There are priests who propagate and recommend reading the work of Maria Valtorta, ignoring that the Church has declared it misleading and dangerous



The Opera della Valtorta "was placed on the Index on 16 December 1959 and defined “Badly romanticized life of Jesus”. The provisions of the Decree of the Holy Office were republished with an explanatory note on 1 December 1961. After the abrogation of the Index, what was published on By Janet (1966) that, although abolished, l’Index kept “all its moral value” for which it is not considered appropriate to disseminate and recommend a Work whose condemnation was not given lightly but after weighted reasons in order to neutralize the damage it can cause to the most inexperienced faithful "

(Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith)

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the famous science fiction film of the 1980s: E.T. the alien, by Steven Spielberg

Many simple people and in good faith they turned to the Fathers de The Island of Patmos to ask about the work of Maria Valtorta and to inform us that it has been recommended for reading by various priests, some of which use the texts of this imaginative author in their catechesis. Very serious thing, because a pastor in the care of souls cannot ignore that these are writings repeatedly condemned and advised against by the Church. Any priest who uses them or who advises them in reading bears the responsibility of administering poison to the People of God.


My free judgment as a scholar on Maria Valtorta it has always been bad. For little worth I consider this Author affected by bizarre mysticism and narcissistic megalomania. A free judgment based on the absurdities of what today is known and seriously improperly indicated as "The Gospel of Maria Valtorta".


Contrary to those who elevate their own opinions and the subjective feeling to intangible truths of the faith, for my setting and theological training, juridical and ecclesial, when I express free opinions I always specify that they are such and that as such they leave the time they find. Unless it announces truths of faith, making me the voice and faithful instrument of the Church which has given me the mandate to do so by the sacrament of grace, thus fulfilling a duty from which I cannot and must not shirk. In the event to, to the "boarding Catholic" who begins by saying "... I disagree, because in my opinion… I believe that… »I am obliged to reply that he is in grave error, not because I'm right, but because I announced what the Church teaches, clarifying what are his judgments given, before which no believer who is truly such can reply: "… I do not agree, because in my opinion ... I believe that ... ". No single priest and no faithful Catholic can and never should dare to declare authentic what the Church has declared false or impudently say to believe in what the Church has clearly said that one must not believe or give faith. therefore I repeat: it is very serious that priests disseminate and transmit the writings of Maria Valtorta in open disobedience to the decisive and negative judgments given by the Church on this work of fantasy, presenting them as authentic and as edifying works for the spirit of believers.


Like it or not to certain passionaries, declare to the Catholic faithful that Maria Valtorta's is not a work of mysticism and spirituality but a colossal hoax containing serious doctrinal deviations that damage the faith, a vision at times even grotesque of Divine Revelation and Mariology, it is not a free and subjective personal opinion, but the judgment of the Church, to whom I am bound to pay obedient respect and which as a presbyter and theologian I am bound to transmit to the People of God, inviting him to listen and respect the judgment that the Ecclesiastical Authority has given.


Clarify yourself these fundamental elements, not always easy to make understood by those who live the experience of faith in an immature way, subjective and emotional, I now let the documents through which the Ecclesiastical Authority has expressed itself over time on the work of Maria Valtorta speak.. Clear and precise opinions before which no believer, but above all no pastor in charge of the care and guidance of souls, can reply: "… I do not agree, because in my opinion ... I believe that ... ".





The Osservatore Romano edition of 6 January 1960


In another part of our Journal there is the Decree of the Holy Office with which a work in four volumes is put on the Index, by anonymous author (at least in this print) published on the Isola del Liri. While dealing exclusively with religious topics, said volumes have no imprimatur, as required by Can. 1385, 1 n.2 of the Code of Canon Law. The Publisher, in which a short preface, writes that the Author "in the likeness of Dante gave us a work in which, framed by splendid descriptions of times and places, countless characters present themselves and turn their cake to us, the strong, or admonishing word. The result was a humble and impressive work: the literary homage of a grieving sick person to the Great Comforter Jesus ". Instead, to an attentive reader these volumes appear to be nothing more than a long prolix fictional life of Jesus.

Apart from the vanity of the approach to Dante and despite his illustrious personalities (whose undoubted good faith was surprised) have given their support to the publication, the Holy Office believed it necessary to put it in the Index of Prohibited Books. The reasons are easily identifiable by those who have the painstaking patience to read the almost four thousand pages of dense print. First of all, the reader is struck by the length of the speeches attributed to Jesus and the Blessed Virgin; by the interminable dialogues between the many characters that populate those pages.

The four Gospels present us the humble Jesus, Reserved; his speeches are meager, incisors, but of maximum effectiveness. Instead, in this kind of fictional story, Jesus is talkative at best, like a protester, always ready to proclaim himself Messiah and Son of God and to give theology lessons with the same terms that a professor of our day would use. In the story of the Gospels we admire the humility and silence of the Mother of Jesus; instead for the author (or the author) the Blessed Virgin has the faculty of a modern propagandist of this work, it is always present everywhere, she is always ready to give lessons in Marian theology, up-to-date up to the latest studies by current specialists on the subject.

The story unfolds slowly, almost gossip; we find new facts there, new parables, new characters and many, many, women following Jesus. A few pages, then, they are rather rough and recall certain descriptions and certain scenes from modern novels, come, to give just a few examples, the confession made to Maria by a certain Aglae, woman of bad habits (cf.. vol. I, p. 790 SS.), the unedifying story on p. 887 ss. of I vol., a ballet performed, certainly not modestly, before Pilate, in the Praetorium (cf.. vol. IV, p. 75), etc…

At this point it comes, spontaneous a particular reflection: The Work by its nature and in accordance with the intentions of the Author and Publisher, it could easily reach the hands of the religious and the pupils of their colleges. In this case, reading of such passages, like those mentioned, it could hardly be accomplished without danger or spiritual harm. Bible studies specialists will certainly find many historical blunders there, geographic and the like. But being a … novel, these inventions evidently increase the picturesque and the fantastic of the book. Ma, in the midst of so much ostentatious theological culture, you can take some … pearls that certainly do not shine for Catholic orthodoxy. Here and there it expresses itself, about the sin of Adam and Eve, a rather strange and inaccurate opinion. In vol. I a page. 63 this title reads: "Mary can be called the second child of the Father". Statement repeated in the text on the next page. The explanation limits its meaning, avoiding an authentic heresy; but it does not remove the well-founded impression that a new Mariology is being built, that easily crosses the limits of convenience.

In the II vol. Pag. 772 it is read: «Heaven is Light, perfume and harmony. But if the Father did not bathe in it, in contemplating the All Beautiful that makes the Earth a paradise, but if in the future Paradise should not have the living Lily in whose bosom are the Three pistils of fire of the divine Trinity, luce, scent, harmony, the joy of Heaven would be crippled by half ". Here a hermetic and very confused concept is expressed, Fortunately; because if you were to take it literally, it would not save itself from severe censorship.

Finally, mention of another strange and imprecise statement, in which it is said of the Madonna: «Tu, in the time you stay on Earth, second to Peter as an ecclesiastical hierarchy …».

The Opera, so, it would have deserved a sentence even if it had only been a novel, if only for reasons of irreverence. But in reality the author's intention demands more. Scrolling through the volumes, here and there we read the words «Jesus says…», «Maria says…»; or: "I see…" and similar. On the contrary, towards the end of the fourth volume (pag. 839) the author turns out to be an author and writes that he is a witness of all messianic time and that he is called Mary. These words make you remember that, about ten years ago, some voluminous typescripts were circulating, which contained pretended visions and revelations. It is known that at the time the competent Ecclesiastical Authority had prohibited the printing of these typescripts and had ordered that they be withdrawn from circulation.. Now we see them reproduced almost entirely in the present Work. Therefore this public condemnation of the Supreme Sacred Congregation is all the more timely, because of grave disobedience.





Rome, 31 January 1985 – Prot. n. 144/58


By His Most Reverend Eminence

Giuseppe Cardinal Siri

Metropolitan Archbishop of Genoa


Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith

By letter of 18 May, the Reverend Father Umberto Losacco, Cappuccino, he asked this Sacred Congregation for clarification regarding the writings of Maria Valtorta, collected under the title: The Poem of the Man-God and if there was an assessment by the Magisterium of the Church on the publication in question with the bibliographic reference. In this regard, I have the honor to point out to your Eminence - who will consider the advisability of informing the Reverend Father - that the Work in question was actually placed on the Index on 16 December 1959 and defined by The Osservatore Romano the 6 January 1960 "Life of Jesus badly fictionalized". The provisions of the Decree were republished with an explanatory note still on The Osservatore Romano of December 1st 1961, as can be seen from the documentation attached herewith. Having then believed that the printing and dissemination of the Work in question was lawful, After the successful repeal Index, always on The Osservatore Romano (15 June 1966) what was published on By Janet (1966) that, although abolished, l’Index retained "all its moral value" for which it is not considered appropriate to disseminate and recommend a Work whose condemnation was not decided lightly but after weighted reasons in order to neutralize the damage that such publication can cause to the most inexperienced faithful.

Grateful to all of His gracious provision in this respect, profit of the occasion to confirm with the highest consideration Your most reverend Eminence.

XJoseph Cardinal Ratzinger





Rome, 6 May 1992 – Prot. N. 324/92


For the attention of

Valtortiano Publishing Center


Esteemed Publisher,

Cardinal Dionigi Tettamanzi, Metropolitan Archbishop of Milan, at the time Secretary General of the Italian Episcopal Conference

following frequent requests, which also reach this Secretariat, of an opinion on the attitude of the Ecclesiastical Authority on the writings of Maria Valtorta, currently published since Valtortiano Publishing Center, I reply by referring to the clarification offered by Notes published by The Osservatore Romano the 6 January 1960 and the 15 June 1966.

Precisely for the true good of the readers and in the spirit of an authentic service to the faith of the Church, I'm asking you what, in a possible reprint of the volumes, it is clear from the first pages that the visions e i dictations referred to in them cannot be considered of supernatural origin, but they must be considered simply literary forms that the Author used to narrate, in his own way, the life of Jesus.

Grateful for this collaboration, I express my esteem and I offer you my respectful and cordial greetings.


XDionigi Tettamanzi, bishop

General Secretary of the C.E.I.



All clarified and documented I conclude by reiterating that in the face of these clears, precise and decisive opinions given by the Ecclesiastical Authority, no faithful Catholic, but above all no presbyter in charge of the care and guidance of souls, he should never dare to reply: "… I do not agree, because in my opinion ... I believe that ... ".

From the island of Patmos, 20 August 2022




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please read this article [WHO vedere] and to be as sensitive and thoughtful as you can

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Proclaiming new dogmas is more serious than deconstructing the dogmas of faith. Maria Corredentrice? A theological idiocy supported by those who ignore the bases of Christology



The Blessed Virgin Mary would have asked to be proclaimed co-redemptrix with a fifth Marian dogma? We smile so as not to cry about certain nonsense. Someone is willing to truly believe that the Blessed Virgin who defined herself as humble servant, the woman of gifted love, silence and confidentiality, which has as its purpose that of leading to Christ, may ask seers or devalued visionaries to be proclaimed co-redemptrix and placed almost on a par with the Divine Redeemer?

— Theologica —



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"Therefore, after having raised suppliant requests to God again and having invoked the light of the Spirit of Truth, to the glory of almighty God, who poured out his special benevolence in the virgin Mary in honor of her Son, Immortal king of the ages and winner of sin and death, to the greater glory of his august Mother and to the joy and exultation of the whole Church, by the authority of our Lord Jesus Christ, of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul and Our, we pronounce, we declare and define it to be dogma revealed by God that: the immaculate Mother of God always virgin Mary, finished the course of earthly life, she was assumed to heavenly glory in body and soul ". Therefore, if any, God forbid, dared to deny or question voluntarily what we have defined, know that he has failed in the divine and Catholic faith " (Dogmatic bubble the generous, 1November 1950)

With the dogmatic bull the generous Pope Pius XII proclaimed November 1st 1950 the dogma of the Assumption into heaven of the Blessed Virgin Mary, whose solemn feast is celebrated on 15 August. On this occasion, I offer a theological reflection to all those who clamor for the proclamation of the dogma of Mary Co-redemptrix, starting from a question: It is more serious challenge and deconstruct the tenets of the Holy Catholic Faith, or more serious to proclaim new dogmas? Undoubtedly it is more serious the second thing, who, making mistakes and sowing confusion among the People of God, question the dogmas through rereading and reinterpretation, until reaching to their de-construction, it is not said to be animated by malicious intentions, all of this can also be the result of that bad theological formation that has been passed on for over half a century to generations of priests and theologians. Many are my confreres who came out of our disastrous seminaries as priests and drank the best of the heterodoxies taught in ecclesiastical universities., they are really convinced that bad is good, that the defect is virtues, that heresy and orthodoxy is that Orthodoxy is heresy. Not a few, induced to think, they have come to admit that they have received bad theological training and bad priesthood training, almost always trying with effort and sacrifice to remedy it. Those who admit any of this ever, despite their disturbing gaps, we are seeing them become bishops one after the other.

Who proclaims dogmas that do not exist It accomplishes a greater error, because it operates by placing itself above the authority of the same Holy Church Mater et Magistra, holder of an authority that derives from Christ himself. And the latter yes, which is a dogma of the Catholic Faith, which has not come to logical deduction, but on the basis of clear and precise words pronounced by the Word of God made Man (cf.. Mt 13, 16-20). And when dogmas are proclaimed that do not exist and cannot exist, in that case we are in the diabolical, because pride enters the scene in its worst manifestation: intellectual pride. I wrote and explained it previously but it deserves to repeat it again: in the so-called scale of the deadly sins the Catechism of the Catholic Church indicates pride in the first place, with the painful peace of those who persist in concentrating in lust - which we remember does not figure in the first place at all, but not even to the second, to the third and fourth - the whole mystery of evil, regardless of the fact that the worst sins ranging everyone and rigor from his belt to rise, not instead of his belt to fall, as in an ironic but theologically very serious tone I wrote years ago [See Catechism n. 1866].

I therefore start with an example having by object the so-called Usual Noti, those who just hear the sound of magic of the Latins they lose all sense of reason and any kind of critical sense, with the consequent total distortion of the objective reality. Here then S. AND. Mons. Mario Oliveri, Bishop emeritus of Albenga, defensively to say he was by no means removed from his episcopal see as responsible - partly even involuntary -, for having reduced a diocese to an authentic brothel, to a collection center for overt homosexuals thrown out for serious moral problems by one or even more seminaries, up to find themselves with a considerable number of uncontrollable priests dedicated to every kind of vice and patrimonial deception useful for the maintenance of their vices. None of this jumps in the slightest in the eyes of the Usual Notes, who undeterred and obstinate continue to affirm and write that the poor prelate was persecuted from the "modernist Church" because he loved the The old rite of the Mass, used jeweled mitres seventy centimeters high and giving out Holy Communion all'inginocchiatoio under the canopy supported by knights frac.

Just as it happened - the Usual Notes say -, to the members of the Congregation of the Franciscan Friars, not only punished according to them for organizing conferences criticism of Karl Rahner, to have shown the danger of Modernism and Freemasonry; but persecuted above all because they too celebrated - needless to say - col The old rite of the Mass.

On the columns of our magazine The Island of Patmos the Dominican pontifical academician Giovanni Cavalcoli and myself, later the Capuchin theologian Ivano Liguori and the Dominican theologian Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci we have written over the years about Karl Rahner, on Modernism and the Modernists, and so on Freemasonry, in very critical and harsh tones. We didn't even just shoot in bursts, we have just fired repeated heavy mortar rounds, with a much higher severity than that used in past conferences promoted by the Franciscans of the Immaculate Conception. You should therefore ask you: because they haven't got us any police stations yet? Because, despite having harshly accused Karl Rahner indicating him as the originating source all the returning heresies that invade the Church today, seminaries and pontifical universities, no ecclesiastical authority has ever given us any sighs and least of all recalls?

When a few years ago I had a talk with one of the most distinguished Mariologists of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate Conception, I was very impressed by his madonnolatric fanaticism, to follow from his pride, because he already took the dogma of Maria Coredemptrix for proclamation. As a result, within that congregation, the never proclaimed dogma of Maria Coredemptrix was in fact already written in deposit of faith with a lot of theology and cult promoted and spread. All in the complete indifference that all the Popes of the twentieth century, including those particularly devoted to the Blessed Virgin Mary, even if pleaded several times to this effect they never wanted to consider the possible proclamation of this new Marian dogma. Among these it is enough to mention the Holy Pontiff Pius X, the Venerable Pope Pius XII, the Holy Pontiff Paul VI and the Holy Pontiff John Paul II who wanted the emblem of the Blessed Virgin to be engraved on their papal coat of arms, he was so devoted to Mater Dei, finally the Venerable Pontiff Benedict XVI, who in his capacity as theologian explained and clarified with the timid meekness - perhaps even excessive - that has always characterized him, that the very term "co-redemptrix" created problems on the theological level with Christology.

