Giovanni Cavalcoli
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Giovanni

freeing a heretic by the Devil is the most difficult of the exorcisms

– Theologica –



Having no arguments to defend themselves, while the charge that comes made burns, the heretic then reacts with hatred, slander, defamation and violence and, if Superiore, with repressive means, Also unfair or illegal, abusing his authority. The Superior heretic is always a despot, that governs not with wisdom, but by terror. AND, to paraphrase an 'expression of Pope Benedict XVI, we can say that the heretic is the "dictator of relativism".



Author John Cavalcoli OP

Giovanni Cavalcoli, ON



John Cavalcoli and I know the ministry of exorcist, having both exercised. It is a delicate ministry reserved only for ministers of the sacred, to be exercised with caution mandate and under the supervision of the Bishop, but above all I am trying to convince, an average of nine out of ten people, often included the same family members accompanying these troubled, to consult a good specialist in psychiatry. Often we said to each other that rare demonic possession are the manifestation more “harmless” of those that are the devastating possessions true. The most dangerous are in fact owned several of those who occupy key positions in the governments of the countries, that manage huge financial assets, which are the good and the bad times in the stock exchange, directing the largest clinical-scientific research centers, that affect the activities of hosts through the arms industry. The worst possessed are those heretics who appear to have made a coup within the Church, changing his evil good and evil into good, virtue into vice and vice into virtue, sound doctrine in heterodoxy and heterodoxy in sound doctrine. And none of these dangerous possessed is brought by relatives dall'esorcista. After the publication of my recent article on Andrea Grillo heretical theologian who has insulted the Cardinal Carlo Caffara, recognized worldwide as one of our great teachers of Catholic morality [cf. WHO], we decided to publish this unpublished article written by John Cavalcoli in September 2016 and archived along with other dozens of his articles and my archive of’Patmos Island, waiting to be published at the appropriate time.

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo



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john Cavalcoli the question of heresy today

work published by John Cavalcoli in 2008 on the issue of heresy today

The heretic does give the appearance of a reformer; Instead it is a destroyer. It poses as the guardian of tradition, to stop progress in the truth. Enhances the value of history to deny the immutable truth. Emphasizes human dignity and divine grace to finish in pantheism. It is the voice for dissolving the time in the Absolute. "Poison of asps is under their lips" [CF. Shall 144,4]. The more skilled and dangerous heretic is able to fool even the wise: "The more fluid oil are his words, yet were they drawn swords " [cf. Shall 55,22]. The heretic, which it is a sophist and has no confidence in reason, It is not objective and serene in his talk, It does not induce to think or to reflect, It does not stimulate critical thinking skills, does not use reasonable or persuasive arguments, or at least likely, nor he cites facts or testimonies reliable and proven, but it leverages passions, on the emotions and on the mood: the indignation, irritation, anger, the blind, discouragement, fear, the desire for revenge, impatience, the distrust, the rebellion, sensuality, resorting to lies, to deception, all'insulto, to defamation, to denigration, to slander.



Andrea Grillo theologian whom we recently occupied after his attack insulting eminent moralist Carlo Caffara [cf. WHO]

To attract disciples and swagger of his false knowledge, to appear persuasive and honest or even defender of truth and teacher of holiness, without uncovering; to seduce, deceive and bring down the neighbor and luring the unwary, the heretic gives shows honesty of costumes, It flaunts science, artfully uses sophistical arguments studiously and a pleasant language, but turbid, mistaken, ambiguous, insinuating, double, serpentine, but above all to the elusive "yes" and "no" [read the whole article …]



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Cricket and ant against a giant of Catholic morality: Cardinal Carlo Caffarra

(d)isputationes theological



Cardinal Carlo Caffara remains so emblematic and bastion of healthy defense of the faith that is opposed to the destruction of the faith put in place by Andrea Grillo and its many associates heretics and modernists, Today, unfortunately, the power within the visible Church, within which, by the gift and mystery of faith, We believe, however, that The gates of hell will not preaevalebunt



Author Father Ariel

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo



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Cricket and ant

And there was a cricket in a field of flax, the formicuzza, He asked a little bit … [click on the image to listen to the famous nursery rhyme popular Italian]

Andrea Grillo, in his clumsy defense and damaging of Pope Francis I, He published on European Cultural Magazine an article entitled: "But this pope Is he a Kantian? Carlo Caffara against the modernist consciousness'. This article would be a critique of the ideas expressed by Cardinal Carlo Caffara in a recent interview with the newspaper The Gazette about the reasons for Dubia already expressed earlier by four cardinals.


To those who like Andrea Grillo lacks that sense of proportion from which comes as a logical consequence the lack of sense of the ridiculous, remember that Cardinal Carlo Caffara, in theological and moral spheres of its relevance, It has always been considered a great master even by those who do not think like him because animated by an opposite view of things, but not devoid of a sense of proportion and intellectual honesty.



Heresy in the chair and the silence of the omission of the Holy See authorities to exercise vigilance over the ecclesiastical universities, from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith to follow along with the Congregation for Catholic Education

The Democrats, Liberals, collegial and ecumenical characters as Andrea Grillo, Far from the opponent will recognize quality, proceed with the disparaging spirit that throughout history has marked the action of two opposing forces but parallel: the old Soviet regime and Freemasonry, to whom we owe the "merit" of having trained many of our characters that now rule the roost in the Church with immense harm to the Church first of all, so for all of us his faithful servants, increasingly we are beaten because of our Pauline fidelity to sound doctrine: «The day will come, indeed, when they will not endure sound doctrine;, ma, having itching ears they, will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own likings, refusing to listen to the truth to turn to fairy tales ". Why we have made this our admonition and especially following the exhortation addressed to his disciple Timothy by the Apostle Paul: "But you always be steady, endure suffering, do the work of the gospel proclaimer, fulfill your ministry " [cf. II Tm 4, 1-5]. And today, the "sound doctrine", It is variously called: closed to the world and to man, legalism, stiffness and so on [It follows the entire text …]


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In our pages sites Friends which you can find on home-page dell 'Patmos Island, there is the link to the official website of the Cardinal Carlo Caffara, which it is readable collection of his homilies. Many of these homilies, worthy of the sermons of the great Fathers of the Church, constitute valuable material for the spiritual edification of the People of God, in particular way of our times.

You can also open the page from here by clicking on the image below


carlo Caffara












They will house the homeless in churches and then you earn with five-star hotels owned by the Church property. Letter to the Minister of Cultural Heritage

– The services on the Island of Patmos poor Church for the poor –



Since in Rome, the Catholic Church, benefits from numerous structures operating for years as hotels, not understand why, to house the homeless, They should jeopardize the historical and artistic structures like our monumental churches.



Author Drafting of the Island of Patmos

Preparation of ’ island of Patmos


. Doctor


Minister of goods and cultural activities

E Tourism



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san callisto Trastevere 1

San Callisto in Trastevere. See photoshoot complete WHO

In the administrative language of the state Churches are referred to as sacred buildings O places of worship, precisely because it erected for this purpose and as such recognized and protected.


We are not aware however that the State recognized either by law or by international convention with the Holy See, these stable as "reception centers", as "dorms", as spaces for "canteen" and so on [see the photo report, WHO].


In the hope that someone put an early end to this artistic havoc, we, small but very followed Catholic voice of 'Patmos Island, as citizens of the Italian Republic who profess the Catholic faith, we appeal to you, Mr. Minister, so that your Ministry hasten to curb and possibly an end to this massacre.


san callisto Trastevere 2

Church Dormitory in Trastevere

Most of our churches They are works of art of extraordinary beauty, intended use of which may not be the dormitory service for homeless people nor the cafeteria service for the needy, which in both cases can cause serious or even irreparable damage to these cultural assets, that regardless of belief or non-belief, by faith or no faith of the citizens of the Italian Republic, are and remain the property belonging to the artistic heritage not only of Italy, but of all humanity. The Holy See can have as best wishes, and sovereignly, of the buildings within the national territory of Vatican City State and of the areas enjoying extraterritorial scheme under the agreements enshrined in the International Law, but it can not dispose at will of all the other numerous buildings of worship of great historical and artistic interest you instead on the territory of the Italian Republic and which are part of our national heritage, including many churches in these times of rampant and villain pauperism they are used around our country as dormitories and canteens.


san callisto Trastevere 3

Church Dormitory in Trastevere

The Holy See it could also decide - as it did with the church of San Callisto which enjoys the regime of extraterritoriality with its adjacent building - to set up a dormitory for homeless or one soup kitchen, because that is stable in the sovereignty of its territory; but it can not use as a use such a monumental church of the fifteenth century which is located on the territory of the Italian Republic.


We make this, Mr. Minister, that only in Rome there are hundreds of proprietary structures of the Patrimony of the Apostolic Administration, owned by the Vicariate of Rome, owned by the Congregation from Propaganda Fide, owned by several hundreds of male and female religious congregations, already engaged for many years to hotels, although called more bland "shelters" or "Holiday homes", thus receiving the related benefits, while offering, some of them, hotel services also of superior quality [see list of these religious holiday sites, WHO].


Cesi Palace facade

"Halfway house" Palazzo Cardinal Cesi Via della Conciliazione in front of San Pietro [see photo shoot on internal WHO]

Given that the Church in Rome benefits from all these facilities operating as "shelters" or "Holiday homes", not understand why, to house the homeless, We should put at risk our monumental churches.


Whereas the Roman Pontiff It is very sensitive to the homeless, it would be to remember that a few steps from Bernini's Colonnade, beneath which His Holiness has been good enough to prepare baths and showers bums, is a comfortable “Home reception” five-star hotel in the Palazzo Cardinal Cesi in Via della Conciliazione, General Curia of the properties of the Society of the Divine Savior. Because, the homeless, They have not been accommodated in this “Home reception” owned Salvatorian Fathers, instead of in a changed church in dorm? [see website of comfortable “Home reception”, WHO]. A few meters from there is also the comfort of the Bernini colonnade “halfway house Paul VI”, which also benefiting, like the San Callisto, the regime of extraterritoriality, It should not even bother to pay hotel taxes [see WHO, WHO].


Palazzo Cesi Room

"Halfway house" Palazzo Cardinal Cesi, rooms

Because, the homeless, They were not accommodated in any of several "houses of hospitality" of ownership of the various congregations and religious orders scattered around Rome? [see list of these "host" religious houses, WHO].


