Andersen, readable text WHO]. The Roman Pontiff asked me what, among many, among too many Italian dioceses would be to me the most suitable to carry my good news to the poor, and me, unhesitatingly, I answered: "Father Francis, I think I'm born to be a bishop of Naples ". And I set: 'Note, Father Francis, I just said: Bishop. Mica I said Metropolitan Archbishop of Naples, oldest and largest archbishopric, with twelve suffragan dioceses, traditionally the seat of cardinals, with a clergy more than a thousand priests and so to follow. No, none of this, because I would just be the bishop of the poor; and if it does not fit to the rich, They may go to look for a bishop-prince model old-feudal or Bourbon. And I'll tell you more, Father Francis: taking possession of the chair, I will not say trivial and obvious things, type I propose to bring the gospel again and sound Catholic doctrine in a pagan land that now more Christian, This is all Italy, but especially our South now reduced to a faith-pagan folklore. None of this, I announce clearly that the purpose of my episcopate will be to defeat the Camorra and the Camorra and, as a guiding compass of my episcopate, I take as a model the documents of the National Antimafia Commission. Because where governments have failed both Royalists and Republicans of the last hundred and fifty years, I shall succeed me with the power of an episcopal excommunication. And all the thousands and thousands of poor to whom the Camorra pays houses, salaries, pensions and insurance, entire families of keeping sentenced to prison for mafia crimes - because the Camorra is a veritable state within a state, with its own "law" and especially with its rich economy -, they shall come and rigor on my side, ready to rise en masse against the power of the Camorra, because I will be their social Bishop, their revolutionary Bishop ».


Dear Letters of The Island of Patmos, is with trepidation and joy that I so glad tidings: I was chosen as Metropolitan Archbishop of Naples, and at the stroke of the 75th birthday of His Eminence Cardinal Crescenzio Sepe Rev.ma, I will take his place on the episcopal chair of San Gennaro. Since this ad, Now I intend to publish my meditation through which, the Roman Pontiff, for friends "Father Francesco", She saw in me the ideal candidate and decided: "You will be the Bishop of existential outskirts of Naples". It is a meditation that will be the pastoral orientation and doctrinal compass of my episcopate.









When the Roman Pontiff recognized in me a priest from the Episcopal profile and he asked what any diocese I would have liked to play the holy apostolic ministry, I replied that in my capacity as a member of our great multinational humanizing religious experiences, known for centuries as the Roman Catholic Church, I considered myself suited to coordinate the social activities of the old and glorious city of Naples and I thought of being a worthy representative and speaker of the truth of faith "poor Church for the poor". Especially if then coated in red, but it is clear: not the red is understood according to the stereotypes of the old church that it considered this fidelity until the martyrdom of blood, but it is seen as a red blood that must be paid to finally get the proletarian revolution of mercy.


It was indeed necessary - as I explained privately to the Pope - a charismatic person, at the same time he was like me also a showman, to organize and then manage the two mass events which in my opinion can be used to a greater combination of the Neapolitan population: The traditional devotion to the blood of San Gennaro and the football matches of Napoli. This is why one of my first pastoral duties, after fulfilling the main, that is my solemn declaration of excommunication against the Camorra and the Camorra, It will be to give life to inter-football partnership between the football teams and their supporters of Napoli with the Argentine team San Lorenzo and Boca Juniors. We can not forget that in Naples lived more than thirty years ago the man of God by Diego Armando Maradona, that good Argentina, as well as belonging to the species of resurrected lice [1], It left a lasting impression, especially among the poor and needy of the ancient Partenope, which today still tell him when, aboard his Ferrari, accompanied by an army of maids, It went to serve hot meals to the homeless.


My pastoral mission, in my capacity as teacher and guardian of the faith, It will focus on the reformulation Pauline concept of the Mystical Body [cf. With the 1,18], whose real meaning is the testimony of God among us through the poor man who is her face and the refugee who is his body according to the writings of Acts and the Pauline letters, up to 'Apocalypse of Blessed Apostolo Giovanni, which he tells of how the companions of Jesus brought in the most abandoned areas of domination by the Roman power, such as Africa and Asia, until the Iberian Peninsula, the manifesto of this new unified class and unified under the concept of "kingdom", which it is neither birth, nor race, or the skin, much less capital to determine the subject, but this equal dignity, upper and in conflict with the spirit and oppressive slave aristocracy royal and imperial Rome. The same testimonies written by Blessed Apostolo Pietro in Rome [cf. Pt Iᵃ e IIᵃ] tell us how this fellow revolutionary vanguard egalitarian, Jesus the Nazarene, poor among the poor, He led the mission only among the lower classes and among the marginalized, these were the slaves, prostitutes and refugees. May, Jesus attended the houses of the rich, He never took meals with them, It never was anointed by them with precious oils, much less is left coated with fine garments. Modern archeology has also shown that he, alla his death, He was not buried in a fine tomb provided by the ricco Giuseppe of Arimathea [cf. MC 15, 42-46; Mt 27, 57-60; LC 23, 50-53; GV 19, 38-42], because his body ended along with that of all the poor in a mass grave from which, as I will tell later, Then take life the great spiritual resurrection metaphor. This whole series of stories, Finished mostly in the Synoptic Gospels, are incorrect transcriptions that editors of the canonical Gospels were taken from untrusted text of the apocryphal gospels, imbued with many romantic and surreal tales. News therefore false and superimposed on the picture of the poor Jesus that very soon will be purged, thanks to improved scientific exegesis that four years is now at work through a special commission to study funded by a group of German theologians, able to pay these long and expensive studies, since the Church of Germany, great supporter of the concept of the poor Jesus for the poor, It can benefit from the Federal Republic of Germany of an annual contribution of about ten billion Euros deriving from tax revenue. And as, before long, the German bishops will have more Euro crammed into the coffers of their dioceses rather than faithful seated among the deserted benches of their churches, They may well employ more capital at their disposal to finish destroying what remains of the venerable old pre-merciful Church, or to finance the great ideological latest idea being: married priests in the Amazon region of Brazil.


