Author Father Ariel

The unreal bishops before the danger of Islam deny prudence taught by the Gospel and invite the Imam under the altars of our cathedrals



The skit Imam in the Cathedral of Asti: "Killing is severe, but to kill in God's name is unacceptable. The terrorists who kill citing Islam are altered men who invent a God of evil, the fruit of their madness " [Imam Latfaoui Abdessamad, Cathedral of Asti, 15 August 2016]. And now I'll explain why in these words the Imam has taken us around ...



Author Father Ariel

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo



It was the word of the Lord: "Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel, prophesy, and say to the shepherds: Thus says the Lord God: Woe to the shepherds of Israel, to feed themselves!»

[the prophet Ezekiel 34, 1-11]



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I have

Imam Latfaoui Abdessamad during his address during Mass for the Solemnity of the Assumption of Mary Most Holy in the Cathedral of Asti 15 August 2016

After my previous article, which now follows another Dominican theologian Giovanni Cavalcoli [cf. WHO] and my new, Readers have reported numerous articles in the national press and on the "poignant" argument made by Imam Latfaoui Abdessamad in the Cathedral of Asti, during a meeting held in the Mother Church of the Diocese. To make this inappropriate and hugging the sacrilegious meeting, it may it has unfolded in a sacred place during the celebration of the Eucharistic Sacrifice on the Solemnity of the Assumption into Heaven of the Blessed Virgin Mary [cf. WHO, WHO, WHO, etc. ..]


The Imam, thanks to the bishop of that diocese He was invited to speak from the same place in which you administer to believers of Christ the "bread of the Word of God” and the “Eucharistic living bread come down from heaven on the altar”, not at all converted to the mystery of Trinitarian, He did not recognize the divinity of the Word of God incarnate, He has not recognized that Mary - to say of certain misinformed "dear" and "point of union" with Islam [cf. My previous article, WHO] - Is not simply the Mother of man-Jesus, ma la Mater Dei, from the belly of whom he was born Christ, true God and true man. Indeed, as the Bishop of Asti should know, from the womb of the Blessed Virgin, It was not born, for our holy faith - as Islam believes and affirms - "the man Jesus son of Mary", but the Word of God made man, according to the ineffable mystery of the two natures - human and divine - subsisting in Him who, in dogmatic, It is defined by the term ιποστασις [hypostasi], resulting from ιπος "under”E stop”stare”, that for Neoplatonic philosophers and Plotinus is the hierarchical generation of the different dimensions of reality belonging to the same divine substance, which creates everything for enactment. All well stating that the mystery of God the Son - when it makes use of the term “emanation” - It is meant to express the divine reality of the Creator and the created Son not made of the same substance as the Father. Christianity in the process of hypostasi It refers to the union of the divine and human principles, the incarnation of the divine represented by Christ or simply the process by which the absolute concept of God is necessarily derives its existence substantially. The Council of Chalcedon 451 defined the dogma of faith stating that through the Holy Spirit is accomplished the mystery of if seen unione the divine and human nature nature, of the divinity and the humanity in the person of the Word-Son: Jesus the Christ, He born from the womb of the Virgin Mary.


The Imam is then released as such has entered the Cathedral of Asti, ie, in considering the “pagani politeisti” who believe in three gods - the Trinity - and the great Council of Chalcedon have deified through philosophical semantic games taken from the lexicon of the Greek pagan thinkers, the man Jesus, to which they recognize yes, rank of prophet, but beware, recognize the rank of minor prophet than he who is the true, great and last prophet: Mohammed. And this true, great and last prophet who would be Muhammad, He corrected and perfected the thought “incorrect” e “incomplete” of the man Jesus.


The Prelate Asti hath taken before God and before men responsible to use his cathedral church to mislead the people entrusted to him by Divine Grace and to ensure that inside were set out of "elegant" blasphemies de facto. Indeed, such an inopportune presence, for more in this context and liturgical solemnity, It is in itself and for itself very worst of blasphemies which to populate bad habit and bad manners, without any intention of offending God and the Holy Virgin, They are accustomed to pronounce as interlayer in their speeches certain commoners Romagna and Tuscany, that both John and I both know Cavalcoli good for our strain of birth.