Throughout history, on the occasion of extraordinary events such as wars, epidemics and earthquakes, It has not even made it necessary to seize the buildings of worship, because it was the Church itself to offer them, and to set up inside them infirmaries, dormitories for homeless and canteens; and the first to provide charitable service in them, They have always been priests, religious men and women.


Palazzo Cesi Room 2

"Halfway house" Palazzo Cardinal Cesi, welcome drink to guests in the room

Since this there are, however, emergencies of this kind, but especially, Whereas the Church and its religious structures have stable in large quantities, many of whom already used for “shelters”, it would not be appropriate to accommodate the poor homeless people shivering inside these structures “hospitality”, instead of within the historic churches ?


Cesi Palace restaurant 2

"Halfway house" Palazzo Cardinal Cesi, restaurant

Beyond the walls of the State of Vatican City, someone really think we can make use and destruction of our heritage that art of which you, Mr. Minister, Is responsable, It is having been appointed by the Government of the Italian Republic to the protection of our historical assets, artistic and monumental? No bum and no Roma, indeed, Urine on the stones and on the stable marble found inside Vatican City, starting from those of the Domus Sanctae Martha, since their urine, along with their feces left on the streets close to the Papal Basilica of Saint Peter, the scatter all and only on the Italian territory rigor [see our previous article, WHO].


For this reason, a number far lower than citizens of the Italian Republic who profess the Catholic faith and who are now increasingly outraged by this contempt towards our historical assets, artistic and monumental, Begs her to intervene as soon as possible and to exercise the powers granted to you by the laws of our country, avoiding the continuation of this terrible destruction.


Palazzo Cesi Breakfast

"Halfway house" Palazzo Cardinal Cesi, lounge breakfast

We would be grateful, therefore, if you would take at least consider this our legitimate request, so that the civil and political power of this our secular and democratic country, can intervene to curb the damage caused by many ecclesiastics to stable worship of great historical and artistic interest, because no one can be allowed to sully our enormous wealth of art and culture; even to those who can see an authentic expression of the Christian faith only in Villas miseries. We, the Christian faith expressed by the art of human ingenuity, we are more likely to see it in Pieta by Michelangelo, much less so in the leak made by a “brother bum” over a fine marble of the fifteenth century.























There are only whores from lampposts in Via della Conciliazione

– feline topical –



Do not grasp the beautiful in art and an expression of genuine faith in Christ, but being able to see only the expression of faith in villas miseries, It means, at best, having an immature and childish faith, regardless of age dell'immaturo, it could be a boy of twenty years as a senior eighty.



Author Hypatia cat Roman

Roman cat Hypatia



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Giovanni Cavalcoli
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Giovanni

The concept of divine punishment in Christianity and in the greek-Roman paganism

– Theologica –



The memory of the suffered punishment or the fear of the threatened punishment, but does not restrict the sinner will, It is a useful stimulus for the sinner to turn from sin and turn to God. God attracts us with awards, with his gifts, its benefits and mercy, but to turn from sin and lead us to repentance, there afflicts, It intimidates us with the punishments and misfortunes.



Author John Cavalcoli OP

Giovanni Cavalcoli, ON



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Chastising his sin you correct man [Shall 38,12]

The chastisement of our peace was upon Him [Is 3,5]

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom [Shall 110, 10]




The Last Judgment, by Ercole Ramazzini, 1517

About sin and punishment, all religions recognize the divinity the attribute of justice, which gives it the right and duty to punish infallibly the crime and reward virtue. What varies is the criterion of divine justice. In certain cases, the god can be too severe or even cruel, as Huizilopoctli ancient Mexican religion or Moloch in ancient Israel or those religions that admit the Fact, or vice versa it can be too permissive and lax, as for example Dionysus, Venus or Priapus in orgiastic cults or erotic. In the case of the gooders Catholic, as we'll see, under the pretext of "mercy", sometimes we even come to deny the existence of the divine punishments and are punished rather Catholics faithful to sound doctrine [following full text …]



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Saints put to the test even in death: a memory of Father Tomas Tyn



In the Church today, compared by the Supreme Pontiff to a field hospital of the third world war, jam-packed with sick and wounded of all kinds, already shortage of medical personnel, subtract to the care of the sick a valid medical and zealous as Father Tomas Tyn, under the pretext that certain injuries do not accept, or even do not exist, or they were invented by the same Tomas, It appears an idea of ​​serious foolishness, such as to arouse strong suspicion that it will not be really concerned men of the good of the Church and of souls, but to stay afloat in the sea of ​​the world. The famous philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein, eyepatch dell'arduità of philosophical speculation, He had the humility to ask the gardener in a convent. Perhaps this would be the best job for some.



Author Jorge A. Faccio Lince

George A.. Faccio Lince



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The Island of Patmos recalls the Servant of God Tomas Tyn, friar and priest of the Dominican Order, model of priestly life and theologian Thomas Aquinas were comparable to the twentieth century, He returned to the Father's House on January 1, 1990, just 39 years of age.




tomas tyn ok

Dominican theologian Tomas Tyn, died just 39 year old, man of great Christian piety and theological science, Thomas Aquinas was a potential of the twentieth century

The Saints are tested not only alive, but also from dead. Alive are being tested by God and are found right; dead are put to the test by men, not having understood or not wanting to understand God's judgment, They do not know or do not want to recognize and appreciate their holiness. In these cases, it may happen that the Congregation for the Causes of Saints the same desire to do an audit, opening a process of beatification. That's what happened to the Servant of God Father Tomas Tyn, which the Fathers of 'Patmos Island they've got to deal.


In this article I wish to point out and also recommend the excellent book dedicated by reatino jurist and scholar of theological sciences Gianni T. Baptists: "The pipe di Padre Tomas. theological writings " [1].


Layout 1

Board book, see WHO

The book collects an introduction by Roberto Rivera, the Cenacle executive and the International Tomas Tyn, a presentation of the Baptists and the Dominican theologian Giovanni Cavalcoli, then an anthology of theological texts of the Servant of God. In particular, Baptists, by heat, culture and eloquence which characterize the literary expression of his deep, persuasive and enlightened Catholic faith, It illustrates the salient quality of the theological thought of Father Tomas Tyn, putting the spotlight on the genuineness of his doctrine, the result not only of study, but also the intense life of charity, a faithful exemplary teaching of the Magisterium of the Church and St. Thomas Aquinas, generous in distributing, as a good Dominican, l '' water of wisdom ", prudent and provident in healing the ills of the spirit of our times, lucidly diagnosed and treated with the medicine of critical discernment and intellectual mercy, starting from a position of great balance peacemaker and doctrinal and moral impartiality, that promote the rapprochement and reconciliation between the two opposing parties of Lefebvre and the modernists, in the principle of "progress in continuity", enunciated and explained by Pope Benedict XVI.


It is also noteworthy the precious booklet "That coffee by the sea. philosophy and theology essays »[2], with a preface by Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke, who, praising the fidelity to the teachings of the Servant of God to the sublime and immortal doctrine of St. Thomas, takes this opportunity to recall the importance of the Angelic Doctor, always recommended by the Supreme Pontiffs, also to critically understand the situation of modern thought, assuming the positive aspects and refuting the errors.


The Saints of Paradise, now forever in heavenly glory and free from "this threshing which makes us so ferocious', in the words of Dante, rejoice for having passed the test before God and the good, who were able to appreciate them; As to the fact of not receiving honor and glory from men of this world, they were also men of the Church, they don't care, but as well from there they continue their charitable work for the salvation of souls, They have compassion for these poor blind, especially if they are in good faith, for having misunderstood the testimony or because fearful to take the defenses of a Saint, or because misinformed by envious or evil tongues.


tomas tyn brothers

Tomas Tyn, at the top right, in the Convent of Bologna

And why continue even from heaven to this earth to show signs of their intercession, animating and encouraging their devotees, despite the opposition of the wicked, to continue promoting their knowledge and veneration and increasing the number of those who appreciate and imitate their qualities.


Anyhow, i Santi always leave in this world, though perhaps with few or very few, the memory of their sanctity; especially among those good Catholics, studying their doctrine, in the first place is theologians, imitate the example and ask them intercession.


The fame of their sanctity, But, if the environment is healthy and receptive, sometimes it spreads rapidly and extensively; sometimes slowly and laboriously, because it is hindered and falsified by obtuse or hostile forces, which disclose or slander or do everything because you do not speak of the Holy or persecute his devotees. Is this, under certain aspects, to use two different paradigms, It is the case of the Venerable Pope Pius XII, as in other respects it is the Father Leon Dehon, which was blocked in the process finally closed the beatification ceremony, as a result of the protests completely unfounded made by the Jewish Community who turned to this holy man of God of peregrine and unjustified accusations of anti-Semitism.


Tomas Tyn Order

Tomas Tyn, during the priestly consecration received by Blessed Paul VI

These forces are more effective and harmful if they have influence in the Church, if they have the political power or if they manage to spread false ideas and costumes, which end up harming the authority and to the fame of the Holy.


God allows these oppositions certainly not to turn off the memory of the Holy, but on the contrary to test, strengthen and spread devotion towards him, He is training his devotees to respond to attacks and objections.


After two thousand years of Christian civilization, we are used to a certain hagiography more interested in praising the saint to historical truth, to conceive the way leading to their canonization as a kind of triumphal march amid a cheering crowd of enthusiastic faithful, overshadowing, minimizing or silencing of all the action of those forces, often from the inside of the Church, which opposed the canonization of the saint, almost fearing that this may throw some shade on his Venerability.


Moreover, the Church, in its ancient wisdom and experience of human affairs, It has now worked for centuries a special legal procedure to adjust the course of the debate about the verification of the candidate's holiness. This is the process of beatification and canonization. Ie it comes to checking, through a sieve of testimonies, I know the reputation of holiness the candidate has or does not have an actual factual and legal basis.


Tomas Tyn 5

Tomas Tyn, shortly before his death

It is not excluded that the opponents Beatification can produce, in procedural headquarters, testimony or evidence against the sanctity of the candidate, prompt the judge to cancel the Cause. But it is clear that any act of force, aimed at stopping the process from, It would be legally invalid and morally very reprehensible, even if this, Unfortunately, It was the case of Father Tomas Tyn, Figure particularly dear to the Fathers of 'Patmos Island and to all our staff.


