The wisdom of Hypatia Roman cat. The clerical sloppiness has become that eighth Sacrament which the Holy Father exalts. Appeal: given away a beaver saturn to the Father Ariel, He will be happy to wear it

– News –




Today, to hear the Holy Father to use the word "shame", we must reject the Islamic colonists Europe, or close the door to criminals and potential terrorists facts go so fraudulent refugee, or you have to wear a cassock; the cassock that always, and threatens, They used as a sign of sobriety and detachment from worldliness, but also as a sign of that recognition by some paid until the shedding of their blood.


Author Hypatia cat Roman

Roman cat Hypatia



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After the elder year Pope Francis and following the success of the young Paolo Sorrentino Pope



[…] however, it will be in the Sacrament of Penance, as it demonstrated by the Jubilee Year of empty confessionals, where man now devoid of the sense of right and wrong so the sense of sin, justice and true mercy, It has been shown to have now found better answers to its immanent needs in other environments, except that in that Onlus volunteer and social events once called the Catholic Church.



Author Jorge A. Faccio Lince

George A.. Faccio Lince



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The young Pope, Paolo Sorrentino, TV shows broadcast on Sky (2016). The actor Jude Law in the role of an imaginative Pius XIII

The 26 November closed the Holy Door the papal Archbasilica St. Peter, at the end of a Jubilee year in which there was the wonderful idea not to carry large mass events, but by directing the attention of the faithful to the local Churches. Unfortunately, this Holy, He has left a confused doubt about the mercy of sacramental grace in confession with that of works of mercy - Especially those body - we can glean from the passage of the Gospel according to St. Matthew:


"When the Son of Man comes in his glory with all the angels, he will sit on his glorious throne. And they will be gathered before him all nations, and he will separate from each other, as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats, He will place the sheep on his right and the goats on the left. Then the king will say to those on his right hand: “Come on, blessed of my Father, Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. Because I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink:; I was a stranger and you hosted me, naked and dressed me, sick and you visited me, in prison and you came to me ". Then the righteous will answer: "Man, when did we see you hungry and we fed you, or thirsty and give you drink? When we saw you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit thee?”. Responding, the King will: "Truly I tell you: whenever you did this to the least of these my brethren, you did it to me ". Then he will say to those on his left: ”Via, away from me, cursed, the eternal fire, prepared for the devil and his angels. Because I was hungry and you didn't give me food; I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink; I was a stranger and you didn't welcome me, naked and you did not clothe me, sick and in prison and you visited me ". Then it will: "Man, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison and did not help you?”. Then he will answer: "Truly I tell you: whenever you did this to one of my younger brothers, no you did it to me ". And they will go, to eternal punishment, and the righteous to eternal life ' " [Mt 25, 31-46]



the young Pope

The first action of Mercy It consists of the conversion specified in the sacrament of confession as a reminder of God's grace which tears man to sin starting from the awareness of evil done and the good and not refused work, accepting forgiveness and righteousness of God given to all of us in the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ who died for our sins [cf. Cat. CC 1987-2005]. And all this does not happen for a certain kind of philanthropy. Instead, the works of mercy, is a general summary or guide for Christians to help others who are in trouble. Small but essential difference that fail to grasp and distinguish many people today, but above all that seems to have been a deliberate choice and sought to equally attract a greater number of people ... This clearly appears from certain writings, audio and images that can be found around the net, or listen to the television as from certain pulpits. A concrete example of this confusion is the article by Carlo Di Cicco:


"The Pope has tried to show the humanity of the Christian faith and in no jubilee of history there was a lot of exploitation of the poor and marginalized" [cf. WHO].


In this sentence it seems it is confusing the term of Jubilee year with the concept of marketing campaign, to confirm this later is specified by the same author:


"And yet even the figures are not so bad for yelling at flop. If you relate the partial data so far available can be seen that 20 million and 400 thousand pilgrims who have crossed the threshold of St Peter in this Jubilee not to disfigure the face of 8 millions 515.088 calculated by the Prefecture of the Pontifical Household as participants in the 2000 to general audiences, the ceremonies and the Angelus. The cry of merchants pain stems from not considering the conditions of this jubilee unexpected and came in to the economic crisis is not over yet ".



the young Pope

Of course, the title of this article it sums up everything from the beginning: "Jubilee flop ? No, Francis had not asked triumphal celebrations ». And then there was the "economic crisis", almost as if the Jubilee 2000 It had not opened after the collapse of the late nineties bags, since the crisis began in 1998. Then we fly over the affectation with which we refer to simply as the Successor of Peter Francis, thus leaving aside the fact that two adjectives like highest e pontiff They could make the very long title, and so do not show up well in terms of graphics; what frightens is that behind the closure of the jubilee year remains the impression of a mercy made by man and deprived of sacramental grace of God's Mercy.



the young Pope

To switch to a different appearance speech: a couple of weeks ago is over the transmission of the television series The Young Pope, view from the editorial staff of 'Patmos Island under the invitation of many readers who wrote in to advise us to see her, because they found it in the young Lenny Belardo, which then it becomes an imaginative Pope Pius XIII, a curious and sometimes amazing similarity in the style of our dear Father Ariel ... we fly over on these comparisons and move on to another: I very much appreciated and shared in their entirety the ratings made by Vatican expert Andrea Tornielli in his commentary devoted to this TV show and his imaginative character of Pius XIII [cf. WHO]. I find very pertinent and apt "the idea of ​​a media decongestion of the papacy, be less of a protagonist with his person, it's good, indeed very good ". But on the other hand, Tornielli, apart from being a journalist, It is also scholar and historian, author of several books devoted to the Popes of the twentieth century, and the contemporary papacy knows him well [cf. WHO, WHO, WHO].