Through their lives human companions Jesus of Nazareth They were the first great propagandists of this epochal revolutionary change. Indeed, most of them, after the destruction of Jerusalem were refugees [Mt 24:4-28], suffering as such non reception and, as we read in the various stories contained in Acts: the first Christian communities were to serve all, and within them there was the primitive holy communism, because they did not exist in that huge theft that was private property, because the goods were in common and personal possession was banned.




After the first revolution brought by the man Jesus of Nazareth, for which it was necessary to live outside of the slavery of human ideologies spread by upright religions of priestly castes - remember that Jesus was not a member of the caste of priests and Levites, But to the tribe of Benjamin and David, who was a warrior which led to the liberation of the people from the power of the external rulers -, for obvious consequence, centuries after, inevitably he had to reach the French Revolution, followed by liberalism and communism still below, which together with the great Martin Lutero reforms represent the biggest grace gifts bestowed by the Holy Spirit to mankind.


The man Jesus of Nazareth had no precise political projects, he has launched those seeds that in the centuries to come would then germinate thanks to his initial idea that aimed to transform individual and social ethics supported on the exaltation of the highest values ​​of humanity, in structural elements targeted to sustain the company on the principles of generosity, compassion and hospitality. And mind you: not only and not so much on the reception of the sinner, as a long time, badly mistaken, He is believed and taught, but on the reception of the same sin, which it is a great single and collective human wealth. Herein lies the real revolution of the new church, contrary to what has instead made the gloomy old church, which for centuries it has been stubborn to accept the sinner, if anything, even making him feel guilty for his sin and then pushing him to repentance, but proving unable to accept at the same time also with the sinner sin, because it is in this that consists the great ecclesial and ecclesiastical revolution of our time supported the concept of God's mercy: receive, together with the sinner, Also the great and inestimable wealth of sin.


Over the past few years, within the Church began to blow more strongly than ever a new wind, especially in the areas of theology and exegesis. This wind has led to the rediscovery of the true message of Jesus of Nazareth which for many centuries has been overshadowed by the dominant class of the Christian ideology that, since the bankruptcy mechanisms that were their rulers of the Roman Empire, They had transformed the free post gesuana Church in a pyramidal structure of castes, based on bureaucracy and legalism legal, away from the people and for what alien from teaching of universal love. This pyramid-shaped ecclesiastical caste that for centuries has supported the bureaucracy and legalism, He went so far as to express, on the ancient Roman Law model, the authentic anti-evangelical and anti-libertarian aberration that is the Code of Canon Law, thus limiting so terrible human and spiritual creativity, for one is the true law for the Christian: Law is true and authentic that I think, what I feel, so what I want.


The clearest statement of man Jesus of Nazareth against the power totalitarian is enclosed in its expression, "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's" [Mt 22,21; MC 12,17; LC 20,12]. An expression that contains a very precise message, although for many centuries never correctly interpreted, that means: the power can not accumulate all the authority, whether it is effective or even only symbolic and, of a single human being, because those in power must be limited and subject to the same voice and the will of the sovereign people, because sovereignty belongs to the people and is exercised through the democratic mechanism of the Synod of Bishops, that soon they will return to be elected by the people themselves.




Jesus of Nazareth was, first of all, a great revolutionary, very sensitive to that class struggle of which he throws the first fundamental pillars. To truly understand the revolutionary impact of his message, enough to understand the true meaning of his words when he says he did not come to bring peace but war and, or even among siblings within the same family would be put against each other, if either party had not accepted this change needed [Mt 10, 34-36], he that is not with him is against him [Mt 12,30].


The history of mankind is full of "anonymous Christians", as we learn from the great theologian of all time, the German Jesuit Karl Rahner, I hope is soon proclaimed a Doctor of the Church and a prophetic voice. Among the many "anonymous Christians" in history, Just think, for example, the Chinese Mao Zedong, that just inspired by this passage from the Gospel - without knowing it, he being an anonymous Christian "" -, during his glorious revolution imprinted on already experienced Soviet model, Also invited children, properly trained, to denounce their own parents; or the brothers necessary to denounce their brothers and sisters who also showed a faint sign of disagreement with this big rise Sol dell'Avvenire. And in doing this, if necessary get in each other, They were rightly convinced that in the end the proletarian revolution would be completed, because as it is written: not everybody, but only some of those who have been part of the revolution, not taste of death, till they see his kingdom, because this is the true meaning of this famous passage of the Gospel [cf. Mt 16,28]. At this point, the radical change wrought by recent steps taken by this revolution that gave birth to the new and true Church of Peace, of love and mercy, finally able to welcome the sinner together also sin, It has reached its climax, because this is the true meaning of the warning given by the man Jesus of Nazareth when he says: "Not before this generation that this should happen". [Mt 24,34].