A thing It was made possible by the current climate of confusion in the field of faith, for which many can not distinguish what is Catholic and what is heretical or what interests them relatively, because it is widely believed that, as a result of ecumenism, being a Catholic or a heretic, the ideas of St. Thomas or those of Luther, They do not oppose as true and false, but simply as opinions diverse.


so many, not only theologians, but also among the shepherds, Catholics are named, but not of the fact. In fact they are heretics; but no one can deprive them from the mind to be more Catholic than ever, and indeed modern and advanced Catholics.


It so happens that the true Catholic, for example a Tomas Tyn, It is persecuted and opposed by false Catholics, present in his own order. Of course, This has always happened in the history of the Church. Just think of the Protestant persecution of Catholics in the sixteenth century.


The Dominican St. John of Cologne, at that time he was martyred by the Lutherans. And it has always happened that certain Saints were persecuted or misunderstood or would suffer trials by superintendent. Here the examples are countless. You need only think of a St. Pio of Pietrelcina or St. John of the Cross or St. Teresa of Jesus or Father MarieJoseph Lagrange.


Two reformers


savonarola alexander VI

the Supreme Pontiff Alexander VI and the Dominican Girolamo Savonarola

However it may not happen that a Pope martirizzi a Saint. In this connection, just think of the case of the Dominican Girolamo Savonarola, which in reality it was abandoned to death by the Pope, not because heretic, but because according to Alexander VI, disobedient.


In fact, the Pope recognized the orthodoxy of Fra Girolamo, or you may suspect of heresy the Pope, Why can't I. Of course, Savonarola was a victim of the Pope, But not for reasons of faith, but because the Pope could not stand his message prophetic e morale, and its reform of costumes, inspirational Catherinian, that sounded harsh rebuke to the Court of Rome and the Pope himself.


It was a reform that touched only the costumes and not as the false Luther, who corrupted the doctrine and had the effrontery to accuse not only unheard of heresy Pope Leone, but also to reject the same institution of the papacy. Instead, the reproach made to the Pope by Savonarola touched only his moral conduct and his government of the Church, because as far as the papal Magisterium, He knew very well that the Pope can not err in dogma and therefore can not happen that a heretic pope condemn an ​​innocent on charges of heresy.


savonarola ferrara 2

the statue placed in front of the Castello Estense in Ferrara, birthplace of Girolamo Savonarola

So at Savonarola not exactly agree the title of "martyr", because it would be unfair and offensive to the Pope, It was also an Alexander VI who did not shine of virtue in his private life, but rather that of "confessor". You can still and must speak of wrongful conviction, which then the Pope himself repented, because he at first hearkened to evil tongues. Doing in the recent past some historical research on the figure of Savonarola, I could find that a bad figure made her even the Master General of the Dominican Order, Gioacchino Turriani, that the death of this famous Friar wrote a petty flattering letter to the Pope, rejoicing with him for what he deemed the punishment of a criminal.


Savonarola was not, therefore, killed in hatred of the faith, that the Dominican was very pure, but out of hatred for his message prophetic and reformer. If therefore the Cause of Father Tomas Tyn was blocked by the modernists, Rome, that does not err in faith, and that one day, sooner or later, condemn the current modernism reflux, recognize the sanctity of the Servant of God. Modernism will, Father Tomas Tyn remain. He hath put down the mighty from their thrones, and lifted up the lowly.


The issue of the canonizations



Pope Pius XII, defender of the faith and defender of mankind, including Jews persecuted by the Nazi regime. His trial has ended long ago but to proceed to his beatification is not talked about. In April of 2007, the photo of Pius XII was exposed outrageously in Jerusalem at the Museum Yad Vashem between the Nazi images … [cf. WHO]

Are rare glorifications of saints that take place smoothly and to a kind of plebiscite of peoples and of princes supplications to the Pope, as was the case for the Saints of the Tridentine Reform.


Please remember that the sanctity the same Founder of Christianity, Our Lord Jesus Christ, He has been recognized by his disciples, despite the strong opposition expressed by the very authorities, they would have to recognize it. And even today, after two thousand years, Judaism the authorities refuse to recognize the holiness of Christ.


These problems arise especially when the question arises of whether or possibilities, by the Church, to initiate a cause of beatification. There are in fact true saints legally canonizzabili, ma, since the canonizing is also an act with intent and pastoral reflections, which should be appropriate and useful in the present ecclesial situation, it may happen that the existence of Santi have also all the requirements, but it is possible that the Church, at least for now, considers it inappropriate or impossible in the canonization, as in the case of the two different but similar paradigms initially reported: the Venerable Pope Pius XII and the Father Leon Dehon.


this happened, for instance, when to the Blessed Paul VI there were those who sought to promote the Cause of the Spanish Civil War martyrs, but the Spanish Bishops, all things considered, He judged that for the moment it was not appropriate or convenient. They came, however, the good times, with the pontificate of St. John Paul II and the thing was done.



Father Leon Dehon, to process finished and concluded, the beatification ceremony was postponed indefinitely following a protest of the Jewish community that advances an improbable and farfetched accusations of anti-Semitism against him. What would happen if the Catholic Church came about in the strait of the Jewish Community decisions, or better yet, the Good Berit or the World Zionist Federation ?

For my daily contacts with il Father Ariel S. Levi of Gualdo and my closeness even with Father John Cavalcoli, who are both employed for the Causes of Saints, I have learned that if a Cause is set in motion, means that there, how to dictate the rules of the Church about, a the reputation of holiness the people of God, by its sufficient distribution, in the opinion of the competent Bishop or the Holy See, on that basis, give way to the process or the diocesan. Then you also need other items relating to the regularity of the process and freedom, such as the postulator of zeal, righteousness of the judge, the diligence of the experts, the objectivity and credibility of the witnesses, to the availability of sufficient financial means to advance the cause, Whereas some processes may require research also in various parts of the world, clinical and scientific expertise when it comes to ascertaining miracles, in the examination of which are almost always involved the entire team of scholars, and what with the relative costs.


In the history of the process of beatification things do not always run smooth, because the candidate can be discussed, misunderstood and thwarted within the Church and also for a long time, until it becomes clear and oppositions are won. Consider the cases of Antonio Rosmini or Duns Scotus, Pius IX, of Pius XII or MarieJoseph Lagrange.


Savonarola is discussed five centuries if deserves to be beatified, and yet the Church has not come to a conclusion. Meister Eckhart was a virtuous man, but his was a thought with pantheistic roots. Who knows how many Saints could have been proclaiming in communist countries, if the scheme had not put the gag to the Church. God allows evil block or prevent the formation or continuation of several Causes, to fortify the faithful in martyrdom and punish the wicked sacrilegious.



a group of martyrs of the Spanish Civil War, Fathers Redemptorists. After the outbreak of the internal conflict, some religious families were completely exterminated in Spanish territory, the only Augustinian Friars, company 98 religious

This may also delay much the start of the trial. The cause of the martyrs of the Spanish Civil War began only with St. John Paul II, once overcome the opposition by the Spanish Communists. And these difficulties occur not because of the saints of the corporal works of mercy, Causes of which normally carry them quickly, successfully and without shock, because every person of good heart, although not a believer, He can appreciate those who dedicate themselves to the poor, to small, for elderly or sick.


The cases of martyrdom clear have always had the possibility of a quick process. But they are not always safe, and there may be a suspicion that it is not a true martyrdom, hatred of faith. It is necessary that there are no obstacles on the part of political power, Why or an anti-Christian power could oppose or why certain evidence of alleged martyrdom can be really civil or political subversion rebellion. Some totalitarian regimes are skilled in passing on subversion cases of true martyrdom.


Napoleon persecuted the monks, the Dominicans and the Jesuits, but it was kind to the hospitals or social care. Everyone understands the sanctity of Don Luigi Orione, San Camillo de 'Lellis, St. John Bosco, only that of St. Thomas Aquinas or St. Athanasius of Alexandria, St. John Chrysostom or St. Robert Bellarmine.



Cardinal Rafael Merry del Val, Secretary of State of Saint Pius X “great inspiration hand” the encyclical condemning modernism Feeding of Dominic's Sheep. His cause of beatification is firm, thanks primarily to the ineptitude of the Spanish College for half a century, is the owner of the postulation …

At a time like this It would be a difficult thing, if not really impossible, to advance the cause of beatification of a model of virtue and doctrine as Cardinal Rafael Merry del Val, who as a young diplomat of the Holy See provided all necessary materials to Pope Leo XIII, who then proceeded to declare the invalidity of sacred ordination in the Anglican Communion, having failed the continuity of apostolic succession, so that we can no longer even speak of illicit ordinations, these are orders of all invalid. Not to mention the fundamental and irreplaceable contribution made by Merry del Val to St. Pius X for his sentence to modernism. Definitely, one day, Merry del Val will know the honors of the altars, but certainly not in this historical moment characterized by terrible theological drift.


Causes more contrasted They are those which affect the works of spiritual mercy, come, for instance, to teach the ignorant and admonish sinners, although they in themselves are more important. In fact, no difficulty recognizing the physical needs of ourselves and others. Instead pride blinds us, when we seek the glory of this world, when we have to recognize that they have fallen into heresy, when we do not want to give up sin, and when we do not let ourselves be correct.


Because of this, those who educate the virtues, the wisdom and holiness, reformers, spiritual guides, those who defend the oppressed or hunting sellers from the temple, the scourge of vice, the heralds of divine punishment, those who discover the flaws of clever or trying to correct the Superior, I am often misunderstood, thwarted, and sometimes hated, even by the Superiors, by fellow believers, and religious brothers or priesthood.


Pio X 1

Pope Pius X ? Today they would not even permitted the opening of the first diocesan phase for his beatification, and the modernists they would decreed damnation of memory

The sick in body normally they leave heal and have pleasure, but not always the case for sufferers of the spirit, indeed sometimes not even recognize that they are sick. So we understand why the Causes of those who have dedicated themselves wisely, heroically and courageously, with immense charity, to the care of this type of health insurance, are difficult to start and, When I started, opponents see them as a smokescreen, and oppose unfair thousand obstacles and a thousand loopholes and false reasons, do not satisfy the constraint, to stop them or cancel them. “Whoever commits sin, Christ says, He hates the light ".


In the field of body care, no single medical science, with its therapeutic prescriptions, accepted by all. Instead, in the field of spiritual care, but there is an objective moral science, corroborated by moral theology, in itself objective and universal.