the young Pope

To make an objective and thorough critique to this curious, particular and sometimes dramatic series, it would be appropriate to do a writing longer and more thorough; suffice to say only in general terms how this series demonstrates the paradox that today ecclesiastical anarchy which wants to make everyone happy, But leaving aside God and the Gospel. In the television series directed by Paolo Sorrentino, stands a Roman Pontiff that in applying the principle of monarchical authority based on Petrine mystery it remains alone, misunderstood and constantly in danger of being trapped and betrayed, mocked and challenged; everything just because "guilty" to defend and proclaim what has always taught the Church. A fictional Supreme Pontiff in conflict with a caste of journalists, conflicts with a popular mass that does not listen, does not accept, He does not want to hear anything other than what is their pleasure and comfortable. It is the interpretation of madness and ignorance, truth and holiness of those who view the Catholic Church as an unbeliever or those who live with a sense of faith.


I was really impressed the first speech addressed with his face to the public made by the Supreme Pontiff in this imaginary square crowded with people of St Mark's Basilica in Venice the last chapter of this series:


"God is not allowed, does not show. God does not shout; God whispers, God does not write, God does not hear, God does not rumor, God does not comfort us. And then the children asked who God? And Juana said: God smiles, only then everyone realized ... "



the young Pope

A speech on which you can say and speculate to no end, leaving a freedom of opinion to the reader as to those who have seen the series; especially if it start from the fact that it looks like a totally opposite exposure to the one made to God by the same Belardo between the severity and solemnity of the first episodes. Perhaps many people will say that this last speech of the series is a lot closer to that vision of the Holy Father Francis, and particularly in this last year ... and this is where the real problem begins. During the first few episodes of the series, a cardinal had opined to young Pontiff :


"Put an adoring crowd and devoted the puzzle on the existence of God, It means putting an outdated question; the new question today is not whether God exists, but rather because we depend on God ".



the young Pope

Declare as "passed" the question on the existence of God is a fallacy apodictic; combine the term "crowd" in the actions as adoration e devotion, It could create a misunderstanding about the devotion and all 'worship as actions that do not arise from the free acceptance of faith and the grace of God, but by many other typical elements of social pathologies, or variously linked to the areas of sectarianism, of witchcraft and tribalism. It is instead very opportune the second part of the reasoning, ie the question of the relation report in this case defined almost in opposition between human freedom and God. It is true that the value of human freedom today more than ever a personal and collective foundation of Western civilization; as it is also true that there are talks about the relationship of God with man which are not included because they are considered too complex, to the point of being banned or canceled, just as they are finished erased the elements of justice, of God's providence, of sin itself, of guilt and penance, atoning, etc … not to mention the original sin, suffice in this regard to see the latest articles published on 'Patmos Island by Father Ariel S. Levi Gualdo about the case of Father John Cavalcoli, on which a few weeks ago it has sparked pandemonium after he dared to speak of "God's punishment" to a radio program, appointing incidentally now the word taboo of sin of sodomy, angering such punto le lobby gay so as to be sued legally ridiculous by one of them for expressing them to say a "homophobe" thought and "racist" [see our articles on the case WHO, WHO]. In practice, though,, Dominican theologian, without undermining the dignity and integrity of anyone, he only remembered the basics of morality and Catholic doctrine that aggressive genderisti they look really determined to make outlaw, just like back then to argue the Father Ariel S. Levi Gualdo on our telematics columns talking about Porn-theologians, using a term coined by the famous philosopher and theologian Cornelio Fabro [cf. item WHO].



the young Pope

As usual, the answer to these questions was almost never historically balanced. Of course this is a proven evidence of their characteristics of being finished, such is the man, ie focus all of himself in relation to life, the world and God, through limited biased and stereotyped portrayal of the passions and feelings that eventually push to talk, thinking, to act, to present and defend, often even euphoric-aggressive form, but above prevaricating over others, their subjective perception of the true and its interpretation.


It seems that never manages to be balanced, because in a constant imbalance it is passed by the exaltation of terror and fear to euphoria of '' love '; immediacy of a rigorous justice to a total laxity and indifference towards injustice, by a maniacal sense of wanting to clarify, define or classify all, the outpouring of poetry, hermeneutics, of eclectic performances exactly the same as anything ...



the young Pope

We are now in the second phase the imbalance and the false freedom frenzy wanted to whatever it takes, ie we anarchy. And this is perceived by the individual to large institutions as are civil society, the state, the same Church. In the first two cases, one could speak of a historical dialectic of Hegel or the courses and appeals of Vico; historical and social changes that led to the end of one era and the beginning of another.