The reigning Pope - who is not shy and meek - he expressed himself three times [1] on this issue reiterating a dry and decisive no:

«Our Lady did not want to take away any title from Jesus; she received the gift of being His Mother and the duty to accompany us as a Mother, to be our Mother. He did not ask for himself to be quasi-redeeming or to be co-redeeming: no. The Redeemer is one and this title is not doubled " [2].

The reaction of the more radical Usual Notes it was not long in coming: they accused the Supreme Pontiff of being a blasphemer and a blasphemer (!?). All the more reason it is good to clarify: if questioning the dogma of the immaculate conception and the assumption into heaven of the Blessed Virgin Mary is wrong and heretical, on the other hand, promulgate the dogma of Mary the co-redemptrix and act accordingly, up to disseminate so impudent theology, it is far more serious. Then, if in the face of these and other things the Holy See intervenes at a certain point, it is useless to cry out «to the persecution of The old rite of the Mass!». Because if we want to be objective and apply first of all criteria of aequitas together with the sense of proportion, in a completely reasonable way we can say that before the ax was lowered on the poor Franciscans of the Immaculate Conception, the Jesuits were severely hit and together with them various other historical orders and congregations with much more serious internal problems, but mainly responsible for spreading for decades in a dangerous way - as in the case of the Jesuits -, a patently non-Catholic thought. This is something the Franciscans of the Immaculate Conception cannot be accused of. If indeed these young and simple fratacchioni raised by Father Stefano Maria Manelli they erred, this happened largely in good faith and also out of not a little ignorance, undoubtedly animated by the best intentions inner and outer, by love for truth and authentic veneration of the Holy Church of Christ.

The Jesuits and members of other religious groups that spread the worst destructive theologies, they can be harshly criticized for the way they de-construct or update the dogmas of the faith, but the Franciscans of the Immaculate Conception who proclaimed a Marian dogma in concrete facts, giving it as existing and instituting the cult of Mary Co-redemptrix, on the theological level they have committed a much graver error, thus replacing the highest and supreme authority of the Church. And don't object, as do the total fasts of theology which presume for this reason to be able to dissert in the most delicate spheres of dogmatics: «… But St. Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort in his Treatise on True Devotion wrote that ... but Our Lady of Amsterdam in a private revelation asked that ... this mystic and this visionary said that in a private revelation the Madonna asked him that ... ".

The Blessed Virgin Mary would have asked to be proclaimed co-redemptrix with a fifth Marian dogma? We smile so as not to cry over certain nonsense that make some subjects quite arrogant and difficult to manage for us priests and for us theologians, precisely because their arrogance goes hand in hand with their ignorance. Yet the answer is simple: someone is willing to believe that the Blessed Virgin who defined herself as humble servant, the woman of gifted love, silence and confidentiality, the one who has the purpose of leading to Christ, can really ask seers or devalued visionaries to be proclaimed co-redemptrix and put almost on a par with the Divine Redeemer?

The very term of co-redemptrix it is in and of itself a solemn theological idiocy that creates enormous conflicts with Christology and the mystery of the redemption brought about solely by God the incarnate Word, which does not need co-redeemers and co-redeemers. The mystery of redemption is one with the mystery of the cross, on which God made man died as a sacrificial lamb. On the cross the Blessed Virgin Mary was not nailed to death like a sacrificial lamb, that at the end of her life she fell asleep and was assumed into heaven, she did not die and rose again on the third day, defeating death. The Blessed Virgin, first creature of the whole creation above all the saints for its immaculate purity, he does not forgive our sins and does not redeem us, he intercedes for the remission of our sins and for our redemption. When we turn to her through prayer, both in the Ave Maria than in Hi Regina of always, throughout the history and tradition of the Church, we invoke her saying "pray for us sinners", we do not ask her to forgive our sins or to save us.

This should be enough to close a discourse which cannot be proposed on the theological level such as that of Mary co-redemptrix. An authentic theological idiocy which only the ignorant arrogant and the madonnolatri unaware of what true devotion to the Blessed Virgin is can feed on, but above all what is the true role entrusted by God to Full of Grace in the economy of salvation.


the Island of Patmos, 15 August 2022

Assumption into heaven of the Blessed Virgin Mary



[1] See. 12 December 2019 homily at the Holy Mass on the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe; 30 April 2020, Holy Mass in the chapel of the Martha House Sancthae; 24 March 2021, in the speech during the general audience.

[2] See. Holy Mass in the chapel of the Martha House Sancthae.





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Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Gabriele

The "Apostolic Catholic Church". How many words we use and recite without knowing their meaning? At the roots of the concept of "Apostolic"

— Theologica —



It is undoubtedly a mnemonic phrase, that stamped in the part of I believe in which we recite «I believe the one Church, santa, catholic and apostolic ". How many, however, know the true and profound meaning of "apostolic"? This part is explicitly recited in the I believe last, but this does not mean that it has a last place in theological reflection, therefore in the practice of the life of faith.


Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci, o.p.



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It is undoubtedly a mnemonic phrase, that stamped in the part of I believe in which we recite «I believe the one Church, santa, catholic and apostolic ". How many, however, know the true and profound meaning of "apostolic"? This part is explicitly recited in the I believe last, but this does not mean that it has a last place in theological reflection, therefore in the practice of the life of faith. So last, but not for this last in importance, the note of ecclesial apostolicity builds a bridge between the personal and community aspect of faith. This connotation, indeed, describes the foundation of the community of believers, in a threefold sense:


  1. The Church is built on the foundation of the apostles [Ef 2,20], the witnesses chosen and sent on mission directly by Christ,
  2. It guards and transmits, with the help of the Holy Spirit who inhabits it from within, the teaching of Christ, the good deposit of faith and the sound words heard by the Apostles;
  3. «Until the return of Christ, the Church continues to be educated, sanctified and guided by the Apostles thanks to their successors in the pastoral mission: the College of Bishops, assisted by priests and united with the Successor of Peter and Supreme Pastor of the Church " [ CCC n. 857].


In a nutshell these three points they offer an overview of the apostolicity of the Catholic Church. Now we will see them analytically, starting from Sacred Scripture where we find clear references to the presence and choice of Jesus of the Twelve Apostles:


"Then, called to himself his twelve disciples, gave them the power to drive out unclean spirits and to heal any disease and any infirmity " [Mt 10, 1-4]. The names of the Twelve Apostles are these: the first, Simone called Pietro and Andrea his brother; James of Zebedee and John his brother; Filippo and Bartolomeo; Thomas and Matthew the tax collector; Giacomo d’Alfeo and Taddeo; Simon the Canaanite and Judas the Iscariot, the same one who then betrayed him.


The Evangelist continues:


«He then went up the mountain, he called to himself those whom he wanted, and they came to him. He appointed Twelve to be with him and also to send them to preach and to have the power to cast out demons [MC 3, 13].


It's still:


«In those days he went to the mountain to pray, and spent the night praying to God. When it was day, he called his disciples to him and chose twelve, to whom he also gave the name of apostles " [LC 6, 12].


The Twelve Disciples are called apostles, the greek ἀπόστολοι (apostles), in Hebrew Messengers (shelichim, plural of delivery person, shaliach, which in both of these languages ​​means literally: sent, because through their ministry Jesus continues his mission. In welcoming the twelve, the whole person of Christ is welcomed, as we read in «Who welcomes you, welcomes me " [Mt 10, 40]. Christ chooses Twelve Apostles precisely. The number of twelve symbolizes universality and refers to the Twelve Tribes of Israel. The greatest novelty in the following of Christ, it consists not so much in the number, as in the fact that it is the teacher who chooses the disciples: while generally in ancient times it was the disciples who chose the teacher from which to draw teachings for the spiritual life. After choosing them, Jesus sends them to preach first throughout the land of Israel and then later to the pagans (defined peoples or gentiles). In this way they begin to pass on and transmit the authentic teaching of Christ. In this way Jesus then forms a college, that is, a stable group of envoys with the permanent mission of transmitting his message and headed by the Apostle Peter. In carrying out this mission, the Holy Spirit gives the apostles all the means and the necessary strength that he needs, through a very special grace: they therefore have the same powers as Christ: the envoys are therefore able to announce and propagate the divine mysteries, to forgive and remit sins and to heal and cast out demons. Furthermore, the Holy Spirit gives him the intelligence to deepen, meditating and announcing the mystery of Christ better.


Within the group of apostles, we have seen that the presence of the figure of Simon Peter. He is invested with a special role: he is commissioned by Christ as the principle of unity and communion of faith; he is therefore the visible head of the Church; the apostles are to be in communion with him and below him as regards the doctrine of Christ: this, as we shall see, will also apply to the successor of Peter, dad, and to the bishops who are in obedience to him: cum Petro e sub Petro (with Peter and under Peter)


Let us then deepen the figure of Peter: he is commissioned by Christ to a special mission. It is described in a very important passage of the Gospel:


«Simon Peter answered: “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God ". And Jesus: "Lucky you, Simon son of Jonah, because neither flesh nor blood have revealed it to you, but my Father who is in heaven. And I tell you: You are Peter and on this rock I will build my Church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it "". [Mt 16, 16-18].


Simone, whose name Jesus changed to Peter, he is the first and only to recognize that Christ is the son of God, of the living God. He therefore "anticipated" the other apostles in this act of faith: therefore he is placed by Jesus as head of the apostolic college. Three very special powers are bestowed on Peter, that the other apostles do not possess: first of all he will never fail, because Peter is the visible and stable stone of the community of believers; secondly, he has the power of the keys of the kingdom e, third, the power to untie and bind. By this we mean:


"The power of the keys designates the authority to govern the house of God, which it is the Church. Jesus, the Good Shepherd [GV 10, 11], confirmed this post after the resurrection: "Feed my sheep" [GV 21, 15-17]. The power to bind and loose indicates the authority to absolve from sins, to pronounce judgments in matters of doctrine and to make disciplinary decisions in the Church. Jesus gave this authority to the Church through the ministry of the Apostles [cf.. Mt 18,18] and particularly of Pietro, the only one to whom he explicitly entrusted the keys of the Kingdom " [cf.. CCC n. 553].


We traditionally know that Peter was martyred in Rome in 64 after Christ on the Vatican Hill. Previously, he had been imprisoned at the Mamertine prison, very close to the Capitol. Peter therefore, being head of the apostles, in his martyrdom near Rome he also testifies to the primacy of the Roman see over other communities of believers. A primacy that is not one of domination and despotism, but of service and coordination of all the other dioceses and churches around the world. We anticipate an important concept from now on: the Petrine primacy does not want to diminish collegiality, synodality and common and community work: indeed, Peter and his successors are called to guarantee and confer the dignity and authority of all the apostles and their successors, the bishops. In fact, as we will see shortly, the bishops are the successors of the Apostles. Let us then clarify that the successors of Peter are those placed at the head of the Diocese of Rome, or precisely the bishops of Rome. Historically, the bishop of Rome, it is called by a series of names: Pontiff Maximus, Augustus Pontiff, his Holiness, holy Father, Most Holy Father, or with the more famous one of Papa, which according to a historical theory would be the abbreviation of shepherd of the shepherds, shepherd of all shepherds, O father of the poor, father of the poor.


Returning to the analysis of the figures of the apostles, we know all the apostles, except for Giovanni, died at a very old age, they will be martyred during their missions in the East and in the territory of the Roman Empire. Even from the martyrdom of the apostles, we find confirmation that the purpose of the foundation and the apostolic presence is to bring the whole community to an eschatological and holiness goal; all apostolic work has the purpose of leading everyone to the kingdom of God.


Whereas the apostles and their first successors (apostolic fathers) martyrs were dying, it was necessary that the message of Jesus be transmitted in any case: for this they chose successors to perpetuate the mission of Christ. Then they conferred the Holy Order of the Episcopate, what kind of consecrated bishops (bishops), with mandate to continue the apostolic mission as successors of the Apostles. In this sense we will also say that the Church receives the profession of faith from the apostles through the successors of those who were the first adherents to the Jesuit movement..


Now let's try to understand why the bishops, receiving the Holy Order, they become the official successors of the Apostles. If we read in Acts of the Apostles [cf.. 6, 26] we find that the apostles themselves first gave themselves successors with the task of continuing and consolidating the work of evangelization begun by the Apostles. This work is called the Traditio by two ancient writers of Christianity, Tertullian and Irenaeus of Lyons. The Traditio from the Latin it comes from the verb deliver and it implies the action of handing down and transmitting the faith preached by the Apostles; therefore the bishops by divine institution took the place of the apostles as pastors and guides of the ecclesial community. This handover takes place in a very specific act. So, apostolic transmission, it is conferred through the reception of the Sacrament of Orders, through episcopal consecration.


Let's clarify this passage of the ordination of bishops. Christ instituted the Sacraments, that were not born of human creativity, they are all enclosed in the Revelation and in the Gospels. This is in order to clarify incidentally that certain currents of non-Catholic Christianity, teaching that the Seven Sacraments, or part of them, they are only a human creation that took place after the Emperor Constantine, starting from the 4th century to follow, I am in blatant error, because all the sacraments are of divine institution. Among the Seven Sacraments is the Sacrament of Holy Orders, which is unique, but internally divided into three degrees: episcopate (or fullness of the apostolic priesthood), presbyterate and diaconate. Those who receive this sacrament, in their individual and personal ministry they are called to the mission of leading the whole Church to the common good and to holiness. It is therefore a task, at the same time singular and at the same time communal. The action of conferring Holy Order is called ordination: in it it is Jesus who, acting in person Christi through a bishop, he orders a priest and consecrates him bishop: therefore it confers on the priest the fullness of the apostolic priesthood to carry out this mission. The episcopate is therefore the fullness of the sacrament of Orders because it contains the very source from which the three degrees of the Sacrament of Orders derive. In fact, the bishop is also the one who ordains deacons and priests, and precisely as mentioned above, orders a priest to become a bishop.


Briefly we will say that the line of succession provides that an apostle, received full powers from Christ to transmit his teaching and to administer all the sacraments, ordained an apostolic father, giving it the same powers and mission; in turn the apostolic father ordained a bishop, for the same purposes. This bishop, around you, ordained another bishop and throughout history, in ordering all the bishops in succession, it has come down to today. Everything is defined: apostolic succession.


The transmission of the mandate to transmit and administer the Sacraments to multiple bishops around the world, how many were the apostles originally, it shows that the Church has an apostolic nature, therefore collegial and community. The collegiality and apostolicity of the Bishops implies on the one hand the unity between the Pope and the Bishops because the College of Bishops is linked to its visible head. The Supreme Pontiff is not a tyrant but a guarantor of the very ministry of the Bishops. In fact, he is the guarantor of the unity of the ecclesial body and is the visible material concrete foundation of ecclesial unity (Collegiality = element of Union in the distinction).


On the other side, the collegiality of the Bishops it implies that this college has a high degree of authority over the whole Church. The individual dioceses collaborate with each other, each bishop can make decisions about the faithful entrusted to him without always asking for authorization from the See of Rome. Moreover, the bishops, they actively collaborate with each other and with the Roman Pontiff in some special moments: nei synodi o, eg, in an ecumenical council. A synod or council convened by the bishops is accepted and confirmed by the Roman Pontiff, but collegially guided: therefore even these ecclesial meetings are never carried out by the Roman Pontiff alone, to which, however, it is only up to, in the end, to decide.


Now we have understood how the Bishop of Rome and the Bishops of the world, as successors of the Apostles they received the mandate of Christ. We will say that in this mandate they have specifically committed themselves to three specific tasks with respect to the people of God: these tasks are called gifts (from Latin duty, task and also gift) and I'm the the task of teaching, the the task of sanctifying and the governing office / steersmanship.


The task of teaching it is the duty to teach, transmit the teaching of Christ; it is also called the ordinary magisterium of the bishop. This magisterium / teaching is concretized by the bishop when he teaches with authority, which comes from Christ, and takes place when the bishop teaches concretely in matters of doctrine and morals and these teachings are in communion with the Supreme Pontiff and the Universal Church. This is a teaching of divine origin; then the the task of teaching it is the bishop's first task and concretely with it is meant to preach and teach these truths to the faithful. The faithfuls, from them, they are called to listen in active obedience with sincere filial adherence to their bishop even by asking questions, doubts and clarifications to better understand these teachings, to deepen the doctrine and live it better.


With the task of sanctifying: the duty to lead all the people of God to holiness is indicated. The bishop is the bursar, that is, the one who distributes the grace of Christ and the Holy Spirit in equal parts in the Church; this happens in the administration of the sacraments and even more particularly in the Eucharistic celebration, where it is the Eucharist that makes the Church, it sanctifies it and unites it in catholicity; therefore the true presence, real, substance of Christ in the species of bread and wine unites all the faithful (clergy and faithful); at the same time it is the Church that makes the Eucharist, therefore the Church that administers and celebrates it.