The preaching of the Nazarene was centered on equality, as when he says that there are no masters, palesandosi well against bourgeois capitalism represented at that time by the temple merchants, , or by the ancient speculators Wall Street, they were rather the money changers [cf. MC 11, 7-19; Mt 21, 8-19; LC 19, 35-48; GV 2, 12-25]


The only time that the man Jesus of Nazareth looked at him ― «e I love watching ", as it is written in the Gospel - he was when he pointed to the rich young man the only thing he lacked to make: "We ', sell what you have and give to the poor " [cf. MC 10,21]. He is in fact very clear in saying that perfection can be achieved only when you sell all our possessions to give to the poor [Mt 19, 21]. Jesus of Nazareth, often blames the rich, especially when he says: woe to you rich! for ye have received your consolation [LC 6,24]. Unfortunately, for many centuries, the theologians of the old Church explained - of course gravely mistaken - that the term "wealth" is used by the man Jesus of Nazareth as a synonym for selfishness, lack of altruism, of attachment to the purely material dimension of life and being. Understandable the reason why the old church has supported this, because unfortunately she - and what we must never end up asking for forgiveness to the world proletariat -, He was in league with the rich, with the exploiters of the people. While in reality the wealth, for the man Jesus of Nazareth, it was just a dishonest means to earn protectors in difficult times [cf. LC 16, 9]. In fact, he affirms: «Well, I tell you: make friends for yourselves with dishonest wealth, Why, when it fails, they may receive you ". And it was so much his hatred of wealth, who later went on to launch invectives against the Pharisees who, They are attached to money, They heard all these things and you did insult him. As long as Jesus said to them,: "You are those who believe the righteous before men, but God knows your hearts: what is exalted among men, before God is an abomination " [LC 16, 14.15].




For centuries we have believed and taught that the allegory of original sin - because it is well established that original sin is not a fact, but only an allegory from which comes the traditional baptism just as allegorical and symbolic -, It was due to an act of rebellion against God the Creator through man's pride. Well, apart from the fact that another great "anonymous Christian", Sigmund Freud, Genesis tells us that the biblical passage is nothing but an allegory of the son who in childhood is legitimately rebels against his father's domain, if we really want to talk about original sin, this is not to recognize the healthy and legitimate rebellion against the parent domain, which it is in fact part of the human evolutionary dimension, but necessarily it arises in the lack of care for the poor and in the attachment to money. This is why, the metaphorical Garden of Eden, the man fell into the metaphorical original sin.


The mission of man Jesus of Nazareth was not the one to found a religion or caste, or a parallel power to dominate with ritualisms, ceremonies and brainwash the poor and oppressed, but to bring the good news to the poor, to proclaim release to the captives and to set at liberty those who are oppressed [cf. LC 4, 18], giving as the only bond of friendship, because the prospect of salvation and holiness that He offers us, It is to become his "friends" [GV 15,15]. Moreover, He is not only a great revolutionary, but it is a real radical revolutionary, it clarifies the same: «Who is not with me, it's against me " [cf. Mt 12,30]. And in the long line of several "anonymous Christians", many have followed this teaching of his radicalism, without even knowing what they were really and radically Christians to act in a certain way. For instance, between different contemporary, limited to only the twentieth century, suffice it to recall that great "man anonymous faith" that it was Stalin, This Gospel radicalism that brought him to the maximum fulfillment, so that thanks to his work, about twenty million Russians could reach Heaven in a few years.


The man Jesus of Nazareth then called to Himself those whom he wanted, and they came to him. So he appointed twelve to be with him and he could send them to preach, and they had the power to heal sicknesses and to cast out demons [cf. MC 3, 13-15]. Needless to say, the Demons, I am the allegory of the capital-imperialist bourgeois temptations that seek to corrupt the people. Therefore, The casting out demons, It is to be understood as a hunt capitalist ideology that corruption tends to possess the people. Unfortunately, the old church full of gifts to her attitudes arising from that great alters the Christianity that was the Roman emperor Constantine, he never realized that these Twelve were a collective based on the concepts of proletarian democracy, because the man Jesus of Nazareth summoned the Comrades from the fields and workshops [cf. WHO] to revolutionize the world; a revolution that passes through the transformation of the individual.


