Matilde Giuseppina Nicoletti
Of the Order of the Dominicans of Blessed Imelda

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Sweat Mathilde

It was held a council in the Dominican convent of Varazze who proceeded to condemn Karl Rahner errors under the auspices of St. Caterina da Siena beloved patron saint of this Ligurian City



In recent times it The Island of Patmos There is great movement: Father Ariel S. Levi of Gualdo was appointed Metropolitan Archbishop of Naples, while higher up to climb, along the Ligurian Sea, in Varazze City Father Giovanni Cavalcoli presided over a Holy Council of which we provide you with the Summary of fees.



Matilde Nicoletti, S.D.B.I.
Jorge Facio Lynx



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the concert of bells of Varazze Dominican Convent announcing the opening of the Council [click on image to open the video]

The councils of the Church They are not new to the conviction of those doctrinal errors that until a few decades ago seguitavano to be called heresy, but today they are called "precious diversity", which as such must be welcomed, questioning if anything where we missed in condemning certain errors in the past, sometimes even with a determined hardness. Those who yesterday were in fact called "serious doctrinal errors", Today seems to deserve to be welcomed as valuable diversity, until reaching Martin Lutero becomes a "gift of the Holy Spirit", as announced at the Pontifical University S.It is Lateranse. Mons. Nunzio Galantine, General Secretary of the C.E.I, thereby giving for granted - good or bad implicitly - that the darker the Fathers of Trent condemned him unfairly, presumably because of the hardness of their hearts [cf. Mt 19, 8] closed love and mercy [cf. WHO].


the Patroness of the Ligurian city Caterina da Siena, Santa and doctor, under whose auspices was held the Council of Varazze [click on image to open the video]

In history the Church there are examples of different councils that have established harsh sentences to those mistakes that we should not be afraid to call this day heresies. We provide a few examples: in the year 325 The Council of Nicea condemned the heresy of Arius which subordinated the Son to the Father, namely that the Son, previously non-existent, it was at a given point created by the Father. While in A profession of faith, known as Nicene Creed, professiamo «begotten th Judging from the original,consubstantial tῷ Father " [begotten not made, of the same substance as the Father], in quanto «begotten begotten from the Father" [He born of the Father before all ages]. To follow centuries later with another council, the Fourth Lateran, that condemns the heresy of Abbot Joachim of Fiore, known as heresy triteista, which it is to distinguish God in three Persons, or three different natures or essences, which in fact is to say: three gods. VA’ however, it stated that Joachim was condemned the erroneous doctrine, but the same Council Fathers who condemned him, They never put into question his undoubted holiness of life. Then comes later, in the 16th century, The Council of Trent, which condemns the errors of that great "gift of the Holy Spirit" Martin Luther [cf. WHO].


the Dominican convent of Varazze, XVI sec.

Following the style of the Councils, in Varazze Dominican Convent came together under the auspices of Caterina da Siena, Santa and Doctor of the Church, a group of scholars, which I showed in forty short rents some of the basic errors that cross theological speculation of the German Jesuit theologian Karl Rahner, It has become for decades, with its outrageous mistakes, a point of reference for theological speculation and for the academic teaching.




new profiles. Walther Bunny, Catholic biblical scholar of the Old Testament Shepherd University International, Padre Dionysios Papavasileiou, Monaco Mount Athos, greek Orthodox Archimandrite residing in Bologna and Father Giovanni Cavalcoli, Order of Preachers, academic pontifical, gathered in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Mother of God, la Theotokos, Varazze in the Dominican Convent in days 13-15 November 2017, to treat the


Problems raised by the influence of Hegel IN CHRISTOLOGY KARL RAHNER


we mean, following the first seven holy Ecumenical Councils of the Church A, Santa, Catholic and Apostolic, to introduce softly, confidently to our respective Prelates, Representatives of Our Lord Jesus Christ and the Keepers of the most holy Orthodox doctrine taught to us by our Divine Master, or




  1. The truth is no identity of the idea to reality, but adequacy of the idea to reality, because the reality is superior to the idea and the truth of the rule.


  1. Reality, independently of our ideas, It is not placed by our ideas, but it is created by God.


  1. The most holy dogmas of the Christian Orthodox faith and, insegnatici by the Church, are not mere words, human and perishable categories, pure human thoughts and passengers, contingent and profane, conventional signs, myths, symbols, images or figures of divine truth, arbitrary impositions that block freedom of thought, They are not relevant to the times and places, but they're infallible interpretations of God's Word, and Sacred Tradition of the Holy Fathers. They, formulated with the assistance of the Holy Spirit, Truth is absolute and most certain, which they reach conceive and luminously, truly, precisely, immutably and infallibly the infinite reality of the divine Mysteries, while leaving unfathomable and inscrutable to our limited intellect, while they stimulate us to the pious and mystical silence and adoration.


  1. God created the world not alienating itself and becoming world, but suscitandolo from nothing.


  1. We reject firmly as a Gnostic heresy called "transcendental pre-conceptual experience of God", Why, as taught by the Blessed Apostolo Paolo, We know God in this life by means of creatures (tois poiemasin, RM 1,19-20), while the divine Scriptures assert that he is unfailingly known to us "by analogy" ( kat'analoghìan Sap 13,5).