With the office of governing/governing the duty of the bishops to govern and govern the individual Churches is indicated local or dioceses; they have their own jurisdiction which is exercised for himself by each bishop in an ordinary way. By this we mean that the Divine power that every bishop immediately possesses does not provide for the mandatory delegation to other people: on a concrete level, But, the bishops can however decide to appoint mediators and delegates to better manage the territory, for example priests who perform the role of episcopal vicars, foranei, judicial and who therefore exercise various duties in the name of the bishop.


In conclusion these three gifts /Duties they are implemented with the help of presbyters or priests, that despite not having the fullness of the sacred order like the bishop, they too participate and are jointly responsible for the three gifts. The the task of teaching afor example when they preach, they teach and govern God's people, especially in the parish. Here the parish priest is also the one who accompanies and therefore governs the People of God to holiness (exercise of office of government); finally the priest celebrates worship then administers the sacraments and prays for the needs of the people and at the same time administers the sacrament of confession (exercise of the task of sanctifying).


Also wanting to synthetically analyze the first degree of the order, we can quickly describe the activity of deacons. They too fall within the ecclesial hierarchy because they are called to service: deacons is a Greek word that can be translated as servant. They still fall within the apostolicity of the Church, because they are assistants to the liturgy, they can have catechetical and para-liturgical duties, although their main task, their vocation is not the call to administer the sacraments in the same way as priests. Deacons participate in apostolicity as they are called to service, especially works of charity, the management of administrative activities of the Church. In some cases, however, the deacon can give the sacrament of baptism and bless the wedding. in some cases, however, the deacon can give the sacrament of baptism and bless the wedding.


Rome, 18 January 2022




For those wishing to learn more about the topic, I recommend reading these books:

Catechism of the Catholic Church, 553; 857 – 865.

Vatican Council II, (C)dogmatic institution Lumen gentium,18 – 23.

  1. McDowell, The fate of the apostles. Examining the martyrdom accounts of the closesest followers of Jesus, Routledge, 2016.
  2. Virgil, The resurrection of Jesus, Crossroads, Amazon publishing, 2020.





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Almost certainly useless lesson for some self-taught Catholics on the secularism of the state: the concept of Natural Law of the revived neo-scholastics, besides not serving God and the truth, it is in radical conflict with the two foundations of the creation of man: freedom and free will

— Theologica —



For us men of faith, reason and science is unquestionable that God has instilled in the heart of man the natural sense of good and evil, hence the foundations of those laws which perhaps improperly, but correct, they are defined as Natural Law. The problem occurs when you try to change the Natural Law or Divine Law into Positive Law, in Laws of the State that bind all the associates. Because at that point the sin becomes a crime, with devastating and absolutely undesirable consequences.


Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo




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Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Gabriele

The soothsayer Tiresias and Christianity: the reality of disability, between joy and hope

— Theologica —


The disability, certainly falls within the theme of suffering, of those who are afflicted and who will be comforted, according to the evangelical beatitude. Persons affected by disabilities are fully included in those who are welcomed into the bosom of Trinitarian love. The world of culture, of philosophical and anthropological reflection has always been fascinated and at the same time shaken by this theme.


Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci, o.p.



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Ulysses and the soothsayer Tiresias

One of the strong themes which involve a lot on an emotional and intellectual level every faithful, by the individual believer, to the priest, from the man of culture to the theologian, it is certainly the issue of disability. To be precise, there is no disability in the abstract, but there are people with physical or mental disabilities, which can be congenital, innate or acquired.


I would like to sketch biblical-theological reflections on the theme of disability. I am aware, together with the whole Christian tradition, that the mystery of human evil and suffering remains a mystery and can never be fully disclosed. But it can be contemplated, scrutinized with an eye of faith, hope and charity and be placed in the highest and greatest plan of God's Plan.


In this article first of all we will make some historical considerations on one of the most famous and oldest disabled people in history, the soothsayer Tiresias. Subsequently, we will move on to the theme of suffering in the Christian sphere.




The disability, certainly falls within the theme of suffering, of those who are afflicted and who will be comforted, according to the evangelical beatitude. Persons affected by disabilities are fully included in those who are welcomed into the bosom of Trinitarian love. The world of culture, of philosophical and anthropological reflection has always been fascinated and at the same time shaken by this theme. So much so that she has recently allowed herself to be questioned by disability, trying to build a reflection. First of all I would like to point out the text by Gian Antonio Stella: SeveralThe long battle of the disabled to change history, recently published by the well-known journalist of Corriere della Sera. With a journalistic slant, Stella tries to do a excursus starting from different historical figures of people with disabilities who have really proposed their innovative experience for the time of history in which they lived. I would not like to dwell on this text though [1].


For some time the Sicilian culture it has lost one of its most fruitful writers, Andrea Camilleri. Almost like a testament, along with some books now out, the author of Porto Empedocle, known for creating the character of Inspector Montalbano, has published a text entitled Conversations about Tiresia. It is a small booklet that faithfully reproduces the text of the homonymous show staged last June 2018 and played by Camilleri himself.


The central theme of the text, as the title says, is the figure of the soothsayer Tiresias. Legendary figure, of which little is known. Of course, of him, it is known that he is originally from Thebes, has a daughter named Manto, she guesses too, but above all that he is blind, or as we would say today: blind. The play is a small one excursus from irony, mockery and a few digs at today's world, how this figure has been described, mocked and at the same time loved and respected over the centuries. notoriously, Greek antiquity produced a series of sources on Tiresias. The most interesting thing to note is that in a pre-Christian antiquity, who had a very difficult relationship with the disabled, a physically disabled figure such as Tiresias has instead remained alive in the writing of these authors. Of course, the figure of the Theban soothsayer, it is especially interesting for a cultural reflection on disability.


The Pseudo Apollodorus he tried to explain where Tiresias' blindness originated. So he reported three narratives, in its Library; the second and third narratives are particularly interesting[2], also told theatrically in Camilleri's text. In the second narrative, the one according to Apollodorus, Tiresia is the son of Evereo and the Nymph Cariclo: the blindness comes from the punishment of Athena that Tiresias saw naked taking a bath; then Cariclo intervened and asked for mercy for his son. Athena did not remove the blindness of the wretch see, but joined in the ability to be a soothsayer. The third narrative Apollodorus takes it up from the Greek poet Hesiod, and it is the most complex, because it inserts other elements. Tiresias meditated while walking on Mount Citerone: here he saw two snakes in the act of sexual union and then in disgust he decided to trample and kill the female. As soon as the lustful asp was crushed, magically Tiresias changed from man to woman. This image, it induces Camilleri to put in the mouth of Tiresias a theological consideration linked to snakes:


“As a teenager, I loved taking long solitary walks on the Citerone and one day, suddenly, while I was sitting on a stone, I saw two large coiled snakes rushing towards me in the act of reproduction. I was lost in thought, for this I reacted as I never should have. Why with snakes, on Citerone, one had to be careful. In order to possess Persephone, Zeus changed into a serpent and Cadmus also "asserted himself" for his escapades. So in those reptiles a god could hide "[3].


We will come back to this detail shortly. We observe how Tiresias is truly wise: that is, he is able to go beyond the material aspect and grasp the divine nature of even such an animalistic act as sexual union. However, proceeding with the narration, we know that later the Theban soothsayer became a man again, but his misfortune was not over. Indeed, in an indefinite period, Zeus and Hera quarreled and often found themselves divided by a controversy: if in the act of intercourse the man or the woman felt more pleasure. They could not come to any conclusions because in fact the two main positions confronted each other strongly: Zeus, in fact he claimed it was the woman, while Era was the man. To settle the dispute they decided to turn to Tiresias, considered the only one who could have solved it since he had tested both the male and female nature. Perhaps it would have been better if Tiresias had followed the old adage of not putting a finger between husband and wife[4]. Ma, for that time, he was not careful about this. So, once summoned by the two quarrelsome gods to resolve the overrun problem, replied that sexual pleasure consists of ten parts: the man only tries one and the woman nine, therefore a woman feels a pleasure nine times greater than that of a man. Tiresias thought of answering thus doing Hera a favor, believing that the goddess had answered according to her own reasoning. The goddess, instead, she was furious that Tiresias had revealed that secret: and so it blinded him. Instead Zeus, contrary to his wife's reaction, he decided to repair the damage suffered, and empowered Tiresias to foresee the future and the gift of living for seven generations. And this, in the Greek perspective, it implied having a practically eternal life.


Here then are the three elements highlighted in Tiresias' disability: blindness follows the punishment of knowing a deep secret of man. Tiresia, a bit like Prometheus, he is to blame for having ventured to guess and reason, get beyond the achievable: therefore of having entered the highest spheres of the intimacy of man and woman. Of having been able to dissolve the very secret of the total donation of man to woman and vice versa, therefore of their profound identity. At the same time, Tiresias entered the deep secret of bodily pleasure and the origin of life. He really couldn't stand this affront. Like this, he thinks he is displeasing Tiresias, blinding him: but doing so actually takes it away from the view of material things and leaves it forever to the view of information, higher notions and concepts. I dare say that Tiresias can be the slave in the Platonic cave who, freed from the snares of material visions, finally sees the light of Ideas., in the eternity of timeless truth. However, I do not want to enter into a platonic analysis.


Returning instead to the disability of Tiresias is added, with the action of Zeus, the gift of foresight and eternal life. The anthropological masterpiece of Tiresias the Theban is definitively finished. The disability, so condemned, so stigmatized in the Greek world, and instead, in Tiresia, loaded with a set of extraordinary gifts donated by the gods[5]. So the lack of light on everyday things matters little.


Tiresias knows the fact present in her most intimate secrets. The same applies to future events: knows what is deeper, what is most sought after by every Greek man, philosopher, mathematician, astronomer or historian. The scholar Paolo Scarpi writes about this:


«[…] Tiresias' blindness is actually the condition for him to fulfill his role as a soothsayer […] The three reasons presented in the Library, […], in reality they appear connected by a common denominator represented by the optical code on which the story is built. […] sight enters directly into question, configuring itself as a transgression of a code of behavior enunciated by Callimaco […] (the laws of Cronus thus establish who sees an immortal against his will, will pay a great price for this view)»[6]


In confirmation of this it seems interesting to note what the Odyssey of the Theban diviner. Homer offers an important task to Tiresias, in fact in the tenth canto we read:


"To ask the soul of the Theban Tiresias,

the blind soothsayer, whose precordi are firm:

to him only Persephone gave even when he was dead,

the faculty to be wise; the others are wandering shadows "[7]


Ulisse, nell’Ade, he is forced to look for Tiresias, to find out about the way back to Ithaca. In the verses of the Homeric poem, we read between the lines that only Tiresias are granted the extraordinary gifts that make him so wise. I add a couple more elements: in Tebaide, the poet Stazio describes that Tiresias, deaf-mute and blind at the same time, retains its extraordinary powers. Who, physical disability, it is even more pronounced, nevertheless wisdom and prophecy remain. And they will have a dramatic role in Sophocles.


Nell’Oedipus Re, Tiresias is called prophesying also the famous incest between Oedipus and Jocasta and the killing of Laius: in this tragedy the prophecy of the blind is even an element of help in the discovery of a moral action condemned by time. The contribution of Tiresias becomes fundamental in the dissolution of the Oedipus drama.


Returning and concluding the reading of Camilleri's text, I find a splendid poem dedicated to Tiresias by the poet Thomas Sterne Elliott


«I Tiresias, although blind, button between two screws,

old man with withered female breasts, I can see

at the purple hour, the hour of the evening that comes

on the way back, and bring the sailor home from the sea,

I can see the typist at home at tea time, clears breakfast,

turns on the stove and takes out canned food.

Outside the window dangerously hung out to dry

Its combinations touched by the last rays of the sun,

on the sofa (his bed at night) they are crowded

socks, slippers, shirts and corsets.

I Tiresias, old man with shriveled boobs,

you perceive the scene, and predicted the rest -

I too expected the expected guest.

His, the pustular young man, he arrives,

employee of a small rental agency, with a single glance


one of the people to whom the security is

like a top hat to an enriched peasant.

The time is now right, as he conjectures,

lunch is over, she is bored and tired,

try to engage her in caresses

which are not rejected, even if unwanted.

Excited and determined, he attacks all of a sudden;

exploring hands meet no defense;

his vanity requires no answer

and takes indifference as a welcome.

(And I Tiresias have pre-offered everything

What was done on this same sofa or bed;

I who sat under the walls of Thebes

and I walked among the humblest dead).


Then I came to Carthage

Burning burning Burning burning

O Lord You take me

O Lord You seize



The analysis of Tiresias' disability it therefore shows how disability has a contradictory value in the pre-Christian world: in which a relationship of damnation is highlighted, stigma, removal e, on the other, almost instead a state of elevation to higher knowledge. The theme of disability, for the Greeks it therefore called for a sapiential knowledge of the present, a prophetic knowledge of the future, a call to eternal life (certainly not of the same characteristics as the Christian Kingdom of God). Obviously, the aspect totally absent in Tiresias' disability, as indeed to all Greek reflection before the coming of Christ, it is obviously the link between divine and human activity: that relationship between grace and nature that will only subsequently be probed by Catholic theology.


In fact, Tiresias suffers from disability in his human nature as a punishment: it is not explained by the Greek myths in what way, after obtaining the disability, his person is brought, through disability, to a path of improvement and moral elevation with the help of the Gods. The disability, in Tiresia, in short, it is a special epistemological methodology but not one of sanctification. A special way of knowing but not of raising oneself to a relationship with the sacred. On the other hand, it is completely different in character, the sense of physical suffering, and therefore also a visual impairment, since the advent of Jesus Christ: all disabilities are part of the affliction and suffering love of Christ. They can therefore be grouped under the great category of suffering.




One thing is certain. About Christianity, it is founded by Jesus and it is a religion of joy; indeed, Christianity, it started with a joyful imperative. «Kaire / Rejoice Maria!» [9] so the archangel Gabriel greeted the adolescent Mary. We certainly recognize with Joseph Ratzinger that "Christianity is therefore the faith of joy"[10]. but yet, within the path of a Catholic faith that is joyful, it does not escape some particularly delicate issues such as suffering, penance and pain. Let us think for a moment that in the journey of the Catholic Church there is a great period of penance and asceticism: Lent. This is because Lent is above all a time of conversion, but also a time of desert and reflection. In that period there is an invitation to linger, in our personal prayer or meditation, on those issues that are ordinarily difficult to assimilate and deal with, like sin, the death, the illness, pain. Suffering is a very sensitive issue. Above all it is delicate because it is experienced by men and women. Theme that we have all touched firsthand. These men are suffering. Therefore they are afflicted. In fact, one of the themes that the Old Testament also speaks to us about is suffering. Let's think, for example, of the story in the book of Job. Uright omo, today we will say a pious, a decent and very devoted person. The Lord, At that time, it allows the devil to be tried in moral suffering, we remember in fact that all his children were killed; so, material, we remember that he lost all his possessions; finally physics, we remember that he fell seriously ill with leprosy and was isolated from everyone, except from four friends.


In Job, according to the exegetes, we find four typically human reactions. The first is acceptance (cf.. Gb 1,22). He peacefully accepts that all this comes from God. At the same time, he also demands from him a kind of return in the future. The second reaction, it is rebellion (cf.. Gb 3, 1). He will even wish to die. It is also a typical reaction of today's sick people: it is a desire for tranquility and peace. The third reaction is custody (cf.. Gb 40). Job entrusts himself to God recognizing his littleness, one's being created creature, with respect to God the uncreated creator. So he truly relies on the Creator because he recognizes that he was proud and pretentious towards him. Fourth reaction, the unearthly reward (Gb 42,7). Job is given back all that he had lost in a double way [11].


Job is an afflicted one. God after a journey of conversion, of purification and growth is consoled by God. I was very impressed when I too hear the voice of an afflicted one. An afflicted one a few years ago: but that in his today, as today it has been abandoned by all. For this I would like now let you hear the voice of that kind of afflicted that, unlike Job, He did not make it.


"I lived (male) for thirty years, someone will say that it is too little. That someone is not able to determine what the limits of tolerance are, because they are subjective, not objective. I tried to be a good person, I've made a lot of mistakes, I have made many attempts, I tried to make sense and purpose using my resources, to make an art of discomfort. But the questions never end, and I'm tired of hearing it. And I'm sick of pormene too. I'm sick of making efforts without getting results, fed up with criticism, fed up with job interviews like unnecessary graphic designer, tired of wasting feelings and desires for the other gender (who obviously doesn't need me), tired of envying, sick of wondering what it's like to win, of having to justify my existence without having determined it, fed up with having to meet everyone's expectations without ever having met mine, tired of putting a good face on bad luck, to feign interest, to delude myself, to be made fun of, of being pushed aside and being told that sensitivity is a great quality. […] Nothing can be expected from this reality. You can't expect a job, one cannot expect to be loved, recognition cannot be expected, you cannot expect to expect security, a stable environment cannot be expected. […] I entered this world as a free person, and as a free person I got out of it, because I didn't like it even a little. Enough with the hypocrisies. […] I know this seems crazy to you, but it is not. It's just disappointment. The urge has passed: not here and not now. I cannot impose my essence, but my absence does, and absolute nothingness is always better than a whole where you cannot be happy doing your destiny. […] Forgive me, mum and dad, if you can, but now I'm home again. I'm fine"[12].