In the third case, you could say it is a simple historical process within the ecclesial society, but the difference with other social reality is that for the first time we are dealing with the principle of "centrifugal force". After two thousand years the Church has come out from its center "cristonomico", from his teaching, from his canonical and liturgical tradition, from his relationship with the people of God. This centrifugal force is in no way stopped, anything is proclaimed implicitly or explicitly that "man does not depend now from God". In this way comes to life a man who can find in God only a palliative response to certain of his happiness needs, social equality, solidarity, spirit of brotherhood, psychological well-being, care of the environment, etc …



the young Pope

It's over a year Jubilee in which he proclaimed the injustice towards those who do not want to accommodate real or alleged refugees indiscriminately and without numerical control, towards the injustice of those who do not get paid enough or does not have the same financial resources of other men. All problems and issues dealt with by the modern social doctrine of the Church since the first social encyclical of Pope Leo XIII, which are however not present sociologisms Marxists and of South American populism matrix. A jubilee which was celebrated Martin Luther as a "great reformer", and author of a pseudo reform that has just split the Church; and celebrating this heresiarch they hid all the real problems, following the criteria of a false path stretched a utopia reunification. It has given voice and space to the representatives and to stars the civilized world, politico, journalism ... even in the world of gossip It is given space and listening, ignoring and silencing so almost always violent rumors true and honest servants of the Church and of God's people, or of Christians persecuted and killed by Islamists. It has proclaimed the existence of a large door that welcomes everyone and a way that is no longer away but a field that brings together everyone without distinctions and divisions; all the same, like sheep feel the same sensations, that move and who eat the same way. No longer the narrow gate announced by Christ to which we come through hard and tortuous path [cf. LC 13, 24], but above all under the guidance and supervision of a Shepherd; because even the Pastor has now become one of the sheep, in its limitatezze and weaknesses. It all to participate in the sacraments has been invited, without exclusion, just as if the sacraments were a right acquired by the faithful, thus depriving them their real value of consistency, consciousness and awareness, of responsibility and reason, for the unfortunate and wrong sacramental pastoral work of many sacred ministers.



the young Pope

Just that, ultimately, It is the heart of the problem: the sacred ministers in which shows the lack of intelligence and the supremacy of the centrifugal force that reigns in the Church. For now we can choose the Eucharistic celebration model that is most suitable to our whims, with its own rituals emotional or even superstitious. But it will be in the Sacrament of Penance, as it demonstrated by the Jubilee Year of empty confessionals, where man now devoid of the sense of good and evil, so the sense of sin, justice and true mercy, It has been shown to have now found better answers to its immanent needs in other environments, except that in that Onlus volunteer and social events once called the Catholic Church. Man will no longer wonder and not so much whether God exists, and what is the use if there; will wonder what good the Church and its sacred ministers, with its sacraments emptied the mystery of grace and filled with "rights" worldly. And the only answer that the man will be apathy, the indifference. While on the other hand social workers of Onlus They remain convinced that the man needed to hear himself talk as he pleases, that is, of himself and for himself, instead of God and of his sacramental grace.


Perhaps this is the answer to the dramatic question: "When the Son of Man returns, will he find faith on the earth?» [cf. LC 18, 1-8] Christ does not ask at all, if the Son of Man will regain visible Church, he just asked if he find faith..



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This pontificate likely to end up in the streets and whistles dramatic fractures: His Holiness is in serious difficulties in governing the Church



In the oldest and well-established Art of War, to destroy the great aggregations, or historical societies, you need to hit them from the inside corrodendole; why did this, then crumble. This is what four decades is happening inside the Church infiltrated the modernist heresy and theological relativism, up to the present day, in which we have now lost any defensive mechanism and any immune defense of ecclesial organism that is the Mystical Body of Christ, until inverting reality and to change for the good evil and evil into good.



Author Father Ariel

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo



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there are many things that could have been avoided, if not for the protection of the sacred person, at least for the protection of the sacred office …

Venerate the Supreme Pontiff in his role of the Successor of the Blessed Apostle Peter, rock on which the Word of God made man built his Church, entrusting to it a precise interim function, It is not to deny, or worse, does not see the man's defects Jorge Mario Bergoglio. Not to mention the army of toadies who with chameleon spirit today we are taking advantage to make career in the church dedicated to the poor, of poverty and refugees.


Defects man Jorge Mario Bergoglio They are producing within the Church of Christ Pain, embarrassment and unfortunately divisions, all because of the manifest imprudence and ambiguity on the part of those responsible for divine commission and supreme gift of grace, keepers of the units. And so, at the gates of this Christmas 2016, I decided to offer to the readers of our Patmos Island a brief essay that analyzes critically and hopefully polished the course of this pontificate, which in my humble opinion is in serious danger of ending up from bread and circus the streets whistling [follows the text below …]



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Giovanni Cavalcoli
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Giovanni

A reflection on modernism, in our times of lean



modernism, today more than ever it is combined with the most confusing syncretism, who, strombazzato give skillful impostors, who know how to make it venerable to the crowds the unwary, go to put together and to pick up in philosophy and theology, in complete disregard of the principle of non-contradiction, perhaps with the excuse of dialectic, the most outlandish and absurd theories, that even a seminarian of the first half of the last century, format on St. Thomas and on Gredt, He could easily have refuted.



Author John Cavalcoli OP

Giovanni Cavalcoli, ON



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Pope Pius X

the Holy Pontiff Pius X

The polemic against modernism and its repository of heresies today is found almost exclusively in traditionalist circles, who denounce acutely the return of this phenomenon, for example in rahnerismo; but then they fall our arms when some of these traditionalists accuse modernism Vatican II and all the following Popes.


It's obvious then we need to urgently clarify what is meant by this word. It has a very clear historical reference: the famous encyclical Feeding of Dominic's Sheep of the Holy Pontiff Pius X. There it gives a very clear definition and articulate about what the Pope meant by “modernism”. It is a small treatise on the subject, in which, however, they show almost exclusively errors, without acknowledging any positive instance, as often it happened in the Magisterium of the Church of the past. The church, indeed, exceptions, appeared more than Mother and teacher, a conscientious traffic warden always ready to report fines.



the Roman priest Ernesto Buonaiuti, considered one of the main fathers of modernism

However it is worth noting that, as in many phenomena of the history of spirit, per “modernism” You can mean one of two things: first, modernism in the historical sense, now enclosed in the times of St. Pius X, and here the story does not repeat; This modernism is well described by the Pope, to which I refer to the encyclical and not even need to summarize here the nature [cf. text WHO].