In this case it is more difficult analyze the problem and then give proper care, because the matter is more complex and obscure and darken the passions more Daylights. Hence the struggle of philosophies and religions between them and the difficulty of unanimous sharing of universal values. From here, even within the Church itself, the evaluation contrasts in judging the sanctity or less of a given subject.


The issue of Father Tomas Tyn Cause


Tomas Tyn

Tomas Tyn

Father Tomas Tyn, as the reader who knows him will have already realized, is situated, as a theologian and moralist, in this the spirit of the medical profession. He left a reputation for holiness, then spread around the world, beginning with Bologna, where he worked from 1972 al 1989.


Even in his homeland, the Czech Republic, he left a reputation for holiness, so much so that it is there that the cause was officially promoted, following the awesome news that the day of his holy death, on January 1st 1990, He had coincided with the inauguration date of the new government in the country, liberated by the communist regime. Indeed, as narrated in the Acts, the Servant of God, the day of his priestly ordination, through the hands of Blessed Pope Paul VI, the 29 June 1975, He had made an offering to God of their own lives for the liberation of the Fatherland and the Church from communism.


Father Tomas relived what St. John says of Christ: "He came among his, and his own received him not ". In life he was persecuted by the communists of his homeland, much to have to leave you. After death, Although he admired and revered by the good, in and out of his Order, he is still the subject of hostility, contempt and misunderstanding on the part of the world.


Tomas Tyn 6

the image of Tomas Tyn spread from the office of the postulator for her cause of beatification

The high spirit of serviceO his prophetic word of Dominican, the conclusive refutation of the errors, frank, thundering and courageous preaching of the Gospel in its entirety, in line with the Council Vatican II and Tradition, the vehemence of his complaint of aberrations and relaxation within the Church and the Order, It was certainly appreciated by many Catholics and non-Catholics, but also they brought him strong hostility, now deaf now open, inside and outside the Order.


Indeed, initiated the diocesan inquiry in 2006 in Bologna, in a serene and full of hopes, suffered malignant hostilities began to emerge in the shadows, so that the work of the Cause were unfortunately suddenly, unexpectedly and abruptly interrupted in 2012 for an unjust, unexplained and unaccounted for intervention from the outside of the diocesan tribunal, almost certainly under the pressure of hostile forces modernist imprint, Communist and Masonic, who were the main targets of the polemical good fight of the Servant of God.


Tomas Tyn 3

Tomas Tyn

In so Father Tomas, in whose teaching and whose life is contained in a high desire for freedom, as he had to experience life in the communist regime, so likewise after death, Providence has allowed his holy memory should endure actually a kind of martyrdom of a despotic intervention incompetent and repressive, who stopped the regular course of the investigation, without prior discussion in the appropriate forum, that would have been to court, the advisability or so serious need for a decision, a fact in a certain sense even more serious than the communist persecution, as coming from within the same of that Order, in which the Servant of God was estimated by many brothers; Order that he so loved and so exemplarily served and honored.


The earnest hope and passionate devotees of us, of Father Tomas Tyn scholars and admirers, present in the Dominican Order as the laity, and in the whole Church, both in Italy and in his homeland and abroad, educated in classes as in the popular ones, Catholics and non-Catholics, is that the competent superiors of the Order and the Diocese of Bologna, posts to be aware of the serious mistake committed by those responsible for this unfortunate gesture, take appropriate steps or initiatives to remedy this fault, ordering things to do share a Cause as valid the purpose of the new evangelization, the refutation of numerous errors, that corrupt the faith and morals, and peace, in the Church, between the opposing factions.


Tomas Tyn

Tomas Tyn

Perhaps the Superiors, rather than being intimidated for undignified search of a quiet life, by actual or possible hostile acts against the Servant of God, by the current ecclesial within and outside, against which he warns with such scrupulous care and wisdom, should watch the example of the Saints of the Order and of the same Servant of God, who do not let themselves be intimidated in front of the opponents' power, but fearlessly they challenged them, strong knights of faith, according to a motto of the Order: strongly, sources fortes.


In the Church today, likened the pope to a field hospital of the third world war, jam-packed with sick and wounded of all kinds, already shortage of medical personnel, subtract to the care of the sick a valid medical and zealous as Father Tomas Tyn, under the pretext that certain injuries do not accept, or even do not exist, or invented by the same Tomas, It appears an idea of ​​serious foolishness, such as to arouse strong suspicion that it will not be really concerned men of the good of the Church and of souls, but to stay afloat in the sea of ​​the world. The famous philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein, eyepatch dell'arduità of philosophical speculation, He had the humility to ask the gardener in a convent. Perhaps this would be the best job for some.


tomb tyn

Tomas Tyn's grave, friar and priest of the Order of Preachers, man of faith and of sublime theological science

Too bad that on the occasion of the VIII° centenary of the foundation of the Dominican Order, It has not been taken this opportunity to re-launch the Cause Tomas Tyn. The organizers would give evidence that this anniversary does not result only in historical commemorations, touching liturgies, artistic events, exciting movies and learned academic speeches, ma, key thing, can be a powerful stimulus for the Dominican Family and for the whole Church, at the pursuit of holiness, with the admiring gaze to the Saints of the Order, in the desire to imitate them and honor them, and in the consciousness that the Dominican ideal is still fertile in fertile fruits.



From the island of Patmos, 6 January 2017

Epiphany of the Lord Jesus






[1] IF editions Press, 2016, by the Cenacolo di San Domenico and the International Tomas Tyn [AITT], founded by Baptists who has been president since 2013, in order to promote the knowledge of the figure and work of Father Tomas Tyn.

[2] CF. Ed. Faith and Culture, Verona.



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Giovanni Cavalcoli
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Giovanni

Theology of Terror? In truth, terrorists ISIS, I'm “anonymous Christians”



The day will come, indeed, when they will not endure sound doctrine;, ma, to hear something, men's masters according to surround their whims, refusing to listen to the truth to get lost behind the Fables [ II Tm 4,3 ]



Author John Cavalcoli OP

John Cavalcoli OP



PDF print format article




when the clerical political correctness becomes foolishness: a pastor of Power, per “build bridges, not walls”, put inside the crib the Virgin Mary dressed in the burka

According to the doctrine of grace - Catholic, I mean - I wonder: You would see as a follower of Karl Rahner terrorists ISIS? It is interesting to put in his mind for understanding the consequences that come out.


Let's see first what is the concept rahneriano "Christian anonimo" [1]. It is not about, as some naively and benevolently interpreted, the simple fact, established by the Magisterium of the Church since the time of Blessed Pius IX and reaffirmed by the Second Vatican Council, that any man of good faith and good will who do not know the Gospel, still he receives from God a chance to save. The Rahner's speech is completely different, because it is rather a mode of conception of man, understood as a spiritual subject-transcending history, essentially in grace. To understand then what is the anonymous Christian Rahner, must we see what is for him the grace in relation to God and to human nature.


We use, as a criterion of judgment, the Catholic conception. In this conception, God's grace is a gift, a "likeness to God" [2], a godly life, a free supernatural qualities, participatory soul in haphazard way, since only God's grace can be substantial and subsistent, so infinite and uncreated. If grace were not in us to this accidentally, we would be God, and this would be pantheism.



Unlimited correct the clerical-race to foolishness : Montefiore Conca in Rimini, the manger of the Child Jesus in the boat [cf. WHO]

The grace does not spring from nature and do not complete the essence, but only heals and perfects in operations. The rational nature is already presupposed in itself, as a subject of grace, so that the grace is added for free by God to the soul, beyond his strength and natural aspirations [3], to free man from sin and heal human nature (healing grace) ed raise, in Christ, beyond its limits, to a child of God (grace waved).


Grace is not an essential property or necessary nature, Although in nature there is a willingness to receive it [4]. Grace purifies and perfects nature, but it is an accidental operational quality, Affordable with good will and destructible with sin.


The grace is necessary for salvation, Why, in the state of corruption and misery following the original sin, the man, with the forces that remain, It would not be able, without it, enough to realize the virtues and to possess God as its ultimate end and supreme good.



Unlimited correct the clerical-race to foolishness : here's another boat, that of the Bishop of Mazara del Vallo, that prepares “the crib of migrants” [cf. WHO]. We note that the Bishop of this diocese, under the previous pontificate, He wore vestments designed by Giorgio Armani [cf. WHO, WHO], under the current one it is instead all migrants&Poverty. In Sicily, Tomasi di Lampedusa, these people called them … ocelots.

Grace makes a man "son of God" [5] in the image of the Son, so also the believer following Christ, He can call God "Father" under the impulse of the Holy Spirit [6].


The grace gives life to the soul and enlivens the powers, intellect and will, as the root of the theological virtues: faith, hope and charity. Faith is not knowledge a priori, ma posteriori, preceded by reason. The concepts of faith, defined in the Church dogma, I'm always, universally and absolutely true, although there is a progress in the knowledge of what has been revealed. God exists before the world, but our knowledge of the world to reach God. God is in being a priori, and in the knowledge that he has of Himself, not in our knowing.


The grace of faith blossoms in charity, for which man becomes a "friend" of God [7] and she joins him as intimately, Jesus speaks of "one with God" [8], phrase obviously emphatic, that should not be taken literally, otherwise it would lead to confusion of human nature with the divine, and sarebbe pantheism.


The grace increases with the exercise of the virtues. Under the influence of the Holy Spirit charity produces mystical experience, which it is the foretaste, the deposit" [9] and the "first fruits[10] the glory of heavenly bliss.



Unlimited correct the clerical-race to foolishness : The priest Vitaliano Della Sala is an old acquaintance, in practice it has made the seminar in circles non-global and studied theology on texts by Mario Capanna and Rossana Rossanda, and consistently there he put the Incarnate Word from the stable to the raft … [cf. WHO]

Per Rahner, the grace in us, It is instead a divine gift created, but it's God himself, it's a'self-communication so full and intimate of God to the soul, God becomes "quasi formal cause" of the soul, The most radical constitution of human nature. Dice Rahner: “Il mystery that the Christian faith confesses is absolutely what the absolute Reality of God can not be opposed only to Himself the other from self " (= creation), "If it wants to venture to communicate the same to this other" [11]. It has a character a priori, of "experience preconceptual”, ie is not added to human nature, who previously lacking them for sin, but as radicalization and supreme summit and infinite horizon of 'self-transcendence Umana. With the grace of nature as finite becomes infinite. Does not affect the operation but there: It is a "supernatural existential".