It is terrible to read such lines. It is almost impossible to empathize with the pain of a young person who wants to take his own life. It is absolutely impossible to understand the pain of those parents who have lost a child in this way. but yet, this young man was an afflicted one. An afflicted one left alone by all: abandoned to the mentality and fashion of the world, who believes and inculcates everyone that suicide is the only way to live their freedom. This is the freedom that today's world wants to convince us Catholics too that it is the one to live: a freedom that is not true freedom. That freedom that would be expressed in assisted suicide and euthanasia techniques, as happened for the case, rose to the fore of the news, by Dj Fabio. Dj Fabio was also a sufferer, one that we will biblically call afflicted[13]. The world, instead of giving him true freedom, he has abandoned him for good. The rule of law even offers him reason and jurisprudence to found the belief that one can only get out of suffering by committing suicide. As if suicide were the maximum expression of a "freedom"[14]. That freedom that eliminates suffering and affliction. Because a suffering and afflicted life has no value, then it is eliminated. It is taken and thrown away. And everything is disguised with the magic word: li-ber-Ta. Three syllables with which today we ride the wave and allow everything.


"We live in an era in which we are entitled to live only if they are perfect. Any insufficiency, any weakness, every fragility seems banished "[15]


There is only one answer to this terrible conviction of today's culture. The real answer that each of us can give is this: the joy of Jesus Christ. It responds to a logic of death, of throwaway culture, of necroculture simply by showing the joy and love that Jesus had for the afflicted. Because Jesus Christ himself often met with suffering. That is, Jesus met suffering and afflicted people: who in the body and who in the spirit. And he put himself at the service of them and their relatives and friends. For this he was able to relegate a special place in the Beatitudes to the suffering: "Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted"[16].


If we take a look at the Gospel of the resurrection of Lazarus, let's see immediately how Jesus relates to the death of his dear friend Lazarus. Jesus himself cries. He is afflicted, and lives this moment together with other afflicted ones. Let's try to follow the Gospel text closely:


«Jesus loved him very much (agapan = loved with mercy) to Marta, to his sister [Maria] and to Lazarus. Marta then, as he knew that Jesus was coming, went to meet him; Maria, on the other hand, was sitting in the house. Martha said to Jesus: "Man, if you had been here, my brother would not have died! But even now I know that whatever you will ask of God, God will give you ". Jesus told her: "Your brother will rise again". Marta answered him: "I know he will rise again on the last day". Jesus told her: «I am the resurrection and the life; who believes in me, even if it dies, will live; whoever lives and believes in me, will not die forever. You believe this?». She answered him: "Yup, o Lord, I believe you are the Christ, the Son of God who must come into the world " (= peepisteuka, the Greek verb expresses a strong leap of faith) Then Jesus saw her weeping and the Jews who had come with her also weep, he was deeply moved (embryonic masts = to get angry), he was upset and said: "Where have you placed it?”. They told him: "Man, come and see!”. Jesus burst into tears. Then the Jews said: “See how she loved him!”. After placing the stone in which Lazarus was placed, Jesus then raised his eyes and said: "Dad, thank you that you listened to me. I knew you always listen to me, but I said it for the people around me, so that they believe that you sent me ". E, said this, he shouted loudly: "Lazarus, come outside!”. The dead man came out, with his feet and hands wrapped in bandages, and the face covered with a shroud. Jesus said to them,: "Untie it and let it go" "[17].


Let's try to read the text analytically. In verse 5 we see first of all that Jesus performs the action ofagapan that is, he loved Marta deeply, Maria and Lazzaro. agapao is the Greek verb from which it comes agape, that we precisely translate with Mercy. So he loved them with mercy. Also to the verses 20 – 27 Jesus is rebuked by Martha, later also by Maria, of not having been present at the time of Lazarus' death. He gets from them an act of faith in eternal life that happens through His Presence: the presence of Jesus, Son of God in the world. Subsequently (cf.. V.33) when he later learns of Lazarus's death, Jesus is moved: he has an angry movement of passion (so does the Greek verb embryonic masts), of aversion towards death which is one of the effects caused by original sin in turn generated by the devil. Jesus himself, so, expresses aversion and hostility towards death. Commenting on the verses 41 – 42, the exegete Brown writes:


"Through the exercise of the power of Jesus, which is the power of the Father, they will know the Father and thus will receive life themselves. Jesus will get nothing for himself, he only wants his listeners to know the Father who sent him. […] The crucial thing is that Jesus gave physical life as a sign of his power to give eternal life on this earth and as a promise that on the last day he will raise the dead "[18].


March, Maria and Lazzaro are afflicted. Jesus makes him discover, right in affliction, a true and real relationship with God. Suffering then becomes one of the possible "places" to truly encounter the Lord's love and receive consolation from it. As God did with Job and as now Jesus does with Lazarus. Effectively, the affliction, it can generate a sense of isolation: as we have seen so far, the suffering, if on the one hand it is an experience, on the other hand it is at the same time a solitary experience, permitted by God to the individual and only to the individual. In an indirect way it also affects relatives, the friends and neighbors of the afflicted one, but it serves first of all to the single person. These afflicted ones are not that far in time and space from our lives.


We too can be merciful and show God's love to the afflicted. We can express and communicate the joy and vitality of Jesus through these suffering brothers of ours? Through the exercise of material and corporal works of mercy, it is possible to express the biblical sense of consolation. Here is the connection between consolation and a sense of brotherhood: knowing how to enter into someone's drama and support it. To be truly with - brothers through the Mercy / Agape of God for the other. To live by helping the afflicted is to support them. In being a support then there are three drifts that must absolutely be avoided:


a) pitying the afflicted one. In other words, there is a risk of creating a victimization. Through this dynamic, the person gets stuck in his own pain and closes himself in a narcissism that prevents him from getting better [19].

b) The narcotic effect. That is, trying to get rid of pain by putting the conscience on it. The person is therefore pushed by society to live as if pain does not exist. This leads to superficiality, which is dangerous because it postpones the problem of pain and aggravates it[20]. In fact, escaping from a problem means aggravating it.

c) Invite the afflicted to see who is worse off than him: there is nothing worse than making existence like a Serie A ranking and saying who is better and who is worse off. It makes no sense to console someone by saying "since there are those who are worse off than you, you have to be fine " [21].


Let's see', At that time, the work of mercy to console the afflicted in what it really consists of. The words of the presbyter Fabio Rosini who writes will help us:


Physical pain can be harsh, but if there is a reason, it is supported, the heart is serene; if however, the pain is without explanation then becomes unbearable. Affliction needs a word to fill it, that address you, an indication that guides understanding " [22]


The same word consolation (in Hebrew nacham), biblically it is rendered with the verbs to rest, stop, find tranquility or even give refuge[23]. This is what we just saw Jesus doing with Lazarus' afflicted relatives. Pacifying a person means giving him that word of fullness, of understanding, sense that pain seems to have stolen from him.


"Whoever performs the act of consular is capable of putting himself next to the sufferer by showing him what he cannot see and allowing him to open his heart, the look, the spirit to another perspective, an integral depth that gives completeness "[24].


In a certain sense, all Christians are called to console, remember that it is they who are called to give this completeness. So this is the call to be those who remember that God is above all hope in suffering. Remind the world and today's culture that hoping is a typically human act, but at the same time elevating: because it allows even the worst of the afflicted to rise above their pain. As Fabio Rosini always writes, consular, giving hope basically means, make an act of mercy that "makes eternity present, that reveals the face of God in pain "[25]. This will also allow us to resume first of all hope. And hoping is a typically Christian act. More, to hope is the typically Catholic act! Because the believer is the one who has placed all trust in Jesus. And just like Martha and Maria, he expresses his hope aloud in pain. Always keep this in mind, while you prepare sandwiches for the poor, while you prepare the spinal stretcher, while you rearrange the civil protection facilities. Hoping means first of all kindling the expectation of a God who is the immensely good absolute good.


Each of us can be a bearer of hope, carriers of joy even to the afflicted of the poorest neighborhoods, to the afflicted one due to grief or depression, or precisely of a disability. Here then is that by relating these reflections to disability, we will say that even the person with disabilities, despite his afflictions and physical pains, he is called to a path of joy and sanctification. There is always a higher plane to which God the Father directs, how he directed the sufferings of Jesus of the Passion, to the joy of the Resurrection. We too will be transported to the joy of consolation. Because when we will console an afflicted one, this will make us truly discover the joy of our life. Our whole life will be knowing how to rediscover the presence of a Trinitarian God, who is with us even in pain. It is by loving who is afflicted, making him rediscover this joy of living, together with the poet Giacomo Leopardi we can say "I have never felt so much living as loving" [26].


Rome, 4 November 2020




[1] The reader can consult for further information: G. A. Stella, Diverse - The long battle of the disabled to change history, Solferino, 2019, Milan.

[2] Pseudo-Apollodoro, Library, III, 6, 7.

[3] A. Camilleri, Conversations about Tiresia, Sellerio, Palermo, 2019.

[4] A. Camilleri, op.cit.

[5] Along this same line M stands. Schianchi, History of disability - From the punishment of the gods to the welfare crisis, Carocci, Rome, 2012, 40.

[6] Apollodoro, Greek myths, by P. Shoes, translate. at M.G. Ciani, Monadori, Milan, 1996, 55.

[7] Odyssey X, 492 and following, Translation by G. Aurelio Privitera

[8] T.S. Elliott, Wasteland mentioned in A. Cammileri, Conversations about Tiresia, 41 – 42. Check page again.

[9] Luca 1, 26.

[10](J). Ratzinger, Elements of fundamental theology, Morcelliana, Brescia, 69.

[11] S. Pinto, The secrets of Wisdom, Introduction to the wisdom and poetic books , St. Paul, Cinisello Balsamo, 2013, 21 – 23.

[12] Letter from M., a suicide in his thirties, taken from last access 10/01/20 hours 18.07.

[13] See. Last Access 23 March 2017 hours 16.43).

[14] Last Access 10/01/10 hours 18.16.

[15]A. D’AVENIA, The art of being fragile, 2016, 147.

[16] Mt 5,4

[17] Gospel according to John, chapter 11.

[18] R. E. Brown, Giovanni, 2014, pp 567 – 568

[19] Fabio ROSINI, Only love creates, 2016, p. 121.

[20] In the same place.

[21] Fabio ROSINI, on,cit, p. 122.

[22] Fabio ROSINI, p. 120.

[23] Fabio ROSINI, p. 127.

[24] Fabio ROSINI p. 129.

[25] Fabio ROSINI, p. 129.

[26] (Zibaldone 1819 – 1820.)



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«I am Roberto Bolle, not a chicken scratching in the hen house ". Those depressed and depressing Catholics who lock morals inside a condom and who consider sex as the center of the whole mystery of evil

- The Theological Pages -



Someone sends me this message: "As promised compatibly with my commitments, I proceeded to make a video in response to his heterodox statements on contraception. Convinced that he personally knows what is sound doctrine and therefore to be considered and what to discard. It will certainly be useful to the many faithful who have followed us for years and who have the obligation to know the truth on matters of such importance ". For my part I want to clarify that if a layman accuses of heresy on the public square of social media a minister in sacred and a theologian, it is at least necessary to defend one's dignity as a priest and as a scholar from the false accusations of a subject who has proved himself to be an amateur theologian.



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Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Gabriele

Beyond the utopia and disenchantment: Christian hope today

— Theologica —



The Christian hope, today must make his way with much effort and fatigue between the new experiences of millenarianism, between the political eschatology claims of American Protestantism, the apocalyptic narrative of Jihadism in the West, to the strange experiences of religiosity New Age he was born in Mayan calendar ended 21 December of 2012. From these extremes, as almost a touch of boredom bottom of immanence, we can move towards a completely different dimension, one that opens the door to the prospect of Christian hope.



Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci, o.p.



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The Dominican theologian Daniel Aucone

Daniel Aucone, Dominican priest and theologian of the Roman province of St. Catherine of Siena [cf. see WHO], already author of The question of community between philosophy and theology [Ed. Nerbini, cf. WHO] It offers the public of scholars and researchers his latest book, Beyond the utopia and disenchantment - Christian hope today, also the result of the doctoral dissertation work in theology [Ed. Angelicum University Press, cf. WHO].


The central theme of the text is the hope, as evidenced by the title; the author tries to outline and identify in it fruitful trajectories [cf. pag. 10] to reinvigorate the announcement of this theme very dear to Catholic theology. Hope for believers residing in the face and in the encounter of Jesus Christ.


The text is divided into two parts: in the first part of the Father Daniele Aucone he pauses to scan the society and Western culture and the prospect of waiting, from different authors: Kojève and Zizek among others. In the second part, instead, he pauses to generate a theological-systematic perspective of hope, with assistance from various authors including Theobald, Durand and Mendoza - Alvarez.


the last work of the Dominican theologian Daniel Aucone

The first part can be defined strict sense as a description of a "scream" of the post-modern society that, now waned worldly hopes, It is enclosed between resignation, disillusionment and new fears.


Alexander Kojève, the interpreter as of the end of history in the Hegelian sense, opens the door to a search of earthly immortality. Slavko Žižek then conducts an analysis of the vicinity of the zero point, where it provides a apocalyptic classic type in which they live only an overview of panic scenarios. In this first part, There seems very interesting, also for the reader less expert in philosophical matters, accurate section that tells the new experiences of millenarianism: between the claims of political eschatology of American Protestantism, the apocalyptic narrative of Jihadism in the West, to the strange experiences of religiosity New Age and the Mayan Calendar ended 21/12/12. From these extremes, as almost a touch of boredom bottom of immanence, Finally the author can make a transition and move the prospect of Christian hope. He writes the Father Daniele Aucone:


"In this context of contemporary West uncomfortable fact, but also of the search for meaning and direction, It is called upon to integrate the message of Christian hope that the encounter with the Risen waiting defined as end [N.d.R. telos, “purpose”, “fine”] e end [pears: “unlimited”, “Infinity”] of history". [cit. pag. 114].


The hope is then a gift, a desire to create a all’man Desiring, over the claim of a liquid postmodern life, to establish firmly a dignified life in the time of the End. It hopes that finally allows you to escape from the tyranny of everything at once, a wait time based on the final memory of the resurrection; at last, very interesting idea that the author He takes the theologian Roberto Repole: hope understood as Humble Thought and opening the perspective of Revelation, over weak thought vattimiano, but without even claim to resolve it completely, over the unthinkable return to a strong thought: hope is the root of a humble thought [cit. pag. 116].


In the analysis of the biblical section, it abundantly clarifies the meaning of the apocalyptic horizon exegetical current, showing how the analysis of the last book of the Bible, far from perspectives about the "end of the world ''s intention is to show that there are various purposes, that enclose different historical epochs; and at the same time the Apocalypse reveals narcissism of contemporary man down, that hides a deep existential instability [cit. pag. 126].


The previous work of the Dominican theologian Daniel Aucone

Since the studies of Christoph Theobald, Father Daniele Aucone finally proposes Christianity as a lifestyle in which to live and give life to the world; This is possible because it creates bonds of fraternity beyond space and time, that exceed the current individualism. [cit. pag. 142]. In the theological section, he binds at the thought of the Dominican brother Emanuel Durand offering interesting reflections on the theology of Providence. For many believers it has in fact noticed that faith in God the Creator did not lead to a deep attention to his work of providence, even in the smallest daily. With the Father Emanuel Durand is the recovery of a theology of providence in which, man is founded by a continuous living relationship with God. The Lord of creation, He concludes our author with the Dominican theologian Emanuel Durand, It acts through purely natural phenomena, as well as those miraculous: Providence has thus action in necessary and contingent: nothing escapes the invisible hand, Maternal and at the same time collaborating with the man of the Triune God [cit. pag. 163].


Very interesting are finally the final five ideas on current ecclesial missions, that make up the latest chapter: a new sense of mission of the Word [cit. pag. 267], an evangelization in the spirit breath [cit. pag. 270], a focus for an integral human ecology [cit. pag. 273], training to brotherhood and communion [cit. pag. 277] and finally a transfiguration of time through the liturgical celebration - sacramental [cit. pag. 281].


The book is highly recommended the theology fans, as well as to professionals for a breath of fresh air about the theological speculation on hope and eschatology, able to get out of classic patterns and propose even in comparison with the current culture. Above all, the ideas about the church missions can be a source for a personal meditation, as well as speculative, Also to lay pastoral guidelines.