Second, some perennial trend and therefore present the spirit still, which originates or cue from the description made by the encyclical, but basically it is independent, and transcends those historical contingencies; for which in some way already it existed before, a modernism in a wider sense, as idolatry of modernity or of this time, as a false way of being modern, as the effect is not a critique of modernity in the light of the Gospel, but as critical examination - a certain “historical-critical method” in exegesis - of the Gospel in the light of a real or supposed modernity.


The modernist is a historicist phenomenalist, an evolutionary relativism which does not interest objective truth, universal, absolute and eternal, which he does not believe, and who judges with contempt “abstract”, illusionary, harmful or at least useless. For him, the truth is the daughter of time and relative to the time. Does not exist the truth, but various truths concrete and changing according to the various cultures, of view and their different time points.



the Marches priest Romolo Murri, excommunicated for heresy modernist manifest in 1909, then revoked the excommunication 1943

Modernism, today more than ever it marries with the most confusing syncretism that, strombazzato give skillful impostors, who know how to make it venerable to the crowds the unwary, go to put together and to pick up in philosophy and theology, in complete disregard of the principle of non-contradiction, perhaps with the excuse of dialectic, the most outlandish and absurd theories [1], that even a seminarian of the first half of the last century, format on St. Thomas and on Gredt, He could easily have refuted.


Like this, If modernism of St. Pius X times stood by influences especially European, empiricist, positivists, vitalists, immanent, Kantian and Protestant, that of today enriches western influences from Hegel to Marx to Freud to Husserl to Heidegger, ranging across the whole world thought, ancient and modern, including errors of other religions, sectarian conceptions, bizarre and superstitious as the belief in extraterrestrials, l'astrologia, l'ufology, the divinazione and lo spiritualism, to say nothing of Satanism, and even ancient pagan worldviews as Gnosticism, hermeticism, the magic, l'esotericism, the pre-Socratics, Hinduism, Taoism and Buddhism. There is still little sympathy for Muhammad, but soon we can expect a synthesis of the Gospel with the Koran.


The most important operation and misleading the modernists to fifty years, as you know and as I showed for many years in my publications, operation conducted with extreme skills, with the use of dishonest theologians and scholars but also an abundance of economic means, not without the connivance of certain circles of the church hierarchy, It is to present the public with the innocuous title “Progressives”, as interpreters and authentic advocates, safe and advanced, the new doctrines of the Council, also against the official interpretation of the Popes and the Church, which, from them made believe how backward, reactionary and conservative, almost always it remained as a The voice of one crying in the wilderness. Indeed the modernists have the audacity to claim that the new doctrines of the Council, from them interpreted the use of dolphins, They are not advanced enough, and that the Council would retain the outdated views, from which they, which are considered to be the so-called “protagonists”[2] del Council, feel free him from duty for a real confrontation with the modern world. For this they will take the liberty to assert their ideas even against the Council itself, understood by them as if the regeneration of the Church and the discovery of the true gospel after 2000 years of lies and legends told by the pre-conciliar Church.


jacques maritain

the French philosopher Jacques Maritain

the Maritain, for its part, already he stated in 1966 in his famous declaration, that modernism of today is pneumonia in comparison with hayfever modernism of St. Pius X times [3]. If therefore these already said that modernism is the sum of all heresies, one wonders what the Holy Pontiff would say of modernism, if he were alive today.


Today, in fact modernists, for the above reasons, far they outnumber, influential and dangerous than those of St. Pius X times. They reached many places of power and therefore are often arrogant and overbearing. They have not only affected the lower clergy, the laity and theologians, but also the same hierarchy, Church to the Holy See and the institutions and bodies dependent on it, including the Roman Curia and especially the Pontifical Universities.


Because of this, i Papi post-conciliar, loyal, infallible teachers of the faith, They found themselves isolated, restrained and sometimes opposed by dark forces present among their own employees, as can be deduced from certain delays, lack of information, reticence, silences, hesitations, shyness in their pastoral work and discipline and in their doctrinal magisterium, in particular as regards the order of the errors and of the scandals. Expenses, like me, He worked for years among the collaborators of St. John Paul II as a theologian advisor to the Secretary of State, He knows something.



a poster of pictorial art in the twentieth century modernism

With the advent of Pope Francis, certainly open to modernity, modernists have changed tactics: no charges to conservatism or backwardness Pope, as they had done up to Benedict XVI, but an extreme effort to corner the figure of the Pontiff, interpreting and exploiting certain choices, certain gestures or words of Pope, that actually, misinterpreted or taken out of context, would seem to play in their favor.


Dad, for its part, for now - barring some significant reference [4] - He prefers to remain silent and to treat them with great kindness, recovering their positive sides, relying and leveraging on their conscience, so at some point they realize they themselves, the negative consequences to which they lead their ideas, that they put in a bind.