When the man Jesus of Nazareth, to Pontius Pilate, that represents the maximum charge representative of the Roman regime, dice: "My kingdom is not of this world", He refers to himself instead as a man in the front row as a victim oppressed, It called to be the symbol of dissociation from the realm of bondage and domination, of oppression and authoritarianism, poverty and war, widows and orphans, refugees and the poor for higher taxes and the continuous appropriation of land and capital. He did so, and proclaims the imminent social change propaganda began living with his conviction and execution as leader revolutionary that, failing to defeat the ideas contrary to the discussion, He has left that they express, because he knew that you can not defeat the misconceptions by force, because that would stop the free development, indeed, misconceptions, They must always be left free to develop to the maximum.


When the man Jesus of Nazareth told his companions not to greet the family and not bury the dead, what is intended to convey an invitation to never go back even to take a run, Also it costs falling into the abyss that lies between one bank and another.


When in the Gospel refers to Simon called the Zealot [cf. LC 6 14-16], which means guerrilla or partisan, what is meant is to say that the positive characteristic of warfare consists in the fact that each individual is willing to die not to defend an ideal abstractly, but for it to become reality, so that the imagination may come to power, because it is the imagination that comes the real, although this has never been understood by the old church, which for centuries has been stubborn to support their own theological thought on outdated and unrealistic criteria of Aristotelian logic, carried out so anachronistic by St. Thomas Aquinas, on which rests the great responsibility that it had restricted the great theological speculation until - thank goodness! ‒, the beginning of the twentieth century came to life that Modernism is now the point of reference and of doctrinal and pastoral action of most contemporary episcopate.


In Matthew we read that the man Jesus of Nazareth told his companions: ' Verily I say, hardly a rich man to enter the kingdom " [cf. Mt 19, 23-30]. This is enough to understand that he wanted to become poor and offer itself as a cornerstone of that great epoch-making revolution against bourgeois capitalism, only true great destruction of humanity. Unfortunately it took many centuries to come to understand that God can not be Catholic, but to everyone, because he knows everyone and it is for everyone, especially those who deny it and refuse. This is the reason why the Nazarene, in art the Son of God, preached during his earthly existence the clear distinction between the oppressed and the oppressors, thus laying the big bridge over the river of what would later be the poor Church for the poor.




The man's greatest miracles Jesus of Nazareth They were not those of Lazarus' awakening from a clear state of apparent death, undiagnosed at that time for lack of scientific knowledge; let alone the signs worked by him on the sick. The real great miracle was to feed the proletarian masses in different occasions [cf. Mt 14, 13-21. 15, 32-39; MC 6, 30-44. 8,1-10; LC 9,10-17]. And here we perceive how deep the concern of Jesus of Nazareth for the hunger of the masses of the underclass, so much so that the last supper, before being sentenced to death by the imperial-capitalist power of that time, Jesus gave the job to his companions to feed the people with bread proletarian liberation [Mt 26, 20-30; MC 14, 17-26; LC 22,14-39; GV 13, 1-20], and for this purpose he used a great metaphor allegorical: "Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me and I in him" [GV 6, 56].


The man Jesus of Nazareth walked finally to Jerusalem with its companions because he knew that the time was ready for revolution, because the revolution is not an apple that falls when it is ripe, but it should be 'dropped. From this moment onwards he follows the so-called Gospel of the Passion, focused for centuries, in interpretations of the Old Church, in the bloody dimension of sacrifice, through which the man Jesus of Nazareth, equated to the Lamb of God, would wash the sin. It is, however,, also in this case, a misreading, very Tridentine and pre-conciliar, Two evangelical sentences: "Here is the Lamb of God, which takes away the sin of the world!» [GV 1,29], and again, "he looked at Jesus as he walked, he said: "Here is the lamb of God!”». The biggest misconception from which the misinterpretation born, It is linked to the very concept of sin, with whom for a long time the old Church has terrorized his faithful. The Gospels are indeed the writings merely allegorical, to interpret the categories of modern theology. And the term "sin" is a metaphor that must be interpreted in a broad sense not bloody and sacrificial, but in a social sense: the man Jesus of Nazareth, with all the gentleness of the non-violence that centuries later end up in a figure like Gandhi - lamb metaphor here -, lava from the world the great sin of social injustice and the oppression of the poor. To this, as I said earlier, relates that other great metaphor which is the Eucharist, whose real and true meaning is not to sacrifice, but to be the bread of Social Justice, the party of companions who gather around the table for the banquet of joy, of peace, of love and mercy, dancing around the altar to the rhythm of bongos.


Our faith is based on the large allegorical event of the resurrection of the Nazarene, for centuries considered the old church as a historical fact, as well as a physical fact, while we know that it is a spiritual event, an allegory interpreted as earthly experience conclusion of the man Jesus of Nazareth, in art the Son of God. For when in the Apostolic Letters states: "But if Christ has not been raised, then empty is our preaching is in vain and your faith " [cf. The Cor 15.14], It meant to say that the allegorical symbol of the Resurrection is the redemption of the poor and the oppressed people, is proved by the fact that in another passage states that we have already risen with Christ [cf. With the 3,1]. And who is it, who it was raised with the man Jesus of Nazareth, not the rich, Perhaps the bourgeois, or perhaps worse than the capitalists? Of course not, with the man Jesus of Nazareth, the great allegory of his resurrection are partakers poor, the marginalized, refugees; to rise with this really great revolutionary, It packs so that the law is approved on soli juice. The allegory of man Jesus of Nazareth who rises from the grave where his body was thrown together with that of the Underclass condemned by the imperial-capitalist power, is the image of Sol dell'Avvenire rising. It is not by chance, several famous "anonymous Christians" in history, as already mentioned Stalin and Mao Zedong, although unaware of expressing thus their belief in the resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth, I did just use the allegorical iconography Sol dell'Avvenire, thus showing extraordinary "anonymous Christians".


