The Sacrament of Marriage by Father Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci in Santa Maria Novella in Florence. You are invited: we are waiting for you!


We invite our Readers who are in Florence and its surroundings to participate in the appointment to celebrate the Sacrament of Marriage of Father Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci the 17 May at hours 18:00 at the Convent of Santa Maria Novella in Florence.

- Editorial news -

Jorge Facio Lynx
President of Editions The island of Patmos


This publication of Father Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci centered on the aspects of marriage in total of Aquinas has the merit of demonstrating how today the thought of this Holy Doctor of the Church has been perfected and improved, but not passed, at least at the moment.

In this present of ours history we should accept that we need more than ever to listen to those who came before us and who have left us the best of themselves to build the present in the making and for our future in progress, starting with two great giants such as St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas.

The main value of this text we can catch it "between" and "in" the lines, and it is above all that of the family testimony of Father Gabriel: the book opens with thanks to the family because it is only after receiving, observed and participated that one can meditate on something important such as the gift of marriage on which to then make a speculative investigation. This is the leitmotif of the whole book where the questions on topics so topical and at the same time so dry and driven to generate division and misunderstanding in today's society - such as the indissolubility of marriage - the author responds primarily as a son, then as a theologian, finally through the gift of the sacramental grace of the priesthood which he has received.

The main feature what stands out in this work is the use that Father Gabriel makes of the consolidated method of Aquinas: base speculation on what the Holy Fathers and doctors of the Church said by getting the best out of each of them before responding with their own words. Nothing can be built from scratch or from the imagination, it is built through the patrimony of wisdom left to us by these great Moral Authorities of the Church treasuring what they have left us.

The author starts by resuming the Summons against the Gentiles, the most philosophical work of Aquinas which presents a possibility not only of rediscovering or knowing today the work of Angelic Doctor, but it shows how the themes of marriage can be found through the exercise of reason in any man, society or culture, even in a primitive or very elementary form.

The author explains how the sexual one it is not only an act of procreation but an act in which man, like other animals, it must be present thereafter to satisfy all the needs of both human and female life (donna) that of children, therefore the emission of sperm is not a selfish act, it is not aimed at pleasure and that's it, or just for playback, but a first act that is perpetuated and updated in becoming as a couple and as a parent, later as fathers. This is contrary to the many couples who reproduce without ever having thought of being parents and therefore of being father and mother.

The notion of equality between men and women it was not a struggle of the last decades, one slogan elevated to a contemporary social pillar. Father Gabriele explains and demonstrates that the female is not just an object and a means of reproduction or embellishment of one's life in the manner of a trophy, but she must be a companion, therefore respected even when time begins to pass and the youthful aesthetic charm must leave room for other more genuine and delicate beauties that arise from human interiority and from the rush of life itself.

In conclusion the argument on the need for stability and security in human relationships ends up standing out in the work, which are not only the certainty and truthfulness of a feeling, but also an anthropological value necessary for man called to experience a profound meaning and fullness of his individual and social being.

We invite our Readers who are in and around Florence to participate in the appointment to celebrate the Sacrament of Marriage of Father Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci the 17 May at hours 18:00 at the Convent of Santa Maria Novella in Florence.

the Island of Patmos, 13 May 2023

Blessed Virgin Mary of Fatima





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«Digressions of a liberal priest». The new book by Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo in the name of politically incorrect, but above all of knowing the truth that will make us free



Better that certain facts and errors are highlighted by those who love and venerate the Church of Christ, instead of keeping quiet and waiting for his worst enemies to highlight them, accustomed to dealing with the truth with a completely different style and for very different purposes, otherwise those often irreparable disasters arise that end up imprinted on the pages of history to our perennial shame.

— Editorial news of the Editions The Island of Patmos —

Jorge Facio Lynx
President of Editions The island of Patmos


God is by definition liberal because he created freedom and gave it to man together with free will. Freely gave His only begotten son Jesus Christ, who invited every man to practice his own freedom, basing their relationships on respect for the principles of fraternity and equality. The Word of God has also given us a command: «Give to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's» by making a clear separation between the political and religious spheres many centuries before the birth of the Enlightenment, Liberalism and the French Revolution with the tragic entry into action of its guillotines after summary trials celebrated farcically in the name of liberty, fraternity, egalitarian.


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This book can also be read as a constructive sneer addressed to those clericals - much more numerous among lay Catholics than they are among clergymen and theologians - unable to understand what faith is, while convinced that they possess the true faith and can teach it and pass it on to others. Faith is a gift that can only be accepted and fully developed by authentic liberals, able to exercise with Faith and Reason the freedom of the children of a God who is the greatest liberal in the history of humanity generated by him, before time and beyond time.