The choice and the behavior of the Bishop of Asti is unacceptable it clearly does not conform to the prudence and wisdom of the Gospel, of which the Archbishop Asti should be for high apostolic ministry keeper and announcer, and defender until the shedding of his blood.


In the Cathedral of Asti it was celebrated, to the delight of the Left radical chic, to the delight of ultra secularists, to the delight of the Masons, but above all to the delight of our heretical modernist interiors, a media representation aimed at denying reality. As was said, the Holy Father and Doctor of the Church Jerome: "The devil apes God and wants to create another reality». The exact phrase would be 'The devil is the ape of God» [the Devil is God's monkey], concept later taken from the Holy Doctor of the Church bishop Augustine of Hippo.


The devil is the reversal of the master, including the reversal of the Word of God used in deviant way to do evil actions. And God only knows what today the words of the Holy Gospel are emptied of their salvific meaning to be filled on the other, especially of worldliness and pleasure. The destruction of the true faith is in fact always preceded by the destruction of the true original meaning of the Gospel words [on the language back to my old article 2014 WHO and my video-conference 2016 WHO].


The speech delivered by the Imam, whose presence on the cathedral is definitely gone back to the same Solemnity of the Assumption into heaven of Mary, the proof of facts should be read in the same way as the Mafia chiefs who in the mid-seventies, to avoid giving rise to suspicions, participated with the tear to the eye at the funeral of the victims killed by their killers. They were the first to pay their condolences to the widows and orphans, and then shortly after returning to their mafia activities, if anything doing well as two big laughs on the funeral that had participated.


I am aware of the gravity of what I say, but the fact remains that the Imam pronounced in the Cathedral of Asti is a vague circumstance speech, not sincere and what false. And the reasons for my serious allegation, of which now I will explain the reasons, I am already contained all in my previous article [cf. WHO].


An imam that during the celebration of the Eucharistic Sacrifice on the day of the Solemnity of the Assumption into heaven of Mary, It condemns terrorism stating that "Isis kills in the name of a god created by men of evil and not from Islam ' [cf. WHO], in addition to not say anything, He takes us around beotamente. The Isis terrorists are in fact only the tip of a iceberg that undeniably rooted in the Qur'an, who from legitimate war against the infidels ever, their achievement and their forced conversion; yesterday as today. And this is the Qur'an that in practice and in everyday life has to teach the Imam Latfaoui Abdessamad, as in practice and in everyday life I teach and I teach that Christ is true God and true man.


The Imam has reassured the West children present at that skit media They are telling them what they wanted to hear in order to exorcise their fears, into believing that - beyond the contained violence done in the Koranic texts - Islam is ... “a religion of love” (!?).


I affirm that the Imam has "starred" and consequently "lied", not because I blinded by my prejudices that could generate subjective opinions born out of moods that prevent me from analyzing the real figure. quite the opposite! Why me, unlike the Bishop of Asti and those with him they have organized this charade by sacrilegious connotations, I analyze and assess again following the divine wisdom and prudence of the Gospel, who first taught me to recognize the trees from the fruits that give:


There is no good tree bears bad fruit, nor a bad tree bear good fruit. Each tree is known by its own fruit: They do not gather figs from thorns, nor do they gather grapes from brambles. The good person out of the good from the good treasure of his heart; and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil, For the mouth speaks from the abundance of the heart [LC 6, 43-45].

It's still:

A man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard, and he came seeking fruit, but he found it. Then he said to the winemaker: there, these three years I come seeking fruit on this fig tree, I find none. cut it off. Why should it exhaust the soil? But he replied: Master, let it alone this year, until I dig about it and dung it, and if it bears fruit next year; If no, you can cut it [LC 13, 6-9].