  1. The world the divine essence not complete, as if God can not exist without the world.


  1. It is heresy Modalist argue that the Three Divine Persons are three modes of subsistence of the only subsistent divine nature. On the contrary, they are three subjects subsisting or three hypostases.


  1. The Holy Trinity is not economic in essence, but only in fact, by free will. The economy of salvation does not enter into the essence of God, but due to its perfectly free decision.


  1. The original sin was a sin actually committed by the primitive couple at the instigation of the Tempter, and whose fault miserable and whose consequences have been transmitted generation to all humanity.


  1. It gave, for God, He did not need to incarnate.


  1. It is heresy to say that Marcionite, while the Old Testament God is a terrible God, avenger, irascible and punisher, the God of the New Testament is a merciful God, compassionate, merciful and loving. On the contrary, it is always the one same God, just and merciful, with the difference that in the New is a God Incarnate.


  1. Sa of heresy and hegelismo mention "story of God", even after the Incarnation, as if the essence of God to be immersed in time and limited by time and not quite eternal and immutable, above the space and time. God is not a temporal authority, but it is pure immortal Spirit, He who is the creator of time. With the Incarnation, God took and lifted up to Him, in-person units, in Christ, time and history, without time and history.


  1. Marcion's heresy to say that the true God we know only in the New Testament.


  1. It is heresy patripassiana and teopaschita assert that the divine nature is liable and deadly.


  1. It is heresy to affirm that God Eutiche, with the Incarnation, He has changed its nature in human nature. On the contrary, in the Incarnation, it remains unchanged (dare), because it is immutable.


  1. It is false to say that the concepts used in the Chalcedonian dogma are no longer relevant or have changed meaning or are reinterpreted.


  1. It is an absurdity Hegelian thesis Rahner, according to which God, in the Incarnation, wetsuit while remaining immutable.


  1. It is to be rejected as impiety Gnostic the so-called "transcendental Christology", affected by the "transcendental experience", referred to in subparagraph. 5.


  1. The "Elevated cristologia", namely the incarnate Logos in time, existed before the creation of the world (GV 17,5) and "Christology from below", that "Jesus came in the flesh" (The Gv 4,2; II Jn 7) not mutually exclusive, but rather they are mutually complementary, because this represents the historical way to initiate and elevate itself to that anagogicamente.


  1. In Christ there is no unity, but union of the two natures, do not pass by two at a, why they, though united and not separated (adiairetos, e achoristos), remain distinct and not confused (asynchitos).


  1. Christ on the cross has reconciled us with the Father, obtaining for the remission of sins and the resurrection enables us to resurrect us too. So, the Cross is paschal and expiatory sacrifice.


  1. You Nestorian heresy to assert that Christ, dying, He loses his human existence and become the Spirit, as if in Christ there were two people: a human person, it vanishes, and a divine Person, which remains.


  1. Rahner also falls in nestorianism another point. He takes the Hegelian concept of the person as self-consciousness. Now, because in Christ there are two self-consciousnesses, the human and the divine, it follows that there are two people. The fact is that the two self-consciousnesses depend on the two natures, no personal being of Christ, which it is only one.


  1. It is heresy Docetist and monophysite say that the body of the risen Christ was not seen significantly, touched and palpated, as if it were a mere appearance, vanished with the death.


  1. It is heresy to say that Christ is not risen after death, but in death, identifying almost Hegelian life with death.


  1. The Second Coming is not a myth that is a future already present, but it is really a prediction of future event.


  1. We are not born to grace, but with the original offense, that is removed from Baptism.


  1. We are created to tend to God, but we possess free will, whereby, de facto, depending on the choice that each one does, there are those who will and who tends there tends.


  1. In sin you lose grace, but with the metanoia it can regain.


  1. Incomplete grace human nature, which it is in itself endowed by God with a perfection, Although wounded by sin, but the healing and freedom from sin and sopraeleva the condition of divine sonship in the image of the Son.


  1. Christ is not only the model of, but also man's guide to the divine sonship.


  1. With the grace occurs deification (theosis), But not in the sense that man might become God, but in the sense that participates analogy of life (Methexis, koinonia) Divina.


  1. In the grace God gives us the essence, because it only does so with the Son (True God from true God, however,), but it tells us only one share in its life.


  1. Grace is not God, Why, if it was God, we could not destroy with sin, something that unfortunately happens. For God you can not destroy.


  1. It is not true that men are always in grace: there are those who possess it and some people do not possess. And even the same man, You can now possess and may now lose.


  1. It is not true that everyone is saved, but only those who accept the grace and live accordingly.


  1. The purpose of the Christian life is not simply natural, but above all to become children of God.


  1. The goal of Christian conduct is not only reconciliation with God and be forgiven of sins, but above all get to communion with the Father through Christ in the Holy Spirit.


  1. The task and powers of the Christian are not the ones to shape its essence to your liking, but those to obey the laws of God based on a knowledge of human nature and its natural and supernatural ends.


  1. Among human nature in its finitude and the infinite God is an infinite difference in height. Yet the grace makes us children of God.


Praise and glory forever and ever to the Holy Trinity.


Varazze, 13-15 November 2017



Post scripts

The newly elected Archbishop of Naples, S. AND. Mons. Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo [cf. WHO], He could not take part in the Council of Varazze because it is located at the spa for a period of spiritual exercises before receiving episcopal consecration. It has in fact chosen as a retreat spas, Why, making sludge, He is preparing to enter its role as a poor bishop for the poor.




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