With rigorously conducted historical work and entirely based on the sources, the Author has also made a critical analysis on the pontificates of the Holy Pontiffs Paul VI and John Paul II, both lived in socio-cultural and geopolitical contexts of extreme and delicate complexity. Well clarifying that the Saints, to whom to be proclaimed such heroic virtues are required and not perfection, they have not been free from errors. For this reason their historical figures can only be protected through the truth of the facts, not with those clerical manipulations through which it is thought that the dust can be swept under the rugs. On the contrary, precisely because of their supreme protection it is better that certain facts and errors are brought to light by those who love and venerate the Church of Christ, instead of keeping quiet and waiting for his worst enemies to highlight them, accustomed to dealing with the truth with a completely different style and for very different purposes, while the fearful clericals prepare a lavish meal for the wolves affirming with the cynicism that characterizes them: «Who makes me go looking for problems with such dangerous analyses? Those who come after will take care of solving them, I prefer to live a quiet life and enjoy the beautiful ecclesiastical career that I have built". Yup, the devastating career of the three legendary monkeys: I do not see, I can not hear, I do not talk. And all the while the House of God burns and our enemies fabricate the worst black legends on shreds of truth. But those who come after will think about it.

Precisely from this way of thinking and acting which contains within itself the perverse, then arise those often irreparable disasters that end up imprinted on the pages of history to our perennial shame.

the Island of Patmos, 20 April 2023



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The Fathers of the Island of Patmos




The book of «Gattoloqui satirici» by Ipazia Gatta Romana is being distributed


La nostra fede personale è a rischio, but this is precisely the challenge that we must overcome and that of all challenges has always been the most difficult: the great test of faith that, come ammonisce l’Autore della Lettera agli Ebrei: «[…] is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen ".

- Editorial news -

Jorge Facio Lynx
President of Editions The island of Patmos











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Per i tipi delle Edizioni The Island of Patmos è in distribuzione il libro della nostra autrice Ipazia Gatta Romana. Un libro molto felino e graffiante, equiparabile a quello che fu lo stile della comicità di Alberto Sordi, dietro la quale spesso, o forse quasi sempre, si nascondeva la tragedia, rappresentata non piangendo ma ridendo, sebbene quel riso lasciasse sempre un retrogusto amaro.

L’opera di Ipazia Gatta Romana è presentata da Padre Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo che ne ha scritta la prefazione.


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Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo


Molte persone non sanno che i gatti sono particolarmente amati dai presbiteri del clero secolare. Non lo sanno perché non frequentano i preti e i loro spazi, o perché dei preti conoscono solamente ciò che si lega alle surreali leggende nere in circolazione a livello planetario, soprattutto dal periodo successivo la Rivoluzione Francese, nel quale se ne ebbe un fiorire e una diffusione davvero straordinaria. Numerose sono le case religiose, i monasteri e i conventi maschili e femminili dove da sempre c’è presenza di gatti, pressoché quasi di rigore. In nessuna di queste case i gatti sono stati voluti e presi, sono loro a essere arrivati. Anche perché il gatto è capace a presentarsi alle porte di monasteri e conventi con straordinaria aria da ruffiano, capace di recitare a meraviglia la parte della povera creatura tremolante, abbandonata e affamata, dinanzi alla quale monaci, monache e frati difficilmente hanno il coraggio di sbatterlo fuori.

Con i religiosi i felini hanno un altro rapporto, trattandosi di persone che vivono in comunità. Therefore, il gatto, con gli abitanti di quelle sacre mura instaura un rapporto comunitario, finendo per divenire un animale con un carattere tutto quanto religioso, monastico o conventuale. Si tratta dei cosiddetti “gatti di vita contemplativa”. Del tutto diverso il rapporto che instaurano con i presbiteri del clero secolare, che quasi sempre vivono singolarmente presso le loro case canoniche o abitazioni private.

Il gatto è quello splendido animale indipendente, ma profondamente affettuoso e fedele, capace a spezzare la solitudine del prete, divenendone compagno e amico.

Mentre non pochi vescovi, incuranti, lasciavano i loro preti, giovani e anziani, in stato di abbandono e solitudine, semmai col potenziale rischio di cadere in modo reattivo nelle sindromi depressive o nella dipendenza dall’alcol, to say the least, ecco che la presenza di un gatto è riuscita a fare ciò che molti di questi vescovi non facevano: stare vicini ai loro preti.

At times, per un prete, può fare molto più un gatto che il suo vescovo impegnato a struggersi il cuore come attore melodrammatico per poveri, migranti e profughi …

Omelia per il Santo Natale? Poor, migranti e profughi. On the contrary, direttamente nuova versione e lettura del Santo Vangelo: «Gesù era povero … Gesù era un migrante … Gesù era un profugo …».