We therefore ask the Bishop of Asti: what are the fruits that the tree of the false prophet Muhammad generated XIV centuries of history? Why is the warning that Christ God turns to this false prophet who stands above the Word of God and who dares to so wicked and blasphemous correct the word to him “errata” e “imperfect” of God Incarnate, is exactly that:


The next morning, as they came out from Bethania, he was hungry. And seeing in the distance a fig tree that had leaves, He approached to see if he could find anything; I came to it, he found nothing but leaves. For it was not the season for figs. He said: "May no one ever eat fruit from". And his disciples heard [LC 11, 12-14].



… the "disciple heard it ', as stated in the final at this rate. The Bishop of Asti, instead, You have ever heard? And when he heard him, I have never understood and practiced? For this I wonder: which Gospel pleaser law and teaches the Bishop of Asti to those with him need to be reassured with moderate Islam aspirin ? [cf. WHO]. Have you ever read, the Bishop of Asti, the magisterial and historical Lectio held by the Venerable Pope Benedict XVI in Regensburg? [cf. WHO]. Or by chance, the Bishop of Asti, in that distant 2006 was part of the consortium of those our brave indoors challenged Benedict XVI with real ruthlessness, to have shown nothing but the obvious obvious, namely that aggression and violence that is culturally ingrained Islam?


"The fruits of the trees', or rather the "barren fig tree ', without any possible refutation penalty are the following: in all countries with a high percentage of Muslim populations - including the country from which this Imam comes - Christians are considered second-class citizens, do not benefit from a series of civil rights, They are not allowed in certain places of employment, They are kept under control, undergo continuous conversion to Islam pressures, They can not practice their faith in public, but only within a few closed structures and controlled by theocratic regimes and where the priests, before holding their sermons, They are obliged to submit the text to the public authorities and have their approval, etc ... But we can also wanting to say more: in countries governed by religious Islamic theocracies, if one uses rape to a Christian woman, It is not punishable by law, why the sharija does not provide for severe punishment for a man who rapes a Christian woman. You ask, the good Bishop of Asti, Imam who hosted pontificating under the altar of his cathedral church during the celebration of the Eucharistic Sacrifice in the day of the Assumption into heaven of Mater Dei. And since there was, ever the Bishop of Asti, He could advance Imam instance if he was willing to ask, in nome dell'Islam “religion of love” that “condemns violence”, the return of a number of boys and girls that many Muslim fathers, fleeing from Italy, they brought to their home countries, without the Italian mothers we have never been able to review more. And when mothers have taken unnecessary international letters rogatory, by the judges of the various Muslim countries we heard them say that for the sharija, applied in their country, the offspring belongs to the father. But since, Imam that took us all around the Cathedral of Asti, appartiene all'Islam “religion of love” that “condemns violence”, obviously both physical and psychological, surely welcome all these requests, condemned for human rights violations - if anything, this time directly under the altar of St. Peter Papal Archbasilica - an absolute majority of Islamic countries, including its country of origin.


The Imam who in the Cathedral of Asti has announced his "no to violence" on the day next following the year in which the Church was the memory of 813 martyrs of Otranto killed in hatred of the faith by Muslims, He has perhaps made only one mention of the need for Christians, in all Arab countries, can enjoy that same freedom enjoyed by Muslims in all Western countries?


I have, He has perhaps made only one vague gesture the fact that in several Arab countries - and not only Arab - ruled by religious theocracies, the few Christians living there, They may participate in the Holy Mass of Christmas and Easter only within the premises of the extraterritorial and Italian embassies of France, where on the occasion of this feast is celebrated in a liturgy in an indoor lounge, exclusively for professionals in the diplomatic service and foreigners who are to stay in those countries for business? And all this happens while in the West, the Muslims, with funding of these same countries governed by religious theocracies which deny any kind of law to Christians, build rather large and increasing number of mosques, while their imams are to make fun directly under the altars of our cathedrals to tell us that Islam is a “religion of love” that “condemns violence”.