But we must say, for the duty of honesty and justice, that the purpose of acquiring the old modernism than today is not without some positive instance, as in all historical phenomena, even more aberrant. The intervention of St. Pius X was certainly an effective cure, but he not seriously confronted the instance of the modernists, He remained more than ever valid and at the same time unresolved.



the French philosopher Maurice Blondel

Today all the historians of the Church recognize that, if one part were provident Thomistic revival promoted by Pope Leo XIII in the late nineteenth century, as well as its rich humanism and the openings of the great Pope - just think about the Of the new things —, on the other, Catholic theology and the Magisterium of the Church needed more attention, consideration and benevolence towards the modern culture of the last centuries, even if he born outside and maybe also against the Church, in order to take in the Catholic wisdom, how valid it, even amid so many mistakes, he had generated. Some spirits sensitive to the needs of the Church, but undisciplined, come Maurice Blondel [5], Lucien Laberthonnière [6], Eduard Le Roy [7], Alfred Loisy [8] e George Tyrrell [9] They began to feel more strongly the duty of Catholic thought to use the achievements of modern thought. but Senonchè, unable to understand and appreciate the values ​​already acquired by Christian wisdom, considered them outdated and believed to be able to express and enrich the Christian truth in categories derived from modernity, in contrast with those values. He was born on modernism [10].


Action taken by Saint Pius X They were very energetic and the moment seemed to have won the modernist. In parallel to the wise and beneficent of the holy Pontiff it worked but also a body of information and repression, the Piano membership, led by Bishop. Umberto Benigni, which he does not always knew to be transported with due restraint, so that even innocent people were affected, now venerated in the Church, as the Blessed Cardinal Andrea Carlo Ferrari, Archbishop of Milan, and two Dominicans learned theologians, Father Juan Gonzalez Arintero, theologian of spirituality, and the exegete Joseph Lagrange, of which is in progress Cause of Beatification. Expenses, as the great Dominican theologian Antoninus-Dalmace Sertillanges, He attempted a dialogue with the modernists, He was suspected of Modernism.


However, when you say “modernism”, We should be warned that we must be very cautious in the use of the term, starting from a exact concept of modernism, especially if we refer to particular cases or persons, so as not to hurt anyone. In fact modernism, as all diseases of the spirit, that, similarly to those of the physical, They are subject to degrees of entities, contemplates the acute stages and forms myths, not to say that sometimes, indeed often, It presents only traces or mild symptoms. However, it must assess in each case the extent of this morbid affection and express themselves accordingly with the necessary nuance and precision to the respect due to people affected by the disease. Who is suffering from a cancer in the early stages is not in the same conditions of those affected by metastases.



the Dominican Yves Congar, together with a young Joseph Ratzinger in a photo of the early sixties

Recall that in the meantime 1904, near Paris, a Le Saulchoir, the Dominicans, clearly they warned that the crisis was coming up, They founded a School of Theology [11], which started with a good renewal of theology program, that matched speculation in the school of St. Thomas (gardeil, Roland-Gosselin, Shortcut) the historical foundation of theology (Chenu, Mandonnet). Initially it produced excellent publications; but senonchè, at a certain point, in the forties, in it he was heard, especially in Chenu, the trend typical of modernism historicist, so much so that it was censured by Rome in Chenu 1944. Then there arose the so-called new theology, which also he was successful outside of the Dominican Order, as for example in the de Lubac, of the Jesuits, which for some time they had started in Leuven reckless and imprudent experiments contacts with Kant in the work of Joseph Maréchal.


Modernism of the Jesuits [12] was compounded by the fact that in the de Lubac their traditional voluntarism, joined the repudiation of the conceptual distinctions, against the backdrop of a dynamic vision of the spirit as self-transcendence, eventually blur the distinction between the natural supernatural so that nature seemed to require the supernatural to settle in root his aspirations and his tendency to transcendence. the natura, in short, it was deprived of its own autonomy and ontological and existential consistency and seemed nothing more than a vague aspiration to grace, whose function seemed to run out nel'attuare the potential and meet the needs of nature. The power-act scheme, that only applies within the same essence, It was applied to express the relationship of nature with grace, instead they are to each other essentially different. In these conditions, moreover, it was easy to flip the ratio and falling into naturalism and activism of a super-powerful nature and in Pelagianism, that was always the risk of voluntarism Jesuitical.


karl Rahner fuma

the German Jesuit Karl Rahner, that made penetrate modernism in theology as a Trojan horse

fainted, more generally, under the influence of evolutionism dogmatic Modernist, the perception of the distinction in the dogmatic concepts, between the immutable meaning of the dogma - the Word of God that does not pass - and the progressive clarification of that meaning thanks to historical-critical research and logical deduction, ie advance or progress towards the fullness of truth. The improvement and development of theological knowledge was exchanged for a replacement process of a concept to another, judged obsolete and therefore false, the illusion of an impossible fidelity to the original meaning of the dogma, and the Word of God. The progressive instance annulled that conservation: the same thing is happening today among the modernists, who do not understand that a refusal to advance from a safe starting point and without a fixed base and solid, on which rise, and believe that knowledge is more advanced than the one that canceled the previous results, and when you cancel the concept that you would like to better understand, it means taking off the ground under their feet and end up in the void of the chat, when not really heresy. On the other hand the solution was not and is not even in today remain locked in their acquired notions and simply repeat them, look at them and comment on them, rejecting as danger or treachery on asking questions about what is still unknown, the new problems, for which the solutions are not ready, abandoning opinions that prove incorrect, The set new research goals or take note of the progress made by others or by the Church: see the new doctrines of Vatican II.