Note that for Rahner the possession of grace is not possession of this and not of that individual, possession now present, now absent, so that one may possess the grace and the other not, or that the same individual within time can now own it now does not possess, but it is necessary factor, Permanent, mandatory and universal of the fullness of human nature as such. It is required by the nature as a requirement of nature. Because of this, according to Rahner, no one is deprived of grace.



Unlimited correct the clerical-race to foolishness: headline triumphantly weekly Christian family, for years now expired slush Christian: "The Christmas of Refugees' [cf. WHO]. We left behind a lot, in believing that Christmas is the mystery of the Incarnate Word

Rahner admits conceptualization of faith, but according to him the concept of faith is just an expression uncertain, quota, optional, revisable, correctable, questionable and especially, historically conditioned and relative to the various cultures, the transcendental experience of grace and athematic.


Based on these ideas every man as such - otherwise it would not man - is an "anonymous Christian", i.e. it is always in grace until death, so that everyone men are saved. Sin there, but can not win or take away the grace. According to Rahner, sin does not have to be atoned. For this he denies that the passion of Christ has had a function satisfactory or reparative. It was only the suffering of those who wanted to feel far from God.


Why Rahner believes that sin He is immediately forgiven by God: "The experience of the radical fault - he says [12] - Landlocked, However, once it is forgiven in a manner inconceivable ". Other times feels sin as aborted or failed action that collapses alone.



Unlimited correct the clerical-race to foolishness : the crib Salesian Association of Bari, Jesus was born on the boat [cf. WHO]

Based on these considerations it is clear that we Catholics and terrorists ISIS, we are all subjects of ' "transcendental experience" of grace. Sul piano categorical, ie doctrinal, instead, we and they have opposing religious views, but it doesn't matter, because according to Rahner contrasts of ideas between the various religions do not compromise the universal experience of grace.


According to Rahner, the same theological or dogmatic proposition can leave subject to interpretation among them contradictory, without it being possible to establish a single interpretation. Like this, for instance, the concept of God in us and in Islamic presents contrasting elements. But it is not necessary nor is it possible to establish a single valid interpretation for us and for them.


The rest, He believes Rahner, within the Catholic world there are conservative positions still tied to Thomism, next to others that take the modern philosophy or that transcendental. The first would pretend to find heresy in the second. but these, that according Rahner have an open visual, do not accept to be taken on heresy-orthodoxy of the alternative ground for the uncertainty and subjectivity of judgment that - in their view – on it is founded. For the rahneriani, categories decisive approval or rejection are the modern respectively and exceeded. In fact there is a truth to Rahner above story, but all truth is always steeped in history, so that the truth of today is the mistake of the mistake yesterday and yesterday is the truth today.



Unlimited correct the clerical-race to foolishness : Diocese of Lamezia Terme, one of the celebrated Italian nativity scenes by the newspaper Avvenire as a symbol of reception of migrants [cf. WHO]

I reject rahneriani the idea of ​​a certain truth, universal, immutable and soprastorica. The truth - they think - is not an abstraction property out of time; the truth is modernity, It is what is now believed to be true, is concrete and existential truth of history, of the modern, of the present time, it is adapt to the practice and the active forces of today. And 'the truth to those in power. So rahneriani, convinced of the fact that Muslims are saved with the Koran and skeptical about the universal obligation of the Catholic dogmas, they would certainly be difficult, once the religion, culture, the costume, politics and Islamic finance were to take hold in Europe, to build a Biblical-Quranic Catholicism, as Rahner has built a hegheliano Catholicism and Heidegger.


It must be said then,, albeit with regret, that the rahneriani not interested in abstract truth, but the truth of the political power of the moment, as now they are socially and economically of Freemasonry, of liberalism, of Zionism, the luteranesimo and communism.



Unlimited correct the clerical-race to foolishness : crib made by a Scouts group, yet another birth on barge, complete with a red crescent aft boat [cf. WHO]

A tomorrow that the Islamists, increased in number, They were to gain a strong European cultural hegemony and political-economic, the rahneriani certainly would have no difficulty, to maintain their prestige, to have no trouble or to avoid suffering persecution, to approach the Qur'an, maybe in synthesis with Hegel, as Rahner has approached St. Thomas Aquinas to Hegel. They could then groped a meeting of Hegel with Mohammed, and in any case such a synthesis would be considered by them one of the multiple categorical expression of transcendental experience. However, it remains to see whether the Islamists will be willing to accept such an operation, that looks like the one with which the modernists have managed to mix Aquinas Hegel. It is known fact the Islamic intransigence, for which Muslims are not willing to admit other theology outside of that of the Qur'an, which also forms the basis of the state religion of Islamic States and therefore benefits from the coercive power of the state, as it happens in communist countries for atheism.


But rahneriani are so smart, that there would not be surprised if they managed to bring the Koran to German Idealism, as they are able to bring to it large parts of Catholic theology. After all in 'German Idealism the dogmas of the Trinity and the Incarnation are but pale images (Performance) the only Absolute. Of course, It would remain the obstacle that the Koranic God is transcendent and creator, while the Hegelian is immanent in the world. But as rahneriani managed to convince Catholics about the value of their God, what prevents us to believe that would be able to do the same thing for Muslims?


And rahneriani They were to be a bad party in negotiations with the Islamists, and if these intimassero them to convert to Islam under threat of death, no syncretism, the rahneriani could always take as a solution taking the Quran to categorical level, but would still save the 'transcendental experience.



Unlimited correct the clerical-race to foolishness : message in a Bottle … The boy is born ! Jesus was born on the boat-bottle, with the background color of the flag of peace and all appurtenances [cf. WHO].

The European Catholic Church, who knows some time inside trends that are considered welcoming and open to different, as it is now in the orbit of rahneriani, well come under Muslim hegemony, as is the case by 14 centuries in countries where Christians live among Muslims.


Would remain the resistance, maybe even martyrdom, Catholics who reject the errors of the Quran, and that would be considered by rahneriani and Muslims as closed and reactionary fundamentalists. The biggest problem would be how to convince the Pope to welcome Mohammed. To address this, rahneriani could intervene to secure an agreement.


Then we advance some hypotheses of any arrangements [13]. Islamic authorities in accordance with rahneriani would try to convince the Pope, already a bit 'inclined to that effect, that terrorists - people basically in good faith, given that everyone is saved -, misinterpret the Koran, that promotes peace and eschews religious war. E, to this end, They may submit some ideas. Terrorists could encourage conversions to Islam, while Catholics may attain paradise through martyrdom, therefore …


– Islamists, together with rahneriani, They may propose to the Pope to be assisted in the government of the Church by the Grand Mufti Al-Azar University in Cairo. Pope Benedict XVI, if it is still alive, then it is moved away from the Vatican and in a retirement home under Islamic supervision.

– To become a bishop you must have spent at least 5 years as imam in a mosque.

– It could create a reform of ecclesiastical studies by a joint committee rahneriani and Muslim theologians.

– Thomistic studies will be allowed only to those who have reached the 70 year old. While the theology of Rahner vulgarized and the Koran will be taught at primary school.

– Likewise, the liturgy would be reformed in order to fit in the Mass Muslim rituals and readings from the Koran.

– It could take as a model for the Lenten fast the fast of Ramadan.

– It could be stored using the washing of the feet made by the Supreme Pontiff to Muslim women in Commissioning Lord's Supper Maundy Thursday.

– The Economic Board of the Holy See would come to be part three important emirs of Saudi Arabia.

– each parish, inside, It should have a mosque.

– In Church schools, the Crucifix, It would be supported by the Half Moon.

– Private beaches of religious institutes should be granted a playing field al topless as the burkinis.

– Citizens must listen, in addition to the sound of church bells, Also the call to prayer addressed to the people by the muezzin seven times a day.



… much better than a Fiat 500 vintage these monotone barges that now run through almost four years of Italy asked repetitively … [cf. WHO]

We doubt, however, that the Pope you let convince. At that point he could conceive the suspicion that rahneriani not really seek the interests of the Church, but it has targeted only to dominate in it, so they would need a strong appeal by the Holy Father in order to direct their faith to the true service of the Church and of souls.



Varazze, 30 August 2016

Posted on 4 January 2017




[1] Cf my essay The theoretical root of Rahner's doctrine of anonymous Christianity, in Karl Rahner. A critical analysis, Acts of the theological conference organized by the Franciscans in Florence in 2007, edited by S. Lanzetta, Published By Cantagalli, Siena 2009, pp.51-71.

[2] CF. The Gv 3,2.

[3] The man would already be happy joining God as the ultimate end of the universe. But grace does man want to instantly see its Trinitarian essence.

[4] The power oboedientialis.

[5] The Gv 3,1.

[6] cf. Rom 8,14.

[7] GV 15,15.

[8] GV 17,11.

[9] II Cor 1,22.

[10] RM 8,23.

[11] Cit. and Y. TOURENNE, The theology of the last Rahner, Editions du Cerf, Paris 1995, p.443.

[12] TOURENNE, op.cit., p.368, note 2.

[13] I add these proposals to those I have already advanced in another article on the Isle of Patmos, see WHO.



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L'Aquila is in urgent need gasoline to fly …





Dear Readers.


in the highest of the other way, John revealed to the Church, the arcane mysteries of God “

In a previous article we mentioned the cost of ownership and the needs of’Patmos Island [cf. WHO].


Some readers have posted offers, but we are far from reaching the necessary for our survival.


As you know, we launched in October 2014 this beautiful and happy experience of’Patmos Island recording a number of readers increasingly growing. With a bit of Christian and human “pride”, we can say we are, in the Internet landscape, one of the sites and the most popular and most widely read Catholic blog. From the 19 October 2014 al 31 December 2016, the total number of visits reached almost eight million.



... do not let our Aquila out of gas

The 2015 It was a year “break-in” in which L’Patmos Island It was known, in a crescendo of increasing visits. The 2016 It marked the year of collection of the work done, In fact, as you can see from the chart reproduced below taken from the site counting internal system, The year just ended has ended with 5.821.411 visit. This means that L’Patmos Island registers an average of 485.000 visits per month to an average of 16.000 visits every day.


Unfortunately these numbers many ups without correspondence with entering necessary to support living expenses of a site that, Far from being a “blogs home”, It requires a series of yearly fee, as we have already detailed [cf. WHO].