I have, the Assumption Day, in the Cathedral of Asti, in truth he only put into practice what the Koran teaches about the fact that in some circumstances, the infidels, They should not be attacked with the Jiading, because you have to gain their trust first, then, once that they have lost all fear, at that point must be attacked and subdued.


By coming to express vague sentences on terrorism, Imam treated us like the perfect Obtuse through vagueness and duplicity, a good tree does not bear and which can not produce any fruit, as the son of a "barren fig tree ' [cf. LC 11, 12-14], namely the lies of a false prophet in the name of which is still followed to bring the fruits of violence and death.


Beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. By their fruits ye shall know them [Mt 7, 15-16]



Meantime, perhaps the Imam will have a look to the spaces of the Cathedral of Asti, that tomorrow might be a new mosque, with his bishop who at the first sign of the storm will flee, leaving us all to risk their skin for Christ, with Christ and in Christ. I say so? No, Telling the story, and exactly in these terms: those were the Bishops of France during the Revolution refused to lend oath of fidelity to an iniquitous constitution because anti-Christian fiercely? They were … quattro, only four. And all four went into hiding to avoid ending up on the guillotine, while their other Brothers in the episcopate negotiated with the anti-Christian Enlighteners and made a living room with them pleaser, if anything criticizing one hand Rome and the papacy, other so-called French priests refractory, just as today …


The Bishop of Asti gave example of being bad teacher and pastor, and in the face of what I said about him, His Excellency is requested to avoid, both modesty and above all for his honor Episcopal, to make the classic fire phone call to my bishop to lament an attack of lesa majesta in respect of it by one of his priests. But if you think you have something to complain about me, I do convene as soon as possible at the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, because mine is a theological discourse that all theology must remain within, and in the theological context must be possibly discussed, since in my lines one speaks of the gospel and the false prophets on which Christ, God warns us, with the admonition to follow Pauline:


The day will come, indeed, when they will not endure sound doctrine;, ma, having itching ears they, will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own likings, refusing to listen to the truth to turn to fairy tales [II Tm 4, 3-4].


Therefore they are not permitted Permali clerical certain bishops of which to be honest we can not anymore, but just more, in this daily race Episcopal to whom the compounds and to those who shoots the biggest, in the course of those that, more than the Clerical Excess Olympics, now they have the real connotations of Clerical the crapper Olympics.




After writing del 17 August 2016


For the Lectio Divina the Bishop of Asti S.It is. Mons. Francesco Guido Ravinale

From the Book of the Prophet Ezekiel [34, 1-11]

It was the word of the Lord:
"Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel, prophesy, and say to the shepherds:

Thus says the Lord God: Woe to the shepherds of Israel, to feed themselves!

Pastors must they not feed the flock? Eat the fat, clothe yourselves with the wool, slaughter the fat sheep, but they do not feed the flock.

You not have made strong the weak sheep, you have cared for the sick, you do not have those wounds bandaged, you have reported the scattered. you did not go in search of the lost, but you have ruled with cruelty and violence. For lack of a shepherd they were scattered and became food for all the wild beasts: They were scattered. I am perplexed My flock on all the mountains and on every high hill, my flock was scattered on all the territory of the country and no one goes looking for them and not care.

Therefore, shepherds, Hear the word of the Lord: As surely as I live - declares the Lord God -, because my flock became a prey, and my sheep food for all the wild beast, for lack of a shepherd, and because my shepherds have not gone in search of my flock - have fed themselves without taking care of my flock -, heard so, shepherds, the word of the Lord: Thus says the Lord God:

I am against the shepherds: to them I will require my sheep and not let them longer graze my flock, so they do not feed you more themselves, but I tear their mouths, and my sheep will no longer be their meal. For thus saith the Lord God:

there, I myself will search for my sheep and I will review ».