The other two events of our faith are allegories of the ascension to Darling man Jesus of Nazareth and the Holy Spirit Pentecost. The fact that after the resurrection, He has continued to appear and to be present among the democratic-proletarian disciples' collective, as told by one of the most famous allegorical tales - that of the two companions on a journey along the Way to Emmaus [cf. LC 20, 30-31] ‒, It indicates the fact that no real father of the revolution has never left the people, before the people was ripe. That's why this allegory joins the second allegory, the Holy Spirit Pentecost. With this second event, fellow fighting man Jesus of Nazareth become true Christian adults; Thus Pentecost holds that sublime metaphor for the great "anonymous Christian" Sigmund Freud defined as the son's emancipation from the dependence of the father. With Pentecost, We then the final overcoming of the Oedipus complex.




Among these lines, I deliberately avoided talking about the mother figure, which is that of Mary the mother of the man Jesus of Nazareth. It is in fact a figure that may constitute an obstacle to dialogue with our brothers of different Christian Churches, even if still today, written in the Creed at Nicea and then perfected in Constantinople, resents unfortunately the exclusive and excluding spirit that the Fathers of these two councils acquired at the time by the romano Costantino. In this text we in fact reads: "I think the Church one, santa, catholic and apostolic ". This holiness and apostolic, however, it can not be the exclusive property of the Catholic Church, because it belongs to all the various Christian churches. Although over the centuries, the concept of unity, who flirted a real limiting obsession, He prevented us from welcoming the richness of diversity, to say the least: the old church has come to call heresy even the rupture of unity, unable to see and to grasp what an enormous wealth could arise from that diversity which often involves breaking of this great fetish unit, so that it can give space to the great preciousness of diversity. Among the many examples of this, think of the extraordinary figure of Martin Lutero.


Well, the figure of Mary is an obstacle reception of the various diversities and the great riches of the brothers of other Christian Churches, anch'esse apostolic and holy, that the Catholics of real forms repeatedly accused of Mariolatry, making it clear that this woman, in his own way too cumbersome, It was a serious obstacle to dialogue. Therefore, for the sake of dialogue and to achieve the common neighborhood, if it is necessary it must be sacrificed in the figure of this cumbersome mother. Both therefore blessed the work of those holy men of God Pentecostal pastors who recently, in Mexico, in Ecuador, Peru and so on, They have ventured into a sport as educational: crush and then wipe off the ground, in public, the statues of Beata Vergine of Guadalupe [see WHO, WHO, etc …]. Also because, if Pentecostals which has always enjoyed the special sympathy of the reigning Pontiff, they do this, they do it because no doubt inspired by the Holy Spirit.


It is in this that consists the true wealth of Mary: the ability to step aside, to leave aside and ensure that the Pentecostals to the conquest of Latin America do apart his effigy. Of all this, Mary is happy, so as not to obstruct the path of dialogue and closeness to the brothers of the other numerous and authentic Christian Churches. That's what makes me truly holy Maria, and it is in this new perspective that should be studied Mariology, avoiding the aptly be reprimanded by the brothers of the other true and authentic Christian Churches Mariolatry.


As though capita, this is a separate discussion that we face in following. Also because, As far I wrote and expressed, It was enough for my promotion to the episcopacy, exactly as Nunzio Galantino, who recently he called Martin Lutero and his great reform as a gift of the Holy Spirit [cf. WHO], his happy this statement was sufficient to keep the post of Secretary General of the Italian Episcopal Conference. If not, by relating instead to faith with the schemes of the old church, all it structured on gloomy oppressive doctrines and dogmas, through which some would hinder the triumph of mercy and love, not only, It does not become bishops, but it is likely to be pushed and relegated to the sound of beatings in the most forgotten and desert extremes of existential suburbs. But all of them are beaten - mind you -, fruit of the greatest mercy, of that mercy that arises from deeper than a holy shepherd carrying imprinted on it the smell of sheep.






that brief and memorable Talk 2013 with Cardinale Francis George, Metropolitan Archbishop of Chicago [1937-2015]

This writing, sull'ironico constructed and apparent paradox game, but devoid of any form of irreverence towards chicchessia, He speaks for itself. He speaks because it is a dramatically wrote seriously, I would dare to say, so humble and subdued, which is one written to his prophetic way. However, the line I chose to take a bit 'of time now, It was explained in a separate article in which I made clear to be taken where certain subjects and situations ... [see article WHO].