Sancta Missa in Coena Domini? Poor, migranti e profughi. Come infatti risaputo ― l’ho detto e scritto ma non mi stanco di ripeterlo ― durante l’Ultima Cena Gesù Cristo prese un povero, o se preferiamo un migrante o un profugo, lo esibì agli Apostoli e disse loro: “This is my body, questo è il mio sangue”. Il tutto dopo averli istituiti assistenti sociali, non Sacerdoti della Nuova Alleanza, dando loro un preciso comando: “Andate per il mondo e fondate ONG”.

Easter of Resurrection? Needless to say. Per chi è risorto Gesù Cristo, se non per i poveri, i migranti e i profughi, resi ennesimo oggetto dell’episcopal omelia sul mistero del Sepolcro vuoto del Risorto che sconfigge la morte?

Molti di noi sono forse infastiditi da poveri, migranti e profughi? Of course not! Lo siamo solo dal conformismo del momento di certi ecclesiastici che al primo cambio di vento non esiteranno a mutare atteggiamento e bandiera all’istante. È questo che reca comprensibile fastidio.

In simile situazione di deriva ecclesiale e dottrinale, capite bene la straordinaria importanza per un prete di quegli animali eccezionali che sono i gatti, autentici maestri nell’insegnare l’arte del … ma ignorali!

Hypatia Gatta Roman, arguta e ironica felina senza peli sulla lingua, è un’autentica maestra in quest’arte sintetizzata a suo modo nella frase: «Nun pijateli sur serio, li dovete da pija solo perculo!».

Alcuni anni fa morì un anziano sacerdote, con alle spalle una vita dedicata alla cura dei believers of Christ senza alcun risparmio di sé. Divenuto infine vecchio e malato fu lasciato a sé stesso, con tutti gli inconvenienti e i disagi che la vecchiaia e la malattia può trascinarsi dietro.

Volevano metterlo in Città in una casa di riposo per preti, ma lui che aveva vissuto tutta la vita in un ambito rurale montano rispose che in quella struttura sarebbe morto entro un mese.

Nella casa canonica del paese ricavata da un ex convento francescano del XVI secolo il posto non mancava, ma il nuovo parroco non gradì che il suo predecessore, ormai parzialmente inabile, rimanesse nella struttura parrocchiale. Un parrocchiano gli mise così a disposizione un vecchio appartamentino di sua proprietà, due stanzette al primo piano affacciate su una piazza del paese, dove il nuovo parroco si recava in tutta fretta a fargli un saluto per Natale e per Pasqua, pur vivendo a 100 metri di distanza. In una di queste due occasioni, alla sua uscita fece una battuta molto ironica e infelice a dei parrocchiani che si trovavano per strada, dicendo loro con rara sensibilità: «… e anche questa è fatta, arrivederci a Pasqua!».

L’anziano prete semi-infermo poteva però contare su alcune preziose risorse: diversi parrocchiani grati e riconoscenti per l’apostolato da lui svolto che a rotazione lo visitavano per fargli compagnia e pregare con lui, alcune donne anziane che quotidianamente lo accudivano nei lavori domestici e il suo amato e inseparabile gatto, di nome Tobia. Inoltre un vecchio confratello più volte al mese, a semplice chiamata, gli prestava assistenza spirituale.

Infine il vecchio prete morì. Il suo funerale fu celebrato dal vescovo nella chiesa parrocchiale di cui era stato parroco per ben cinquant’anni. Vescovo insediato da circa un anno e che mai, le due volte che si era recato in quella parrocchia, una per la festa del Patrono, una per le Sante Cresime, aveva trovato tempo per andarlo a visitare. Cosa più che comprensibile in questi tempi nei quali vescovi new generation rispettano altre, nuove priorità; hanno poveri, migranti e profughi che li attendono in ogni angolo. A volte vanno a salutarli persino dentro le moschee, perché se proprio non li incontrano per strada li vanno a cercare loro, al lungimirante scopo di dare ai maomettani le corde con le quali a breve sarà impiccata l’Europa.

During the homily, the bishop had a "memory lapse", if we want to call it that: he could not remember the name of the dead priest, which was suggested to him in a low voice by the parish priest sitting nearby. Whether it was a sign from heaven this is not known, but just while to the miserable bishop everything poor, migrants and refugees the name was whispered, at the same time Tobias entered the church, the deceased priest's cat, with soft and solemn step he walked the whole aisle and went to squat under his master's coffin, where he remained attentive and sly throughout the Holy Mass without ever moving, tanto lo conosceva bene e lo aveva amato.

Il felino aveva visto gli addetti delle pompe funebri deporlo prima nella bara e poi sigillare la stessa, in seguito portarla via. Lasciato solo in casa era sgattaiolato da una finestra socchiusa del primo piano, era poi saltato in strada e si era diretto verso la chiesa.