… do not let our Aquila out of gas

L’Patmos Island It has relied, from name, to the Blessed Apostle John, in greek island archipelago wrote the Book of Revelation. The symbol by which is represented the Blessed Apostle is the Eagle.


Dear Readers, to fly and especially to hunt poisonous snakes and swoop in from the top flight on them, Aquila needs petrol.


Don't leave us without fuel. Sosteneteci toven with little, but please send something in so many.


And may God reward you.

The Fathers of the Island of Patmos


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Dear Fathers of Patmos Island,


In this stormy period, your landing place there is always dear. Small tip, already for experiences, Italians were accustomed to thinking that what belongs to the Church to be free this because of the climate of pauperism (fake) and because of the trap 8×1000.

face go, if fails, this concept: the good things and the value you have to pay or donation and support, or in subscription!

Otherwise, after the sad juice thinned with water to which too often they have used the priests, Now we have only lengthened faith with water.

I confess that I make it increasingly difficult to identify with this hierarchy, also because someone, our bleating of “sheep without a shepherd”, It does not care anything!

A prayer for you who carried the good fight.


Carlo D.P..




Dear Charles,

Thank you for submitting a bid for The Island of Patmos and thank you for having touched in a few lines the great “sore”. Many, including many of our good faithful, really they think that we have the guts with gold thanks to the fantastic dell'8X1000 funds, as well as due to the deposits of the Vatican Bank that would be more consistent than those of the United Arab. Others are convinced that the Catholic Church is the richest institution in the world, suffice to say that in an international blog much later an economist wrote that the Vatican owns the richest gold deposits in the world (!?). In response, I ran for this subject to the premium hoax of the year, but especially I invited other economists, they were strictly non-Catholics, to disprove its absurd claim.

The reality that many - including faithful - often ignore or do not want to see, It is that our salary is EUR 850 Euros per month and that the priests who have no parish duties, and who do not live in the rectory of a parish church and who have other kinds of revenue, if they were not supported by their families would be starving. People ignore that for years the revenue of 8×1000 It continues to fall, so are the deals, having many faithful gathered and the wish of the one who dreams of a "poor Church for the poor". This is why, a couple of years ago, turning to many pastors who have a hard time paying the bills of light and others who, if they had the widowed mother pensioner who goes shopping with his board, They would have serious difficulties of survival, I told him to send the bills of supplies to be paid directly to the Martha House Sancthae, writing the reason: "Bill, a poor priest for the Church of the poor" [see article WHO].

To this we can add that to the priest, in principle, not from, It asks until he is able to assist, fulfill, comfort, to help … at any time and at any time. Then, whether in old age and disease, the priest needs a glass of water, difficult to find someone who brings him if he has no money to pay for the service. This is why, the Italian Episcopal Conference, He decided in the past to cover the priests with a health insurance policy, after numerous and repeated cases of priests who died in poverty in some geriatric ward, abandoned first by their brethren and the army of people to whom they had spent a lifetime doing good.

but yet, these realities, through the fortress of faith are transformed into true gifts of grace that lead us to the true theological identification, mystical and eschatological with the Word of God made Man, who knew and paid the ingratitude of mankind until his sacrifice. Indeed, the famous expression of the Blessed Apostle Paul …


I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. This life in the flesh, I live it in the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. I do not nullify the grace of God; for if righteousness comes through the law, Christ died for nothing [Gal 2, 20-21]


… It is not a nursery rhyme, but the essence of our priestly vocation, which is based on generosity and on the principle "all give, demanding anything and expect nothing in return ".


The faithful devotees with free faith always ready on the mouth but with snakes coiled around the wallet inside the pockets, who do not support the priests who live according to these principles and their apostolic works, They will respond to time and place to God Almighty.

If in fact tens of thousands of people benefit from our hard apostolic work, but at the same time we then find ourselves in difficulty to cover the costs for work free the amor Dei, it means that something is not working, but not us, who have always given everything the best that we could offer, but in how many benefit of all without ever wondering: and me, maybe I should not even offer a little support to those shown in the facts that they have given their lives in the service of believers of Christ ?


Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo





News from the real world: What happens in “Church field hospital” of the Supreme Pontiff Francis ? And veri “dubia” are those about his mental clarity, but nobody says it …



Who ever, today, to a newly confirmed teenager, would dare to say that through the Sacrament of grace has become a soldier of Christ ? Who would dare to say, today, to a seminarian, in the words of the Blessed Apostle: "It bears too the suffering, as a good soldier of Christ Jesus. for no one, when military service, s'intralcia the affairs of common life, if he wants to please the one who enlisted him " ? [CF. II Tm 2,4]. And this destruction of the concept of Church militant and peaceful Christological militarism, It has led to the total de-virilization and to that homosexualization the clergy that today we can see, thanks to the many priests who go up to the altar as show girls wearing vestments that reproduce the colors of peace flag, the same with which he screams peace and love parades of gay pride.



Author Father Ariel

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo



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If the Word of God made man, offering the truth he has paid for a sin offering for all, you should pay anything myself to achieve it in glory, with all due respect to those who paralyzed the immediate everything and immediately, magnify beautiful garments, or if you prefer humble, King's, that the evidence shows, But, It is always more naked.

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo, Christmas 2016




«In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit "


« Amen! »


" The Sir, with the faith that illuminates our hearts, give you a true knowledge of your sins, and of his mercy ".


« Amen! ».


«Dearest son, through this sacrament of grace you came to ask forgiveness from God, of such sins accuses before the Divine Majesty? ».


" Father, first of all I must tell you that I have confessed yesterday, but the confession was interrupted by me for an altercation with the confessor ".


"These are situations that can sometimes occur. Now, so peaceful, He speaks well without fear, because it is Christ who welcomes you and it is he who through the gift of this precious Sacramento that involves the entire Mystery of the Holy Trinity, It gives you the grace and the forgiveness of sins [cf. GV 20, 19-31] ».


"Then I start by repeating what I said yesterday before dropping the confession and venirmene away: in the Church we had 266 Popes, few of which have passed into history as saints popes. Others, which are the most, It seems not to have left traces, It is proved by the fact that even the Catholics of good cultural preparation, they hardly get to know a dozen popes, including in this number the last three or four of our contemporary history. Others have gone down in history as political popes, others like warriors popes, others like diplomats popes, others like peacemaking popes, others like theologians popes, others like mystics popes ... Saying this, I say right? ».


"You say right. We could add many other attributes, if you want even more severe, But we save them willingly. Anyhow, this historic true and obvious perception that you have of the Papacy, not a matter of shame for confession. And when there is no matter of sin, then we have to change "headquarters": not the Sacrament of Penance, but spiritual direction, or the interview with the priest ... ".


"... I come to what should be the subject of sin, then she will tell me: I believe that the current Pope will go down in history as the Pope buffoon, as the one who made the delight of all the worst enemies of the Church always, But he is hurting and often even ashamed of us devout Catholics … Dad, I'm a man of science and as such I rely on facts, so I ask: is it possible that this man is enhanced by ... ».


"... Perdonami if t'interrompo, I never do, especially during sacramental confessions. But t'interrompo to try to precede: perhaps you were about to tell me that this Pope has ... enhanced by all those in the church do not even come for the Holy Mass of Christmas and Easter, that never would come closer to a sectarian, that the first five words do not even know the Profession of Faith - "I believe in one God" ... -, who reject always with contempt the fundamentals of the Catholic faith, but nevertheless you are saying ... "what a great, Pope francesco. Ah, he does, that is really revolutionizing things!” … Is that what you mean to tell me if ? ».


" Father, she reads directly in thought? What else wants me to add. Or maybe he thinks me, like many other, few weeks ago we rejoiced, to see the pope in Sweden to celebrate the years of the sixteenth century Luther, next to a woman dressed as archbishop, that with this title was called by all the official organs of the Holy See? Believes that Catholics "the blood of Christ " and not "rosewater ”, I have rejoiced to see this woman in favor of abortion, euthanasia, genetic manipulation, culture of gender and so on, He dressed as a bishop with the Pope? You see, the problem is that I do not have formed the belief that he will go down in history as the Pope buffoon ; the problem is that this thinking I would not sin. Therefore, if they are in sin, while not feeling in this state, perhaps she will make me feel at fault, because I was taught that the worst sinners are those who do not consider sin as such. You know how it is, I would not do as the man who blasphemes God, but he is convinced to do well to blaspheme; How that that steals and defrauds, but he is convinced that he was right to steal and defraud; as the man who minds, but he is convinced that he was right to lie; as the man who cheats on his wife going with prostitutes, but he is confident of doing good to go with prostitutes ... ".


«Dearest son, it is rare that I ask questions to penitents, because the confessor is not a prosecutor, but above all must never invade consciences addressing questions about what the penitent has not said, or even worse, entering into the merits of the sins of which he is not accused. Because it is the penitent, After careful examination of conscience, to accuse one's sins to God Almighty and Merciful, slow to anger, abounding in love [cf. Shall 103: 8-14], the confessor has to answer on the merits of what the penitent accuses, giving it comfort, providing the right medicine for the soul, and by imposing a reasonable penance for the just expiation of sins. The questions I address the ever and only the merits of what the penitent says, and only if I had not got it right, or if the penitent had not expressed good, because it is to give comfort and to give medicine, first of all I need to understand. And since in this case I understand very well, I beg to ask you: you believe for certain faith that Christ chose Simon called Peter as the rock on which we build our Church? [cf. Mt 13, 16-20] ».


«I believe it, by sure faith ".


"You think to some faith that those who succeeded him to this high office in the twenty centuries of church history of Christ earthly pilgrimage, including subjects unworthy and maybe even some buffoons, They were in any case for legitimate mystery of grace Successors of the Prince of the Apostles chosen by Christ the Lord himself? ».


«I believe it, by sure faith ".


"You believe, for certain faith, Christ the Lord has entrusted to Peter and his successors a vicarious function and that those who succeeded him on the throne of the Blessed Apostle were all legitimate vicars of Christ on earth, from Lino Volterra Blessed Pontiff who succeeded Blessed Apostle Peter the Galileo, until the reigning Pope Francis I ?».


"I believe, for certain faith, from San Lino succeeded San Pietro up to the present Pope, everyone, unworthy included, have pursued the legitimate vicars of Christ on earth to function ".


