Ancient and new lies about the resurrection: He faces the imprint of Christ the veil of Veronica

- Holy Week -



Veronica does not appear in the Chronicles of the Gospel and its figure is part of many centuries of piety and popular traditions. Guidance on this female figure we find in some of the many apocryphal Gospels, to be exact the The 7th chapter of the acts of Pilate. But what problems can arise from certain texts, such as the apocryphal Gospels, If placed in the hands of certain scholars or suspected such, more or less intellectually honest?



Author Father Ariel

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo



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Veronica in pious exercise of Way of the cross

Wipe the face of the Lord who offers for our redemption means "to our" that his precious blood, behind which and on which there is the mystery of our salvation to creatures created in the image and likeness of God, calls to contemplate forever and forever the glory of his face [Shall 27-29].



Anne Bancroft

the great and unforgettable Italian Anna Maria, aka Anne Bancroft [1931-2005], in the film role of Mary Magdalene

Among the various female characters who lived in contact with the word of God made man, the figure of Veronica, that is how deep the centuries offers food for thought. This pious woman known as she who along the via dolorosa, in seeing Jesus carrying the cross with his face covered in blood because of the crown of thorns, the wiped with a linen cloth on which was printed the ’ imprint of the face of the Lord, the so-called veil of Veronica.


The apocryphal Gospels 3

apocryphal Gospel fragment

Veronica does not appear in the Chronicles of the Gospel and her figure is part of many centuries of piety and popular traditions. Guidance on this female figure we find in some of the many apocryphal Gospels, to be exact the The 7th chapter of the acts of Pilate.


The apocryphal Gospels 1

an apocryphal Gospel lyrics

It is good to point out that the apocryphal Gospels, which also contain interesting historical and contemporary costume, are not recognized by the Church and often do not even have any links with the mystery of revelation; Although some biblical scholars want to give them a recognition of historical character but can not stand upright, with free peace of what they teach some lecturers at the Pontifical biblical Institute and Pontifical Lateran University, We lay on the Gregorian not even the classic “veil”, but their heavy wool quilt. Separate the true from likely and the genuine from the fake ’ in the texts of the apocryphal Gospels, is like looking for a needle in a haystack; noble enterprise which cannot and must not be prevented, as long as those who do some research this is fully aware, then take action and especially teach with cautious consequence.


The apocryphal Gospels 2

The apocryphal Gospels

Different but similar applies to certain scholars secularists as Umberto Eco, that was a true scholar; or like Corrado Augias, that is a fake scholar. Not to mention a novelist from tiny but rich as Dan Brown box, that in his best-selling translated into 20 languages and sold millions of copies with "sensational revelations" on news “withheld from the Church”, for example peregrine theories on the Lord Jesus and Magdalene, for which are offered as authentic evidence sources written unrecognized precisely because spurious untrustworthy. This is why the apocryphal Gospels are not accepted, Why not say or contain "uncomfortable truths", but why they collect patently inaccurate news and studiously often false.


Corrado Augias investigation of jesus

one of the texts by Corrado Augias which follows the book Investigation on Mary

Who then as Corrado Augias assumed instead of knowing what in fact does not know, Turning to millions of viewers with powerful means for feed the canard of the four canonical Gospels ' chosen at the Council of Nicaea by order of the Emperor Constantine, who needed to give a unitary religion Empire», should be at least aware "he will also be pure Pike a connoisseur of Judaism" that exist even apocryphal Gospels created by Jewish circles deeply hostile to Christianity. And just taking cues from certain false news the same Gospels claim: «So this rumor was spread among the Jews until today» [Mt 28, 15]. Rumors put before writing and spread, so much so that between the 4th and the 6th century principieranno to circulate within the Jewish History of Jesus [Toledot Yeshu], a satirical and irreverent collection on the life and death of Jesus of Nazareth, indicated in the other ’ as bastard [verbatim bastard] the illegitimate son born from forbidden Union of his mother with a Roman soldier; all news then found in the Babylonian Talmud between the 7th and 8th centuries what “he tries” the great Christian lie, and still teaching the subject in rabbinical schools of the ultra-Orthodox and more, as I will explain later. But on the whole this Corrado Augias fly, being part of an epic historical materials in complex ignoramus and theology that would presume treat and partly because intellectually dishonest.



