We rewrote the theology: "Even in Communism there is good». It is therefore necessary to highlight all the positives of Marxism and focus on what unites both good and not on what divides worse



The Church has repeatedly condemned Communism. Some continue to do so, perhaps because they are biased and lacking the necessary clarity. It would indeed be better, rather than condemn, seek and take what is good also in Communism, because there are many positive aspects that should be highlighted and followed up.


Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo



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Thomas Hobbes, stampa vintage

Between the 16th and 17th centuries two British thinkers referred to as "great philosophers", the speculations of which still constitute the pillars of modern philosophy of law, they expressed different opinions on the concept of nature. In a nutshell: Thomas Hobbes [1588-1679] stated that "man is a devouring wolf for every other man" [War against all; homo, man, lupus]. Per Hobbes, so, the "state of nature" is a war of every man against all, assuming that man - to summarize it briefly -, it is not naturally good. John Locke takes a different view [1632-1704] for which the state of nature, understood as the initial condition of man, does not manifest itself as a "war of all against all», but as a condition that can instead lead to a peaceful and positive social coexistence.


If for Hobbes man is evil by nature because he is afraid of other men, so he attacks so as not to be attacked, per Locke, who has a more optimistic view, man is not born corrupt or inclined to evil. If we want to add to these two thinkers what the Swiss Calvinist Jean Jacques Rousseau thought [1712-1778], from it it emerges that man is not born bad or evil, but it becomes so because of institutions and society, in conclusion … because of others.


John Locke, stampa vintage

These three thinkers referred to as philosophers, they were socio-political scientists with not slight gaps in the knowledge of philosophical thought, of its great speculations and its great speculators. But as good readers will understand, this is not the place to start a complex discussion on three equally complex figures who in subsequent times have favored more the development of misunderstandings and harm than of benefits.


The problem of the nature of man I analyze it from a theological point of view, to be exact, starting from the theology of original sin. Therefore affirming that man is born good or that man is born bad, this is partly wrong and partly reductive, given that malice is a manifestation that arises as a consequence of something else. In my Christian and theological perspective, man is born corrupt; and this is a fact for me, because with all due respect to certain poisonous theologians of the past and present, original sin is neither a metaphor nor an allegory, but a fact. So that, by the unnatural corruption of man generated as a consequence of that fact, all the worst are born side effects, also unnatural, given that the unnaturalness, if triggered as a mechanism, in turn produces unnaturalness.


The Creator of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible, nature created it perfect, not imperfect, and the heart of this perfection was precisely man, to whom God entrusted the entire creation. With their own rebellion against God, man alters this balance making himself and the whole creation imperfect. The consequence was the entry on the scene of the disease, of pain, of physical decay and death. For nature, instead, the consequence was that it became hostile to man: drought, famines, tidal waves, earthquakes, eruption of volcanoes, infectious diseases, plagues ...


Abel and Cain, Zeri collection

The man, more than bad, born corrupt. The wickedness, in its own way inherent in human nature, is the consequence of this corruption of which the episode of those two brothers who represent the state in which our ancestors precipitated humanity is a paradigm: Abel and Cain. If we then think about it, Cain was not only the first murderer, but also the first traitor, the first warmonger. Indeed, after Cain misled his brother and killed him, God sternly admonished him saying: «And now you are cursed more than the earth that has opened its mouth to receive your brother's blood from your hand. When you will cultivate the soil, it will no longer give you its products and you will be a vagabond and a fugitive on earth " [Gen 4:11-12]. Then Cain complained: “My punishment is too great for me to bear. there, you drive me today from the face of this ground and I will be hidden from your face; and I will be a wanderer and a fugitive across the land, and it will happen that whoever finds me will kill me " [Gen 4:13-14]. God answered: "Therefore, whoever kills Cain, he will be punished seven times ". And the Lord placed a sign on Cain so that no one would find him, killed him. Then Cain withdrew from the presence of the Lord and dwelt in the land of Nod, east of Eden " [Gen 4:15-16].


I tend to think that the mark with which Cain was marked, it is a mark that God has imprinted on all humanity after corruption entered the world scene with the sin of Adam and Eve, it had produced its fruits with this fratricide. Of course, one wonders why God did not punish Cain with death, but after marking it he orders that no one touch him. Faced with this question, I have always found the answer given by Victor Hugo in his work interesting The last day of a condemned man :


Adam and Eve, stampa vintage

"Taking revenge belongs to the individual, to punish is God's. The company is between the two. The punishment is above it, revenge is below. Nothing so big or so small fits him. It must not punish "to take revenge"; must correct to improve ".