" You believe, for certain faith, than the Successor of the Prince of the Apostles, beyond its possible human failings, intellectual and moral, It is always the guardian of the deposit of the Catholic faith and the communion of the Church, for which necessary exercising his infallible Magisterium ? [cf. cost. dogm. The light, 18] ».


«I believe it, by sure faith ".


" You believe, for certain faith, that the Pope Francis I, if he speaks or decrees in matters of doctrine and faith, foolproof, since it enjoys a special assistance of the Holy Spirit, sent to his nascent Church of the Risen Christ at Pentecost? [CF. GV 20, 19-23] ».


«I believe it, by sure faith ".


"Are you aware that the reigning Pontiff and the Bishops in communion with him and to all their successors, is due filial respect and obedience from priests, Deacons, Religious, Religious and of the entire Body of believers of Christ ? ».


"I'm aware of has always, because I am a Catholic and because from a teenager I was brought to this sacred respect, that at my ripe old age has never failed to date ».


«Dearest son, you spoke to Pope buffoon by asking a question and asking in this regard a clear answer, that is, if you have sinned on bad thoughts, as conscious, a good Christian, that we can sin in thoughts, words, works and omissions. Since I am called to be a physician of souls and merciful judge, to give you an answer I should know about a 'last thing, namely the following: each to, the so-called fool, Roman Pontiff is the successor of the Apostle Saint Peter and the Vicar of Christ on earth, supreme and infallible guardian of the deposit of faith and Catholic doctrine, or the frail man, imperfect and defeasible Jorge Mario Bergoglio? That said I'll explain the meaning of my question: as a man, I can be a hundred times more penitent sinner that occur in this diffident, but when acting in Person Christi I raise my hand and say invoking the Holy Trinity ... I absolve you of your sins at home, In the Name of the Father, and sons, and of the Holy Spirit, to forgive your sins is not the sinner that I am, but God the Father through the sacramental grace of which have been covered unworthily, and through which I can open, come instrumentum Gods, the doors of salvation to us through this sacrament of grace. Then, It may also be that I end up in the nearest Hell Purgatory to atone for my sins until the return of Christ at the end of time. And this also because we priests of Christ, that much we had in gifts of grace, so much will be required [cf. LC 12, 39-48]. And this is in proportion to how large has been entrusted by Christ God, because the sacred mysteries entrusted to our hands are so much great to get away from all the units of measure known in this world ".


" Father, in the years when she was not perhaps not even born, I defended Pope Paul VI and the Papacy against aggressive attacks and mocking of secularists, communists, of the Italian protesters, by deadly and destructive policies carried out against human life and the natural family from that Marco Pannella and Emma Bonino from that accepted today as a "holy woman" in the Vatican, and defined by the Pope himself as a "great Italian" [cf. WHO]. Of course, This Lady is the "great Italian" who fought for abortion, for euthanasia, for genetic testing, for the gender … I understand that neither of his mistakes and crimes against life has never regretted, rather it should be 'more than ever proud ... and I can also tell you that the university I took several punches, during various scuffles, that I was then a young assistant professorship during the tumultuous years of what many still call the "mythic" and "glorious" Sixty-eight.

So Father, I can not stand that man. He can not stand his constant improvised, his say and not to say, his Jesuitisms low alloy unsupported by historical intelligence that marked generations of great Jesuits. I can not stand his obsessive hammering on poverty, poor, refugees. Believe me, I sound just like my late father, who in his later years he suffered from a form of dementia that at the end of life reduced him to not even recognize his own children. Before the degenerating illness up to that point, He spent his days repeating the same two things. Any talk we tried to deal, he always came back to those two things. If we children were trying to bring him to talk, to think and to talk about other topics, just started the speech he always returned to those two unique things.

My father was a man of science, a brilliant mind. For us children, see it reduced to that way, It was a great suffering. Neurologists and geriatricians though we explained that senile dementia is also characterized by obsessive and compulsive states that lead the subject to fixate on certain things and always beating on those. E mio father, with illness, caused suffering to their children who have always loved and respected, the wonder: what suffering can cause the Father of the universal Church at much higher numbers of children?

But this experience also remember another thing: before my father in that state, those who rejoiced and rejoiced were those who had always hated him, for example those opponents who all his life had tried to hit him, sometimes even destroy it in professional and scientific level. Seeing finally reduced that way, they were pleased that finally was destroying "alone", passing their days always saying the same two things obsessively. Initially, us children, We could get us over even a few laughs, But when we perceived the tragedy, no one was ever more desire to do even half smile.

Today, when the Pope appears on television, I change the channel. No longer tolerate his obsessive Surrealism, especially when he is talking about refugees ... refugees ... refugees …

The Pope should nourish the faithful with a reflection on the Gospel on the Mystery of the Incarnation? Soon said: There slips into refugees [Ed. cf. WHO]. It should nourish the faithful with a reflection on the Gospel of the Passion? Soon said: There slips into refugees [Ed. cf. WHO]. It should nourish the faithful with a meditation on the Gospel of the Resurrection ? Soon said, There ... "


"... There if anything slips women who come in their capacity as refugees to the empty tomb of the Risen Christ, because the tomb symbolizes the island of Lampedusa and women who rush symbolize, through exegetical acrobatics, those who descend from the boats ... ".

Penitent :

« … Yet we know well that most of these people are not refugees, but mostly young in perfect physical health and almost all Muslims rigor. And if on one hand we have today situations of Italian families homeless and our compatriots who sleep in cars, the so-called refugees rather sleep in hotels, where often they throw food and where not infrequently attacked members of the police. That said please tell me: how do you think this situation will end ? ».

Confessor :

"I wrote and speculated recently, This situation is likely to end up whistling on a Piazza San Pietro increasingly empty [cf. previous article, WHO], with the unemployed and the Italian homeless that are screaming: "Take them you at the Vatican!”. And before Italians who do not have work and home, but at the same time they are forced to see too many false refugees welcomed in hotels, all young rigor and Muslims launched to conquer Europe now dechristianized, I want to see how he will appease, perhaps telling: "Do not be afraid of tenderness"? [cf. WHO]. Because before the angry square, even our Lord Jesus Christ, he managed to get the better, N'E proof that the square chose Barabbas [cf. Mt 27, 16-17]. Or do we want for the event “to suspect” that the Redeemer had not enough tenderness, as both true God and as a true man ? Mind you, may also be that of the Redeemer was lacking tenderness, at the bottom was born in Bethlehem, mica to Buenos Aires.

Days ago, the top executive of a famous chain of hypermarkets scattered in the real world of our country, told me they had reserved date available to their area managers to instruct staff not to intervene in the event that they found the “refugees” to commit theft of luxury goods and certainly not basic necessities. In other words: now it prefers to bear the losses, rather than run the risk of being left with some of those angels who in response have repeatedly attacked security officers and cashiers, work by sending several to the hospital, because in case of similar accidents at work, the damage to society is much more serious than theft [cf. WHO, WHO, etc. ..]. And while such cases are multiplying, creating no small problems into account, while in Germany it is now for real time alarm [cf. WHO], no one can even dare to ask the question: “But from these barges, what kind of soft wares lands, according to the Papal dream combination refugee equal good, that is you welcome all ?”. Exact same criterion is adopted by a number of transport companies: bus, trains, metroplitane. For some time several companies have instructed the inspectors to do questions and pull forward if they find these angels without ticket, why is it that multiple controllers were attacked and massacred at the sound of beatings, some ended up in hospital, others have reported even permanent damage. And having said that I do not know if the Pope went to visit them in the hospital to explain to them that we must accommodate all, Why “refugee” equal good » [cf. WHO, WHO, etc. ..]. According to bergogliana theology, the fugitive is in fact "the flesh of Christ" [cf. WHO]. And the father of the family sent to the hospital by a "brother refugee" - strictly young, in perfect physical health, and needless to say the Muslim -, He assaulted while carrying out that work by which brings home bread, It is the flesh of those who? Or more simply, Is it "the third cut meat", besides being guilty of being European, Italian and even a Catholic?

Penitent :

… and what about, when it happens to meet university teachers today's retirees like me, that the academic chairs sent in the whole course of their career the anti-Catholicism and the historically anti-popery, philosophical, literary and sociological, which I know myself a Catholic exalt the "great Pope Francis" calling it "revolutionary" and "Pope of rupture". At that point I feel more dislike for this man, which impute the blame, through its lack of clarity, the misunderstanding and ambiguity, to have aroused the sympathies of the worst enemies of the Church, now come in fact to say: "Church no, Pope Francis yes !”. Then, after getting angry, I try to be charitable, thinking back to my poor, dear father suffering from dementia, or to his eternal enemies that seeing him reduced in that state said about him;: "What is lovable", "funny", "humorous" …".


«Or bene, dearest son, first of all we have clarified who is the object of your feeling and suffering: man Jorge Mario Bergoglio. So we have determined that your temper is not related to his lofty Magisterium, much less to his Petrine office. You are irritated by words spoken to arm journalists, for sentences that do not shine for clarity, for his personal public attitudes that may or may not like; attitudes that can also be unhappy, demagogic and especially imprudent. That's what irritates you? ».


" And, This and nothing else. And now, wants to know why, yesterday, I was irritated with the confessor and I came away from the confessional? So will the full picture and can answer and give a fair and proper medicine ".


"Tell me".


"The state that I have greatly appreciated the various documents of the Magisterium of St. John Paul II and Benedict XVI. Even more so yesterday I was irritated because in the past, the priest with whom I confessed, I heard him say publicly that John Paul II was preventing the growth and evolution of the Church, that was a conservative across the board with a restrictive view of Catholic morality. And below, by Benedict XVI, I heard him say every worst thing. Throughout the previous pontificate this priest never missed an opportunity to say: "If after John Paul II had chosen the great Carlo Maria Martini, we would not be in this condition! He does, that was a true giant. And before dying clear he sang to Pope Benedict XVI said that the Church was back two hundred years " [cf. WHO].