Rome 27 May 2019






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Once upon a time the Eucharist and the Catholic priesthood, Then came Kiko Arguello and Carmen Hernandez founders of the Neocatechumenal Way … and heresy became flesh and dwelt among us

- the essays by Theologica -



INDEX: I. Heresy is not an indecent word and giving a heretic to those who fall and remain in substantial and formal heresy is not an insult, but a simple statement of fact - (II). The first misconception to dispel: if the Neocatechumenal Way was developed under the pontificates of two Popes Saints, This makes the case for holy and untouchable dogma of the Catholic faith?III. The Neocatechumenals come to life on the crisis of authority of the Church and develop under the pontificate of John Paul II after presenting him with the family of The White Mill - IV. The Neocatechumenal Way has made the old heresy of the Albigensians current again, without the ecclesiastical authority putting a stop to the fact that the Eucharist is not a private good that they can dispose of at will - V. When the Church finds all the excuses not to listen to victims of various kinds, eventually he ends up being left with the Cardinals to the bars of the criminal courts, but even in this case she continued undeterred not to listen - WE. The Lie of the Neucatecumenale Way leaders: to affirm that the Church has recognized and fully legitimized their liturgical and catechetical antics - VII. The many good people who make it up are enough to make a movement healthy? They are enough testimonies of those who say: "The Way I converted", "The Way I returned to the Church"? VIII. The reigning Pontiff did not take long to launch it too precise references to kikos and the mega-catechists of the Neocatechumenal obtaining the effect obtained by its three predecessors: deaf ears - IX. The Neocatechumenals are the negation of the wise missionary spirit of the Church, ed instead of bringing new people to Catholicism they make new followers to Neocatechumenalism - X. The Neocatechumenal Way is a psycho-sect in which the critical sense is canceled after having invaded the conscience of the followers and changing the crass ignorance and pride into a gift of election of the Holy Spirit - XI. To the serious problem of the wrong perception of the Most Holy Eucharist is added the wrong perception of the Priesthood, especially between the common priesthood of the baptized and the ministerial priesthood of Christ, which involves only the ministers of the sacred equipped with a gift triple: to be taught, governing, to sanctify XII. Conclusion.




Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo

Before you get going in the long speech it is necessary to clarify the meaning of the word heresy. The need for clarification is due to the fact that within the Church itself has been undermined by time Newspeak, And it came to explain how years ago in one of the first items on this our Patmos Island [2014, see WHO], and then follow in my so-called keynote [see video, WHO]. Newspeak is not just create new words, or called neologisms, but perform an operation even worse: giving the words a meaning different from that etymologically have ch'esse. The emptying of the words from their meaning filled with completely different meanings, is a grave danger that the phenomenon takes development before, during and after the French Revolution. An exhaustive example is the concepts of freedom, equality and fraternity, which they are suffixes of the founding of Christianity, not an invention of the French Revolution. Principles, however,, the late eighteenth century, and following the course of the nineteenth century, They will change into principles antithetical to Christianity, what's more used to attack and groped scuttle of Christianity itself […]









Top The Charlemagne Island of Patmos with a question of Christ the Lord: "Who do men say, the crowds that I am? And you, Who do you say I am?»

The quill of Charlemagne



The Christian hope is not an imaginative and mind-numbing "Sol of 'Avvenire' nor the 'glorious future' preached by all the dictators of all time. Nor is it a new world forged by the culture of dialogue between fake and hucksters. Nor it is, at last, misericordiante the kingdom prophets of falsehood call, at will and more often inappropriately, the terrible tragedies of history and immutable filth of the world. The Christian Hope instead - as taught by St. Augustine of Hippo - still has only one name and one certainly be announced: Christ!





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the Charlemagne, known as Charles the Great, universally known as Charlemagne, baptized in faith in Christ Jesus in the Holy Mother Catholic Church in the City of Aachen, in a day of many years ago, running at the time the Year of the Lord 742; I, therefore, with a good and legitimate title, write as part of that Mystical and Historical Body which alone belongs to Christ, and of which I consider myself with conviction "of the less honorable members of it" but that for this very humbly believe that, as the Apostle writes, "God has so composed the body, giving the greater honor to that which lacked, so that there was no disunity in the body, but that the members may have the same care for one another " [The Corinthians 12, 24-25].


Who do men say, the crowds that I am? And you, who do you say that I am?


The Gospels do not tell us the results of a Gallup poll or an extemporaneous focus group of Jesus of Nazareth and his disciples, first, and the Apostles, then.


Jesus, on the contrary, challenges men [people, Marco 8, 27 e Matteo 16, 13] and the crowds [the mobs, Luca 9, 18] with the message itself, essential, radical and, not at least, disturbing and dramatic of Logos cristiano.


He wrote Romano Guardini:


"Christianity is in fact not a theory of Truth, or interpretation of life. It is also this, but it not in this consists its essential nucleus. This consists of Jesus of Nazareth, from his concrete existence, from his work, by fate, that is, from a historical personality. […] Non lhumanityat O l’Human thus become important case, ma this person. It determines everything else, and the more deeply and universally the more intense the relationship ' [The essence of Christianity, 1984, p. 23].


The essence of the Christian faith lies, in truth, in response that man both individually and collectively, provides this essential question with which Jesus of Nazareth challenge here, today and always [cf.. Letter to the Hebrews 13, 8] the individual and society.


Who do men say, the crowds that I am? And you, who do you say that I am?


Faith, Hope and Christian Charity have neither their foundation or their first and last name to neutral values ​​of tolerance, cohabitation, solidarity, acceptance and universal harmony of men and peoples.


The Christian faith is not a changing content, according to fashion and the needs of the time, but one, unchangeable, vital and saving encounter.


"You have gone, you washed, you come to the altar, you began to see what previously were not able to see. That is, via the source of the Lord and the announcement of his passion, Your eyes are open at that time. You, that before you seemed blinded in the heart, you began to see the light of the sacraments " [Sant'Ambrogio, the Sacraments I, 3,15].


The Christian Hope, then, is an imaginative and mind-numbing "Sol of 'Avvenire' nor the 'glorious future' preached by all the dictators of all time. Nor is it a new world forged by the culture of dialogue between fake and hucksters. Nor it is, at last, misericordiante the kingdom prophets of falsehood call, at will and more often inappropriately, the terrible tragedies of history and immutable filth of the world. The Christian Hope instead - as taught by St. Augustine of Hippo - still has only one name and one certainly be announced: Christ!


"And as it has become our hope? Why he was tempted, He suffered and rose again. So it became our hope. In it you can see your toil and your reward: your labor in the passion, your reward in the resurrection. That's how it became our hope. Because we have two lives: one is that we, the other is that we hope. The one where we are known, one in which we hope is unknown […]. With his labors, temptations, and patents, the death, Christ has made you see your life in which you are; with the resurrection did you see life in which you will be. We knew only that the man is born and dies, but we did not know who rises and lives forever. This is why Christ has become our hope in afflictions and temptations, and now we are heading towards hope ' [Enarrationes in Psalmos, 60, IV].


The Christian Charity, then, It is not a vacuous amalgam of good intentions or the content of an illusory undifferentiated cosmic fraternity and, not even, The fundamental precept of a mundane world order, amoreggiante pleasantly and happily soaked with alleged good works as.


Yet, once, It is always and only the recognition of Person of Christ, which he founded and rooted in human affairs the only possible and essential Love: "If you do not believe, indeed, non friend. Like this, beginning from the end and going back to the principle, So said the apostle: Pace's Charityat, united to faith. Let us: Faith, charity and peace. Believe, but, rain. In fact, if you believe you do not love, you have not yet diversified your faith from the faith of those who trembled and said,: We know who you are, the Son of God. You, therefore, but; because charity joined to faith itself leads you to peace. What peace? True peace, full peace, real peace, secure peace; where there is no calamity, any enemy. This peace is the goal of every good desire. Caritat united to faith; and six you mean well, say well. Faith coupled with the charity " [St. Augustine, sermons 168, (II), 2, 9].


Faith, Hope and Charity, so, sun and open only in Christ's humanity and history the only possible horizon of Salvation: "If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and you will believe with your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved " [Romans 10, 9].


Who do men say, the crowds that I am? And you, who do you say that I am?


The question posed by Jesus of Nazareth is not only essential but also radical and, by its very nature, exceedingly divisive. It is neither an open question or a question at multiple choices. On the contrary, demands a 'radical option!

"Christianity says that for the incarnation of God's Son, for his death and his resurrection, for the mystery of faith and grace, in all creation you are asked to renounce his - apparent - autonomy and put themselves under the rule of a specific person, that is, Jesus Christ, and doing what their decisive rule ' [Romano Guardini, In the same place, p. 26].


The only root and source of Christian proclamation does not lie in an ostentatious piety and in a grotesque and well-publicized jumble of good intentions for Humanity e the human.


The Person of Christ - yes, let's face it once and for all and healthy intellectual rigor, even before Christian! - it is divisive in its radical truth about God and man!


"Whoever acknowledges me before men, I will acknowledge before my Father who is in heaven; who will deny me before men, I will also deny before my Father who is in heaven. Do not think that I have come to bring peace on earth; have not come to bring peace, but a sword. I have come to set a man against his father, daughter against mother, in-law from mother-in-law: and a man's enemies will be those of his household " [Matteo 10, 32-36].


The original root and the exclusive source of Logos Christian is, indeed, the Word made flesh, and did the same blood for eternal life and for the final resurrection.


Who do men say, the crowds that I am? And you, who do you say that I am?


In the Gospels of Mark and Matthew, the question followed by the story of the loaves, which is directly evoked listeners: "I do not remember? When I broke the five loaves for the five thousand, how many baskets full of fragments you brought forth?» [Marco 8, 19]; "I do not yet understand? Have you forgotten the five loaves that were enough for the five thousand men and baskets that you gathered?» [Matteo 16, 9].


In Luke, the account of the same event immediately precedes the question of Jesus: "Then Jesus, I took the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to the sky, li blessed, He broke them and gave them to his disciples to distribute to the crowd. They all ate their fill and their advanced pieces took up twelve baskets " [Luca 9, 16-17].


In John, at last, there is no explicit demand of Jesus, but the reaction of "many of the disciples" to the announcement that: "He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood, It has eternal life and I will raise him on the last day. My meat is real food and my blood is drink indeed " [Giovanni 6, 54-55]. «From that moment ', indeed, "Many of the disciples went back, and walked no more with him" [Giovanni 6, 66]. It becomes, pure, an open challenge to the remaining: "Will you well as you leave?» [Giovanni 6, 67].


Who do men say, the crowds that I am? And you, who do you say that I am?


The answer to this question solves the disturbing drama of every human time, troubled by the Absolute Evil and evil are.

The answer to this question solves the shocking tragedy that in every time and place gush and always will flow from the very limits of human nature, decayed and decaying, always exposed to the lure of intellectual and moral corruption, and perpetually at the mercy "of the murderer from the beginning", "The liar and the father of lies" [Giovanni 8, 44] and the "prince of this world" [Giovanni 14, 30].


Jesus the Christ puts himself and actually donated in his Body and his Blood poured out - Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity - far beyond and above any physical law, the only real food subsistence for man and mankind and the only true drink of liberation and salvation.


This true and only Nourishment, Jesus invites his disciples to call: "In our daily bread", the bread of us ultra-substantial, "Give us this day", you by us daily.


'So all we have in Christ […]"- writes Sant’Ambrogio -" and Christ is everything for us. If you want to heal a wound, he is a doctor; if you burn with fever, he is the source; if you are oppressed by, he is justice; if you need help, he is the force; if you fear death, he is life; if you desire heaven, he is the way; if you flee the darkness, he is the light; if you seek food, he is the food " [Virginia, 99].


Who do men say, the crowds that I am? And you, who do you say that I am?


The question of Jesus is placed, then, in the most dramatic moment of Divine Revelation. AND the question of the true man and Only God that "while were fulfilled the days when it was lifted up, It makes hard his face walking towards Jerusalem " [Luca 9, 51].


The answer to your question, indeed, become the talk of the high priest the same dramatic and terrible indictment leading to the death sentence and the ruthless execution on the gallows of the Cross: "Are you the Christ, the Son of God? Jesus answered: It's me! Then the high priest, rent his garments, he said: You have heard the blasphemy, what do you think? All they judged him guilty of death '[Marco 14, 61-64].


In the Mystery of the Passion, Cross and Death of the Person of Christ, (c)he is annihilating "He was God» [Filip Breeding 2, 6] — although it was not but while it is Godindeed, "Body which is annihilated by taking the form of a servant is not already embodied the Christ, but the one who is above the world, found in the form of God " [Hans Urs From Bathasar, Theology the three days, 1969, p. 37].


"Jesus the Christ", St. Athanasius explained, "has hired, being God, the form of a servant, under this assumption is not so raised, but he lowered. The man, on the contrary, He needed to be raised because of the lowness of the flesh and death. He suffered as a man in his flesh the death for us, to present themselves well to the Father in death on our behalf and lift us up with him at that competes eternity " [.Antioch I, 40-41].


Who do men say, the crowds that I am? And you, who do you say that I am?


this question with his answer is the heart of the Gospel, in its dramatic actuality: "The time is fulfilled, the kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the Gospel " [Marco 1,15]. AND this question with his answer and the only legitimate exegesis by reading a "mystery that was not made known to men in other generations as it has now been revealed to his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit: that is, the Gentiles are called, in Christ Jesus, to participate in the same heritage, to form the same body, and to be partakers of the promise through the gospel " [Ephesians, 3, 5-6]. AND this question with his answer the founding act of the Christian Mystery and also its dramatic distinction: "He who is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me, scatters " [Matteo 12, 30]. AND this question with his reply the only way of salvation can: "If Christ has not been raised, your faith is vain and you are still in your sins. And even those who have died in Christ have perished. If our hope in Christ for this life only, we are to be pitied more than all men. Now, instead, Christ rose from the dead, firstfruits of those who have died. For as by a man came death, because a man has come also the resurrection of the dead; Just as all die in Adam, so all will receive life in Christ " [The Corinthians 15, 17-22].


Who do men say, the crowds that I am? And you, who do you say that I am?


The answer to this existential question leaves no way! Here, today and always. The Christian does not believe absurd neither Because it is absurd! The Christian believes responding, "You are the Christ, the Messiah " [Marco 8, 29] because Jesus Christ has met, known and therefore believed in Him and in Him alone can find the infinite and inexhaustible dignity of his to be in ed be-di Christ.


"Know, the cristiano, your dignity, e, that they share in the divine nature, do not return to your former base condition by sinning. Remember who is your head and of whose body you are a member. Think back that, freed from the power of darkness, you have been brought into the light and the kingdom of God " [St. Leo the Great, The word is 21, 3].


Who do men say, the crowds that I am? And you, who do you say that I am?


The Christian does not profess a vague theism intellectual, whose divinity is an unknown be supreme or an ethereal transcendent value.


The Christian "believes firmly and openly admits that there is only one true God, eternal and immense, Almighty, unchangeable, incomprehensible and ineffable, Dad, Son and Holy Spirit: three people, but one essence, substance, that is absolutely simple nature " [Fourth Lateran Council, Catholic Faith, 1].


The Christian recognizes in him who revealed himself to Israel as "I am who I am!» [Exodus 3, 14], the only true God, that is God of the Fathers and, together, It tightens generations alliance, establishing a "throne of love and fidelity" and is "a people to walk in the light of his countenance" [Salmo 89].


Professing "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God!» [Matteo 16, 16] Christian recognizes "a fundamental truth: "We have a Master. More than a Maestro, a Emmanuele, that is, a God with us; we Jesus Christ! It's impossible, indeed, apart from Him, if we know something for sure, full, of God revealed; or better, if we want to have a living relationship, direct and authentic relationship with God " [Paul VI, General Audience, 18 December 1968].


Who do men say, the crowds that I am? And you, who do you say that I am?


The Christian does not adhere to an unspecified creationist doctrine that confuses the image and likeness with God the Creator and Father with a universal equality. Professa, instead, that only Son-Logos is the perfect image of the Father and our


"It's an imperfect resemblance, the one for which the man is said a image and adds our because the man was image of the Trinity; not equal to the Trinity, as the Son of the Father, but accostandosene for a certain resemblance in the way of distant beings are not neighbors for spatial contact, but by imitation. That's what they signified the following words: “Be transformed by the renewal of your spirit and to its recipients the Apostle also says: “Be ye therefore followers of God, as beloved children. It is in fact the new man which is said: “It is renewed in proportion to the knowledge of God, conforming to the image of him that created him "» [St. Augustine, The Trinity, VII, 6.12].


Who do men say, the crowds that I am? And you, who do you say that I am?


The Christian is not such because it adheres to an unknown and changing code of pious intentions and honest behavior: "We believe the love of God, the Christian can express the fundamental decision of his life. Being Christian is not an ethical choice or a lofty idea, but the encounter with an event, with a person, which gives life a new horizon and a decisive direction " [Benedict XVI, Emër, 1].


Who do men say, the crowds that I am? And you, who do you say that I am?


The Christian does not base his Faith, his hope and his charity on a hypothetical great and universal brotherhood, capable of generating tolerance, truth and peace in an indistinct molasses of religions and cults where it is not a question of abandoning one's faith - as the theorists of the New Universal Religion profess - to be part of this new and universal institution and where one believes without belonging [cf.. Grace Davie, Believing without Belonging, in: Social Compass 37(4), 1990, 455-469].