In today's disastrous visible Church, where God has now been changed into something else, between reigning do-gooders and mercy bordering on the diabolical, there has been a strong refusal to use terms such as "punishment" and "God's punishment". Denying these two elements is equivalent to denying the very concept of God's mercy, given that - as Giovanni Cavalcoli explained a few years ago, o.p - "God chastises and uses mercy" [cf. WHO e WHO]. Indeed, it is in the punishment and punishment inflicted on Cain that the whole of humanity corrupted by sin is enclosed and marked in its own way, but at the same time it also contains the great mercy of God, both for the first fratricide and for all of us. Together with mercy, God has also manifested profound guardianship, all aimed at the recovery of man, of Cain and of all of us, this precisely because "God chastises and uses mercy".


Jean-Jacques Rousseau, stampa vintage

During the twentieth century, the cruel evil of man has manifested itself to such an extent that by reaction, many more or less enlightened masters of equally more or less enlightened currents of thought, have begun to seek and give answers that deny - or attempt to deny -, not only the evil and cruel nature manifested by man, but may the cruel and wicked man take pleasure in hurting others. In aid of these more or less enlightened masters of equally more or less enlightened currents of thought, many new pseudo-sciences have run, ranging from sociologisms to the various currents of psychoanalysis and which always reach a sad result: explain and justify the cruel and intrinsically evil act. The childbirth mind of these various currents is Jean Jacques Rousseau, according to which man is not born evil or wicked, but it becomes so because of institutions and society. This therefore makes it necessary to shift attention from both the wicked and his acts of cruel wickedness, to look for causes and faults elsewhere. Here then is that today, almost half a century after the maximum development of certain dangerous thoughts, before a multiple-repeat offender, prosecutors and judges called upon to issue the sentence, they are careful not to speak of a natural or innate attitude to crime. Indeed, if nowadays a thief is caught with two accomplices in the middle of the night inside a house by the owner who regularly holds a firearm, while his wife and children sleep; if he, fearing the dangerous consequences, he defends himself by firing, the feel-good public opinion led by politically correct journalism will sigh: "Poor thief!». And once this spiral is triggered, it will be very difficult to explain to those who believe in the "potentially good" and "basically good" man, that several times, during these thefts, gangs of criminals beat her husband to death, then they delighted - as "fundamentally good" -, to rape the mother in front of the children. Naturally, it will then be up to the best of socio-political scientists to explain to their children that the man is evil, cruel and deliberately irrecoverable - since it is closed to any form of human recovery -, does not exist.


These distortions of reality which then generate distortions of thought, they arise from the rejection of that mystery called original sin to which today, within the Catholic Church itself, many theologians tend to confer the rank of allegory, confusing the story with the fact, given that the Genesis account is allegorical, not what it contains, that is original sin, that, I go back to repeat, it was a fact of such devastating scope to be transmitted to all subsequent humanity - which obviously is not guilty of this sin committed -, a corrupt nature. In truth, the man naturally good and devoid of malice, it existed and how, but originally, before our ancestors committed an act of such gravity as to compromise the purity and the very nature of that man created in the image and likeness of the living God.