The rise of new theology, that basically was a renewed form of modernism, provoked, as is known, the intervention of Pius XII with The human race, which reaffirmed the unchanging value of dogmatic concepts and the distinction between natural and supernatural. It was a stern reminder to the Saulchoir School. Some great Dominican theologians, as Garrigou-Lagrange, Browne and Cordovani tried to dissuade friends from Chenu and continue on the, but there was nothing to do. St. John XXIII, with its open-minded, He recovered later the healthy aspects of School, but now it had taken a modernist fold, that led to the closure in the years immediately after the Council. Sad and instructive outcome of an initiative started so well, so brave, forward-looking and promising, splendid example of the insight of the Dominican theology, I know, Alas, he had not suggested the modernist poison.



the Holy Father John XXIII signing the act of opening of the Council Ecumenical Vatican II

But how and why even today, after their defeat inflicted by St. Pius X, the modernists they've got live, albeit often disguised and in a different form, although it rejected their plea - you understand - the nickname “modernist”? How and with what excuses they could come back with so much strength and ability to seduce? Where to take their arguments? Their most compelling argument is an undeniable historical truth accompanied by a genuine evangelical instance, which I have already mentioned: the fact that St. Pius X was not able or did not think to meet their just demands: ammodernare healthily Christian vita, so that the Church may welcome the values ​​of the modern world, that move with the times, who can speak of Christ persuasively to our contemporaries, then a new apologetics and a new missionary zeal, without the possession of an immutable truth becomes at ristagnazione, of stiffness, of closures, of backwardness and stagnation, unlike ma, stimulus and incentive for the opening of the new, and constantly advancing and progress towards the fullness of truth and of God's kingdom. It was necessary to break some old habits no longer beneficial or ideas and, in continuity and fidelity to the Gospel, invent new methods of evangelization, and open new roads in search of truth and progress of holiness. All these instances were implemented from San Giovanni XXIII, who heard them so important, urgent and can not be postponed, so tied to the fate of the Church, that decided to convene a council to solve them on purpose. Of course, He did not say this explicitly, ma, after the fact, especially after fifty years by the Council, the thing we understand very well now.



some of “rotten fruits” del Council: Dom Giovanni Franzoni, Ordinary time Abbot of St. Paul Outside the Walls and dell'assise member of Vatican II, that will end up leaving later the priesthood and the Catholic Church

The Second Vatican Council It has a definite progressive character and innovative, which is not found in other Councils. Which causes lefevriani to judge a council “anomalous”, betraying the Tradition, and he changed the essence of the Church, while the modernists is a novelty absolute and revolutionary, a kind of reinterpretation of Christianity. Wrong one to the other, because they confuse what a council is substantial or essential with what is accidental, changing or contingent. Mistaken for lefevriani, that make absolute certain accidents, uses or of past councils mode, that are not found in the Vatican II - for example the canons -, up to not recognize the Second Vatican Council as a regular and legitimate all other, why reject or misunderstand its doctrines. Wrong modernists, which reduce the substantial or permanent all'accidentale, ie to the changing, they do not see the continuity between the last council and the previous [13].


An ecumenical council, in its essence or permanent substance, It is a meeting of the bishops under Pope, organized with the consent of the Pope and approved by the Pope, in which they deal with the most important affairs of the Church, is of order disciplinary pastoral and doctrinal. accidental elements instead, that can change, They are for example the style of the language, The voting system, ways of proceeding, the quality of representation, headquarters, the language used, the division of matter, and things like. It is not according to these things that you have to judge whether a council is a true Council, or is or is not in continuity with previous, but considering the very essence and legitimacy of the Council.



some of “rotten fruits” del Council: Bishop Marcel Lefebvre, dell'assise member of Vatican II, that after the council accused of modernism, come to perform an act of schism by consecrating four new bishops without papal mandate

As to the authority of his teachings, are primarily infallible dogmatic definitions (Such a definition is in order) proposals defining how (method of defining); as well as those who deal directly or indirectly related to issues of faith or faith. Are fallible or changing pastoral teachings, legal or disciplinary. Obviously there is no doubt that the Council worked crypto-modernist, who threw the mask, come Rahner [14], only after they felt sure of impunity, He is having achieved great prestige and presenting itself as the authoritative interpreters of the Council. these members, at the Council, They gave a valuable contribution, but kept it hidden their modernism, which came to light only after the Council. The lefevriani, instead, not having understood the value of the new council and their continuity with tradition, They began to deny the infallibility of the doctrines of the Council and even to accuse them or fallibility or false, exchanging for the modernistic doctrines of the Council.


While Pope John XXIII said at the Council the already mentioned pastoral orientation, Blessed Paul VI had the idea to take advantage of the council to let him add a dogmatic matter relating ecclesiology. And so it was that the Council deepened the mystery of the Church with new important contributions dogmatic, touching all its essential components, the origin of the Church by divine revelation, the various classes, ministries and offices, to the Church's relationship with the world, and with all men of good will, even non-Catholics, up to non-believers, to reach the end of the eschatological Church, until the Mariology, understood as a symbol, figure, type, paradigm, and the model of ecclesiology. And here we must say that never, throughout the history of councils, an Ecumenical Council has provided us with a doctrine so rich and authoritative on Madonna, after the Council of Ephesus. The Second Vatican Council presents us with Mary as a mother caring for the benefit of all mankind, to which she carries out its mission and street guide to reach her son in a journey of conversion and penance for our sins. An eminent manner in which Madonna plays this saving activities, as is known, are the Marian apparitions and messages, among which the most famous among thousands are Lourdes and Fatima, to which we can add Medjugorje, although its authenticity and attitude to take are currently before the Holy See, unlike the two first places, that they are approved and recommended by the Church for a long time. However, This extraordinary phenomenon, quite unique in the history of the Church, from the 1981 he was born, He has continued to show signs of credibility and produce fruit for millions of pilgrims, that since then is happening in that place, where we have the most diverse and characteristic manifestations of Christian piety: the Eucharistic Liturgies celebrated by many priests and followed by huge crowds with exemplary devotion and meditation, the preaching of God's Word, to adoration, to meditation, to personal and communal prayer, confessions without number, the harsh penitential practices, the acts of charity, human solidarity, and of reconciliation, ecumenical dialogues, the conversion phenomena and to the improvement of life intentions, the generous hospitality from the locals. As for the daily messages, you count, They are based on the most perfect orthodoxy and love for Christ, for the Church, for the Pope, for Bishops, for priests, for religious, for the salvation and sanctification of souls, for the conversion of sinners. In each of them clear shine affection, the tenderness, wisdom, the concern, sometimes just severity of the Mother.