What to say: certi vescovi dovrebbero imparare dalla sapienza e dalla fedele amorevolezza di certi gatti che non parlano affatto di poveri, migranti e profughi. On the contrary, se qualche topo cercasse di emigrare clandestinamente nella loro casa per danneggiarla, forse gli farebbero persino la festa, sicuramente non toglierebbero il crocifisso dal muro per non disturbare il roditore, casomai fosse un sorcio musulmano che prima di addentare il formaggio urla: الله أَكْبَر Allah akbar! (Allah è il più grande!).

I gatti non hanno alcuno spirito di carità pelosa, però sono capaci a seguire il loro padrone fin sotto la bara, mentre il pio vescovo new generation tutto poveri, migranti e profughi, manco conosceva il nome di quel suo prete che per cinquant’anni aveva servito la Chiesa e il Popolo di Dio.

Said this: potrebbe mai, la mordace Ipazia Gatta Romana, non prendere certi soggetti per il culo? Come vedrete leggendo i capitoli di questa raccolta sistematica, sono ormai diversi anni che Ipazia, filosofa paziente e sagace, ha saputo osservare con occhio attento e ha saputo cogliere, fotografare e commentare con linguaggio spesso bonario, ma arguto, qualche volta anche caustico, momenti, episodi, fatti e situazioni che hanno caratterizzato in negativo la partecipazione alla vita della Chiesa nell’ultimo decennio, a partire dai suoi esponenti più titolati fino all’ultimo piccolo e umile fedele. Una crisi progressiva che viene da lontano e sembra non aver fine, un degrado generale della istituzione ecclesiastica e delle sue strutture, una mancanza di chiarezza e un gioco continuo all’ambiguità da parte della gerarchia, una pericolosa perdita di autorevolezza da parte delle Autorità preposte a guidare i dicasteri vaticani, le diocesi e giù a seguire fino alle parrocchie. Sono sempre meno le eccezioni al declino della pratica religiosa e sempre più preziosi e difficili da individuare gli esempi virtuosi. La nostra fede personale è a rischio, but this is precisely the challenge that we must overcome and that of all challenges has always been the most difficult: the great test of faith that, come ammonisce l’Autore della Lettera agli Ebrei:

«[…] is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen " (EB 11, 1).

Tra un’ironia e l’altra Ipazia ci ricorda sempre un principio fondamentale al quale nessun cattolico, chierico o laico, deve venire mai meno:

«[…] we must kiss the hand that slaps us, se quella mano è la mano del Sommo Pontefice o del nostro Vescovo».

Chi la pensa a questo modo e di conseguenza agisce nella vita di fede, può fare anche ironia, perché è un lusso che gli è concesso e che si può permettere a pieno diritto.

Rome, 20 January 2023

San Sebastiano martire






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Follow the direct of The island of Patmos on the channel “Jordan” of the Theological Club” conducted by our Dominican theologian Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci


The Fathers de The Island of Patmos I am happy to provide you with live broadcasts on important and interesting topics of doctrine and faith. Sign up numerous and above all participate, if you're really looking for what social media talks about saying you're looking for.

— The live video of The Island of Patmos —

Jorge Facio Lynx
President of Editions The island of Patmos


the Dominican theologian Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci, father editor de The Island of Patmos

The main complaint: «… priests do not do catechesis … the priests no longer explain the Holy Scriptures … priests do not preach well … and threatens, and threatens, and threatens …». This is what we read about Social media in a succession of endless lamentations.

To some complainers we can even be partially right, but it must be specified: and when priests are busy offering you spiritual support, catechesis and homilies, the reaction of “complaining” which is? Unfortunately the facts show that instead of seizing certain opportunities on the fly, they stay on social media to complain: «… priests do not do catechesis … the priests no longer explain the Holy Scriptures … priests do not preach well … and threatens, and threatens, and threatens …».

Father Gabriele Giordano Maria Scardocci Our editor and Dominican theologian offers a valuable service to all those who - at least in words - declare themselves “orphans” some good catechesis, of the word of God and sound and profound preaching. Do you intend to subscribe, connect and follow, Or do you prefer to stay on social media to complain: «… priests do not do catechesis … the priests no longer explain the Holy Scriptures … priests do not preach well … and threatens, and threatens, and threatens …».

By the numbers, sometimes satisfying, sometimes merciless, but mostly real, we will be able to understand how much and to what extent certain “orphans” they are in real search or if what they seek is only bread, circus and lots of sensationalist gossip, conspiracy theorist and scandalist. Given that the Word of God is neither sensationalist, nor conspiracy theorist, nor scandalist. But above all it offers the truth of the Mystery of the Cross, does not offer: Pane&Circus.

To follow the live you can click on the image below tomorrow night at 21, where i father of The Island of Patmos are waiting for you to talk to you on the subject: "The Return of the King":


All updates and notices on subsequent live you can find them on the right of the home page of The island of Patmos under the heading "The direct of Father Gabriele".



