Giovanni Cavalcoli
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

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Father Giovanni

The bad guys friends of the Holy Father: the Jesuit Antonio Spadaro between utopianism and secularism

defend the Pope from false amici



Father Antonio Spadaro at this point moves away not only by liberation theology, but it seems to fall into the opposite of a certain attitude submissive and peace activist, that the approaching Utopianism liberal-Masonic Rousseau and enlightened matrix, that ignores the fact that original sin has left humanity in fact a tendency to injustice and violence, which can not be neutralized if not with a moderate use of force, in defense of the weak and the oppressed.



Giovanni Cavalcoli, o.p.



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Antonio Spadaro, S.J. [open video WHO].

In an article on La Civiltà Cattolica dedicated to the problem of political fundamentalism, which it sparked a lot of discussion, the Father Antonio Spadaro S.J. He has made the following statement:


"The fundamentalist teopolitico scheme wants to establish the reign of a god here and now. And of course, the divinity is the ideal projection of established power. This vision creates the ideology of conquest. In contrast the true Christian teopolitico scheme is rather eschatological, that looks to the future and intends to direct this story towards the Kingdom of God, Kingdom of justice and peace. This vision creates the integration process, which unfolds with a diplomacy that does not anyone like crowns “Man of Providence”» [cf. full text WHO].


We observe that the scheme teopolitico Christian actually has an eschatological orientation, in the sense of preparing even now humanity of the risen, who will rule with Christ in heaven to his glorious and victorious Advent at the end of the world and the Last Judgment, with the defeat of the forces of evil and the final liberation of the righteous from the oppression of the wicked. This eschatological outcome is prepared by the joint action of the Church - the spiritual shepherds of action and political action of the laity - and men of good will, under the impulse of the Holy Spirit in the course of history.


The encyclical Peace on Earth the Holy Father John XXIII [full text WHO]

A distinction is made, in this promotion of humanity and society eschatological, the task of the ecclesial hierarchy from that of the laity, believers and non-believers, ie State. The task of the Church, the promotion of justice and peace - Pacem in Terris - it is to teach the whole of humanity, in the name of the Gospel and on the basis of practical reason, common to all men, what is the purpose of the state - the promotion of the common good time - and the natural moral laws established by God, that must be the basis of the legislation, whereby, if a civil law is contrary to the natural law, It is null and void and would observe criminal, at least the part of believers.


Care must be taken the eschatological perspective of the Kingdom of God is not generally a simple "justice policy perspective and peace", as it would seem to believe Father Antonio Spadaro, in assimilating what his positions and those of Liberation Theology, but it is a much higher meta, the object of divine Revelation and the Magisterium of the Church.


… «In the name of the Father …»

I fear, that what he says falls under the censorship of 'Education on liberation theology published by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in 1984 [cf. text WHO], where it observes that the theology of liberation "arises in perspective of a temporal messianism, which it is one of the most radical secularization of the Kingdom of God and of its absorption expressions in the immanence of human history " [cf. n.6].


In fact, when we talk about eschatology and Kingdom of God, not enough simply, how does Spadaro, a vague reference to the prospect of "justice" and "peace" - this is already the aspiration of all human Politologie -, but it is necessary to specify and add the originality and novelty of the purposes specifically Christian, with their evangelical content, supernatural and revealed, deduced from Scripture and Tradition.


I agree however with the Father Antonio Spadaro to call "fundamentalist scheme ', you could say even totalitarian, the will "to establish the reign of a god here and now. And of course, the divinity is the ideal projection of established power. This vision creates the winning ideology ".


It is not difficult will recognizee what state political projects the Father Antonio Spadaro can refer. To stop only the theories appeared in the nineteenth century, we can certainly think of Hegel's political philosophy, for which the State is the immanence of God on earth, so the ruling political class is undoubtedly the divine guidance of the company. That being the case, the state does not recognize any natural moral law, or any law that precedes and funds, but the state is considered the ultimate foundation of law and morality, the so-called "ethical State".