the Jewish sect of Gnostic-esoteric matrix of Hasidim of Lubavitch, one of the most powerful and successful within the Jewish world, in particular in the United States of America

Not to mention interfaith dialogue It did not in truth but in political correctness, which from our side, many eminent and distinguished scholars of the Catholic world, do not hesitate to sacrifice half a century even some of the basics of our faith. And they fly over “wisely” on a given determined and blatant historical: several so-called apocryphal Gospels were born in the Jewish world during the first apostolic age and are sensational forgeries studied at the table - or rather at the tables of the Synagogues -, then disseminated in order to put in bad light the first Judeo-Christian movement and the same Christ, on which we offer news and stories embarrassing to say the least. And the more the figure of Christ, in some of these texts, It is presented as that of a subject iracondo, violent and even immoral, is more evident and obvious the matrix of certain rabbinical schools of. But unfortunately, in the dialogue to “good blood volume“, These study topics are not addressed. On the contrary, It looks from point out that these false texts are still presented as incontrovertible truth of Jewish orthodoxy in many environments, in particular within the Meetings [rabbinical schools] of various sects so-called ultra-Orthodox from the world of the various Hasidic movements. And from the Hebrew, these falsehoods are hereafter passed to poison the world Masonic esotericism, and the Masons have given large spread them blowing the trumpets to all breathless. But, as I mentioned just above, in the authentic Gospels that tell the mystery of the Resurrection of Christ, a clarification of everything is written, :


“Some guards came to the city and announced everything that had happened to the chief priests. These are then assembled with the elders and, after consultation, They gave a good sum of money to the soldiers, saying: “thus shall ye say: His disciples came by night and stole him, while we slept. And if ever he came to the ear of the governor, we will satisfy him and keep you out of concern”. So they took the money and did as instructed. So this story has been reported among the Jews until this day " [cf. Mt 28, 11-15].


That is pace of interfaith dialogue, at least until the Church will continue to teach that the Santi Vangeli contain both truths of faith both facts and historical truths, beyond the well unedifying bultmaniane acrobatics of Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi which over time has repeated several times their element unhistorical but instead allegorical from then interpret with the categories of theology …


archal flowers

Jesus. The invention of the Christian God ’

The theory that the Church would fear the "uncomfortable truth" contained in these texts are not trusted and often false, or that some irreverent insults go instead taken as "historical records" final, Let it say and write to Paolo Flores d'arcais, who in his book Jesus. The invention of the Christian God ’ [Add Publisher, 2011] public propina theses and theories denials already before the year 1000 from studies of the greatest fathers of the Church, only to be denied by anthropologists and historians to anything but Christian or far however from practicing Catholics. These arguments and theories, the result of rumors often libelous masses standing after being studied at the table, Finally fell into oblivion for many centuries; an Oblivion from which were exhumed in the eighteenth century by the enlightenment, in the early 1800s following the aggressive anti-Catholic Masonic currents, finally put to use in the first decade of the new millennium by Communist old Paolo Flores d'arcais, not having yet developed appropriate psychoanalytic seat in the trauma of bereavement resulting from the fall of the Berlin wall, through a veritable boom unleashed its unsurpassed discomfort resulting from the dissolution of its Marxist Belief pigliandosela with the fathers of the Church gathered in the first Ecumenical Council at Nicaea in the year 325, where in his opinion would have invented the the Christian God and sketched the Symbol of Faith, the I believe Roman Apostolic Catholic Church, then perfected later in the ’ Assembly of the Council of Constantinople.


flores arcais back cover

fold: “He never proclaimed Messiah. He was a Jewish apocalyptic itinerant Prophet announcing in the villages of the Galilee, the upcoming end of the world

