Self-defense confirmed by the Union of idiots and Recognized (U.C.C.R.)

- editorial note -



In this electronic jungle also the last of the ignorant, putting his hand on the keyboard of a computer behind the anonymity of the network, becomes an arrogant expert in those disciplines to which we, even though we have dedicated them life and long years of study, we continue to have an ever-based approach and awe the humble modesty, so we feel small, limited and deeply inadequate before the great mysteries of faith.


Preparation of ’ island of Patmos


Marrucine Donkeys, left hand
do not use: in joke and in wine,
napkins of the careless.
Think this is salty?

[Catullo, Carmen XII]



U.C.C.R. Union of Confirmed and Recognized Cretins

Never the Father Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo He hath has been irritated with those who have criticized. Lto criticize, that he sometimes practiced severely, subject to the exercise of the freedoms guaranteed [Cost. art. 21]. It falls outside the constitutional rights the right to falsehood, as in the case of homemade blog called U.C.C.R, which would indicate the acronym Union Catholic Christians Rational, where in one written strictly unsigned [cf. WHO] it states:


«The worrying phenomenon of media priests who find their outlet in social networks. We know well the "progressive" priests who bitterly fought Benedict XVI from their blogs, like Don Giorgio De Capitani, Don Paolo Farinella, Don Aldo Antonelli, Don Franco Barbero. Even Pope Francis has his enemies among the priest-blogger, this time linked to the heresy of "traditionalism": Don Curzio Nitoglia, don Minutella (recently excommunicated), Don Levi Ariel Gualdo and the various members of the Society of St. Pius X. An exception in the midst of so many good pastors, but a big problem because of their visibility donated by the web ' [cf. WHO].


This rant, which also implicitly includes the Father Ariel S. Levi Gualdo among the bad shepherds effectively excluding it from the "many good shepherds", is inserted in the delicate context of the Jewish-Christian relationship to discourse on which are necessary high and deep biblical skills, historical and theological, not a group that is defined:


"OCCF is just a website, not based, no statute, It has no organic, not impersonating cards and not beating case. The 2 February 2011 as a hobby of a group of university students [cf. WHO] to whom, in no time, join other friends met on the net '.


Incidentally, jokers of this homemade blog who call nothing less than "Rational", flying on the fact that to exercise the the task of teaching and the function consacration Sacramento shall grace the bad shepherds as Father Ariel, they should explain in a rational way precisely in which matters the "many good shepherds" they know are busy, to well consider that the turnout to our churches is in free fall, that the Holy Bride of Christ is now marred by a moral and doctrinal crisis without historical precedent, that baptisms are sharp fall together at weddings and the Sacraments of Christian Initiation, while on the surviving confessionals - that is, those that the "many good shepherds" have not yet put in stock or sold to antique dealers -, abounds dust and grow above the cobwebs. And they know, these rational, what is the Diocese who holds the absolute national record of empty churches? Well: is Rome.


Marrucine Donkeys, not use your left hand, you use the … [U.C.C.R. Union of Confirmed and Recognized Cretins]

The small group of university students and various friends united in the network, ignore the Father Ariel S. Levi said to prints of Gualdo 12 years ago the book Herbs Amare, the century of Zionism, on the market for six years, several thousand copies sold and considered by scholars of national and international reputation a "milestone on the Jewish phenomenology". In this book 360 pages with 520 historical and scientific notes, the middle section, equal to 120 pages, It is entirely dedicated to the figure of Pius XII, that about the author debunks with irrefutable historical data ideological controversy mounted against this Supreme Pontiff by certain Jewish circles that, as amply demonstrated, all of them were related to various Marxist movements and various international Masonic lodges. The book is currently being reprinted.


Unite the Father Ariel S. Levi Gualdo to members of the Fraternity of St. Pius X or so-called Lefebvrians, What is indeed grotesque. Indeed, This priest and theologian, Lefebvre has repeatedly indicated as schismatics, accordingly as heretics, repeatedly explaining their mistakes, besides urging on several occasions the Catholic faithful not to participate in their sacred celebrations and not to receive from them the Sacraments, except in the case of life threatening, because in this case even a priest excommunicated and dismissed from the clerical state can administer the sacraments validly [cann. 976; 986 §2; can. 883 n. 3].


Marrucine Donkeys, not use your left hand, you use the … [U.C.C.R. Union of Confirmed and Recognized Cretins]

Regarding the priest Alessandro Minutella, in a sorrowful article signed by Fathers de The Island of Patmos Ariel S. Levi Gualdo and Father John Cavalcoli [cf. WHO], the two theologians have begged him to backtrack. Soon after, father ariel, not having obtained no effect, he bitterly referred to as a model not to follow, inviting him to renew his profession of obedience to the bishop in communion with the Bishop of Rome [cf. WHO].


then indicate the Father Ariel S. Levi Gualdo as' Papa Francesco enemy " and it tied to the "heresy of traditionalism", denotes two different forms of folly: first of all do not know the devotion that this priest feeds to the Successor of Peter, therefore confuse the legitimate criticism of certain expressions or certain pastoral choices of the Roman Pontiff with those that are its acts of teaching, before which repeatedly, in four years a publicist on the online magazine The Island of Patmos, He called on the due obedience, because "If the Supreme Pontiff gives off a motu proprio, the matter is closed and there is nothing to argue about, It just has to obey ".


Marrucine Donkeys, not use your left hand, you use the … [U.C.C.R. Union of Confirmed and Recognized Cretins]

These university goliardic that are revealed theologians, ecclesiologists and canonists hobby, they are therefore qualified and disqualified with the expression "heresy of conservatism", ignoring that the Holy Fathers and Doctors of the Church, the Catholic tradition They have spread and defense, some until the shedding of their blood. Indeed, changing the word "tradition" and "traditionalism" in the negative sense until even use it as a synonym for heresy, It is to affirm authentic nonsense, such as those in the negative sense they use the words "dogma" and "dogmatic". It would be enough to know it only superficially and also the documents of the Second Vatican Council to know how many times the Fathers of the Church assembled in this assizes reflect and recall the tradition and respect for tradition, variously defined as "holy", as "sacred" and as a "perennial".


Given these premises, the boys of U.C.C.R blog They are likely to be counted in the Union of idiots and confirmed Recognized, Please take for what they are, especially as intellectually they prove to be worth, in this electronic jungle where even the last of the ignorant, putting his hand on the keyboard of a computer behind the anonymity of the network, becomes an arrogant expert in those disciplines to which we, even though we have dedicated them life and long years of study, we continue to have an increasingly approach based on the humble awe and modesty, so we feel small, limited and deeply inadequate before the great mysteries of faith.


the Island of Patmos, 29 November 2018



Finally invite “scientists” del blog U.C.C.R. to deny this Lectio on a purely and strictly theological level, or otherwise declare that the Gospels Saints and the Blessed Evangelists were wrong