Mohammed, stampa vintage

From the concept of a fundamentally good man which as such is not born evil or wicked, but which becomes so because of institutions and society, that is to say through the fault of others, the next step is the wrong and not a little destructive idea of ​​... you have to try to look at the positive that exists in any man, to see the good, to bring out the positive elements, to look for what is valid even in error and then highlight it. Well, I must honestly say that when it is not a person who makes speeches of this kind son of flowers proud of his atheism, surreal pacifist, convinced vegetarian and radical ecologist, but people of great preparation and high cultural, philosophical and theological stature, I'm starting to get really scared, especially if we then analyze what the concept of "fundamentally good" that is in everyone has led us, followed by the wicked desire to try to bring out the good even from very harmful people, or by clearly heretical thoughts. So let's start from the top and then descend downwards: the "basically good", recently led the reigning Pontiff to define Islam as a religion of peace [cf. Padre Samir Khalil Samir, S.J, WHO], unaware that this vaunted religion of peace contains within itself, at its own structural level, all those elements of violence and hatred manifested not from today, but always, starting with Mohammed, who is not a prophet, much less a great prophet, but a false prophet. Before these claims, which should be theologically obvious, here are the defenders of the "fundamentally good" who justify affirming: "We must seek what unites us and not what divides us". Having said that, however, it should be explained: a me, Priest of Christ God, the tutor of the one, only and true Priesthood, who has given us one and only true Gospel of salvation, what should unite me with propagators of lies born of a false prophet? But above all I would like to know what is good about a series of lies like those enunciated by Muhammad. Faced with these objections, the champions of the "fundamentally good" do not hesitate to reply: "The good thing is that Muslims recognize the figure of Jesus Christ". And in the face of this affirmation I have repeatedly replied: "Muslims recognize Jesus Christ as a minor prophet who preceded the last great prophet who would be Muhammad, who has perfected what was imperfect and wrong in the proclamation of Jesus Christ. Is this, for me who believe in Jesus Christ as the Word of God incarnate, as God made man, as an uncreated begotten of the same substance as the Father, it is not a assemblage point, but a blasphemy. And since when, the blasphemies, they constitute points of union? Perhaps since it was decided to lay them as the basis for interreligious dialogue?».


Martin Lutero, stampa vintage

From the false prophet Muhammad, we can go directly to Martin Luther, on which, always the reigning Pontiff, he said everything and more, as if the Council of Trent had never written certain canons; and if he really wrote them, someone seems to have decided to motu proprio which are no longer valid, if not with a clear papal document, with a confused pastoral practice. And in those months in which the poor visible Church decided to actively participate in the celebrations of the false Lutheran reform - and I say false because the heresiarch Luther did not make any reforms but originated a dramatic schism -, they heard, also from the same Chair of Peter, aberrant sentences: Luther "animated by good intentions", Luther referred to as "reformer", to follow with his schism indicated as "reform" even in an official commemorative stamp issued by the Vatican Post Office on the occasion of the five hundred years of his schism [cf. WHO]. Let's not talk about the number two of the Italian Episcopal Conference, S. AND. Mons. Nunzio Galantine, who at a conference promoted at the Pontifical Lateran University - which incidentally is the University of the Roman Pontiff - indicated with disconcerting shamelessness this Teutonic heresiarch as … "A gift of the Holy Spirit" (!?) [cf. My previous article, WHO].


St. Margaret of Cortona, protector of repentant prostitutes, Zeri collection

So let's try to clarify things to all the beautiful souls, starting above all with the more educated ones who truly believe in these dangerous theories and act for an equally dangerous consequence, for example, inviting us to look for the good and to highlight what is good, unaware that there is nothing true in the false and, if there is a glimmer of truth, it is only because the Devil makes use of it to affirm and spread the false after having confused with his own of weapons of deterrence the wise fools. There is nothing positive in blasphemy, there is always and only insult to God. There is nothing good in heresy, there is only outrage to the truth, even if today heresy is no longer called such and even if for half a century we have insisted on looking in it for what according to some enlightened minds should be good for us. In the schism, which is the most serious form of fracture of ecclesial communion, there is no need to go looking for what unites us, why seek unity in the desired division, maintained e, as such, considered right, is tantamount to going to seek virginity in whores, who individually can also be women capable of embodying in themselves much more tenderness and sensitivity than many ladies of high society, but that in any case they will always remain whores, at least until when, if anything, through the intercession of Santa Margherita da Cortona, protector of repentant prostitutes [cf. WHO], they will not have converted by choosing to completely change their lives. Unfortunately, in the merciful and good-natured Church, we do not limit ourselves to affirming that a single whore can belong to those chosen souls who, as Christ warns us, "precede you into the Kingdom of Heaven" [cf. Mt 21, 28-32]; in today's visible Church, where people more understanding and more merciful than Christ himself swarm, by now it has in fact come to affirm, if not directly through exotic pastoral practices, than in whore, that is, in prostitution, there are good and positive elements to be grasped and valued, if anything, even adding below that the consecrated virgins who mold in religious houses are instead sour spinsters, tending towards Pelagianism, to legalism and so on to follow …


The Supreme Pontiff Pius VII arrested and deported by Napoleon first to Savona and then to Fontainebleau, stampa vintage

The "basically good", seeing the good, seeking union at all costs and whatever it costs, together with dialogue with those who are proud of their mistakes and indomitable spreaders of the same within the Church, it is one of the biggest pitfalls that is corroding us internally. And if anyone dares to indicate evil as evil, heresy as heresy, the schism as a schism, sin as sin, serious moral disorders as serious moral disorders, you run the risk of being called a legalist, of the Pharisee, of the Pelagian, sad christian, of the Christian bat ... but above all of being given by the person without that unspecified mercy today in great vogue.