A few days after the conclave 2013, before he could return to the United States of America, I got to know at the North American College in Rome man of God Cardinal Francis George, Metropolitan Archbishop of Chicago [1937-2015], with whom I spoke in private for half an hour, sufficient time to grasp what I had to grasp. First of all, I declared myself struck by his statement dating back about a year ago, when he declared his understandable contrarierà bishop of the law on civil unions, and then continue to assert that the powerful and increasingly aggressive lobby gay, was turning through the Gay Pride in a "Ku Klux Klan manifesting in the streets against Catholicism". The statement struck me, But that was not addressed to the increasingly evident aggressive spirit of sodomites proud to anything that even vaguely reminiscent of the Catholic Church, it hit me by this man already seriously ill with cancer, It was the phrase: "I will die in my bed, my successor will die in prison, his successor will die a martyr '. Meditating on this sentence, I had the feeling that maybe, one day, bishop I would become really. And I could really become in my old age, together with a few other survivors Catholic priests to what the worst is yet to come, because in the not far at all, the Catholic Church will be reduced to a shapeless heap of ruins.


For three years now, the Dominican pontifical academician Giovanni Cavalcoli and myself, well known to the public as the Fathers de The Island of Patmos, ribattiamo tirelessly that the Church of Christ is not a static body to mummify stagnant water stops, but it is an evolving body, because in itself, a body, It is always growing, even at the stage of old age. If in fact the old marks on the one hand the physical decay, the other often marks the culmination of the spiritual and intellectual maturity. If it had not been, everything would be solved in the year 325 with the first great council held in Nicaea. But if the Church, of concilî, two millennia of life has celebrated it in total twenty-one, There must be a reason, or not? Hence the concept of The Church must always be reformed, provided that this need of the Church to always be reformed, does not end up being confused with the fact that the Church should end instead turned into another, instead reformed, ie purified. Is this, Unfortunately, It is what is happening today: a powerful and warlike group of criminals, They are trying to accomplish just this nefarious and diabolical project: transform the Church in another. And the transformation into another, It has nothing to do with the great reforms of some great Councils, from Trent to Vatican II.


That's why I go to as many years writing and stating that all this will lead the Church to be totally emptied of Christ, then be filled with another. In such a situation not far from being realized, be bishops will mean taking the risk of living a life of martyrs. Therefore the Blessed Apostolo Paolo, called not by chance at the beginning of my writing, stated that "If a man desire the episcopate, He desires a noble task " [The Cor 12, 31]. He claimed that because at the time, becoming bishops, He acted almost always die martyrs, shows us how the Roman martyrology and the Byzantine sinassario of the first centuries of Christianity.


Naturally, when we speak of martyrdom, we all have in mind the so-called martyrdom of blood. But this will not be, the slow and painful martyrdom that awaits us tomorrow, because our future will not be marked by a bloody martyrdom, but from a long white martyrdom that will last for generations.


What little remains of Catholicism and Catholics, It will end up being totally incompatible with the civil society, but especially with the laws that govern; they shall be of the radically anti-Christian laws. No One, He will belong to the small group of survivors Catholics scattered around in small groups in prison, nor anyone condemn them to death. O, as I said in the interview with Cardinale Francis George: "Do I believe that the successor of the successor of Your Eminence will die a martyr, but through a new form of martyrdom today, we, we can not possibly even imagine, because this new form of martyrdom will be the total indifference. Therefore, the power that will govern the way the States and civil society, will use towards us the exact same indifference that today, men of power of our decadent Church, they are using to all prophetic voices who continue to live and speak in that market '. And with that precisai: "The devil, intelligence being in a pure state, It is not a fool. Over the last twenty centuries of history very well the lesson learned, so he knows very well that the blood of martyrs has always cleansed, revitalized and thus sanctified the Church. And he certainly can not allow that the Church of Christ be purified, revitalized and especially sanctified. So what did he do, this authentic intelligence that essence is the Devil? Before, It seeded and favored the development of the utmost indifference among our increasingly miserable church authorities, then he reduced them to live and act in a spirit of total sloth omission, so this destructive indifference could hit us first from the inside, then from the outside ".


Perhaps, to illustrate all, It may be useful to the application of other examples clarifiers: I am going to read some of my writings, happen to be found in several of them real complaints built on circumstantial accusations, based on serious events not subject to denial. harsh and severe Words that I penned black on white certainly not inspired by the moods of myself, but the style of the ancient prophets and the style of the precursor San Giovanni Battista. Numerous writings in which I have often indicated that such people highly problematic, since burdened very serious moral and doctrinal problems and embarrassing for the Church and ecclesiastical society, They were even in spite places - thanks to the protection of persons in authority themselves burdened with moral and doctrinal issues - in roles of dangerous relief, with all that this may result in levels of bad management of ecclesiastical and pastoral structures, and public scandals level. Well, before written so severe, the least we would have to happen would be my ready convocation by the competent ecclesiastical authority. I am not in fact neither a journalist nor a opinion-maker, I am a priest and a theologian subject in all respects to the Ecclesiastical Authority. And this authority are not subject to "fixed-term employment contract of indefinite duration", but for the grace of Sacramento, as well as obedience. And a priest who in a public document explains that the current Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has been a promoter and protector of that young lord who reached the top of that delicate ministry was later declared gay and now lives happily married Spain with his beloved companion, at least it is called and, in tone, if anything too severe, he is asked: "How you dare you throw this accusation to the prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith?» [see article WHO]. E, once this is done, if anything, it is called again asking: "How you dare you, to write your article in another fire, that the current vicar general of His Holiness for the diocese of Rome, has placed in one of the historic downtown parishes a priest in an ancient and prestigious Roman basilica was already known to all Church authorities because foraggiava barrel of money around a young prostitute Romanians? [see article WHO]. In short, if the Authorities, even in front of a known fact and acclarato, They have decided to turn a blind eye, You want to raise their issues, that you are nothing and nobody?». And if those in my statements, undoubtedly serious, indeed very serious, there had been even one and minimum distortion of the reality of the facts, here is that in that case, Authority Ecclesiastica, He was supposed to make me truly repent of all my sins through the most severe canonical sanctions.