The Christian is such precisely because he confesses "You are the Holy One of God" [Giovanni 6, 69] recognizing that we belong intimately and essentially to the very Body of Christ «not only because it made us Christians, but why did he become Christ himself. Which made us God's grace, giving us Christ as Head? Rejoice, gioite, we become Christ. If he is the Head, we are the members: We are a complete man, he and we. […] The fullness of Christ: the head and members. What is the Head, and what are the limbs? Christ and the Church " (St. Augustine, In Evangelium Tractatus, 21, 8].


Who do men say, the crowds that I am? And you, who do you say that I am?


The answer to this question makes it essential and radical Christian being the disturbing drama, that is, to belong to Christ! That is His Church, of the Church of Christ! And not the Church of someone else!


Faced with the execrable misdeeds of so many, and too many of his, even the most distinguished and honored sons, the horrendous perjury many and too many of those they claim to serve, the complicit silence and abominable falsehoods many and too many of the acclaimed prophets e Masters New time, those of Christ and the Church still find grace to exclaim in his heart: "What a wonderful mystery! There is only one Father, a single Logos the universe, and also one Holy Spirit, same everywhere; there is also one virgin become mother, and I should like to call the Church " [Clement of Alexandria, The tutor, 1, 6, 42].


Who do men say, the crowds that I am? And you, who do you say that I am?


Faith, Hope and Charity, They are for the Christian existential its reply to the Revelation of the Divine Person and the name for which "there is no other name under heaven in which it is established that we can be saved" [Acts 4, 12] and to which - as the Sacrosanct Council Vatican II dogmatically writes - "the obedience of faith is due, with which the man his whole self freely making the full submission of intellect and will, and freely assenting to the revelation that he does " [God's word, 5].


Who do men say, the crowds that I am? And you, who do you say that I am?


The answer to that question reveals the essential, radical, disturbing and dramatic choice between believing and not believing, between the profess or not profess, between faith in Christ and his betrayal of Christ.


From it depends, indeed, that διχάζω - split in two, to separate, and disunity - αφορίζω - Muslim, expel, Banish - verbs that are frequently used by Jesus in his daily train men and crowds, especially in the Parables of the Kingdom, to indicate the tragic fate of the demanding, and nothing to good price, answer this question requires.


Halve, to separate, disunite, to distinguish, expel, ban: verbs the final decision on who refuses to answer the question of Christ.


Verbs that the Gospels put on the lips of the Bridegroom not expected by the foolish virgins [Matteo 25, 1-13]; Groom of refusing the invitation [Luca 14, 16-24] or that the guests disappoint due to the negligence of clothing [Matteo 22, 1-14]; Man disillusioned by the ability of his servants to make money from its assets [Matteo 25, 14-30] ; the owner of the field who patiently waits for the good wheat grow with the tares, before it is thrown into the fire that devours [Matteo 13, 24-30]; Fisherman in whose network entangled bad fish that will be divided by the good "to be thrown into the fiery furnace, There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth " [Matteo 13, 47-50]; and the Eternal Judge, whose implacable judgment concludes with two separated and separating verdicts: "And they will go, to eternal punishment, and the righteous to eternal life " [Matteo 25, 46].


Who do men say, the crowds that I am? And you, who do you say that I am?


The answer to this question does not raise nor fatuous joy nor un'ammorbante laetitia! The meeting with the Christ of God is always just a Grace dearly! The high price of single sanctifying Truth!


The answer to this question requires answer to dear price for a grace, as written by the Lutheran theologian Dietrich Bonhoefer, "Grace is never a cheap '.


Who do men say, the crowds that I am? And you, who do you say that I am?


Apostasy increasingly widespread grabbing like a pestilential disease the Catholic Church by its hierarchical summit as among an increasing number of his ministers, you forget that you have only been constituted which ones co-workers of the truth and not as Curiously, the Truth this question of God's Son, the Jesus of Nazareth of History and the Gospels demands, Today more than ever, only one answer and unambiguous, without hesitation and vacillation in front of the increasingly tragic "conformed to the mentality of this world" that makes it urgent for the whole Church the need to "renew your mind, in order to discern the will of God, What is good, and acceptable and perfect " [Romans 12, 2]. It deals with, in truth, to face a Grace dearly, which alone, however, It can be liberating and salvific.


Who do men say, the crowds that I am? And you, who do you say that I am?


Resound in Rome these days – We hope and pray – prophetic words when Bonhoefer unnecessarily warned his Lutheran Church, but with it the whole of Christendom, the risk of deadly silence this existential, radical, disturbing and dramatic truth of "Christ, Son of the living God " [Matteo 16, 16].


The entire and true Body of which Christ is the Living Head will only be admonished: without a courageous and decisive answer - at great cost - To the question of Jesus wears the same Logos of our faith, our Hope, our Charity.


"A people had become Christian, Luterno, but sacrificing the desire to follow Jesus; it had become cheaply. Grace cheap won. But we know that this cheap grace has been extremely merciless towards us? The price we have to pay today with the ruin of the institutional churches is perhaps not the necessary consequence of the grace acquired too cheaply? Preaching and sacraments were granted at a price too low; He is baptized, you cresimava, It gave absolution to all people without asking questions and without putting conditions; Human love for sacred things were dispensed to men scornful and incredulous; They were distributed rivers of grace without end, while the invitation to follow Jesus with commitment was very rarely heard. […] When was the world ever Christianized in a more hideous and fatal way? What are the three killed thousands of Saxons by Charlemagne physically in front of millions of souls killed today? The admonition is fulfilled upon us that the sins of the fathers shall be punished upon the children unto the third and fourth generation. Cheap grace has proved quite merciless to our evangelical church. And cheap grace has been merciless to most of us personally as well. He has opened us the way to Christ, but rather he has blocked. He has invited us to follow him, but he has hardened us to disobedience. Or was it not cruel and hard if, after having heard the invitation to follow Jesus as an invitation of grace, after, perhaps, once dared to take the first steps on the path that led us to follow the discipline of obedience to his commandments, We were caught by word of cheap grace? […] The smoking flax was off ruthlessly. It was ruthless talk like that to a man, why he, upset by such a cheap offer, he necessarily left the path to which he was called by Jesus, for now he wanted to seize the cheap pardon which forever barred him from recognizing the cheap pardon. It could not be otherwise; the weak man, deceived, possessing the grace at a price had to suddenly feel strong, while, in reality, He had lost the strength to obey, to follow Jesus. The word of cheap grace has ruined more men than any commandment of good works." [Dietrich Bonhöfer, succession, 2007, p. 51-55].






from Aachen to the island of Patmos, 20 February 2019




* Under the pseudonym of Charlemagne there is a baptized Catholic, jurist, political expert, philosopher, expert in international and diplomatic relations that for many years he held several high offices in major international organizations, inter-governmental.





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The paradigm of “as direct Stolta”: from the fifteenth century monasteries reduced to brothels to the twenty-first century infertility. The rejection of reality creates the decadence that leads to death. We can say that in religious life for women all went well after Vatican II ?

— Theologica —



The products posthumously to the Second Vatican Council are now under the eyes of all: half a century by what some suggest as the largest Church Council, or the council of the councils, the Church is facing a crisis of doctrine, moral and spiritual before which it is really hard to find historical precedents, because it is a situation of a crisis entirely new. Therefore, before the as direct Stolta who claims: "Know we can not go back to the dark times of the Council of Trent!», I think I can replicate that in terms of women's religious life, perhaps it would be better to go back to the period before the Council of Trent, when many female monasteries were reduced to authentic brothels, because in fact we spent the better, at least, They coexisted with the good wheat and weeds.



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Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo

It was in the end of the year away 1563 when the 3 December, two days before the closure of the session, The Council of Trent approved a decree on religious and the nuns. Within this document they were also established more precise rules on the subject of the enclosure, linked to religious and to the interiors and exteriors of their homes. Already at the end of the thirteenth century, with bubble dangerously promulgated in 1298 by Pope Boniface VIII, then entered into force in 1302, the norms on the observance of the enclosure and its reintroduction were reaffirmed wherever they had been abandoned [1]. Even despite, at the turn of the XV and XVI century, rules enclosure had not been effectively implemented, except by a few female religious orders: the Poor Clares, the Dominicans, the first Carmelite and Carthusian. All other nuns, especially those living in their great abbeys and monasteries, It had increasingly moved away from those very precise and strict rules aimed at the moral protection of women's religious institutions.


It would be interesting and instructive to study in depth of Teresa of Avila real life, that his daughters for the first are careful not to transmit, making them more comfortable to just remember and recount his sublime ecstasies, but they came toward the end of his life. Different was the existence of this great Saint and reformer of the Carmelite Order, just remember that when he was appointed prioress of the Monastery of the Incarnation in Avila, the one hundred and thirty nuns who lived there gave rise to riots to prevent her from entering, until he physically attacks on the door of the monastery the procession that accompanied the new prioress, who was not elected by the chapter of nuns, but chosen by superiors of the Order at the urging of the Ecclesiastical Authority of the place, to bring into line the turbulent and relaxed inhabitants of the monastery. Why not mention that this great Tridentine reform, First of mystical ecstasy, He had to use as prioress of the populous monastery of on-call duty, used as appropriate for business to beat the rebellious nuns? And why, not mentioning that his room was guarded night and its cuisine and its controlled foods with care to avoid being poisoned? Therefore, the figure of St. Teresa of Avila only reduced to a mystical ecstatic Christological love, is an image that if one part is more convenient course, other less embarrasses all those who to this day, albeit in different ways and forms, in over five hundred years they have not yet transposed the solemn lesson of their Holy Mother.


How Teresa's lesson has not been transposed? To do understand we must always resort to practical concrete examples, like this: Some years ago I found myself celebrating Mass in a monastery of Carmelite nuns in place of the chaplain. When at the time of Holy Communion I went to the grating of the choir, the prioress came forward to me with a glass case to take the Eucharist to a nun who could not walk. the whispered:


"Rev. Madre, do not worry about it, I open the lattice gate that I enter into the choir to bring Communion to the sick nun ".


Replica prioress:


"It is not possible, knows: we papal enclosure, for this I am an extraordinary minister of Holy Communion ".


I do not put certain to make a fuss with the ciborium in his hand containing the Precious Body of Christ, the so called the Holy Eucharist to bring to sister. After Mass I left the church and, before rising in the car, I put it in a hidden corner of the outer wall of the enclosure, I turned on the phone and checked if there were missed calls and messages. And so, from within Blessed papal enclosure, I hear male voices. I move away from the wall and climb on a nearby off to see from a distance if I can catch a glimpse inside the cloistered space. Beyond the wall of Blessed papal enclosure there were two people in their twenties, dressed in a tank top and shorts - to clarify: The football shorts, in practice the underwear - which I assume were doing chores, because they work tools. It was clear that at that time they were on break, In fact they were talking loudly loudly and fiddling with one of their cell phones, as if they were watching something particularly funny on display.


Needless to specify in, because with common sense we can also reach the fasting in canon law: a presbyter, the exercise of its functions can sacramental, indeed must enter the necessary papal enclosure, with all the methods dictated by the canons and the monastic rules - I know, and my brother priests equally -, to administer the Sacraments to the sick nuns. But above all I have full authority to do that just in case, while the prioress prevented me to join the choir during the celebration of Holy Mass to bring Holy Communion to a sick before the whole community, and under the eyes of the faithful in the church, at the same time, however, he allowed a couple of young men more undressed than dressed to move uninhibited, coarse and irreverent in the spaces of Blessed papal enclosure the Discalced Carmelites. And while pouring followed the diaphanous image of Teresa of Avila in ecstasy, at the same time it continues to ignore that Holy Mother, the reform of the Order Carmelite, He made it necessary even with a stick. And with this as I think was explained and clarified how five hundred years, not for a few, rather unfortunately for many, They are spent unnecessarily, from century to century, from reform to reform.




When problems are very serious and situations that derive truly tragic, I always avail of a consolidated my faculties: From a note of color. In this case, a rose note, femininely intended. Indeed, to inspire this paper was a woman belonging to the most unfortunate of women's categories, which it is that of so-called its direct Stolte. Having said this, it should be stated that many priests and monks, in their superficial folly, They can only be overcome by the nuns. The sisters remain unsurpassed in fact an element to which even the worst of clerics and religious never be able to reach: that particular malice characterized by cruelty elements often untold which is totally unique and peculiar of the sisters. And so, finding a deal with a as direct Stolta belonging to one of an increasing number of congregations in agony destined in the coming years to the total extinction for lack of vocations and for the now very high age of religious in it survived, my question if by chance, during the period after the Second Vatican Council, something in his, as in many other congregations, It did not go the right way, the poor responds with this display of admirable acumen: "Know we can not go back to the dark times of the Council of Trent!».


The I state and I admit "candidly": I do not ask better than to be able to embarrass a as direct Stolta, those which on one hand are afraid of opening, modernity and confidence, on the other, if a four year old of their asylum must be helped to urinate, here to assist ship's secular teacher, They may remain troubled day and night for a week by the attribute of a beardless little angel, though the little angels do not orinino, since they lacked the raw material, namely the manly attribute, given that the angels have no sex. Indeed, none of our Guardian Angels was never sick prostate, while being forced to act as patron to some of the worst priests, the worst of the worst monks and nuns, What this would cause prostate cancer also apparatus urologenitale healthier. Maybe that's why the angels were created without sex, to avoid serious inflammatory and cancer diseases of the urogenital reactive to having to fulfill the role of priests keepers, brothers and sisters. Granted and admitted everything, I went to my answer was that this:


"You see, Dear sister, the Council of Trent, in case you did not know, of merit he has had many and, to be honest, the worst darkness, if anything, has freed us. In a very special way he has delivered you religious, for example prohibiting the establishment and the lives of those who called themselves secular language Case Closed».


However, since the as direct Stolta I do not understand, I wonder if instead or pretended not to understand, I had to enlighten thus continuing the conversation:


"... you know that before the Council of Trent had obscure monasteries and convents that were authentic brothels? Suffice it to say that during his homily from the pulpit of the Basilica of San Marco held on 25 December 1497, the famous Franciscan preacher Timothy from Lucca had railed against the sins being committed in the convents of Venice denouncing: “[…] when some Lord in this land, you show him the monasteries of nuns, but they are not monasteries, but brothels and public brothels” [2]. Such were in fact the monasteries - that is to say the brothels - because the noble and rich families in a very particular way, often related to issues both their assets, It is sometimes also political issues, locked up - or as they used to say they monk - their daughters, within those religious structures, But they had their separate accommodation, their servants and their own kitchen. There were powerful and noble families who built specifically abbeys and monasteries for their daughters, equipping of assets and income; and young nun of these families, in these monasteries were always elected abbess and rigor, because otherwise the powerful family would have revoked annuities. Animate so far by faith, vocation and virtues of life, young led within those sacred walls mundane existences, not infrequently as real courtesans, complete with internal parties and men who went in and out without problems; and monasteries where reigned absolute in the most unspeakable moral debauchery, They were those of the Benedictine monks and nuns of the Cistercian ".


In 1514 the Inquisition in Venice He had the opportunity to deal with a case beyond the same human imagination, the pious Benedictine monks of the Monastery of San Zaccaria, than happy to have turned their parlor - and not just the parlor -, in a reception lounge for youngsters, singers and actors, One day they organized a costume party that in its course turned into a veritable bacchanal that rivals the ancient cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum, that as we remind any fasts in Roman history they were two brothels in the open [3].


The Church Council of Trent first he reported the monasteries and convents to be what they were supposed to be: places of prayer and penance. The decree of 3 December 1563 He forbade the profession of vows before the age of sixteen and the entrance into the monastery before the twelve; He imposed the requirement of at least one year of novitiate and ruled that the bishop FINDS the real will of the young person to freely pursue a religious life. That decree reestablished so the principle of the enclosure, and subject to few exceptions no nun could leave the monastery and no outsider could enter, especially men. In 1566, with bubble About pastoral duties the Holy Pontiff Pius V impose the penalty of excommunication of all offenders, while the ecclesiastical laws had already clarified and included among the offenses that of carnal sacrilege. So only a priest, preferably elderly or in any case chosen with care by the bishop, He was admitted within the enclosure and solely to administer the sacraments to the sick or infirm nuns, and it was required by canon laws that four elderly nuns I welcome him at the entrance of the enclosure, They accompany him and then lead him back exit. The young nuns relationships with family were reduced to short meetings in the parlor, all with the rigid separation created by dense gratings, from which he could hear the voice of the nun but only barely one could catch a glimpse of the figure. The great noble families raised many protests against this hardening of convent life, but none of their protests prevented the application of the new rules born from the "dark times of the Council of Trent", which prevented families to solve their capital problems and inheritance sending their daughters in the abbeys and monasteries, and also preventing daughters without any glimmer of vocation to change these religious houses in authentic brothels within which to lead lives of real courtesans. A phenomenon, that of young people forced to monastication, who assumed implications at times not a little disturbing, especially in the cities of Venice, Naples and Palermo.