vintage photo: the Venerable Pope Pius XII in prayer before Our Lady of Divine Love in 1944 to ask the intercession for the salvation of Rome during the Second World War.

The messages, as is known, never enter into themes, issues or practical problems, but always they offer moral and spiritual incentives, that can serve all, urging always the fundamental duties of Christians, First the confident prayer, humble and insistent. therefore arouses surprise warned against modernism, that Our Lady did, not for the first time, precisely in the recent Solemnity of the Annunciation. Here are the words:


"Dear children!! Even today, the Most High has allowed me to be with you and guide you on the path of conversion. Many hearts were closed to the grace and do not want to listen to my call. you children, pray and fight against temptation and against all the evil plans that Satan offers you through modernism. Be strong in prayer and with the cross in his hands pray that the evil will not use and do not win in you. I am with you and pray for you. Thank you for responding to my call".


Note the severity with which Maria qualification modernism: is an "evil plan of Satan". This fact is modernism, that hiding behind a fascinating appearances also in piety, It is the main enemy of the Church, we can and must defeat the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary.


Varazze, 31 March 2015

Article archive published 13 December 2016




[1] One example among thousands: the mess between Christianity and Buddhism found in the book of Raimundo Panikkar, seductive title, but misleading: The silence of God. The Buddha's reply, Tassel,Torino 1992.

[2] Famous is the phrase quoted by Don Dossetti: “The Council I did”, and so likewise the reputation that has made Rahner to be the '”Icon of the Council”.

[3] The peasant of the Garonne, Desclee de Brouwer, Paris 1966, p.16.

[4] For instance, the hint of fake progressives who is matched to that of the “traditionalists” in his address to the term of the Synod of Bishops on the Family.

[5] Cf M.Blondel L’Action. Test Review of life and a science of practice, 1893

[6] CF Christian realism and idealism greek, Vallecchi Edtore, Florence 1949.

[7] CF Dogma and criticism, 1907.

[8] CF The Gospel and the Church, 2e editing, Bellevue, Alfred Loisy, 1903

[9] CF Christianity at the crossroads, Henry Voghera, Rome 1910.

[10] Cf C.Tresmontant, The modernist crisis, Editions du Seuil, Paris 1979

[11] See M.-D. Chenu, the Saulchoir. A school of theology, Marietti, Casale Monferrato (AL) 1982.

[12] Cf M.Martin, The Jesuits, Sugar Editions, Milan 1988; A,Caruso, Between magnitudes and squalor, Viverein editions, Monopoly (BA) 1988.

[13] See my book Progress in the continuity, Editions Faith&Culture, Verona 2011.

[14] See my book Karl Rahner. The Second betrayed, Editions Faith&Culture, Verona 2009.



Dear Readers.

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Remember that The Island of Patmos is your island and that now more than ever is "the place of the last revelation"



When the Father Ariel proposed for this magazine's name The Island of Patmos, where the Blessed Apostle John wrote the Book of Revelation, one of the founding fathers suggested adding subtitle: “The site of the last revelation“. From that 20 October 2014 till today, alla nostra Patmos Island They have landed more than seven million visits, in these times of the sea in a mighty storm, and all we have tried to offer true seekers and true comfort, based solely on Christianity …



Dear Readers.

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo-001

the island of Patmos Fathers: the priest Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo

We are pleased to inform you that from 1 January 2016 today five million visits have been exceeded, while from 20 October 2014, date of its opening, at the present day, The Island of Patmos It has passed a total of seven million visits in two years of activity.


In the picture at the bottom inserted They are reproduced the data of visits updated automatically by the internal system of measurement, They are numbers that speak and that we leave to your feedback.


The site hosting this magazine Telematics is not a blogs home leaning on a server Free but cost equal to 5.200 euro per year for several expenditure items, constituted mainly by our purchase of services and publishing programs, grafici, video e audio, for protection and maintenance of the system, for archive memories, for the service newsletter that exceeded the 2.000 members is paid, etc …


John Cavalcoli photos order

the island of Patmos Fathers: the Dominican John Cavalcoli

We provide just two examples of spending: the fiber optic internet system for business use with the ability to load and unload heavy materials from multiple computers and the annual cost of the Server business for unlimited access to visits, cost us 1.460 euro per year; and are in fact only two items of expenditure.


This is to remember, but also to explain to the uninitiated, that nothing is for free on the internet but everything is paid, when you are working in a professional manner.



precious collaborators of the Island of Patmos: the young philosopher and theologian Jorge A. Faccio Lince (to the left), student and Secretary of Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo

At the end of every year we have to buy for the coming year service subscriptions. Something that until now has been possible thanks to the generosity of our readers, to which we return to extend the invitation to help us with their offers in advance, thus allowing us to be able to buy all the management services required by the end of December for the New Year 2017, thus giving way to Fathers of Patmos Island to be able to continue to offer their free service.



precious collaborators of the Island of Patmos: Dominican Matilda Josephine Nicoletti, former secretary of John Cavalcoli, ON for postulation of Tomas Tyn, ON

Between November and December del corrente anno we recorded another further increase: the daily average for this period is in fact equal to 24.703 daily visits.