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5 replies
  1. hector says:

    Dialogue is not to mess, and confusion do not really needs – today less than ever – the people that the Bishop is called to lead, and in particular all our people, which it was formed at the source by the testimony of the many generations that preceded it.
    Under the latter aspect I wish to emphasize a second important element.
    On the occasion of this feast of the Madonna and inside this cathedral, under the eyes of Our Lady of Grace, and in continuity with the faith received, which occurred over the centuries in many places of worship – and I think the recent visit to the Shrine of Czestochowa during WYD – we can not accept that even as a joke when speaking of Mary with only an accentuation of historical or historicist. We can not accept to reduce the mystery of the Mother of the Lord to secondary reality, it would not touch the substance of the dogma of Christ. About reduces the importance of the mystery of the divine maternity of the Vergine Maria definitely attacks the substance of the faith.
    And so be it.

  2. hector says:

    Rev. Dad,
    the bishop of Asti, with many other bishops recommend to read the homily of their brother who does not
    he outspoken, Don Ariel, and you know very well, the archbishop of Ferrara Mons. Black:
    “It is indeed good that Catholics can now live independently Mass as it is in the nature of the liturgical celebration of this sacrament, that has not been set up in order to create dialogue between the different religions, but to participate in the baptized to the mystery of the passion, death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God.
    For the realization of the dialogue we are inadequate forms of confrontation and mutual communication attainable by the richness and variety of inter-religious experiences already in place in the ecclesial world and beyond.
    In this way we avoid the confusion and the overlap of the plans and purposes.


    • father ariel
      Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo says:

      Dear Brother.

      From what I could see myself traveling the Maghreb – in the countries of North Africa – and in some Arab countries, between 1997 and the 2002, the situation is this.

      From the stories that I have been made since then 2010 on, by fellow priests of the secular and regular clergy, but also by several employees at the diplomatic service of the Holy See who have served in some of these countries, especially in that Turkey, which many aspire to join the already devastated European Communities, It the situation is even worse than the one described in the link you sent us.

      Anyhow, What you should not say it and report it to me, if anything, you should say it and report it to the Bishop of Asti and the Imam that the same hosted in his cathedral church in the manner and form described in my articles, and which, speaking to us from under our altar during the celebration of the Eucharistic Sacrifice, He has presented Islam as a religion of peace and love that condemns violence, because ever, in the name of God, you can unleash violence, as he told us the pious Imams.

      Unfortunately none, in this pious Imam, She asked what he means by “violence”, as in Arab countries and in many other Muslim-majority countries, physical violence, psychological and civil towards Christian minorities, they are approved, promoted and applied in accordance with law.

      Not by chance, I stated that the Imam came to make fun directly under our altar during the celebration of the Eucharistic Sacrifice on the day of the Assumption into heaven of Mary.

      And as you can see, yet no one has denied me, much less recalled, God forbid as well!

  3. father ariel
    Pierre Adnan khoury, presbyter says:

    I wish to testify: I am a Catholic Chaldean priest of Egyptian birth and I met Very Reverend Ariel in Rome in years past.

    Remember ordination of M.R. Ariel. I was that day a deacon in Rome and I had honor of serving with other deacons Bishop for his ordination in Rome. And we were brothers and friends.

    M r. Ariel says to you real our terrible situation. We priests and our Patriarchs and Bishops can not understand how the West and Rome not listen our words, no examine our news, No considers recommendations of our Patriarchs and Bishops that much we know and suffer the Islam in our lands.

    In his article M.R. Ariel is severe, vero, right. Bishop Asti has offended our martyrs and persecuted Christians, inviting his people in the cathedral we know what in the West pretend to be against violence jiaidisti.
    I work work for the Patriarchs and Bishops of our area. And I say that M.R. Ariel will be censored if we publicly defended.

    Pierre Adnan Khoury, presbyter


    Dear beloved Ariel, Please fix you, my Italian. I feel your absence, I hope to see you soon, pray for us and our people.


    Dear and beloved Brother in Christ altrettano.

    Leave your writing as such, because it is perfectly understandable.
    We will not need to defend myself, be calm, but know that being defended by the persecuted, for me it is an extraordinary honor.


    Ariel L.d.G.

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