Several decades after the end of the Council of Trent, the civil authorities of the Republic of Venice came to introduce a law against Munich - the nuns lovers were given in this way - which provided up to the death penalty, This is not only for the carnal sacrilege but also for the simple violation of the enclosure. Law introduced in concrete but remained a dead letter made, because both the dissolute nuns, both their Munich, they belonged, if no penalty but almost always, the most powerful and highly placed families of those same cities.


Not only, with the Council of Trent, dignity was returned to religious life, because after that season of reform, the Church and the world was able to witness one of his extraordinary rebirth. All with all due respect to the as direct Stolta with hair in the wind and to his knees skirts fluttering on the 'obscurantism Tridentine "at the bedside of his dying congregation now in the oncology department of women's religious life, which currently hospitalized dozens of religious congregations that within a few years no longer exist.


It was the true obscurantism!




The Council of Trent It was not exactly a meeting between brothers gathered in Rome to talk a little ' modernization and pastoral, replacing dialogue at the harsh sentence e the rigor of the hard doctrine to theological reasoning open and pluralist, like five centuries following - just to clarify -, It was reduced the Second Vatican Council, during which it was produced: before para-council theologians in cahoots with journalists, Then follows the much more problematic post-council, which gave rise to that for years I define as the Council egomenico socio-theologians. The Council of Trent had first run for eighteen years [1545 – 1563] and it took place under the pontificates of Popes Paul III, born Alessandro Farnese principles [Canine 1468 - Rome 1549], Giulio III [Monte San Savino 1487 - Rome 1555], PO IV [Milan 1499 - Rome 1565]. I considered it appropriate to clarify this history because of the ignorance that reigns today - alas, even and especially in the Catholic clergy -, not rarely have heard clergy and pastors in the care of souls say that the Council of Trent would take place under the pontificate of St. Pius V, He was instead elected two years after the closing of the Council of Trent, In the 1566. This confusion unfortunately generated from gross ignorance stems from the fact that the Saint Pius V published 14 July 1570 the reformed and unified edition Roman Missal, also known as Missal of St. Pius V or how Tridentine Missal.


The Council of Trent offered, Also at disciplinary level, undoubted, large and effective treatments. We could say that in his own way he established chemotherapy to fight cancer and prevent the spread of metastases in the body of the Church. Even in spite of the visible Church it was far from the mutate in the following decades in the Heavenly Jerusalem, because the fight against cancer and metastases will always be ineffective if oncologists in charge fail to carry out the treatment with all its therapies. All this we learn from the writings and words penned fire and spoken by different saints in their lyrics or sermons. Sant'Alfonso Maria de 'Liguori, Bishop and Doctor of the Church [1696-1726] He did not hesitate to complain about the bleak and low level of Bishops of Southern Italy, their economic interests and their subservience to political power in achieving the benefits and perquisites; He did not hesitate even to identify them scarce pastoral skills, but above the low theological formation, with all that could ensue from such bishops to their clergy. Needless to say, we are about two centuries after the close of the Council of Trent.


Complaints similar to those of the Holy Bishop and doctor Alfonso Maria de 'Liguori, emerge in different expressive style but identical in substance from the writings of Blessed Antonio Rosmini, It collected more than a century after the work The Five Wounds of the Holy Church [the text edited by Rosmini Fathers is readable WHO].


Are Sant'Alfonso Maria de ’Liguori, below Blessed Antonio Rosimini, respectively they were expressed in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries within terms so real and severe, this is due to the fact that after two three centuries after the close of the Council of Trent, even some of its fundamental rules had not yet been applied in many regions of old Europe, including quite a few ancient local churches of apostolic foundation. Like this, for seeming paradox, The Council of Trent had better and more widespread application in mission lands through the work of missionaries, that moving the Tridentine whole continents evangelized disciplines. The consequences were that, while in the missions of Latin America the missionaries provided to institute in the 16th century seminars made compulsory by the Fathers of the Council for the formation of priests, in many ancient Diocese of Southern Italy, the mid-eighteenth century, the seminars were not yet in place. And when they were instituted, it were to form in them the children of the nobility or the upper middle class, then be allocated to important ecclesiastical posts, while the majority of future priests seguitavano to receive their education from poor rural pastors as they did before the Council of Trent. It should not be forgotten that for matters both political and economic, in many European countries, the application of many canons of the Council of Trent, It was hampered by the rulers, obviously with the complacent acquiescence of the local bishops, that if one side did not apply, on the other profited, by the Bourbons in southern Italy as the German princes in the far north of Europe, their good benefits and perquisites.


The Council of Trent established the age of twenty-five years to receive priestly ordination, but many bishops are not adhered to that as to other provisions, It is something comprehensive as one of the great saints of charity, Vincenzo de 'Paoli [Pouy, 1581 - Paris, 1660], coming from a very poor family and encouraged by his father to study divinity with the support of a wealthy lawyer of Toulouse who paid his education expenses, but above all we do not know if it moved initially from a true vocation, which in any case came later and with results quite extraordinary. Indeed, the father, he hoped that in the future, acquired one status superior, his son could help and support the family. Regardless of the provisions of the first four decades by the canons of the Council of Trent, the Bishop of Toulouse ordained him priest at only nineteen years 23 September of 1600.




The sixteenth century was undoubtedly the century of the great reformers and great Saints who formed and concrete implementation of the reforms made by the Council of Trent, think of Saint Ignatius [Azpeitia, 1491 - Rome, 1556] and his first Comrades, a San Filippo Neri [Florence, 1515 - Rome 1595] and St. Felix of Cantalice [Cantalice, 1515 - Rome, 1587], a San Carlo Borromeo [Arona, 1538 – Milano, 1584], to San Pietro da Alcantara [Alcántara, 1499 – Arenas, 1562], a Santa Teresa d’Avila [Avila, 1515 - Alba de Tormes, 1582] and St. John of the Cross [Fontiveros, 1542 – Úbeda, 1591], San Giovanni d'Avila [Almodovar del Campo, 1499 - Montilla, 1569], St John of God [Montemor-o-Novo, 1495 – Granada, 1550] ... without forgetting of course the already mentioned figure of the Saint Pius V [Bosco Marengo, 1504 - Rome, 1572], that for these Saints was inspiring and authentic teaching model, moral and pastoral virtues.


The vices and moral decadence that snaked in convents and monasteries between the fifteenth and the sixteenth, They were far from being eradicated. Or to put it with some sad examples chosen at random among the many historically available: a stone's throw from Rome, in the town of Sora, the mid-nineteenth, in the canonical territory of the Diocese of Sora-Aquino-Pontecorvo, the abbess of the monastery of Santa Chiara, Domna Maria Francesca Tronconi, Arch-communicated Montecassino, Dom Celestino Gonzaga from Naples, that Canon Basil Fortuna, member of the Chapter of the Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta in Sora and ordinary confessor of the nuns of St. Clare, He had abused three nuns during sacramental confessions and have them put pregnant. of the three, a certain Iacobelli, in the days that the abbess wrote that letter she would be close to giving birth [4].


How can we forget what we are then able certain religious, just tell among many a case: In the 1821, two nuns of the monastery of St. Andrew Apostle to Arpino and with them a third, even schoolgirl, They accused the ordinary confessor of serious harassment. After careful canonical investigations the allegations proved unfounded, however, and the three women withdrew their complaint, trying to argue that you were wrong and that they had merely misunderstood the priest. The sad story was completely different, however, in terms: one of the nuns had marchingegnato all with the support and complicity of the other two, wishing she retaliate in every way the confessor who the previous year had Ecclesiastical Authority denounced a priest to serious abuses of religious. The priest denounced, But this was a relative of a nun, he thought tarnished the good name of his family because of that complaint. Like this, the religious, he tried to take revenge by making the same accusation to this innocent [5].


According to the term of the Holy Bishop and Doctor of the Church Ambrose of Milan [Gaul 337 – Mediolanum 397] the Church is "chaste whore», One woman chaste. Expression, the ancient Bishop of Milan on which over a decade ago, the Venerable Pontiff Benedict XVI structured one of his homilies indicating the Church as "holy and made up of sinners" [6] [the full text is readable, WHO]. In some particular historical moments, the Church does not even appear to be made up simply defeasible men and sinners, but as a veritable structure of sin which produces an internal sin and that it spreads to its outer.


Even before the Council of Trent, the immorality and the great moral decay that raged in the clergy was condemned in the strongest possible terms by the Fourth Lateran Council, Seventy who promulgated decrees of reform and that he was called to the man of iron of Pope Innocent III [Gavignano 1161 – Perugia 1216]. The disciplinary canons of this council suggest in a very clear and comprehensive way what were the deep and serious moral lapse and corruptions that impestavano the clergy. but yet, a few decades later, after the celebration of that Council, another saint and doctor of the Church, Bonaventura da Bagnoregio [Bagnoregio 1221 - Lyon 1274], he expressed himself in these terms at all reassuring:


"Rome corrupts the prelates who corrupt the priests who corrupt the People of God".


To assess the situation in this Church, one wonders if the disciplinary canons against moral immorality of the clergy were written for the church 1215 or to those of today [text in Italian translation is readable, WHO].


No Council, He never made the perfect Church, none of them has ever destroyed corruption of man and sin. I concilî, some of them in particular, They have given the Church oxygen and they put her in a position to continue to live in an ecclesial body made up of clerics and lay faithful within which always lived with sinners and saints. All this is explained by the parable of the weeds and the good grain that ends with these words:


«[…] From where it is therefore the tares? And he answered them: An enemy has done this. And the servants said: Do you want us to go and gather? No, He answered, because when you, gathering the weeds, with it also uproot the wheat. Let them both grow together until the harvest, and at the time of harvest I will say to the reapers: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to burn; but gather the wheat into my barn " [Mt 13, 27-30].




To answer this question let's start from the figures: the world's population now has seven and a half billion people, in today's world the average age of a woman's life is 70 years and eight months; that of a European woman is 84 years and nine months. Today the world's Catholics are about one billion three hundred million. The religious orders and religious congregations, according to statistics the 30 October 2018 They have made official data 2017, amount to 659.445, subtracting the number of deaths to the number of new religious professions have a decrease of less 10.885, the average age of religious is equal to 64 year old, but if the statistics were removed from Africa and some Asian countries, the average age of religious would be above 70 year old, testing is something that in Europe, for two decades in this part, religious are gradually disappearing from whole diocese [cf. official statistics, WHO]. We are now going back sixty years, to be exact, five years before the opening of the Second Vatican Council, when according to the paradigm of as direct Stolta used as the theme of my writing, vigevano rules "obscurantist" the Council of Trent. In 1958 the world population had two billion nine hundred million people, Catholics around the world were about 800 millions, the average age of a woman's life was 49 year old, that of a European woman 67 year old, religious orders and religious congregations were in 1957 one million and sixty thousand, the average age of the religious was 41 year old, subtracting the number of deaths to the number of new religious professions have increased more 12.450.


I point out, who possibly had not paid any attention, when are these two alarming statistics: that recorded when ever existed "obscurantism Tridentine", one recorded half a century after the explosion of New Pentecost occurred with the Second Vatican Council. The alarming fact is based on both the number of the world population and on that of Catholics worldwide. Indeed, in the era when "obscurantist" the world's population did not reach three billion people and the Catholics were about 800 millions, religious in the world were more than a million, while half a century after New Pentecost, compared with a world population more than doubled - seven billion and a half people -, and in the face of a worldwide Catholic population increased from about 800 millions of faithful to one billion three hundred million, religious are lowered to an equal number to over 400.000 in just sixty years, all - I repeat again - while the world's population had more than doubled, while Catholics were half a billion members in more than about half a century before.


If the numbers are dry and have no soul, But they have a history, above all, a reason for being, here then rise to the first question: if after what some ecclesiastics and contemporary theologians define triumphantly as the greatest council of church history, we have come to these statistics; if by the day close religious institutions, monasteries and convents historical tradition, someone, intends to begin to wonder if, in what at the time was defined as New Pentecost, something did not go the right way? It is a response, this, which is required so serenely painful to the Ecclesiastical Authority and to the Pastors of the Church, It is not claimed by prevention, or irony, and least of all by blind ideology: is a response claimed by the numbers, which as I said before do not have souls, but they have their own history and their reason for being. E, These staggering numbers, half a century since the end of the church council represent a question that just claim reply, although it costs to admit that just before, that during and after the Second Vatican Council, something went wrong, with the consequent result that today we have before; results made entirely undeniable aridity, but at the same time from the undeniable precision of the numbers.




Between the mid-sixties and the early seventies of the twentieth century, the lives of most women's congregations was shocked - more and worse than those of men -, the largest wave of so-called "update". There have been various capocomici during the unhappy season of the post-conciliar egomenico - at the head of all the Jesuits, that in many religious institutes held for many years the ministry of confessors and spiritual directors -, who they have literally turned upside down life, the meaning of life and charisma of those institutions. O, always use concrete examples: but to 1965 religious were covered with their clothes from head to toe and her hair completely hidden by the veil, the meaning and the sense of which date until the time of the apostolic. The same Blessed Virgin Mary is depicted in iconography since the first centuries with so-called maphorion [maphórion]. The maphorion, then known as "monastic veil", It was and still is the sign of the virgins consecrated to God. The Blessed Apostle Paul, addressing to the people of Corinth, recommended for women to cover their heads. It is an apostolic letter from undoubtedly put the era and culture in which it was written, but through a message that has never lost relevance it implies the sign and the intimate sense of belonging to God the woman he consecrated [The Cor 11, 1-6]. But here suddenly, a few years after the last council, we found ourselves in front of nuns dressed in tailors, with skirts that barely covered the knee and with dyed hair treated with permanent and cared for by styling your hair done at the hairdresser. I wonder and wonder: and perhaps an attack of treason, just say and nothing but the truth, namely that such things, in North America and several European countries, They are mainly occurring at those religious congregations which have always, if not for real tradition, They are availing themselves of the Jesuits as confessors, spiritual directors, teachers and preachers? [one example among many, WHO].


The facts show that the so-called "updating" of the religious in tailors, with bare heads and hairdresser's curls, produced emptying of entire congregations, which will disappear permanently when octogenarians survived today will finally be buried with their tailors, their bare heads and put them into the fold of the hairdresser. But, die-date! And with them it will be delivered to the grave of their religious congregation, and also just updated.




In certain things we must proceed with caution because unfortunately there is an ideological closure priori: indeed, everything is black, itself is beautiful and good. Above all, everything is black, survived victim, or falling victim to the nefarious colonial policies and conquest of the various countries of the West. If in various countries of the African continent today we find ourselves with an unmanageable clergy who, starting from the great chimera of inculturation - another magical word of the post council - ended up becoming a clergy that ranges between animism and an adulterated and corrupt Catholicism, this is due to the fact that between the middle and the end of the Sixties, the Holy Pontiff Paul VI had the questionable vision of wanting to create at all costs of the local bishops, unmindful that some of those countries had been evangelized even thirty years ago. There have been numerous cases of elevated subject to the episcopal dignity only forty years, or at thirty or thirty-eight, who had been baptized and become Christians at thirteen or fifteen years, after being born and raised in families that had taught them from childhood to animistic cults and the worship of ancestral spirits.


In times gone by there someone tried to tell the Holy Pontiff Paul VI that in order to create an indigenous clergy, and that it took generations to create the first bishops chosen among natives was best to wait for a century, or at least no less than seventy or eighty, but at this, he well knew him well, would not listen, committing, in this as in other cases, of considerable errors. We clarify the whole with an example related to a sad figure, that Archbishop Emmanuel Milingo, excommunicated in 2006 and then discharged from the clerical state in 2009 [official document, WHO] …


… Emmanuel Milingo was born in 1930 Zambia, African country where real evangelization - after some sporadic attempts made only at the end of the nineteenth century in a few places by small groups of missionaries -, It starts only after 1915. He received the baptism in 1942 the age of twelve and priestly ordination in 1958 at the age of 28 year old. In 1959, just 39 year old, He is elected Archbishop of Lusaka, Capital of Zambia. He received episcopal consecration by Pope Paul VI, who he had wanted bishop and who greeted him as the youngest bishop in the entire African Continent. This timeline does not need comments, because the apotheosis imprudence is enclosed all the dates, which just add that the apostolic vicariates established around the 1915 Zambia, They have only been elevated to diocese between the 1959 and the 1976. Emmanuel Milingo was the first native archbishop of the Archdiocese of Lusaka, his predecessors were two appointed Polish Jesuit missionary bishops holders and placed at the head of the Apostolic Vicariate: Bruno Wolnik from 1927 al 1950; Adam Kozłowiecki dal 1955 al 1969. The latter, First he cultivated and then pointed to Paul VI, the young Emmanuel Milingo as a figure of Episcopal profile. In the consistory of 21 February 1998 Adam Kozłowiecki was made a cardinal by the Holy Father John Paul II, while Emmanuel Milingo, for its problematic not sustainable on site, He had already been forced to give up the government of his diocese and called to Rome in 1983. Fifteen years before the mentor Emmanuel Milingo was created cardinal for his missionary and pastoral merits - merits to which you could add a concept in vogue in the Society of Jesus, or the “ability to discern” —, he had already given all the problems worse, until his grotesque participation as a guest singer at the Italian Song Festival in San Remo 1997, to follow with its entry into a sect, his sham marriage with a Korean Lady, his act of apostasy from the faith and of schism from the Catholic Church. At the concrete evidence of Emmanuel Milingo facts he has not done anything to miss, however, it remains unanswered the key question: those who occasionally helps with its own light, emotional and imaginative recklessness the birth and development of similar “monsters”, in our Church in which Caesar is never wrong and Caesar's wife is always and penalty above any suspicion?