Some church so-called expert, these my rhetorical questions answered and said again: "Forget, them to do anything like that, because it would give importance to what you write, which they will never do, because for them, the more you will cry "disaster" and the more accuse them of destroying the Church, the more you ignore, why not deserve any attention to them ».


Well, provided that in the Church of obsessive-compulsive mercy I don't want any attention, nor do I want anyone to give me consideration, Perhaps at this point it should first clarify that I am not a priest incattivito writing on a blog read by the sacristan, by two or three ladies that evening recite the Holy Rosary Church and the bartender at the bar located in the square in front of the house canonical. Because the pundits of the Holy See responsible for social communications, may determine at any time that the online magazine The Island of Patmos It is much followed, and has a number of far much higher visits instead of how many do not have the Italian edition of The Osservatore Romano, the newspaper of the Italian Episcopal Conference Future, the weekly Christian family and so to follow. Therefore, the principle of clerical-slothful "Do not give it importance", not hold their. And we do not talk about how much and how often, not only in Italy but also around the world, theologians and prelates have endorsed and elaborated certain analyzes made by the Fathers de The Island of Patmos, that far from having made a home blogs - given that ours is a magazine -, enjoy in the facts of all the authority of which however do not enjoy, the eyes of believers of Christ, certi cardinaloni e bishops forefront; the whole, obviously, but, as the facts, strictly provable and documentable. Therefore, the reality and the truth, it is quite another: let's say that someone scolding me, saying for example that my way of expressing myself, for its hardness and its complaint spirit, it is not acceptable. A quel point, Authority Ecclesiastica, You would feel to respond to me: "Given that I ask forgiveness on the spot for form, over the hard spirit, for the spirit of complaint; and also being said that in the manner and form that you booking me, I will extend this request for forgiveness in public, so that it is read by tens of thousands of readers in one day, once clarified, however, the shape, for what it concerns the substance, what you say to me? Or better understood: it is true that the current Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has carried on in his career and has protected a subject that has ended up giving in the Church one of the most sensational scandals of the last century? Why is this fact, I do not hypothesize, see the document. E, said this, proseguirei I am saying: to form part, for which I apologize not once but a thousand times, but the vicar general of His Holiness, that the square in one of the most prestigious parishes of central Rome a priest psychologically unstable photographing paid naked boys in the shower at the house of elders of an ancient Roman basilica, then collecting these photo shoots "artistic" ... Well, to form part, for what it concerns the concrete substance, what you say to me? Because apart from my recriminata form, the fact remains that the current vicar general of His Holiness, the bravado of this priest, It was fully aware, as they were and as they are all monsignorini conspiratorial who still work at the Vicariate of Rome and who by their sheer cowardice, allow the perpetration of certain abominations, because no mouse got inside the cheese form, He likes to be kicked out of it ".


The truth, I am not ignoring me, but they are simply afraid, because any eventual recall, involve the private first comparison, then, if it was subjected to any kind of arbitrary injustice - in this church at the height of Stalin's mercy in which a logical consequence the right no longer exists -, the private confrontation by what was possibly born a strictly arbitrary injustice would be made public, always provided that reading me are not the sacristan, the three old ladies who recite the Rosary in the church and the bartender at the bar across from the canonical.


While I am writing this long text, I traced the history of one of the bloodiest dictators in the modern era, which is not Adolf Hitler, as everyone thinks, but Stalin. The dead, They are in fact measured in numbers, place the numbers of murder victims are always many, They are always too many. So there are no numbers that weigh more, such as Jews slaughtered by the Nazi regime, which amount to about five million, compared with more than twenty million Russians murdered by Stalin, that the horrors of the historical scale can hardly weigh less for the simple fact that they were not Jews. The slain dead weigh in fact everyone equally, and their blood shed cries too "vengeance before God", to use this ancient biblical expression, whether they are Israelites or are former subjects of the Great Tsar of Russia came under the jaws of the Great Stalin Butcher.


