Dear Readers, help real refugees: those who live on the Isle of Patmos, John's last place of revelation, where the truth will set us free



If once a month, a good number of players decided to offer us a pizza, a cappuccino and a croissant, or even just a coffee and, our work could proceed peacefully without having to live with the anxiety of the often … "We hope to do it!».



Dear Readers,


Father Ariel snow, that sooner or later "unsealed" …

our faith teaches us that appeared in the dark night a star that guided the shepherds to the mystery of the Incarnate Word [cf. Mt 2, 9]. We also know that the snow is likely to melt in the sun, before which the frost gives way to the warmth. He writes Dante Alighieri in Canto XXXIII of Paradise opens with the prayer of St Bernard to the Blessed Virgin Mary:


So the snow is in the sun unsealed;
so in the wind the leaves rise
It perdea of ​​the Sibyl.


In the language of Dante, that while in fabling “the vernacular” It remains adherent to the Latin etymology, The term "unsealing" does not mean dissolving, but it means: lose its shape.


Following the star of God like the shepherds, in this cold, dark night enveloping the Church, we walk towards that bright sun which is Christ, before which this snow will finally disigillata and its unnatural and harmful form dispersed.


With the new year The Island of Patmos He enters its fifth year of life, which will be fulfilled 20 October 2019. Taking stock, we can say that the results have been nothing short of amazing: over the past three years we totaled nearly thirty million visits. Our average oscillates between 800.000 and the 900.000 visits per month to an average of about 30.000 daily visits. We have never known a time of downturn, the graph only marks a progressive increase. If we could call the whole thing happened, But we like to call it the grace of God.


At the beginning of the new year, after the holidays some modifications will be made to the home-page and inserted a page bearing the words 'legal and administrative notes', within which will contain all the relevant data. Indeed, the 30 November 2018 we have constituted the Editions The island of Patmos through the legal form of pious association. At the same time The Island of Patmos has become a magazine with regular registration with the Order of Journalists and the press register of the Court.


This has led to considerable expenses which implied the dues of the notary and the commercial adviser, plus a whole series of related fees paid to the Revenue, Order of Journalists, the Court, etc …


Not having the means, all these expenses were incurred by my mother and my brother, who wanted to contribute to this our apostolic work, I remember that there is certainly not for their benefit, but all of you that more and more we followed and that you can benefit from the fruits of our labor, or if you prefer: of our life we ​​spent entirely for the People of God and for the dissemination of the Catholic faith.


Repeatedly, numerous people, in front of some of our writings we have asked: "Who gives you the courage?». Not a few others have asked us: "Do not fear that you will pay the?». Well, courage is nothing but help that comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth [cf. Shall 120], while, regarding the tribute that has often been made amply pay, perhaps it is better to draw a veil over and proceed …


The Island of Patmos It can express themselves with complete freedom and the legitimate freedom of God's children, inviting those who follow us to know the truth, in the full knowledge that the truth will set us free [cf. GV 8, 32], simply because it is not employed by any potentate, but only employed by Christ and His Holy Church. And the freedom of God's children, in order to be truly exercised, undertakes not to be entered on pay book of any overbearing censorship. Indeed, we do not take money or Knights of Columbus, nor by the Prince of Liechtenstein, lovingly encouraged by the State Secretariat to pour generous amounts of money to people who are not reputed loyal servants of the truth, but only reputed welcome humorally, if not rewarded for the way hidden or adulterate the truth. O, said in other words: could ever, St. John the Baptist protect the conduct of Herod Antipas life, in exchange for its generous subsidies lavished on his preaching work? In conclusion, This tyrant was just living with the wife of his brother and had a totally unhealthy erotic passion for her granddaughter Salomé. If you wish you could make it do, merciful spirit of love and joy, also a bland path penitential then readmitting to the sacraments together with its concubine and its delicious granddaughter, as they would not hesitate to affirm those blindside money from the Knights of Columbus and the Prince of Liechtenstein behind loving urging of Secretary of State, to which they are industrious the arrotini sharpening the blade required to cut the head of the Baptist.


But we know what the Baptist does not think so, He ended with the severed head placed on a tray, because his sense of mercy was holding everything on truth and justice.


This is why we have always walked a tightrope, with all the economic hardships of the case, while avendocela sin made today, albeit always for the so-called Broken headphone, benefiting only the offerings of readers and offers the same to me dates for celebration of the Mass in suffrage for the dead, entirely used for the expenses of The Island of Patmos, always with rigorous public indication of the tenders received and the financial statements prepared on what was received at the end of each year [cf. WHO].


We used this account: if only they were paying fifty players at the beginning of the year 2019 the amount of 120 Euro, corresponding to 10 € per month, the costs would be entirely covered by about 6.000 EUR necessary to maintaining the site hosting this magazine. Unfortunately instead, those who in 2018 have made this subscription are only 12 Readers, for a total amount raised totaled 2.520 Euro, of which 1.200 paid by a single Reader that predispose a monthly payment of 100 Euro.


At the gates of this Holy Christmas, We invite especially those who write to us to show appreciation for our work and our loyalty to the Church of Christ and the the Catholic faith, to make this real appreciation by offering their financial support. Indeed, if only those who contact us to thank us, to show appreciation and stimulate, They were paying only a few Euros, we should not rush, and sometimes even with some fear, on the razor's edge, nor should I have recourse to the generosity of my family to have the money necessary to work free the amor Dei for the benefit of the many who tell us and write us «good!». Because with a thousand "good" does not pay the site's subscription services and other expenses - which amounted to repeat 6.000 euro a year -, while, with one euro gave a thousand people, something instead you pay, If the thousands who tell us' good!"There would send only a euro offer in support of our work.


We invite the most loyal and willing to want to have a monthly payment according to one's generous possibilities through the effective and safe system PayPal which is located in the bottom of the page, Those who prefer can also do so via bank account. For if once a month, a good number of players decided to offer us a pizza, a cappuccino and a croissant, or even just a coffee and, our work could proceed peacefully without having to live with the anxiety of the often … "We hope to do it!».


All while John the Baptist screams in the desert, while the erotic Salomé dance for obscuring the tyrant and while the waiters Herod shine tray on which to lay his head, already abundantly cut with generous financial support of the Prince of Liechtenstein and the Knights of Columbus, all the praise and glory of Christ God!


May God have mercy for all who, on the basis of money and power-sharing, assist, or worse, actively participate in promoting the degradation of the Holy Bride of Christ thrown on the sidewalk.


"He says the sinner: "God's mercy". This is a common trick of the devil to sinners, why many are likely to be damned. He writes a learned author: “It sends the Hell God's mercy, that its not justice”. Indeed, these miserable, recklessly trusting in the mercy not cease from sin, so you lose. God is mercy, who denies? And, it is merciful, But it is also fair, for that punishes those who continue to offend. He shows mercy, But for those who fear ' [Sant'Alfonso Maria’ Liguori, Bishop and Doctor of the Church, in Alphonsian Pages on Mercy, n. 105: The paradox of mercy].


To all of you, a happy Christmas.


Isle of Partmos, 21 December 2018

«You will know the truth and the truth will set you free» [GV 8,32],
but bring, spread and defend the truth not only of
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