Although the date hereof missing three weeks at end of year, the statistical average this year 2016 It is quite exciting: we had over five million visits.



precious collaborators of the Island of Patmos: Licia Oddo, historian Christian

We pray and hope This year our readers also can come to us as they have done up to now, allowing us to meet the costs of living and be able to work free the amor Dei for all the people more and more lost and more and more are looking for a healthy doctrinal and theological orientation.





precious collaborators of the Island of Patmos: Manuela Luzzardi, webmaster, creator and curator of the site The Island of Patmos

With The Island of Patmos collaborate various people to which we express gratitude: Mr.. Ettore Ripamonti that with painstaking attention to check the proofs with an eye to which not even escapes a minor typo; the Reverend William F. Müller who translates and disseminates our articles in German; Reverend Karol Shaikewitz which gave widely to’Patmos Island in Poland, il Reverend Paul Currao dos Santos in Brasile, Reverend Paul Antony Salerno in the United States of America. Thanks also to the Swiss priest Reto Nay hosting and disseminates our articles and video-conferences Gloria TV.



Hypatia 5

Roman cat Hypatia, filosofa, that makes you feel all the weight of his scholastic metaphysics to Jorge A. Faccio Lince

Every now and then they appear on’Patmos Island also articles of two very famous people: His Excellency the Bishop of Laodicea Combusta, and occasional comments, but deep, Hypatia Roman cat, eminent philosopher born on the Via Salaria near the Catacombs of Priscilla.


Ariel Bishop of Laodicea miniature

the Bishop of Laodicea Combusta, firma illustrates dell’Patmos Island

We rely again to you dear Readers and above all to your good heart. To follow are indeed many, for what would be sufficient that only some of the many thousands of people who follow us they offered us a coffee …


May God reward for the help that this year you will have the goodness to offer us, and certainly we do not miss.





TABLE STATISTICS GENERAL OF THE YEAR [from 1 January to 4 December 2016]



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The kiss of Judas to porno-theologians. It is the dogma of the crisis that creates a moral crisis within the visible Church

– Theologica –



[…] a theology that secularizes unscrupulous morals and, almost shameful the ideal of purity and Christian poverty, breaks also for a life of pleasure, the refusal of the sacrifice, for the open celebration of sex (Porn-theology) […] What can it mean for the consumer society, sinking into boredom and rebellion of the act Free, a theology that to save the world is drinking poison that intoxicates the world?



Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo



Drafting, 28 July 2017

Together the last article of Father Giovanni Cavalcoli [28 July, see WHO] who leads us into the heart of a dramatic problem: "The dogma of the crisis creates the crisis of faith", Also present anew this article written by Father Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo, Some months ago he drove us to the heart of a different but same problem: "The dogma of the crisis creates a moral crisis".


PDF print format article



Sant'Ambrogio resorted to the image Old Testament Rahab the prostitute that in Jericho helped the children of the People of Israel. For him, the church, It would prostitute caste because many lovers to attend the attractions of love but without the contamination of sin. The "caste" adjective therefore means complete commitment inconsistent uncertainties of the Church to Christ her spouse; while the noun "meretrix"The will of the Church to give itself to all to bring all to salvation.


Viewed from another angle, this expression of Saint Ambrose confronts us to another fact: the mystery of evil follows the Church and penetrates within the Church since its birth.


Do not forget that Judas, in that Lord's Supper celebrated by the Word of God made man in whom the Lord Jesus institutes the ministerial priesthood and the Eucharist, receive the Body and Blood of Christ that he then betray, making it recognizable with a kiss to the soldiers came to arrest, thing in itself much worse than point a finger towards the researched and affirm: "He's what you want".


In the kiss of Judas to be read, then the evil principle of reversal: that in itself it is well and good as a kiss, It becomes supreme evil and is used to deliver Jesus, true God and true man, his captors [Follow …]



To read the entire article click below









Giovanni Cavalcoli
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Giovanni

Mercy and justice: "At Him there are mercy and anger"

– Theologica –



Today we have fallen into the opposite extreme of a gooders, perdonismo and misericordismo, damaging and unilateral, on the basis of the following heresies: Dio non earn; original sin is a myth; we must forgive all sin; everyone is in good faith, forgiven and have grace; hell and the devil do not exist, and then everyone is saved.



Author John Cavalcoli OP

Giovanni Cavalcoli, ON



PDF print format article



When St. John XXIII in his famous inaugural speech of the Council he said that the Church "prefers mercy to harshness", said nothing substantially new, that the Saints always already did not practice, on the conduct of Christ pattern, although it is true that in past centuries sometimes the ecclesiastical authorities, papacy including, They have exceeded in severity.

Today we have fallen into the opposite extreme of doing good, perdonismo and misericordismo, damaging and unilateral, on the basis of the following heresies:


  1. Dio non earn;
  2. original sin is a myth;
  3. we must forgive all sin;
  4. everyone is in good faith, forgiven and have grace;
  5. hell and the devil do not exist, and then everyone is saved [Follow …].



To read the entire article click below:

02.12.2016 Giovanni Cavalcoli, OP — MERCY AND JUSTICE: "HIM FROM THERE ARE MERCY AND IRA '