By writing this article I thought about Stalin because they never ever, twenty years ago, I imagined that the destiny of the Church would end with risultar similar to those of the old Soviet regime. In fact, if we analyze well the facts historical, we will discover that the inexorable decay of the Soviet Union begins to come to life around 1954/1955, one two years after the death of the great and murderous dictator. It is wrong to say that Soviet Communism fell suddenly in 1989, because his fall had actually begun decades before. Just as the Catholic Church, that is not falling today, suddenly, because the gestation of this Chronicle of a Death Foretold, It began forty years ago, in the post-conciliar season, following all the typical patterns of those passionate and romantic revolutions from which the worst dictatorships are always born, since the French Revolution with its period of terror from which comes the season then inaugurated by the great warmonger Napoleon Bonaparte. And as the young protesters shouted Sixty-eight of the "Peace and Love" with iron bars in hand, throwing stones at police and bombs molotov between a cry of love and the other, Today in the Church, dictators were born in the post-conciliar season, menano locked knees and break your legs to anyone who dissents to the Grand Revolution of Mercy.


The fact that the term "revolution" and "revolutionary" is completely incompatible with the very essence of Christianity, or define the Word of God, Christ the Lord, as a "revolutionary", indeed borders on blasphemy, I will explain this in detail in a high subsequent written, because now I can not open a theme into the theme, especially in a final conclusion.


In my writing I referred also to the criminals, obviously in a purely figurative sense, not criminal and penal sense, referring several times to the great criminals who are killing the little that remains now of the Catholic Church. I can not conclude without having done this for at least the name of one of the most famous criminals figured, always insisting that the lemma "criminal" and "crime" is to be understood solely as a synonym for intellectual dishonesty. The intellectual thug in question is the increasingly powerful Alberto Melloni, great leader the School of Bologna and large direct or indirect placer of disastrous bishops. To understand the subject such intellectual delinquenzialità, apart from its symposia at the Masonic Lodges and various amenities [cf. WHO, pag. 6-9], one need only read, from the columns of Corriere della Sera, how contemptuous and aggressive way he says the prophecy, I dare say almost obvious, made by Cardinale Francis George in 2012 [read article WHO], up to accuse of homophobia. And homophobia, unlike my recriminata intellectual delinquency, which it is a pure figure of speech, it is instead considered a real offense under the criminal laws of different countries of the world.


there, Alberto Melloni, among the intellectual delinquents that hover around the Roman Pontiff like vultures on the carcass of the Church, It is one of the most quoted. And with this, I said and concluded all, both with regard to the vultures, it is about who, undaunted, if it keeps them around, in this self-destructive Church of obsessive-compulsive mercy, now reduced to a pantomime of the proletariat paradise of Stalin.


Maybe someday, when I am close to eighty years, modest dress in civilian clothes, because anything that reminds old religious symbols, Also in the same clothing, will not be allowed on the streets of a society now fully multi-ethnic, multi racial, but above all freed from the image and memory of God, accompanied by a few heroic candidates for holy orders, I personally follow, because there will no longer certain ecclesiastical structures, including seminars, strolling through Rome will indicate their large and prestigious hotels, offices of large companies, museums, Art exhibition centers, concert halls, theaters and so to follow, that once were our great religious structures. And I will tell them that, in my young age, I have also known and visited many of those environments. He went past the stable of what were the major pontifical universities, where you will find the offices of academic facilities where they will study the hermeneutics of the old religions, sponsored by the great center of world religious culture financed and dependent on a special department of the United Nations, I will tell them that in those stable, once, They taught our most "great" theologians, those to whom we owe this great 'the fall' [see previous article, WHO]. And if the two candidates heroic will turn to me, their old bishop, telling me: "Paternity, They must have been, those, some really good times'. I will answer them: "No, dear children, they were not just bad times, but terrible, in which a decaying church hierarchy was reduced to living on power for power, divorced from the real, paralyzed in everything at once, incapable of any future eschatological perspective ". And I will tell them: "Those who are living now, are the really good times, because it is the times of a slow, long and painful rebirth ".


It is in this situation, We can accomplish that which urges us the Blessed Apostolo Paolo: «[…] if one aspires episcopate, He desires a noble task " [The Tm 1, 2-3]. It will be a "noble work" when the episcopate, emptied of all worldly power and prestige, It can be experienced only and exclusively to the praise and glory of God. It will be in this little future, marginalized and dispersed Church that maybe, in my old age, Bishop become really, so that the dramatic question "But when the Son of man returns he will still find faith on earth?» [LC 18, 1-8], a small group of Christians can respond: Yes, our Lord and our God, we kept alight the lamp of faith until Your return, without ever having lost the conscious hope that to you is simply a small flame. And based on this knowledge,, They remain always on our faith and charity.


From the island of Patmos, 15 November 2017

Sant'Alberto Magno, Bishop and Doctor of the Church




[1] Ed. “Louse climbed”, in English new riches O new money, people from poor social backgrounds who manages to rise by his own efforts or by making use of a particular talent, but it ends up becoming the embodiment of pride and more arrogant vulgarity.




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2 replies
    • father ariel
      Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo says:

      … I mixed up one of the two patron saints with proto-bishop, which it is precisely Sant'Aspreno.
      I do not think it is too serious, because what counts is to be able to explain, for instance, the procession of the Divine Persons in the Trinitarian mystery, or give a relevant theological explanation to the prologue of the Gospel of Blessed John the Evangelist.
      And these things, I who am ignorant, I can do the, surely you, with the grace of God, the will to do even better than me, for which I am deeply happy.

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