The criterion of "basically good", of "looking for the good" together with "what unites us and not what divides us", if it is valid it must be applied to everything and everyone. It is therefore true that Napoleon waged war across Europe, who dared to raise his hands on the Supreme Pontiff Pius VII, capturing him and deporting him to Fontainebleau, certain and sure that he would wipe the Church off the face of the earth, But, apart from these things, we who know how Bonaparte was fundamentally good? But most of all, how many good sides there were in Bonaparte? Why look only at the evil and the negative, instead of looking for all the positive aspects in him and highlighting them?


Adolf Hitler with his beloved sheepdog

And perhaps there was a lack of positive implications in Adolf Hitler? Many, making a mistake because they are burdened with prejudices, they only think of Hitler as being responsible for the invasion of Poland that started the Second World War. As soon as Hitler is mentioned, the mind goes to the concentration camps and the extermination of the Jews, ignoring that the Führer was not only this, he was also a very tender man, endowed with a profound sensitivity. He used to show great affection to the children of the members of the S.S., there are film documents that show him affectionate with eyes lit with tenderness. Because, to reduce Hitler only to the one who allowed Doctor Josef Mengele to select about 3.000 children in the storage of Auschwitz-Birkenau, forced to live and die in block number 10 of this concentration camp, from which at the end of the war only two hundred survived? Hitler is not just this, he is also the one who had great concern for his dogs; and all the General Staff of the S.S. saw him cry when his beloved German Shepherd died.


Stalin with his daughter Svetlana

We also want to talk about Iosif Stalin? Or someone thinks that Stalin was solely responsible for the deaths of millions of Russians and the deportation of as many moles Gulag? Why omit all that was good and positive about Stalin, who was above all a very loving father? There is an archive image of the 1935 in which he holds Svetlana in his arms, his beloved daughter, with a tenderness that touches the heart; and God only knows how many daughters would like to be held in their arms by such a loving father.


The Church has repeatedly condemned Communism. Some continue to do so, perhaps because they are biased and lacking the necessary clarity. It would indeed be better, rather than condemn, seek and take what is good also in Communism, because there are many positive aspects that should be highlighted and followed up.


the fall of Lucifer, stampa vintage

The truth is unfortunately it begins by focusing on what unites in good and not on what divides in evil, we continue looking for what is good in man in every way, without anyone - if not a few - noticing that the evil protected by goodness and mercy is destroying us. The problem that afflicts the Church today and from which it sometimes seems impossible to get out, so much so hard to undermine some mechanisms, is that good becomes evil and evil becomes good, virtue becomes a vice to be driven out and vice a virtue to be welcomed and protected well within us. And this great reversal is the work of the great inverter: the Devil, He even came to make use of an unspecified mercy, in whose name today, the pastors taken to accept everything that is not Catholic, they caress the wolves and beat the sheep in their fold, calling them sad, Pelagian sheep who idolize the rigor of doctrine, or worse, they invoke the application of ecclesiastical laws, today supplanted in the name of “no to legalism!”, so that the certainty of canonical laws and their correct application were replaced by that free will humoral which has always been the source of every worst injustice.


the Island of Patmos, 23 April 2018


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1 reply
  1. Zamax says:

    A time on “good” which is found even in the most aberrant philosophies one had the clearest ideas. «For the true consistent heresies generally look very clear indeed; like Calvinism then or Communism now. They sometimes even look very true; they sometimes even are very true, in the limited sense of a truth that is less than the Truth. (…) For a heresy is not often a mere lie; as Thomas More himself said, “Never was there a heretic that spoke all false.” A heresy is a truth that hides all the other truths.» (The well and the shallows, G. K. Chesterton) As if to say that a perverse philosophy or a heresy are such because they contain a thought whose essence, whose direction of travel, whose reply message, they are perverse, that is, ordered to evil or to lies; but this by no means implies that they do not accidentally contain true propositions, and that of some truths, which, however, remain truth, they are not used instrumentally: characteristic this, moreover, of nearly every erroneous doctrine.

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