We are waiting for you.

From the island of Patmos, 15 September 2022






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The Fathers of the Island of Patmos




The angelologist Marcello Stanzione again snatches Saint Hildegard of Bingen from the clutches of modern shamans



Hildegard was an extraordinary and multifaceted figure. Over the course of her long life she has worked from philosophy to poetry to dramaturgy, from music to cosmology to healing herbalism. He had the gift of prophecy and clairvoyance, he carried out studies on the therapeutic properties of gems and stones …

— Books and reviews —

Jorge Facio Lynx
President of Editions The island of Patmos


the new book by Marcello Stanzione on Hildegard of Bingen (Il Cerchio editions, 2022). To access the book shop click on the image

The priest Marcello Stanzione, specialist in angelology, he is considered one of the leading European experts on Angels. His dissemination work has lasted for three decades and as the author of dozens of books translated into multiple languages, lecturer and television presence on Rai programmes, Mediaset e Sat2000, has always been very precious in these times in which man, when he decides to abandon the true path of faith and turn his back on God and the mystery of Redemption, far from emancipating himself, he always ends up believing in everything. At that point the Angels end up reduced to figures that can vary from tarot cards to new age, becoming elements that witches and ufologists abuse.


His attentions, his research and publications also focused on particular figures of male and female saints who had a close connection with the Angels. Among them Saint Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179), Benedictine nun beatified in 1324 and canonized in 2012 by the Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI who proclaimed her a doctor of the Church. And here an aside between the lines is allowed: let's hope that after the recent Italian controversies regarding the declination of male names into female, where in the opinion of the Honorable Laura Boldrini the first female president of the Council of Ministers should not be called "Mr. Prime Minister" or "Prime Minister" but "President" and "Prime Minister", the same, or several of his friends within the disastrous contemporary Catholic world, do not also enter our house to argue and therefore to demand that Saint Hildegard or Saint Catherine of Siena be referred to from now on no longer as “doctors” but as "doctors of the Church".


That of Doamna Ildegarda, as the Benedictine nuns were called yesterday and as they still are today, he was an extraordinary and multifaceted figure. Over the course of her long life she has worked from philosophy to poetry to dramaturgy, from music to cosmology to healing herbalism. He had the gift of prophecy and clairvoyance, he carried out studies on the therapeutic properties of gems and stones.


Needless to say: the work of Marcello Stanzione, who has dedicated many publications to this figure [see WHO], it was particularly helpful, indeed truly indispensable to snatch this titan of a woman from the clutches of magicians, ufologists and followers of new age. Why not, even from those of some deranged priest, Unfortunately!


In his latest book, written together with Elisa Giorgio, the Author talks about the healing properties of herbs according to studies, Saint Hildegard's research and recipes. It goes without saying that herbs with healing properties have always been used in medicine and pharmacology. It is a well-known fact that the Holy Pontiff John Paul II, suffering from Parkinson's disease, was given papaya, which did not cure him of that illness, but it gave him good benefits.


Obviously you can't cure cancer neither with herbs nor with the so-called "alternative medicine" and that it is good to let yourself be treated by oncologists and scrupulously follow their therapeutic prescriptions, certainly not those of certain shamans, But, precisely in the field of oncology and the treatment of hopeless terminally ill patients, The use of natural substances in palliative programs for the treatment of pain is increasingly widespread, including substances commonly defined as “drugs”, but which in truth are nothing more than herbs, starting from what is usually called marijuana, which is nothing other than Indian hemp, one of whose properties is that it is a powerful and effective anti-inflammatory, equally beneficial are the therapeutic properties of coca leaves and poppy plants from which opium is obtained.


With this new book of his Marcello Stanzione offers and returns to readers the real and extraordinary figure of a woman who is a giant in faith, in science and in what today we would define as cutting-edge research.


From the island of Patmos, 30 October 2022


With our editions Marcello Stanzione has published

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The Fathers of the Island of Patmos




Anticipation: Amoris Tristitia, the new book dedicated by Father Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo to the great figure of Cardinal Carlo Caffarra

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“Far be it from me to cut your wings, I would like to ask you a prayer that you are not required to answer: you can put your hand to this work and publish it in 5 year old?» (Carlo Caffara, 19 January 2017)


Jorge Facio Lynx
President of Editions The island of Patmos




The 5 September 2022 five years will have passed since the death of Cardinal Carlo Caffarra, Metropolitan Archbishop of Bologna, who was one of the world's foremost experts in the doctrine of marriage and the family, of which our Father Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo was a friend, later discreet and confidential private collaborator between the 2015 and the 2017.