11 February 1929, the head of Benito Mussolini government and the Secretary of State of His Holiness Cardinal Pietro Gasparri, sign the Lateran Pacts

So you understand the motto of Benito Mussolini, typically Hegelian: "Nothing outside the State, nothing above the State, nothing against the State '. It is true that the Duce was called, as is known, by Pio XI, "Man of Providence". In his written, indeed, Father Antonio Spadaro alludes, without naming, this Pontiff, namely to his famous sentence commentary addressed to Mussolini. However, you must remember that andsisteva then the danger of a spread in Europe of atheistic principles of the October Revolution, phenomenon that would be accentuated after the Second World War. Moreover, Mussolini had the merit to sign with the Church of the Lateran Treaty and the Concordat with Italy. With everything, it is clear that in these matters the judgment of the Pope is not infallible. The rest, we can only hope that our government represents us divine providence.


In the words of Pius XI, the author of the article joked inappropriately and too easy on the expression of a Pontiff, he could not foresee the tragedy in which Italy would fall twenty years later with the alliance with Hitler. On the other hand the fascists, gained power, They would not have missed, with their neo-pagan mentality and their arrogance, to exercise the Holy See and the Church a pressure that would have limited freedom, similar to what the modernists are doing today.


Joseph Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili, arts Iosif Stalin [1879-1953]. It should not be forgotten that the other side of iron Curtain, after the Revolution of October 1917, there was this great "man of providence" …

We know the damage that, especially starting from 1938 on, made the’ "Providential man", but Father Antonio Spadaro should also know that the other side, the other "man of providence", It was not a St. Louis IX of France or St. Wenceslas, but Stalin, persecutor of the Church and slaughterer of those who would not be communists. So, in those years, It is that the choices were many: or Mussolini or Stalin. He chose the least worst.


As for Hegel, inspirational Nietzsche and Hitler, the state is the absolute Person and the Führer is the realization of this person. The city does not own the subsistence, but its substance and existence in the State person materialized in the Führer. The State is not due to the decision of individual citizens; but they are citizens to be based in the State, as divine substance. Under these conditions the will of the citizen coincides with the free and sovereign will of the Führer, while this is the will of the citizens of the substance, and thus the will of the citizen is free from the divine freedom of the Führer [1].


Vladimir Il'ič Ul'janov, aka Lenin [1870-1924], another great "man of providence" that more than iron Curtain sowed peace and good, an authentic Franciscan Russian Orthodox version …

Another social doctrine They can enter the "fundamentalist pattern," Father Antonio Spadaro, It is certainly the Marxist theory of social revolution, for which alienated man to be robbed of their work product, retakes possession of its essence through violence expropriating the master class, and privately held possession of production tools. In this view, the state is not, come in Hegel, the divine substance of civil society, but it is conceived as a transitional instrument of power, currently in the hands of the bosses, but it intended to come, by Revolution, in the hands of workers, to establish the "dictatorship of the proletariat", whose function is to eliminate oppression of the ruling class and establish a communist society without classes, in which, as he explained Lenin, It would take place the extinction of the State, no longer necessary in its repressive function, because in communist society, made righteous, equal and free, you no longer need the use of force.


In Marx not the state but the man, the genus, ie the man not as an individual, but as a social, as mankind, and me: "Man is God to man". In capitalist bourgeois society, the division of labor and division into classes, the man himself is split and placed against himself, because man oppresses man; Man is alienated of his divine essence.


the dangerous game of class struggle …

The Marxist method then teaches man alienated in the work - the worker -, conscious of its revolutionary power, to free himself and by that very fact the masters, also alienated into private property; hence the liberation of the whole humanity and religious alienation to alienation work time. The whole, is intende, horizon of history, not being conceivable, Marx, an eschatological perspective of eternity ultramundane, since it denied the transcendence of spirit over matter and the existence of God.