What have been the results of certain pastoral choices? It was, unfortunately, that many bishops of these countries just evangelized, in fact they behaved as the great tribal leaders, but above all they had always at groups of young service nuns belonging to the myriad of congregations of diocesan right arose like mushrooms during the whole of Africa; and all with the same original and strange charisma: assist bishops and priests. However, in a socio-cultural context in which today priestly celibacy, but especially chastity linked to it, it is not easy to penetrate, it was necessary to collect, for bishops and for priests, of the domestic sexual so clean, so to speak, avoiding, if anything, that the priests leave pregnant girls from village to village. And what happened to practice, If the nun became pregnant? If it was not had an abortion - what unfortunately happened several times -, at that point the nun ended thrown out by the community, and the priest sent instead to study in Rome at the Congregation expenses of reliable advertising.


Since the anthropological wolf He loses his hair but not the vice, here in 2008, the four corners of the large refectory of the Roman Collegio San Pietro next to the Pontifical Urban University, appear signs that warn: "It is forbidden to the priests pick up the nuns in their rooms'. Signs that were read by dozens of priests, including two today, more than a decade away, They have become bishops, one of an African diocese, one of a missionary diocese of Latin America; were in fact the ones who, to inform me of these signs posted by the rector of the college and to make me see the images themselves photographed.


While in the prime of New Pentecost the houses of religious institutes were emptied during the seventies, while many novitiates were now deserted and shortly thereafter, the nuns of old Europe would have to begin to come to terms with age, here is that their superiors general farsighted decided together with their tips to open missions in several African and Asian countries. And in the late seventies and early eighties he began: the shameless and somewhat immoral ways recruitment drive we might in some ways be compared to a real It is black.


But we have to prudently fly on how to treat and difficult to put on the right line certain African youth, culturally refractory even the most basic forms of discipline are the backbone of community life in religious communities, because addressing certain issues would stand promptly in response a polyphonic chorus of souls politically correct to begin the solemn hymn: At racist, the racist! And we do not talk about what happened in certain religious communities when they are ready rather than Brazilian groups, with elderly nuns who prayed for the grace of a good death fast, or at least the grace to remain deaf and blind as soon as possible, ond'evitar of attending some havoc.


This manovalanza acquired in such shopping campaigns to prevent the extinction of certain congregations, although no time, almost always it has also been particularly expensive, with implications far from clean. Many of these congregations, the acquisition of certain religious, They have paid and are continuing to pay with the economic maintenance of all the families of the nuns. To this are then added to the depredations of the sisters themselves, They just could have seized money from the speakers or the resources of religious communities, to send to their relatives in their countries of origin. Repeatedly, these sisters, always at the expense of the community they have brought their brothers and sisters in Europe, forcing the congregation to provide for their accommodation, including that of brothers and nephews anything but willing to work, Why, in some African countries and cultures, to work is the woman, not the man. It's here, to prevent the polyphonic choir of politically correct souls ready to cheer At racist, the racist! Part, steps to the complaint, it is good to remain silent about the nationality of some of these African men, allergic to such point to the work that, if one day encounter the person who invented the job, would not hesitate to kill barrel. I refer of course to those who, although not to work, They prefer much more to bring their wives and their daughters into prostitution on the streets of our cities, Finally exercising their job: pull his pocket money then when they go to take them back at the end of their service.


After the wave of African and Brazilian, It has come below that of Indian. In that case we met several times before really young pretty girls. And when a very beautiful European girl became a nun, This was almost always a sign of a particular vocation and solid, because if he wanted, He would have pleased and happy life when you choose the best husband that she could choose, because it has always, female beauty, It is an asset that can produce excellent weddings.


The recruitment drive indiana It does not however take into account one thing, or rather he did not want to take them into account: in most parts of India, if a family does not have the money necessary to constitute a dowry to his daughter, this, It was also a pearl of rare beauty, can not marry. And girls who can not get married, often they choose between two different trades: be prostitutes in Calcutta, or to the nuns. And between the two choices, Many rightly choose the second option.


The superiors general of the congregations who have done shopping campaigns in India, If they want to tell us what happened, those girls so beautiful but so poor, free for this wedding dowry, when they arrived nuns in Italy? Well, given that most priests are liars only the nuns, knowing that such a question would remain unanswered or otherwise be processed with a response of all false, the truth will be better for you to narrate I: most of these beautiful girls, arrived in Italy or other European countries, shortly after they found a man that if he married is treating them as authentic queens. Indeed, for the Italian man, and in general for European men, a young woman, beautiful and above all with the femininity now-lost many of our tomboys women only able to place themselves in a professional and social competition with men, is a wealth that is priceless. That's where many of the beautiful girls are over, arrived in Italy as nuns, in response to shopping campaigns by many dying religious congregations who are breathing their last breaths thanks to the New Pentecost.




Many religious congregations have large real estate portfolios. Numerous possess great stable and of great historical and artistic value, They possess other large buildings that were once kindergartens, schools, education institutions and colleges. Turning to the only Roma, It is visible for all to see that already many of these buildings have been transformed into shelters or hotels, other leased or sold to private. Naturally, and especially coming from the historic centers of large cities, it will not be possible to convert all these facilities in hotels or in prestigious locations representative offices of private companies or freelancers with the parcels to six zeros. Therefore, Most of these assets, They are intended to be sold off in a short time. So that, within a short time, We witness the most colossal sellout of religious Real Estate. Perhaps, businessmen and various vultures, They have already done their accounts, or maybe, with cold lucidity, They have already done the project to divide the pie among various real estate companies and groups of individuals and wealthy businessmen.


To this figure, or if you prefer at this tragic chronicle of death foretold, unite all the complications arising from nefarious shopping campaigns. Example: There are religious congregations who for many decades, if not for centuries, we are dedicated to childhood education or the management of secondary schools are characterized by the high quality of training. These institutions, for greater, They were holding up thanks to the nuns who were all of them teachers; to be fair, They were also some of great teachers and high level. During the New Pentecost, the Holy Spirit, instead fill vocations novitiates, But it seems that for inscrutable mystery of grace has emptied them, while in, the nuns, over time grew old. Thanks to recruitment drive several congregations managed to survive by acquiring a number of African and Indian nuns, which however, far from graduates and far from perfectly juggle in the Italian language, They had little training school and they could not speak the Italian language, So imagine if you could replace their older sisters in school education. A quel point, if it was possible, the institute was changed into a hotel in which today, a group of young African and Indian nuns, do the maids, while the few surviving old Italian will step forward to run and manage as long as they will live as long or will the whole administration. Request: what's going to happen, When elderly Italian nuns die and these institutions, with related assets, They will end up in the hands of the fruit of the wicked recruitment drive? Because tomorrow, the so-called "proprietary completely", They will be groups of foreign Sisters of low culture, without proper instruction, with some knowledge of the Italian language and so to follow.


Given that the current nuns have always tried to stay away, as I believe it is good to stay away from the corpses put in the morgue refrigerator cells awaiting you some free place for their burial in the cemetery overcrowded, in my own priestly ministry and pastoral experience I can say that I have known in Italy only a handful of African and Asian sisters with deep training and professional skills. For instance: I remember some Indian sisters in one of the best clinics in Rome, owned and run by the congregation of these religious, are professional nurses who all surgeons operating in that structure always try to get as close to the operating room assistants, because they are of an extraordinary talent. But we must note that these Indian nuns are native state of Kerala, where the Christian culture is very ancient and where that particular church boasts its apostolic foundation, occurred in the year 52 D.C.. Apostle Thomas to work. And for culture and ancient Christian tradition, religious Kerala are totally different from those of other religious region of India which are vegetarian and do not eat meat for fear of being able to feed some of their ancestor reincarnated as a cow or a calf. Also in Rome, I met an outstanding Filipino nun, Today almost seventy, arrived in Italy just nineteen years of age, who for years he was a teacher and principal of a middle school run by his religious congregation. In addition to his hard work and for her extraordinary capacity for work, this religious speaks Italian as a true native speaker, he received at the time the degree in letters and has been for nearly forty years a very good teacher and then principal of the school teaching. Even in this case, But, we're talking about a woman born in the Philippines, where Catholicism was not brought a few decades ago, but it has a history of more than five hundred years, however it characterized by a Catholic population particularly linked to the Christian faith and deeply devoted to Rome. Different story but completely analogous to that of the Philippine nun, that of a Congolese nun who juggles a perfect Italian and speaks English beautifully, French and Spanish. This religion of Congolese origin comes from an old family being Catholic for generations and that he decided to become a nun when, with a scholarship, He came little more than eighteen years in Rome to carry out their university studies, after studying for four years at the Italian High School in his hometown, He is having planned her parents to send her to study in the European metropolis which they consider the great world capital of Christendom. And here we note that the evangelization of Congo got underway in the late fifteenth century, while the early seventeenth century, the Jesuits established in that country the institution of the Holy Savior, that will train for years to follow the classes Congolese leaders, while in the mid-seventeenth century came the Capuchin Friars Minor, which he was instead given the task to educate and assist the local clergy in the erection of parishes.


Subject to the exceptions and without fear that the polyphonic choir of political correctness gives startup hymn At racist, the racist! The products of these shopping campaigns, in addition to the large number of Indian sisters landed the religious life because without dowries and thus the fundamental means to marry, was the introduction in many religious congregations of many Sisters from various African countries recently evangelized, become Christian by teenagers, lack a deep Christian formation and without adequate religious formation due to their own lack of Christian education, steeped in animism, He is suffering from quite a few superstitions and in fact tied to ancestral cults AGAIN. When old Italian nuns who now govern the day their lives with his teeth, and on the other they continue to hold and manage these congregations, will fail, what will happen to these institutions, including their assets often substantial sums, when everything will be in the hands of the products of unhappy campaign purchases?




The fruits produced by New Pentecost, or as others say "to input that air spring in the closets too long closed the Holy Church of God", They are those that we can see: are fruits that have produced a religious crisis in women's institutions as he had never seen before. After all we have planted a tree that was to be the most beautiful and lush garden, and although in fact it is not, there are those who declares him to be, throwing all the lightning and thunderbolts ostracism towards anyone who dares to indicate that the tree is ugly and sick. Yet the Holy Gospel, through the words of Christ the Lord, It teaches us how to recognize trees:


"No good tree bears bad fruit, nor a bad tree bear good fruit. Each tree is known by its own fruit: They do not gather figs from thorns, nor do they gather grapes from brambles. The good person out of the good from the good treasure of his heart; and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil, For the mouth speaks out of the abundance of the heart " [LC 6, 43-45].


We should therefore ask ourselves: If the tree has grown crooked and the fruits from it data have died before they even sprout, it may be that both the plant it has in it grow, something went wrong?


Vatican II was a council of the Church, to be exact XXI, was neither a super-council or the council of councils. But most of all, as he explained the Venerable Pope Benedict XVI, Vatican II can not be turned into a kind of superdogma. This concept was taken up by the Supreme Pontiff 14 February of 2013, three days after making withdrawal from the holy throne. In his speech to the Roman clergy, Benedict XVI clearly admits that rages in the Church a serious crisis of doctrinal and moral order, attributing it to both the para-council celebrated by theologians on the columns of the newspapers, both post-conciliar:


«[…] We know how this council of media It is accessible to all. So, This was the dominant one, more efficient, and it has created many disasters, many problems, really so much misery: seminars closed, convents closed, liturgy banal ... and the true Council has struggled to materialize, to be realized; the virtual council was stronger than the real Council […]» [full text, WHO].


In the mid-sixties it was announced the arrival of new springtime of the Church, to the test of the facts we have instead plunged into one of the worst Siberian winters, or as I wrote in my article two years ago: we are the new Roman Empire. [see text WHO].


As I explained during my writing, after the Council of Trent, we have seen a great revival of the Church together with great missionary activity, all placed in the history of the sixteenth century was a century of great reformers and great Saints. Even despite, The Council of Trent did not DeBello all the malpractices, and several centuries away many of its fundamental rules were not yet applied everywhere, or were only partially applied.


The products posthumously to the Second Vatican Council are now under the eyes of all: half a century by what some suggest as the largest Church Council, or the council of the councils, the Church is facing a crisis of doctrine, moral and spiritual before which it is really hard to find historical precedents, because it is a situation of a crisis entirely new. In conclusion, therefore, with the initial paradigm of as direct Stolta who claimed: "Know we can not go back to the dark times of the Council of Trent!», as a last conclusive answer I think I can replicate that in terms of women's religious life, perhaps it would be better to go back to the period before the Council of Trent, when many monasteries were reduced to authentic brothels. Do not forget that in them, in addition to become nuns such compulsion, there were also Sante that as good wheat lived side by side with the weeds [cf. Mt 13, 27-30], because as the Apostle teaches Beato: "Where sin increased, abounded grace » [RM 5, 20]. And the end is worth reiterating that the great reformer and Santa Teresa of Avila was born in this kind of dissolute populated monasteries of nuns, becoming what it has become and producing the fruit that produced.


Today this is not possible, because we are no longer talking about wheat and weeds that live together and which should be left together to avoid the risk of destroying even a single ear of good wheat; Today we are facing the corpse of women religious place inside the refrigerated morgue to prevent it from decomposing. And the state of grace, as known, abounds also and above all in the worst sin, but on living bodies, not on the dead bodies. But no one can pronounce it on a corpse formula: "I baptize you…», or "I absolve you from your sins", less so you can give the Holy Eucharist in the mouth of a dead saying the inanimate corpse "The Body of Christ".


But this, the as direct Stolta with the hair blowing in the wind and the half-leg skirt, abbeveratasi the post-council created by the para-council, He does not know, like all people who live unconscious and irresponsible with the idea of ​​a spring under the winter frost of the glacial temperatures of Siberia. Because the trees, beautiful and lush, they are for the fruits that give, not for the fruits but not given to us in any case imagined. Faith is not based on ideological emotions but on facts, for as sure what he preached one of the great teachers of the school, Sant'Anselmo d'Aosta: faith seeking understanding, understanding seeking faith [Faith requires reason, the reason requires faith]. Fantasy and Illusion, are not fundamental elements of our faith, but elements of destruction of faith, because by removing the great light of reason which produces works and which is a gift of admirable grace of the Holy Spirit, then comes to life a pseudo Christianity based on the sentimental and sull'emotivo. And so, you pass from Christianity to neo-paganism, to Gnosticism, if not worse: to atheism. In fact, "faith, if it has no works, He is dead in itself […] show me your faith without works, and I by my works will show you my faith " [Ge 2 1, 17-18]. Here is the fundamental question of which many terrible, too many, must make God seriously: what were the fruits of the work and what kind of faith have produced? In fact these fruits that we will be recognized and then judged by God, because "wisdom is vindicated by her works" [Mt 11, 19].


the Island of Patmos, 3 February 2019

Presentation of the Lord Jesus in the Temple


No need to de-sanctify and take the fun of the Catholic Church, because the Catholic Church is de-sacralized and makes fun of itself



[1] «where the violation […] carefully restored;, and where intact […] pRESERVED»: (C)oncilii Tridentinii Press. Some comprising six done after the sixth session (XXII) until the end of parliament (17 sept. 1562-4 dec. 1563).

[2] Quote Original in Italian archaic: «[…] when it comes somewhere in this land Mr., I show them monasteries of nuns, ma prostribuli of the monastery of the public does not out of the bordel» — Marino Sanuto, Diaries (by Federico Stefani), Venice, 1879, t. I, col. 836. See. Pius also Paschini, The convents in Italy in the '500, in AA. VV., Problems of religious life in Italy in the sixteenth century. Proceedings of the history of the Church in Italy, Bologna, 2-6 September 1958, Antenor Publishing, Padova, 1960, pp. 31-60 Innocent and Giuliani, Genesis and the first century of life of the Magistrate over monasteries (Venice, 1962).

[3] S. F. Wemple – S. Salvatore – S. Giulia: A case study in the endowment and patronage of a major female monastery in northern Italy, in Women of the medieval world. Edited by Julian Kirshner and Suzanne F. Wemple. New York: Blackwell, 1985.

[4] Archive of the Apostolic Nunciature of Naples, Scat. 44, Denunciation of the abbess Domna Maria Francesca Tronconi, 21 April 1836.

[5] ASDS, by location Acts, Arpino, B. 61, FASC. 4. ASV, Congregation of Bishops and Regulars, The positions of nuns, November 1822, S. German, Placida Hulls.

[6] CF. S.S. Benedict XVI, Homily at the Epiphany liturgy, Archbasilica Papale di San Pietro, 6 January 2008.




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