The objective ambiguities of the Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation love joy given by the Supreme Pontiff Francis after the closing of the Synod on the family, many bishops have touched very deeply, presbyters and theologians reduced today more and more to silence, as can sometimes happen when one is too open, too much dialogue, too synodal and above all too merciful.


A lucidly critical book written by a scholar of solid doctrine, capable of drawing up even hard and severe pages if necessary, but completely unassailable on the theological level. Father Ariel spoke of this project with Cardinal Carlo Caffarra in January of 2017, who in response addressed a non-binding request to him, remittance to its free decision: “You could wait five years before publishing it?». He expressed it to him in a long and detailed letter, of which the Author reports an excerpt in the opening of the book:



Dearest Father Ariel,

I understand your pain for the article appeared yesterday on Future where I was attacked with inaccuracy and malice. Imagine my pain. It is the newspaper of the Italian Episcopal Conference, of which I was a member for twenty years as bishop of two dioceses.

I have examined the draft of the book you intend to prepare on doctrinal topics related to the last Synod on the family. I have always recognized your writing skills and your theological skills to which you combine the look of an eagle and courage of a lion. You'll get a great job out of it, I'm sure.

Far be it from me to cut your wings, I would like to ask you a prayer that you are not required to answer: you can put your hand to this work and publish it in 5 year old?

I know that you are not emotional and that you proceed with speculative rigor, but these qualities of yours are not common to others, and at this moment the minds are too hot.

If you will listen to me, I will appreciate it from heaven, while on earth I will be a forgotten old cardinal, come before the judgment of God aware of being a sinner, but sure I can say that I did what I had to do with the strength that was given to me.

Next month I will come to Rome and as always we will have the opportunity to meet.

Pray for me.

19 January 2017

XCarlo Caffara



When the book goes into distribution in early September we will announce it in the columns of ours Patmos Island, because you will hardly be able to learn it from Future and yes The Osservatore Romano.


From the island of Patmos, 21 August 2022






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«War and ideological propaganda» is the new explosive book dedicated by Father Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo to the Russian-Ukrainian conflict

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It is acceptable that on our television networks it was granted from evening to evening, to exponents of the Ukrainian people, to urge the Italians to make sacrifices for their unlikely victory over the invading Russian? We realize that this is equivalent to asking a father of a family, however, also in an imperious and arrogant way, to sacrifice his children for the sake of the children of others? And all these people were able to express similar nonsense with the television presenters who let them rant while remaining in religious silence and without any possibility of a realistic and dutiful dispute..


Jorge Facio Lynx
President of Editions The island of Patmos


"WAR AND IDEOLOGICAL PROPAGANDA" Introduction to the work


In this new book Father Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo drew on his past legal and geopolitical training, combined with his successor as a theologian and a profound connoisseur of historical subjects. A book that we could define “politically incorrect” as true. Because today, simply talk about what is true and real, it is not the norm but it represents one of the worst attacks on the political correctness of the narrative mainstream.


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During the Russian-Ukrainian conflict the news broadcasts partial and partial news to the point of recalling the Bulgarian regime information of the 1950s to the memory of the less young. Most followed talk show of the Rai television networks, Mediaset, La7 and Sky have come to assume such unique propaganda tones as to arouse the envy of those who were the news of TeleKabul. All this always reaffirming: "In our country there is total freedom of opinion and information". In truth, this conflict is a war of civilization between a very identitarian post-communist regime that has put itself on the defensive and decadent liberal-democracies which have now collapsed and failed ".


In its pages the Author immediately lets it be perceived that the important thing is not to be for or against someone, especially in an unusually delicate area such as a war conflict, but to think. Only through lucid reasoning and serious in-depth analysis, you can come to give birth to an opinion for or against, or abstain from judgment, when you do not yet have all the necessary elements to formulate one.


This book is a challenge to reason and at the same time a solemn reprimand of our information increasingly drugged by ideology, as the Author makes clear from the beginning in the presentation of the work that you can read WHO.


The Editions The island of Patmos thank the Production company Eriador Film for having kindly granted us the cover image taken from The secret of Italy, a film by Antonello Belluco which we recommend you to view.


From the island of Patmos, 3 May 2022






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"The path of the three keys" fantasy novel by Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo

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Having translated in the form of a novel, hovering between fantasy and dystopian, the essence of hindmost, it is an effective - indeed brilliant - way to fill that void that has made Catholicism sterile, which for half a century has been groping in the dark in a continuous succession of self-destructive experiments. hindmost is a beautiful term that combines the ultimate realities of every Christian in a catechetical and pastoral form in an apocalyptic perspective understood in its most genuine etymological meaning: revelation.