Liberation Theology, to which Father Antonio Spadaro seems to approach, but admits eschatology, but - as stated in the document of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith [cf. text WHO] - it does not give guarantees of transcendence over the horizon of history and therefore of politics: the world, eat says Gutierrez, It is this world and there is another world beyond the AL, besides this. God certainly is not denied, ma, in these conditions, It seems rather a worldly God, a God of history, more that the true God metahistorical, eternal and transcendent Christian, although Father Antonio Spadaro would just refuse a social and immanent God.


the visible products of Liberation Theology: Ernesto Guevara El Che said forward, Christ behind [by Sergio Michilini, Che Guevara with the Yellow Christ, 1996, oil on canvas, cm.60×70]

Liberation theology is also attracted by the revolutionary perspective, known as the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, who, to about, He warns against the risk of violence. However, about the problem of the revolution, falls here to remember that the Blessed Paul VI in Development of Peoples the 26 March 1967 admitted, in particularly serious circumstances, the lawfulness of the revolution [cf. n.31], just like always, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, He admits the use of force and the use of "just war" in specific situations of aggression [CCC n. 2263, NN. 2307-2317], course for the defense of the common good and of peace.


Father Antonio Spadaro at this point it moves away not only by liberation theology, but it seems to fall into the opposite of a certain attitude submissive and peace activist, that the approaching Utopianism liberal-Masonic Rousseau and enlightened matrix, that ignores the fact that original sin has left humanity in fact a tendency to injustice and violence, which can not be neutralized if not with a moderate use of force, in defense of the weak and the oppressed. This is also the current Code of Canon Law reminds us that "Innate and proper right to be delinquent in penal sanctions to coerce » ["The Church has an innate and proper right to coerce criminal penalties the faithful who have committed crimes"] [can. 1311].


l'opera at Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, signed with the pseudonym Lewis Carroll

Father Antonio Spadaro seems to solve the action of the Church in the world for justice and peace in a simple quiet work of "integration" and "diplomacy", forgetting that, as the Book of Revelation teaches, to the Church, pastors and lay, each in its place, They extend even to the Test, the struggle and suffering, Why, If ever the Church meet the ASSECONDERANNO forces and will be ready to cooperate, always will encounter enemies irreducible. Father Antonio Spadaro seems to imagine a world on the type of Alice in Wonderland, It composed only of men of good will and well-wishers, do not expect anything but to hear the Word of God and be guided by the Church to the Kingdom of God. It is the world that imagines Rahner, where men are defined by the "transcendental orientation to God", and from the possession of grace.


Unfortunately, things are not exactly so. We are no longer the earthly paradise. In the world operate sin, death and Satan. "The whole world is under the power of the evil one" [The Gv 5,19], that of Christ and of God just do not want it. What can be done then, The "integration" and "diplomacy" by themselves? At best, take us around by cunning and by profiteers. I fear that even Father Antonio Spadaro, similarly to his Superior General Father Arturo Sosa, It is not too convinced of the action of the devil in the world. These utopians who live outside of reality seem to conceive the preaching of the Gospel as advertising a new car to do better in the mountains or in the Black Sea.


the letters of St. Caterina da Siena to the Pope at the Avignon Court

The Kingdom of God is gained through a "violence" [Mt 11,12], that has nothing hatred, if not with hatred for sin, but is dictated by means courage and strength and liberating; but you can not down here establish justice and peace without the use of force and victory over the enemies of justice and peace [GV 18,36]. Being meek does not mean being cowardly. In God and righteous man's mercy does not exclude the severity. Essays were the Romans, when they said: «If you want peace, prepare for war » ["If you want peace, prepare for war ']. As said Virgilio: «spare and to subdue» ["Save submissive and bring down the proud ']. Because Christ said that he came to bring a sword? [Mt 10,34], if not because he is the Prince of Peace? And who said "he has put down the mighty from their thrones" [LC 1,52]?


This is the Gospel.


A Church cowardly and springs, with twisted neck, servant of the powerful, fleeing from the clash with the world, It can not be light of the world, salt of the earth and liberating and pacifying force. A Church opportunist who likes the world, He can not please Christ, who won the world. Christ certainly overcomes the world with the cross, but the enemy of the cross can only be won by force.


Varazze, 22 July 2017




[1] Cf G.G.F.Hegel, Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences, Laterza Publishers, Bari 1963, §§ 535-552.




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