Paolo Flores d'arcais is free to write what he wants, as I am of deny it. I would have rather a lot to debate on the right to freedom of our theologians and exegetes — very sympathetic to the left radical chic — to quote him in certain academic areas of our ecclesiastics, to suggest even in homes where they form the future priests reading of certain “interesting” texts published in the journal Micromega. And I said this must extend warmest congratulations to the Congregation for the clergy now in charge of the supervision of seminars, the Congregation for Catholic education in charge of our academic training centres, and finally to the Italian episcopate; all of them deserve the warmest thanks to the commendable manner in which they exercise their apostolic obligation to monitor our formation houses and on those theological studies in which sometimes seems to get around, except that which is Catholic.


veronica paul la roche

Veronica, in a painting of the 19th century. by Paul de la Roche

The name Veronica comes from the Greek Φερενικη [pherenike] and consists of φερω [phero, which leads] it's a win [Nike, victory], that means: the one that brings victory. This name, transposed then in Latin – Veronica – takes on the meaning of the passage with Vera icon, what does it mean “true icon ", "true image”, thereby lending itself as an iconographic image in the overall framework of passion, that from the second Middle Ages began to illustrate this pious woman wipes the face of the Lord. Figure, that of Veronica, cautiously extrapolated by the stories often confused, often just as untrue and not consistent with the story that emerge from numerous apocryphal Gospels, some of which are undoubted interest charge d ’, If taken with all due caution and with whom you should try to take out a needle from a haystack of true false.


veronica Byzantine icon

Veronica in Byzantine iconography

From the 15th century Veronica is venerated as one of the pious women that followed along the Via Dolorosa to Calvary, the crucifixion of Jesus, and is mentioned in VI° of the pious exercise of station Way of the cross. According to some traditions Santa Veronica is the same woman who would have dried the face of Christ, but on this there is no historical documentation and feedback. According to these ancient traditions Veronica consecrated his life in spreading the Gospel, traveling to various cities in Europe, leaving Rome the precious linen with which wiped the face of the Lord and from there continue towards Gaul, the current France, where he died dedicating himself to the conversion of the Gauls in Christianity.


Christ Pantocrator Cathedral cefalù

the Christ Pantocrator in the Cathedral of Cefalù

In the mystery of the Holy Passion of our Lord Veronica invites us to contemplate the face of Christ, a face that goes far beyond the actual physical face in and of itself, to come to the contemplation of which there is very useful one of the Psalms of David: «Listen, man, my voice. I cry: have mercy on me! Answer me. You said my heart: "Seek his face"; your face, man, I seek. Don't hide your face, don't dismiss your servant with anger. Are you my help, Don't leave me, do not forsake me, God of my salvation " [Shall 26].


face of Christ piacenza

Cristian Pastorelli. Face of Christ, 2007. Private Collection. Caritas of Piacenza

The true face of the Lord that we seek and we need to look for is the mystery of his constant presence in the history of mankind and humanity ’; that Christ Allus, as define Sant'Agostino, that is the beginning, the Centre and the ultimate goal of our entire humanism. World history is the history of God's presence, from the garden of Eden in which the "face of God" creates man in his own image and likeness, until the inverted stone of the tomb of the risen Christ, where the "face of God", After being offered as a slain lamb, resplendent in glory and in the fullness of his divinity, bringing in your glorious body indelible signs of passion [LC 24,40; GV 20,20.27].


veronica Brescia

18th century Venetian school, The Veronica wipes the face of Jesus

Wipe the face of the Lord who offers for our redemption, means "to our" that his precious blood, behind which and on which is engraved the mystery of our salvation to creatures created in the image and likeness of God, calls to contemplate forever and forever the glory of his face; the face of the risen Christ who is the mystery of our faith indicated by ’ author of the Epistle to the Hebrews as "Foundation of things you hope and try those not seen» [EB 11,1]. As says the Apostle Paul: … If Christ had not risen, in vain would our faith, vain hope [The Cor 15, 14]. A hope that together with the psalmist must stimulate us to seek that Face that has impressed itself with the signs of his passion in our history and in the mystery of the salvation of the man who seeks him with faith and with a sincere heart.





Cathedral of ’ City, execution of the ’ hymn Anima Christi at the end of a Pontifical mass of the Supreme Pontiff Francesco



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