Jorge Facio Lynx
President of Editions The island of Patmos



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Telling in the light of faith the vicissitudes of the life of an established professional through the lens of hindmost: a choice of other times and a rather unusual topic in the current Catholic panorama. This is what the author proposes in this novel fantasy-theological in the balance between dystopia and fantasy, retrace in a pastoral and catechetical form the fundamental moments of the spiritual life of every Christian to prepare him responsibly for those ultimate realities - taught him many decades earlier during the stages of Christian initiation and then disregarded or forgotten - but essential in the apocalyptic perspective towards revelation.


Who we are, where we come from, where are we going? These are the deepest existential questions in the life of each of us. The path of the three keys it is a paradigm of the journey that each man is called to travel through the numerous stages of his earthly existence. It is born, you live and die. Those who are aware of this know they have a past behind them, to live a present that flows fast and a future that is becoming more and more imminent, indeed, he is already here and at the end he will present us with a bill, sometimes quite salty.


This is the drama of the transience of life, an interminable succession of alternating experiences. Affections are on the one hand on the scales, friendships, the joys, emotions, professional satisfaction, disappointments weigh on the other side, suffering, the mortifications, the diseases and those tragedies that each of us, crescendo, is called to face.


More and more innovative technological applications every day and consumerist propaganda flatter us to live the era of modernity, in a world folded into more materialistic hedonism where the appearance and selfish satisfaction of our pleasures and needs have in fact clouded our spiritual essence, the only fundamental individual wealth, the ability to think about the deepest reasons for our existence asking ourselves why, what is our role in creation.


This literary work marks the human and spiritual maturity of Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo, refined dogmatic theologian and historian of dogma, that by combining his theological skills with a profound knowledge of the human psyche, he masterfully translates the deep and mysterious existential themes of the protagonist into a novel, successful man, in which each of us can easily identify. Narrator of recognized talent since the publication of his historical novel Nada s security, the Author manages to lead the Reader through concrete spaces and landscapes where the dialogues of the characters follow one another, making to taste, from picture to picture, even the most minute and crude details of human weaknesses, where he often loves to hide the deepest teachings of the Catholic religion with original and never predictable artifices.


This presentation was made by Jorge Facio Lince and Ettore Ripamonti


From the island of Patmos, 20 December 2021



the Editions The Island of Patmos they thank the Roman painter Anna Boschini author of the cover made from one of her oil paintings on canvas and donated to the author for this editorial publication.






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Upcoming publications coming out:


narrative (month of January):

THE LAST TEARS OF GIULIANO, Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci, o.p.







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Editorial news: «The sign of Cain» faith and tattoos in history a possible combination? Let's be very careful about demonizing tattoos. An unmissable book by Father Ivano Liguori

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With this book, Father Ivano Liguori renders a service to Catholics, young and old, through a historical-anthropological analysis that dispels many doubts. First of all, explaining that the light-hearted tattoo cannot be defined as a "satanic mark", ignoring that there is an ancient tradition of Christian tattooing, also linked to pilgrimages, at the end of which in the past, but also today, at the places where there are famous sanctuaries and places of worship, pilgrims have a "mark" stamped as a sign of their journey of faith, which in many marked real re-conversions and their return to the bosom of the Church.


Jorge Facio Lynx
President of Editions The island of Patmos



You can go to the store and order the book click HERE

The Fathers de The Island of Patmos they do not hesitate to discuss topics on which they often prefer to overlook, only to have no problems. What we could call it if we want Don Abbondio complex.


Then there are people, Catholics included or subjects who believe themselves to be such, that with the advent of the Internet and social media they believe they can form solid knowledge by jumping from one blog to another. At that point they end up hearing the choirs of the Angels where the Angels cannot sing, or see the Devil - who is a person, it exists and operates today more than ever - where the Devil is not there.


With this book, Father Ivano Liguori renders a service to Catholics, young and old, through a historical-anthropological analysis that dispels many doubts. First of all, explaining that the light-hearted tattoo cannot be defined as a "satanic mark", ignoring that there is an ancient tradition of Christian tattooing, also linked to pilgrimages, at the end of which in the past, but also today, at the places where there are famous sanctuaries and places of worship, pilgrims have a "mark" stamped as a sign of their journey of faith, which in many marked real re-conversions and their return to the bosom of the Church.


(c)click on the image to enlarge the back cover

Then, that certain Satanists make other use of the tattoo, this does not take away from this sign an ancient and profound Christian value which many have ignored.


Topic on which the Author clarifies, that of demonology, inviting us not to see the Devil where he is not, but to try to understand where he really camps and works and to defend himself from him:


"Keep sober, watch. Your enemy, the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, looking for someone to devour. Resist him, firm in the faith, knowing that your brothers around the world suffer the same sufferings as you " [The Pt 5, 8-9].