And I, to my early age, I find myself in a confessional with a priest who launched gunfire toward previous popes, which now attacking me for expressing that this Pope leaves me perplexed and does not inspire my sympathy? Now, since she, Dad, It is also an orthodox theologian and an expert on the history of the Church, mi tip: How come, other popes, one could challenge everything and the opposite of everything to your liking, while in regard to this you can not issue a half sigh? Are we in the middle of church-Stalinist era? Because now we are at this point: some of his brothers, that as I have just said have been practicing for so many years the sport to challenge the two previous popes, in the face of this eccentric saying "good morning", "good evening", "good lunch", "Good dinner", rather than saying "Praised be Jesus Christ", They claim to have us believe that with these words he enunciated a new dogma of faith, so that as such is infallible, while for me it is simply buffoonish, like that other FIGS that goes' from time to time to interview, the devout atheist anticlerical Eugenio Scalfari, which reminds me in every way the old enemies of my father, seeing that consumed day after day from senile dementia said about him: "How amiable", "funny", "humorous".

Dad, In my time to do career in academia I have made great efforts, many I have done in the world of my profession; and this happened because I was not nor affiliated to Masonic lodges, nor was I in the lists of protected of the then Italian Communist Party, which he had monopolized entire universities. So try to put themselves in my shoes: I can accept that nowadays affiliates to Masonic lodges and the post-communist move reproaches and objections to Catholics who criticize certain ways of doing things man's Jorge Mario Bergoglio? Because if even the Masons and the post-communists have become defenders of this man, first of all we must ask "why?”, then you must acknowledge that something is not working and that something is not working, It is also quite serious.

At this point, I must ask myself, and I must ask you: I'm wrong, wrong or certain priests who suddenly have rediscovered even that papal infallibility that until recently considered an invention of the "poor man" of Pius IX ? Because he sees, Dad, the same priest who yesterday treated as I have just told me, when years ago it was beatified Pius IX, said these exact words: ” If John Paul II does not hurry to salirsene to heaven, risk seeing beatified even Joanna the Mad and Tomas de Torquemada ” ».


«Dearest son, sacramental confession is for the remission of sins. Therefore I have to ask: from what sin, according to the ministry of the Church, I should absolve? If you have sins to confess and if they have repented, in such a case you will be discharged. Then of sins to confess? ».


" Father, she understood that very serious I said from the beginning? ».


"I understood very well, but mostly I heard one after the other answers you gave to my questions. Or maybe you have just professed your faith certain and safe on the rock upon which Christ built his Church? ».


"So I do not consider myself in a state of sin? ».


"Dearest, Now I answer you as a priest subjected to obedience to the Bishop and obedience to his teaching, because it is by virtue of my communion with the Bishop, that I exercise of his mandate the sacred priestly ministry. You must know that the bishop in full communion with the Bishop of Rome, during a solemn sacramental act, This is the consecration of a priest, I promise filial respect and obedience, to him and to all his successors. No one has ever asked me to promise to "estimate" Bishop and least of "sympathy". Filial respect and obedience to the bishop is due to my solemn promise, but the esteem and the sympathy is not due; and if he wants, then if must deserve and earn. This applies to me presbyter, as for you Fedele.

the Bishop, including the Bishop of Rome and the Roman Pontiff placed by Christ at the head of the Apostolic College, we have filial respect and obedience, everything else is not due; and if he wants it, then if you must deserve and earn, always assuming that deserve. Also because, the devout estimate believers of Christ, he might even prefer the praise of anti-Catholic society and all of its most senior members, Lutheran heretics by the Pentecostal heretics, up to the Masons and the post-communists who have suddenly discovered Papists after casting for two centuries scum on the Catholic Church, but especially after having created and spread the worst black legends about the papacy, passed today for authentic history.

now tell me: when at the time the lever was mandatory, you've got to, to do military service? ».


" And. And I must say that in that period always cherish good memories ".


"Me too I did it and I keep good memories. I allow me then to narrate this episode of life lived. When I had 46 years, and more recently was a priest, in a Roman basilica with whom I served they were held funeral obsequies "state" of four of our young dead Italian soldiers in Afghanistan. At a distance, one of the generals sitting in the front row, I watched while my black cassock I moved on the presbytery to fix a few things before the ceremony. At that point I looked at him in full dress suit for a while, until I recognized. Then I went down from the chancel steps and walked over to him, telling him instinctively: "Captain!”. And I said correggendomi: "I meant General, I have not forgotten the military ranks ". I added: "Despite the sad reason for the meeting, It is a pleasure to see you again after so many years ".

The now top official, derogating from the Protocol, he hugged me and introduced me to the other generals. It was the captain of what was once my company. Since then it had passed almost twenty five years, and when he was about to retire, after reaching the highest degree of military career.

He was touched and moved me I, because together we spent a nice time, in an atmosphere of friendship and mutual respect. He was indeed a man who enjoyed of my highest consideration and my entire human sympathy. Several other officers, from Colonel commander of that great barracks, They not rather enjoyed my esteem, rather, all 'other! But I recognized their undoubted military and hierarchical authority, then gave me an order I I performed in a disciplined and scrupulous.

The sad our ecclesial reality is given by the fact that from the late sixties early seventies of the twentieth century, the Church has lost this military setting. Or does it perhaps happen, nowadays, to hear priests who speak of the "Church Militant"? Certain words and terms were rejected, and today we no longer speak of "church militant, suffering and triumphant ", quite the opposite! Happen instead of hearing beauty salon trendy with serious shortcomings in the Catechism of the Catholic Church - and if anything just for this doctorate from the Pontifical Gregorian University -, answer with mock annoyance: "These were terms Tridentine, the phraseology Pre-conciliar Church, Today incompatible with the Church of Mercy and of tenderness Pope Francis ... "».

For decades we have lost that setting that military personnel have taken their time to the Church and ecclesiastical structure. For centuries we have been the peaceful army of Christ. Yet who ever, today, to a newly confirmed teenager, would dare to say that through the Sacrament of grace has become a soldier of Christ? Who would dare to say, today, to a seminarian, in the words of the Blessed Apostle: "It bears too the suffering, as a good soldier of Christ Jesus. for no one, when military service, s'intralcia the affairs of common life, if he wants to please the one who enlisted him " ? [CF. II Tm 2,4]. From these words it is clear that the Blessed Apostle Paul was a crypto-warmonger, definitely lacking in mercy and tenderness; ma blessing Dio, in the end, some of his "mistakes" were corrected by “new church” pacifist, ecologist e merciful which talks to everyone and who takes care of all, Unless Catholics.

This destruction of the concept of Church militant and of Christological militarism, It has led to the total de-virilization and to that homosexualization the clergy that today we can see, thanks to the many priests who as the show girls go up to the altar wearing vestments that reproduce the colors of peace flag, the same with which he screams peace and love parades of gay pride.

These are the reasons and the causes for which it seems that today we became a cross between a circus, a vaudeville theater and a clerical branch of the Gay village. All this has brought us thus to fall in the worst emotional spirit: "Neither our market, you obey ". But is not so! Why is obedience in faith is an obedience to ecclesiastical authority totally irrespective "But if I like you", or worse "if you meet my emotional and subjective feeling", or "if I create internal excitement".

All these are logical and tragic consequences of the destruction of the Pauline concept of militia Christi, replaced with colors frogs from the peace flag placed on the altar instead of the central crucifix, long time taken to do shade and it would take away the view to priests-stars, many of whom move on the presbytery as starlets and when they open their mouths they take out shrill voices of castrated capons.

Said this: if you have no sins to confess and for which it is given absolution, then I impart to you my blessing ... ".


Soon after, out of the confessional …


Father Ariel :

"Dear Professor, if it has no commitments, I would propose to do the walk with me towards the bar in the square for a delectable cappuccino ".

Faithful :

"If anything, even take a delectable croissant with cream ? ».

Father Ariel :

" I can not. on, I prepare for winter parades ready to wear, I would not get fat ... ".


"You always have the beat of ready spirit".

Father Ariel :

" Teacher, you tell me how could we survive in these times, if not with the faith, and if necessary with a good dose of irony, united necessary to the courage of lions, in this poor Church of rabbits ".

Faithful :

"You know I always pray for her ? ».

Father Ariel :

"When I began training for the priesthood asked the Bishop to be able to call Ariel, what does it mean “Lion of God “, with all due respect to the good name imposed on me by my parents to the baptism, who called me with the name of the Christian martyr Stephen. Pray, therefore, to this poor lion always the Eagle Flight of Blessed John the Apostle: “Higher than the rest of the revealed secret” [in the highest of the other way, John has left to the Church the mysteries revealed by God].

Faithful :

"And if one day, the lion, end to die a martyr ? ».

Father Ariel :

"Martyrdom is a gift of grace to which no one can aspire and that no one can ask, because God alone can grant. Anyhow, I am assured that in martirizzarmi will be neither rabbits or chickens, but mostly castrated capons. And if one day - I say for pure and imaginative example -, Islamist fundamentalists they cut off the throat, know that they will definitely hatefully, yet deferentially, judging me on the one hand their enemy, but on the other recognizing in me the virile courage and consistency of man who believed all his life for what he professed and done. On the contrary, instead, Capponi have castrated, before they will eat rainbow flag the gay pride, then, one by one, tear the feathers from his ass between a laugh and the other. With me it will not laugh, kill me as an enemy, but with respect. And if you think about it, It is no small thing ...




This is what always happens more within the Church that the Holy Father Francis I likes to call, and indicate how: "Field hospital". And in this Church field hospital, as evidence the interview that I quoted here, into the emergency room there is us, there are no ideologues dream of what the newspapers call “the new Church of Francis”, forgetting that the Church is not Francis, but of Christ. And the members of the Mystical Body of Christ, always suffer the most, while ultra-secularists and Masons rejoice shouting “revolution”, “epochal break with the past”, “new church” …

In a test situation and discouragement like this our, surely it is easier to raise the dubia on a theme relevant issues related to the doctrine, as they have recently made four Cardinals in an entirely legitimate [cf. WHO], but above all according to the most ancient apostolic tradition [cf. Gal 2, 1-11]. Much more difficult, instead, It would ask with some urgency of accurate clinical and specialist visits to the excellent neurologists and geriatricians, because it is obvious that something is not working, even if everyone is silent, in part for fear, partly not to see compromised his ecclesiastical career. Others for fear of being rather crush their high expectations of ecclesiastical career, that today they march on the pimp satisfaction based on poor, refugees and poverty, in addition to the "mercy" bestowed with a stick to anyone who does not think like the train head, which is launching the locomotive with all the following cars and its passengers toward the disused bridge and unsafe Cassandra Crossing ... [cf. WHO]

From the island of Patmos, 1January 2017

Mary Most Holy Mother of God




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