The books of our authors, characterized by high quality content, they aim to dispel many doubts and urban legends that are sometimes very dangerous, to increase in knowledge and help towards a journey of conscious and mature faith. They cannot give you all this for sure Facebook, Twitter e Instagram, nor can it be acquired by frantically jumping from one blog to another. By purchasing our books you will support the apostolic work of the Fathers, the magazine and the Editions The island of Patmos. But most of all, on the occasion of this Holy Christmas, you can give loved ones a nice gift, a quality gift.


From the island of Patmos, 12 December 2021






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Upcoming publications coming out:


narrative (December month):

THE WAY OF THE THREE KEYS, Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo

narrative (month of January):

THE LAST TEARS OF GIULIANO, Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci, o.p.







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Editorial news: «From Prozan to Prozac» a book by Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo and Ivano Liguori on the sinking of the bill against homotransphobia

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«It is possible that the LGBT world is inhabited only by poor victims and by no perpetrators? It is possible that for an unworthy priest suffering from psychic disorders, guilty of molesting teenagers, the entire Catholic Church is exposed to the public pillory, while the same investigative journalists and television presenters would never dare - and do not dare out of fear - to go and check what happens with minors in search of money in certain gay circles?».


Jorge Facio Lynx
President of Editions The island of Patmos



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In 2018 the bill against homotransphobia was presented, approved by the Chamber of Deputies in November 2020 and rejected by the Senate in October 2021. Design which the Catholic Church and the Bishops of Italy have never opposed. Indeed, long before certain proposals reached the House and the Senate, the Catechism of the Catholic Church decisively and precisely condemned all forms of discrimination against homosexuals in the edition of 1992.


To oppose and raise the alarm that the text hid the figure of the crime of opinion between the lines have been secular jurists and politicians, bluntly labeling it as a "liberticidal law proposal".


The Authors of the work, Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo and Ivano Liguori, in their capacity as presbyters and theologians they have expressed their opinions on this delicate subject several times, offering reflections to the readers of our magazine The Island of Patmos, collected today in this book adorned with hilarious and prophetic expressions addressed to lobby gay ideologized by Paolo Poli, great master of italian theater.


Lately, in this necklace, has been published The coup of the politically correct, an essay by Francesco Mangiacapra who analyzes with great clarity the theme of the law proposal on homotransphobia, which we recommend reading.


In the introduction to their book the two authors write:


fathers Ivano Liguori and Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo, authors of the book: From Prozan to Prozac

"We who are two priests and theologians have never pulled back - our publications show -, when the respect for the truth required direct public and severe criticisms of the ecclesial and ecclesiastical world. And if sometimes, for only telling the truth, we have paid the consequences, it was a more than acceptable tribute. We are indeed heralds and faithful servants of the truth, with all that that can entail.

Now let's try to immerse ourselves in reality: have you ever heard in the various talk show televisions - which could not be such in the absence of quote gay ―, an LGBT representative who publicly and severely criticizes his world?

It is possible that the LGBT world is made up only of great people and above all the lines? It is possible that the LGBT world is inhabited only by poor victims and by no perpetrators? It is possible that for an unworthy priest suffering from psychic disorders, guilty of molesting teenagers, the entire Catholic Church is exposed to the public pillory, while the same investigative journalists and television presenters would never dare - and do not dare out of fear - to go and check what happens with minors in search of money in certain gay circles?

In the LGBT world, everything is fine, everything's perfect? What the Holy Doctor Augustine indicates as the Heavenly Jerusalem, perhaps it has its own angelic natural home in certain gay circles? This is what makes certain ideologized and radicalized LGBT fringes surreal and not credible. And someone, to groups so folded into irrational emotions, he also intended to give a law to shut up and prosecute those who do not think like them?

Asking certain questions does not constitute an incitement to hatred of gays, lesbians and transsexuals. It is simply a matter of considering them for what they are: human beings like everyone else, for better or for worse. But if they lobby and pretend to present themselves as people without a shadow of a blemish, or worse as a corporation of untouchables, in that case it will be appropriate not to give them certain laws and let them wallow in the pool of their dreamlike perfection, where everything is good and idyllic, because all the bad guys and the persecutors are only on the other hetero-side.

We do not hesitate to highlight the defects of our visible Church and its clergy, always looking at man as such, to whom we have never asked for licenses of heterosexuality or homosexuality, accepting it and loving it for what it is, how Jesus Christ welcomed and loved him. Because we live in the world of reality, aware that faith is born of reason, not from the irrational emotions of a certain rainbow world ".


A book that contains a lesson in authentic liberalism and intellectual honesty from the first to the last page, do not miss the reading [to open the file with the front and back of the cover click HERE]


From the island of Patmos, 28 November 2021






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Upcoming publications coming out:


non-fiction (December month):

THE SIGN OF CAIN, Ivano Liguori, Ofm. Capp.

narrative (December month):

THE LAST TEARS OF GIULIANO, Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci, o.p.

THE WAY OF THE THREE KEYS, Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo







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